Brother 2 Brother

By moc.loa@43namzyW

Published on Oct 2, 2004



By Michael Martell


"Mohammed we need you to make a decision today."

The person talking was the new Vice President of Talent for XWF. A guy named Duncan Davis. When I got the call from my agent that Miller James, The owner of XWF wanted to meet with me I had figured I would be flying to the XWF headquarters in California. But instead of Mohammed going to the mountain, the mountain, this time, came to Mohammed in the form of Miller James, Duncan Davis and his son Duncan Davis, Jr and Miller's attorney, whose name I didn't know. Ofcourse I didn't come to the meeting alone. I brought my agent and Sonny came along for support.

The meeting took place at the Colonade, which was one of the fanciest restaurants in the city and was well known for it's private dinning rooms. The seven of us fit very comfortably in a private dinning room that Miller had reserved for this occasion. It had been a year since I had actually seen Miller and he seemed to have aged a bit. He looked like he was tired and ready to retire. I had a great deal of respect for Miller and what he had done in the business and all he had done for me. This Duncan Davis and his son, I didn't know and though his son didn't impressive me as being nothing more than an idiot, his father rubbed me the wrong way from the moment I met him.

After I had gotten the call from Miller to meet, I told Sonny about it and he filled me in on this Duncan character.

"Personally, I think he is a total ass," Sonny had told me. "Miller brought him on board six months ago and he has been making changes all over the place. Miller seems to be happy with him and what he's doing."

"So why are they wanting to fly out here to meet with me?" I had asked.

"I told you, they have their eyes on this other guy but they want to see what you plan on doing."

That made me scratch my chin. Miller never waited on a wrestler to make a decision before he made his. Something was up.

So here I sit being asked about what I planned on doing and when I intended to return and being told to tell them now. I turned to look at Miller.

"Miller, what is the rush. I mean...I'm not in violation of my contract which has a personal time clause that I have never exercised..."

"The fact is Mohammed," Duncan interrupted, "We can't wait for you to decide when you are ready to come back."

"It's Mr. Moyenda's decision on when he comes back." My agent jumped right in. She didn't play when it came to her clients. "His contract and that clause gives him the luxury to make that decision as long as it doesn't exceed two years and gentlemen it hasn't been two years."

"But the fact is that we can't just wait for him to make up his mind." Duncan shot back at her.

"Well, you just may have to."

"Hell! He's not even injured." Duncan's face was red. I looked over at Miller, who seemed amused by all this.

"But his son was injured and my client took this time to be with him." My agent pointed out. I could tell that Duncan wanted to say something stupid. He didn't but his son did.

"A year is a long time to be getting over a little injury." Duncan Jr said.

My head snapped towards his direction and as my eyes clouded over everyone, even Duncan Sr, realized Jr had just fucked up.

"My son," I said trying not to growl but not doing well at it, "Was in a car accident and was unconscious for a..." I stopped, I didn't have to explain a thing to these guys. I turned back to Miller like the Davises didn't even exist.

"Miller, what's going on? What's all this about?" I asked.

"It's about business." Duncan Sr. interrupted and I was going to make that the last time he did that.

"You know what, sir." I said softly but firmly, "I don't know you so therefore if you have anything to say to me, say it to my agent." His face turned red again. I was so glad that I had made a new friend.

"Mo," Miller said finally speaking. "How is Jamal doing?" He asked.

"He's doing much better, thanks for asking." I said.

"Glad to hear that. Jamal is a good kid. He'd be a hell of a wrestler one day." Miller chuckled as I smiled. "Look Mo, I know that you want to be with your son just like I know you really don't need to wrestle for anyone anymore." Miller leaned closer to me. "But I know you miss it and I'm gonna be honest, the fans miss you and so do the boys in the locker room. Right Sonny?"

Sonny nodded his head. "It is true Mo. You are missed by everyone."

It's one thing to feel like everyone misses you but to hear it. That was different and I did miss the boys and the fans. I looked over at Sonny and then my agent. I could tell that they would support what ever decision I made. I turned back to Miller.

"Do I have to give you my decision right now?" I asked.

I could feel Duncan Sr. nodding his head but Miller just smiled. "I understand you have your son to think about." Miller sipped his iced tea. "It would be convenient if I could get a decision within the week."

I extended my hand to him. "I will give you a call and a decision tomorrow."

Miller smiled, "That's all I can ask. I will be expecting your call."

I shook hands with Miller after which we all left.

When Sonny and I arrived home Kei and Jamal were playing basketball. They were both shirtless and covered with sweat. They looked like they had been playing for hours, which they probably had. I watched them play and as I watched I saw that my son was becoming a man. He didn't need me hovering over him every minute of every day. It had been a year since the accident that almost took him away from me but Allah spared his life and gave him, gave us another chance. It was hard to believe that the young boy, excuse me, young man, playing ball had been in a terrible automobile accident and had lapsed into a coma. I will admit that after the accident I babied Jamal but I was scared that I would lose my son and I didn't want him to get hurt again. But I can't be there all the time and I can't put him in a box and protect him from the world. And I had to get back out there and do what I loved. It was time to go back to work, it was time to get back in the ring and back on the road.

I watched as Kei,in control of the ball, made a mad dash for the goal. Jamal was right on him trying to block the shot that Kei was going for. Like a graceful bird Kei took to the air ready to make a slam dunk but out of no where Jamal was there and blocked it with a swat of his big hand. The ball went wild and in three strides Jamal was moving and had control of it. But Kei was there and he was not going to make it easy. He moved in on Jamal like a panther but Jamal faked to the left then the right and then made a move to the left again. Kei made a move to block him and Jamal pivoted and rolled to his right and behind Kei and was down the court again with Kei on his heels. This time Jamal took to the air for a lay up, Kei went to block him and in mid air Jamal switched the ball behind his back and back up again and put the ball in the basket. Now I'm not a big basketball fan; Football, Boxing and Wrestling, ofcourse, were my bag. But I had to admit it that Jamal had some real basketball talent. Could it be that Jamal Moyenda could be the next Michael Jordan? I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sounds of Jamal and Kei horse playing on the basketball court. Kei had grabbed Jamal in a headlock but my son, in the true fashion of a son of a professional wrestler, slipped out of the headlock and reversed it on Kei. But Kei, also the son of a professional wrestler, hooked Jamal around the waist and went to pull him down and that was when the unthinkable happened, Jamal's basketball shorts went down instead of himself thus revealing to everyone the side of Jamal that I had powdered when he was a baby. Jamal quickly pulled up his shorts.

"Yo man!" Jamal spat out, "You did that shit on purpose!"

Kei was holding his stomach laughing but I could tell that my son saw no humor in it.

"Yo man that shit ain't funny!" Jamal snapped.

Kei was still laughing and the storm clouds were covering my son's face.

"Stop laughin' man!" Jamal warned and when Kei continued he did something I had never seen my son do, he pushed Kei and he pushed him hard. So hard that Kei feel to the ground and hit with a thud.

"MOTHAFUCKA!" Kei bellowed as he got to his feet and charged after my son. Sonny and I went quickly into action as our two sons grappled and tussled but this was not horseplay.

"Kei! Jamal! STOP IT!" I called out as Sonny and I ran over. Sonny grabbed Jamal and I grabbed Kei and pulled them apart from each other and then we stepped between them. "Stop it right now!"

Kei and Jamal were breathing heavily and panting like too spent prize fighters.

"I think it's the end of basketball for today." Sonny said . "Both of you go to your rooms and chill out."

I nodded in agreement. Jamal turned to me with that look but I wasn't having that.

"Burn up the road, Jamal." I ordered.

They both turned and headed into the house both knowing that they had better not say a thing. Sonny and I went in behind them and as they trudged upstairs we went into the living room and sat on the couch.

"Boys will be boys," We said in unison and broke out in laughter. We kissed, smiled and kissed again. We also knew that we would have to talk to our sons.

"Mohammed," Sonny said as he held my hand, "Are you really thinking about coming back to the XWF?"

I nodded my head. "Yeah, I really am. I never realized how much I actually missed being out there until the meeting." I knew Sonny understood what I was saying and feeling.

"We got two teenaged sons who will definitely need some adult supervision." Sonny added.

"They are 18 and 19 they need to learn to be responsible." I answered. "But having someone look in on them from time to time would make me feel a little better when we are gone for a length of time." Sonny nodded in agreement.

Fifteen minutes later I was outside of my son's bedroom door. I knocked and even though it was my house I waited for him to say come in. When I walked in he was laying across his bed barefooted, wearing just his basketball shorts, no shirt and listening to that rapper Infamous. He looked up as I walked in.

"So what was up with all that outside?" I asked him.

He shrugged. "Nothing dad. I just got a little hot." It was then that I heard the bass in his voice. And as I looked at my son I realized he was not my little big headed boy anymore. He was becoming a man and it was now time to have a man to man conversation.

"Jamal...son," I said sitting at the foot of his bed where his pedicured feet rested. Pedicured? My son had a pedicure. "You can't go around letting your temper get to you. The prisons are full of the wasted talent of our people who let their heads over load better judgement."

"I know dad," Jamal replied.

"Jamal, this world that we live in can be good but there are those out there who will judge you and react to you with hatred because of your skin color, your religious belief..."

"Sexual orientation." Jamal added and that floored me. It was true but it floored me that my son would bring that up. We hadn't talked about me being gay since he was a little fella. He seemed cool with it then but maybe that had changed.

"Yes...that too."

"Doesn't that make you mad, Dad?" He asked.

"Well, son it's not something that I am happy with but right now the way things are...well, that's just how things are."

"But it's not right, Dad. You and Sonny love each other, right?"

I could feel the smile on my face. "Very much."

"But you guys can't go out and hold hands and kiss in public without someone comin' out their mouth sideways. You can't even get married."

My son was speaking it true and there was nothing I could do but nod in agreement..

"That's not right Dad."

"No son, it's not. Just like it wasn't right for you to get in a hook and jab with Kei." I said bringing it all back to why I was there.

"I know."

"Well, if you know why did you do it?" I asked.

"Dad he was laughing at me. He pulled down my pants and showed my shit..." I raised my eyebrow. Jamal closed his mouth and checked himself. He knew I didn't tolerate him using profanity when he was talking to me. "What he did was wrong. I was embarrassed."

"Well, you can't handle situations like that with violence." Jamal nodded his head slightly. "You are growing up and I can't make you do the right thing but I think you know what the right thing is." He knew and I would leave it up to him to handle that. "I got something else to tell you." Jamal rolled his eyes and I grabbed his right foot and began tickling him. He laughter and kicked and twisted away. "Nothing bad, big head boy. I had a meeting with Miller."

"Are you going back to wrestle?" He asked quickly.

"Yes, I am thinking about it. What do you think about it?"

He sat up in the bed, crossing his feet and legs under him. " I think it's about time."


"Well Dad, you've been sitting around here and it's been nice having you around but...well, you are driving me crazy. You need to get back to work."

"You know you are smart mouth something." I commented. "But it's going to mean some changes. With your mother still doing her rehab, you and Kei will be here alone sometimes especially when both Sonny and I are gone at the same time."

"Okay, So."

"Okay smart mouth. We are going to have to find someone to stay here with you guys when we are gone."

"Dad, we don't need a baby sitter. We can handle ourselves."

I didn't doubt that at all and leaving them in the house for a week or less I was cool. But there are times and that I would and could be on the road for two made even three weeks. I know Miller would work with me but to even keep my position within XWF I would have to be able to maintain a long schedule and Sonny's push was definitely going to keep him on the road for three weeks out of the month for the next two months and that's being conservative.

"We'll discuss that later , I just wanted to let you know what was going on."

"Okay Dad," He said as Infamous' rap song ended. I got up from the bed and headed out. My son was becoming a man. What was I going to do. I shook my head knowing that the answer was simple and yet hard to do for any parent and that was to let him be a man.

When I walked out of my son's room Sonny and Kei were coming out of Kei's room and heading my way. The look on both of their faces said that they had a man to man, father to son conversation and Kei looked appropriately reprimanded. They stopped in front of me and Sonny poked his son in the side with his elbow.

"Mohammed," Kei said looking down at his shoes until Sonny poked him again, "I wanted to apologize for what happened out there. You took me into your home and I disrespected you and your son and your kindness and I'am sorry."

I looked at Sonny, who nodded his head. Kei seemed to be very sincere with what he said. I put a hand on his shoulder and he looked me straight in the eyes. It was like looking into Sonny's eyes. I swear Sonny had to have given birth to this kid because they looked so much alike. At times it was down right startling.

"Kei, I accept your apology. I know boys will be boys and things can get heated. But Jamal had no business putting his hands on you like he did. As a matter of fact..." I called my son's name and Jamal opened his door and walked out. He saw Sonny and Kei standing there and walked over cautiously and curiously. As he joined my side my son blew my mind again.

"Yo Kei man. I apologize for pushing you that was wrong man." Jamal said extending his hand.

Kei accepted it. "Nah man it was my bad. I shouldn't have pulled your shit down like that."

"It's aight man. Hope you liked what you saw." Jamal replied.

"What? You didn't hear me laughing." Kei answered back and they both chuckled and giggled as they shared a soul brother shake and hug. Then they both went into Jamal's room talking about the latest news on their favorite rapper Infamous and it was like nothing had even happened. Sonny and I stood there when they were gone. We walked towards each other and kissed. Our arms wrapped around each other. It felt good.

"Parenthood." I sighed.

"It's a sonofabitch." Sonny said and we laughed and kissed again. He was turning me on and we still had to make dinner for Ali-Frazier. It was also time for my salahs and there would be no love making before that was done. I went into the bed room to prepare myself. I washed my hands and as I did that Sonny was talking to me.

"Mohammed, I've been thinking. I don't think we need anyone to stay here with Jamal and Kei when we are both gone."

"What makes you say that?" I asked as I finished washing my hands.

"They are eighteen and nineteen..."

"Yeah living in a big house with no parental supervision. Can you imagine what would happen?"

Sonny smiled. "Jamal doesn't impress me as being that kind of person. I don't think he would do anything he know you wouldn't want to happen."

He had a point there. But I had never left Jamal alone for any length of time like that and that could be the difference.

"Besides, they also know, especially after today, that there is a consequence to actions." Sonny continued.

"Yeah that's true but if something happens. If there was an emergency." The memories of Jamal's accident while I was on the road last year still popped up in my mind.

"So maybe what we should do is have someone who can act in the event of an emergency until we get here. Like Eric. The boys like him."

I nodded. "Yeah, that is something worth talking about. I'd want to talk to him about it before we make any final decision." I was about to pick up my prayer rug but turned to Sonny instead. "What did you tell Kei when you two spoke?"

Sonny pulled a face and shrugged. "I told him that I didn't raise him to act a fool and that he showed disrespect to you and me by behaving the way he did. Why?"

"I was just curious."

"Okay, how'd it go with J?" Sonny asked.

"It went okay. He said something that...well, I guess it surprised me."

Sonny looked concerned. "What did he say?"

"Well, I was telling him that in this world people will judge you by skin color and religious belief and he added sexual orientation."

"Hmmm, is that unusual, I mean he knows your gay. He knows I'm gay. He knows Kei's gay."

That got me. I had no idea that Jamal knew that Kei was gay. It wasn't anything I had brought up to him.

"You didn't know?" Sonny asked.

"No, Jamal never told me that he knew. I never told him cause I didn't feel it was my place. When did this happen?" I asked trying not to sound concerned.

Sonny thought on it for a minute. "I think it was the first or second week that Kei was here. Kei told him."

"Why did he tell him?" I said sitting on the bed.

Sonny shrugged. " I don't know. I guess he wanted to tell Jamal. Keepin' it real as it were."

Okay, so what was wrong with that? I mean, Kei was telling Jamal what the deal was up front so why was this bothering me. No, I knew exactly why it bothered me. Kei is as sexual as any young man I have ever met and the thought that perhaps Kei would try something with my son bothered me. Sonny joined me on the bed.

"Something wrong?" Sonny asked, "Something on your mind?"

What I said next surprised me and Sonny. "How did you take it when Kei told you he was gay?"

"Hold up Mohammed, you don't think Jamal is gay do you?" Sonny asked.

I shook my head. "I don't know. It's just that...until Kei came here I had just never really considered that."

"You say that like you think something may have happened between them."

Yeah, that thought did dance in my mind. "I don't know. I don't know maybe I'm just being overprotective."

"Maybe you should, if you have a concern, approach him about it." Sonny suggested.

"No, I can't do that. If Jamal is gay then I'd want him to come to me with it. I love him, Sonny and I want Jamal to be happy."

Sonny looked me in the eyes. "You say that like there would be something wrong if he was gay."

"No, there would be nothing wrong if he was gay but Sonny, I know how tough it is to be African American gay man in America and I just don't want Jamal to experience that kind of feeling."

Sonny took my hand. "I felt the same way when Kei told me he was gay. I honestly didn't want to believe that he was gay. I mean I actually prayed that he wasn't actually gay but Kei is gay. He's my son and I love him and that is all that matters." I nodded my head, "You know my mother once told me that God gives the toughest and strongest of his children the hardest and most difficult burdens to bear."

"Are you saying that God chose us to bear this? To be gay?" I asked.

Sonny shrugged. "I not going to say that because I don't know but I do know this, you gotta be pretty tough and pretty strong to be African American and gay in America today."

I couldn't disagree with that.

"That shit is da bomb!" Kei said as the last track of Jamal's Infamous CD played.

"I know that, right. He's got skills." Jamal said, " I hope all this mess with that shooting works out."

"That's some bullshit. They always goin' after the brothas." Kei snapped.

"I know that."

Kei stood up from the chair he was sitting in. "Hey J? You ever smoke?"


"Negro you know what I'm talkin' about." Kei said.

"Yeah...once. My mom and one of her boyfriends had left some out and I found it and tried it." Jamal confessed.

"Did you like it?"

Jamal thought back to that time. He remembered that he coughed and the smoke burned his throat but soon he was feeling very good. "Yeah, it was aight."

"Well check this out." Kei went into his pants pocket and pulled a joint. "The best from the Islands of Hawaii."

"Man! Whatcha doin' with a joint?"

"I'm bout to burn it. Wanna join me?" Kei offered.

"Man, my dad will kill me if knew I was smoking up in here."

Kei shook his head. "Aight, if you're scared."

"Nigga, I'm not scared but I'm not tryin' to get in anymore trouble with my dad either."

"Aight, aight well look. Your dad does his prayers bout this time and my dad does his work out. We can tip over to my room and burn some of these Hawaiian trees and nobody will know."

Jamal liked the idea. "Aight. We can listen to my new Killa Kevy Kev joint too."

"Cool," Kei said.

The pungent, acrid sweet smoke of marijuana still lingered in the room and the cd of rapper Killa Kevy Kev repeated again for the fifth time but neither Kei nor Jamal cared as they laid on the bed laughing and giggling as they watched an old sitcom on TV. They had smoked two joints between them and drank from a bottle of gin that they managed to sneak from downstairs while their fathers were occupied. Jamal liked hanging out with Kei. Kei was cool as shit in Jamal's opinion. When he first met him he knew that they would get along and so far they had despite the earlier incident but that was nothing. Now here they were chilling, smoking and drinking. His dad would have a fit if he caught them but he wasn't worrying about that. He wasn't worrying about anything like that right now. He was feeling good, damned good. The marijuana was working and the gin was doing it's thing. With eyes made red from the marijuana and the gin, Jamal looked over at Kei, who seemed to be drifting off to sleep. He was laying next to Kei on Kei's bed in Kei's room. He couldn't help not looking at him, Kei was very attractive just like his father, Sonny, but more so. Suddenly Kei turned and was looking at Jamal.

"Whatcha starin' at?" Kei asked.

"Nothin', man." Jamal said turning away.

"Na-Nah was starin' at me. Whatup?" Kei insisted.

"Nigga, I wasn't starin' at you." Jamal lied. But Kei wasn't letting it go. He moved closer to Jamal causing Jamal to get up off the bed and move to the chair at the foot of the bed. "Man, whatup with you?"

"Nothing, you were the one staring at me. I want to know what you were looking at?" Kei grinned as he noticed Jamal was getting uncomfortable. "Aight man, aight my bad. I'll stop." Kei said as he slowly removed his shirt exposing his youthful, muscled chest with just a hint of chest hair on it. He made like he was absently rubbing his chest letting his fingers caress his own dark nipples that contrasted with his light skin complexion. He acted like he was watching the TV but he was keeping an eye on Jamal. Yeah, he knew Jamal had been checking him. The time and the situation would have to be right but Kei knew that he would have Jamal. Since coming to stay with his father and Mohammed he had not had sex with anyone and he was horny and ready to have some. To get Jamal he would have to work things just right and that was exactly what he was going to do. Kei felt his dick twitch and slowly grow to life as he thought about having sex with Jamal while rubbing his chest. He allowed himself to adjust his swelling dick and caught the quick glance of Jamal's eyes. Yeah, Jamal was curious and Kei was going to end the cat's curiousity.

To be continued:

[ The author would love to hear from you. He can be reached at:]

Next: Chapter 8

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