Brother 2 Brother

By moc.loa@43namzyW

Published on Jan 10, 2005



By Michael Martell


"Hello Matthew, this is Sean but I guess you know that. Give me a call if and when you feel like it."

At least that was the message that I wanted to leave but instead I left this message:

"Hello Matthew, please call me. I need to talk to you."

I sounded like a wimp. I sounded pathetic. I sounded like a man who was losing someone important in his life and didn't know the reason why. Since the huge misunderstanding at my house with Matthew and Ryan it seemed like there was a wall up between Matthew and I. It wasn't a big wall but it was a wall. At first I just chalked it up to moodiness but when he missed a group session and wasn't returning my phone calls I started wondering what was really going on. But I couldn't because I couldn't get him to talk to me. As I hung up the phone after making my third call to Matthew's cellphone for the day there was a knock on my office door. I looked up to see Ryan outside my door. I waved him in.

"How are you doing?" He said as he walked in with his big smile on his face.

"I'm doing fine, Ryan," I said forcing a smile on my face. Ryan took a seat in one of the chairs in front of my desk.

"Still no contact with Matthew?" I had filled in Ryan on the details about me and Matthew. I didn't intend to tell him but I had no one else to talk to that understood what had happened. Shane wasn't home and Eric and the others, well, honestly I didn't want to tell them. Ryan was my sounding board.

"Still no contact and I don't know why?"

Ryan rubbed his jaw where the bruise he had gotten that night use to be. "Oh I have an idea."

"Ryan," I said for the millionth time, "That isn't it." However, It was hard for me to believe that more I was unable to get in touch with Matthew and talk to him.

"Okay, Okay," Ryan said raising his hands up in a begging off fashion "That's not what I came in here to talk to you about."

"So what did you come here for?" I asked, relieved that we were off the subject of my life and Matthew.

"It's about the Ver-Tech meeting." He said.

"Ver-Tech? Was there a problem with my report?" I asked. I had worked on an analysis report on Ver-Tech's computer systems. Chip Stevenson and Ryan were meeting with Ver-Tech executives about their systems. "It was very thorough. They have decent systems considering and upgrades aren't going to be that expensive..."

"Whoa Sean," Ryan interrupted, "It's not about your report or rather not completely. After Chip read your report he thought it would be a great idea for you to attend the meeting with us."

I didn't know what to say to that. I had never attended meetings between Chip, Ryan and our clients. It's not that I couldn't hold my own in a meeting of that sort it's just that it wasn't a part of my job description plus no one ever asked me.

"Hol' up, Ryan," I replied, "I've never been to a meeting with our clients. Why now?"

Ryan smiled as he sat in one of the two chairs in front of my desk. "It's the first time that a client requested to hear from the man who did the work and Chip was in full agreement."

I shook my head in disbelief. "They requested for me to be there?"

Ryan chuckled, "Don't sound so shocked. You are good at what you so, Sean."

I gave in, "Okay."

Ryan smiled and got to his feet. "Good. The meeting is at 11:00 am sharp, don't be late."

I wasn't late but I was the last one to arrive in the conference room where Chip Stevenson and Ryan sat at the head of the table both smiling. Next to them sat two men in their late thirties, early forties. One was a white man with a pale complexion, pale blond hair with gray at the temples. He was about 10 pounds over weight but he wore it well. The man next to him was African American, he had micro-twisted in his jet black hair, a neatly trimmed mustache and no beard. He had a very dark complexion and there was something about his features, he looked like he was maybe African or maybe from one of the Islands. He looked fit, lean, trim and very handsome.

Chip got to his feet and everyone else followed suit. "Gentlemen, here is the genius behind it all," He announced proudly. "This is Sean Jackson, a very valued member of our team. Sean Jackson allow me to introduce you to William Washington Wilson and Charles Omar Campbell, IV from Ver-Tech."

The white man stepped forward and extended his hand to me. "William Wilson but everyone calls me W.W."

"Pleasure, sir."

"I guess that makes me Charles Omar Campbell, IV," The African American said as he extended his hand. "But everyone calls me Charles." I shook his hand and smiled pleasantly at this very handsome man. He had a firm but gentle handshake and those hands were very well manicured. He had a bright smile, a charming smile, a dangerously sexy smile.

"My pleasure," I replied and it was my pleasure.

"Well, if everyone would take their seats we can being." Chip said.

The meeting ended about forty five minutes after it began. At first all I did was just sit and listen as they talked about their plans and what they wanted to do with the suggestions and upgrades that I had recommended. I was trying to stay focused but I found myself glancing over at Charles Omar Campbell, IV and the more I glanced at him the more I realized that he was very doable and my dick, against my wishes, started getting hard. When Chip called on me to say a few things about what I suggested, which I was not prepared for, I hesitated a moment as I willed my dick to go down. When It did I began.

"Mr. Jackson," It was W.W calling after me as I was heading back to my office. When I turned around he was being followed by Charles Campbell. "Mr. Jackson, may we have a moment."

"Sure," I said, "Would you like to go to my office?" I asked. W.W and Charles looked at each other and nodded. "Follow me."

"We want to cut right to the chase," W.W began, as they entered my office and took a seat.


Charles flashed that white smile, "We were impressed by your work and your presentation today."

"Thank you," I replied.

"I mean very impressed," Charles said.

"So impressed that we want to make you a job offer." W.W jumped in.

I wasn't ready for that and I know I was sitting there with my mouth wide open looking like a fool. "A job offer?"

"A very lucrative job offer." W.W added.

I shook my head, "I appreciate that but I'm happy here besides I don't feel comfortable talking to you about that here."

They looked at each other and smiled. "You have no idea why we requested you to attend the meeting, do you?" W.W asked.

"Actually, I don't." I replied.

"We requested you to be at the meeting to see if what Chip and Ryan was telling us about you was true." Charles enlightened.

"I see," then a thought came to me, "Do Chip and Ryan know that you are making me a job offer?"

The looks they exchanged gave me my answer before W.W. spoke.

"We wouldn't have come in here without letting them know our intentions."

"And what did they say?" I asked, curious.

W.W and Charles both smiled. "They said the decision was up to you and which ever way you decided they wouldn't get in the way." W.W explained.

"They did request a chance to meet or better our offer, though." Charles added.

I didn't know what to say nor think. "Gentlemen, I don't know what to say?"

"How about listen to our offer and then say yes." Charles said with a smile.

Twenty minutes later W.W and Charles Omar Campbell, IV left my office with a promise that I would consider their very generous job offer. That offer was a position with Ver-Tech as the head of their computer department with a nice salary and even a company car. I would be earning upwards of $80,000 a year a considerable bump from what I was making now. It was a great opportunity both financially and professionally and as I stood outside of Ryan's office that was what I was thinking. But was the grass greener on the other side? God, I needed to talk to some, Shane or Matthew. I abruptly turned away from Ryan's door and headed back to my office. I picked up the phone and dialed Matthew's number. I fell silent for about 2 seconds when he answered.

"Hello?" He said.

"Hi Matthew," I spoke, his voice snapping me out of my shock.

"Oh hi," He replied. Oh hi? That was what I got, Oh hi? After all this time I get `Oh hi'?

"Matthew," I began, "I think we need to talk."

"Yes, we do." Matthew said. "I want to say that I apologize for how I have been acting. I don't know what's been up with me but I do know this, I have hated not talking to you and not seeing you. I realized something...I'm falling in love with you."

My mouth dropped open. Did I just hear him say he was falling in love with me? I didn't know what to say which was good since he was still talking. "That was why I left the group."

"You left the group?" I gasped, "Matthew..."

"Please, Sean, listen to me. I can't be apart of that group with all these feelings I have for you. Dr. Segars agreed."

"Matthew, you love the group," I replied.

"Yes and he'll find me a new group to work with but I can't work with your group when I'm feeling you like I do."

I still wasn't believing this. What kind of day was this. I was offered a great job and now this man that I have found incredibly attractive has just told me that he is falling in love with me.

"So, what you thinking?" Matthew asked.

I shook my head. "Matthew...I don't know what to say..."

"Can I come by and see you tonight?" Matthew asked.

"Yes, ofcourse, Matthew." I could hear him smiling on his end.

"I'll see you at 8 o'clock tonight then."

"Okay, by Matthew." I replied.

"Bye Sean," As I hung up the phone I saw Ryan standing there looking at me with a smile on his face. I hadn't even heard him open my office nor walk in. I started to blush. "Ryan, how much did you hear?"

Ryan flashed a smile and I knew he heard more than I wanted him or anyone else to hear.

"So you got in touch with Matthew," Ryan said, "I'm glad."

I nodded. "So, I guess you know that I had a talk with the clients."

"Hmmm, really?" Ryan said trying to play innocent.

"Yes and they made me a very temping offer."

"Really? So what are you going to do?" Ryan asked.

I frowned, "I don't know. It's a very good offer and I would be crazy to turn it down but then on the other hand, I like it here."

"Well, all I can tell you is to sleep on it. Think about it and do what is best for you."

"Yeah, I guess."

"You will do what is best for you." He added as he moved towards the door.

"Don't you want to know what the offer was?"

Ryan smiled, "I already know." And he left closing the door behind him.

When I got home there was a voice message from Shane telling me that his plane would be arriving the next evening. I was glad he was coming home I didn't know how much I missed my brother nor how big the house was without him. We had our problems in the past year but everything was good, or at least working that way. We had said some hurtful things to each other that only time would heal but no matter what I love my brother.

By six o'clock I had taken a long hot soak in the bath tub applied lotion and baby powder to my body and dressed in a comfortable Sean Jean warm up suit. I started to make something to eat but I decided I would wait. I got online, something I did very little of and I always avoided the chat rooms and I answered no IM from anyone I didn't know. I checked my email. I was reading an email from my friend Tremaine but my mind was still on the offer from W.W and Charles as well as the things that Matthew had said to me on the phone. A job that pays $80,000 was nothing to sneeze at. I loved where I worked and I know Ryan and Chip would love to match that but they couldn't at least not right now and not many job offers like this one comes along. I needed to talk to someone. I logged off and made a phone call.

"Hello, may I speak to Mohammed, Please?" A few seconds later Mohammed was on the phone. I explained to him about the job offer and broke it down for him and after a moment he responded.

"Sean," He began, "it seems to me that the question you have to ask yourself is this. Which one will make me happy? Which one will make me satisfied? Which one will give you what you want?" I listened to what he had to say and what he told me and I knew my answer. As hard as it would be to leave a job that I have grown to love, it was time for me to go. I picked up the phone and called Ryan's cellphone. I wanted to tell him what I was going to do now instead of waiting until tomorrow but when his voice mail picked up I hung up and decided that I would just wait until tomorrow. When the doorbell rang I looked at my watch. It was eight o'clock. Time had creeped up on me. I got up and went to the door.

Matthew was standing there with a bright beautiful smile on his face. As I stood there looking at him it was like I was seeing him for the first time. He was so sexy with his long dreds, which had had pulled back and tied. His deep, dark Hershey chocolate complexion was just so beautiful and smooth and sexy to me. God, that was when I realized that the man in my dreams, the man that I had been dreaming and having wet dreams about was this man, Matthew Siad Muhammed.

"May I come in?" He asked as he flashed that beautiful smile. I stepped aside and allowed him in. No sooner had I closed the door behind me I was in his arms and kissing him passionately. I don't even thing Matthew was prepared for that from me, I wasn't prepared for it myself but I had to be in his arms, I had to kiss him, I had to be next to him.

"Damn babe," Matthew gasped as he reluctantly pulled away from the kiss. "If I knew telling you that I was falling in love with you was going to cause this I would have said it sooner."

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't...I mean..." Matthew covered my mouth with his as we kissed again. I had never been kissed like he was kissing me. My body was on fire, I wanted him so much and I could tell he wanted me. Matthew ended the kiss and I was breathless.

"Let's sit down and talk." Talk? Talking was not what I wanted to do or be doing. This sexy motherfucker had come in and turned me on and now he wanted to talk. But I lead him into the living room and we sat together on the sofa. I couldn't stop looking at him. God, Matthew was the man for me.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I asked him. Matthew smiled as he took my hand into his. It felt nice. It felt very nice.

"About me, about you, about us." Matthew said. I squeezed his hand.

"Okay." I answered.

Matthew cleared his throat. "First, I have to tell you this. From the moment I first saw you, met you I was very attracted to you." I couldn't believe my ears but I didn't say anything just listened. "And the more I learned about you the more I found myself falling for you and it scared me."

"Scared you? Why did it scare you?" I asked as I held onto his hand, stroking it with mine.

Matthew looked away for a second but then turned back to me. "Because, I had never thought that I would find love again and after my rape I felt like love was not in the cards for me. That I was just going to be a lonely old man and die alone."

"Oh Matt." I said lifting his hand to my lips and kissing it.

"But here you are and I couldn't...I didn't want to hide it anymore. I want to be with you, Sean. I want to get to know more about you. I want to spend my time and hopefully my life with you. I want to grow old with you, sitting on the front porch in matching rocking chairs just rocking and watching the world go by."

"Matthew," I said, feeling a lump in my throat, "I have waited so long to find someone who felt the way you do. I want to be with you. I want to know you and be with you forever, if there is such a thing as forever." Matthew smiled and pulled me into another long and passionate kiss. I would not be able to take too many more kisses like that.

Matthew held me close and it felt good cuddling with him on the sofa. "I just realized that you don't know much about me."

"mmmm...I don't," I purred happily into his muscular chest.

"Well, let me tell you about me. I am the only son of Abdullah Siad and Victoria Muhammed..." As Matthew went on I stayed cuddled with him as he told me about his parents. His father was a college professor teaching, what else, African American studies. His mother was a psychologist and therapist. Matthew had known he was gay for as long as he could remember but he tried and tried to deny it and even had gotten engaged but he ended that after he had a sexual encounter with his fiancee's brother. It was tough being the only gay son in a muslim family. I briefly thought about Mohammed as I listened to the sound of his sexy voice enjoying the time with Matthew. The sound of the ringing telephone cut through the atmosphere like a bull running through a china shop. I started to ignore the phone but with Shane out of town I decided I better answer it.

"Hello Sean," It was Ryan. I had forgot I had called him but I didn't leave a message.

"Hey Ryan, how are you?"

"Doing fine, I saw by my caller ID that you called. Is everything okay?"

"Yes, everything is fine. I called to tell you about my decision about the offer."

"Your decision, I see." I could tell that Ryan had not expected this early of a response. I glanced over to see Matthew, who was sitting and waiting for me. He didn't seem upset but I felt I needed to get off the phone.

"Ryan, can I talk to you about it tomorrow?" I asked.

"Sure, bad news is always best when told later." Ryan replied.

I hung up the phone and cuddled up to Matthew again. "Sorry, that was Ryan."

"I figured that out." He replied, "What offer were you talking about?" He asked.

I closed my eyes and snuggled into Matthew more. "Nothing, I was offered a job making $80,000." Matthew pushed me away and then held me as an excited look crossed his face.

"What did you say?"

I sat up and told him about what had happened and what I had decided.

"Sean, that's fantastic!" He was excited as I was. "I'm happy for you."

"Thank you boo," That felt nice calling someone boo. Matthew kissed me again.

"We need to celebrate. How about we go out for dinner.?" He said. But I shook my head as I grabbed him and kissed him again.

"How about a breakfast celebration." I said as I kissed him deeply putting my tongue into his mouth. I snaked my hands into his shirt and started playing with his chest. Matthew moaned softly as I kissed him and when he kissed me back I thought about how nice it would be to be with someone again.

We walked back to my bedroom kissing and removing our clothes each step of the way and by the time we were laying on the bed we were butt naked and kissing passionately. It felt so good to feel a warm body, his body next to me. His skin was beautiful, so soft and yet so hot and filled with fire. I kissed every part of his body that I could. When I kissed his neck he moaned and sighed. When I kissed his throat and down to his chest he inhaled. When my lips touched his nipples he shuddered and trembled. His whole body was hard and muscled, hard and sexy and I was loving the touch and feel of it. Every single each. My hand slide down and felt his dick. Damn it was long and thick. It felt like it was 9 maybe 9 ½ inches long and 3 or more inches thick. He moaned as I stroked it. He moaned my name and begged me not to stop. I had no plans in stopping until I had him in me. That was my plan. Matthew suddenly rolled me over and was on top of me kissing me passionately in every place that I kissed him. His tongue was masterful and my body was responding. I was on fire. I wanted him, I needed him, I had to have him. I felt his hands move down my body moving around to my ass, which he squeezed. He spread my legs and I could feel his finger ever so gently working into my ass. I gasped and sighed in all the pleasure. My body was screaming with wild desire and yes, lust. It had a long time and I was hot and ready.

"Matt," I moaned, "Please..." He covered my mouth in a passionate kiss as he spread my legs and thighs wider. There was a pause, I guess he was putting on a condom and as I laid there my eyes closed, waiting for him to enter me I saw his face. It was Silk Mitchell but that was impossible he was dead. But there he was over me, smiling and trying to kiss me. I pushed at his chest to get him off of me but he would move. He was trying to put his dick in me and I began to struggle. He wouldn't move. He wouldn't get off me. He was looking into my face.

"Stop struggling," He said, "I know you want it this!"

"NOOOOOOO!" I screamed as I started punching and kicking wildly. "GET OFF ME! NO NO NO NOT AGAIN....NOOOOOOO!"

"SEAN STOP IT!" I heard someone calling out, "SEAN...SEAN...GODDAMNIT SEAN!"

Someone shook me hard very hard and when I opened my eyes it was Matthew, with a look of fear and concern on his face. I sat up in the bed breathing heavy and terrified. Matthew stood next to the bed, he was naked and breathing heavy and hard, as if he was in pain.

"What happened?" I asked, as I realized I was trembling. The look Matthew gave me was one of confusion.

"What happened? You mean you don't remember?" He asked.

"No, what happened?"

Matthew sat gentle and gingerly on the edge of the bed. "Sean, we were about to make love. I was kissing you and then you started screaming and punching me and you kicked me...Sean..." Matthew's expression changed. He was looking at me as tears rolled down my face. I couldn't stop trembling. I couldn't stop shaking. I couldn't stop crying. He reached out to touch me and I flinched. Matthew got off the bed.


"Matthew...I...I...maybe you should go home." The look that crossed his face broke my heart. But he didn't say a word as he gathered up his clothes, got dressed and left. I got out of the bed and went into the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and there looking at me and smiling was Silk Mitchell. The next thing I knew the my mirror had exploded from where my fist had hit it and blood was everywhere.

[To be continued]

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Next: Chapter 10

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