Brother-in-law Ben

By Glenn Freemen

Published on Aug 29, 2008



Brother-in-Law Ben By Freemen

Ben is my brother-in-law. A tall, dark-haired, good looking sports-minded brother-in-law, who happens to have a great sense of humor with a great smile and laugh to go with it. I am your average North-American 36-year-old guy, blonde, average build and height with a subtle and sneaky sense of humor. I love having fun, playing non-hazardous practical jokes on friends, and generally enjoy life.

Ben married my gorgeous sister when they were both 19 due to a pregnancy thing. Four kids later, they're still getting along okay and both do their own things. He coaches soccer, plays hockey and goes out drinking with his buddies at least one night a week. We were never really friendly at the beginning of their relationship, mostly due to a different group of friends, and age difference -- he's 5 years younger than me.

However, through the years, we've come to appreciate our sense of humour and at family gatherings, if you walk into a room you'll usually see the two of us together, sitting on the couch watching a game, or playing a little pool (he's way better than me), or fooling around playing with his kids outside.

This story really begins the few weeks I spent at his (their house). My sister had decided to go back to school to complete one course so she could get her degree, so stayed in residence there during the week and came home on weekends. Babysitters, sisters and friends usually helped out at night, but this particular week, no one was available. As I'm a contract worker, I had a couple of weeks off and I offered to help out.

When Ben called me to finalize plans, he wanted to make sure I was okay to do it, and suggested I just move in for the week rather than driving back and forth....if I wanted. We could hang out at night after the kids went to bed. They did have a nice house, albeit on the other side of the City. All I had to do was be there when the kids got home from school, and cook up some dinner -- and it was playoff season, so lots of hockey to watch.

Day 1 -- okay and I actually had plans so I didn't stay over. Ben looked disappointed, but I assured him I'd be back with my luggage the next day. And the next day, is when our friendship went a little further.

Tuesday was a busy night. I was there for the kids, made a great dinner, we all ate together, and he took two of his kids out for their activities. When they came home, I helped bath the boys, he bathed his girls and then he put his kids to bed while I watched something on TV. When he came downstairs, he said he was going to take a shower and would be in to join me along with a "help yourself to whatever you want".

So I grabbed a beer and started watching something. Now, their house was an older house with an add-on. While three bedrooms were upstairs, they had added a fourth bedroom and bathroom on the main floor, just outside of the family room, which I was in. Ben came out of the shower, with one towel wrapped around his waist and another towel drying off his hair. He just stood beside me watched whatever i was watching, and said he'd be back in a minute. Man, he had a great body.

When he returned he was just wearing a really loose pair of jogging shorts, obviously commando with a beer in hand. In this large room, he had his choice to sit anywhere, and he sat down beside me. That was a good sign of friendship I thought. I felt pretty close to him anyway. So we sat back silent or reacting to the TV program. At commercial break, he checked in with me, and made sure everything was okay, and thanked me for helping him bath his kids.

To drum up conversation, I said to him, - "so, I noticed you decided not to circumcise your boys? You're the first ones in the family".

"Well not the first" he said. He then lifted up the leg of his shorts and showed me the head of his cock, which looked partially circumcised. Then he put the shorts back in place.

"Cool", I said, "So okay, the first in-law not to be cut". Then, quite effortlessly, we began to talk about cut vs. uncut cocks; how he taught his boys to clean the foreskin, etc. When he was done talking we were silent for a little while. Then I asked him if I could see his again, as I'd never seen an uncut cock up close. Without question, he lifted up his pant leg, and showed it to me again.

"You can feel it if you want I don't care", he said with ease. Without question, I reached over, and for about 5 seconds, I felt his cock with my thumb and forefinger and then I noticed (and he noticed) that he was starting to plump up a little bit as we both said "whoops" at the same time. I took my fingers off and he pulled his shorts back down so he wouldn't reveal his penis. We both laughed with a little embarrassment. As I took a sip of my beer I was thinking, "hmm, I've just touched my brother-in-law's knob" and it felt kind of nice.

"So, much of a difference" he asked?

"Well, you don't have a whole lot of skin hanging over the top like I've seen with other guys so it doesn't take much to reveal the whole head" I said. And so we talked for the next few minutes about the pros and cons of cut vs. uncut, and as soon as it started, it was over. No excitement, just matter of fact.

After about 30 minutes or so -- and quite out of the blue, he said, "So uh, would you mind if I felt yours? I'd kind of like to feel them both at the same time. I've never felt another guy's penis before, and um..well -- hey - fair is fair right? I just want to check out the difference.

Oh man, I knew if he touched it, I would spring a boner in no time, so I thought I'd better warn him. "Oh man.... really? I know I was blushing, and even at 35 I felt like I was 9 again playing with my best friend. Okay Ben, I'm going to have to tell you that I'm just really sensitive -- if anybody touches it other than me, it springs to life in a second."

"Fuck, I don't care man. I spring more boners than you'll ever know", he snickered.

Just to get it over with, I unzipped and pulled it out and when I looked I realized that I had actually drooled a little precum from touching him before.

"What's this" he asked as he rubbed the precum onto my knob. I slapped his arm and laughingly told him to fuck off. He laughed too elbowing me in jest.

"Do what you need to do and get it over with" I laughed.

So, Ben took out his penis again, fingered his head with one hand, and mine with the other, then switched hands, then started doing this twitching back and forth and I immediately started to get hard. I grabbed his hand and said "Okay, that's enough -- I think you know what it feels like".

He laughed this dirty little laugh, knowing he had just got me. Then we watched the rest of the game and called it a night. When he went to stand up to turn off the lights, I noticed a significant bulge in his shorts; was sure he wasn't hard, but semi-hard for sure. I wasn't quite sure what was going on here, but I had a feeling there'd be more to come.

Next night, everything was pretty standard, except the kids were at home. We just went to fool around at the park, came home and didn't do much of anything.

The next night though, I was about to get a taste of his cunning self. Same as the Tuesday, he took two of the kids to games etc, followed by bathing the youngest. But he and the oldest boy took a shower together. So, basically I was the only male in the room with clothes on. While I was finishing the bath, he stepped out of the shower with his eldest son who grabbed a towel and ran to his bedroom. While I was taking the youngest one out of the tub, Ben came over and stood right beside me asking if `everything was okay' to his other son. When I turned to look at him, there was his glorious penis protruding out of a nice dark bush, resting on a good sized bag with these very strong muscular moderately hairy legs and really nice feet. This was all in a quick glance of course. I looked up at him and we winked at me.

"All done buddy"? He lifted his son out of the tub, wrapped him in a towel, wrapped himself in towel, and trotted off to the bedroom.

I knelt on the floor beside the tub, face-flushed and obviously excited, and my bi-curious self was taking over. I knew then, I not only wanted to touch his penis, I wanted to play with it a little. He was one sexy guy. As usual, once the kids were in bed, we went back to the family room. He said he'd grab some beer and something to eat.

I flopped down on the couch, stretched out a little, and he returned with the beer, and a bag of chips -- and, completely nude. "So um, I've got beer, chips and sorry, only one hot dog". Then he wiggled his dick around a little, at which time I told him to fuck off. He asked me to scooch over so he could sit down, and suddenly I was sitting there with my best friend and brother-in-law. I pretended to feel a little uncomfortable kicking him away and so we started to wrestle a little with my saying I didn't want his naked schlong beside me, and him saying it was his house and he could do what he wanted. We had fun for about 5 minutes until he ended up sitting naked on my lap holding me down. He kept wiggling around and pushing down putting pressure on my dick and man, I started to harden up. I pushed him over, removing him off me, but our legs were kind of intertwined, his naked, mine clothed. We laughed hard, but stayed comfortably entangled in each other while we watched the movie and ate chips. It felt incredibly comfortable and sexy, and manly and good. His naked leg was stretched out against mine, and when I looked over at him, I could look at his face and his cock. I really didn't want to move because it felt so good, and I think he felt the same way. We adjusted our legs every once in awhile, but not to disconnect from each other, but to get more intimate. By the end of the movie, his foot was up against the side of my face, and my arm was resting on his thigh. He had a great body, and really nice looking cock. I was wondering what it looked like hard.

The movie was over and it's the first time we looked at each other for more than a second. There he was, his legs spread, his cock on display, and my legs draped on him. "Well, I guess it's time to go to bed" he said almost as though we just had sex.

"Oh man, this is so comfortable here". I said grabbing hold of his foot and pushing it against the side of my face. He threw his head back and smiled, then slowly ran his hand through his thick hair.

"I know what you mean" he said. There was sexual frustration in his voice, and I know we were both at the point of decision making. We were both wincing at each other. He looked at me with a look that said -- if I asked this and he doesn't like it he's going to punch me out. But when the words came from his mouth, I said "ummm, sorta, kind of, I dunno....I kind of want to know what it feels like with you".

Ben slowly disentagled himself from me, making sure that his foot put some pressure on my cock a couple of times, and then he stood up and said, "let me help you get these pants off buddy".

I unzipped, pulled down my pants and underwear already revealing my hard cock. He laughed and yanked my pants off the rest of the way. I decided I'd let him take the lead. His next step was easy and incredibly hot. He easily climbed on top of me, and our two hard cocks met for the first time. At first he didn't lay right on top of me, it was light touching -- cock swaying -- light touches of pubes against pubes, and we both moaned in soft pleasure. Then I pulled him in to me, and our cocks became enmeshed with each other. We actually didn't kiss, but our foreheads pressed hard one against the other as we writhed, and slowly felt one cock explore the other. We did this for a long time, along with moans and manly giggles and smiles, surrounded by the smell of his body, and the intimate touching of hairy legs together, smelling his arm pit and close to his face. Finally I couldn't stand it, and I whispered I was going to cum, as did he and together, we pressed into each other and felt the pulses of our cocks as our semen pumped out.

It was so incredible. We both fell asleep and woke up together in the same position at about 5AM -- an hour before he usually got up. We were both hard but knew we didn't want to get caught, so both of us with incredibly sexy smiles, got up quietly and went to our own beds.

I was quiet and contemplative the whole day, and oh yes -- stayed hard for most of it too. I didn't wash. I wanted the feel and smell of his cum on me. The following night, his parents volunteered to take the kids, so when he came home from work, he got them packed up and soon after, they were gone.

He kept his head down and said he was going to take a shower, but he stayed in there for a long time. I don't know if he wanted me to join him, or if he thought things were a little awkward, so I just sat down and started leafing through a magazine. When he came out of the washroom, he went into his bedroom, and came out wearing a tshirt and his old jogging shorts again.

He stood in front of me for a minute, then sat down beside me. I'm telling you, I felt like I did when I was with all my best friends in a tree house -- huddled up together reading comic books, except we were adults, making each other feel good.

He put his hand on my leg, "you okay?" he asked.

"Oh yea, you okay?"

He just nodded his head yes. Then he said my sister would be home in a few hours. I nodded my head. "Is there anything else you want to do" he asked without looking at me. We sat there for a few minutes in silence, just being close. Now, that could have meant, going out to eat, or playing golf, but recognizing what we had done the night before, I presumed he was talking about sex.

Without looking at him, "I want you to cum in my mouth . I want to suck you for awhile."

He sat back and smiled. He threw his head back and closed his eyes. "You sure?" he asked quietly.

I waited for a minute, `cause even though I thought I was sure, and was really nervous about sucking my brother-in-law, I realized I had been anticipating it all day. "Yup, I'd like to" I replied.

There was silence again, and then, he stood up, and slowly dropped his shorts revealing an incredible erection that was going to be in my mouth in a second. It was a nice heavy cock with big balls, and I realized we were getting ready for sex.

"How do you want to do it?" he has asked smiling while he was walking closer to my face. I reached forward and grabbed his penis then let go.

"Right here. How about you just straddle my face? Your couch is pretty big and so is that cock."

He laughed, and then we started our movement. I laid down straight with my head on the pillow, and he crawled on the couch kneeling on both sides of my body and slowly working his way up until that big man cock was hanging above my face.

I grabbed it and stroked it a little, and then he leaned in and supported himself on the armrest taking his penis and pushing it into my mouth. There it was, he was in. I breathed in heavily smelling his pubes, and his crotch for the first time. It was great to have him in my mouth and I didn't do anything except feel him in my mouth and his balls against my chin for a couple of minutes. Then I started to suck, and lick, and let him play with me, rubbing his cock across my face, sticking it in my mouth, my ear, rubbing it on my hair, then moving up so I could lick his balls. And so it went for about an hour. Sometimes we'd stop for a few minutes but his cock would stay deep in my throat while we relaxed, then, he'd start to pump again.

At some point, we both knew it was time to cum, and I started to jerk the base of his cock while flicking the head with my tongue, then sucking hard. "Okay buddy, here it comes", and he just started to spurt on my tongue and then I swallowed him while he came down my throat. He pumped slowly, and I loved it. Then he withdrew, and let his penis rest on my lips, then across my face, then back in my mouth and then he collapsed heavy on my face. I wrapped my arms around his ass and sucked him deep.

"Fuck" he whispered, "even your sister doesn't swallow my juice". Then he pressed harder into my face and squirmed around a little. He rolled off me and onto the floor and I relaxed back on the couch.

"Holy shit Ben, that was incredible" I said with complete satisfaction. We were quiet again for a few minutes. "You smell and taste great. Your crotch is a delicacy. Pause. Wanna do it again"?

He laughed, and said -- talking like a businessman -- "absolutely, but um this time, let's double up".

I stood up, dropped my pants, and slid down so my cock was at his mouth and his was at mine. I watched as he licked and slurped, and shook it a little, and even licked up the precum that was there when I was sucking him. I grabbed his muscular thighs and brought him into me. This incredible man cock I had access to.

So we rocked back and forth enjoying our new level of friendship; worshipping each other's cocks, laughing, smiling, sucking, blowing, smelling and sucking some more. We decided we would try to cum together, and it almost worked but because I hadn't cum earlier, I just started to blast in his mouth, but he didn't keep it in his mouth for long. He just kept jerking it and didn't mind that it was on his cheek. I brought him back on top of me and asked him to fuck my face which he did. Nice and hard so his pubes were in my nose. I massaged his big balls while he fucked my mouth and then he stopped, pushed down hard and started to cum again.

We collapsed again and dozed off for a few minutes when I heard voices. I was scared to death it was my sister, and shook Ben awake. We were in half a daze trying to get dressed when we realized it was actually the neighbor's kids.

We gave each other a good tight hug, our crotches rubbing against each other.

"You know Brad, I don't want to let this go...what are you doing next week"? I told him my job didn't start for another week, so...I was available. We decided to take a few precautions just in case one of the kids woke up and came downstairs. So we'd keep on our tshirts, wear our shorts, where we could have easy access.

It was time for me to go, but had to piss and so did he. We both went to the toilet together and pissed. I loved looking at his big man-cock. It was just fantastic. I told him I couldn't let him go just yet. So I sat down on the toilet, and put his penis back in my mouth. He didn't get hard, but it was like a friendly goodbye.

He looked down at me and said, "Brad, let make our cocks part of this family friendship -- whenever we can".

And so began something pretty wonderful between two great friends.

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