Brother to Ben

By jon oliver

Published on Jan 17, 2001



I looked over at Ben who was still passed out. I couldn't help but stare at his cute and innocent face. He looked so peaceful. I tucked a blanket around him and leaned over to run my hand through his wavy brown hair. He smiled as I let my hand trail past his cheek, but I'm pretty sure it was just a reflex. I wanted to kiss him, just a soft, short peck on the cheeks, but knew that it was crossing a line I shouldn't cross. At least not yet. (from part I)


It was six weeks before I laid eyes on Ben again. I was working out in the basement of the frat house when he and Casey arrived for the weekend. Ben looked as good as ever. They were in town for a soccer tournament and came straight from the game. I was sweaty as hell with my shirt off. I noticed Ben staring at my abs. I have okay pecs, but my abs are pretty defined. He smiled as I caught him staring and I smiled back at him.

Ben was wearing nylon adidas shorts with knee high socks pulled down around his ankles. There was a little bit of mud on his shirt and his hair was wet from the soccer game. He was a pretty fucking awesome sight standing there, all 145 prep boy pounds of him. I began to wonder if I could control myself for the entire weekend.

"So who won?" I asked.

"Won what?" my brother replied.

"The game, jackass."

"We did," Ben spoke. "Three to two."

"Cool." I finished my reps as they stood there. There was an awkward moment of silence. I couldn't take my eyes off of Ben and it was making it difficult to concentrate.

"So where are all the bitches," Casey broke the silence. Everybody laughed.

"Dude, chill your hormones. They'll be more babes than you can handle tonight," I replied.

"So where do you want us to put our stuff?" Ben asked casually. I realized they were both holding gigantic soccer bags filled with their weekend gear. I was already looking forward to peaking through Ben's bag to see what kind of sexy clothes he wore.

"Come on, I'll give you the full tour," I answered.

I showed them quickly around the house and introduced them to a couple of my frat brothers. I pointed out the foosball and pool tables and then showed them to my room.

It was clear that Ben and Casey would both need a shower after their soccer tournament and I was still sweaty from my workout. I pointed them to the bathroom down the hall and began to undress myself. I was especially hoping that Ben would take notice of my body, but he was too busy asking questions about the fraternity. Not a bad place for a cute boy like Ben. He would fit in nicely.

I had grown up swimming competitively and became accustomed to keeping my body smooth at least half the year. I shaved everything but underarm hair and a small patch of pubes. It was this smooth body that accentuated my abs and slight muscle definition. Unfortunately, I would not get the chance to see Ben's reaction yet. I grabbed my towel and flip flops and hit the shower. I could hear Ben and Casey playing foosball downstairs.

The water felt great after my workout. I turned up the heat and let myself relax in the developing steam. I closed my eyes and imagined Ben standing next to me. We were both nude, equally attractive, two athletic male bodies, though myself a little more developed. We would make a good couple I thought, this despite the age gap. I imagined kissing Ben's lips for the first time. I imagined where that might lead, what he might let me do, and whether I could go through with it. But for now it was a fantasy. I opened my eyes and finished washing up. No time to jerk off now. I grabbed my towel and shampoo and returned to my room.

I waited there without changing, knowing it was Ben's turn to shower. I was hoping to catch a glimpse of his more private side, but the teen's modesty prevented me from seeing him in anything less than a pair of boxers. It was still enough to get me hard. Ben's chest and stomach were covered with just the slightest bit of light brown hair and his pecs were in perfect proportion to his other developing muscles. It was the ideal teen male body. I doubted Ben even worked out to get this look. He just stayed active.

Ben left the room and I was still feeling horny. I noticed Ben's sweaty soccer shorts on the floor and decided to peak through his sport bag to see what else he had in store. Inside, I found a couple of Abercrombie shirts, a pair of silk boxers, another pair of nylon soccer shorts, and the grand prize, Ben's jock strap. I don't know why, but I had the sudden urge to try this last item on. I picked up the jock strap and held it to my nose to take in the scent. It was like I was sniffing Ben's pubes. The odor was delicious and overwhelming. I became hard immediately.

I stepped into the leg holes and slid it up my smooth legs. My cock stood at attention as I looked in the mirror. The jock strap fit tightly, as it was clear that Ben was an inch or two skinnier than me. I liked the way the dirty garment felt around my nuts and ass. I pinched my nipples and stood in front of the mirror, trying to imagine Ben kneeling behind me. In my mind, he licked my ass and loosened my glory hole up with his finger. I began to touch my throbbing dick and slid the jock strap halfway down my legs, lost in the moment. I was just about to jerk off when I heard Ben's voice down the hall. Stupid me. What was I thinking?

There was no time to act. I quickly stepped out of the undergarment and threw on my boxer briefs. The door opened up. Ben entered and I sat under my sheets in order to hide my bulging crotch. Ben walked over to his sport bag and took out a clean pair of shorts. He looked down and noticed his soccer shorts and jock strap were halfway across the room from where he had clearly left them. I tried to make small talk like I didn't notice anything was different. Ben looked at me but didn't say a thing.

"Get any hot water?" I asked.

"Yeah. Well, tell the very end."

"You're one of the lucky ones," I joked.

Ben took off his towel and for the first time I saw him completely in the nude. It was awesome. He turned away from me to step into his clean pair of boxers and I reached my hand under the sheets to readjust myself. It was clear he was shy, but there was nothing to be shy about. His butt was perfect. His legs were lean but muscular. All sorts of wicked thoughts flashed through my mind as he bent over to fish through his bag for a clean pair of underwear. It was only sixty seconds, maybe less, but no minute has ever felt better in my entire life.

"How many guys live here?" Ben asked as he turned around. He threw on his shorts followed by a white t-shirt. I tried to be casual. He really seemed interested in the frat.

"Like thirty or something," I answered. "Twenty-one rooms. Some are larger so people double up."

I took a deep breath and told myself to relax. I think Ben could see I was hiding something under the sheets, though it didn't quite cross his mind exactly what. We exchanged more small talk and eventually, my excited penis calmed down. I got up from under the sheets and went about my normal business. As I stood up, I realized Ben's jock strap was right under me so I picked it up. Then, like nothing had happened, I wadded it up and threw it to him.


"Yeah, I guess," Ben confessed shyly. "Coach makes us wear them for games."

"It's cool. Nothing to be embarrassed about. I used to wear one myself."

"You did?"

"Yep. Shit, not only that, I had to wear a speedo all those years on the swim team."

"Wienie Bikini," Ben laughed. "That's something I'm glad I don't have to worry about. I always laugh at Casey when he has to go to swim practice. He says it sucks and you have to be really careful to not get hard." I caught him eyeing my body as I pulled on a pair of cargo pants.

"You still shave your body?" He asked.

"Sometimes. You just get used to the way it feels. Plus, it shows off my abs. I work pretty hard on them."

"They're nice," Ben answered.

"Thanks," I replied. He smiled and I smiled back. "You're not bad yourself." Now he was turning red. About that time, my brother entered the room. I decided to throw on my shirt and give the two boys some space for a while. Besides, Ben had just arrived and already I needed to cool off.

"Why are you so red?" Casey asked Ben.

"I don't know. Too much hot water?."

"Dude, all I had was eskimo ice water from the arctic circle." My little brother could be quite the smart ass.

"You probably needed a cold shower anyway, Case," I joked. Ben laughed and I left the room before Casey could respond.

"That's right, run away like a queer," I heard as I shut the door. It made me wonder how much Ben knew about me. With high school kids, it's really hard to tell because they're always calling each other gay and faggot anyway.

I went downstairs to the TV room and tried to get a grip on things. Basketball was on the tube, but all I could envision was Ben and his hot, naked body. The party was still several hours away and already I could feel myself slipping in front of this hot, teenage soccer stud. Who knew where things would lead once alcohol was involved?


(feedback welcome)

Next: Chapter 3

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