Brother to Ben

By jon oliver

Published on Jan 28, 2001



Ben took off his towel and for the first time I saw him completely in the nude. It was awesome. He turned away from me to step into his clean pair of boxers and I reached my hand under the sheets to readjust myself. It was clear he was shy, but there was nothing to be shy about. His butt was perfect. His legs were lean but muscular. All sorts of wicked thoughts flashed through my mind as he bent over to fish through his bag for a clean pair of underwear. It was only sixty seconds, maybe less, but no minute has ever felt better in my entire life. (from PART II)


I was drunk and it wasn't even midnight yet. Too much trash can punch. The party was a pretty happening affair and a whole new way of life for Casey and Ben. They pretty much stuck by my side in awe, though they had too much to drink as well. I introduced them to all the frat brothers I liked and even some college girls. Some of these girls had been flirting with me since the year started, but I always found a way to put them off. Now I let them fawn over my brother and his young friend.

I lied and told most that Ben and Casey were seniors in high school (when they were really only juniors), but Casey kept insisting he was a freshman at the University. I wasn't surprised when some sorority slut finally bought into it and the two made themselves comfortable in the corner of the backyard.

This, of course, left me alone with Ben, which wasn't bad at all. Except I was pretty wasted and afraid I would get caught just staring at him. In fact, Ben did catch me several times and he would just smile back and say something sweet and naive like, "Why you keep looking at me like that?" It was cute and irresistible and like I said before, I should have known better.

The drunker I got, the more I found myself staring at Ben and touching his shoulder whenever I made a comment. There seemed to be a gravitational pull and we kept standing closer and closer together. This is getting too obvious, I thought. But before I could clear my mind or decide to bail, Ben was grabbing at me.

"What's going on?" I tried to ask casually. I wanted to just take him in my arms and kiss him, but not with a crowd around. I still wasn't out and didn't plan on coming out anytime soon.

"I have to pass out, Jon," he told me.

"Go upstairs, Ben. You know where my room is." He was leaning heavily on me now, drunk and sweaty from the heat. It was so hot and yet I wanted no part in taking advantage of him during such an inebriated state.

"Can you show me the way back?" Ben pleaded.

"Ben, it's the second floor. Last door on the right at the end of the hall." He let go of me, but didn't look like he was going to leave.

"Jon, I don't want to go alone," he finally confessed.

"Why not?" I asked.

"The guys in your frat. They're big and I think some of them want to kick my ass."

I laughed. There were a lot of big, mean looking guys in my fraternity. Harmless, of course, but not through the eyes of a high school kid at his first college party.

"Alright, I'll go with you...Watch my beer," I told one of my fraternity brothers. "I'll be right back." Ben smiled a drunk smile to show his gratitude. I helped steer him back inside away from the party and up the stairs.

By the time we got to my room, the gorgeous teen was practically leaning on top of me to walk. I tried not to make a big deal out of it. I knew Ben was drunk and probably not thinking too clearly. His head leaned on my shoulder as I unlocked the door, and I helped him to my bed. The room was dark and I started to turn on a light, but Ben protested. He lied down and kicked off his shoes. I politely put a pillow behind his head.

"Jon," he slurred.

"Yeah?" I answered. I was now standing next to the bed, leaning over his face.

"Why don't you have a girlfriend?"

"Ben, you're drunk," I responded. "We've been over this before, remember?"

"Yeah, but you never answered me."

Ben was being too forward, I thought. I wondered if he knew about me or if maybe even Casey had told him. I paused as if thinking of an appropriate answer, but hoping he would pass out any minute.

"Jon," Ben continued.

"Yeah?" I asked suspiciously.

"Are you gay?"

"Where'd you hear that?" I tried to act shocked.

"Last time when I was at your house, you ran your hand through my hair when I passed out. Remember? On the sofa at Casey's party?"

"I did what?" I tried to deny it.

"You tucked me under a blanket and ran your hand through my hair and then you brushed my cheek. I could feel you staring at me. You thought I was asleep but I wasn't."

"Ben, I'm sorry. I don't know what to say," I answered defensively. "It didn't mean anything. You're like a brother to me. I would have done the same thing for Casey."


"Are you gonna throw up?" I asked.

"No. It's just..." I could see his eyes tearing up.

"What's the matter, Ben?"

"Nothing..." his voice trailed off as he closed his eyes.


No response. He must have finally passed out. I watched this gentle boy like I had so many times before and wondered if maybe he was trying to tell me he was gay. It seemed like nothing more than wishful thinking, but why was he acting so strange and asking weird questions? Was Ben asking me to touch him the way I had always wanted to touch him? I had to find out.

"Ben!" I yelled. He sat up slowly and opened his eyes. "Ben, there's something you should know, if you don't already." I paused, not knowing how to continue. I could feel a huge nerve lump forming in my throat. I looked into Ben's eyes and he looked right back. The room was silent.

"Ben..." I tried to continue.

He didn't respond. I started to open my mouth to say, "Yes, Ben I'm gay and I have the hugest crush on you." But before I could speak, the strangest thing happened. Ben made the first move. He took my hand in his and began massaging it. It was such a soft, gentle touch. I just sat there. He guided my hand up to his face and allowed me to brush through his hair.

"Ben," I stammered.

"It's okay, Jon," he coolly replied.

He continued to guide my hand across his face and my fingers slowly opened up and returned the affection. I let my hand run through his short, curly hair one, two, three times. He stared at me the whole time I did this, his eyes piercing deep into my soul. It was the most peaceful moment on earth. I knew then, my whole body knew, without me really guiding it anymore, that I had to kiss him. I had to touch the lips of this beautiful boy, Ben, the object of my greatest crush.

Without too much hesitation, I leaned forward and closed my eyes. I could feel him leaning forward, too, my hand still softly stroking the side of his face. He grabbed me with both arms around the shoulders and for the first time, I felt myself become excited. Our lips touched and yearned for each other, out mouths open. Ben was kissing me, or rather I was kissing him. It was sensational, better than I could have ever imagined. I couldn't believe it was actually happening.

I opened my eyes to make sure it was real, and sure enough, Ben was peaking too. We both smiled and then really started mugging out. I closed my eyes and let my tongue do the rest, exploring every inch of this luscious teen's mouth. He did the same, nibbling on my lip from time to time, taking the time to let it all sink in.

These are the moments that confirm my sexuality. It's not about the sex so much as it is about the intimacy. Just holding that special guy. I never feel more complete than when I'm just holding or kissing someone. Right now, holding Ben, I was overcome by sheer joy and nirvana.

I threw off my shoes and laid on top of Ben, our lips and tongues still busy at work. I pulled the covers down over our tangled bodies and allowed my hands to wrap around his side and stomach. I rubbed ever so gently. He moaned a soft moan of pleasure and I moved my hand down below his belt. I found his bulging penis tucked away under the jeans he was wearing. It responded to my touch and I helped create some room for it. He smiled and ran his hand down my pants. We were both massaging each other's dicks now.

"Lock the door," he whispered. I was quick to do as he told. I took off my shirt while I was up and he followed suit. We lay back down in each other's arms and continued to get to know one another with our hands. I began to lick and suck on his nipple and he squirmed in pleasure.

Soon after, he reciprocated. I grabbed his ass in both my hands and squeezed. It was the firmest ass I can ever remember touching. I held him tight as our bodies groaned and grinded against each other, never wanting to let him go. We were one now or so it felt. This went on for some time, I don't really recall how long, for soon the room starting spinning and I passed out.

That night, I slept better than I have ever slept. I didn't know what the repercussions might be the next morning, but I would worry about that later. I held onto Ben tightly and knew it was more than a crush. I was in love and I was in love with my brother's best friend.


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Next: Chapter 4

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