
By Jacques Knox

Published on Sep 6, 2010



WARNING/DISCLAIMER -- Please Read before Reading Story

This story contains descriptions of graphic sexual acts between men and at some point between men and 18 year old boys. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Although all sex in this story is BB, readers are warned about the dangers of unprotected sex as well as sex with more than one sex partner. Readers are also warned about dangers of bondage, BDSM, etc and are advised to practice it only with someone they trust.

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This story is not so fictional. Although I dramatize it somewhat, the story is about me and my bro. I just have to share it with you because my bro and I are some of the few brothers that have an awesome relationship.

Characters: Jacques, that's me, now 28 years old, body builder and... gay.

Tyler, my KICKASS BRO, now 23 years old, a student in his fourth year and... gay.

Cody, 28 years old, body builder, my best friend and gay. Jason, 27 years old, body builder, Cody's boyfriend and obviously gay.

Randy, 19 years old, one of my students. Brent, 19 years old, also one of my students, the one I have a crash on.


We decided to go with my car so we can chat on the way and besides I don't like to ride my bike Saturday evenings -- just to risky with so many people driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs. And let's face it you are less protected on a bike than in a car.

"Ty, what do you think of Brent?"

"He's cool... I like him."

We drove in silence for a few blocks.

"So... You gonna make a move?" ... "You have my blessing J"

"It's complicated."... "He and Rusty are my students."

"They are not lovers."

"How come you so sure?"

"They don't act like lovers." Again a few blocks in silence driving.

"You can work something out, the two of you. I really want you to be happy J and this is the first guy you have feelings for. You will be happy with him." ... "And he acted nervous in your company...last night and this morning." ..."Guys only do that if they have feelings for someone."

"I'm scared Big Boy"

"Nah Muscle Boy, big boys are not scared, they are just lonely... You told me that, remember?.... And in your case also unsure."

"Yea Big Boy, I remember. Thanx for the reassurance."

"So you gonn make your move J... you owe it to both of you."

As guests of honor, we arrived a few minutes late at the party... and to Ty's delight, we caused a stir, or rather Ty caused a stir.

One thing about Ty that makes him so Kickass Hot, is his "Show Horse" attitude. He just knows how and when to showoff, never too much or too obvious, just right so that every guy would yearn for his attention. Don't make a mistake about it, the guys will get his attention, but just enough to keep them yearning.

The guys were all hanging out around the pool or the barbeque fire that was already started. There were CJ and his boyfriend Matt, Cody and Jason, Brent and Randy and two other couples that are friends of CJ and Randy. Like Brent and Randy the other two couples were also hanging out in the gym but still many years away from how they wanted to look.

CJ was the first to spot us. "Fuck Jacques! I thought Cody exaggerated when he told me about your boyfriend. I must give it to you that you have taste man. Fuck!"

"Hi CJ, Guys... this is Tyler."

Ty put on his drop dead smile and that little blush that he can control at will and all the guys excluding Brent and Randy were immediately under his spell.

"Zup Guys." Ty make a point to shake hands with every guy and with each one he exchange a few words.

Brent and Randy played along and complement Ty on his gorgeous muscles. When CJ introduced them to me, they acted somewhat shy.

"Yea we know him, but he will probably not recognize us. Mr. Knox is one of our lecturers."

"Hi Brent, Randy, cause I recognize you. You are my two brightest students. But cut the Mr. crap... My name is Jacques."

After the normal introductions and small talk, Ty and I were getting something to drink when Brent also came to the bar.

"So you two studs gonna show us all the goodies this evening?"

"Nah, don't think so. Inappropriate for students and lecturers to hangout in the nude with each other at a party."

"In that case I may just let slip that you are family..."

"Now that you mention it, I still have to mark some test papers..."

"That's unethical!"

"Let's call it checkmate"

"Not yet..."

CJ saw us in what appeared to him as a serious conversation: "You don't talk shop do you?"

"Nah man, Tyler and Jacques just mention how good they swim. Maybe we must try out your pool."

"Great idea. Cody where's that bubble stuff you brought? The birthday boys want to take a dip."

"This round is yours Brent."

"Thanx Jacques old boy. Don't worry, I'll make sure every one will skinny dip."

Brent made sure to see Ty and my bodies in their full glory. He was the first to strip and called the other guys to follow his example. Ty and I had no choice but to strip like the other guys. Needless to say our ringed jewels nearly caused a riot.

It did not take long before Jason came up with the idea that we must play tug of war. As could be expected partners joined as pairs, one guy the horse and the other one the knight. It was from the start an unfair combination because all the bodybuilders were pairs with the result that CJ/Mat, Cody/Jason and Ty and I won all the rounds. Ty was the one that made the suggestion that we divide the teams more even -- just like Ty, he spotted the right opportunity and want to explore it or let me rather say assist in its development.

"Yea that's a great idea. Let us choose our riders." Matt said while dropping CJ from his shoulders.

Ty had a good reason for making the proposal though. He sensed that Brent was checking me out the whole time and with Brent's remark earlier, Ty wanted to create an opportunity for Brent to make a move. "Nah man, it's only fair that the losers choose their horses."

Ty's suggestion was accepted and while the guys discussed the new rules, Ty said to me: "And if he doesn't choose you?"

"At least I'll know"

"And if they all want you?"

"Then I'll know if he has the guts to fight for what he wants."

Randy and two of the other guys went for Ty but the one guy took control and just claimed Ty as his horse without any opposition from the other two.

The partner of the guy that claimed Ty also pulled the same stunt, but one of the other guys opposed him. "No I first said I want Jacques."

Brent just let them have their quarrel for a while till one guy won the argument. Then he said: "You don't have my permission."

"What? We don't need your permission. Jacques does not belong to you."

"Well I have already claimed him. Jacques, come pick up your knight" Brent snap his fingers and pointed at me. He just ignored the other guys while they tried to make a fuzz about his claim over me.

At that moment Ty and I, like so many times, communicated telepathically: "I'm so happy for you J"

"You remain my first love Ty."

"Jacques, are you ok?" Brent sensed something.

"Yea, was just talking to Ty." I said without thinking.

"You WHAT!?"

"Never mind." I realized too late that I might have given him a hint that we are telepathic and I don't want him to freak out like some people do about this stuff.

Some weeks prior we discussed psychic stuff in the class and I told them that some people can actually communicate that way.

"You two can do that?"

"Let's drop it for now, please."

I moved in behind Brent and kneel under the water and put my head between his legs and then I rise with my KNIGHT on my shoulders. I took his feet and hooked them behind my back so he could hold onto me with his legs.

Although we were all semi hard, Brent became harder once on my muscled shoulders. I could feel how his dick became rock hard and pressing against the back of my neck. It must have been uncomfortable for him because his dick was pointing downwards.

What better opportunity in the world to make a move? I put my hands on his thighs, so high up his thighs that my hands touched his jewels. Then I move my one hand, took his raging hard dick and pulled it from its unnatural position and put it, pointing up, against the back of my neck. I could feel how Brent tensed when I took his dick in my hand, but I hold on to it after I have rearranged it.

I bent my head backwards to look up at him. Our eyes met.

"Your sword nearly thrust into my spinal cord Sire."

A cute blush started to come over his face and he smiled. That was enough to inspire me to push further.

"You either fuck that gorgeous dick against my neck till you cum... or I wank you."

"You can help me."

It was fun to distract Brent while he had to fight of the other guys. Eventually we were defeated and I went down with him. That became a once in a lifetime opportunity and while I was under the water I start blowing him. His reaction was very rewarding and even before I had to surface, Brent gave me all his young boy cum. I'm a gentleman, so I shared my prize with him.

The game in the pool became boring after a while and CJ and Matt went to fetch us some towels. While the other guys were just making small talk, Ty was chatting up his Knight, Sean. Brent and I were doing a bit more... I had my hands on his hips, our faces were very close to each other and he had his hands on my ass.

"Brent, I don't want to come between you and Rusty."

"Don't worry you won't"

I realized I misinterpreted his actions and actually made a fool off myself -- SHIT and I'm not use to make a fool of myself. I let go of his hips and gave a step backwards. There's no reason that he carry on touching me either. Maybe it's better to end things here and now.

CJ and Matt returned with the towels and we all got out of the pool. All the guys was semi hard to rock hard, just Brent and I were soft. Every one with some commonsense could realize something happened that had the effect of a passion killer.

Ty and I made eye contact -- thanks to our special ability: "What's wrong J?"

"Rusty and Brent -- they are in a relationship."


"It will be inappropriate for me as their lecturer to become involved"

"Bullshit J!"

Brent looked at both of us. "You did it again."

I just wink at him. Both to confirm and to show I'm not affected by what he said that I won't be able to come between him and Rusty. The latter was however not really the case -- I was fucken affected! But I'll never let him know that.

We just wrap the towels around us and went on with the party. Some guys prepared the meat, some went to the kitchen to make salads and some just hang around. Brent was hanging around me and Ty -- I could sensed he was trying to get my attention but I ignored him, not to obvious, just to get the message across that he must not flirt with me while he and Rusty is involved.

It was late into the party, some guys already left, when Brent said: "Let's go and take a last dip."

I was not too keen, I mean why should I go? Nothing can happen between us. CJ, Matt, Cody and Jason were sitting on recliners, busy feeling their partners up. Only Rusty, Brent and Ty were standing with me.

"Hi Rusty, you earlier mentioned something about a new PC game you have trouble with. You mind showing me?" Just like Ty, he starts walking towards the house and even if Rusty did not want to go, he had to follow Ty. Ty had decided Brent and I need to be alone. I had no option but to follow Brent into the pool.

Like before the passion killer announcement from Brent, he came to stand real close in front of me. "Did I say or do something wrong? You kept me on a distance the whole evening."

"No, but I got the message loud and clear."

"I don't follow... what message?"

"That you and Rusty are in a relationship and I did say that I do not want to come between you."

"We are not involved."

"You said not to worry, I wont' get between you."

"Yea you won't interfere with our relationship as buddies. That's all we are BUDDIES."

"But last night after the test you guys said that you are going out, if my memory served me right you said you are boyfriends."

"That was the wrong choice of words... Maybe we wanted to show off, you know pretend, not to be out when our idol asked us something... You know be cool."

"So you..."

"Yea, I'm still a virgin if that's what you wanna know."

"Thanx for the info, but what I actually wanna know is if you are available... You know interested that we can see each other... Uuhhhhmm... You know like going out, getting involved."

Again that killer blush and smile. "You mean to say you are interested in me?"

"You are the first guy I'm... uuuhhhmmm... Asking." Something is wrong with me. I never look for words. Uuuuhhhmmmm kind of sounds are not part of my vocabulary.

"Jacques is that for real, I mean you are this drop dead pretty face, super cool, muscle boy... You can have any guy you want, not to mention girls, and here you are interested in me."

"Don't make it harder for me than it already is."

"Since the first day I your class I... you just did something to... I well... you're my j/o fantasy and now you becoming reality."

"So that's a yes?"

"Yea man... It's..." I dit not let him complete his sentence -- we had better things to do. I took him in my arms and we kiss... I rather not elaborate on this insedent.

Eventually we had to break our hot kiss. "Let's go."

"Your place?"

"You have a better place?"

"Where ever you are is perfect for me Jacques."

We step out of the pool, both harder than ever.

"You two up to something?" Cody realized we had done something in the pool.

Will tell you back home. I called Ty and we said our thanx to the guys for an awesome evening.

"Jacques will you give me a lift home, you're going my way then Randy don't have to drive all the way."

"Cool, get your stuff."

Ty was next to me and he put his arm around me. "That's my Big Muscle Boy!!"

I gave him a kiss.

On our way back home Ty made a phone call. "Hi, 15 miutes?...... Cooll... see you."

"What's that about?" I asked Ty.

"Sean is coming over, if it's ok with you."

"You have my blessing Ty."

We arrive just before Sean and Ty went in the flat to move some of his stuff to the guest room. Brent and I stayed outside to meet Sean. We just chat nothing more.

When Sean arrived, we went in and Ty took them to my room... Just like young guys... wanted to see their idol's room. The slave collar and other cuffs were still on my bed as we left it.

"Jacques... Uhhhmmmm... You into this stuff?" Brent was the spokesman.

"Sort off... you interested?"

"Fuck man!!.... In class... I mean who could think you are so hot?

"You interested?" I could see Brent's bulge is getting bigger.

"Yea... but only if you are in control."

"You bet I'll be in control."

"J, I told Sean back at the party. He is cool with our secret. You gonna tell Cody?"

"Yea, tonight still... If they are here within the next ten minutes... Or else I'll do it tomorrow."

Cody and Jason arrived shortly after we did and we made some coffee. Then I told them. They just laughed. Luckily my roomy and his b/f are cool and they can appreciate it when someone plays the fool. One thing is for sure, they'll pay me back.

Back in my room it was time... to explore the first guy I had a crash on.

"Brent, I'll understand if you want to take it slow. I'm sure about our relationship... this is not a one night stand with hot sex for me... but you may want to first get to know me better."

"Jacques so much happened to night... And you are my first guy... I'm not uncertain about you,... Just the unknown."

"I'm cool, we can take it slow... no need to rush into sex if you want to become more at ease."

We stripped and hopped into my bed. For most of the night we just feel each other up, kissed and chat.

"Brent, we have to be careful about our relationship. If the authorities find out they will give us problems, and I can be sacked. Will Rusty be cool about this?"

"Yea, he is cool. I have his blessing."

"When did you get that."

"Friday after the test I told him that you are my man."

"You don't waste time, do?"

"With so many guys on campus checking you out I could not afford too." ... "Jacques, I'm self-conscious about my body and I don't want to embarrass you... you know... with all your friends that are bodybuilders... I want to proof to you that I care about you and do something to proof it."

"Hi Man... Bodybuilding is not everything. I like you the way you are. You don't embarrass me at all. But if it is something important to you then I'll help you... but I will be tough on you and you do as I say or I'm out."

"I'll do anything you say, I promise."

"Ok, deal. But back to the varsity... we must be discrete. No hint that we are involved, just the normal student / lecturer relationship. We can see each other at the gym and you can come here, but I'll rather not go to your place."

"Cool, we can work things out that way." ... "Now I want to return a favor..."

Brent went down on me and managed to bring me to the edge several times. Eventually I was pleading with him to allow me to blow my nuts. At one stage I started to j/o, just to get some relieve. Brent threatens to cuff me...

The next morning Ty and Sean served us breakfast in the bed. I still had my collar and cuffs on.

"We don't have to ask." Ty knew what went on last night.

"We don't have to tell." Brent laughed.

"You just take car off J for me... Or else..."

"Or else what?"

"I'll personally fuck you up boy."

"Don't worry... he is safe with me... No one will touch him."

"Sean don't you think it's nice to have two stunning guys looking out for you?" Sean was just sitting there and I wanted to involve him.

"I can't blame them Dude. Tyler, if Brent is not around, I'll watch out for Jacques."

Tyler put his arm around Sean and gave him a hot kiss. "Thanx, I'll keep you to that."

The remainder of the week was nice. Ty held himself busy while I was at the campus. He worked out with me and my gym buddy during the evenings. The Wednesday evening we went out with Brent and Sean.

Ty told me that he wants to follow in my footsteps and that he want to study medicine like I do. Well that was not news for me. The way he always asked me about my studies indicated to me that he wants to do that.

I arrange with the dean that Ty may attend some classes so he could finally make up his mind. One of the senior lecturers confirmed what I have told Ty -- that medicine is not a job, it's a way of life.

The Friday Ty attended my lecture. From the moment he walked into the class there was chaos. It was expected. With his looks... And Kickass attitude. And believe me Ty enjoyed it all the way. Luckily I went through the same thing when I first walked into the class as lecturer, so I knew how to handle it -- just let the class have their way and keep order during the chaos ... And turn the situation into a lecture.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I think it's a good opportunity to discuss the effect of exercise on the human body. We are honored to have with us Mr. Tyler Knox, who is a very dedicated athlete. He is now 18 years old and as you can see he worked hard to achieve his form. Let's look at some pictures of Mr. Knox when he was 16 years old, 17 years old... And with his permission we can all examine his current form from close by."

"I'll get you for the J!!!"

There's nothing sexy about this. They are all medical students. Just look at this as clinical and pretend you are at the doctor."

It was funny to see the reaction of the different groups in class. The "convent pussies" and nerds took notes, the hot girls wet themselves, the jocks were pissed off and the guy guys... Well they all had boners, taking every thing in -- not to add to their medical knowledge but to recall when they j/o in future.

At the end of the class I had Ty standing on a table and told him to take off his shirt. The class then had the opportunity to have a close look and to touch him. They may also ask questions that Ty had to answer.

The class leader had the last question while Ty was getting ready. "Sir, are you family?"

"Why do you think that Mr. Marx?"

"You look alike Sir."

"Any one has the answer?" Some questions I never answer in class.

There was a short debate and eventually the class ruled that were are indeed family. I did not deny or confirm.

I left the class to attend one of my own classes. Ty, the hot girls, the jocks and the guy guys stayed behind -- the nerds and convent girls also left the class.

During a break between the periods of my class, the faculty secretary came to me and informed me that the head of the medical school wants to see me in his office -- immediately.

"Am I in trouble?"

"I hope you can get out off it..."

"O fuck!"

"That's not on the agenda." She laughed.

I could only smile and went to see the professor.

"Sit Mr. Knox. What went on in your class this morning?"

"The normal Sir. Lecturing... and I had a guest to show the class what one can achieve with exercise."

"Well after you left the class, some students became involved in a fight. The security had to intervene."

"And the guest sir?"

"The fight was about your brother."

"Where is he now Sir?"

"I sent him home to defuse the situation. I believe he wants to study medicine next year. You better see to it that this incident does not repeat itself next year."

"Where are the other students Sir?"

"They wait in the lecture hall. I will conduct a hearing now and the guilty parties... Well it will be the end of their dreams to become doctors."

"Sir, please, it's my fault. I'll take responsibility, and it's my class. Please let me handle it. The guys are all young and you know how it is with young bucks. Please sir, give them another opportunity. I'll promises I'll get some sense in their heads. And Sir if this gets to the papers, I mean we don't want the good name of the university to be implicated. Sir..."

"Jacques." The shock of hearing the proff knew my name brought me back to focus. "I once was where you are now. I know all about you... and I know what the reason was for that fight. Go sort out our shit!"

"Sir?" I could not believe what I hear.

"Go before I change my mind."

I left without a word and went to the class.

To my surprise I found Brent, Rusty and four other jocks there.

"You guys fucked up big time! And now I'm in the shit!"

"But we..."

"Shut up Ryan!" I knowing his first name rattled Ryan just like the proff rattled me.

"Yes, Sir!" Everyone kept quiet.

"I'm very disappointed in you" ... "I put my balls on the block to save your asses. The faculty wants to through you off the course. You owe me big time... All of you!"

The guys just sit their, staring at the floor. "So what do you have to say to yourselves?"

"We need to be punished Sir."

"You right! Decide on it and let me know" I left the class and the guys stayed behind.

That evening Brent came over and handed me a bunch of twelve keys. "Hold on to this till the weekend."

"What's this for?"

"Part of our punishment. It will end after the weekend. My parents have a farm next to the see about an hours drive from here. There's a big house on the farm, sort of a getaway place and no one is there. We go there for the weekend to finalize the punishment. I will arrange everything."

Brent left and for the remainder of the week I only saw him at class. I noted that he was uncomfortable and the Friday I asked him what's wrong.

"I'm in pain Jacques. I'm working out with Tyler... he prepares me for when I start to workout with you... and something else as well... but you will see it tonight at the farm."

If I just knew what the guys planned for their punishment!!!

Next: Chapter 4

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