Brother 2 Brother

By moc.loa@43namzyW

Published on Oct 30, 2006



By Michael Martell



Carlos and I were on the way to the address that Andre had given me when we left the hospital. I didn't ask him how he had the information, though I had a pretty good idea how he got it. From what I knew about Dalziel, he was not the type of man that you meet and have a couple of beers and discuss the game with. I couldn't think about how Dre got the information, unless he was involved in all this which I doubted. I had Damar in my life and that for some reason made me smile. It was getting late and I really wanted to call Damar and let him know that I was thinking about him and would see him soon. As we drove toward Dalziel's address Carlos and I discussed what we had, which right now wasn't too much.

"The only thing we know is that he was at the party," Carlos said.

"Everything else is circumstantial," I replied looking at my notes from Brett, Jamal and Kei. "we can't even tie him to the rohypnol. Anyone at that party could have slipped it to them."

"But Brett did say that there was history between Dalziel and Mohammed." Carlos reminded me.

"Makes him a good suspect...maybe. Once we talk to him we will know for certain." I said, hoping that would be true. We arrived at his home. I checked the time. It was approaching 6 in the morning. I needed some sleep. Carlos and I walked to the door of Dalziel Smith and knocked. After a few moments we knocked again and again. We figured that he was probably sleeping. After three minutes of no response I left my card in the front door with a note to call me ASAP. We then headed back to the office. I checked in at the hospital and found out that Jamal and Kei had been released. The doctors had given their father's instructions on coming back to be tested for HIV and other STDs. I shook my head, that had to be the hardest thing anyone had to do. I told Carlos to go home and I updated the Lieutenant on what we had, which wasn't much of anything. Once we got a chance to interview Dalziel Smith we would have something, I hoped. But where was he? I couldn't think. I needed to go home. I started to call Damar but decided that if he was asleep I didn't want to wake him. As I drove home I kept thinking about Dalziel Smith and what he had done and why he had done it. I also thought about the fact that this was the second time that I was investigating a sexual assault with that particular group of friends. I got to know a little about them all while I was seeing Dre. I knew they would get those young men through this. I just needed to find out what happened and bring the guilty party to justice.

When I got home I entered the silent apartment. I removed my shoes at the front door. Took off my service revolver and put it away in my gun safe and went back to the bedroom. I smiled at seeing Damar still asleep in my bed. I liked the look of it. I went into the bathroom, removed my clothes and took a shower. I dried off and crawled naked into bed. I wrapped my arms around Damar and was about to drift off to sleep when he rolled over onto his side so that we were nose to nose. He kissed me and I smiled.

"I didn't mean to wake you," I said.

"I woke up when you got in the shower." He said. "how did everything go?"

"Not good," I explained to him what happened. Damar had changed. Before he didn't care to hear about my work. This time he not only cared but when I was done he gave me a kiss and a hug.

"I'm sorry it was a rough one, King. But I think you will solve this once you get some rest."

I kissed him again and this time I let my passion come out. Damar responded and soon we were deep kissing, caressing and touching, intimately. Rest was no longer on my mind and certainly was not on his. I snaked my hand down his body and was pleased that he was naked as well. Damar also slept in the nude, I had forgotten that. I kissed a his ears, his neck and moved down his body. I played with his nipples with my tongue and listened as he moaned and sucked in air. He pulled me up and once again we kissed. He rolled me over onto my back and what I did to him, he began doing to me. I was lost in his lips touching my body, sucking my nipples. I felt his hand grip my dick and I knew what was about to happen. He took me in his mouth and I sighed and moaned. The more he sucked, the deeper he took it. I couldn't stand it but I didn't want it to stop. This was just too great. To perfect. I was so lost into what he was doing I barely noticed that he had gotten something from the bedside stand until I felt him apply a condom, lube and then he was on top of me. He told me to relax and let him do all the work and I did. Damar moved up and down on my dick, slowly at first and then faster. He leaned over and we kissed as he bucked and rode me. I was losing my mind. I was on the brink of cuming but I didn't want to. I wanted to stay here forever. I wanted to forget about the day and what had happened. I wanted it to be just him and I and no one else. I knew once I came then it would be over. The real world would return and I wanted to keep it away. Damar kept going and going and going and soon I was there. I erupted inside of Damar and when I did he erupted. He covered my chest and neck with cum and it felt good. After a few moments he went into the bathroom and came out with two warm towels and he cleaned me and himself up. He then climbed back into bed and we went to sleep wrapped in each other's arms. I couldn't believe it. I found what I was looking for and it was what I once had that had now returned to me. Sleep claimed me seconds after.


It was eight o'clock in the morning when I woke up. Sean and I had left the hospital at four in the morning and I should have still been asleep. But I couldn't sleep, my mind was full with so many things. What had happened to Jamal and Kei was terrible. I remembered how I felt when Sean had been raped and I knew that Mohammed and Sonny were going through the same thing. Then those two kids now having to deal with the fact that they would have to be tested for STDs and weeks later HIV. They had been violated in their home. How do you feel safe again when the violation happened in the home. I know how Sean was and he wasn't even raped here. I pulled myself out of bed and decided that since I couldn't sleep I might as well get dressed and go to work early. I stripped off all my underwear and shirt before going into the bathroom. When I went to sleep Sean had went to bed about the same time and I could tell that he was still asleep since his door was closed at there was the sound of him snoring coming out. I remembered what had happened...almost happened between myself and Matt in the bathroom. God, why did I have to even think about that. I turned the water on and once it was warm I stepped in and let the water do it's work on my tired body. I leaned against the back wall of the shower and let the water run down my back. I must have drifted off because when I heard the bathroom door close I snapped back to life. It was probably Sean. I told him I was in the shower. He was good for flushing the toilet and making a hot shower freezing cold. I was about to ask him why he was up so early when the shower curtain opened and a very naked Matthew Said Muhammed stepped into the shower.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked, trying to cover my nakedness.

"You asked me to come over," he said, "when I heard the shower and saw that your brother wasn't in his room I figured you were waiting for me in here." He then realized that he had made a mistake, "Damn, Shane, I am sorry."

"No harm done. Just get out before Sean comes in here." I said.

"Where is he?" Matthew asked, "he wasn't in his room. I thought he was in here."

"He wasn't in his room when I came in the shower." It was not lost on me that Matthew had not left the shower but he was also sporting a growing erection. I was glad my hands were covering mine.

"He must have stepped out to get something for us to eat. Or maybe something for you two."

"Yeah," Matthew said, still in my damn shower.

"Matthew, please, get out." I asked. I was getting scared. I was getting scared that if he stayed in here with me something was going to happen.

"Shane, what happened la..."

"Matthew, I do not want to talk about that with you while we are in the shower."

"What do you want to talk about?"

Was he kidding, "I want to talk about you getting out of my shower."

"Shane, we have to address what happened."

"What happened was that I was horny as hell from watching you and Sean get busy in the living room. You came in when I was cleaning myself up and I was still...what are you smiling about?" I demanded when I saw that smile, that sexy white smile.

"You were spying on me and Sean?"

"No, I wasn't spying. When I got off the phone I came out and you two were going at it and I..." I stopped because I was saying too damn much.

"You liked what you saw." Matthew finished.

"Please, get out of the shower, Matt." I said. I did not sound convincing. If I really wanted him out he would have been out and he knew that. When he reached out and touched my nipples my knees shook. "M...Matt...P...Please don't do this." But he didn't listen. He toyed with my nipples and I was lost in the heat of the passion. I had not been touched by anyone since New Orleans. He grabbed my hands and placed them on his chest. It felt good, it felt damn good. I had not touched anyone, except Matt since New Orleans. My head was spinning. This was wrong. This was so wrong. I kept saying that even when we kissed. Oh my God, this was not happened. He was a damn good...great kisser. His body felt right pressed against me. His sex was hard and I couldn't help touching it. I forgot that Sean was my brother. I forgot that Matt was his man. I wanted to feel him. I wanted to be touched. I wanted to be held and kissed and caressed and made love to.

"Let's go to your room," Matt said. I agreed quickly. We turned off the shower and quickly went into my room. He kissed and fell across my bed. He tongued me down and then gave me a tongue bath. I wanted it. I wanted it all. I returned the favor as he rolled over my bed, feeling each other. I was going to explode and no pentration had taken place. All that pinned up passion was going to come out. We were kissing again when I heard a car door slam. It was Sean, I knew it. I leaped off the bed, panicked.

"It's Sean. You got to get out of here, NOW!" I ordered. Matt seemed a bit reluctant but when I pulled him up he had no choice. I pushed him into Sean's room where his clothes were. "Whatever you do you can't let him know what happened."

"Shane...we can't do this. We have to..."

"Shut the fuck up and get your naked ass in that bed." I slammed Sean's door close and went back into my room and crawled under my covers. If Sean had left out while I was in the shower, me being in bed was not going to be too much of a stretch since I sometimes took a hot shower to get sleepy. There was a knock on my door and then it opened. Oh God if it was Matt I was going to kill him.

"Shane?" It was Sean, "Shane you asleep?" I turned over as if I was. I heard him shut the door. Moments later I heard him talking to someone, Matt. Apologizing for not being home when he got there and was glad that he waited. I heard Sean's bedroom door close and I knew what was happening. I was happy and jealous at the same time. This could not happen again. I had to fix this. I picked up my cell phone and dialed the number without going to my cell phone directory. The voice on the other end was familiar in its sexiness. "Vincent, this is Shane," I said, "could you come up and see me. I really need to talk to you. I have been doing some thinking...about us."


Jamal and Kei were asleep. The doctors had prescribed medication for them, mild sedatives. They needed the rest. Sonny and I needed the rest. When we got home and saw the mess we knew there would be no sleeping. We decided that it would be best if we cleaned the house up before the boys woke up.

"What the hell were they thinking?" Sonny asked, as he handed me a cup of coffee. We had finished cleaning, it was now ten in the morning and we were bone tired but neither one of us were ready nor wanted to sleep. We had too many damn questions.

"They were thinking they were going to have a party while we were away." I said.

"Okay, you have a party. Hell, you and I both figured they were going to have their friends over but...Goddamn it Mohammed!...this house looked like a fuckin' tornado hit. They had a wild fuckin' party!" Sonny was angry and I had to admit, so was I. It dawned on us while we were cleaning that if our sons had not had this party then this would not have happened. And what was Jamal thinking getting mixed up with Dalziel. He knew what he was all about. And what was Brett doing here? Was this a set up by both of them? No, the police said he was the one, or one of the ones who had called. The neighbors had called the police about the noise. Brett was the only call about what had happened.

"What are you thinking," Sonny asked me.

I shook my head. I was thinking many things but I was tired and I could not trust my own thoughts. I looked at Sonny, he moved in and gave me a hug. It was time to go to bed and get some rest. We had so much to do but nothing would get done without rest.

I awoke with a start. I looked around, confused at first but realized that I was in my own bed, in my own home. I still couldn't believe what had happened. I couldn't remember what all did happen but I knew from what the police and my father told me. Kei and I were slipped some `roofies' and then everyone at the party took turns...Oh God! I was going to be sick. I got up out of bed and went to my bathroom just in time to throw up in the toilet. The thought of all those guys...I vomited again and after that I started crying. I fell on the floor of the bathroom, curled up and cried. I hate this. I hate all this. I hated that we had the damn party. I hated that my dad was gay and that he met Sonny and Kei...I hated that I had these feelings...I hated that I was gay. I don't want to be gay. I hate this. I have to go back to the doctors. I may have a STD. I may have HIV. No, No, No. I got to my feet still crying. My life was over. All this was going to be in the news. My dad knew, my friends would know. My mom would know. Sitting on the cabinet in my bathroom were the pills the doctors had prescribed. They were some kind of sleeping pill or something. I ready the bottle with the instructions. No more than 8 in a 24 hour period. Take as needed. I needed them. I needed them now more than ever. I watched as my hand opened the pill bottle and dumped all the contents in my hand. I then put them all in my mouth and choked them down. This was the right thing to do. It had to be done. I went back to my bed and laid down. This was the right thing to do. I closed my eyes but it didn't stop the tears.

"I love you dad," I said.

This was all my fucking fault. If it wasn't for me this shit would not have happened. What really got me was that this shit happened to Jamal. He was new to this. Damnit! I really like him, I mean...I'm feeling him. I knew he was down, it would take the right one to get it out of him. But I wasn't trying to turn him out...I mean I was but I wanted to get with him myself. I mean...Jamal is cool as shit. He's handsome, sexy, sweet...we got a lot in common. Damn it! I always fuck shit up. Dad and Mohammed let me live here and I fuck it right up. I was sitting at the edge of my bed. I had a lot on my mind. I knew that eventually Dad and Mohammed were going to ask us about the party. I couldn't let Jamal take the blame for this. He had been through enough. Hell, I can handle me. I'm fucking Kei Dexter, tough as fuckin' nails. I had to talk to Jamal. I had to apologize to him and let him know that all the blame was on me and that I was going to owe up to it all. He just had to be quiet. Yeah, I would handle this. I fucked it up, I can fix it. I got off the bed and went to Jamal's bedroom. I knocked on the door. There was no answer. He was probably sleep. I opened the door, I had to wake him up and tell him. When I walked in something just didn't seem right. It didn't feel right. I went over to Jamal and called his name. He didn't move. I did it again, he didn't move. I shook him, he didn't move. That was when I noticed a pill on the bed room floor by the bed. It was one of the pills that the doctors gave is. Why was it on the floor? I looked around and didn't see his pill bottle in his bedroom. I went into his bathroom and found his bottle. It was fuckin' empty. Oh no. Oh hell fuckin' no. I went back to Jamal and began pulling on him. I slapped his face. I screamed his name.

"WHY? WHY? WHY DID YOU DO IT? I WAS GOIN' TO MAKE IT RIGHT!!!" I cried. Jamal's bedroom door slammed open and Mohammed and my Dad ran it.

"What the hell is going on?" Dad screamed.

Mohammed saw Jamal on the bed and went to him. It didn't take him long to realize something wasn't right. "Jamal? Jamal? Son? Son? Wake up son?"

"Kei?" my Dad asked me, "what happened?"

Tears were in my eyes as I handed him the empty bottle. "He took them all."

Mohammed snatched the bottle out of my hands. He looked at it and then Jamal. He cried out. It was a deep sound from deep in his soul. My dad went to him, Mohammed held onto my dad and cried. I stood against the wall. What the fuck did I do. What the fuck did I do? This was all my goddamn fault. We were all crying when all of a sudden Jamal coughed. We looked at him and when he coughed again pills and other stuff spurted out of his mouth.

"CALL 911!" Dad told me as he went to Mohammed, who was turning Jamal onto his side. I dialed 911 and told the dispatcher what had happened and to bring their asses.

"Jamal..." I said to him as my Dad and Mohammed kept him on his side. "you can't die. You can't do this. It's my fault. It's all my fault." Mohammed looked at me as if I was a stranger.

"What did you say?"

I looked at him. I had to do this. "It was my fault. I wanted to have the party. Jamal didn't." Mohammed's face clouded over and I was scared of him.

"You invited that trash into this house?" Mohammed snapped, "you are the reason why my son was raped?"

"Mohammed," Dad said, "calm down."

"Calm down?" Mohammed looked at my dad as if he was an alien. "he threw a party and because of him my son was raped."

"So was Kei." Dad said, "he was slipped a drug just like Jamal,"

"Dad," I said, "it's my fault. It's all my fault. I took the drink to Jamal." When I said that Mohammed got to his feet so fast I jumped.

"You gave my son that drink?" Mohammed snarled, "you gave my son that drug?"

"No...I didn't...I mean I brought the drink up but I..." I didn't see the punch but I felt it and when I hit the ground I thought I broke my neck and jaw. When I looked up Mohammed had his fist balled up and my Dad was trying to back him off me.

"Mohammed had you lost your mind. He's a kid!" Dad said.

"He is responsible for all this, Sonny. He let that trash in my house and my son is paying the damn price."

"Your son isn't the only one suffering, Mohammed," Dad said.

"I can't tell it. My son is the one who swallowed a bottle of pills. My son is the one suffering. Your son is up and running and fine. He probably came in here to molest my son."

"Now that is enough of that bull shit," Dad defended. Mohammed's words hurt. They hurt me bad.

"OH c'mon Sonny. You and I both know Kei is hot in the ass. When he first moved in here he tried to hit on me." Mohammed said. Damn, I thought he had forgot that shit. Dad looked at me and then he looked at Mohammed.

"What happened to this being our house. What happened to them being our sons?" Dad said.

"If you would have wore a damn condom we would not be having this motherfucking problem." Mohammed said. Was I even in the motherfucking room anymore?

"Well, at least my son can accept the fact that he's gay. Not like yours."

"Jamal is not gay," Mohammed snapped. Dad laughed at this, and there was no humor in it.

"Yes he is. And it seems like the only ones who know that are me and Kei,"

"My son is not gay and if he was he would not be a fuckin slut like your slut of a son. Did you like the gangbang they gave you, Kei? You want another you fuckin..."

My Dad punched Mohammed in the mouth. Mohammed was startled but he came back with a punch of his own and before I knew it they were fighting like mad men. The paramedics arrived to see them fighting and called the police. The police arrived to control my father and Mohammed as the paramedics took Jamal away. The police took my dad away, Mohammed went with the paramedics, who took Jamal away. I was alone in the house. The house that I destroyed. Once again, I fucked up something perfect. It was time for me to go. I packed what I could in the same backpack I came here with. I left a note for Mohammed, Dad and Jamal. Didn't know where I was going but where ever it was they better watch out, trouble is coming.

To Be Continued

[Drop Michael Martell a line at

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Next: Chapter 22

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