Brotherly Love

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Apr 10, 2020



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Brotherly Love


Widower, William Baxter's left hand held tightly to widow, Cheryl Crain's right one. They were facing the judge in a civil marriage ceremony. On Will's right, his sixteen-year old son, Evan, was holding a wedding ring and grinning broadly. Standing on Cheryl's left, her seventeen-year old son, Christopher, was holding a wedding ring and grinning even broader than his soon-to-be stepbrother. Neither of the two ringbearers was smiling at the bride and groom. They were smiling at each other.

Following the ceremony, Will and Cheryl hosted a small family luncheon in a five-star restaurant. The only guests were their parents and their sons. After the luncheon, the newlyweds were going on a two-week honeymoon to Hawaii. Their bags were packed in Will's car, and the boys were going to take them to the airport.

Will and Cheryl leased apartments in the same building. They used to bump into each other on the elevator. One fine day two years ago, Will got up his courage and asked Cheryl on a date. She accepted gladly. After they had dated for a couple of months, they occasionally began to take their sons out for dinner with them.

Evan and Chris attended the same high school, but had never met, nor had they ever run into each other in the building, as their parents had. Their congested New York City school had over a thousand students. Evan was a junior and Chris was a senior. They never had any classes together.

Chris did not wish to leave his mother all alone when he went to college. He had applied to, and been accepted to NYU for the fall semester. This way, he could live at home, save a few bucks, and look after his mother.

The two sons were both very apprehensive when they went out to dinner together the first time, but after just a few minutes, they realized they liked each other. In fact, they became really good friends. They began to walk to and from school together, and even double dated once in a while.

After their parents announced their engagement, the boys couldn't wait to live together and share a bedroom. Both boys had serious hots for the other, but of course, they never said a word, and gallantly restrained their feelings.

The plan was for Will and Evan to move into Cheryl's apartment after they were married. They both had two-bedroom apartments, but Cheryl's was much larger. It had a dinette, two bathrooms, and a washer and drier, which Will's did not. His laundry facilities were down a hallway, and he and Evan ate all their meals on a small dining room table. They shared the single bathroom. The only change to Cheryl's apartment was that Chris's bedroom was refurnished with twin beds, two small desks, and two dressers

When the boys returned from the airport, they waited for a truck from an AIDs charity. Will had donated all his furniture to them. Evan did not find it strange that Will wanted to donate to an AIDs charity. He worked in an advertising agency. Many of the male models were gay, and he had too many friends who had contracted the disease when he and they were very young men.

Will and Evan had carefully packed all their clothing and personal belongings in boxes. In all, there were fourteen cartons, all the same dimensions. Will had marked all his boxes with an X and all of Evan's with an O. As The Bard would say, "Therein lies a tale."

About the same time as they expected the truck from the charity, they waited for two handymen whom Will had hired to bring the boxes from one apartment to the other. All the boxes with an O were brought into the boys' bedroom. Will told Evan to just pile up his boxes out of the way somewhere. He said that he wanted to open them himself, and that suited Evan just fine.

Before he dismissed the handymen, Evan carefully inspected the apartment which was now totally empty. When he was satisfied, he went to the super's apartment and gave him the keys.

When everyone was gone and the step-brothers were alone, Chris suggested that they have dinner out, and not think about unpacking until the next morning, which was a Saturday. That would give them all weekend to unload a mere seven boxes. They were sure the task would be done by noon, and they would have the whole weekend to do whatever came to mind.

They decided to have dinner at a nearby Burger King and then go to a movie. They felt very mature with no parental supervision. There was only one fly in the ointment. This night, for the first time, they would be sleeping in the same room. They were both terribly nervous.

While biting into their hamburgers, Chris asked, "Do you shower in the morning or in the evening?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I've always had a private bathroom, but now we'll be sharing. We might need to make a schedule," Chris explained.

"I guess so. I've never had my own bathroom, so I didn't think about it. To answer your question, I shower in the morning. It gets me going."

"Just a suggestion," Chris said. "Tomorrow morning, let's open all my cartons, put everything away, and flatten the boxes. They won't go down the chute, so we'll have to tote them to the dumpster in the basement. For sure, we'll need to shower after that, so let's save our morning shower until then."

"Yes. Very good idea," Evan agreed.

He tried to think of ways he could get Chris to shower with him, even though he knew he would never ask him. Chris had the same thought. Too much energy was being expended on sexual tension. The air was so full of it, you could drink it from a soup bowl, but each boy thought that it was all one-sided. The tension was multiplied as they had dinner together and sat next to each other in the movie theater.

By the time they got home, they were fully aware of what a full and exciting day they had, and agreed to go to bed.

"Shit," Evan said. "My PJs are in one of the boxes. I'll have to sleep in my underwear."

Chris started to laugh. "No way, Jose," he said. "Do you remember that we confided in each other a few weeks ago that we both slept nude? You're my brother now, and I'm not changing my ways or letting you change yours."

Now Evan broke out laughing. "I like to jerk off in bed every night. I keep a tube of lube and tissues in my bedside table. I guess I'll have to keep doing that. It's orders from my big brother."

"Of course, you will, because so will I. I hear that brothers often do each other."

"Okay, but not tonight Bro. I'm too fucking tired," Evan groaned.

Chris wasn't certain, but it sounded like Evan would do that with him when he wasn't so tired. His heart skipped a beat.

They stripped completely, and checked each other out. They were both cut, and both had achieved their full maturity at four flaccid inches and six and a half inches when erect. Chris was slightly fatter than Evan, and both boys still hungered for each other.

After Chris turned off the lights, and the two virgins were in bed, neither could sleep. All they could think of was jumping into the other bed and having a go at it. They did no such thing, and kept on yearning. Neither of them jacked off either.

The tension was relieved ever so slightly the next morning. Chris woke up first and went into the bathroom to pee. After he relieved himself, he brushed his teeth. While he was brushing, Evan stormed in.

"Sorry," Evan said. "I gotta pee badly." He proceeded to urinate what seemed like gallons of water to Chris.

After Chris rinsed his mouth, he said, "Don't sweat it, bro. We'll see each other naked plenty from now on." They both laughed. "And we'll probably cross swords from time to time. That'll be fun."

"I'll make us some eggs for breakfast, Evan said, "but don't bother to get dressed. We'll only have to undress to shower afterward."

"Yeah, but we'll have to wear something when we discard the cartons."

"Okay, let's put on a pair of gym shorts then," Evan said, "but you'll have to lend me a pair. Mine are packed."

"Hey, pervert," Chris said laughing. He wanted Evan to know he was kidding when he said, "Sure you want to borrow my shorts so you can smell my crotch sweat."

"I hadn't thought about it, but I wouldn't mind at all," Evan said boldly.

He was shocked at himself for admitting so much to Chris. The boys smiled at each other and they both let it slide.

After breakfast, they cleaned up the kitchen and put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. Chris scoured the frying pan, and put it on the kitchen counter to dry. They set about opening the boxes, and putting Evan's stuff neatly in his dresser, or hanging in his closet.

The first four boxes they opened held no surprises, but when they opened the fifth box, Evan said immediately ¸" This isn't my stuff. It isn't even clothing. It's full of pictures and DVDs."

He examined the outside of the box. It was clearly marked with an O, which had recently been created by a new sharpie. "Dad must have made a mistake," he surmised.

He was going to reseal the carton to put it on his dad's stack, when Chris asked, "Aren't you the least bit curious about what's in it? I sure as hell am."

"I don't feel right about this," Evan said, "but we did open it by mistake. Let's look, but not before we open the remaining cartons, and get them to the dumpster."

"The plot thickens," Chris said, twirling an imaginary mustache.

Up until now they had opened the cartons, and put Evan's stuff away, at a snail's pace. They did the last two cartons as fast as supersonic jet planes fly. They disposed of the flattened cartons and ran back to their room. Once there, they looked at each other as if to say, "You examine the contents."

Chris looked at Evan and mumbled, "You do it. He's your dad."

"Our dad," Evan corrected him.

He opened the flaps of the carton which he had previously unsealed, and he looked in.

"What's in it?" Chris asked in a whisper.

Evan took out a picture album. "There's this album, a couple of loose pictures, and about a dozen DVDs. Maybe the loose pictures fell out of the album."

"What kind of DVDs are they? Let's look at the jacket covers."

Evan removed them from the box, and spread them on the floor. Their eyes popped out of their sockets.

"Holy shit," they're male porn films," Chris blurted out. "Dad watches male porn."

"We don't know that," Evan defended his father. "Maybe he was holding them for someone else who didn't want them discovered by his wife or kids. After all, my dad was single, he didn't have to hide them."

"Don't be so naïve. He's not single anymore. If they did belong to someone else, he never would have packed them and brought them here. I'll bet that's why he wanted to unpack himself."

"Have you ever watched a male film?" Evan wanted to know.

"Never, but I have a feeling we're both going to watch them now. Before we do, let's look at what's in the album"

The album had about a dozen pictures of some very handsome men in the nude. A few of their cocks were erect. There were two blank pages and Evan put the loose pictures back in place. As he did so, he noticed writing on the back of the pictures. He recognized the handwriting immediately. It was definitely his father's. The first one read: Dick Burgess. Slept together 10/1/95. The second read: Conrad Schaeffer. Slept together 12/31/96 and a couple of times after that.

Evan then looked at the back of each picture. Most of them had the name of the man in the picture and the date Will first slept with them. Three of the pictures had nothing written on the back. The boys were in deep shock.

"Let's seal the carton and put it on the stack in the other room," Evan said.

"I'd like to watch one or more of the DVDs first," Chris begged.

"Yeah, sure, but not now. I'm too upset. Maybe this evening or tomorrow."

"Okay, but we can't just put the box in the stack with the rest. Dad will see the O, and he'll know we looked inside," Chris said.

"You're right. Tomorrow, I'll go to the package store and buy a single carton. We'll repack it and mark it with an X. For now, let's shower like we said we would after all the work was done."

This was Chris's opening. "Looking at what was inside of that box has got me really horny," he said. "Let's shower together and we can jerk each other off like we promised."

All Evan could think about was that Chris had meant what he had said last night.

"Yes, yes," he blurted out. "Let's do it."

Once they were inside the shower, the dam burst and they did more than jerk each other off. They stood under the waterfall, enjoying every minute. Chris was a year older than Evan so he knew it was his ballgame.

He took a bar of soap and started washing Evan all over. Evan didn't expect that, and he was shocked, but he certainly did not object. In fact, he said, "Oh Chris, this feels so nice."

Encouraged to continue, Chris turned Evan around so that they were both facing the shower wall. Chris reached around Evan and began to wash his cock. Evan was already hard as a rock. "Don't stop," he begged Chris. "I'm cumming."

Suddenly Chris became as frenzied as a dog in heat. He continued to stroke Evan's cock, but his very hard cock was entering Evan's ass. Evan was experiencing great pain, and great joy, at the same time. Once Chris was all the way in, the pain went away, and they both climaxed at the same time.

They stood perfectly still until Chris fell out of Evan's ass. He was sobbing. "I'm so sorry," he cried. "I don't know what came over me."

Evan turned around, and they were facing each other. "Why are you sorry?" Evan asked. "I've wanted us to do this since we met. I love you so much, it hurts." He threw his arms around Chris and the two brothers began a long kissing marathon. The water was turning cold.

When they came up for air, Chris said, "It's your turn."

"What do you mean?" Evan looked perplexed.

"It's your turn to fuck me, and just so you know, I love you more than you love me."

"That's not possible."

"You can't fuck me now. The water is too cold. Let's make love in bed," Chris requested.

"It'll be a pleasure, but make me a promise. This evening we'll watch some of those DVDs, and discuss what we're going to do about Dad, if anything."

"That's fine, but we have two whole weeks to worry about it."


Will and Cheryl arrived home late Saturday evening. They arranged it that way so that they would have a day of rest before going back to work on Monday. Of course, Evan and Chris drove to the airport to pick them up. The newlywed couple was brimming over with happiness, and with tales of their honeymoon adventures. They talked so much that the boys couldn't get a word in edgewise. In addition to all that, Will and Cheryl kept smooching in the back seat. Evan and Chris seriously doubted that they could confront their father any time soon about suspected homosexual activity. Their father was just too happy to disturb him, at least, not now.

The next day Will opened all his cartons. If he suspected that his `private' box was any different than the rest, he gave no indication of it. Although he did his own unpacking, the boys disposed of the empty, flattened cartons.

As a welcome home present, Will took the whole family out to dinner Sunday evening. The next morning the parents went to work, and their sons went to school. Things quickly took on a new normal for the blended family. There was a lot of loving going on in both bedrooms, but the boys still kept their secret. They intended on coming out after Evan graduated high school next year.

Perhaps if the boys were straight, they would have let sleeping dogs lie, but they were both pretty obsessed wanting to learn Will's secret, so they waited for an opportunity. It came to them two months after Chris started college in the fall.

Cheryl played Canasta with her girlfriends every Wednesday evening. She announced one Monday morning that the game was at their house this week. She suggested the men might want to do something together on Wednesday evening. When the game was at someone else's house, Will preferred to work late rather than to come home to an empty house. His sons were never good company. They were constantly holed up in their bedroom.

Chris's ears perked up at Cheryl's announcement. This was their opportunity. Evan knew what Chris was planning, but he was still scared to confront his dad.

"Hey, guys," Chris said. "there's a basketball game at The Garden Wednesday night. If I can get us tickets would you like to go?" Will and Evan gave him a resounding YES. Evan was frightened, but he too felt that it had to be done. He wanted to clear the air and put an end to all these secrets.

That night Evan said to Chris, "You're going to ask him about the pictures and the DVDs, aren't you?"

"Yes, and I hope he tells us the truth."

"Where can we go to have some privacy?" Evan asked. "Certainly not at the game." He was still upset thinking of the upcoming evening.

"Nobody will be in Dad's office at that time of night. We'll ask him to take us there."

On Wednesday evening Will came home before his wife. She told him that she would be a little late because she wanted to stop and buy some snacks for the card game. The boys accosted him as he came through the door. Will thought they were just anxious to get going.

"I'll be with you in a sec," he said. "I just want to dress down."

"That's not it, Dad," Chris said. Evan was still shaking in his boots, and he was content to let Chris do all the talking.

"What is it then?" Will asked, looking very concerned.

"Evan and I have something really important we want to talk to you about. Could we skip the game and go to your office?"

"Sure, but I still want to change so your mom won't suspect that we didn't go to the game. What if she quizzes us about the game and asks who won?"

"Trust me, Dad," Chris smiled. "She won't. She has no interest in sports at all."

While Will was changing, Cheryl came home. When he was ready to go, they all kissed her goodbye, and ran out of the apartment. Once downstairs, Will hailed a cab, and directed the driver to take them to his office.

The three men entered the darkened ad agency. Will led them to his private office, switched on the lights, and told his sons to sit on the two chairs facing his desk. He sat down at his desk. He looked at his two boys. They were ashen white, and he was now really worried."

"Did someone die?" he asked facetiously.

"No," Chris said. "Let me talk, and please don't interrupt until I'm done. Promise?"

"I promise, but start talking. You've got me really worried."

"Evan and I are both gay, Dad. Not only that, we love each other. We've been intimate since the night you went on your honeymoon." He avoided saying having sex or making love.

Evan didn't expect Chris to out him before graduation. He wanted to run from the office. What stopped him was when Will began to roar with laughter.

"Is that what was so serious. I've known for quite a while. Your mother suspects, but I won't tell her. That's up to you. I'm glad you told me, but it doesn't make any difference. Hey, we can still make the game." He stood up.

"Wait, Dad. There's more. It's the real reason we asked you here."

Chris wasn't going to let an opportunity go by. "Before we get into the real reason for this meeting, can you tell us how you knew about us. Do you have gaydar or something?"

It was Will's turn to look uncomfortable. He squirmed in his chair. "What do you mean by that?" he asked.

Will asked, so Chris told.

"When Evan and I were opening the moving boxes marked with an O, we discovered that one of the boxes wasn't his. It was yours. You must have marked it incorrectly. We had already opened the box, and we could see what was in it. It was the one with the picture album and the DVDs. Evan bought a new box, and repacked and resealed it. We marked it with an X and put it with your other boxes."

"Look, Dad," Evan finally found his voice. "Your secret is safe with us. We certainly won't tell anyone, especially Mom. We just want to know if you are leading a double life?"

"Good God, NO!" I love your mother. I'd better explain. I was only twenty-two when I started working here at the agency. All the male models, at least the gay ones, kept flirting with me."

Chris interrupted. "Who can blame them. You're a hunk, Dad."

"Thanks. You should have seen me then. Anyway, I was young and horny, and I decided to experiment. It was way more fun than I expected. The boys were always willing to pose naked for me, and I started this album. I also started to buy male DVDs. I figured I could learn something."

Will paused and looked at Evan. "This went on for about two years," he continued. "I began to wonder if I was turning gay, but then I met your mother. I knew right away that I was straight. What I did was just fun and games, and I chalked it up to my youth. I've never been with a man since. I decided to save the album and the DVDs as a souvenir."

Both boys looked so relieved, like a great burden had been lifted from them.

"I'm so glad we cleared the air," Chris said. He wanted to ask his father if he thought the models could tempt him again, but he figured that would be inappropriate. Besides, Will was twice the age he was then. Would the young models be interested in him? He looked at his father, and all that came to mind was, sure they would.

"Come," Will said. "Let's find an open diner and we'll have a snack. We have to kill time."

"Fantastic," Evan said. "I've got my appetite back."

"Make me a promise never to come around here during working hours," Will said. "These vultures would be all over you." He didn't expect to see his sons smiling at each other. He had given them an idea that had never occurred to them before.

That night, as they were cuddling in bed, Chris said, "Dad wasn't telling us the absolute truth."

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"I'm gay, Bro, and I know that once a guy has experienced unbridled, uninhibited, male sex, he always yearns for more. I'll bet that Dad still indulges occasionally with those boy toys," Chris opined.

"I kind of agree with you about the passion of male sex, but that doesn't mean that Dad's cheating." Evan went into defensive mode again.

"I have proof that he is."

"What proof?" Evan asked.

"One of his video tapes was only a year old. I saw it on the jacket. I guess I'm a better detective than you are."

"So, what if he bought it recently and likes to watch gay porn. Maybe it turns him on. It turned us on."

"There's more," Chris said. "You know those pictures that had nothing written on the back, they're very recent also."

"How do you know all this?" Evan insisted on knowing.

"The models' hair styles were more modern. In the other pictures, the guys had longer hair."

"You know what? I don't care. What I don't know won't hurt me," Evan said.

He leaned over, and took Chris's cock into his mouth. When he came up for air, he said, "Besides, he's our dad. I want him to have as much fun as we're having."

The two brothers began a kissing and fondling marathon. It lasted until they both drifted off to sleep.

They vowed never to attempt to find out if their father was having gay sex or not. As Evan said, what they didn't know didn't hurt them. They just prayed that he was a most happy fella.


Nevertheless, curiosity and teen-age horniness got the best of them, and Chris, at least, had to know if his stepfather had a secret life. He hit on a plan. He had just started college, and he asked Will if he needed a gofer in his office. Will was the managing partner, and Chris knew that he did all the hiring and firing.

"Why do you ask?" Will wanted to know.

"Well, first of all, I want to get a part time job and help with my college expenses, and secondly, I'm interested in getting into advertising."

Will looked surprised. "You never indicated an interest before," he said suspiciously. "And as for helping with expenses, your mother and I can well afford to give you boys a first-rate education without any strain."

"I know you can, Dad, but I want to work anyhow."

"Okay. What's your schedule look like?"

"I only have one class on Mondays. I'm free after 10 AM. The rest of the week I'm free after 2 PM."

"I don't want you to neglect your studies and homework. What do you say to coming in on Mondays from noon to five, and on Thursdays and Fridays from three to five? I like to work late on Wednesdays because it's your mother's night out, so that's not a good day for me. I'm not offering you a lot of hours, but after we see how things work out, we can increase the hours if you want to, and if it doesn't interfere with school. We'll work it out when the time comes."

"Gee, thanks, Dad, you're the greatest," Chris said, as he gave Will a great big hug.

"Just don't forget," Will said sternly. "You've committed yourself to Evan. What will you do if any of those handsome gay models comes on to you?"

Chris wanted to say, "I'd jump into bed with him in a New York minute," but instead, he said, "I'd tell them to back off or you'll fire them."

Will laughed his sides off.

Evan didn't have to look for a part time job. He already had one. Cheryl owned a lucrative ladies' boutique shop on Madison Avenue. She had inherited it from Chris's dad. From the time she married Will, Evan went to the store after school, whenever he was free. He was a natural in sales, and he loved it. Cheryl was glad to have him. In fact, she would have wanted him to work full time, but he had already applied to NYU.

After getting hired by his stepfather, Will couldn't wait to be alone with Evan.

"I haven't even started to work at the agency yet," he beamed at Evan, "and I've picked up on something already."

"I'm not sure I want to know," Evan lied. Actually, he wanted to know every juicy detail.

"I'm telling you anyhow. You know how dad comes home really late on Wednesdays when mom is playing canasta? I never gave it much thought, but he said that he didn't want me to come around on Wednesdays because he worked late."

"So?" Evan asked, trying to sound bored.

"So, now I'm thinking that maybe Wednesday evenings are his time with his boys at work. I intend to find out."

"How will you find out if you don't go to work on Wednesdays?" Evan asked. Now he expressed real interest.

"I'll cozy up with the gay models, and even flirt with them. I'm every bit as good looking, and well-built as they are. I'll make them hot for me, indicate to them that I'm interested in some serious bed time, and one of them might slip up."

"You wouldn't really sleep with any of them, would you?" Evan asked in alarm.

"Sure, I would, but only if you were with me."

"What if they don't want to have sex with me, because I'm the boss's son?"

"Good God. You are the worst worrier I have ever known. May I remind you that I'm the boss's son also."

Evan kissed his soul mate, and fell down on his cock. After they both satisfied each other, Evan in Chris's ass, and Chris in Evan's mouth, they fell asleep.

Chris easily identified three of the models to be definitely gay. He had suspicions about two others, but he wasn't sure. The three models were, Ken, John and Lance. He began to flirt with them, and anyone of them would have taken him to bed.

Lance Colby was a pretty boy. As handsome as the others were, he was more handsome. He had the muscles of a gymnast, and the brawn of a football player. He was everything a man (straight or gay) would hope to be. Behind his back everyone called him Sir Lancelot because of his super inflated ego.

On a Sunday night, before an important shoot for the firm's major client, a men's clothing designer, Lance was hit on in a gay bar. The man met all the criteria Lance looked for in a casual hookup. The guy was tall and buff. He and Lance stood next to each other at adjoining urinals in the men's room, and Lance discovered that he was very well hung, and cut. He badly wanted to have sex with that cock.

He invited the stranger to his apartment for fun and games. The two men had a ball, but as soon as the stranger was dressed, he took out a switchblade knife from his pocket. He was able to attack the unsuspecting Lance with the element of surprise. He stabbed him twice in the chest, fortunately missing his heart. He then proceeded to cut up Lance's beautiful face. By that time Lance was unconscious, and he didn't feel the pain. Before he left, the stranger took every bill and credit card from Lance's wallet. He found a suitcase in a closet, and filled it with some of Lance's most expensive designer clothes. The stranger was never identified.

By some miracle, Lance survived. It would take dozens of surgeries to restore his face to a semblance of its former self, but Lance's modeling days were over.

The next morning was a Monday, and Chris arrived at 10 AM. Multiple calls to Lance's apartment went unanswered. Will called a modelling agency, but nobody was available on such short notice. When Chris arrived, the whole office was in a frenzy.

He hadn't bothered to shave that morning, and he had a one day's growth of beard. It made him look unusually sexy. Will took one look at him, and said, "You're modelling today. Your built almost as good as Lance. You'll find several outfits hanging in the men's dressing room. Put one on and get back out here ASAP.

The outfits could have fit him a little better, but the misfit was minimal, and hardly even noticeable. Chris's modelling career was launched. More important than that, he got to share a dressing room that day, and the other models treated him like one of the boys.

All the models knew that he was gay, so at the end of the day, Ken and John invited him to have one quick drink at their favorite gay bar. His plans were moving right along, and he accepted immediately.

"Will one of you buy the drink?" he asked. "I'm under twenty-one."

"Anything for you," Ken smiled.

He told Will what was on his agenda this evening, and Will warned him once again not to get involved with anyone unless Evan joined in. Chris assured him that no such thing would happen. He texted Evan and told him he'd be home late, so Evan decided to stay a little longer at the boutique.

In the bar, after a couple of drinks in a gay environment, Chris's co-workers began to hit on him without shame.

"I'd love to have a roll in the hay with either or both of you," Chris said, "but I have two problems. First of all, I have a boyfriend. I wouldn't do it without him, but he won't be eighteen for a few months yet. He's still jail bait. The second problem is that we're both the boss's sons. Would that be awkward for you?"

Ken started to laugh. "Your fears are unwarranted," he said. I'd like to point out that you're eighteen, so you're sleeping with a minor and breaking the law. I'm sure we'd all want to keep the age problem our secret. We've both met Evan. He's a clone of his father. Sure, I'd love to have sex with him."

John joined in. "As for the two of you being the boss's sons, that is definitely not a problem. We're already sleeping with the boss."

Chris had now confirmed all his suspicions. He wasn't sure how he felt. However, he knew that he would tell Evan about his father's extracurricular activities. Even though it would be tough to do, he needed for Evan to share the burden with him.

"Well," Chris said to Ken and John, "I'll certainly discuss this with Evan, and I'll get back to you guys. But now, I have to get on home."

"One more drink," Ken said, "and we'll all get going."

Chris went home with a very heavy heart. He didn't mind sleeping with Evan, Ken and John as a foursome, but the knowledge that Will was fucking men, weighed heavily on him. He and Evan had agreed not to pursue the matter. Evan would have been content not to have done so, but Chris's curiosity had caused him great grief.

Now all he had to do was figure out what to do about it ... if anything.

Will had gotten home before he did. When he entered the apartment, he found Will and his mother smooching on the sofa. They were giggling like high school kids. Chris had never seen a happier couple. It occurred to him that maybe Will needed men to fill some carnal need in him, but there was no doubt how much he loved his mother.

He vowed then and there to forget everything he knew. He was never going to invade his father's privacy, as long as he continued to make his mother so happy. He wasn't even going to tell Evan. He felt a great relief in his decision.

But now he had a new problem. How was he going to talk Evan into having a small orgy with Ken and John? He would just make a date to meet in one of their apartments and drag Evan along. He suddenly felt much better, and he knew that Evan would too, once they got the party going.

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