Brother 2 Brother

By moc.loa@43namzyW

Published on Dec 1, 2004



Chapter 8: Shane

New Orleans is a wonderful city, a beautiful city and I could see myself living here. Momma V has shown me so much hospitality and love she has made it very hard to leave but it was about that time for me to get back to my life and work and my future. Momma V showed me and shared with me every picture and story about Victor that I would have ever cared to see and hear and it all felt like, like I was finally ending the chapter of a wonderful story and was ready to start a new one. But there was also another reason I had to get out of Dodge. It was Vincent. After what happened between us, after we had sex, I didn't see him anymore or when I did he was more distant than he was before. It was like he was upset with me and didn't know how to tell me or even if he wanted to tell me. I have to admit that it felt damn good being with Vincent. I mean he is sexy as hell and the brotha has skills in the bedroom. So what happened after that hot sex session. Well, the booze had worn off and he was now stone cold sober, maybe that was what was bothering him. Well, whatever it was that was keeping him away was his business and I was not going to let my final two days in New Orleans be ruined by him. Before I left New Orleans I had planned on experiencing the New Orleans gay night life.

I was surfing the web and discovered a website that had a list of all the gay and lesbian clubs and restaurants in New Orleans. It was on that site that I found out about this club on Rampart called Wolfendale's. Don't get me wrong, I love Momma V, I really, really do but I had been around her and her friends and the family and I just wanted...No, I needed to get out and yes, be around other gay brothas like myself. As I was getting the information on Wolfendale's the AOL IM window popped up on my screen. The screen name hitting me up was The Artist. He hit me up with `SUP' but before I responded to him I checked out his AOL profile and read the following:

Name: Artist for now... I'm Black 25 yo 5'9 155lbs

Location: New Orleans Louisiana

Gender: Male

Marital Status: Single

Hobbies & Interests: chillin, meeting new people, goin' out and having fun. Inshape brothas 18 to 45 y/o to chat with and take it from there save the drama 4 yo momma!

Favorite Gadgets: Versatile, It's about 8.5 to 9 inches. Both nipples pierced, tongue, and a few other places.

Occupation: See screen name...DUH

Personal Quote: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What beauty do you behold

Hometown HomePage:  HYPERLINK "" 

It was a pretty interesting profile he was a bit young for me but then again I wasn't looking for a relationship or anything, actually I wasn't even looking. I did find his personal quote very appealing and the fact that he claimed to be an artist interested me.

[The Artist: U there?]

I smiled and typed back.

[Sweet Shane: Yeah, I'm here. Peepin' your pfile]

I clicked on his AOL homepage to check this brotha out.

[The Artist: Whatcha think?]

He asked me that just as I was looking at his picture. The Artist was a real cutie. He had a baby face and I mean not just young looking, I am sure he gets carded even at 25, but I could tell by the picture that his face, his complexion was baby smooth and clear. No pimples, razor bumps, nothing. He had the most beautiful pecan tan complexion. He was sporting baby dreds that just hung down to the top of his ears and the back of his neck. Since he was shirtless in the picture I could see the two pierced nipples and he had a belly button ring, which looked cute on his smooth tummy. His chest was hairless and smooth as well and he wore a silver necklace with a big silver cross at the end of it. He had nice cheek bones and even though he wasn't smiling in the picture I could tell he had a cute smile. The Artist looked more like a model to me.

[Sweet Shane: Nice file and nice pic. U are a cutie.] I typed back. He was a cutie.

[The Artist: So are u. Very sexy.]

[Sweet Shane: Thanks.] I forgot I had my picture in my profile too.

[The Artist: So you visiting New Orleans. When u leaving?]

[Sweet Shane: The day after tomorrow.]

[The Artist: How long have you been here?]

[Sweet Shane: Just a little over a week. A death in the family and I came down to help out and pay my respects.] I explained though I didn't need to explain.

[The Artist: Sorry to hear that. My condolences.] It felt like a sincere reply but the last thing I wanted to do was start talking about death and funerals. I had had enough of that lately, believe me.

[Sweet Shane: Thank you.]

[The Artist: So what are going to do on your last two days?]

[Sweet Shane: I'm gonna see some of the New Orleans gay night life.]

[The Artist: =) sounds like a good idea. The night life in New Orleans can be off the hook.]

[Sweet Shane: I have heard that and now I wanna see it.] [The Artist: Would u like some company?]

He was a bold cat but most of the people online are bold. People looking for hookups and some quick sex or worse. I instantly thought about my brother Sean and his ordeal with a motherfucker that was a rapist. I looked at The Artist's picture. Honestly if he even tried anything I could beat his monkey ass down with no problem that's if I even met up with him which I wasn't going to be doing.

[Sweet Shane: That's okay, I have that covered.] I lied.

[The Artist: =( ]

He was very cute with that but I wasn't changing my mind. Not wanting to be online with The Artist for a long time I finally said goodbye.

Wolfendale's was pretty hot. Kind of small in comparison to some clubs I had been in but it reminded me of `Da City' back home. It was right off N. Rampart which was one of the main roads in New Orleans. The bar itself was kind of intimate is a better word to use. There was a long bar along the wall where many of New Orlean's finest...I mean PHINEST brothas in New Orleans were sitting there drinking drinks, talking shit and checking out the other brothers. When I walked in the music was going and I could feel the atmosphere of excitement and energy, sexual and other wise. From the moment I walked in I felt eyes on me after all I was a new face, fresh fish if you will, and I was dressed to show off my body. No I wasn't butt naked but I was wearing this tight black mesh shirt and a pair of black jeans and a pair of black timbs. Instead of my gold earrings I wore my silver earrings. I could feel the other brothers feeding off me and feeling me. I went up to the bar where the sexy, light, bright complexioned brotha tending bar asked me what I wanted and if it was him he got off at 2am. It was cute and I smiled and asked for a Southern Comfort and coke.

"Yo, I got some Southern Cum-fort fo ya, yo!"

I turned toward the voice that spoke and found myself looking at brotha with a dusty brown complexion with hazel eyes. In the limited light in the club and at the bar I could see that he had auburn hair that was in cornrows and his goatee was the same color. He was smiling and shining a row of gold capped teeth. He was dripping with gold and bling bling. I checked out his hands, they were nice hands and each finger had a sparking gold and diamond rings and a `rollie' on his wrist. He kind of resembled Pharrell Williams from the Neptunes just a bit more muscled up and he oozed sex. I couldn't help but stare at him. He was gorgeous and rocking an expensive pair of designer sun glasses.

"Sup Kid?" he was calling me `kid' and he looked like the kid. He extended his hand to me. "My name is X."

I shook his hand. He had beautiful hands. They were strong but soft and gentle and his nails were manicured and clear coated. I was loving those full lips and that sexy New Orleans accent.

"Hello X, my name is Shane." He still was holding my hand and I wasn't in any rush to let his hand go. "What does the X stand for? Xavier?"

He smiled and licked his sexy lips. "Nah...XCTASY!" Damn, my dick twitched when he said that.

I cleared my throat. He still had my hand and my dick was getting harder and harder. I wanted him to let go of my hand but I also wanted him to hold it and more. The bartender sat my drink down and I regrettably had to let his hand go to drink it.

"Where your man at?" X asked me.

I sipped my drink. "Nope. I'm here alone." X smiled and moved a little bit closer.

"Not anymore. You with me now." He said and for some reason I didn't mind that at all.

Ofcourse, I'd be going back home soon so what the hell. We sat and talked and drank. He paid for my drinks and we flirted like crazy. He was telling me stuff about himself but I really wasn't listening that much. I knew he was 27 years old and he said he was in the music business or trying to get in, whatever. I was just drinking Southern Comforts, listened to him talk and staring at those lips that I wanted to feel on me. The music went from high energy house music and hip hop to a sexy, erotic, nasty slow grooving song. On the little dance floor that was there brothas got on the dance for with their other and they began to rock slow and easy, sensual and sexy to the music.

"Let's go and dance." X said as he pulled me up from my seat and took me to the dance floor.

He pulled me close to his body, so close that I could feel his hard dick and he could definitely feel mine. We started to slow dance to the sexy song but after awhile we were just bumping and grinding and like R. Kelly said, I didn't see nothing wrong with a little bump and grind. His dick pressed up against me felt so damn good. His hard body against me was so damn good. I wanted to get up out of there and take this young thug brotha somewhere and fuck his damn brains out. I wanted to have hot, no commitment, wild and crazy sex with this sexy motherfucka. I slid my hand down to his crotch and gave his big package a squeeze.

"Yeah, you want that dick, don't ya." He said.

I flashed a sexy smile and let my hand reach and grab his tight, plump ass, "I want all of it." I said.

He laughed. "Cool, let's bounce."

"You got a place?" I asked. I wasn't taking him back to Momma V's that wasn't about to happen.

"Yeah, I got a place, don't sweat it. Let's roll out."

We walked out of Wolfendale's and I gotta tell you that I was hornier than I could ever remember. All I wanted was to fuck this thug boy right then and there. I followed him to his car, a kitted out 1967 Chevy Impala with gold rims, tinted windows. He opened the doors and we got in. I wasn't waiting and neither was he. We were kissing and pulling on each other like the world was ending that night. I got my pants down and my dick was out and ready for action and so was his. He was really packing a nice piece and my mouth watered to sample it. I covered his dick with my hungry mouth.

"OOOH Yeah...Yeah...suck that dick..Yeah...OH YEAH!" X was moaning as he was thrusting all that dick deep into my mouth and down my throat. Here we were in the front seat of his Impala right across from Wolfendale's getting freak nasty. Thank God for the tinted windows.

"Ah Shit...Ah Shit...yeah...u suckin that dick...u suckin that dick, kid!" X was panting and squirming. He was thrusting and whimpering. He was getting a dick sucking he had never had before and soon he would get a fucking he had never had before. While my lips worked his dick I let my right hand work under his hot ass and began working my middle finger into his hot and hairy asshole. He tightened it up a bit but as I sucked that dick and tickled that hole he relaxed and let my finger in. It went in easy and he let out a low, sexy moan followed by a soft yelp as I worked the finger in and out.

"Yeah...Yeah...Yeah...Do that shit!" X moaned. He was working that ass, tightening those muscles around my finger and I knew he could do the same to a good dick.

"I...I...Gotta get some...of...that...ASS!" I said as I pulled my finger out of his hot hole. All he had to do was sit on my dick and I could take him on a ride he would never forget in his Impala. He crawled on my lap, facing me and I slipped my throbbing dick, now covered by a condom, into his ass.

"AH SHIT!" He yelped, "Your dick is big!" X moaned but he knew how to work that ass on my huge dick. His ass was good and tight, which surprised me cause I figured this was an ass that had been worked before.

"Work that ass," I said, "Work that ass."

I could feel those ass muscles working on my dick, it was like another hand deep inside him stroking and jacking my dick. It was a wild feeling. I could also feel his hard dick, dripping with precum, against my chest. I was getting ready to cum. I couldn't hold back anymore. I had to let it go.

"OH OH...I'm gonna cum!" I panted as I slammed my dick into his ass.

"Do that shit...give it to me...give it to me..." X moaned and grunted as he jacked his dick while I fucked his ass.

I couldn't hold it anymore. "AHHHHHHHH DAAAAAAAMN!" I exploded in the condom that was deep in his ass and no sooner did that happen his dick exploded warm cum all over my chest, ruining a perfectly good shirt but I didn't care at the time. Tired, satisfied and covered in sweat and cum we separated from each other.

"Yo," X said, "That shit was AMAZIN'!"

I nodded my head. "Yeah, it was."

No other words were spoken, I tried to clean up my shirt the best I could but realized that there was no hope. I got out of X's car and walked to the rental car that I had. I was just unlocking the door when I figure stepped out of the darkness, scaring the fuck out of me.

"Who's that?" I demanded.

"It's me," Before he stepped into full view I recognized the voice of Vincent.

"Vincent?" I sighed. I was relieved that it was him. But that was about to change. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

He was silent for a long time. "Whatcha doin' here? That's what you askin' me?" He stepped closer towards me and I could tell he'd been drinking. Hell, he was drunk. "Did you always go around fuckin' niggas."

"What?" I replied as I realized that he must have seen me getting out of X's car.

"Don't play me, I saw you get in that niggas car and fifteen minutes later you coming out...did he fuck you in that sorry ass car?"

I opened the car door. I was not going to have this discussion with Vincent. "I'm going home, I have to get some rest."

In three quick strides Vincent was standing in front of me and I could smell the alcohol on his breath. He looked like he'd been drinking for hours.

"Yeah, I guess after you fuck a nigga you need some rest before the next one rolls around." Vincent snapped and his words stung and cut me.

"Vincent, you are drunk and I'm not going to talk to you like this." I replied.

"You got any other niggas you want to fuck in New Orleans?"

I wasn't going to be taking much more of this bullshit from him. "Vincent, you are drunk and that is why I'm not paying you any attention, right now." I started to get in the car but he grabbed me hard and stopped me. "Vincent, let me go!"

"No, you gonna listen to me." Vincent growled.

I tried to pull away but he was very strong. "You are hurting me, Vincent."

He let my arm go and then suddenly he kissed me. I tried fighting him but he held me close and kept kissing me and soon I was caught up and kissing him back. When the kiss ended I was breathless and stunned by what had happened.

"Vincent...what the hell..."

"You don't know?" Vincent looked hurt, "I love you, nigga. I've loved you ever since you were with my brother."

I was stunned by what he had said. Was he telling me that he was in love with me and had been since Victor and I were together? I stepped back away from him. I needed space.


"Damn you think what happened to us was just a one night thing?" Vincent went on. "I ain't never got down like that until you cause I wanted it to be with you."

"Vincent, I don't under..."

"All these years I have been wanting to be with you but you were with Victor and I couldn't do that to my brother but he's gone and now..." He stepped towards me. " I want you."

I couldn't believe my ears. I stood there looking dumb as hell. "Vincent," I began, "I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say shit. I see whatcha all about. Fucking any nigga `round." He snapped.

"NO! Now you hold it!" I had had enough of that shit. "You trying to call me a slut or some shit like that and I ain't having it anymore."

"So what was up with that young nigga you was with?"

Young nigga? Damn, he must have seen me getting into X's car as well. Then it dawned on me.

"Wait a minute." I said, holding up my hand, "What the fuck are you doing around here? You following me or something?"

Vincent looked down at his shoes trying to hide that guilty expression on his face. He was following me alright but how did he know I was at Wolfendale's, no one knew I was coming here.

"Answer me, Vincent." I demanded.

He looked up at me. "When I called Momma she told me that you had went out." Vincent said.

"Okay, so how did you find me here at Wolfendale's?" I asked, demanding to know. By the look on his face I knew the answer and answered for him. "You've been here before haven't you."

Vincent looked up and his expression got hard and angry. "Fuck you. Just fuck you!" He turned and walked away.

"Oh that's it!" I shouted at his back. "When the shit gets thick you just walk away. Just like after we had sex you couldn't call a motherfucker. You wouldn't talk to me. You didn't love were just horny and wanted to fuck your brother's man because you couldn't get one on your own because you are a twisted up motherfucker living on the DL trying to be a man when you can't handle being with a man."

Vincent stopped, turned and before I could even move he was right up in my face and by the look in his eyes he wanted to hit me so bad but I wasn't backing down and I wasn't scared. If he put one hand on me Momma V would be burying another son tomorrow. He then turned and ran away. I watched him go and then climbed into the rental car and headed back to Momma V's all the while thinking about two things. What Vincent had said and that kiss. His words and his kiss had gotten to me. Vincent loved me? No, that couldn't be and yet when Vincent kissed felt right.

To be continued.

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Next: Chapter 9

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