Brother 2 Brother

By moc.loa@43namzyW

Published on Aug 3, 2005


Brother 2 Brother

By Michael Martell

CHAPTER 14: Sean and Shane

As the plane landed at International Airport I was still thinking about my last few days in New Orleans and especially what had happened between me and Vincent that last night. I still couldn't believe that he had said he loved me. Of course there was other things going on with Vincent and me as well. That night that he confronted me at Wolfendale's and revealed how he felt with all the fury and passion in his eyes. It scared and excited me and reminded me so much of Victor. It was then that I realized that whatever I was feeling for Vincent had everything to do with my loss of Victor and what could have been and I was certain the same was true for Vincent. We loved Victor so much that he couldn't bear this loss and wanted to be close to him again and what better way to be close to him than to become involved with the man who was close to him. Vincent's resemblance to Victor was so uncanny that there were times that I thought he was Victor, but he wasn't. He was Vincent and I could not be involved with him knowing that every time I looked at him I was thinking about Victor. I don't know what Vincent was feeling but even if I did the fact remained that it was time for me to close the door on my life with Victor but not my love for him what we had. It also meant that to some degree my relationship with Momma V would have to come to an end. I couldn't be the replacement for Victor and I had a feeling that was what she wanted more than anything else. She wanted her son and if she couldn't have her son then she would have his lover.

The day that I left New Orleans was a tough day. Momma V cried something fierce telling me that I didn't have to leave and that she would miss me terribly. I would miss her too but promised I would write and visit again. I would write to her but coming back to visit I had no idea. She loaded me up with lots of food and told me that if I ever needed her to call her. I promised I would. Then she presented me with a photo album and on each and ever page there was a picture of Victor from when he was a baby, a toddler, teenager to adult. As I looked at each page that contained a picture of the man I loved tears burned at my eyes. This was too much. I tried to give the album back but Momma V insisted saying that I deserved it. I didn't fight her on it anymore. She then dropped another bomb on me.

"I know what happened between you and Vincent." She said.

"Ma'am?" I gasped in surprise.

"I know Vincent went after you and that he told you somethings..."

"Momma V," I interrupted, "I never meant for anything to happen between Vincent and I. I never wanted to hurt you nor disrespect Victor's memory."

Momma V smiled as she took hold of my hands. "You did no such a thing. Baby, I know it has been a tough time for you. It's been tough on us all but for you tougher. It's time for us all to get back to living. I have realized that and it's time you did too."

"I know Momma V."

"I will be here for you whenever you need me but I don't think you will need me anymore."

"Momma V, I'm gonna miss you so much." I gave her a hug and held her tight. She hugged me back just as tightly. We talked a little bit after that both trying to give Vincent time to show up. When he didn't I took the cab to the airport. My thoughts were on Momma V, returning home to Sean and Vincent. I wished I could have seen him one more time, I didn't want to leave New Orleans with bad blood between us. But as I boarded the airplane I knew that was how I was going to leave things between Vincent and me and that was unfortunate. I drifted off to sleep no sooner had the plane took off and awoke as it descended back to the earth below. I was still thinking about Vincent and how things were left between us and wishing that everything could have ended differently. As I got off the plane I walked around looking for my twin brother, it was good to be home I really missed it and my brother.

I watched as the airplane landed the plane that my brother was returning home. It felt like he had been gone for ages. As I watched the plane I thought about what had been happening with me. I had gotten a new job offer, which I had accepted much to the disappointment of Chip Stevenson and Ryan, who did everything they could to meet the offer made by Ver-Tech, who really wanted me but I decided that Ver-Tech was where I wanted to be. It was tough leaving a job that I had been at as long as I had but the opportunity, the advancement and the money made it too good to turn down. I would miss my old co-workers, Chip and Ryan. I was excited about my knew opportunity at Ver-Tech. The next thing on my mind was probably the most pressing, Matthew. Since that night that he came over we had talked but not seen much of each other. We went out on a couple of dates but each time things turned romantic or sexual I would be filled with anxiety and fear and it would end on a down note. I know Matthew understood what I was going through but I got the impression that his patience was wearing thin. To be honest my patience with myself was running thin. I wanted to be with Matthew so badly but each and every time he touched me or got close to me I kept seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling Silk Mitchell and the memories of the rape would replay vividly in my mind. I couldn't shake it no matter what I tried or did. I knew one thing and that was I had to get a hold of this and quickly. My thoughts were put on the back burner as I watched my brother make his way from the airplane to the terminal. I walked around to meet him. I missed him and now that I needed him he was last.

If there is one thing that Sean Jackson can do well it was cooking. My twin brother could make a meal that would make Mahatma Ghandi forget his fast and eat until his belly popped. On the drive home from the airport Sean stopped at the grocery store and bought all the items he would need for dinner. Once we got home I went to bed, jet lag gets me, and Sean went to cooking. I awoke to the warm aroma of cornbread, turnip greens, barbecue chicken and ribs. I took a shower, dressed and came on out. Sean had set the table and was ready to serve. We ate and talked about everything that went on while we were apart. When he told me about his new job with Ver-Tech and the salary he was going to be making I was just blown away. My brother is a computer guru and the people at Ver-Tech had made an outstanding choice. I also knew that my brother had something else going on and that I would have to pull teeth to get to it. Well, I'm not a dentist.

"What else has been going on Sean?" I asked him after nibbling on another piece of barbecue rib.

Sean was chewing on a barbecue chicken leg bone, "Nothing much really."

I shook my head, "So I have been gone so long that you forgot that I can tell when something isn't right with you?"

"Shane, it really isn't..."

"If it's bothering you then it is bothering me. Now tell me what is going on?"

Sean got silent and tears formed in his eyes as he gave me the details of what had been going on between him and Matthew. As he spoke I listened and I felt his pain and suffering and sadness. The rape was not out of his system and I had a feeling it would be something that would be with him for some time to come. He continued talking about how he was feeling and wanting to be free to love again. Free to live without thinking about and remembering Silk Mitchell and what he had done to him. I got up from the table and took Sean with me and we walked into the quiet living room and then right there I knelt down with my twin brother and prayed. I prayed that all the pain and suffering he was going through would end. I prayed that he would see the strength that this terrible experience had given him. I prayed, he prayed, we prayed like we had never prayed before. We prayed long and hard. Tears streamed down our faces and we prayed. Our knees and backs hurt and we continued to pray. We prayed until our throats were dry and we continued until finally we rose exhausted and exhilarated. We went to bed after saying good night. I don't know about my brother but I went to bed feeling much better than I had on my return home.

As I laid in the bed my eyes closing as sleep covered me my thoughts drifted to Matthew. His face appeared to me with his beautiful smile. I could hear his voice talking to me and soothing me. I could smell his scent, his favorite cologne, his favorite soap, his natural musk scent. I could feel him touching me, holding my hand. As he came to me my eyes burned with tears as I realized that I loved him and wanted to be with him. The only thing keeping me from being with him was not Silk Mitchell; he didn't have control over my life. It was me. When Shane and I were praying in the living room something came to me, a voice so clear that I thought someone was in the room with us, and perhaps there was someone else there. But that voice said to me that what stood in my way was my own heart, my own fear. What Silk Mitchell had done was foul and evil. That voice said to me that I had to open up my heart to love before I could receive love. I rolled over onto my side and looked at the telephone and before I knew it I was picking it up and dialing his number. It was after six rings when I was about to hang up when he answered the phone, sounding very sleepy and sexy.

"Matthew, I'm sorry I woke you up." I began.

"Sean?" Matthew sounds sexy half asleep.

"Yes...I'm sorry to call you so late."

"What's going on?" Matthew's tone sounded a bit weary and I couldn't blame him after all that had been going on between us lately.

I took a deep breath. "Matthew, I know things between us have been difficult but something happened tonight and I just have to tell you something."


"Matthew...I love you."

There was a pause, a long pause and then finally he spoke. "Sean, I love you too."

I couldn't help but smile when he said that. But Matthew wasn't finished.

"Sean, I love you but I need to be able to be close to you. Hold you. Kiss you. Make love to you..."

"Matthew, come over now and make love to me." I said that as instantly and easily as if I was asking for a drink of water. Matthew was silent for a long time and I wasn't sure if he heard me until he spoke.

"Are you sure?"

"Matthew Muhammed come over here and make love to me, now." Matthew hung up the phone and I got out of the bed, jumped into the shower and prepared myself for his arrival and for the first time I was not anxious, nervous nor scared. This time Silk Mitchell was not going to get in the way. Nothing was going to get in the way.

I couldn't sleep, the dream I had shook me so bad that I actually sat up in the bed and expected to see them at the foot of my bed but there was no one there but I was still shook. So went into the living room as memories of the dream came back to me. It was as clear as the day. Someone tapped my shoulder and woke me up and when my eyes opened up there was Victor, yes, Victor standing over me but the smile on my face was not matched from him. He looked furious.

"How could you get with my brother like that," Victor snarled.

"What???" I had gasped.

"You heard me bitch! Why did you fuck my brother."

" just happened...we were drinking and talking about you and one thing lead to another and we..."

"Oh! So cause I was dead it was okay for you to get your freak on with my brother!"

"Victor it was not like that at all." Victor eyes were cold and he looked hurt and terribly angry. I reached out to touch him but he stepped away.

"Don't touch me," he barked, "I see what the deal is now. You wanted Vincent. You didn't want me. You wanted to get up with him since you met him."

"Victor that's not true. I never even met him until your funeral."

"And that's the shit that hurts more. That you were lusting after my brother and I wasn't even in the motherfucking ground. You are just a trifling ho!" Victor's words cut me to my heart. I felt tears burning my eyes. I was about to speak when there was another voice that boomed in.

"You damn right he's a ho," I turned toward the voice to see Vincent standing there. The look on his face matched Victor's so much it was hard to tell them a part. "After we fucked in hit the motherfuckin' streets lookin' for mo' dick!"

"You know that's a damn lie Vincent."

"I don't know nothin' but what I saw and what I saw was a real ho on the motherfuckin' job." I heard laughter and it took me a moment to realize to was Victor. I was amazed that he would be laughing at that.

"I'm no ho!" I declared. "You were gone, Victor. I hadn't been with another man until Vincent."

"You shouldn't have been with no one," Victor snapped, "you were supposed to shut it down once I was gone."

I sat up and shook my head on that. "Are you telling me I was supposed to stop living, stop loving because you died?"

"Damn straight. You are mine forever and into motherfucking eternity." Victor declared.

"You should have remembered that shit when you was trying to get your groove on with me, Miss Stella!" Vincent shot back.

Enough was motherfucking enough. I was not going to take anymore of this bullshit.

"Aight! That's it. Let me tell you two something right the fuck now. I don't know what the fuck you two are thinking but you got the wrong motherfucker. Victor, I was good to your motherfucking ass for a lot of years. Through all the bullshit that you pulled, all the lies and the drug dealing and shit. You trying to be some big shot and shit. But I was there for you until it was unhealthy and I let you go. But I never let you go Victor. When you came back into my life I was ready to go again and I was prepared to stay for the long haul. If I had known you were going to be bed I still would have been with you. I love you, Victor. I love you with all my heart and when you died I wanted to die." That's when I turned to Vincent. "and you motherfucker. You are the one that told me I had to live. I had to get back to living and don't get it twisted mister, you wanted it to happen as much as I did. We were both missing Victor and we got together, now maybe that was wrong but it happened and I am not going to be made to feel bad about it and I am not going to stop living because you, Victor, died. I have a life to lead and damnit I'm going to live it and if you have a problem with it then you both can go to hell!"

Victor and Vincent looked at each other and just like that they were gone. I woke up with a start and wrapped my arms around myself as tears rolled down my face. It was too real for words. I was at the front door looking out remembering the last time I saw Victor when he came to pick me up. Damn, if I knew that would be the day he was going to die I would have stayed home with him. Maybe he would still be here and I wouldn't so sad and lonely. I opened the door and walked out on the porch. It felt good outside, the fresh air felt good. The noise of the city had ceased pretty much and there was no traffic. It was a peaceful night. I walked back inside leaving the door open to let in the sweet, crisp fresh air. I got a bottle of wine and a glass from the kitchen and drank and as I drank I thought about Victor, I thought about Vincent, I thought about my life and cried until the wine put me to sleep.

Damn, I was dreaming again. Someone was kissing me. They started on my neck then my ear and then moved to my lips. They kissed me lightly but I could tell they wanted more, so I opened up and kissed them back. What the fuck I was horny and a good wet dream was what I needed. I heard them moan as I kissed back and I moaned when I felt clearly some strong manly hands move under my white tank top undershirt and play with my nipples.

OOOOH, I moaned. He was good, damn good. I felt his hands moving down my body followed by kisses moving downward as well. I felt his lips cover my dick and I sighed and moaned. This was the best wet dream I had ever had. That was when I realized something was odd about this dream. It didn't feel like a dream. It felt real. I opened my eyes and the dream didn't end. I could feel someone sucking my dick and I could see them as well, or at least the top of their head. I looked at the front door that I had opened earlier and it was closed. Ahhh damn! I was being molested by a motherfucker from off the street. I opened my mouth to scream but it came out like some kind of low guttural growl. I felt swimmy headed. The wine, I had drunk that wine, I was half buzzed, half asleep and all the way horny. This stranger off the street was stucking my dick and instead of me kicking his ass I was letting him suck my dick and watched him do it as well. It felt good, no great. I reached down to touch the top of his head but he looked up at me. I could make out parts of his face. He looked familiar. Who was he?

"Hey baby," he said with a smile I could see in the dark, "I thought I would wake up my sleeping beauty. I'm sorry it took me so long to get here after you called but I had to shower and get right for you."

Called him? I didn't call him. What the devil was going on.

"Sean, I am so glad that you..."

I didn't hear anything after Sean because that was when I realized who this was and what had happened. Sean had called him over. This was Matthew. I had left the door opened, fell asleep on the couch. He must have thought I was Sean waiting for him. Oh snap! He was still talking and I was thinking what to do to get out of this. If I told him I was Shane then he would be embarrassed, shamed even. But what could I do? I had to do something before Sean happened out here and saw this. I felt the wine bottle on the floor and an idea came to mind. I sat up and put my hands on my stomach. I told him that I had drunk too much wine and needed to go to the bathroom. I told him that I would come back and get him when he offered to come with me and like a slave heading up North I was gone. What to do? What to do? I saw the light under Sean's door. God, should I tell him what happened? Lord, if he called Matthew over at this hour it must have been for something intimate which meant he must have felt that he could be with him. Oh damn damn damn! Before I knew it I was opening his bedroom door. He looked up and I could tell that he was expecting company.

"What are you doing up?" Sean asked me. Before I knew it I told him that Matthew was in the living room. "Funny, I didn't hear the doorbell ring."

I told him that I had gone to the kitchen to get some water and saw someone walk up on the porch. I added that it scared me and went to check them out and it was Matthew. Sean looked apologetic.

"I should have told you," he said. Yeah, you should have, I thought. Sean got up and headed out to get Matthew. I went into the bathroom to puke my guts up.

I was calm until Shane opened my bedroom door and told me Matthew was here and I got all nervous again but I had to put that aside. I had called him over to make love together and that was going to happen. Silk Mitchell be damned. I was going to have a life, a love with Matthew. I checked my look once more in the mirror, took a deep breath and went out. Matthew was sitting on the sofa in the dark. What was up with that? He got to his feet when I walked in.

"Are you alright?" He asked me. Could he tell I was nervous? Damn damn damn. I didn't want him to see me nervous.

"Yes, I feel much better. Now that you are here." I smiled as he walked towards me and gave me a hug. I could tell he was glad to see me. He then stepped back.

"You're silk pajamas."

I smiled. "Yeah, silk pajamas make me feel sexy."

He smiled, lustfully, "Yeah but that wife beater and boxers looked sexy too. But I guess I can undress you again." Matthew kissed me before I could ask him what he was talking about. His kiss set my body on fire and I didn't care for anymore conversation. I took his hand and lead him back to my room just as Shane came out of the bathroom. He looked at me with this odd expression. He must not have every thought he would see me doing this. Bringing a man into my room.

"Matthew, you remember my twin brother Shane. Shane this is Matthew."

Matthew was kind of silent but he nodded. I guess this was not the time for re-introductions. Shane said hello and then went off to his room and Matthew and me into mine. I turned to Matthew, who was looking at my bedroom door.

"What's the matter?" I asked him. He had an uncomfortable look on his face.

"Your brother...I forgot that you..."

"Live with my brother? He had been gone so long I forgot myself."

"When did he get back?" Matthew asked.

"His afternoon. Are we going to talk about my brother?" I asked as I went to him and kissed him.

"No. It's just don't think he minds do you?"

I kissed him again and this time I put all I had into it. "If he does I'll make it right in the morning." I kissed him again. I was incredibly, incredibly horny. Just kissing and I felt like I was going to nut for sure. He began kissing me back and as he did he removed my silk pajamas. He looked at my naked body and smiled as he scooped me up in his arms and carried me to the bed. He laid me down gently. He stood back from the bed and began to slowly take off his clothes giving me my own private strip show. Matthew had a stripper's body and a porn star's dick. He crawled into bed with me and we began tonguing each other down like there was no tomorrow. I had waited so long to be with him and though I was feeling just a little nervous, I was not going to let that get in the way. I rolled on top of Matthew and began kissing a trail down his magnificent body. As I stopped to suck his nipples he moaned and sucked in air.

"OOOOH" he moaned as my tongue and lips went to work on those magnificent and hard nipples. I still had it when it came to sucking nipples.

"You like that, baby?" I cooed softly.

"Yeah...please...don't stop," I had no intentions in stopping.

I slurped, licked and nibbles his nipples and Matthew moaned so loud that I just knew Shane would wake up, if he was no still awake already. I moved down his magnificent body passed his six pack until I was face to dick with his thick cocoa dick. I gasped, I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe that I was finally with Matthew. We were finally going to take things to that next level. I rubbed his hard dick all over my face like it was a magic wand that would make everything right and as I did Matthew was going out of his mind.

"Damn baby, damn. What are you doing?" The answer came when I opened my mouth and gobbled up his dick. I gagged a little but I pulled back and did it again and this time the gag reflex ceased. I could hear the bones in Matthew's toes cracking as they curled. I was doing my best deep throat action while I tickled his balls. He slapped the bed with the palms of his hands.


His wish was my command. I went down on his dick until I could feel it at the back of my throat.

"That's the shit...Oh Sean...shit! OOOH Yeah! Yeah!"

As I sucked his dick, I was doing my best not to tough mine. I knew once I did I would blow a nut that would cover the bed and I wasn't ready for that. I wanted to feel Matthew inside of me. I wanted him to make love to me. I stopped sucking his dick long enough to pull out a magnum condom out of the beside table. I gave his beautiful dick one more hard suck before covering it with a condom. I then applied lube on his covered dick and in my ass, which had not be penetrated since...well since. I kissed Matthew as we exchanged positions. He kissed me all over before going between my legs and fingering my lubed ass. It was tight and it hurt and the yelp of pain that I let out was involuntary and caused him to stop.

"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?"

"No, I'm's just been so long." I replied.

"You know, we don't have to do this. I mean..."

"Matt, make love to me, please."

Matthew put the tip of his thick dick in and as I arched my back I tried to relax but it was difficult. He didn't rush me he just let the tip stay in park until I was ready for more. Inch by motherfucking inch he put his dick in me until it was all in and I wrapped my legs around him as the ride began. Maybe I should have let him eat my ass that would have relaxed me but I was horny, damn relaxation. Matthew worked his dick in and out slowly at first. He didn't want to hurt me but soon the pressure and the passion was building up in him and he was pile driving me like there was no tomorrow.

"Yeah, yeah, fuck me daddy, fuck me. Who's ass is this? Who's is it?"

"This my ass! This my ass!" Matthew answered me as he thrusted in deeper and deeper. The force was so strong that my headboard was knocking into the wall but we didn't care how much noise we made.

"Fuck that ass...fuck it hard...hard...HARD!"

Matthew turned my body so that we were in the doggie style position and he did that without withdrawing. On the bed in doggie style he fucked me. My body had relaxed and my ass had opened up as he drove in hard. I bit down on the pillow to keep from screaming out in pleasure. It felt unbelievably good. Matthew knew how to rock my ass and rock it he did. My hand was wrapped around my own dick and as he thrusted I jacked my dick. I wanted us to nut at the same time. I wanted us to cum together. I was trying to keep up with him.

"OOOh that ass that ass...make me cum...make me cum." Matthew was chanting.

"Yeah, fuck me...ooooh Mattheeeeew...fuck me...FUCK ME!" I moaned out as my ass clinched around his dick. I pushed back against his thrusts which felt good. I was going out of my mind. I could Matthew's sweat dripping all over my back. He was gripping my ass, slapping it every now and then. I could hear his grunts and moans. He was close to cumming. I kept backing my ass up, taking all that dick. His thrusts became more powerful and determined. He was trying to get it out of him. He was trying to come. I was close myself. I few more strokes and I would be letting it out as well.

"Ahhhh'm bout there," Matthew announced.

"Me too...don't stop. Don't stop."

"Yeah...yeah...right there...oooh...ooooh...I'm bout to...I'm bout to...I'm gonnaaaaaaah!" Matthew erupted and as hot cum shot into the condom I could feel it and my own dick spit to life and I shot loads all over the bedsheets and the bed. We both roared as we nutted and when it was over we literally collapsed. Matthew kissed my lips as we held hands.

"That was hot," Matthew said. He then looked at me concerned. "How do you feel?"

I looked up into his handsome, sweaty face, his dreds all over the place and smiled as I answered him. "I feel excellent."

We got up and quickly stripped the bed, changed the sheets and then crawled back into the bed naked. We slept cuddled up and as we kissed continuously we both said what was on our minds and in our hearts.

"I love you Sean,"

"I love you Matthew"

Soon we were asleep. When we woke up in the morning I was going for round two and the high score.

I went into the bathroom and cleaned myself up. All those sexy noises coming out of Sean's room drove me crazy and thanks to Matthew's sucking my dick I was horny as hell. So maybe it was nasty to jack off to my brother making love to his boy but I couldn't help it and when I came I instantly felt guilty. I knew Matthew realized his mistake when we met in the hallway, why did I have to come out when I did. If I hadn't Matthew would not have known a thing. As I cleaned up I made a vow that Sean would never know about this and I would never speak of it to Matthew. I did have to acknowledge one thing though. Matthew knew how to suck a dick, for sure.

To be continued.

You may send emails to the author at or talk to him on Yahoo Instant Messenger at wyzman_wryter.

Next: Chapter 15

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