Brother 2 Brother

By moc.loa@43namzyW

Published on Aug 3, 2004


Brother 2 Brother By Michael Martell

Chapter 5: Andre & Julien

My alarm clock blasted me awake at 500am as it did every morning Monday through Friday. I drug my half sleep ass out of bed and tipped barefooted into the bathroom where I had my morning piss. I then washed my hands, face and got ready for my morning work. As I got ready I looked at my bed and smiled. Last night Julien came over. After take out Chinese and watching DVDs we went to bed where we burned up the bed and the bedroom. When it came to sex we were incredible...damn that, amazing. Ofcourse I am down with having sex, I mean, let's face it sex feels motherfuckin' good. Having somebody workin' your jimmie until you nutt...DIZAMN! You can't beat that feelin and when it's someone you are feelin' like that that makes it better.

In the year that Julien and I have been kickin' it I have learned a lot about myself and my sexual identity. I was goin through a time last year, I mean, here I was a brotha out sexing down all the sistahs on the block and around the way. My dick knew nothin' but pussy and yet deep in my heart and shit I knew that I was attracted to other niggaz. But you gotta understand I didn't know what all this was about when I was a young cat. I mean my very first experience with another was with my cousin Steve. I was fifteen and he was seventeen.

Steve Newton was a masculine, basketball playin', sports lovin' brotha he was not what I saw gay men as, you know, sissies and all that. We hung out a lot and though I was tellin' myself that the reason I liked being around Steve was because he was cool as shit and we were family, I knew, though I would never have admitted it, I loved Steve, oh and so you brothas won't be freakin too much we weren't blood cousins, we were cousins only by marriage. Steve was everything I wanted to be and was everything a man was supposed to be. He played sports like a motherfuckin' beast, football, basketball, baseball, he ran track. He could fix any thing on any car you brought to him and there was nothing he didn't know about a car that he couldn't fix. He worked out everyday, the girls wanted him and he was dazzling with the honies. He would date a few but none of them seem to last for longer than three months or so. I have to admit when I recall everything now, I was like a silly girl following Steve around tryin' to be all up in his world. I would get jealous if he would hang out with his buddies or our other cousins. All I wanted to do was be around Steve. All 6'4", 225 lbs of him with that caramel mixed with vanilla complexion and those sexy light brown eyes and that big bright smile and a sexy body. When I was 15 I was kind of dumpy and chubby and I always wanted to have a body like Steve and it was Steve that taught me how to work out and showed what to do to get the best out of my workouts. I loved watching him workout. He would have on no shirt and was barefooted and wore these small, tight assed gym shorts that showed off everything he had. I just wanted to touch that body. I still remember that night.

I was staying the weekend at Aunt Cora's, Steve's momma and my uncle's second wife, my folks were going out of town for something or another. Now Aunt Cora had three kids from her first husband which were Keith, Keisha and ofcourse Steve and then her and my uncle had two kids together, my twin cousins Rasheen and Rasheema. Anyway they lived in a three bedroom house. The girls, Keisha and Rasheema shared a room and the boys all shared a room. When Keith, who was the oldest moved out the room was left to Steve and Rasheen to share. Whenever I would stay over at Aunt Cora's I would share the bed with Steve. Rasheen had a bed wetting problem and that was the reason I was assigned to share Steve's bed, which I had no problem with at all. So anyway Steve and I were laying in the bed but I couldn't sleep. Here I was laying in the bed next to the sexiest man I had known at that time in just our boxers and T-shirts. I could hear him lightly snoring, I could feel his warm body next to me. I could feel his soft feet touching mine and damn if I didn't have the hardest erection in my life. I was horny as hell. I rolled over to see Steve laying on his back, the bedsheet was half way off of him and his sexy, smooth chest was exposed. I couldn't help it but I found myself touching his chest. His chest was warm and hard and yet soft. It felt good. I touched his nipples and when he snorted I removed my hand like I had been burned and stayed still. I waited and went back at it again and that was when I noticed that his dick had come out of his boxer shorts and it was erect and large, ocfourse at that time my `Hard 9' was just a hard 6. I was staring at his dick and then the next thing I knew I had it in my hands slowly stroking it the way I stroked mine when I would be jackin'. Touching him, jackin' his dick drove me crazy, so crazy that I hadn't noticed that his softs snores had been replaced by soft moans. His hips were slowly moving up and down and I was just jackin' his dick. I was jackin' it so hard that my wrist and hand got tired so I stopped and that was when I got the shock and surprise of my life.

"Why'd you stop?"

I thought my world was about to end. I had been stone cold busted. I couldn't turn around to look at him. I felt his hand touch my back and caress it.

"Please don't stop." He said. I turned and looked at him, he smiled as he took my hand and put it back on his rock hard dick. With his dick in my hand I returned to jacking him and as he moaned and groaned and moved his hips I jacked faster and harder, the way he liked it.

"Yeah...oooh jack it...yeah yeah yeah!"

My hand was moving like a piston and Steve was lost in it all. His head was thrown back, his mouth was wide open, he was moaning, groaning, I mean even his feet and toes were going at it. His dick was getting harder in my hand and I felt that in my own dick. He was about to bust a nutt.

"OOOH...Damn...I'm gonna...oooh...Damn Dre...damn Dre!"

The next thing I knew he exploded his nutt all over my hand, his stomach and chest. He was covered in sweat and cum and was panting and twitching.

"That shit was good, cuz." Steve said. He then looked at me and my own hard dick. "Let me help you out."

The next thing I knew he grabbed my dick and started working it with his hand at first and then his mouth. Now I was fifteen and I had never had a blow job by anyone before and especially not from another dude. Oh yeah, I nutted almost immediately. From that time on when ever I spent the night at Aunt Cora's Steve and I would get each other off but that was pretty much it. I mean, we kissed a couple of times and that was about it. When Steve went off to college the next year that was when I found out the most of the family knew he was gay. For some reason I set out to let it be known that I wasn't even though in my heart I guess I really knew the deal but let me say this, when I hooked up with women my dick worked just fine but there was something about the dudes that did it for me too. You all know my man, Eric. He have been boys since high school, we were roomies in college and I have to tell you that there was a time or two where, while he was sleeping, I would tip over and work his dick until he nutted all on himself and then I would tease him about having wet dreams. Oh yeah, like you never thought about doing that. I have to admit to you this as well. Once upon a time I had a crush on Eric. I mean he ain't hard to look at. He's a good looking brotha and I'm happy that he has a man in his life like Jermaine just like he's happy for me finding Julien. I gotta tell ya, there are times when it blows my mind about how Julien and I came together, not that we are living together or anything like that but we do spend as much time as possible together. Honestly I don't know if I'd say that I am in love with him but I do love him and I like being with him and spending time with him.

I arrived at Goodbody's Gym. Duane was working at the desk, he was the early morning manager, we rapped a second as he handed me a towel and he returned to studying, he is a student in college. I was walking over to the free weights when I heard someone call out my name. I turned to see who it was and my jaw dropped as Dalziel Jackson, the photographer that I met at the Midnight Lounge and who I kicked it with last year too. It had been a minute since I'd seen him. He still was looking roughneck sexy. His shiny bald head, goatee with side burns, that same sexy smile. We embraced each other and gave each other the `pound'.

"Long time no see, nigga!" Dalziel said smiling.

"Yeah, I tell ya. You work out here?" I asked. I had never seen him here before.

"Just started working out over here. I use to go to the Flex over off Washington but they ain't open 24/7 like here."

"Tru dat."

Dalziel stepped closer to me. So close I could smell his cologne and the hint of pot on him. "So when can we hit up again?"

"Hey man, I don't know." I said but I remembered that last time. It was off the hook. We were blazin', drinkin' and then sexin'. I remembered how hot his ass was and the Hard 9 started twitching. Dalziel noticed it immediately.

"You sure you don't know?" He asked as he stepped an inch closer and brushed the fingers of his hands against my dick. DAMNIT! I liked it.

"Hey Dal, things have changed since then." I said.

"You gotta man now?"

I nodded my head. "Yeah, I do."

"That's cool. But whatcha man gotta do with me getting' some more of this." And this time he squeezed my shit.

"Damn, nigga!" I said stepping back.

"C'mon man, all I'm askin' for is some chill time. We can burn some trees, drink some and then freak some."

I smiled as I remembered just how persuasive Dalziel Jackson could be.

"I don't see no rings on your finger so you and your new man must not have a permenant situation goin'"

"I ain't ready for all that." I said and I don't know why I said that. Dalziel broke out into a big motherfucking smile.

He reached into his workout pants pocket and pulled out a card case and handed me one of his cards. "Just in case you lost my number and shit."

"Wait nigga, I ain't say I wanted to see you like that again."

Dalziel smiled. "You will." And then he turned and walked away. I looked at the card. It was the same card that he gave me last year and it's the same card that is still in my wallet.

I awoke about seven in the morning feeling a bit sluggish but considering that I didn't get to bed until 2 in the morning it was no wonder. I forced myself out of bed and dragged myself into the kitchen where I got my morning coffee started. I then went into the bathroom and turned on the shower and began stripping off my clothes and got under the cold water, which woke me right up. I turned on the hot water and finished up my shower. I stepped out, grabbed a towel and began to dry myself off as I went over in my mind what I had to do today. I had a 10 o'clock court appearance which was probably going to last all day. Since it was discovered that my former partner was dirty all of the cases that he worked on were being reviewed. This on top of the shake up at city hall and HQ. The new mayor and new police chief Gladys Brown, who use to be the chief of detectives before getting promoted, were working hard at cleaning up the corruption within the police department as well as city hall and they meant business, serious business. My personal life over the last year had been going through as many interesting developments as my professional life but much more enjoyable.

Things between myself and Andre are going pretty good. There's a lot going on as well. He's still dealing with his sexual identity on top of being involved with another man in a dating situation but he seems to be handling things pretty well. I have been giving him as much time and space as he feels he needs. I try not to crowd him and just take things one day at a time, which also works for me. Dating a police officer is not easy especially one that is a detective sergeant. There are times when Dre and I don't get to see each other at all and when we do get time together I usually get beeped on my pager or calls on my cellphone and have to leave. We have had more than a few dates end prematurely because duty called. So far Andre has been pretty good with dealing with things, unlike the last guy I dated.

His name was Damarr. He was a dreadlock wearing poet with a deep dark complexion and wore silver wire rimmed glasses and sported a long scraggy beard, which I found pretty attractive on him. He had a wide nose and a strong chin, what he called strong Nubian features. Yes, he was afrocentric. He wore African clothes, had African art and sculpture in his apartment, listened to African music, read African literature and celebrated Kwanzaa over Christmas. I guess no two people could be total opposites but it was the opposites that attracted us to each other. We would have heated debates over the criminal justice system, politics, the state of the African American community (straight and gay). Our debates would be heated and result in some very hot love making sessions. The thing that was the biggest battle between us was my job and how I put it over everything in my life, including him. Damarr wanted the world to revolve around him. It was all about him which everyone would like to have but in the real world that doesn't happen and when you are in law enforcement your world must be put on hold to do your duty. Damarr couldn't understand that. Actually, he didn't even try. But to be fair I wanted to advance in my law enforcement career and I wasn't letting anything get in the way of that even my own personal life. I guess if we had worked towards a compromise we would probably be together today. Damarr was one of the most romantic, affectionate, loving black men I had ever dated. Why in the hell was I thinking about Damarr all of the sudden? I tossed my towel in the hamper and headed to the kitchen and poured me a cup of coffee. As I stood there naked in kitchen drinking my coffee I remembered a conversation that we had once had and it was about me, at that time, not walking around the house naked. Damarr loved to be naked. It was not unusual for me to go to his house and have him answer the door bare assed naked. Damarr did have one of the sexiest bodies I had ever seen. He wasn't muscled out big. He had that lean, lanky body with lean, defined muscles. He was about 6 feet tall and weighed 185 pounds. I enjoyed looking at his body.

"Why don't you walk around naked?" Damarr had asked me after I had stepped out of the shower, dried off and slid on a pair of underwear.

"What?" I responded, which was my usual response to anything he said to me.

"You have an attractive body, King," Damarr always called me King. It was his way to honor the fact that African Americans were descended from Kings. "You should not have it covered by clothes especially when you are alone or with me."

"I feel comfortable with my clothes on."

Damarr shook his head then looked at me. "You see what I mean King? We have gotten so westernized that even in the privacy of our own homes or with the ones we love we can't drop the walls and the shields that separate us."

Needless to say the conversation went back and forth with me on the clothed side and he on the nude side. The debate got heated and ofcourse it ended with us making hot love in the middle of the living room. God, that brotha knew how to work his body and mine too. As I finished my coffee I looked down at my hard-on and smiled, that was the one thing about Damarr, he knew how to turn me on and even now. Why was he in my mind today?

I put my empty coffee cup in the sink and went into the bedroom to get dressed.

"I was wondering how long you were gonna before you came in."

"Andre!?" I was surprised. Here was Andre, laying bare assed naked in my bed. "When did you get here?" I had given him a spare key to my place awhile back and to my knowledge this was the first time he had ever used it.

Andre was looking at me with that sexy smile on his face. He got out of the bed and walked towards me.

"I was at the gym and I started thinking about you and I just had to come here and I'm glad I did since it looks like you were thinking about me." Andre said as he gripped my erection.

"Ahhhhh...MMMMM...that...feels sooo good." I moaned as he massaged my dick and nuts.

"I know." He said as he began kissing my neck and then my lips. God, I love how his soft lips feel on me. His hands caressed my chest, playing with my nipples, which really turned me on. "I had to see you, yo."

I glanced at the bedside clock. It was eight I had two hours to get to court. "I'm glad you came."

"I haven't yet but I will." Andre said. When ever he talked like that I knew that he was horny and so was I. We laid on the bed kissing, caressing and touching. Lips smacking and sucking on every part of each others body. I allowed him to roll me over on my stomach as he began kissing me down my back and to my ass. I felt him gently spread my ass cheeks and a smile crawled across myself as his tongue touched and teased and went to work. Andre knew what he was doing.

"Ah ah ah ah ah...yes..." I moaned as he dove in deep. I could feel his nose in the crack of my ass. " that ass!"

"I'm gonna do more than eat it." Andre said and then went back to eating my ass.

"Oh yeah," I moaned. You would have thought we hadn't seen each other last night and made love for hours by the way we were acting now. I thrusted my ass up and into his hungry mouth and tongue wanting him to get all he could handle. I was ready and wanting when my cellphone started ringing. If it hadn't been the office I would not have answered. If it had not been for the fact that I had court today I would not have answered the phone but I had to answer the phone.

"Hello?" I said as Andre laid next to me. It was the newly promoted Captain John Wayne Dennis.

"Julien are you ready to go to court?" He asked.

"Well no, not yet. It's not until 10." I answered.

"No, there has been a change. It's been changed to 9 o'clock." He informed me. It was now a little after 8 am and it was a thirty minute drive to the court house. "Do you have everything you need."

"Yeah Cap...but why did they change the time?" I asked as I sat up in the bed.

"This is Judge Jett, we are lucky we learned about it. Get there and be on time, you know how he can be."

Before I could say good bye he had already hung up. I got up and began getting dressed.

"Andre," I said as I began dressing, "They changed the court date all of a sudden. I gotta go. I'm so sorry."

"Hey, it's okay." Andre said getting up and putting on his clothes. "Duty calls."

I felt so bad about this but this wasn't like we had a planned date or anything but still I felt bad about it but before I could say anything to him he was dressed and gone. I grabbed my things and was out the door by 8:15. I was getting into my car when I heard someone call out my name. I turned and couldn't believe my eyes. Walking across the street towards me was none other than Damarr. It had been two years since I had seen him. He was still sporting his afrocentric clothes, his dreads were longer, he was still wearing those silver wire rimmed glasses but the full beard was gone, he had a goatee now.

"Hello King." Damarr said flashing his million dollar smile that I liked so much.

"Damarr?" No sooner had his name left my lips he grabbed me in an embrace.

"It's good to see you, King. It's been such a long time."

I was absolutely speechless.

I was having lunch at this diner across the street from where I worked at Liberty Finance Corporation. Julien had called me right before I left for lunch to apologize for this morning. I told him I understood and he promised that he would make it up to me. I knew he would. I was eating my cheeseburger with salad on the side when for the second time today I saw Dalziel. He was styling in a light gray suit. He was getting his food to go when he looked over and saw me. He smiled at me, took his food and then headed in my direction.

"Sup," I said.

"This is the second time that we have met today." Dalziel said.

"Yeah," I answered, my mouth full of burger, "It must be fate."

"Really? Well, in that case I am free after 700 pm. I got some good shit at the crib. Drop by."

Before I knew it I was saying, "I aight, I'll do that."

Dalziel smiled like he'd won a million dollars. "Aight. Holla at ya then."

I watched as he walked away. I finished my burger and started in on my salad. Ain't nothing wrong with meeting a friend and chillin'.

To be continued.

Chapter Six coming soon.

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