Brother in Law

By Clifford Simpson

Published on Mar 11, 2001


This story is a continuation of Chapter 1 and involves M/M sexual interaction between two married men. ****************************************************************

Steve and Karen went off on a European honeymoon for one month after their wedding, and when they returned, they threw themselves into their work.. My wife and I missed their company, but we stayed in contact by phone.

After about 5 months had passed, and the weather was a little nicer, we decided to get together for a well-deserved relaxing weekend.

Although it wasn't quite the summer holiday season yet, it was pleasant enough to get a cabin by the lake for off-season rates. I did some calling around and found us a nice two-bedroom log cabin that was just off the most popular area of the holiday town, in a more private setting.

The week before our weekend away, my wife and I were having a good-ole-argument. She was so behind on her workload and didn't want to go, while I was telling her it was exactly what she (we) needed. And then, on the Wednesday evening, we got a call from Steve telling us that Karen was really sick with the flu, and they didn't think they'd be able to attend. It was too late to cancel to get our money back, so that wasn't even an option.

So, I was stuck with my wife who didn't really want to go, and a long weekend ahead. Oh well, I thought, she could bring up her laptop and work to her heart's content, and I'd do -- well whatever I felt like doing.

Early Thursday morning, the phone rang, and it was Karen wanting to speak to Cynthia. When they got off the phone, a suggestion was made that Steve and I go up to the cabin on our own. They'd be much happier alone -- Karen getting better, and Cynthia finishing her work. I called Steve back, and although not entirely enthusiastic (as the 4 of us got along so well, and he didn't feel right leaving Karen alone and sick) we agreed to go ahead.

Still driving separately, we headed up the next morning, with the intent to meet the cabin owner at our designated place at 11 AM. She was a nice older, healthy looking woman, who felt bad about our plight, but was glad we were able to make use of the place. She let us know of good fishing in the area, and all the necessary details we needed to know about the cabin. (She didn't know that neither of us were fisherman)

Steve pulled up just as I was finishing off the conversation with Mrs. Hampton, and was quickly introduced. When she walked away, Steve and I gave each other a good welcoming hug. It was really nice to see him.

We got back in our respective cars and following the directions, finally found our cabin. It was beautiful. Not really rustic, but a well-kept cabin, stained with a lighter natural stain, and in immaculate condition. Looking through the windows, it looked like there was very comfortable furniture inside. The back of the place had beautiful tall evergreens lining the lot, but the front faced onto the small bay at the end of the lake. Even though many of the trees were just budding, it was breathtaking. We both sighed, as we knew our partners would have loved the setting, and we just stood there silently taking in the scent of the outdoors.

When we got inside, we plopped our bags and our food down and both fell backwards on the couch together. Our arms went across the other's shoulders in a welcoming embrace, and we sat back -- together -- in warm silence.

"It's good to see you again.... it's been a long time". We just sat quietly for a few minutes before we spoke again. It felt like we had to adjust. Leaning back with one arm behind the other's back, our blue-jeaned thighs touching, and every once in awhile, one foot would trace the others. It was nice. I'm sure we were both recollecting our last two meetings, which had taken us from friends, to cock sucking brother-in-laws. Who would have known after all these years!

Almost at the same time, we both sat up, and routinely started to put things away. We grabbed our suitcases and both went in the same bedroom. There were no questions and no hesitation; we both knew we'd be sharing the same bed. We put our clothes in the dressers, and I took our suitcases to the other room throwing them on the bed.

After the clothes, it was food, and we both got a good look at what the other had brought. I was sure it was going to be a good healthy weekend.

"Let's go down to the lake, and see what's up"! Steve said. As we hadn't yet taken off our outdoor clothes, we just trotted off down to the water to take a look. Off-season, there was hardly anyone there. There were bird sounds, squirrels and chipmunks chattering away, and that incredibly calming sound of water lapping up against the sand.

We decided to stroll along the very narrow beach picking up sticks, throwing them along with stones into the water. We talked and joked and threw typical male competitive comments at each other, but it was all for fun.

We decided to head back for lunch and raced all the way, pushing each other into the bushes or onto the sand, trying to knock the other down. By the end we were laughing so hard we could hardly get up the little hill that led up to the cabin, but we made it -- equally -- each of us trying to not let the other person in through the cabin door.

When we got in we continued our jostling, pushing and bumping into each other. All we were trying to do was make a couple of big meaty sandwiches, but it took forever as one of us would take the other's bread and toss it across the room, or the knife would end up back in the drawer or fridge ... I'm sure you've been there...just having silly fun.

Finally, we grabbed our food and took it, along with a couple of beers, outside to sit on the large wooden chairs facing the water.

When we were done, Steve went inside to take a piss, and when he returned, he asked if I wanted any dessert. When I asked him what he brought, he walked over to me, slightly opening his flannel jacket, revealing that beautiful huge soft penis hanging out of his blue jeans.

I glanced at it for a split second, but pretended I didn't see it. "So, what did you bring" I asked trying to play it absolutely straight.

"Oh I think there's a couple of donuts, some cookies, some fruit, and..uh...oh yah.. a bag of cream! ....but you know, you have to do a little work to get to it...but I uh, hear it's really tasty".

Now we both were holding in our laughter as he moved in for the kill. His penis was really close to my face.... "So, what'll it be...cookies...(he took another step closer).....or cream?" With that I pulled him closer while his penis brushed against my face. I breathed in deeply savoring the scent of his hairy bag. I pulled it out of his fly so there was his huge cock, lots of pubes and his big bag.

"He's missed you," Steve said. "I've missed him too" I replied and pulled his penis to my mouth. Steve walked into my face, his legs bending just a little to get a better angle for his dick to enter my mouth. He stood on his toes so the tip of his soft cock could just slip past my lips. Man, he tasted great. He was smiling down at me, and I'd look up regularly to return the smile. He started to fuck my face really slowly, letting me take it down to his pubes, and slowly pulling out, sometimes resting it on my face so I could sniff and lick his bag, but then, he'd slide it back in and begin again.

It was now something comfortable and familiar to me, and this guy's dick was just so great -- it was hard to resist.

"Are you ready for treat number 1 for the weekend? Do you want to empty that bag of cream into your tummy"?

All I could do is nod with his hairy boner in my mouth. I grabbed his blue- jeaned ass, and held on tight as he started to give me a good fucking. He was slamming into home base good, hard and fast, when he grabbed my head close to him and stood still when his whole body tensed up and he let go of a real load full of semen. I took it down deep until he was done. When he was finished, he pulled out, but let his soft cock to caress my face. He knew I liked that and I enjoyed the light touch of his pubic hair on my chin and nose.

"Now we can start the weekend," he said with a huge beautiful smile.

He flopped down on his chair, with only the dick-head and his dark pubes sticking out of his fly and finished drinking his beer. We sat and drank our beer in quiet; me rinsing his semen down my throat, and him just relishing in the fact that his old friend and brother-in-law had just sucked him off.

Within minutes he moved his chair over to mine and plopped his legs up on my lap. We clinked our glasses and cheered, "To Cocksucking".

"Steve, I have to tell you that dick of yours just gets me all cranked up. You've got this very distinct odor that gets me flying, and the shape and size of your dick and bag are just, well perfect".

"And I like it too" he replied like the leprechaun from the Lucky Charms commercial.

Steve took off his hiking boots, and put his feet back on my lap and we started to talk and he started to tell me about his honeymoon, and the great stuff they did. We didn't talk a lot about sex because they'd lived together for awhile before getting married. I think they'd already had a few honeymoons. This was just a trip to celebrate their marriage. The only thing both our wives didn't do was give blowjobs, and we'd agreed to help each other out in that department when we were both comfortable with it. It seemed I was a little more excited with doing it than he was, but I didn't mind and he was completely happy with the arrangement.

While we talked, I massaged his socked feet and found myself sitting there with a hardon. I made sure that while I was massaging his feet, I pressed the heel of his left foot onto my hard penis. Somewhere in the middle of his storytelling, I switched into the "I'm gonna cum" mode and he started to move his foot over my hard cock.. It was quick and gooey. My cock gushed a huge load, and my boxers were soaked. I gave a huge sigh of relief, and then told him to finish his story.

When his story was finished, we slowly got up and sauntered into the cabin to have a snooze. This was after all, a holiday. He went to the bed, and I plopped on the couch. After a couple of hours, the high-pitched ring of Steve's cell phone broke my very comfortable sleep. It was Karen asking him if all was okay and that she missed us and wished she were there.

When he got off the phone, Steve sat beside me on the couch with an inquisitive look. "What do you think the girls would say if they knew what we were doing"? "Hmmm, I'm not sure. Maybe they'd really get off on seeing the two of us suck each other.....maybe they'd see it wasn't so bad....or maybe they'd totally freak out and leave us! Why, are you thinking of telling them"?

"No, no...I was just wondering". At that moment, I suddenly realized I was a little jealous, and thought, if this came out into the open, I may never be able to suck his cock again. I hoped it wouldn't happen, but decided to put it out of my mind for now.

When I went to get up, I realized that all my semen had dried inside my shorts, and my pubes were all sticking together and to my prick.. "Ahh" I screamed, and sat back down. "All my cum has dried up. I have to get out of these clothes. I've been pasted together with semen glue".

I got up and went into the bedroom sliding off my shoes and pants, then peeling off my boxers. I strutted out into the hallway and into the washroom to wash off the dried up semen off my crotch area. Steve came in to watch what I was doing, and we started to chat about daily if it was a normal thing to do while watching your best buddy clean up his cum.

When I was done, I hung up my underwear to dry it out and ended up standing there in my sweater and socks. There was a moment of silence, when Steve, unbuckled his jeans and let them slip to the floor. The two of us hugged each other, and lightly pressed our hairy dicks together. We stood back and watched our cocks play together. It was great slipping my dick in through his pubic hair, and him doing the same to me. Then, continuing with the game, we'd step back to see if we could get the tips of our dicks touching. That was a sensation I always loved. We both were oozing precum, but it was good when our piss-slits connected and we would lightly brush our cock heads together. We did this for about 30 minutes, both of us looking down, watching "our boys" play together. We'd giggle, we'd moan and it felt damn good!

There was one moment, where I felt overcome with passion, and looked up into Steve's eyes only to find he was doing the same. Before this, it had been cock-play, but it was becoming something else. We moved together and with our faces only inches from each other, I leaned in and kissed him, then stood back. We both smiled, and in a minute we grabbed our heads and faces and started to kiss. First lips, then tongues. What a strange and exciting feeling to have our faces and cocks together -- exploring each other. We stood there for a long time, passionately kissing, slowly then quickly and we both found ourselves very emotional.

Together, we started to laugh with tears of joy -- that moment when you know you absolutely love someone. We didn't need to say it. We knew it and knew we were in a very special relationship.

We looked at the clock and realized that the afternoon had slipped away from us. We slipped our clothes back on and made ourselves some dinner, eating mostly in silence, just enjoying each other's presence.

In the evening, we went for a long aggressive walk through the woods timing it so we'd get to the cabin before it got pitch black. Back at the cabin, I made a fire, while Steve got us both a couple of scotches. We sat back on the couch together, when I finally admitted that I could probably suck his cock all night. I told him there was something about the smell of his body and especially his crotch that did something to me that I'd never felt before.

With that, he stood up, removed everything except his socks and sat back down.

"We've got two days. This is a holiday to make us both relax and relieve stress -- so you do what makes you feel good, and I'll do what makes me feel good".

He sat back spreading his legs and for the next 4 hours, I sucked his penis and his balls; not continuously, but on and off. There was a few times when he or I had to go to the washroom, or to the kitchen to get a drink. One time when he came back from the washroom, I was sitting naked by the couch. When he sat down, I asked him to sit back so that his ass was also showing. It was an exquisite sight, and I just sniffed and smelled and licked for about 30 minutes. It's the first time I made my way down past his balls and into his asshole. That was cool being able to lick down his asscrack, but it didn't last long. He was excited about wasn't really comfortable with me lingering around his asshole.

We got into a 69 in front of the fireplace where we did a frantic suck-off competition to see who could cum first. I won! I had been waiting my turn to be sucked off all day, and when it finally happened, I popped really fast damn it.

But -- he kept sucking, and I had to keep sucking him until he shot off. We lingered in front of the fire, talking and licking and touching and sucking.

The end of the evening ended with me on my knees -- and him giving me a really hard face-fuck. That's when he was sweaty, and a little drunk . He held on to the sides of my head and just went wild. (I was laughing at his drunkenness and the little porn act we were putting on, but I kept him in my mouth the whole time) As you all should know by now, I loved the smell of those pubes, and the chance to hold his balls. That beautiful hard cock of his was getting a good workout. I was holding on to his hairy ass when he sat down holding on to my head. I did some hard work, bobbing up and down taking it all in, while my own boner was brushing up against his hairy leg. He felt my cock, and moved his leg towards me further so that my cock and his skin could get better contact. Just before he came, my dick started to spew its own cum all over his leg and in seconds he started to spew in my mouth. He screamed and laughed as he came "oh fuck -- oh man -- fuck fuck fuck...what a cocksucker....what a great fuckin' cocksucker". After I cleaned him up with my tongue, I stood up in front of him. He saw that some of my own semen was on my cock and balls, and he motioned me to step forward. I stepped in between his legs and he leaned in and used his tongue to clean my cock and balls He was incredible and it was great to be looking down at him for a change thoroughly washing my tools with his tongue.

The rest of our weekend was similar. Eating, walking and slurping. I'm enjoying my new brother-in-law!

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Next: Chapter 3

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