Brother 2 Brother

By moc.loa@43namzyW

Published on Aug 11, 2004


Brother 2 Brother

By Michael Martell

Chapter 6: Eric

It was early morning when I got the call from Karen, my agent, about starting my book tour in Atlanta, Ga. According to the publishing company's research it seemed that the ATL was responsible for some of the highest sales of my book and they wanted to hit while the iron was hot. Going to Atlanta was fine with me. I have been there before and really love the city. Atlanta was the New York City of the south. There was a black mayor, a black police chief as well as being the home of the Martin Luther King Jr. and Maynard Jackson, the first black mayor of a major southern city and to whom Hartfield-Jackson International Airport was named for. There was so much to see and do in Atlanta and I couldn't wait to see it again. Since I was going to be kicking off my book tour in Atlanta my publishing company had arranged for a couple of high profile book signings as well as a couple of speeches. I would be in Atlanta for three days and with the exception of L.A and DC, Atlanta would be the longest that I would be in one city for the entire two week tour. Two weeks on the road, on tour with my book. During that time I would also make another appearance on Oprah, do a radio interview with Tavis Smiley, make an appearance on the Tom Joyner Morning radio show and the Today Show. It was all so exciting and Karen assured me that I was going to be treated like celeb supreme. `Scandal' was blowing up the New York bestseller list and was sitting at number five with a bullet. It was expected that it would hit number one very soon. My family was very proud of me. My parents were thrilled; my mom was so proud and told me that while I was in Atlanta I needed to drop in on my great aunt Lula and some other family we had down there, my dad, whom I enjoy at best a tense relationship, called to say he was happy for me. My brother Corey was more excited about the fact that I was going to be on Tom Joyner's show and my sister Kimberly wanted me to get Oprah's autograph for her. It was all so wonderful the only thing was that Jermaine would not be able to go with me.

"We have this huge campaign and I just can't take that kind of time off." He had said.

I told him I understood and I did but part of me wanted him to say to hell with the job you come first and this is one of those once in a life time situations. I checked in with my friends. Shane was still in New Orleans. He said he was coming back in the next few days and wished me luck on my book tour. We discussed what had happened with Sean at work. It seemed that Sean was doing better but the rape would always be with him and it was something he would have to live with but would eventually overcome. I did talk to Sean after all that had happened. He was trying to put on a brave front but I knew he was scared. It seemed that Mohammed and Sonny were living in happy married bliss even with two teenaged sons running around the house. Mohammed was one lucky brother in my book. He had what many of us want. A committed and loving spouse, a nice house, financially comfortable and a family. I knew why Mohammed was always smiling. Andre was also doing okay. He seemed to be accepting his gayness and ofcourse it didn't hurt to have a phineass detective like Julien Linton as his man. All my friends wished me well and made me promise to stay in touch. They acted like I was going away to another country or something.

I landed at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport and I remembered what Karen had told me. There would be a publicist waiting for me at the airport and this publicist would be with me for the entire book tour. As I walked around the massive airport I saw a handsome young beige complexioned brotha holding a sign in his hands with my name on it. Next to him was a slender white woman with red hair and a pale complexion that was set off by the dark blue dress suit she was wearing. I walked over with my carry on bag and introduced myself. Her name was Jaime, go figure, and she was with Palladium Publishing, who were publishing my book. She seemed nice enough though she had that Northern accent that grated on my nerves. I waited for her to introduce the brotha with the sign but when she didn't I stepped up.

"Hello, I'm Eric Williams." I extended my hand to the brotha, who couldn't be anymore than 22 maybe 23. Not only did this brotha have a beautiful beige complexion but he had very light brown eyes. He had a thin mustache and a thin jaw line beard. His golden brown hair was worn in tight corn rows. When he shook my hand it was with a tight grip and his eyes looked me over closely.

"Noble Shakil Robinson," he responded proudly.

"He's your driver for the next three days." Jaime said and in a tone that I didn't care for. To her he was just a driver, a utility not a person.

I ignored her. "Hmmm...Noble Shakil Robinson, a very interesting name. I bet it has some meaning to it."

Noble's face beamed as he flashed a big beautiful smile. "Actually there is. Noble Sissel was a Jazz Vocalist and bandleader. My pop was big on Jazz. Shakil is Arabic for Handsome, well-formed." Yes, he was indeed handsome and well formed. He wasn't to tall, maybe about 5ft 10 or so but he was in good shape, actually excellent shape from what I could tell from the dark suit he was wearing.

"Noble," Jaime interrupted, "Why don't you get Mr. Williams' bags and bring them to the car." I really didn't care for her dismissive tone.

"Noble," I said, "I can help you bring my luggage to the car. I don't travel light."

Noble smiled. "That's aight, I can manage." He winked at me as I handed him my luggage ticket and then he was off to the luggage carousel. I turned to face Miss Jaime. She flashed me a smile and I flashed one back at her as we walked towards the exit of the airport. We discussed my itinerary. I had an early morning book signing followed by an interview on a local radio station which was then followed by a luncheon followed by another book signing. She went through the entire itinerary and it was making me tired just hearing it. I would barely have anytime for myself much less seeing any relatives of sight seeing around Atlanta. As a matter of fact we were hitting the road running. Once I got to the hotel I would have enough time to shower, change and get a bit of time to myself and then it was right over to a dinner in my honor being thrown by Palladium Publishing. Noble met us at the black stretch limousine, loaded my luggage in the trunk of the car and then we were off to my hotel.

I gasped when Noble pulled the limousine up to the Georgian Terrace Hotel. It was a four star hotel located on Peachtree St. in downtown Atlanta. Palladium was sparing no expense and Karen was right, they were treating me like celeb supreme. I was equally blown away by the room they got me, it was a penthouse and it was luxurious.

"This is too much." I gasped as the hotel bellmen put my luggage in the huge bedroom that had a king sized bed. How I wished Jermaine was here now. The things we could do on that bed, in this penthouse. Palladium had sent up an enormous fruit basket, champagne and flowers.

"I will see you at PittyPat's Porch," Jaime said as she handed me a card. "That has my number on it if you need anything. She then handed me another card, which had Noble's name on it. "Whenever you need the driver just call him and he will be here." Driver? She couldn't call him Noble, was that so hard to do?

After Jaime left I picked up the phone and immediately called Jermaine. I couldn't wait to tell him about all this. When he answered I told him all about the limousine ride, the reception for me, the hotel, the penthouse and the bed. But he didn't sound as excited as I thought he would.

"Is everything alright?" I asked him.

"Everything is fine but I am a bit busy." He said.

"Oh," I said, "I didn't mean to interrupt, I just wanted to let you know how things were going."


Okay? "I'll call you later then."

"That's fine...ummm...I have a late meeting so if you get my voice mail leave a message and I'll call you back."

"Okay, fine. I'll talk to you later."

"Okay, that's cool."

"I love you," I said.

"Damn, I gotta go they're waiting for me." Jermaine hung up the phone and I stood there staring at the receiver in disbelief. What had just happened? I had a sick feeling in my stomach. I found the remote control and flipped on the TV as I grabbed an apple from the fruit basket and began eating it. Was Jermaine upset with me? I mean, I did invite him to come alone but he had to work. Then it dawned on me. How stupid of me. Here I am having a time of my life riding in limos and staying in grand hotel suites and he's back home working his ass off and taking care of home. I felt bad now. I was crunching the Golden Delicious apple when I realized the news was on and that they were talking about that rapper Infamous. He was scheduled to make another appearance at court tomorrow in connection to his shooting and killing of a fan at his concert in Atlanta. Since all this happened Infamous's face was everywhere and if not his then that of Hannibal Kane or Infamous' celebrity attorneys, Harold Fordham and David Solomon. The Atlanta D.A's office was facing major fire power and I just knew that just like the L.A. team during the OJ trial, the Atlanta team was going to get their heads handed to them. I watched as the went live to Hartsfield-Jackson to where Infamous' plane had landed and he was making his way through the airport as well wishing fans screamed in support of him. With him was Hannibal Kane, Fordham, Solomon and a small army of security. Infamous was rocking his own urban fashion line called Infamu'. Infamous was definitely a financial powerhouse. As the cameras followed him outside the airport I couldn't believe my eyes as I saw Noble Shakil Robinson standing there, only he wasn't wearing the chauffeur's suit he had on when he picked me up, instead he was wearing one of Infamous' Infamu' oversized, throw back style football jerseys and baggy jeans. Infamous saw Noble and they embraced in a hug and then walked away with him. Now what was that all about, I wondered.

It was 7pm and I was dressed for the reception at this place called Pitty Pat's Porch. I had called Jaime back and asked what I should wear. She informed me it was dressy casual affair so I broke out my light colored linen suit, since it was kind of warm in the ATL. The reception started at 8pm. I called the number Jaime had given me for Noble and told him that I would be ready by 7pm and standing out from. Well, I was out front and there was no Noble, no limousine. By 7:15 I was getting very annoyed with Noble and by 7:30pm I was passed pissed. I was able to get a cab and took it to Pitty Pat's Porch. I can imagine what Noble was doing with Infamous. They were probably drinking and smoking and fucking some two bit hoochie.

Noble was high as a motherfucking kite. He had smoked two blunts and drank three glasses of Henny and coke with his cousin, Infamous. All that bull shit about him killing some knucklehead was crazy. If the fool hadn't rushed the stage then his punk ass wouldn't be dead now. He got what he deserved for being stupid. They were chillin' at this secluded house that Infamous kept whenever he was in the ATL. It kept the crazy fans from being all over him and whenever Infamous was in town he would call up his cousin Noble and they would hang out drinking and smoking. Noble was sitting on the sofa, his shirt off, showing off his sexy muscled chest. He was watching a flick of Infamous's latest performance. He watched as Infamous was fucking the hell out of some little chickenhead. She was screaming and moaning as Infamous slammed all his dick into her. Noble couldn't take his eyes off of Infamous' ass. Damn, it looked good. But Infamous was always a sexy motherfucker and all the bitches went for him. While Noble was watching the flick, Infamous was in the other room with another chickhead boning her down and making another of his `secret flicks'. Noble's dick was hard like steel as he watched Infamous fuck the hell out of the girl. With each stroke his ass would flex and Noble's dick would twitch. He loosened his pants and slipped his hands down and gripped his dick and began stroking his dick as he kept his eyes on the TV screen. He watched as Infamous fucked and fucked he girl. Noble closed his eyes and leaned back and the image of Infamous fucking a girl faded into Infamous fucking him. He could feel all of Infamous' monster dick in him filling his ass. He could feel Infamous pounding his ass hard and strong. He could feel himself ready to nutt but it was too soon, he wanted it to last but it was too late. He closed his eyes tighter, clutched his butt cheeks as he came in his pants.

"Ah Fuck!" Noble sighed. Getting up in went into the spare bathroom and washing his hands and cleaned himself up. He was about to go back and fix himself another drink when he looked at his watch. It was 930. He was supposed to do something. "OH GODDAMN!"

Noble grabbed his keys and cellphone and noticed that there were several calls and messages left for him. It never fails, fucking around with Infamous always got him in trouble. He was going to lose this job fucking with Infamous.

Okay, I should have known that a restaurant with a name like Pitty Pat had to be some `Gone with the wind' antebellum shit and it was. The food was nice but it reminded me of being back in the days of cotton. The waitresses wore hoop skirts as they went around serving mint juleps and things like that. The reception for me was nice there were a lot of local bookstore owners, Palladium executives, readers of my book and others. They were all there to wish me luck and hear what I had to say about my book. I did my best to make sure that Miss Jaime didn't find out that I took a cab here instead of the limo. Noble leaves me stranded and I'm trying to protect the brotha. After several of those mint juleps I was feeling no pain. Everyone wished me well and welcomed me to Atlanta as the reception ended. I was glad cause I was ready to go. Jaime had offered to walk me out to the limousine since she had some things to go over with me. I was trying to walk slow and come up with some way to get her to jet out before me. I really didn't want Noble to get in trouble. We were at the front entrance of the restaurant when the front door opened and in walked Noble, wearing his black suit. He smiled at Jaime and then smiled and winked at me.

"Are you ready to go, Sir?" Noble asked.

Jaime looked at me and smiled. "I'll see you in the morning at the book store so get plenty of rest."

"I will," I said as I watched her walk to her car. I then turned on Noble. "Where in the hell have you been? Do you realize I had to take a cab over here? If Jaime would have known that you would be another UBM."

Noble raised his eyebrows. "UBM?" He asked.

"Unemployed Black Man!"

Noble laughed and that was when I realized he was under the influence of either alcohol, drugs or both. "Noble are you drunk?" I asked.

"Yeah...just a little but I'm cool to drive." Noble said holding open the door for me.

"Oh hell no! I'm not riding with you under the influence." I said.

"I'm cool to drive. I drove here with no problem." He explained.

I was not going to ride with a drunk driver and if I hadn't had so many of those mint juleps I would have driven the limo back to the hotel. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my cellphone. I hit redial and spoke with the cab company that brought me to PittyPat's.

"Hey whatup with that?" Noble asked, "You gonna cab it when you have a limo?"

"And a drunk limo driver. No thanks, I like breathing too much risk that." I said.

"Hey I can drive, I drive even better when I'm lit up a bit."

"OOOH well tell that to all those dead drivers and innocent people in their graves now."

Noble frowned as if he was about to blow his cool, which would not have been cool for either of us. Luckily the cab pulled up.

"Then I'm out of here." Noble announced. I looked back at him.

"Noble, you are in no condition to drive."

"I'm aight I told ya!" He snapped as he got in the limo. I got into the cab and I went my way and Noble went his.

I had crawled right into the bed as soon as I got back to the hotel. I checked to see if I had any messages. Karen called, my mom called, even at Lula called but there was nothing from Jermaine. I picked up the phone and called him. To my annoyance my call went straight to his voice mail. I left him a message and told him how my night had went and that I wished he was here with me to share this big ol' bed and that I loved him. After leaving him a message I went off to sleep.

The ringing of the hotel phone woke me up with a start. I looked around disoriented before picking up the receiver.

"Hello?" I said sleep full in my voice.

"Ummm...Mr. Williams?"

I stay up and looked at the time. It was 2 am, I had been asleep for two hours. "Yes, who is this?"

"It's Noble Robinson."


"Your driver," He added as if I had already forgotten.

"I know who you are. It's two in the morning."

"Yes, I know...umm...I have a situation."

"What's wrong?"

"Yeah, well whatup is that I got pulled my the police."

Well damn! Ain't this a bitch! "You got pulled? Where?"

"Down the street from your hotel. The cop was gonna run me in but I told him that I was staying at the hotel and that I was driving around a client and that you had sent me out to get something to eat."

I exploded. "YOU WHAT! You told the police that I sent you out to get something to eat knowing you were under the influence?"

"Hold up, the cop said that if you would come down and vouch for that then everything would be square."

"Noble you have lost your mind. If I go down there I could find myself in trouble."

There was a long pause and then he spoke. "You right, man, I'm sorry...I just...I didn't know what to say and the first thing out my mouth was that. Look, I'm sorry..."

"Noble, where are you?"

"Down here in front of your hotel."

"You brought the police here?"

"Well, he wanted to check the story and he dropped me off here but it's all good, I'll figure something out."

DAMN! I am a fucking soft touch. I told Noble to hold on, that I would be done in just a minute. When I got downstairs sure enough there was Noble and an Atlanta policewoman and a sistah at that. I explained to her that Noble was my driver. I explained to her that when I said that I wanted something to eat I had meant room service and was surprised to get a call that my driver had been pulled over. Either the sistah believed me or the story was so entertaining that she just dropped the whole thing and told Noble that if she caught him out on the street the remainder of the night then he was jail house bound.

"Want me to call you a cab?" I asked after the policewoman left.

"How will I get my limo if I cab it home?" Noble asked.

I started to say that was not my damn problem but I didn't. I was sleepy and wanted to go to bed. I had a early day tomorrow, we both did and it was because of that which made me invite him to stay in my penthouse suite, there was an extra bedroom and he was welcomed to sleep there. Once we got upstairs Noble took a shower and I crawled back into bed but there was no going to sleep because Noble sings or rather raps in the shower. So I sat up in bed and flipped on the TV. Ten minutes had passed and Noble walked out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist and into my room. Yes, my brothas, Noble looked OHMYGODDAMN good! That beautiful beige skin, his lean body with sexy lean muscles and a double damnit six pack of abs. Noble was a walking, beige god of total temptation and I wanted temptation to get behind me and maybe even get behind temptation. I was glad I was sitting up in the bed because I had a growing erection and had I been laying on my back...well anyway.

"Hey, I just wanted to come in and say thank you for helping me out." Noble sounded so sincere and sweet and that added to his sexiness to me. Easy big fella! Easy!

"No problem," I answered, "Hey look at it this way our early day won't have to start as early as we thought."

Noble smiled. It was that kind of smile that makes you wanna smile back and makes you feel good. "True dat...well, look, I'm off to bed. Sweet dreams."

Oh yeah, there would be sweet dreams. Sweet and wet. As I watched him walk out of my room, his ass working that towel to death. I flipped off the TV and laid down as I took matters in my own hands.

He was laying on his back, legs spread wide open, his fingers playing with his nipples as his dick was being sucked like a champ by a mothafuckin' champion dick sucker. He liked the feel of his PHD (Pussy Hammerin' Dick) in the mouth of a freaky mothafucka like this one here. He was glad that he had rolled down from NYC to do the job that he did so well and was paid so well for.

"OOOOO...that's it..." Infamous moaned as he felt the tongue wrap around his thick jimmie while fingers lightly tickled his nuts. Yeah, he liked that shit for real. No one did it like him not even those chicken headed bitches he boned. He arched his back as he felt his favorite dick sucker prepare to do what he liked...the deep throat. That always drove him wild. He was so glad when he came out and found his cousin Noble gone. Now, Noble was a sexy mothafucker and that was word. Infamous had wondered if Noble was down. He was sure he wasn't but if he was, cousin or not, he would have to hit that. He knew Noble liked to watch the flicks he made in secret when he boned the chicken heads. As a matter of fact, thanks to Hannibal, who strategically let a couple of the flicks get out, those tapes were helping his image as a sex'em up thug, gangsta rapper.

"OH DAMN!" Infamous let out. "Suck that dick...suck it...ooooh suck it you mothafucka!" He hoped he had brought some condoms cause he was gonna tear that ass up. So much was going on and he needed to get the pressure off. "Get up on this bed and roll the fuck over. I want some ass!" Infamous declared. While the dick sucker crawled up onto the bed, laying on his stomach with his ass up and ready. Infamous covered his shit with a condom and lubed it up and the ass he was gonna hit, real good. His dick was like a battering ram and he was ready to batter that mothafuckin' ass. Aiming his dick like an angry torpedo he slammed all of his 8 ½ inches into the waiting hole. Damn this ass never got loose, it was as tight as it was the first time he hit it back in New York City almost a year ago.

" keep that ass tight for me, huhn!" Infamous said as his dick went in and pulled out just to slam back into that tight hot ass again.

"All for you, Daddy!"

"Yeah bitch! Yeah..."

Infamous was pounding that hot sweet ass as hard as he could. He could feel himself ready to nutt. Oh yeah, shit yeah...this was some fine, prime ass. Hannibal had done fuckin' good when he found this piece of ass.

Oh shit! OOOOH GODDAMN!" Infamous screamed out as he exploded in the hot ass. He withdrew immediately and flopped on his back on the bed as he went through his post-climax body twitches. His body was alive and tingling and after a little rest he would be ready to hit that juicy ass again. But before he could fully recuperate there was a knock at the door which was then opened and in strolled Hannibal Kane, the man who had helped to make Infamous famous and who had kept him out of jail by getting the two best attorneys in the world to defind him.

"Whatup Big Daddy!?" Infamous said as he looked up at the hulking Hannibal Kane. Hannibal looked down at the other brotha in the bed with Infamous. He reached into his pocket and peeled off five 50 dollar bills and handed them to him.

"Party's over, me and Infamous got some work to do."

They both knew not to fuck with Hannibal Kane, question him nor annoy him. When they were alone Hannibal stood at the foot of the bed staring down at Infamous a dry smile on his face.

"So whatsup, Big Daddy?" Infamous repeated himself.

"Me trying to keep your black ass out of prison, fool!"

I was dressed and in the black Escalade with the tinted windows as we wheeled through Atlanta to get to my hotel room. It was always like this. Whenever Infamous was, Hannibal Kane would always make sure he was there for either after the show or before show. Infamous was a wild lover in the bed. He could sling some dick and he enjoyed sucking his dick, Infamous had 8 ½ inches and he loved every bit of those inches. As we wheeled along in the Escalade I couldn't help but look back on how much my life had changed from last year. Last year when I had a good thing and I lost it. Last year when I met a motherfucker he ruined my life. Last year when I woke up and realized it was time for me to do me and get things right. I never thought it would be like this, doing the right thing. If you would have told me that my modeling career would have ended, thanks to that motherfucking Dalziel and his damned internet sex site with my naked ass on it, I would have said you were crazy. I was living the big life in New York City with no income coming in and my only option was to become a paid escort. You have to do what you have to do. Ofcourse, I make good money hooking up with Infamous, hell, I make great money. Whenever Infamous wants his dick sucked and an ass to fuck he brings me in and for that I walk away with $1,500 in cash, tax free. Hannibal also hooks me up with some video work in Infamous' videos and stuff like that, it keeps me going but this is not what I wanted to be doing with myself and my life. It was my fault that I lost Mohammed and ruined the best thing in my life but now it was time for Brett to get it back in gear and that was what I would do. God as my witness.

It was four in the morning as I walked into the Georgian Terrace Hotel, where Hannibal had set me up at.

To be Continued

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Next: Chapter 7

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