Brother 2 Brother

By moc.loa@43namzyW

Published on Mar 10, 2007


BROTHER 2 BROTHER By Michael Martell


-Eric & Jermaine-

"How is he?" Jermaine asked as I walked back into the bedroom. I looked at him with surprise. Jermaine was asleep when my cell phone rang. I didn't want to wake him up so I went into the living and answered the call from Mohammed. It had been two days since Jamal's suicide attempt. I felt so terrible for Mohammed and for Sonny. That family had gone through hell and now they were going through more. Kei was gone, ran away for all intent and purposes and they were trying to find him but no luck. Jamal was being released and he was going to meet with a rape counselor, who happened to be the same one that Sean saw after his rape and who Sean was now dating. I wished Mohammed well and told him to send my love to Jamal and Sonny. I ended it by telling him if there was anything I could do to call me. I then closed the phone and headed back to the bedroom that hours ago Jermaine and I made love. Things for us had been going slowly but steadily for us. Were we back together? I don't know. Honestly it felt good being with him sexually and spending time with him. We had been going to movies, dinner and having long conversations about us and what we wanted out of life and out of each other, if there was going to be an us. So much had happened and we had so much more to go through.

"How did you know^Å" Jermaine smiled and I realized that he must have woke up during my call with Mohammed and had heard my end of the conversation. I sat on the edge of the bed. "Jamal is doing better. He's being released and he's going to meet Matthew Muhammad, the rape counselor who worked with Sean." I took a hold of Jermaine's hand. Was it instinct or love? "They have been through so much. I just can't help but wonder if they will make it."

"Why would you think that?" Jermaine asked me.

I got in the bed so that I was sitting up against the headboard next to him. He was still under the covers, bare chested and unless he got out of the bed while I was on the phone, he was buck naked under the sheets. "I don't know. I mean, can a family go through so much and not have any problems afterwards." I suddenly was thinking about Sean and Shane. After Sean's rape they had went through the entire ordeal together and when Victor died they were there for each other. They seemed to have grown stronger and their bond unbreakable. But could their relationship survive another tragic event? I couldn't help but wonder what this would do to them? I shook my head to chase away the negative thoughts that were creeping into my head. What was happening to me? Why was I being so deep and dark? It was then that I looked at Jermaine and realized that what I was thinking and feeling was what I was thinking and feeling about Jermaine and I. It was time to talk about it, seriously, and get to the bottom of it.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Jermaine asked. I looked at him and the expression on his face told me that he knew we were about to have a serious conversation about us. "Okay Eric, what's up?"

"Jermaine," I said still sitting up in the bed next to him, "we need to talk about where this is going."

"I thought we were going to take things one day at a time. I thought that we were going to work on getting back on track."

"Jermaine, what happened between us. It can't be changed overnight." "It hasn't been overnight. I have done everything you have wanted and asked of me. I have apologized. I have done everything I know how to do. I am willing to do whatever it takes to make this right." Jermaine declared. I believed in. In my heart of hearts I believed him. Jermaine would do anything and everything to make things right between us. But nothing he could possibly do would erase what was done. Nothing he could ever do would make me forget what happened. Nothing he could ever do could make me trust him like I once did. And without trust, I could not be with him. I would always wonder if he was lying to me. If he was cheating. I didn't want to become one of those paranoid, suspicious types who went around checking my man's underwear for cum stains. Search through his cell phone for numbers I didn't recognize. That was not the life that I wanted to live. I felt Jermaine reach for my hand and allowed him to take it. We didn't speak for a long while. I think he knew what was on my mind and was hoping that I would change my mind. I wasn't and I couldn't do that.

"Jermaine," I began finally, "we need to end this." I watched as Jermaine pulled himself up in the bed. The sheet fell off his fine chest and I found myself staring at it and reconsidering my decision, almost. He looked at me with those sexy soulful eyes and I could tell that his heart was breaking but he was not going to give up.

"Eric, just give me^Åus a chance." Jermaine pleaded.

"Oh Jermaine," I reached out and touched his face, softly and caressed it. I wanted so much for this to be different. It couldn't be. What had happened between us with others was deep and it had to be resolved. But what we had was over. It was broken and there was no amount of mending that could fix it.

"Eric, I know I fucked us up but we are still good. We can still have a life." Jermaine said.

"Jermaine, what I went through made we realize that I have some things to learn about myself." I decided it was best if I got out of the bed. Jermaine remained in the bed and I was grateful.

"What do you mean "you have to learn about yourself?"

I faced Jermaine and expressed what was on my mind and what had been on my mind since it all began. When I first learned that Jermaine was with someone else I continued on the tour. Why? If my relationship meant anything to me. If my love for Jermaine was strong nothing would have stopped me from returning to defend my relationship. To make things work. But what did I do. I went into the arms of another man feeling justified because Jermaine had cheated and I had called it quits. If it was so easy for me to stay where I was. If it was so easy for me to fall into the arms and have sex with another man, then was our relationship really anything of substance? As I spoke those words to Jermaine I could see that he heard me and understood. What Jermaine and I had was nice, it was beautiful and it was love but it wasn't LOVE! The difference between love and LOVE is that when something threatens love, you kind of shrug or you get angry and get even or you just say I'm done and toss it aside for another. But when someone threatens LOVE. Man, you fight for it. You come out swinging. Everything in your life stops because that LOVE is your life. It is what keeps you breathing. It wakes you up. It cradles you are night. You don't just through that LOVE away. You fight until you can't fight and then you pull up more and fight on. No book signing, no agent, no new dick, nothing could have stopped me from returning to Jermaine if we had LOVE. And if we have LOVE, nothing would have kept Jermaine away from me. I would not have gone on the tour without him and he would not have let me go without him, if LOVE was there. An hour and a half later after much talking and crying we decided that it was best that we did end what we had. We agreed to still be friends, which I think we both knew what that actually meant. I didn't want to share a space again with Dre as I began to realize that I had never lived by myself. I also shared space with others. My parents at home, Dre in college, Dre after college and now Jermaine. I needed to know how Eric lived and who I was. It was time for a major change in my life. What I didn't know was that it was a time for a major change in all of our lives.

-Mohammed, Sonny & Jamal-

We had finished our prayers and Jamal was upstairs getting ready for his appointment with Matthew Muhammed, the same counselor who worked with Sean after his rape. Jamal, who hadn't talked to me nor Sonny about what had happened nor the rape, had his good moments and bad ones. The nightmares were bad moments. There were times when he would waking up screaming. I think the toughest time was when we brought him home from the hospital. When we walked through the front door he began having problems breathing. He said his chest hurt and after we rushed him back to the hospital we were informed that he had a panic attack. The adjustment to returning home was going to be a long one, according to Matthew. But he was every bit encouraging and was available anytime we needed him. I had spoken to the doctors at the Rehab center and asked them if it was possible for Jamal and his mother to visit. After the rehab doctors, Matthew and a psychiatrist all talked it was agreed that a mother and son visit would do them both a world of good. They did suggest that they speak on the phone first and they did. It seemed to go well. I didn't eavesdrop on the call because I had a feeling that Jamal wanted to say some things to his mother that would have been uncomfortable to say in my presence. When he was finished with her he came out, gave me a hug and then said that she wanted to speak to me. I could only imagine what she had to say. I'm sure she had some blame for me, which was fine because I had some of my own for myself. I was surprised when I spoke to Tina and the first thing she told me was to stop blaming myself. She told me that I was a great father and that what had happened was no within my control. As I listened to her she sounded like the Tina I had met many years ago and had fallen in love with. She was lucid, witty, caring, sensitive and concerned for others. She admitted that she still had a long way to go and that she was not ready for what life had for her but that she was getting there. She admitted that it was going to take a lot of time but that she was dedicated to getting well. She wanted to be in Jamal's life as his mother and also his friend. She also wanted to be in my life as my friend. I had to admit that Tina, as a friend, was the best friend you could have. I told her I would like that too.

Things between Sonny and I were very good but we were both worried about Kei. No one had heard from him not even Sonny's family in Hawaii. We had checked in with Detective Linton, who informed us that they had followed up a couple of leads on Dalziel only to have just missed him before he left. It seemed that he had went to a hotel and stayed a night before he departed for parts unknown. He was pretty candid when he said that the chances of them finding him were slim but that they weren't giving up but they had other cases that they had to focus on. One being against those who participated in the wild party out our home and those who did participate in the sex acts against my son and Kei. Several people had been found, arrested and would stand trial. However, it was clear that the ring leader was Dalziel and though those who were involved after the fact would be punished, Dalziel was the one who would pay the ultimate price, if they ever caught him. In the meantime Sonny focused on Jamal's health and well being. Since we both made good money wrestling and invested wisely we were comfortable. We got better news that neither one of us expected. It seemed that the XWF had actually been working in red and was in debt up to its turnbuckles. David Duncan, that asshole that use to work for Miller tried to buy the company but failed to raise the money. Out of nowhere Global Sports Entertainment, a billion dollar company that owned Global Championship Wrestling, had acquired XWF, lock, stock and debt. The chairman of Global Sports Entertainment was a tough woman by the name of Lois Elaine Crossley and the most powerful woman in the sport of professional wrestling, something that was just unheard of. They wanted to know if we would be returning to wrestling. We both said we were uncertain. Even though we were our agent thought it was best to let GSE wonder. It worked. They offered to buy out our contracts and give us 20% more if we agreed to not compete for any other company for two years, give them the right to make us a contract offer. Sonny and I were still hot draws and the GSE did not want us going to another company or even starting our own to give them competition. The buying out of our contract for 20% more meant that we both would make a cool one million five. We jumped at the offer. The money would allow us to take care of our family and not be pressured financially. We both decided that even though we were worried about Kei. He did leave on his own and that it would have to be up to him to contact us and come home.

I was walking to the kitchen to get some water when I passed by the living room where Sonny was watching the TV. It sounded like the news was on. I continued on when I heard him call my name urgently. I went back into the living room to see Sonny on his feet dialing the telephone.

"Sonny? What's going on?"

"Look!" Sonny was pointing at the TV screen. I turned, looked and listened. Apparently they were evacuating several buildings in downtown Philadelphia because of a bomb threat. I wasn't surprised with Osama Bin Ladin still out there. I turned to Sonny, puzzled. "Do you know something about this?" I asked.

"May I speak to Det. Linton please?" Sonny was saying into the phone. He then looked at me. "did you see him?"

"See who?"

"Kei. He's there. He's in Philadelphia!"

I looked at the TV screen again. This time searching for Kei's face. The CNN news reporter was standing in front of the Marriott Courtyard Hotel in down town Philadelphia. The camera was moving around at people evacuating. There was no way that Sonny could have seen Kei but I didn't want to say that. He had been thinking he's seen his son everywhere lately. I was getting concerned for him. He was telling whoever he was talking to have Det. Linton call him immediately. He hung up the phone and I turned to him.

"Sonny I didn't see Kei,"

"What?" Sonny said, "he was right^Å" he stopped as he looked at the TV, "the camera moved but he was there. He was right there." Sonny seemed so sure of it. I could only imagine what he was feeling. Not knowing where his son was.

"Sonny, why don't you sit down and let's turn this off." I suggested.

"No! No damnit. I know my son. And I saw him. He was there. He was right^Å" Sonny stopped talking as his eyes grew wide. "THERE! LOOK!"

I turned my head and I couldn't believe my eyes. The camera was on the CNN reporter and right behind the reporter moving through the crowd was Kei. There was no question about it. It was Kei. He was in Philadelphia. He was alive and looked well. But what was he doing in Philadelphia and how did he get there.


Philadelphia is my type of town. They should call it Freak-a-delphia because there are a whole lot of freaks here. It had been a continuous freak parade since I got here four days ago. My cousin Teck had me set up fo' sho. I had this bomb ass apartment near downtown Philadelphia and thanks to Teck, who is a computer whiz amongst the other hustles he had on the side. He hooked me up with a new id, credit card, and had a brother hooked up in the best apartment money could buy. The apartment was hooked up as well and included a full set up of computer and video equipment. He told me that it wouldn't be long before I was back in business but in the mean time I should get to know the lay of the land. So under my new identity as Devon Saunders I hit the spots in Philadelphia. I rolled up to this club called Xanadu, supposed to be the hottest club in Philly. I paid my money to get in and I checked out the scene. It wasn't bad and as I looked around diggin' the scene and scopin' things out ever eye was on me. After all I was new meat on the market and the customers wanted a slice. I went to the bartender and ordered me a Henny and coke and turned around to check things out. I noticed this brotha on the dance floor dancing and moving all across the dance floor. He was having a lot of fun. He was about 6ft tall with a lean body. He had a big smile on his face and it looked like he was just enjoying everything. He looked in my direction so I nodded at him and sipped my drink. A few seconds later he removed his shirt and was dancing shirtless. It was then that I saw that he was lean but his body, especially his abs were tight. He was young too, couldn't be more than 22 years old. As I watched him move my dick grew hard. I needed some action and I wanted it from him. I kept staring at him and when he looked in my direction again he smiled and wiggled his hips for me. After fifteen minutes of the flirt game he walked over to me, his shirt still off, covered and dripping in sweat and his scent was as a sweet mix of cologne, musky sweat and alcohol.

"Wassup, my name is Anthony." He said, standing directly in front of me.

"Devon," I said, looking at his face. He wasn't handsome but he wasn't ugly. His eyes seemed to be set too close together and his nose a little too long but there was something about him that made you look. It was his sexiness. He wore it well. He was stylish too. He was wearing name brand designer jeans and the shirt that he took off was a designer as well. He was wearing two diamond cross earrings, one in each ear and he sported a diamond and gold grill that matched his earrings in his mouth.

"Cool. So what's on your mind, Devon?" He asked.

"Takin' you some where and fuckin' your brains out."

Anthony chuckled, "That's wassup. You gotta place to go?"

"Damn straight, playa." I said.

"Cool. Buy me another drink and I'm all yours."

I agreed. For a thug lookin' brotha he drunk a sissy drink. Cosmopolitan made with Grey Goose. He sucked it down and we talked. His name was Anthony Boone and he was a student at Lincoln University where he played basketball and was studying Mass Communication. He had a bit of a troubled youth but was hoping to do better and was so far. While he chatted and drank another Grey Goose Cosmo, I checked him out and as I did I was getting hornier by the second. I reached down and grabbed his dick. It was hard as a rock. He stopped talking then. He knew what was up. When we got back to my place it was on. I wanted to see him naked and started removing his clothes. Damn, nigga was sexy and he had a thick long dick and a juicy ass. I had to get a video of this.

"Hey man, how you feel about me video taping your sexy body." I said.

"Video tape? What for?" he asked looking at me suspiciously.

"Yeah. I'm looking for sexy thug models and I think you can do it."

"Nah man, I can't do that." Anthony said.

I nodded. I have heard no before and I knew how to handle no. "That's cool. Hey, you want another drink before we do the damn thing?"

Anthony shrugged, "Sure,"

I went into the kitchen and poured two glasses of Henny. I put coke in both but something extra in Anthony's. The roofies worked once and it worked well. Why not another shot. I returned with the drinks and handed Anthony his. He downed his drink in several gulps. He was horny and ready for action. We went into my bedroom. I removed my clothes and had him lay on his stomach on my bed. That ass was juicy and I wanted that. I spread his cheeks and began eating his ass. Anthony moaned and groaned as my tongue drove into that hot hole.

"OOOH Ahhhh shit^Åyeah, yeah, eat that ass^Åahhhh^Å"

He was wiggling and jiggling that ass driving it into my face. He wanted me to get it all and I was going to take. But I also had a surprise for him. As I was eating his ass he hand his hand underneath him jacking his dick. My dick was ready and rock hard and so was his ass. I drove my dick into his ass with one hard thrust. Anthony yelped and tried to get away but I held him tight and began drilling that juicy ass slapping it with my hand. Anthony stopped resisting and started going with me. I was drilling him doggie style and he was screaming and taking it like a bitch. I was on the verge of nuttin' but it wasn't time. It didn't feel right. Then suddenly Anthony's movements seemed different. The roofies had gone to work. It was then that I felt ready to bust. I slam pile drove that ass until I busted in his ass. God, it was the best nut I had since, since that damn party. I withdrew my dick and looked down at Anthony. Yeah, it was time. I got my video camera set up and began posing Anthony Boone in all the positions I wanted. I was getting horny again I had to hit that ass again. I put on my black mask and then got onto the bed and once again I drilled that ass. I turned him so that the camera could see everything I was doing. Oh yeah, I was going to love Philadelphia, correction, freak-a-delphia.


Philadelphia was not a place to be if you didn't have any money and knew no one. I couldn't go back to my Dad and Mohammed but Philadelphia was not hitting on much for me. When I got off at the train station in downtown Philly I realized that what little money I had was not going to hold me. I didn't have a residence and finding a place to live was going to be damn hard. I didn't have any choice. I had to use what had served me well. My body. My first encounter was with a white guy, who was fifty but looked seventy. I gave him a blow job in the bathroom and copped me $50. That would be enough for a one night stay in a hotel but I was hungry too. It was then that my next one was another white guy, he looked 40 and was 40. He had a nice body. He was down for a blow job but he wanted to give it to me. $50 he could suck me I told him. He sucked my dick in the bathroom stall, the same one that I sucked the other guys. It felt good but I couldn't get lost in the feeling. This wasn't for joy this was for survival. He almost gagged on my dick. When I told him I was about to cum he told me to cum on his face. He offered me an extra $10 and shot all over his face.

"You have a sexy body and a great dick," he said after he cleaned off his face, "how would you like to stay with me in Philadelphia. I'll pay you $200 a night to suck your dick and you fuck me."

"$500," I replied.

He chuckled, "$250"




We agreed at $400. His name was George. He was staying at the Marriott Court Yard in downtown Philadelphia. He was in town for business, he didn't say and I didn't ask. Our deal was suck and fuck at $400 a night. The room he had was a fucking suite. As soon as we walked in the door, George was on his knees and was sucking my dick. I closed my eyes, my dick was not responding. But once I thought about Jamal it got hard as before and George was gagging. It started feeling good, damn good. It was because I was thinking about Jamal. I shook the image away and this time when I nutted he laid on his back and I nutted on his chest and stomach. I took a shower. I didn't have a change of clothes and I shared the bed with George butt ass naked. I just wanted to sleep but George wanted more. He wanted me to fuck him. I wanted to refuse but decided that if I fucked him I could get some rest. George wanted it doggie style and that suited me. I put on a condom and went at it. George moaned and cursed and called me somoan savage, even though he knew I was African-American and Hawaiian. This time I busted on his back. I fell asleep from exhaustion. The next morning there was $400 in an envelope next to me and a note that he had a meeting and that he would be back at 5pm. I had $450 dollars and time on my hands. He left a copy of the room key so I decided that I would go out and get me some clothes and check out Philadelphia. I was back by 430 and George was back by 5pm and was horny as hell. He sucked me off three times before we got something to eat. After dinner he wanted me to fuck him in the shower. I did. The next morning there was another envelope with 400 dollars and another note saying that he enjoyed himself and that I had the room for one more night before I would have to pay. One night was $219 a night. Since I still had a nice chuck of change left I walked around Philadelphia looking for fun. No sex just fun. I started to think about what had happened and how I ended up here. I started thinking about my Dad, Mohammed, Jamal. I missed them. But I couldn't go back. The more I thought about not going back the more I wanted to. I needed to get them out of my mind. I bought a bottle of wine and was heading back to the hotel. My plan was to get blasted drunk out of my head. I sat on the foot of the bed drinking wine and thinking about my fucked up life. I passed out and the next thing I knew the phone was ringing and I was told to evacuate the hotel there had been a bomb threat in the area. I grabbed my money and my clothes and left. When I got outside fucking CNN and news trucks were everywhere. I needed to find another place to stay. I thought about calling my Dad and letting him know that I was okay but decided that he was better off without hearing from me. Besides, he would know that I was alive. I walked past the CNN cameras on my search for another place to rest my head and another man willing to pay.

-Shane & Sean-

I still could not believe that Shane was leaving to live in New Orleans with Vincent. Even after seeing them together and telling that they were in love and that he was happy, I just couldn't think about my life without Shane here. True, I had Matthew but it wasn't like having Shane with me here. Matthew was working with Mohammed's son Jamal and that was taking a great deal of his time. When he did come over he seemed distracted as if some thing was on his mind. Of course what had happened to poor Jamal and the counseling he was going through was a lot. I was in the kitchen making dinner for everyone. Matthew was coming over after work and Shane and Vincent, well, they were in Shane's room. They were leaving for New Orleans in the morning. This was our last night together. I heard the front door open and heard Matthew come in. He called out and I went into the living room. Matt sat on the sofa. He removed his shoes. He looked tired.

"Tough day?" I asked as I sat on the sofa with him. I gave him a kiss.

"Yeah. I had a session with Jamal Moyenda." Matt sighed, "what he went through^ÅGod, I hope they find the man who did this to him."

I held his hand. Matthew loved his job but there were times when it just got to him and this was one of those times. I could tell. I wanted to make him happy. But this case was getting to him.

"I hope they do to. Jamal can have some closure." Even though Silk was dead, I didn't feel like I had closure. I never got to confront him. I never got to ask him why. I never got to see him answer to his crimes in front of a court of law. I wanted Jamal to have what I never got. Matt wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek.

"Still wishing you had closure?" Matt asked.

"Yes." I confessed, " I do. I mean, I'm in control of my life but I feel^Ådeep inside that a piece of my life and a piece of me is gone forever. I can't and won't get it back."

Matthew looked into my eyes and kissed me. It was a wonderful passionate kiss. When the kiss ended I felt more in love than I had ever felt.

Vincent and I were in my room packing up the rest of my things that I was taking with me to New Orleans. I still could not believe it. When I called Momma V and told her what had happened she was so excited. So was I. My time with Vincent here was good. It allowed Sean to see how happy we were. It was going to be tough leaving him but I had to and now more than ever. Matthew had been acting oddly and there was a time or two when it was just him and I that he expressed his intention of telling Sean how he felt and that he and I had been sexual one time. I had begged him not to. I told him that I loved Vincent and that my life with him was going to be great. Matthew threatened to tell Vincent, I could allow that. Lucky for everyone he took on Jamal Moyenda as a client and it kept him busy. But it was time to go. Once he was gone then Matthew could direct his attention back to Sean, where it belonged. I would miss Sean, I would miss him a lot. But I was also excited about the fact that I would be having a life away from my twin. A life of my own. It was too exciting. Vincent wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck. I had to admit it felt good to be in his arms. In the arms of someone who loved me and who I could love. I wasn't in love with Vincent but I loved him and over time I knew I would feel deeper for him.

"Are you sure about this?" Vincent asked.

I turned and looked at him, "Yes, I am very sure. I want this Vincent. I want this with you."

Vincent smiled at me and when he did I saw Victor in his eyes. I smiled before I kissed Vincent.

"I love you, Shane." Vincent said.

"I love you, too." I said back to him.

Dinner was ready Shane and Vincent sat next to each other while Matthew and I sat together. The conversation was good as was the food. I still couldn't believe that this time tomorrow I would be here alone and he would be in New Orlean. Life for us all was going to be different.

"So Matt man," Vincent said, "you gonna move in after we leave?" Everyone at the table went silent. I looked at Matthew, he looked at me. Then suddenly I broke the silence when I said.

"Matthew," I said, "why not. There is a lot of space and well^ÅI mean, if you want to." I suddenly felt like I needed to hide under some thing. Matthew looked around the table before looking at me and smiling.

"Only if you want me to."

"I do Matthew. I do,"

The news that Matthew was going to move in with Sean was surprising. But what was more surprising was my reaction. I was jealous. I was jealous as hell.

Sean drove us to the airport. He said goodbye to Vincent, who took our luggage to be checked in. Sean and I stood looking at each other.

"I can't believe it. You are really going away." Sean said fighting back tears.

"I can't believe it either. I'm going to miss you so much," I said.

"I'm going to miss you too," Sean said. We embraced tightly both of us crying.

"I love you Sean," I said to him.

"I love you Shane," Sean replied back.


We were in Goodybody's gym on my day off. Damar had decided that he wanted to start working out and working out together did a lot for our relationship and our sex life, to tell the truth. Working out also helped me to clear my mind. I was frustrated with this whole Dalziel situation. He had disappeared and we had no idea where he was and even if we did getting him back may be tough as well. I was watching Damar lifting some weights and enjoying the sight when my cell phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was my partner Carlos. I answered the phone. I was surprised to hear that Sonny and Mohammed thought they saw Kei in Philadelphia. Well, that was a bit of good news. I hung up the phone and decided that on my day off it would be best if my cell phone wasn't on my hip. I told Damar I was going to put my cell phone in my bag in the locker room. I was very happy with my relationship with Damar. The fact that he came back when he did was great. I had to admit that I owed this to Andre. He was the reason why I was happy right now.

"Sup Julien?"

I looked up to see Andre standing there, his gym bag in hand.

"Andre, what's going on?" I said.

"Not much just getting ready to work out."

I couldn't help but look at his body. The one thing about Andre was that he had a sexy body. "So are we."

"We?" Andre asked.

"Yes. Damar and I."

"That's your ex." "Was my ex. We are back together."

"Oh. That's cool." Andre said.

"Well, I better get going. Be good Dre," I said and then left the locker room. I was glad to be leaving the locker room. I saw Damar lifting weights, he had removed his shirt and was looking very sexy. I walked up behind him and pulled on his nipples from behind.

"King," he sighed, "stop,"

"How'd you know it was me?" I asked,

"I know your touch." Damar said turning to look at me.

"Let's go. I have another work out for us." I said feeling horny as hell. Damar smiled and I knew it was on. We both headed back to the locker room to get our things just as Andre walked out almost colliding with us. We all looked at each other, said our excuse me's and went on our way. I happened to glance back and caught Andre looking at us. He looked sad and I felt sorry for him. I hoped he would find happiness.


I have a new motto in my life. Fuck! That was it. You know hooking up with Julien may have brought me out of the closet but I say make the best of it and just^ÅFUCK! Maybe Dalziel had the right idea. Eric and Jermaine, Mohammed and Sonny, Julien and his boy they could have that relationship shit. I say this, Just fuck. I was about to start my work out when I noticed this light skinned brother with green eyes staring at me. I knew that stare. Oh yeah, that yella nigga wanted some of the Hard 9 and Dre was ready, willing and able to please. Yeah, the Hard 9 was back.


Time marches on and moves forward. The passage of time brings changes. It marks the end of the old and the beginning of the new. It also holds the secret of the future and the surprises that it holds.


Eric moved into his own place, a nice modest townhouse. He returned on his book tour and began working on his next novel, a work of fiction that garnered even more praise than his first work. There was talk of a movie based on his second novel that he called "Brothahood". It was called a sexy, sensual, gay urban story. E. Lynn Harris and James Earl Hardy look out. Eric Robinson was coming. He stayed very busy writing and creating and learning about himself. He learned a lot. It had been a year since his relationship with Jermaine had ended and though they promised to remain friends, they drifted apart. Jermaine met someone else and got married. She had no idea that he was gay. They moved to Chicago. Eric learned that Jermaine and his wife, Nina, had a baby boy. A son they named Eric. Eric is still single but happy. He has much to keep him busy as he has also become a bit of a radio celebrity with his own radio talk show that is being heard in over 50 cities and growing.


Time heals all wounds and lessens the pain of lose. Mohammed and Sonny remained solid and loyal in their relationship. Neither one returned to wrestling. Mohammed, seeing what his son had been going through decided that there were young men who needed guidance and help. He started his own community based mentor program designed to help African American boys cope with many things. It was a way to help them become responsible men by giving them positive African American role models. It was then that a young runaway was placed with Mohammed and Sonny as a foster child. His name was Romeo, he was a sixteen year old afro-latino youth who had been abandoned by his parents when it was discovered he was gay. It was felt that being placed in a house where there were strong, positive male role models would help him.

Sonny returned to wrestling briefly before leaving it all together. He helped Mohammed with his community based mentor program. He also purchased Goodbody's gym when it's owner died of a heart attack. The success of Goodbody's Gym lead to him opening up another in a three different locations. Life was good, he had a successful business, and he was in a wonderful relationship and had a growing family. He only wished he knew where Kei was. After he and Mohammed went to Philadelphia and spent a month looking for him they received a letter that he was doing fine and that they did not need to worry about him. He apologized for what happened and asked them to tell the same thing to Jamal. They were unsuccessful at tracking his location from the letter.

Jamal Moyenda, after all he had been through, entered college. He was accepted at Lincoln University in Philadelphia. He had worked through all that had happened to him and had accepted the fact that he was gay. Being away from home allowed him to find himself and develop as a person. He still thought about Kei and wanted him to know that he didn't blame him for what happened to them. He just wanted Kei to know that and wanted him to know that he was happy. Jamal met a young man, Kwesi Brandon, who was the star of the Lincoln University Lions basketball team. Jamal was crazy about him and Kwesi was crazy about him. Every now and then he would think about Kei and Dalziel. It was fate that he would learn about both of them while in Philadelphia. Kwesi had purchased a gay porn dvd starring a porn star known for his big dick and sexy look. His name was sexy too, Kei Lorenzo. When Jamal saw the dvd he recognized Kei, his Kei as the porn star. Jamal shook his head. He was able to get in touch with Kei. They spoke and Jamal promised that he would not tell their fathers what he was doing now. Two weeks later a name was arrested for slipping his victims roofies and videotaping them. There were four and two of them accused him of raping them. The man was none other than Dalziel and after his arrest Det. Julien Linton arrived to charge him with the same crime concerning Jamal and Kei. He was found guilty and was sentenced to 20 years in prison and he still had to stand trial in the matter of Jamal and Kei. Jamal finally had closure.

Kei became Kei Lorenzo after leaving Philadelphia for New York where he entered the gay porn industry. He modeled for gay magazines and made gay video porn. If he was going to use his body he might as well make all the money he could at it. He did contact his father to let him know he was okay. He didn't want his father nor Mohammed to know what he was doing. As Kei Lorenzo he was one of the best versatile porn performers around. He did so well in New York that he stayed. He was single and intended to stay that way. Dating and the porn world did not mix very well.


Dalziel had become so hooked on having sex with those he drugged that he could not have sex with anyone who was not doped up on roofies. Afterwards he would videotape them and would jack off watching the tape. He never figured anyone would say anything. But someone did and it resulted in the police busting down his door. Not only did they find the video tapes, the equipment and the roofies. They also found the fake IDs and credit cards. He was now going to serve 20 years at Russell G. Oswald Correctional Facility. Dalziel figured that he could make it in prison, even for 20 years. He didn't. Dalziel was found hung in his cell. The inmate that did it was a former college basketball stand out named Anthony Boone, who was serving ten years for involuntary homicide. No one could prove that Anthony Boone was the man who murdered him and no one seemed to care.


Det. Sgt. Julien Linton and Damar remain together, happily. Det. Sgt. Linton has been highly decorated and on February 10, 2005 he was promoted to Det. Lieutenant after the successful conviction of Dalziel. He and Damar moved into a bigger house. Damar went to work for a community based mentor program. Andre still living by his motto Fuck, was doing just that. The Hard 9 was still working overtime.


Their relationship continued to grow and develop over the years. Matthew's work with men who survived rape and sexual assault resulted in him writing a book. Doing book tours and even appearing on Oprah. He continued his work and was a member of the board of directors for New Beginnings program, started by Mohammed Moyenda. Sean was happy to have Matthew. He was crazy in love with him. Sean was promoted at Compu-Tech to Division Manager, a position he loved. It afforded him more time to do other things such as serve on the Board of New Beginnings. Life was very good for them both but something major brewing in the Atlantic was about to effect them as well as the entire country.


Shane and Vincent were living together in New Orleans. Momma V could not be happier to have them together and down in New Orleans with her. Shane remained with Goodbody's Gym after it was purchased by Sonny and was made a regional manager. Vincent began taking college courses online. He wanted to do more with his life. Computers were the thing to get into and he hoped that he could make a very good living with it. He wanted to be the type of man that Shane deserved. They were in love and nothing could change that.


On the morning of August 29, 2005 Hurricane Katrina, as a strong category 3 storm hit made landfall in Southern Louisianna. The storm surge caused the levees to bust and New Orleans, especially the lower Ninth Ward was devastated. Those who could not get out had to endure great suffering, heartache, pain and fear. While family and friends all over wondered about their loved ones and friends.

Eric, Mohammed, and Sean all waited to hear what had happened to their friend and brother, Shane Jackson. So far there has been no word.

[The story of these men, these friends, these brothers is far from over. There is more to tell and I plan on telling it. However, I am going to take a break from them to work on some other things. I sincerely appreciate everyone who had followed these characters that I created from Brothers Like Us to Brother 2 Brother. I have some amazing and dedicated fans who have waited for months to read the next chapters of my work. I love all the readers of my work but those I love even more for their dedication. I want to thank Nifty for posting my work. What more can I say. I was given a talent by God. I hope that I have used it well. I will return with a new piece of work called "Mavericks". I hope you all will enjoy it. Until we meet again. Thanks for everything.

Michael Martell

[Drop Michael Martell a line at

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