Brother 2 Brother

By moc.loa@43namzyW

Published on Dec 29, 2006


BROTHER 2 BROTHER By Michael Martell


-Shane & Sean-

Vincent's plane arrived 20 minutes late and in those twenty minutes I kept telling myself that what I was about to do was the right thing to do. It wasn't like I wasn't attracted to Vincent and we did have sex together and he did say he was interested in me. What I was doing was the best way to handle the situation. Once Matt realized that nothing could and would happen between us then everything would work out. It had to in the last few days since I called Vincent and asked him to fly up from New Orleans things between Matt and me seemed to get more sexually tense. I did my dead level best to stay away from him I would work late at the gym or go in very early. A few times when I knew Matt was coming over I would get a hotel room and tell Sean that I was out with friends, anything to keep Matt and I out of the same proximity. I could not do this to Sean. He deserved to be happy and I would do anything to make him happy.

I heard someone call my name and when I turned around I saw Vincent walking towards me. I couldn't help staring at him. My God, he looked good. He had gotten rid of the cornrows for what looked like twists and sported a nice goatee. He looked like he may have lost a little weight and had put on some in some good places. I walked towards him and we embraced. It felt good to be in his arms and his embrace was strong and tight and comforting. When the hug ended he was smiling at me.

"What?" I asked, smiling back.

"I was happy that you called and wanted me to come up." Vincent said.

"Well...I had been doing some thinking Vincent and...I realized something." I looked him in the eye and took a deep breath, "I realized that I want to be with you and I hope that you want to be with me...that maybe we could get our heads on straight and..." suddenly Vincent was kissing me. I had not expected it and certainly not out in public for everyone to see. When the kiss ended I was stunned and breathless.

"Wow," I gasped, "I wasn't expecting that."

"I just wanted to get that out of the way." Vincent said, "Momma says hi and wants to know when you are coming back to visit."

I smiled as I thought about seeing Momma V. She would see me sooner than she thought if all worked out as I had planned. On the drive home I talked to Vincent about what had been on my mind. About how I had thought about him since I left New Orleans. He just kept smiling and held my hand. This was going to be just fine. This was going to work out perfectly.

When I got home from work I was dog dead tired. It had been a long hard day and I just wanted to rest. As I was settling down in the living room, kicking off my shoes, Shane walked in from the back of the house and told me that he was going to pick up Vincent from the airport. I was floored, I knew Shane stayed in touch with Victor's family but I had no idea that things with Vincent had progressed to the point of him coming to visit. When he had returned from New Orleans we had discussed his trip and how things went and what went down between them. I had figured it was a done deal between them. Then I thought to myself had anyone told me that I would be falling in love with the man who helped me and was still helping me through the rape I would have called them crazy. So maybe the unexpected and the amazing happened and happens for a reason. I laid down on the couch when the doorbell rang. I didn't want to get up but whoever was at the door was not going away. So I went and answered the door to find Matthew standing there with a smile on his face.

"What's cooking good looking," Matthew said, his usual greeting to me. He then gave me a kiss. Matthew knew how to turn me on with just a kiss, a look or a touch. I was crazy about this man. Absolutely crazy. I don't know what I did to deserve this man but I was glad I had him. I could not imagine my life without him nor could I imagine not having him around. Not since before the rape did I feel like I could trust someone again with my heart.

"Hey baby," I said kissing him back. Matthew had some juicy, sweet lips. I walked Matthew into the house closing the door behind us, so the neighbors wouldn't get a full viewing. I watched him walk into the living room. Did this brotha have a fine ass or what? I suddenly felt incredibly horny, some thing that always happened when I was around Matthew. He sat on the couch and I joined him. It wasn't long before we were kissing again.

"Damn baby," Matthew said, "what's up with that?"

"It's you. You make me crazy horny," I said as I pulled at his shirt. It was time to get him out of those clothes and do what we loved to do. Make love til we couldn't move.

"Hold up baby," Matthew said grabbing my hands, keeping me from getting his shirt off. "what about your brother?"

"Shane?" I asked, leaning and giving him a kiss, "Shane isn't here. The house is ours and it's time for us to do the damn thing." I said as I got my hands free and up his shirt. His body was warm and felt good. I could feel him trembling from my touch. God, I was horny. I wanted Matthew more than anyone. We began kissing and removing clothes. We were caught up in the moment and the rush. I couldn't wait to get naked and get busy. I was sucking on his nipples as my fingers worked to unbutton and unzip his pants.

"Oh damn are fuckin' me up," Matthew moaned, he loved have his nipples licked and touched. Soon he was helping me to free him from his pants. I gasped in surprise as I realized that he wasn't wearing any underwear.

"You going commando these days?" I asked as I gripped his thick throbbing dick. He smiled at me.

"I knew I was coming to see my baby," he replied and then pulled me into a deep kiss. Before long we were on the couch kissing and caressing. I wasn't thinking about anything except being with Matthew. Matthew laid on top of me and began kissing a trail down my body. I was rubbing his hard dick with my right foot, which drove him crazy too. Then he reached my dick and began licking and kissing it before he opened wide and gobbled it up.

"OOOOOOH...AHHHHHH!" I moaned as he went to work, slowly at first. I loved how he sucked my dick. I loved how he did everything to me. My legs were shaking, my toes were wiggling. "Oh shit...that feels good." He moved down to my balls and licked them while he jacked my dick. I was losing my mind. I spread my legs wide and up in the air giving him full access to what he wanted. I closed my eyes tight as I felt his fingers tickle my ass followed by his tongue. I covered my face with my hands. I didn't want him to see the tears in my eyes and think that I was upset. I wasn't upset the tears in my eyes were from joy, pleasure, ecstasy and love. After looking for the Mr. Right in all the wrong places. After heart break, sadness and rape I had what I was looking for, love. What is ironic is that had I not been raped I would not have ever met this man, at least I didn't think I would have met him. Matthew had come into my life and eased the pain that Silk Mitchell had done to my soul. I would never be free of him but Matthew made it less of a focus in my life. He loved me. I knew he did. I remembered the day he thought that Chip, my boss, was an attacker and he came over here ready for battle. He has been there for me like no one, except my brother. Shane and Matthew were the two men in my life I could trust without a shadow of a doubt. Matthew was licking and eating my ass like a champ. I was stroking my dick so hard that I was ready to nutt but I didn't want to. I wanted it to last and never end. He rolled me onto my stomach and continued with my ass. I was slapping the couch and moaning into the couch padding.

"Make love to me. Fuck me." I moaned. I felt him spread my ass cheeks further a part and his tongue went in deeper. I was so glad that I had great hygiene back there. I then felt his dick slapping on my ass and I knew he was ready for action. I braced for him to enter me and I couldn't wait. This was it. Yes, yes, YES!

When I pulled up to the house I noticed Matthew's car in the drive. This was perfect. The entire drive from the airport I kept thinking of what Sean's reaction would be when I told him that I was interested in Vincent and that I would be going to New Orleans with him when he left. It was the right thing to do. I would be out of the way and Matthew and Sean could be happy together. And it wasn't like Vincent wasn't bad to look at. He was sexy, in that rough and rugged way. And I loved Momma V and the family. Victor and I never got a chance to be a family like that. I had always wanted that and now it seemed that I would have it with his brother and in the process my brother would finally be happy.

"This is a nice house. It's just you and your brother?" Vincent asked.

"Yeah, it was left to us by our aunt." I said. I realized that Vincent knew very little about me while I knew some things but not too much about him. I was surprised by that and then remembered that Victor knew all about the house and the history behind how Shane and I got it. I would have to fill Vincent in on all this.

"What's wrong?" Vincent asked.

"Huh?" I had went off to la la land, "nothing, everything is fine I was just thinking."

"About what?"

I looked at him and smiled, "Just how life works things. If anyone would have told me that I would be standing here with the brother of my..." what was Victor? He was my ex but then he wasn't. We weren't married so he wasn't my spouse. Boyfriend and lover didn't sound correct when you were talking about some one who was dead. I settled on "Victor and talking about becoming a couple I would have called them crazy."

"Me too," Vincent said with a sad smile. I stroked his cheek.

"I don't have any regrets Vincent. When I was in New Orleans I was scared. I was thinking about Victor and what he would think. I was concerned about Sean and how he was. But when I got here I realized that Victor wanted me to be happy and Sean was doing well. I realized that it was time for me to do me." Vincent took my hand in his and smiled. He then gave me a kiss on the cheek. Another public display by Vincent.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Vincent asked.

"What? Be with you? Yes." I replied.

"Not just that. I mean relocate to New Orleans. Leave your friends and brother behind."

"Vincent it's time for me to move on. Sean and I have lived ourselves in each other's orbit since we were little kids. We have never been separated until I went to New Orleans. It's past due for me...for us to move on with out lives." I pointed to Matthew's care, "Matthew is the reason why I am able to do this." The look Vincent gave me was one of surprise and I feared I had said too much. "Matthew has come into Sean's life and he has done wonders. If it was anyone else I would not be doing this but Matthew makes Sean happy and I know he will never hurt him. He has shown me it's my time to be happy."

"Well damn, let's go inside and meet this man who has made everyone happy," Vincent said. I went to put the key in the door when I realized it was unlocked. I didn't think much of it and when the door opened and I let Vincent in first with his bags I didn't think that he would see more of my brother and Matthew than the doctor had.

"WHAT THE FUCK!??" I heard Matthew say as he scrambled off the couch, grabbing his clothes and running off to the back of the house where Sean's bedroom was. Sean was trying to grab his clothes as well while Vincent stood there mouth wide opened. Once again Matthew and Sean were fucking in the living room. I couldn't believe my eyes.


"Don't start Shane. Why didn't you call and tell me you were on the way back?" Sean demanded.

"If I knew it was going to be fuckfest in the living room I would have made other plans." Sean was getting into his pants and I decided there was no time like now to make the introductions. I introduced him to Sean, or rather re-introduced them. When Matthew returned, looking embarrassed and damn sexy, I turned to him and introduced him to Vincent.

"Pleased to meet you all," Vincent said, acting as if he did not see my brother and Matthew humping like sex crazed rabbits.

I had never been so embarrassed in all my life. Matthew and I were going at it, hard and fast. I was loving every minute of it and had forgotten that Shane was on the way home with Vincent. When I looked up, a split second after Matthew gasped as he jumped off me, I was looking at Vincent and my brother. I could not believe this had happened. After everyone was introduced or re-introduced I excused myself to go get presentable and Matthew came with me. We showered and changed clothes, Matthew had left some clothes at my house and he slip into those. When we came out Vincent and Shane were enjoying a glass of wine while they watched `Sanford and Son," on TV Land. It felt like the right time to talk to them and put my plan in action.

"Hey guys, I need to tell you something," I said, interrupting one of Aunt Esthers' biting combacks to Fred G. Sanford. Matthew and Sean looked at me. Vincent was beside me. It was time to do this.

"What's going on?" Sean asked.

"Well, you remember when I went to New Orleans for the funeral and I told you that Vincent and I had begun talking and discussing things. Well, since I have been back I have been thinking a lot about him," I turned to look at him and took a hold of his hand. "and it hit me that I was falling in love with him. It scared me at first because it was Victor's brother and I felt like I was betraying Victor."

"You weren't the only one," Vincent said. I smiled and went on.

"It was then that I told myself that Victor would want me to be happy and if it was with his brother then it was with his brother." Sean stopped me.

"Are you about to tell us that you two are running off to get married?" Sean was joking, kind of. Matt's expression was unreadable which was fine I was going to continue.

"We aren't getting married, yet, that is. But I will be going back with Vincent." I said. Sean looked surprised and stunned. Matt also looked surprised.

I was surprised and stunned. Shane had just told us that he was going back with Vincent.

"To New Orleans?" I asked.

"Yes," Shane replied.

"But why? I mean I don't understand. You have your job here."

"And they can transfer me to one of the gyms they have in New Orleans." Shane answered.

"Your friends are here," I said. Eric, Mo-Mo, they would miss him. I would miss him.

"They can come to New Orleans and visit and I will be back."

"What about me?" I all but cried, "what am I supposed to do?"

Shane smiled and nodded at Matthew, "You won't be alone. Matt is here with you. You two are happy and I want the same thing."

I didn't know what to say to that. Shane had not been involved with anyone since Victor died. Hell, I don't think he has even had sex with anyone except Vincent and then Victor before that. What was it about those Du Bois boys? I reached for and held Matthew's hand. He looked as surprised and shocked as I did.

"Sean, I want to be happy and being in New Orleans with Vincent will make me happy."

I didn't know what to say. The idea of him not being with me scared me but it also excited me. I would miss my brother but it would also mean that I would no longer be the twin. I would be an individual. It's hard to be seen as an individual when you have a twin walking beside you. We had always been together. So maybe it was finally time for us to be individuals with our own lives and loves instead of an inseperable duo. I got up and gave Shane a hug. I held him tight feeling every inch of him.

"I want you to be happy." I told him, "I love you Shane."

"I love you too," he said.

I then hugged Vincent. "You take care of my brother."

"I will," Vincent said.

"You better or I will come to New Orleans like a hurricane and wipe you out."

We all laughed at that. I suggested that we all go out for dinner. Everyone agreed. While Shane got Vincent settled in and sat on the couch wrapped in Matthew's arms. I was losing my brother, my soul, but at least I still had Matthew, my heart.


The doctor's pumped Jamal's stomach of all the contents inside. I had given the paramedics the bottle the pills he had taken were in and that was when they called in about pumping his stomach. My son was still unconscious and as I sat by his bed holding his hand, I wondered what I did wrong for Allah to do this to me? Was this my punishment for being homosexual? Was this my lot? All my relationships ended badly. First there was Tina, Jamal's mother. Then there was Brett, his betrayal had almost cost me my son and now Kei, Sonny's son, had put my son here again. Was it my life as a wrestler, as a gay man that was bringing this onto my son? I looked at him hooked up to monitors as Sonny's words came crashing back. Was Jamal gay? And if so was that why he took all those pills? Was that why he was hanging out with Kei and throwing wild parties? Why didn't he come to me? Surely he wasn't concerned that I would put him out of my life. Then again, I had to be honest. The idea of Jamal being gay scared me. There were so many things out there. Men, who would use him, play with his emotions. Break his heart. Then there were those who would persecute him for being gay. They would ridicule and deny him basic human rights. They would emotionally and physically attack and abuse him. Then there were the diseases, HIV and AIDS. I didn't want my son to live that kind of life. Where he had to fight and struggle. It was tough enough being practicing Muslims. It was though enough being African American men in a country that says all mean are created equal but deny you the equality that they claim you have. It was tough enough being all those things and to add gay to the mix, it was too much. I had walked the walk so that my son would not have to. A doctor, a white woman with a nice face and a warm smile walked in. Her name badge spelled out Steward. She checked Jamal's vitals and the monitors. The frown on her face concerned me.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, concern in my voice.

"I will be honest with you Mr. Moyenda." She said, "I would feel much better if your son regained consciousness. We pumped his stomach and did everything we know to purge the pills he took from his system. There is no medical reason why he isn't awake."

I looked at Jamal, his eyes closed and looking peaceful. Where ever he was he wanted to stay there.

"By the way, I spoke to his mother."

"Yes, I called her in the ambulance." I said.

"Yes, she is concerned. She wanted to come and be with him but her doctor's felt that it may be best that she not come until there is some thing to report either way."

I nodded my head. This was tough on Tina, very tough. When Jamal was admitted after the roofie incident Tina had a very rough time with it. I had dreaded telling her about the overdose but I couldn't keep it from her. When I told her she apparently dropped the phone or some thing. The next thing I knew I was talking to one of the doctors at the rehab center she was at. I admired her for trying to get her life back on track. I wished I could do that. "Dr. Steward, is there anything that can be done to bring him out of this?" I asked.

"Mr. Moyenda, right now he should be awake complaining about a very sore throat. All I can say is that he has been through a lot and maybe his mind is coping with it all. Perhaps when that is done he will come back to us." Dr. Steward departed and I held Jamal's hand as tears streamed down my face. I dropped to my knees and prayed for my son. I wanted my son to come back to me. If he was gay it would be alright. I walked the road ahead of him and I will walk it with him. My mouth, face and jaw were still sore from my fight with Sonny. I still couldn't believe all the things I said to Sonny about Kei. I blamed him for all this. I lashed out and struck the son of my lover. What had I done?


I heard the voice and was startled because I didn't hear anyone walk in plus the fact that it was Sonny. I had called Det. Linton and told him what had happened. I didn't feel Sonny should have been arrested and I asked him if there was anything he could do to get him. Apparently he did. I didn't have a chance to get off my knees when he came to me and knelt beside me. He held me tight and we both cried and sobbed and held onto each other and to Jamal's hand.

"I'm so sorry." I said between racking sobs, "I should have never..."

"No, we both said things we should not have said," Sonny said as he wiped my face. He looked at Jamal and more tears fell from his eyes. "you know I love him like he was my own."

"I know Sonny. I know. And I love Kei like my own. I...I...just can't believe I hit him. It inexcusable." Sonny just hugged me. We got floor and stood looking at Jamal, our son. "Where's Kei?" I asked Sonny.

"I called the house. When there was no answer I figured he was either here or sleeping." Sonny said.

"You came straight here?" I asked, touched by that.


"Sonny, go home. Check on Kei, he is probably worried sick about you."

"Will you be okay?" Sonny asked.

"I will be fine,"

Sonny gave me a kiss and then he kissed Jamal on the forehead and left. I sat beside Jamal still holding his hand. The vibrating of my cell phone startled me and it was then that I realized that I had nodded off. I looked at the caller ID. It was Sonny's number. He must have been calling to tell me everything was okay at home. But when I answered that was not even the case. Kei was gone. All his things were gone. Kei had left and Sonny was beside himself with worry. I told him to call the police. When he told me he did and that they said he would have to been missing for 48 hours before they could do anything, I told him to call Det. Linton and tell him who he was and why he was calling and who suggested it. I told him that we would find Kei and put our family back together again. It was then that I felt Jamal's hand squeeze mine. I turned to see his eyes half open.

"D...Daddy," his voice croaked and he winced like he was in pain.

"Mahl?" I called for the doctor and told Sonny that Jamal was awake. He said he was on his way over. When Dr. Steward arrived she checked him again. This time she had a smile on her face.

"Mr. Moyenda, that is a good sign. I still want to keep him here for observation and to run some tests."

"Yes, Doctor, anything." I agreed.

"I also want to have him speak to a rape counselor," she said.

"A rape counselor?"

"Yes. Mr. Moyenda your son was been through a very traumatic situation. Rape is a terrible crime of violence usually inflicted on women, who have a tough time coping. Can you imagine what a young man is going through?"

"I tried talking to rape counselors and rape hotlines and they were no help."

"Because you talked to the wrong one. I have the name and number of a rape counselor who deals with male to male sexual assaults and rapes. I will be happy to call in a referral for Jamal."

I nodded my head. I know how terrible rape could be. I remember what Shane and Sean went through after Sean was raped. He saw a counselor and he was doing better. I looked at Jamal and saw that his eyes were closed. I looked at the doctor, who smiled.

"He's sleeping Mr. Moyenda. Right now that is what he needs. There is not much left for you to do."

"I know. I just want to sit here until Sonny gets here." I said.

Dr. Steward nodded and then left the room. I still held onto Jamal's hand. We had a lot to work on and to work out. But we would do it as a family. Speaking of family, I had another son out there that needed to be found. I owned Kei an apology, a very large one.

To Be Continued

[Drop Michael Martell a line at

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Next: Chapter 23

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