Brother 2 Brother

By moc.loa@43namzyW

Published on Feb 22, 2006



By Michael Martell

CHAPTER 17: Julien and Andre

I walked into Goodbody's Gym ready to get my work out on and to relieve myself of some pressure. I had been horny all damn day and nothing I did made it stop. It began when I woke up this morning, the Hard Nine' was on hard like steel. When Julien and I were kicking it together and I woke up like that he helped a brotha out. There was nothing like a first thing in the morning blow job, hand job or fucking. Getting that first nut to start the day was the best. But Julien wasn't around, well he was around but we weren't together. I still had not talked to him and it had been so long now it was just about stupid to even try, though right now I wanted him so badly. I attempted to call Dalziel, we had been hanging out and chillin lately. We would play basketball and shit like that and then we would get our groove on. Dalziel liked to hit the club and pick up some trick that we could hit in a threesome. Dalziel was off the chain when it came to sex and anything related to it. He was definitely cool to chill with, burn some trees with, bust a nut with but when it came time for some real conversation or some shit like that, he was not all there. But I needed some relief and I gave him a call. Of all the times, the nigga wasn't home. Any other time he would have been and would have broken his neck to get over to me to do the damn thing. So I began my morning by jacking the Hard Nine' until I busted all over myself. I jumped into the shower and got ready for church, something I hadn't done in awhile but decided that I needed to get back to it.

"Hello young brother Robinson," Reverend Gibson said as I walked up to the church, while he did the morning meet and greet. I had been going to New Zion Baptist Church off and on for several years. I started going to New Zion with my folks when I was a young cat and just fell out of it as time went by. Reverend Derrick Gibson has known me and my family for years. He baptized me. "It's been a long time, brother Robinson,"

"Yes Reverend," I said and walked into the church. Why is it when you don't go to church for awhile and then you go back everyone makes a big deal. Anyway, I took a seat near the back of the church, there was no need to be front and center. Rev. Gibson was good for calling folks out and being in the back and with his bad eyes he wouldn't be able to find me easily. I was sitting back in the back as the choir took their positions and my eyes found this sexy, light skinned brotha. He was wearing a black suit with a white shirt and red tie. He had black curly hair, stood about 5ft 8in and looked like he wasn't more than 160 lbs. Damn, he looked good and when he turned around our eyes seemed to lock. He kept trying not to look away but I wasn't making it easy for him. Okay, so I shouldn't have been in church flirting and causing fever like that but I was horny and couldn't help myself. When church ended, I hung around talked to the Reverend, some of the Deacons, Deaconess Wright, who was trying to get her ugly granddaughter Emma married off. All that so I could find that sexy shorty in the choir. My eyes lit up when I saw him walk out. He was walking towards an Expedition, burgundy in color. I watched him walk, he had a fine ass and the `Hard Nine' twitched to life. I walked up to him as he opened the door of the SUV.

"You have a beautiful voice," I said. He turned around to accept the compliment and his eyes and face glowed with shock and joy when he saw me. He looked around and checked himself.

"Thank you. When you are singing for the Lord you make a joyful noise."

I smiled, "Amen. My name is Andre, friends call me Dre," I said extending my hand. He looked at it and then shook mine.

"Isaac T. White," He said, and I could tell he was feeling me. I stopped shaking his hand and gave it a squeeze before letting go. He cleared his throat and I caught him glancing down at the `Hard Nine'.

"So what are you doing later?" I asked him.

"I supposed to meet some friends and hang out." Isaac said.

I leaned closer and when he didn't back up I smiled, "So how about hanging out with me."

"And do what?"

I smiled and he smiled back. He followed me back to my place. We talked a little bit. I got him a drink to loosen him up and relax him. When that didn't work I sat closer to him took his hand and place it on the Hard Nine'. He gasped and it was on. We were kissing and removing clothes like mad men. My mind was racing. Oh yeah, I was gonna tear this ass up. Then it happened. He unzipped my pants and when the Hard Nine' popped out ready to rumble Isaac T. White turned tail and ran. Yup, he bolted out leaving a brotha with a raging hard on and no relief. I refused to jack my dick again. I tried Dalziel again but got only his voice mail on his cell phone and at home. It was getting critical.

I went to the community center to shoot some hoops. I had to get the pressure off. I began shooting hoops by myself. I was running the full court working up a serious sweat and trying to make my body so tired that I couldn't be horny at all.

"Sup, can I join you?"

I turned around and there was this 6ft 6in tall, lean, muscular, dark skin brotha with corn rows, mustache and goatee standing there smiling at me. Damnit man!

"Sure," I said.

"Cool, I'm Kleavon, friends call me Von,"

"Andre, friends call me Dre," we exchanged pound and began playing one on one. We played hard, hot and heavy for three good games. I was off a little Von beat me two games to one.

"Want to go again?" Von asked.

"Nah, I better get going." I said.

"Aight," Kleavon said and he opened up his gym bag pulled out a towel and after pulling off his shirt he wiped himself off. Yes, I was staring because the brotha had the sexiest chest I had seen in awhile. The `Hard Nine' was coming back to life.

"Everything okay, yo?" Kleavon asked me.

"Yeah, yeah...I have to...I have to go." I was out of there and home quickly. I still was horny and I was not going to jack again. I took a long shower and then decided to take a nap. I awoke three hours later covered in cum. I had the wildest wet dream I had ever had. It featured me, Isaac T. White, Kleavon, Dalziel, and Julien. We were having a sex down like no other sex down and everyone was popping nuts all over the place. That's what woke me up when nutted in the dream I nutted for real. I took another shower and decided that it was time to go to the gym and get this pressure off. So here I was at Goodbody's looking to pump iron and considering the hour I knew I would be alone. No one around to tempt me, which was either good or bad, depending on your point of view. So I walked over to the free weights and started lifting.

"Hello Dre,"

My heart froze. I knew that voice very well. I put the weight down and turned to face Julien. The first thing I noticed was that he looked good. He looked damn good.

"Sup Julien," I said I tried to shake his hand but he looked at me. I deserved that.

"I have a question for you," he said.

"What up?"

"Why? If you didn't love me anymore. If you found someone new why didn't you just tell me. Why did you just leave like a sneaky thief in the night?"

I didn't know what to say. I had never been in this type of situation with a man. If he was a woman I could have gotten out of it but not this time. What was I supposed to say?

", it's not what you think."

"Okay, what I think is that you found someone else and they were better than me."

"Julien that ain't true." I told him.

"So tell me the truth," Julien demanded. He deserved the truth and I was about to tell him when his cell phone went off. He looked at the caller ID, spoke into it and turned back to me. "You know what Andre. Thanks. You just help me realize something." And he walked away talking in cell phone. Damn, he got a fine ass. DAMN! I'm Horny as fuck!

When I walked out of the locker room and saw Andre I started to just walk away but I couldn't do it. I deserved answers. But would I get them? I doubted it. I walked over to him as he was lifting weights. I forgot how good he looked. The conversation went as I expected. He didn't have an answer for me not one I wanted to listen to. When my cell phone rang I was annoyed until I looked at the caller ID. It was Damarr, we had a dinner date. "Hey, I'm finishing up something can you hold on just two seconds?"

"Sure King," Damarr said. I pressed the mute button. Damarr and I had been dating each other after that night he came by my place. They were nice dates. Dinner, movies, the theater, museums, art openings. Last night we went to an African American poetry reading. We spent time getting to know each other and we hadn't gotten physical yet, though I have to admit it was getting difficult to hold out but as I looked at Andre I realized something, something very important. Damarr was here and had showed me that he wanted another chance. When our relationship ended he didn't sneak out like a thief he was man about it. Thanks to Andre I had realized that fact and that I was not over Damarr. I turned away from Andre and as I headed to the door I talked to Damarr.

"Hello Damarr, I apologize for that." I said.

"I understand, King. Work calls." Damarr said. I smiled.

"Actually it wasn't work related. I ran into Andre at the gym."

"Okay. That's the one who I saw?" Damarr asked.


"How did it go, King?" Damarr asked, "Did you get the answers you wanted?"

"Yes but not from him at least not directly." I said.

"Really? I'm sorry to hear that King. I know you wanted to get some answers."

"Yes but the answer that I did get is much more important. Would you be disappointed if we ate in instead of going out for dinner?" I asked him.

"That's fine. Is there something wrong, King?" Damarr asked. I smiled.

"No. I'm thinking `Golden Dragon' for dinner."

"Yummy. I will be waiting."

We had two Golden Dragon' specials at Damarr's place where we at on the floor and watched Love Jones' with Larenz Tate and Nia Long. As we ate and watched the movie I kept looking at Damarr here we were again together and he didn't seem like the same Damarr I knew a year or so ago. We were snuggled together watching Larenz and Nia find each other, lose each other and find each other again. That was Damarr and I. I took his hand in mine and we continued watching the movie. But some where in the midst of it all I looked deeply into Damarr's eyes and before long we were kissing. It was a passionate kiss, a sensual kiss, an erotic kiss. When it ended Damarr was looking at me a bit taken by surprise.


I got to my feet and pulled him up with me. I gave him another kiss before leading him to his bedroom.

"King are you...sure about this?" Damarr asked.

"I'm very sure. We have waited long enough and the fact is...I love you, Damarr."

Damarr and I undressed each other and as we did we kissed and caressed each other. Both of our bodies had changed since the last time we'd seen each other. Damarr had a fantastic body. I loved caressing it and touching it. Damarr and I crawled into bed and after we kissed and caressed we made love. It felt like the first time when we did make love. Damarr was as mind blowing of a lover as I remembered. When it ended we laid in the bed holding each other never wanting to let each other go and that was the way we were when my cell phone rang. I moved to answer it then stopped. I had always put my job before our relationship. Damarr did have a point and this time it was going to be different.

"It's okay, King. Answer your phone. It could be the job." Now that was a new Damarr. A year ago he would have given me much attitude. I reached over and looked at the caller ID. It was the job, my partner was calling. I answered the phone and after a few minutes conversation I was up and out of bed and began getting dressed. I explained to Damarr that there was a call about a loud noise from a party and when the uniformed units arrived they found underage drinking, drug use and at least two people who had been given Roofies. I hated to go but they needed me to help them with questioning. To my surprise again Damarr was very understanding. He gave me a kiss and before I left he told me to be safe and to come back. I knew I would.

I was on my way to the location of the party when my partner called me and told me to meet him at the hospital. The two roofie victims had been taken there. I changed my course and when I arrived at the hospital Carlos had just arrived himself.

"What do we have?" I asked him.

Carlos looked at his pad, "Two African American males 18, 19 approximately. They were slipped roofies during this party that they were throwing."

"How do we know it was roofies?" I asked.

"Neither one can remember what happened and they are acting as if they had been given roofies."

"Why would someone give two males roofies. Usually the males give it to the woman before sexually assaulting..." I stopped immediately, "they were..." Carlos nodded his head.

"When the uniforms arrived there were signs that they had been repeated sexually assaulted."

"Gang related?" I asked, some of the gangs had some initiations that included members having sex with other members, even same sex members.

"We are looking into it but so far no signs of it being gang related." Carlos said.

"We got names of the victims?" I asked.

"Yeah...ummm...Jamal Moyenda and the other is Kei..."

"Wait a minute," I said, "you said Moyenda? Jamal Moyenda?"

"Yes. You know him?" Carlos asked.

"I think so." We asked a nurse to take us to them, which she gladly did. My mind was going a mile a minute. Jamal Moyenda was the son of one of Andre's friends. Mohammed Moyenda, who was a professional wrestler. When we arrived a doctor was examining on of them. I recognized the young man as Jamal Moyenda, the son of Mohammed Moyenda. Carlos and I walked in and Jamal Moyenda looked up with an expression of fear, confusion, and pain.

"Jamal, I'm Detective Sergeant Julien Linton and his is my partner Detective Carlos Martinez. Can you tell me what happened?"

"What did you call me?" He replied.

"Jamal. You are Jamal Moyenda." I looked at the doctor, who motioned for us to join him outside. "Doc? What's going on?"

"Gentlemen, one of the side effects of rohypnol is amnesia." The Doctor said.

"Are you saying that we won't be able to question either of them?" I asked.

"You can question them but they are experiencing losses of memory. It may take some time."

We thanked the doc. I told Carlos to wait for me I had to make a call. I didn't have the numbers Mohammed's friends but I did have Andre's number. I dialed it and after a few he answered.

"Andre do you know how to get in touch with your friend Eric, Shane, Sean, anyone?" I asked him.

"Yeah, why?" Andre asked.

"Jamal is in the hospital. Him and another kid."

"MY GOD!" Andre said, "What happened?"

I shook my head, "Right now I can't give you that information but Jamal is here and they are with him now. Andre, we are going to need the fathers here as well."

"I'll start calling them now. Which hospital?" I told him which hospital and he hung up the phone. I joined Carlos, who was questioned Jamal Moyenda about what had happened but his memory was still foggy. Until we had more information we would have no idea who are looking for. In the mean time I hoped someone would arrive soon to be with these young men. Very soon.

To Be Continued

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Next: Chapter 18

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