Brother 2 Brother

By moc.loa@43namzyW

Published on Feb 13, 2006



By Michael Martell

CHAPTER 16: Mohammed, Sonny, Kei and Jamal

"How are you, son?"

"I'm fine."

"What have you been doing?"


That was pretty much how my conversation with Jamal went. I asked questions and received pretty much one word responses. Something was going on with him but he wasn't telling and prodding would not work. Sonny and I were checking with the boys seeing how they were doing. We had been so busy with out match heading into the Pay Preview that we hardly had time to call home and talk. Kei and Jamal were 18 years old and could handle being home alone but I was nervous about it. Two 18 year olds alone in the house with no parental supervision. Visions of half naked women, loud music and wild parties crossed my mind. Shane and Sean promised to check up on them from time to time, which was load off my mind. But something was up with my son, a father knows.

"Do you miss your ol' dad?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess."

I guess? I guess? What was up with that?

"Son," I began, "is the house still standing?"

Jamal sighed, "Yes, dad, why?"

"Hold on son. You are answering me with one word, short responses," I said, "we haven't talked in a couple of days I would figure you would have a lot to tell me."

There was a long pause and then he spoke, "Sorry. I guess I'm still tired. We didn't go to bed until 4 this morning."

"4 AM? What are you doing going to bed at 4 in the morning?" I demanded. My son was silent and then, like before he spoke.

"Dad, I am old enough to do things like go to bed when I'm ready and stay up late. I'm not a baby."

"No one is saying you are a baby, son."

"So why are you questioning me?" Jamal asked. This was not like Jamal, this was not my son talking at all.

"Is everything okay, son?"

"Yes dad. Everything is fine. The house is standing and everything is okay." Jamal answered. He did sound well but I knew that there was something up.

"Have you and Kei been hanging out?" I asked.

"Yeah, Kei's cool to chill with."

"What have you guys been doing?" I asked.

"Dad? Don't you think we are old enough to do our own thing?"

I sighed to myself, there was no use having this conversation with him over the phone and I had not called to get into an argument with my son.

"Okay son, I won't keep you. If you need anything or if anything happens^Å"

"Dad, I know I can call Shane and Sean or you." Jamal replied, a bit to quickly.

"Okay. Talk to you soon, son. I love you."

"You too dad," and Jamal hung up. You too, dad? Perhaps it was me. Jamal was fast becoming a man and didn't nor want his father breathing down his neck. Sonny was pretty liberal with Kei in comparison to me with Jamal. My son was a good kid, a good son and would be a good man. I trust him and love him. Maybe it was time for me to recognize that I have a good son and let it go.

"How's Jamal?" Sonny asked, as he walked into the bedroom of the hotel suite XWF had put us in.

"He's doing fine, I guess." I replied as I watched Sonny pack his wrestling gear. We had to be at the arena at 1 o'clock pm, the pay per view went on live at eight pm. There was much to do before hand. I had to get my dreads tightened by the ladies that did our hair plus I I needed some finishing touches on my ring attire. Sonny was having his boots repaired as well. There were still promos to do, interviews, autograph sessions to do and we still had to present our match to Miller in it's complete form. All that before our match, which was the main event. My change from a face (good guy) to a heel (bad guy) was a tremendous success. I went from being the most popular superstar to the most hated was paying off in huge numbers. PPV buy rates were up for this PPV. My merchandise sales were up as well. If this was done correctly Sonny and I would be riding the crest of this for some time to come. Miller was already planning for the next PPV and our part in it. I was experiencing the most tremendous time of my wrestling career and my personal life and it was all because of Sonny.

"Is something going on with Jay?" Sonny asked me. I shook my head and shrugged.

"No^ÅI mean^ÅI don't know I just get the feeling something is going on." Sonny stopped packing, concern on his handsome Polynesian face.

"When I talked to Kei he said everything was fine but if we need to head home^Å"

I vetoed that idea. Miller would kill us if we jetted out for starters besides there was no reason to get crazy over an odd conversation and my feelings.

"No. Sonny, it's not that serious."

"Are you sure?" Sonny asked. "Yes, I am sure. Very sure." Sonny gave me a hug, it felt good. It felt very good to be in his arms. We kissed, it was deep and passionate and hot. My dick got rock hard as it always did when Sonny touched me and touched him. We were getting hot and heavy into it but before it could get to the point of no return we both stopped. We had too much to do and fooling around was going to make us late.

It was seven hours before the PPV and five hours before the fans would be let into the arena but when Sonny and I arrived there were a couple of hundred people waiting and hanging out. Since Sonny and I were working each other in the main event Miller wanted us to arrive in separate vehicles. The fans may know the deal with wrestling but there was no reason to give it all away and destroy the illusion. We were escorted by security to the back of the arena. Billy Ace, one of the XWF road agents, met us as we entered. Billy Ace once held the XWF United States Championship and was one of the biggest stars in the early years of the XWF. He was sixty five years and still looked like he could go. He was six foot three, 250 lbs. His blond hair was now gray and he walked with a limp. I was a big fan of "Wild Card" Billy Ace and still remembered his match against `Hot Shot' Harry Handsome for the XWF United States Title. He informed Sonny and I that the website had received millions of hits and majority of them concerning our match. He then told us that Miller needed five minutes of our time. Miller paid the cost to be the boss and we would go where he said. When we entered the office, that the arena had provided for Miller to use I was surprised to see another XWF wrestling legend with him. Curtis "Bad Cat" Shane, the seven foot tall African American former XWF World Heavyweight Champion. He was currently the Vice President of Talent Relations. It was then that I noticed that Jenny and Miller jr, Miller's children, were there as well. Jenny was the head of the writing team, Miller jr was the Vice President of Media Relations. Also in the office was the head booker for XWF, William "Abdullah Singh" Green, who use to wrestle as Adbullah Singh the mad man from Pakistan, who was actually from Augusta, Georgia. Billy entered and took a seat next to him and I suddenly had a feeling that something major was going down and though I had no reason to think so, I wondered if something bad was going down. Miller was on the phone but motioned for Sonny and I to take a seat, which we did. When he got of the phone his expression said that he had a made a major decision. I was nervous.

"Mohammed, Sonny my apologies I was on the phone with the main office. This Pay Per View promises to be a history maker. The best of the year. Look, I'm not going to beat around the bush. There has been a major change with your main event match tonight." I knew it. I knew it. "We have heard from Mack's doctors and according to him and his doctors his wrestling career is over. They have encountered some difficulties with his surgery and barring a miracle he is looking at close to a year of being out and then only a guarded optimism on his return. This means we do not have a world champion. Tonight when the PPV starts we are going to announce that the title is vacant. But here is the twist. We are going to tell the home audience to go to and vote for the superstar who deserves a title shot." Miller paused for effect but I knew what he was going to say, "You two will be the ones who get the shot and by the end of the night we will have a new world champion and it will be you^ÅMohammed."

I was stunned. I was utterly stunned. I fully expected Miller to say Sonny after all it was Sonny's shot when Mack was in the picture.

"Why me?" I asked, "I mean thank you all but the shot was Sonny's."

"Yes," Miller said, "but if we put the belt on him that will kill the story between you two and we have story left to tell." That was a true statement but I was still stunned even after we sat in the dressing room I was still trying to digest it. Sonny, for his part was supportive and seemed happy with it all. I called Jamal and Kei and told them to make sure they watched the PPV and then Sonny and I got ready for the show.

"Bout time you got off the damn phone," Kei said as he walked into the living room, "we gotta get ready for the party,"

Jamal smiled, "Yeah no doubt," Since their dads had been away it had been fun, fun and more fun. They had gone to the warehouse so many times that Jamal was on a first name basis on most of the people that worked there including DJ N-Sane, who was coming to their party to spin records. Their fathers would throw a fit if they knew they had been partying all night at the club and were about to have a party, another party at the house. Jamal liked hanging out with Kei, he liked being around Kei it was the first time he felt like a man and not his father's little boy, he didn't feel like a baby. His father was so protective especially after he was hospitalized after the accident but that was old news and he was 100% better but his father was just so afraid something bad was going to happen to him and forget Jamal telling his father he and Kei had been kickin' it, sexually. Jamal wasn't 100% if he was ready to call himself gay but he did enjoy what he and Kei did and they did it a lot. Jamal followed Kei into the kitchen where the food and the alcohol they had purchased for the party was stored. The Jay and Kay parties, as they were called by those invited to attend, were popular and it had only been a few days. It amazed Jamal how ready people were to party, drink, and have sex. And the fact that they could make a little money on the deal was a trip too. It was all thanks to Kei. People liked him, they liked talking to him, being around him. There was no doubt that Kei was a sexy brotha and every brotha and some sistahs wanted him. Watching Kei at the club was some thing to see. It took Jamal a bit to not get jealous over it because, as Kei said, you are getting what they never will and never can have, that was the truth. They had decided that they were going to have a party after their fathers told them they were going to be out of town getting ready for the pay-per-view.

"It's a great time to have a party," Kei had told him and Jamal couldn't see why not, especially since they were charging money, just 10 dollars for all the food, drink and what ever else you wanted. By Jamal's count their were be twenty people there, 100 dollars for them. Jamal noticed the all the alcohol there was Vodka, Crown Royal, Hennessey, Gin, beer, and all kinds of wine.

"Kei," Jamal said, "did you raid my dad's liquor cabinet?"

"No," Kei said, "I bought it."

"You bought it? How you too young to buy alcohol and where did you get the money?"

"Relax, one of our invited guest got it for me." Kei said with a smug smile.

"What guest?" Jamal asked, there had to be close to 100 dollars in alcohol alone.

"The one I invited after he bought me all this booze."

Jamal shook his head, "You let a stranger buy you booze for the party?"

"He ain't no stranger, it was the brotha that bought us the drinks the first time we went out, remember?"

Actually Jamal remembered a lot about that night but the situation he was talking about he didn't recall.

"Any way I was coming out the grocery store and was looking in the liquor window, trying to figure out how I was going to get us some booze when he walked up and said he remembered me from the club. We talked a bit and he asked what I was looking for and I told him we were having a party and needed some drinks and he bought what I picked out."


"Yeah, damn is right. After he bought this I had to invite to the party."

Jamal didn't argue, it seemed okay, it wasn't like the man was a stranger.

"What did your pops want?" Kei asked.

"Nothin, he was just checking in. He said we needed to watch the pay per view tonight."

"Hell, we got Tivo, we can record that shit, we got party happening and money being made." Kei pointed out as he began putting food away. Jamal helped him. This party was going to be off the hook.

I looked at the piece of paper that Kei had given me with the address and directions to their house, little did he know I already knew how to get there. I had been there before with Brett and the last time I was there Mohammed and I hooked and jabbed. The motherfucker got lucky but that's alright, I'm gonna get my get back and the sins of the fathers will be visited upon the sons. I had my plan laid up and my action plan ready. I called my man Saboz and he can get anything no matter how difficult it may seem to be and he came through. What I had in my bag was going to blow the roof of everything. When I pulled up at the house there was a good amount of cars there and it sounded like the party was in full swing. I intentionally arrived late because even though Kei didn't know my history, Jamal did and he knew my face. I figured that with enough time he would be buzzed and I could put my plan into motion. As I walked up the walkway I thought it might be best for me to call and have Kei come to the door. I dialed his cell phone and told him to meet me at the front door. I waited there and a few minutes later the door opened and their was Kei, looking like he was feeling no pain which was fine with me and when we embraced in a soul hug I knew why, the smell of marijuana was all over the cat, who was damn sexy, I could see what Mohammed saw in this cat's daddy and what Jamal saw in him. Well, soon enough I was going to get me a taste. As he lead me inside I asked where Jamal was, the jig would be up if he saw me too soon.

"He's up in his room," Kei told me.

"Up in his room when there is a party going on?" I asked.

"Nah, it's not like that, he went to get some CDs in had in his room." Kei explained. We walked to where they had a bar set up and Kei fixed two drinks.

"Damn son, you double clutching or what?" I asked, cheesing all the way.

Kei laughed, "One's for me and the other's for Jamal, when he comes down."

Ah snap, this was going to be easy, "Hell nigga, don't wait for him to get down here take it up to him and bring him down."

"Yeah, you right man." Kei said.

I looked around and then asked Kei if he had a towel, I had something sticky on my hands. When Kei went to get me a towel I went into my bag and quickly popped two of the Roofies' that Saboz got for me into both the drinks. Oh hell, yeah, you heard me and you heard of Roofies' called Rohypnol. It looks like aspirin and dissolves real quick in alcohol. It has no color, tasteless in alcohol and no odor. And of course you all know that `roofies' are also called the date rape drug, yeah you know what up. The roofies had full dissolved by the time Kei got back with a towel, that I really didn't need. He then took the drinks and headed on up and I decided I would check out the party. Most of the cats up in the place were from the club; the pretty boy thugs, the club kids, the drag queens, the masculine thugs different types and these jokers probably ain't ever been in a place as fancy as this. They were all drinking and drugging and dancing and fucking all over the place. DAMN! I didn't know those two cats knew how to get down like that. The music was pumping those that weren't busy getting their freak on were in the middle of the living room dancing it down.

"Sup Sup Dal!"

I turned around when I heard someone call out my name and smiled as Omar, this sexy, freaky, fem danced over to me. Omar was a member of the House of Phoenix and like all them `ball kids' into that house scene he had a house name which was Paris Phoenix. Omar was tall, 6ft 4in tall, 212 lbs, he had a nice body I mean the brotha works out and looks good not to mention brotha was swinging a 10 inch piece between his legs but he was one of those total bottoms that didn't want his dick touched and you know Dalziel is down for sucking on a big dick every now and then, though this bruh was too fem for me to get down on the suck but I could fuck that bubble with no damn trouble.

"Hey Omar," I said as he walked over to me, his long black hair was in a ponytail and had so much gel in it that not one single hair stood up. I will have to tell you that Omar is stylish as hell and sexy and can work that ass on a dick that would make you nut for days.

"I'm glad to see you. Momma loved the pictures you took of me." Omar said. Momma was the house mother of the House of Phoenix. I took some sexy ass pictures of Omar and in payment I got that ass and as I looked at him my dick was coming back to life with the memory of that night. "she said I should get some more made."

I smiled, "Nothin' wrong with that. How you gonna pay for the sitting?"

Omar smiled, "Same as the last time," and with that Omar turned around and let me get a look at that juicy ass. My dick sprang to life. I was horny was fuck and I needed to fuck.

I grabbed two hands full of those cakes and Omar giggled as I wiggled and tickled that ass. "Hell, we can do this on a pay first, produce later deal." Omar smiled and was down with that. Omar and I dipped off into what looked like was someone's office. I grabbed Omar tight and began chewing on his neck while I squeezed his ass. He began grinding against my hips and my hard dick and I knew it was going to be a great night, not only because of what I had planned for Jamal and Kei but breaking off this hot piece as well. If all those ball kids was like Omar I may have to hook up with them and see what kind of work arrangement I could make with them. I was removing my clothes and Omar was doing the same. I looked at his sexy body and had him turned around and bend over and as I looked at that sexy, plump ass I knew that I had to fuck that. No foreplay, no shit like that. I had to hit that. I didn't have any lube and I could dry fuck Omar like that, fem or not that was not right and I did like him and would actually need him to get me into the scene with the house crowd. I walked Omar over to the desk and as I bent him over I pulled up a chair and sat behind him as I began eating that ass. Damn, it was good. Omar kept his ass clean and damn if the shit didn't smell good too. As I dug in Omar moaned and begged for more.

"Oh Oh Oh^ÅYeah, eat that ass^Å.eat it." Omar moaned and that was what I was doing. I was eating that as, letting my tongue go deep, deeper and even more deeper than he had ever had before. He was slapping the desk as I worked my tongue and lips into that ass. My dick was rock hard and I couldn't concentrate nor wait anymore. I slipped my dick into his hot ass and began fucking the hell out of him. While I pounded that ass, Omar took it all fucking me back and wanting more and more. DAMN! This was a sexy, freak motherfucker that I could fuck all the damn time. I grabbed his ponytail and continued fucking him.

"No^Ålet go of my hair,"

Damn that, I hard thrusted into that ass and he forgot about that ponytail. Shit was falling off that desk and grabbed both of Omar's ankles and was driving dick deep into that bubble ass. Next thing I knew Omar's 10 inch dick exploded just as I nutted up in his ass.

"GOD DAMN!" I said, "your ass is hot as fuck!" Suddenly the door opened and two pretty boy thugs walked in. They looked like they were looking for a place to get down and were surprised to see us. They were staring at me and Omar and especially's Omar's big dick and a smile crawled across my face. This was gonna be the BOMB ASS PARTY OF THE YEAR!

Having the party was one thing, I was okay with that but when people started smoking weed I started having second thoughts. Kei was okay with it but I wasn't. My dad had a nose like a hound and he could tell that weed was smoked in the house. Then we people started having sex because the booze, weed and music was making them horny I had to take a break and figure out how to end all this without looking like a pussy. I went to my room to get some CDs, at least I told Kei that, I needed a break for all the action. I was sitting in my room when Kei walked in with two drinks. He smiled as he handed me one of the drinks. When he saw me sitting on the bed he knew something was up.

"Everything okay?" Kei asked. They weren't okay but I wasn't going to say that.

"Things are aight just thinking," I said, lying a little. Kei sat next to me.

"You concerned about the party. Trust me Jamal, we will have this place so cleaned by the time our dads get back they won't know shit.

"Yeah," I said as I sipped my drink, "I knew the party was going to get wild but not this wild." Kei smiled and suddenly gave me a kiss. After the kiss I started feeling good. We talked a little bit before we left to attend to out guests. I looked at my drink, I was starting to feel a little funny, like I was high but I hadn't smoked anything and this was only my third drink. Kei, who had been smoking and drinking was feeling no pain. When we got downstairs there were people dancing and drinking and eating. I overheard someone say something freaking was going on and when he and another person went off I followed them, out of curiosity. But when I saw them go into my dad's off, I just about freaked. When I opened the door there were six people fucking and sucking dicks in my dad's office, on the floor on his desk. Kei joined me.

"WHOA DAMN!" he said.

"Kei! They are fucking in and fucking up my dad's office." I said.

"I see^Åand damn that shit is hot!" Kei said.

I couldn't believe Kei. I looked at everyone in the room and some of them I knew and others I didn't. People were sucking dicks and fucking. The room smelled like alcohol, weed and sex. There were a group of four fucking on my dad's desk, his lamp and shit were all on the floor. Oh Hell no! That was going to end. I stepped into the office, I was hot not just from what I was seeing but I was feeling hot and a little dizzy. As I walked over to the group on desk I got the shock of my life when one of the faces turned to smile at me. It was Dalziel, that guy that was fucking Brett, while Brett and my dad were together. The motherfucker who put Brett all on-line and shit.

"What up playa?" Dalziel said, smiling, "this is da bomb ass party of the year."


"Kei invited me," Dalziel said. I know that was a lie. I turned to ask Kei and saw him getting felt up by two other guys that had just walked in. What the fuck was that shit about. I turned back to Dalziel. He was smiling. I hate him.

The shit was hot as fuck. I mean HOT AS FUCKIN' FUCK! There was a fucking orgy in the room and every hot motherfucker at the party was coming in and having a ball. Omar and a group of brothas were all over the room fucking like it was going out of style and everyone wanted to join in. I finally convinced Omar to let that ten inch dick go to work and he was so fucking horny and high from the weed he had smoked that he went for it. He was slam fucking one nigga while another was fucking him. Brothas that wanted to join in had to only do one thing. Fuck the shit out of Kei and Jamal, who were being fucked by two brothas who wanted to join in. I smiled as my video camera captured it all. These cats were so high and drunk and horny they didn't pay my camera much attention besides it wasn't about them, it was about Kei and Jamal. I had video of them getting fucked by every nigga that walked into the room. Yeah, wait til Mohammed and his Hawaii boyfriend saw this shit. Yeah, this shit was great, fucking great.

"Bryant, I don't want to go to no fuck party," I told my cousin

"C'mon Brett, I heard it was off the chain. Twan just called me and said that the two host of the party are all into some freaky shit," I sighed. Bryant had come to visit while out of college for some kind of break. I really wasn't up to a visit from family but Bryant was my favorite cousin. He was 20 years old, he liked to have fun. He was a smart and doing well in school. You could look at us and tell we were related, the resemblance was uncanny especially with him being just twenty years old. It was good to have him around because he kept my mind of things like Mohammed, Jamal and Dalziel. Dalziel was up to something but I had no idea what. When I tried to contact him after our last conversation he would say anything and after awhile he stopped answering my calls. I had a feeling he was up to something foul. That was proven to me when Bryant showed me this website where straight guys are tricked into fucking gay guys. That was some foul shit and I was surprised Bryant would even look at shit like that even though the guys were sexy as hell. One of those clips showed Dalziel's face and I shook my head this was the type of shit that he would be involved in. It also reminded me of what he had done to me and even though I willingly let Dalziel fuck me I didn't agree to have my business posted on the internet. I needed to get my mind off things and agreed to go with Bryant to this freak party but my heart wasn't in it. When I looked up I noticed that I knew the area we were driving through. I knew it well because it was where I had lived with Mohammed for years.

"Bryant?" I said, "what are we doing here?"

"Going to the party, fool." Bryant chuckled as he turned down a street I knew very well. The same street Mohammed's house was on. This was too fucking coincidental but when we pulled up to the house, with loads of cars in the drive and the yard, my heart stopped. It was Mohammed's house. "Bryant, is this the right address?"

"Yeah, this is it. Why?"

I had a bad feeling about this. Very bad. I looked at all the cars parked in and around the house looking for just one. Just the one that would either support or end my fears. I saw it and my heart ran cold. I saw Dalziel's car. Bryant was already at the front door by the time I recovered myself. I ran up to join him as he walked in. The music was loud and the smell of marijuana and cigarette smoke was in the air. Bryant was on the phone talking to his friend, Twan, who apparently was guiding him to his location. The house was full of people smoking and drinking and some were underage. Where was Jamal? I was looking around and wondered why he would even do this. I was following Bryant while looking around for Jamal or anyone that looked like they knew what was going on. When we entered the room that was Mohammed's office my heart dropped. There was a room full of people having a fuck party in the room. I looked around and saw Dalziel with a video camera filming the whole thing. What did he do? Break into the house to have this damn party?

"Hey," some one said, "if you want to join in you gotta fuck these guys first." I looked to see what he was talking about and that was when I felt my knees go weak. Jamal was on the floor, on his back while some fat, greasy old bastard was fucking him.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I gasped. "JAMAL WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" I looked down at Jamal but he didn't look like he even knew what was going on. I turned to Bryant, who looked like he was interested in the scene. "Bryant call the police."


"I said call the fucking police." "Brett what's wro^Å" I grabbed him by his shoulders and shook him.

"God Damnit Bryant^Åthis is my ex's son this scene ain't right^Åcall the police."

Bryant looked down at Jamal and then at me. "What about Twan?"

"Find him and get out but call the police now^ÅNOW!" Bryant turned and left as he dialed 911. I looked down at the fat man fucking Jamal and began trying to pull him off Jamal.

"Wait your turn!" he said.

"Get off that him." I demanded.

The fat man looked at me and showed me his nasty ass teeth. "Sure, if I can fuck you."

OH Hell no. I smiled, "Sure," I watched as the fat man got off of Jamal and when he stood up to reach for me I kicked him right in his small nuts. He fell to his knees and when he did I grabbed Jamal and picked him up. Damn, he was pretty much dead weight and I was going to need help. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I knew the voice before I turned around.

"What the fuck you doing?" when I turned around Dalziel looked surprised and shocked and then a smile spread on his face, "well, you come to sample the son after you have been with his pops. You are a slut, Brett."

"Dalziel, you better get out of here. The police are on the way." I told him. His face clouded over.


"The police are coming and when they get here I'm telling them what you did."

"You crazy. They ain't gonna believe that shit and you ain't tellin' no one any damn thing."

When Dalziel grabbed my throat I realized I made a big mistake. I very big mistake. I should have went outside with Bryant. I should have had a better plan but I couldn't leave Jamal there being fucked by that greasy fat bastard. Dalziel had a look in his eye that let me know he was seriously thinking about killing me. I was aware of sirens, that was quick. Damn quick. Dalziel cursed and pushed me so hard that my head bounced off the door and I fell to the floor as people ran past me before I passed out.

Next: Chapter 17

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