Brother 2 Brother

By moc.loa@43namzyW

Published on Oct 30, 2005



By Michael Martell

CHAPTER 15: Eric, Jermaine, Noble

The telephone in my hotel room awoke me from a good sleep. I laid there staring at the phone, hating it for waking me up and wishing the person that was calling would get the hint and hang up on their end. I was tired. I had been up all night dancing and drinking and having a ball in big time Chicago. Finally the phone stopped ringing and I closed my eyes and began drifting back to sleep until the phone rang again. This was fucking ridiculous. I was about to answer it when someone reached over me and answered the phone.

"No, he's asleep. Yes, I will tell him to call you. Well, we did have a long night out on the town. Yes, I know. Yes, I know. Yes, I will make sure that he gets there. Good bye,"

I laid there without turning over, I didn't need to nor want to. I knew who had answered the phone and I had a good idea who was on the other end and what the conversation was about. I felt him sit on the bed and gently touch my back and shake me gently as he called my name.

"What is it Noble?" I sighed, not wanting to wake up.

"That was Karen on the phone."

"OOOH wonderful. Let me guess, she wasn't happy?"

"She's concerned. She wants to make sure you make your book signing on time and your appearance on the local talk show and the speech you have to give at the university..."

I struggled to sit up in the bed and I was not trying to hide the annoyance on my face, it was a face I had been wearing a lot lately. Noble was not impressed nor stressed by it.

"Good lord, what does she think I am? A robot? I'm tired, too tired to be doing all that today." I complained.

"No one told you to stay up all night shaking your ass on the dance floor, drinking and carrying on." I didn't appreciate Noble's tone. He was telling the truth but I didn't like the tone. I began wondering why I even convinced Karen that I needed Noble to continue the tour with me, to keep me on time and the straight and narrow. The truth was that after Atlanta and the shit going on between Jermaine and me I wanted and needed Noble. There was something about him that comforted me and yes, he did sex me down WELL! Perhaps it wasn't the most professional thing I could have done but ditching Noble was not an option right now, though at this moment I was ready to revist that notion.

"You know I wasn't the only one on that dance floor dancing my ass off nor drinking nor burning trees in the men's room. Now, if you gonna tell it, tell it all and include all the characters." I snapped. Noble looked at me and then slowly smiled and I found myself smiling back. Noble just did that to me and I had no idea how nor why.

Let me catch you up to what's happening. After Noble and I got intimate in Atlanta I found myself turning to him and using him to deal with the pain of Jermaine's betrayal. We were over, that was it. I had not spoken to him since the last time and he had been calling and calling and calling. When Karen informed me that my next stop was now going to be Chicago I approached her with the idea of Noble traveling with me. She balked at first. But I explained to her that he kept me sane and on time in Atlanta better than Miss Jaime and that he needed the chance and I needed someone to travel with to keep me from getting lonely and doing something irresponsible. She gave in, probably more out of the desire to get me off the phone and get me on with the tour. Noble jumped at the chance to travel with me though he was concerned about his lack of knowledge and experience for what I needed. I reassured him that it was would all be okay. The next thing I knew we were in Chicago where we would be for two days...well now one more day before making our way out west.

"So are you going to get up and get moving or what?" Noble asked me as he placed his hands on his hips. Damn, he was a sexy brotha and I didn't want to do anything but get busy with Noble. I had wanted to last night but we were both to blazed and drunk to function. Now I was in the mood and Noble was right there for me to have. A weary look crossed his face.

"I know that look," Noble said with a smile, "you all horny aren't you?"

I pulled the sheets down so he could see that I was. His smile grew on his face as I laid there playing with my hard dick. He stood there looking at me licking those sexy, thick lips.

"Aight Eric get up man we got to get going," he said.

"We got plenty of time." I said as I stroked my dick. I wanted Noble and I could tell my the bulge that he wanted me.

"Eric, man, get out the bed and stop playin'," Noble protested as he moved closer to the bed still licking his lips. I had enough of the games. I got out of the bed and grabbed Noble, pulling him into a deep, passionate kiss that he returned. Oh, he knew how to kiss and as we kissed our hands roamed over each others body. My dick was so hard it was hurting and the precum was flowing. I pulled at Noble's clothes as he also struggled to get out of his clothes. When he was totally naked I laid him down on the bed and devoured him with kisses and then I devoured his dick like a hungry man.

"Ahhh shit...suck that dick baby...suck that dick!" Noble moaned. My lips, mouth and tongue went to work on that thick dick. His hips moved and gyrated as I did one of the things I know I do best.

"OOH YEAH, SUCK THAT DICK...SUCK IT!" Noble said as he placed his hands on top of my head to better to face fuck me. " give good head...damn baby...damn..." Suddenly Noble pulled me off his dick and on top of me, his body pressed against me and his dick throbbing against my body as he kissed and ravished my body. It felt good, no it felt great! I was ready for him I spread my legs and raised my ass. I wanted him to fuck me like there was no tomorrow. I wasn't thinking about my appearances, the tour, nothing. All I wanted was Noble Robinson fucking my brains out. Noble got the hint as he went for the lube and the condoms and before I knew it he had me parted like the Red Sea and was deep inside me. I could feel his dick deep inside me and as he drove it in and out I moaned, groaned and enjoyed the entire experience. As I laid there, legs in the air, the image of Jermaine fucking another man popped into my head. That son of a bitch had taken my heart and my love and smashed it to pieces. I mentally shook his image out of my head as I returned to the present and Noble fucking me. His moans in my ears, his lips kissing my neck, my face, my lips. It was fast and furious, hot and sexy. I was jacking my dick while he worked my ass. All that youthful energy he had driving him on and on. I didn't want him to stop, I didn't want this feeling to end.

" that that shit...don't stop...don't stop..." I called out. My ass was on fire from his dick and my dick was twitching and ready to explode. Damn Noble. Fuck me Noble. Love me Noble.

I fucked up. I fucked up big time. I had the best thing to happen to me in my life and I let some stupid insecurities and jealousy and envy get in the way. I also didn't have faith in my relationship and love for Eric and his love for me. I don't know why. No, that's a lie, I do know why. I was fucking scared. Is that an excuse for cheating? I don't know, I honestly don't know. All I know is that after Eric found out, damn that motherfuckin' Curtis answering my damn phone, it seemed like my eyes were opened to what I had lost. I had lost a friend and a love. I wanted to talk to him. I wanted to explain. I wanted to fix it but he wasn't talking to me, he wasn't taking my calls or nothing. If I could explain we could make it right. We could fix it, maybe? I had to try. I had to try.

So I took some personal time off from work, which didn't please everyone but as I told them I needed to handle some things and I could take personal time or resign. They didn't like the latter option. I then began trying to track Eric down. I knew if I called his agent, Karen, that he would either find out or she may not even give me the information. Since his book tour was a big deal it wasn't hard to find out the next location. Chicago but now I had to find out where he was staying in Chicago. Again, a little work and I found out what hotel he was staying in and as luck would have it the hotel was the same chain that our company used so getting a room reservation at the last minute was not a big problem. Once I got there I knew I could find out what room Eric was in. It's amazing what a nice smile, a convincing line and fifty dollars could get you. So here I was right outside of Eric's hotel suite. I was so proud of him and it dawned on me that I never told him that. I never really, in my heart showed that...shared that with him. He had his friends and it seemed that he had all the support he needed from them. He didn't need mine but actually it wasn't that he needed it, he wanted it. I fucked up. I fucked up big time. I suddenly got cold feet. No, this was wrong. I just can't knock on his door and say we need to talk. I should have called. I should call and let him know I'm in Chicago and that I'm not ready to end this. That I am willing and ready to fight for this, for us. That what we have is special and can survive this.

"May I help you sir?" the voice interrupted my thoughts and startled me. I looked to see an attractive, light skinned brotha wearing the hotel's emblem on his polo shirt walking towards me. When he got closer I could see his name sewn onto his shirt. `Angelo'.

"Beg your pardon?" I asked, as I recovered myself.

"Do you need some help?" Angelo asked as he produced a room key card from his pocket. He must have thought I was having key problems. I should have told him no but before I knew It I was saying yes and Angelo, with a smile on his face opened the door and wished me a good day as I tipped him five dollars. I walked into the hotel suite. It was gorgeous, it was luxurious and it was large. I smiled, my boy was worth all this. I should have been here with him. He had wanted me to come with him but I made up some lame assed excuse why I couldn't go on the tour with him when I could have done it. I had banked up so much vacation time that I could have made this tour with him. We should have been together, we should have been in the bedroom right now making love. That was when I heard moans and groans coming from the bedroom. My very first thought was I was in the wrong room. I looked at the piece of paper that the desk clerk had given me with the number on it and it was the same one on the door. I listened to the moans of someone getting fucked and I recognized that moan. My feet were moving before my body could respond and as I stood in the door way of the bed room I saw Eric on the King Sized bed being fucked by some young kat. I couldn't believe my eyes. My fists balled up and before I knew it I was across the room and punching this young punk all upside his head. I heard yelling and screaming and cursing. I was aware that someone was hitting me back and realized that it was the young kat fighting back. How could Eric do this to me! Here I was feeling bad and sorry. I came to Chicago to make everything right and he was being fucked by some young kat. What the fuck.

I was about to nutt, I was right there and so was Noble. My eyes were closed and I was waiting. I heard a load pop and had thought Damn, I never heard a nutt sound off like that. But when Noble yelped and fell against me I opened my eyes. I was shocked and surprised to see Jermaine standing there swinging at Noble and connecting. I started shouting as Noble regained himself and started fighting back. There they were fighting like two mad men. The blows were connecting and things were looking bad. I picked up the phone to call for help but stopped. This was all I needed was the hotel staff to see my ex fighting a naked man, who had just been making love to me. I had to do something. I got out of the bed and did the most dangerous thing anyone could ever do. I got between two men fighting. I did everything I could until I finally got them broken apart. Noble, not having any idea who this man was who snuck him, looked at me as if I was an alien. Jermaine was huffing and blowing and mad as hell, as if he had a right.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS ALL ABOUT!" Jermaine roared like a lion.

"NIGGA WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" Noble shouted back, still ready to rumble.

"I'M HIS MOTHAFUCKIN' MAN, THAT'S WHO THE FUCK I AM!" Oh no, I was gonna put some straightening on that.

"YOU ARE WRONG! YOU ARE MY EX!" I snapped and Jermaine looked as if I had kicked him in the nuts.

"So it's like that? I can be replaced like that," Jermaine said snapping his fingers. I looked at him knowing that he should not have gone there.

"Oh yeah, just like I was replaced like that!" I snapped my fingers. Jermaine stared at me. Whatever was in his eyes and face it was far from love right now.

"Look what happened was..."

"NO, Jermaine," I said, "I don't want to hear all that. What I want is for you to get out and leave me alone."

Jermaine couldn't believe what I was saying. He glared at Noble and then back at me. "So tell me, was this what you wanted? You went on this tour so you could get with anything that walks?"

He had just called me a slut but before I could even respond Noble did.

"You better check yourself before I beat that ass again." Jermaine scoffed at Noble, "Yeah mothafucka you can act all like that but I know all about you. You had your piece ready and waiting the moment Eric was gone so you could get down with your nasty ass!"

"You don't know shit!" Jermaine snapped back.

"I know more than you think, bitch. I was the one who had to keep him right when he called home and your new dick answered."

Jermaine turned to me, his eyes on fire, "You told him that?"

"Yes. I told him. If it wasn't for him this tour would have ended in Atlanta."

"Atlanta?" Jermaine pointed at Noble, "he was with you in Atlanta. You were all up in this nigga's world in Atlanta and you got the nerve to get hot at me when you cheated first?"

"AHHHHH HELL NO! NO YOU DID THE FUCK NOT GO THERE!" I screamed. I got up in Jermaine's face and he stepped back one step. "Let me tell you something you sorry ass motherfucker. Noble and I never did a damn thing until after I called and your piece answered our phone acting like he ran the damn show. I had never been so hurt and angry in my life. I was thinking about doing some crazy things but Noble was there and kept me sane." I looked at Noble, who was still standing there naked and angry. "He was there for me and yes, we did have sex, we did fuck, we did MAKE LOVE and it was what I needed and wanted because my heart hurt so bad and so much. You hurt me, you betrayed me..." Jermaine went to reach for me and I snapped, "Don't touch me. You don't have the right. You don't have that right."

"Bab...Eric, I can explain, we need to talk I..."

"We don't need to do anything. You need to leave Jermaine. We are done. Through."

Jermaine looked like his heart had broken. What the fuck was wrong with him? Coming up in here like he was the one who had caught me doing wrong.

"Just like that, we are done because you said so."

I shook my head, "No, because YOU said so. You cheated. You had another nigga up in our world. In our life. You made this happen. Not me."

"I wanted to talk to you. I wanted to explain,"

"Explain? Explain what? How good his ass felt. Or did he fuck you?"

"Eric..." Jermaine looked like he was in pain. I know his body was hurting because his eye, where Noble had punched him was swelling up and turning black. "I came here to fight for us."

"You didn't need to do that. There's no us." I snapped back.

Jermaine's face contorted in pain and I realized he was trying not to cry. I was feeling a bit self conscious standing there butt assed naked. I turned to Noble, who must have been feeling and thinking the same thing. He went and found his pants and some shorts and a shirt for me. I put them on while Jermaine stood there fighting not to cry in front of me but especially Noble.

"I have nothing else to say, Jermaine. You need to leave now."

"Don't I get one chance to talk to you. Alone. We have so much to talk about. Can't I get that?"

No and he damn sure didn't need it but Jermaine was not going to go until we talked. I was not going to send Noble out, he had a right to be here. Jermaine didn't. Once again, Noble surprised me.

"I'll step out," Noble said.

"No, you don't..."

"I know but," Noble started getting dressed, "someone had to have heard what was going on up in here. If they did and reported it I want to be able to explain things."

I nodded, he made a good point. Noble walked to the door firing daggers at Jermaine as he left. Jermaine looked at me and the tears began to roll.

"Eric, I'm so sorry."

SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! Three times I slapped his face. So hard that my hand stung from each one. "I don't want to hear that fake ass, weak ass shit!" I steamed, "You are only sorry that I caught your ass."

"That's not true," Jermaine said as he put his hand on his stinging cheeks.

"It is. If I didn't call. If your piece didn't answer the phone I would not have known and by the time I got back home you would have acted like it was all warm and cozy." Jermaine was silent. He couldn't look me in the eye and I knew I was right. "See, I told you."

"Eric, you don't understand..."

"You are right, I don't understand. If you didn't love me anymore you could have told me. You didn't have to cheat on me."

"I do love you. I still love you,"

"No! No you don't love me because if you did you would not have brought me all this pain." Tears were rolling down my face, "you broke my heart. You tore it out and shattered it. You lied to me. You cheated on me. You showed me paradise and then kicked me out. You made me feel love again. You made me feel human again. You made me feel like a man again and you just snatched it away. And what hurts more? Yes, I love you. I love you Jermaine. I want to be in your arms right now and have you make it all go away and be like it was."

Jermaine smiled and moved towards me and held me. I didn't stop him. "It can be. I can make it like it was."

I shook my head, "Can you make me forget what happened? Can you make my heart forget what happened? Can you make me forget the pain?"

"I can try." Jermaine said weakly.

I stepped away from him and watched as his hand and arms lowered to his side. "No, you can't. Too much has happened. Neither of us can and will be able to forget even if we could forgive and I'm not even there yet."

We stood there crying, neither one trying to hold nor comfort the other. We just stood there in our own space crying. Noble walked back in. He was saying something about no one had heard anything and how lucky we were when he saw us crying. He didn't even look at Jermaine but came right to me and held me and I cried even harder. When I was done crying Jermaine was gone.

Eric is just damn impressive. After all the drama that went on with that punk ass Jermaine he kept his appearances, autographed his book, talked to everyone, answered questions, gave interviews with the local media and all the while acting like nothing was even wrong. I kept myself kind of in the background, as I usually did at these things and watched him operate. There was a shine and a glow about him that was amazing. It's not like I never noticed how attractive Eric was but there was something, I don't know, even more attractive about him. Jermaine was a motherfucking fool. He had Eric's love and he just tossed it aside for a piece of ass. I liked Eric, I like him a lot I mean I left the ATL to travel with him on his book tour and yes, we were having some bomb ass sex but he was cool to hang out with and we had fun together either alone or out at the clubs or whatever. Damn, am I getting sprung on this nigga? Suddenly Eric looked back at me and smiled and when he did...Man, I got this warm feeling all over my body and this funny feeling in my stomach. I wanted that smile to stay on me. It felt good and it felt scary as hell. What was scary about it? I have never had anything with another dude. I mean, yeah, I kicked it with some brothas who were down and all that but never anything regular like a relationship. I shook my head, relationship? Was that me? I looked at Eric, who was talking to some fans and thought about what a relationship was like? The image of Jermaine storming into the hotel room and all that drama came back to me. A relationship meant putting your heart and soul on the line for and with another man. Was I ready for something like that? And even if I was, was Eric the man I mean, the ATL is my home, my life I couldn't even think of living anywhere else. My cellphone vibrated and smiled when I checked the caller ID. I smiled as I saw the name Infamous there. I stepped further out of ear shot of others and answered the phone.

"Sup Nigga!"

"You Nigga, where the fuck you at?" Infamous demanded. Damn, I didn't tell him I was rolling out of the ATL.

"Man, I'm in Chicago."

"Dayum nigga it's like that?" Infamous said, "you roll out to Chi-Town and you can't even call a nigga?"

I laughed, "Nah, I just didn't think to call ya. Everything was goin' on so fast."

"Oh yeah, so what the word. So what the deal?" I knew what he was asking me. Me and Infamous were cousins and all that but I don't think we ever had a conversation about how we got down. I mean, I knew Infamous got down from time to time and he knew that I got down but we never talked about it. We never even discussed what happened between us and that was years and years ago.

"Whatcha mean, what the deal? I'm in Chicago." I wasn't going to be giving up no information.

"Oh so you wanna play. Aight," Infamous replied, "you still driving the limo for that writer or is the writer riding you?"

"Nigga you crazy," how the hell did he know what was up?

"Hey fool, the man is all over the news and talk shows and shit. I saw your ass in the background at some book signing and shit. I ain't no dumb mofo."

No he wasn't.

"So is the writer paying you better than your cousin can?" Infamous asked.

"Hell no." I said, it was true.

"He must be damn good to get your ass out of ATL. I couldn't bribe your ass out of ATL to tour with me. I need to meet this nigga. Is it that good?"

Immediately I did not want to have this conversation with Infamous. Infamous was a dog plan and simple. Man or woman he would fuck it. Hell, if a snake would hold still he'd hit that too.

"See you getting' up in the business and you don't know what's up." I said.

"Aight so tell me."

I noticed that Eric was wrapping things up and the last conversation I wanted to have with Infamous was concerning Eric.

"Hey cuz, I gotta jet. I'll call you later."

"Damn!" Infamous said and I thought I picked up a hint of an attitude. "he must be damn good." Infamous chuckled, "or are you doing what you do so well."

"Bye Infamous," and I hung up the phone and turned it off. I was shaking my head as I walked back over towards Eric. I knew what Infamous was talking about. I even remembered it, still do. It happened at a family reunion when we were both young...younger.

We were at a family reunion. I was 18 years old and Infamous, hell he wasn't Infamous then he was Darrin, was 19 years old. Infamous/Darrin was more experienced about sex of any kind than I was. Anyway, the family reunion was at great aunt Della's big house and a lot of the family stayed with her. The `youngins' in this big room that she had. She had made pallets on the floor for all of us. There were seven kids up in that room. Infamous and I were the oldest, the rest were younger and a couple were just kids. Even at 19 Darrin had the sexiest body and his attitude was just damn sexy. I had always enjoyed looking at Darrin's body when we were younger. When we played football I always played on the opposite team just so he could tackle me and I could feel his body all over me. When we played basketball it was the same thing. Anything to get some contact with him. He was just sexy as hell. I wanted to be like him. He could do things and carried himself in away that I wished I could have at that age.

So anyway, we were all asleep in that room at auntie Della's, I was sleeping on a pallet right next to Infamous. Before we went to bed we had got into Uncle Fred's liquor stash and by the time we were done we were feeling no pain. So here I am fast asleep when I feel someone rubbing my ass, actually tugging at my underwear. I opened my eyes to see Infamous rubbing on my ass.

"Whatcha doin?" I asked him in surprise.

"You got a nice ass." He said, he was looking at me so hard that my dick twitched. He was rubbing my ass through my underwear and it felt good. It felt damn good. Before I knew it I had pulled my underwear off so that he could rub my ass without anything between us. His hands felt so good on my ass. I wanted to touch him so bad but I was afraid to. He took my hand and put it right on his dick, which was thick, big and hard. He was also naked.

"You want to kiss it?" he asked. I shook my head at first, I had never touched another man's body like that much less kissed that part. But he smiled and winked. "you know you want to. Just kiss it once and you don't have to anymore."

I looked at him and I knew that it was cool. I went under the covers of the pallet and kissed his dick, literally. Two things happened. It jerked and he moaned and it was that moan that made me kiss it again and again. With each kiss he would moan or blow out some air and it was turning me on.

"Open your mouth," he said. I opened my mouth and he shoved all his dick in there. I gagged. I thought he was going to choke me. I closed my lips and mouth around his dick and he was fucking my mouth like crazy. I didn't want him to choke me so I clamped down as hard as I could so his dick wouldn't choke me. Whatever I was doing was driving him crazy.

"Ahhhh yeah...suck that dick...yeah...suck it." Darrin moaned. He was trying not to be to loud but at times he was loud.

"AAAARRRGGHHH!!!! DAMN!!! AW, AAAHHH!!!" Darrin's body bucked up and down and he was trying to pry my head away. But I wasn't letting go. It felt good that I was driving him crazy.

I was chomping and slurping on his dick and the more I chomped and slurped the wilder he got.

"AAAAARRRRGGGGGGHHHHH...AHHHHHHHGGGGHHHHHH!" Darrin was making so much noise that someone should have woke up and I didn't care. I was getting turned on so much that I kept on chomping and slurping.

"AHHHHHH SHIT...OOOOOH...ARRRRRRRRHHHHHHH...AHHHHHHHHH!" Darrin was trying to force me off but as strong as he was he couldn't.

"OH GOD! AHHHHHH...STOP IT! STOP IT! AAAAARRRRRGGGGH!" Darrin was begging. I couldn't stop.


Darrin shot all into my mouth and I swallowed it all. Darrin was breathing heavily.

" was killin' my dick," Darrin said. I was wiping my mouth. The bitter taste from his nut in my mouth but it wasn't that bad. He smiled at me. "you liked that shit. You got some freak in ya."

It was my turn to get the treatment. He went back to rubbing my ass, I was horny as hell now and my dick was rock hard. Darrin went from rubbing my ass to playing with and fingering my ass, which I had never had done before. It drove me crazy.

"MMMMMMMMM," I moaned as I felt his middle finger in my ass. I could hear him moaning and breathing heavily. I had never been fingered or fucked before at that time and it hurt but it also felt good. But when he put Vaseline on his finger and lubed my ass it felt so much better that I almost busted then.

"You like that shit, dontcha?"

"Yeah...yeah...yeah..." I moaned.

"Then you gonna love this."

The next thing I knew he rolled me on my side and then he slipped his big ass dick into my lubed up ass. It was big in my tight virgin ass. It hurt at first. He kept telling me to relax and when I did the pain was replaced by the pleasure and he was in me deep.

"Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah!" I was moaning and groaning and grinding.

"Shhh! Be quiet...Oh yeah, that ass...nice ass...nice ass..." Darrin was saying.

I was jacking my dick as he fucked my ass and It was too much. Him in my ass, me jacking my dick.

"Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!...OOOH...OOH" I was losing my mind. My body was on fire. My ass was on fire, my dick was ready to explode.

"AWWWWWW...ARRRRRGHHHH...I-I'M...OOOOH GOD...OH GOD..." I exploded all over my hands, it shot across the pallet. Just as I nutted I heard Darrin moan and felt something hot and sticky cover the outside of my ass.

We laid there for what seemed like forever before we went into the bathroom, showered and cleaned up and went back to bed. The next morning we didn't even talk about it and most of the time we acted like it never even happened but there were times when we would kick it again like that and like then we never really discussed it.

"What are you thinking about?"

Eric's voice brought me back to the here and now. He had finished up and ready to go.

"Nothin'...just...nothin'," I lied. There was this odd smile on his face and then I followed his eyes down to my crotch. There was a bulge in my pants that was obvious. "Whatever it was it wasn't nothing." Eric said with a smile.

I smiled back, "You'll find out soon enough."

Eric returned my smile, "Then let's go,"

To Be Continued.

[I would like to thank all the readers of my work for their comments and being patient. I know it has been a bit since I posted but with real life going on and computer problems it has been hard to get it done. I hope you enjoy this chapter and I am feverishly working on the next. Please feel free to hit me up at Peace and love to you all. Michael, the writer.

Next: Chapter 16

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