Brother 2 Brother

By moc.loa@43namzyW

Published on May 11, 2005


Brother 2 Brother

By Michael Martell

CHAPTER 12: Mohammed & Sonny, Kei & Jamal

Sonny was running at me full speed. It was then that I realized that Sonny moved like a beautiful stallion. His muscles taunt, his moves graceful and powerful. It was a beautiful sight, a magnificent sight but unfortunately I was not there to admire his beauty and grace. I moved out of the counter at the last minute and Sonny went crashing chest first into the turnbuckle. He spun around and I dropped him with a clothesline. He was getting to his feet and I delivered a knee lift that stood him up and dropped him back down. Sonny was in trouble now, just as I was only a mere ten seconds ago. With a snarl and a sneer he charged me and I was ready again as I delivered a scoop body slam only I picked him up too low and he was able to slip out of my grip and slide down my back. I should not have turned around but I did and the reason why was clear. Sonny drop kicked me and it sent me flying and smashing down to my back on the mat with a loud OOF! I rolled onto my stomach and tried to get to my feet before Sonny but I wasn't fast enough. He whipped me into the ropes and caught me in a high hip toss that sent me crashing on my back again.

"ARRRRGH!" I said getting to my feet as my back protested. It was then that Sonny hooked me in a suplex. Now I outweigh Sonny a little bit and I was surprised that he got me up for a powerful suplex. He managed to hold me in the air for a full 15 seconds before he brought me crashing down onto my back and then he covered me for a pin attempt. I was down, I was stunned but I wasn't out. I kicked out and slowly got to my feet. Sonny was frustrated, that suplex was one of his specialities. I used the ropes to get to my feet, Sonny was on me with several stiff forearm blows to my back. He spun me around, whipped me across the ring but I was ready and pivoted on my right foot and reversed him into the ropes. When Sonny came off I hooked him under his left arm and around his neck with my right arm. I pulled up on his trunks and leaped into the arm and together we landed with a thunderous slam. Me in control of Sonny as he landed back first. The air escaped from him as I covered him for the pin. 1...2...3! It was over. I had pinned him. As I got to my feet, I looked at Sonny, who was getting up, albeit a bit slowly. As I asked if he was okay someone started clapping their hands. Sonny and I looked to see Miller walking into the XWF training dojo. He liked what he saw. He complimented us on the match in general and me in particular. I was concerned about ring rust, that's when you have been out of the ring for a long amount of time. Wrestling is a business and sport where being in the ring constantly keeps you in shape and in ring ready as well as keeping you in the eye of the public that basically pays your salary.

There was very short notice for my return to the ring and the XWF. Miller called me two days before with a situation. Apparently Mack Truck, who was in a feud against Sonny had torn some muscles in his knee that needed to be repaired thus putting him out of action for at the minimum 6 months. Miller needed someone to fill in for Mack Truck. Someone who could bring in a big house and big reactions. He wanted me to wrestle against Sonny in a major feud. Since I had been out for some time Miller wanted me to sneak attack Sonny wearing a mask. My identity would be concealed until the upcoming pay per view and that would be a shocker. It sounded great to both Sonny and I and we both jumped at the chance. But it required us to immediately fly up to Philadelphia to the XWF headquarters and then to be on the road for a week setting everything up. Which in itself was short notice to set up things for a pay per view coming up in a month but Miller is anything if not a master of the art of promotions. Sonny and I talked with Miller about what we would be doing tonight for the TV taping, which was basically going to be the sneak attack by the mystery masked man' that would then kick off a whirlwind of events that would get the fans involved. Since it was well known that Mack was out of the picture it there would be all types of speculation about the masked man but Miller was certain that no one would put me as being the masked man considering the last time the fans had seen me I was one of the number one hero' of the XWF fans and a close ally of Sonny, closer than what they actually were aware.

After Miller left Sonny jumped in the shower while I called to check up on the boys. Since we had to leave so soon I didn't have time to arrange for anyone to check in on them, which Sonny thought was useless since they were both old enough and mature enough to be home alone for a week. What Sonny said was true but there was a part of me that just wanted, needed to know that everything was going to be okay. Part of it was the fact that I had almost lost my son and this was the longest I had been away from him since the accident but another part of me wasn't keen on Kei and Jamal being along together. The phone had rang six times, which was plenty of time for someone to answer the phone unless they were outside or in the pool. By the tenth ring I hung up the phone. I wondered where they were and I had to stop doing that. At least Jamal wasn't alone and if something did happen there was someone there who could call for help or get in touch with me. I hung up the phone and heading back into the locker room, where I could still hear the shower running. I grabbed my shower things, stripped naked and joined Sonny in the shower. What ever preoccupation I had about my son and Kei vanished when my eyes landed on Sonny's magnificent body. Even soaking wet and covered in soap he was still the sexiest man walking. I was staring at him as if It was the very first time I had ever seen him. He looked back at me and gave me that smile that I love.

"What?" Sonny asked, wearing that smile. I moved closer to wear he was and he moved towards me. There was no need for words nor talking, we each knew well what the other was thinking, wanted and felt. I wrapped my arms around his waist as he moved into a kiss, a deep kiss. A passionate kiss. Sonny pressed his body closer to mine and as his hands moved up and down my naked, wet back I could feel out dicks, hard and jockeying for position. Our hips rocked and grinded against each other and it felt great. To say that I have never felt love like this before would be saying a lot. Even with Brett, it was never like this. Sonny is more than just my companion, spouse or whatever. He is my friend, my confidante, he is my heart and soul. I can see us sitting on the porch as two old men watching our grandchildren play in the front yard. Sonny is the man I will grow old with and be with until death we do part.

"OOOOH" I moaned as Sonny began kissing and sucking my right nipple. It felt too good and I love the way he sucks my nipples. My eyes were closed tight as the warm water from the shower and his mouth sent me places. My dick twitched and jumped as he sucked on nipple then the next. He moved down my body and I knew what he was going to do and I didn't care that we were in the shower in the locker room and that anyone could just stroll on in and catch us.

"MY GOD!" I said as Sonny took my dick in his mouth and began sucking it like his life depended on it. His tongue was teasing and wrapping around my dick as he sucked harder and harder, faster and faster. I held his head firmly as I fucked his mouth, driving my dick deep into his mouth. It felt so good. I could hardly concentrate on anything. If someone walked in now I would not care. I was feeling myself ready to cum. I pulled out of his mouth causing a `popping' sound. I wanted to fuck him right then and there but we didn't have a condom and I damn sure didn't want to get busted trying to bust a nut.

"Sonny," I said trying to steady myself, "We better get back to the hotel."

"No, I can't wait, Mohammed," Sonny said as he stroked my dick, "Let's do it now. Right here."

I shook my head but I wanted to so bad. "Sonny...we don't have any condoms...we could get caught."

Sonny smiled, "Fuck all that, I want you now."

Sonny kissed me so hard and as he did he pressed against the shower wall. We kissed there for what seemed like forever. He then slowly turned his body and began grinding his tight, hot ass against my dick, which was ready to explode. Sonny leaned his entire back against me and I could feel him taking my dick in his hands and guided my dick into his tight hot ass. It felt good, it felt damn it was, as my son would say, off the chain. It had been so long since I fucked anyone without a condom, the last time produced my son. Even if I wanted to I couldn't pull out, Sonny had everything locked down and it felt too good to pull out. Besides, Sonny and I both tested HIV negative just three months ago.

"OOOOH..." Sonny moaned, "OOOOh feels so good,"

"Yeah...OH YEAH!" I moaned as I slammed into his ass. My mind was going crazy. He felt so good. I could see why brothers were barebacking, it was risky but it was oooh sooo damn good. Allah forgive me but at that point I was like damn condoms. I gyrated and penetrated his ass with long strokes.

"Fuck me Mo-Mo...FUCK ME!"

The fact that someone could walk in on yes made it even that much more exciting. I gripped the sides of his firm ass as he bent over to touch his toes. My dick moved in so smooth and easy. It was nice and warm. That ass was hot. My baby had the best ass in the world and it was all mine. All damn mine. Our moans and groans filled the shower. Flesh making that slapping sound added to our sexy noises. I loved Sonny with all my heart and soul and body and I told him with each thrust. He told me the same thing as he backed his ass up taking all that I had to give him.

"Damn Damn Damn Damn Damn!" I muttered as with each stroke and drive I was getting closer to the climax that I knew was going to be mind bending and mind blowing.

"fuck me daddy, fuck me daddy, fuuuuuuck me!" Sonny called out still bent over clutching his ankles. It was the sexiest thing I had ever seen. Sonny bent over and my dick sliding in and out of his ass.

"Oh yeah, ah shit, ah shit...I'm cumming..." The words barely left my lips as I exploded in his ass followed by a moan from Sonny as his dick spit out cum all over the shower floor. We were wet with sweat and water. Our bodies were exhausted. I wanted to hold him and not move forever but we didn't have that luxury. We had made a mess and before we left we cleaned up thoroughly and completely. We took another quick rinse off shower, dressed and headed back to the hotel. When we got to the room we barely were in the door before we were at it again but there was no rushing, no worrying about anyone walking in on us. It was slow and easy and like in the shower, without a condom. We came together again and this time held each other until we drifted off to sleep. As I drifted off to sleep I realized that I was happy and in love and for the first time in a very long time I was finally content. I had no worries, no concerns.

There was no time like now in getting things in motion. He knew that Jamal was curious, damn curious and he was going to let the curiousity reveal itself. What Jamal needed was something that would drop those walls of inhabition, something that would free him up to express the feelings. Kei closed his eyes as he stroked his dick feverishly as he thought of the image of Jamal's naked sexy body, his handsome face. He remembered how Jamal's dick felt in his hand that night he touched it when they fell asleep watching music videos and the several times afterwards. It was driving him crazy. He wanted to hook up with Jamal so bad. When their dad's told them they both were going to be away Kei knew he had to act on the opportunity. He felt himself about to cum and he stopped jacking his dick and composed himself. He wanted to be horny when they went out, he was taking Jamal out. He made a few friends downtown and the word is that The Warehouse' was the place to be 24/7. The old heads had hung out at Da City and that was fine but the young, fine thuggish cats were at The Warehouse'. The brothas at The Warehouse' were unclockable, masculine, thugged out and PHINE. Kei had been there a few times, hooked up with a couple of cats there but they weren't about shit and he had his sights on Jamal. Jamal was who and what he wanted. Kei checked his appearance in the mirror one more time. He was wearing a pair of black studded Pelle Pelle jeans, a black short sleeve jersey style shirt over his white wife-beater and his tanned Timbs set it all off. His hair had been freshly corn-rowed, his goatee and mustache were all freshly trimmed as well. He and Jamal had been out most of the day buying shit and getting ready for tonight. Kei kept the fact about what The Warehouse' really was to himself. Jamal knew that it was the place to go and hang out and where two underage cats could get their drink on. He was pleased with his look. Kei picked up the remains of his joint and light it again and inhaled three good lungs full until there was nothing left to smoke. He smiled, it was time to check up on Jamal.

Jamal knew his father would fall out if he saw what he was wearing. His dad was not big on the whole urban/hip-hop fashion and up until they went out shopping, Jamal could take it or leave it. But now as he looked at his reflection he liked it. He liked it a lot. Kei had picked out much of what Jamal had bought. He was had selected a pair of Rocawear jeans, a bit oversized, and a blue Rocawear pull over shirt. He was proud of himself and his look. He heard the door opened and smiled when Kei walked in but the smile faded when he saw the frown on Kei's face.

"What's wrong?" Jamal asked.

Kei pointed, "What the fuck are you wearing?"

Jamal looked at what he had on, "What we bought at the store."

Kei shook his head, "Nah man, you got the look wrong. The jeans are cool but let's try a different shirt," Kei approached Jamal and went to remove his shirt. Jamal stepped back. "What up with you?"

"Nothing man," Jamal said, "I can take off my own shirt."

"Damn, forgive me," Kei said putting his hands up. He watched as Jamal removed his shirt. Jamal's chocolate brown torso was sexy as hell. He wanted to suck those nipples just once.

"So what do I wear?" Jamal asked.

Kei shook his head again. "Damn, relax man," Kei said. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his plastic baggy with three joints in it. He pulled out one and handed it to Jamal. "Burn this tree and you will calm down."

Jamal took the joint, "I'm calm, man."

"Man smoke that, you gotta be cool as ice when we hit the warehouse and you gotta look like something when we roll up in there," Kei said as he went to Jamal's closet. Jamal lit up the joint and inhaled. Kei pulled out a blue Enyce shirt and tossed it at Jamal. "get one of those white wife-beaters and it put that shirt on over it. Don't button it up...keep it open, you want them to see the wife beater and your abs, son." Kei smiled as he watched Jamal dress himself. Kei's dick was hard as a rock as he watched him. Damn, that nigga was sexy as hell. They both shared the joint and then headed out.

The Warehouse was wide open and thumping. Kei and Jamal got in past the bouncer at the door with no problem and were at the bar ordering two Incredible Hulks. Jamal was feeling good. He was feeling great, a little buzzed and loose. The joints he had earlier were working overtime and the the Hulk on an empty stomach was working fast. Jamal looked around as the music thumped and played. He wanted to dance and as he looked around that was when he realized there were no women around, all men and the men were dancing with each other. Damn, he was in a gay club.

"Kei, you motherfucker!" Jamal said, "This is a gay club,"

Kei smiled. It was on now.

"Why didn't you tell me we were going to a gay club?" Jamal demanded to know.

"Would you have come if I said that?" Kei asked.

"I don't know...I mean, I don't have problems with gay people...I mean my dad and your dad are together and your gay..."

"So what the problem?" Kei asked.

Jamal looked around. He didn't have an response. Everyone seemed cool, no one was all over him. The music was great and he was enjoying the drink and the atmosphere. Was there really a problem? Jamal shook his head and Kei smiled.

"Jay," Kei said, "Don't worry about things up in here. These are cool brothas chillin and enjoyin each other. Is there anything wrong with that?"

"Hey dude," Kei and Jamal looked up to see the handsome face of the light skinned, bald headed bartender looking at them. They got nervous, figuring the deal was up. Instead the bartender placed two more Incredible Hulks in front of them.

"We didn't order anymore drinks." Kei said.

"Yo dude, someone bought them for you two," The Bartender indicated down to the far end of the bar. A brotha was sitting down there looking at them. It was dark in the club so it was hard to make out who it was. Kei picked up one of the drinks and took a big gulp. Jamal followed suit. After two Incredible Hulks and the previous joints both Kei and Jamal were feeling right. Before long they were on the dance floor with everyone else getting hot and sweaty as they moved with the music. Kei kept moving closer and closer to Jamal occasionally touching him on his arms, his chest, his hard ass and each time Jamal did nothing to stop him. At on point Kei had his hands on Jamal's chest for several minutes before Jamal moved them and that was only because he left the dance floor to get another drink. Kei joined him at the bar.

"Damn," Jamal said, "that DJ is slammin!" Jamal said.

"DJ N-Sane is his name," Kei offered.

"Well, he's insane," Jamal replied.

"You having fun?" Kei asked.

"Ahhh shit, it's the bomb," Jamal answered. "Thanks for bringing me out here man," To Kei's surprise, Jamal hugged him and held him tight. They remained in the embrace and Kei knew that Jamal had to feel his hard dick pressing against him. "Kei, you have..." Kei planted a kiss on Jamal and Jamal kissed him back. They stood at the bar kissing each other down, their hands roamed and groped all over each other. Jamal's mind was going a million miles a minute. He knew he liked kissing Kei. He had always wondered if he was gay but he had never really met anyone that he was attracted to until Kei appeared on his father's door step. Jamal found Kei very attractive, sexy...very sexy.

"Wow kid," Kei said, "You kiss good,"

Jamal smiled, "That's the first time I ever kissed another man,"

Kei laughed, "You lying,"

"I'm not," Jamal replied. He closed his eyes as Kei kissed him again. When the kiss ended he opened his eyes to see Kei smiling. "What?"

"I've been wanting to kiss you since we first met."

"Me too,"

"Let's go home," Kei said, "we can kiss and do other things in private."

Jamal agreed and followed Kei out of the club.

The guy that bought Kei and Jamal drinks earlier had been watching them but not because he was attracted to them, though they were sexy motherfuckers. The reason he was watching them was because he thought he recognized one of them and the more he watched them the more he was sure he knew the brother. It wasn't until they left the club and he was outside in better lighting when he realized that he did know the young brother. A smile formed on his face, how lucky for him. He hadn't been back in town from his trip to the ATL a good hot minute and on a whim he went to the Warehouse instead of Da City and what does he see? Jamal Moyenda kissing some fine ass Latin or Island brotha. Dalziel was glad he had his camera phone with him, no one would believe this shit. He was walking back to his car thinking that it was true that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. That reminded him. He dialed Brett's cellphone number. After two rings Brett answered.

"Hello Brett, this is Dalziel," He said. There was a pause then a barriage of harsh words and curses from him but Dalziel stayed on the line through it all. "You done?"

"You are the last motherfucker I want to talk to." Brett snapped.

"Fine, you don't want to make money...that's fine. I know you not modeling right now." Dalziel said, "So you must be trickin to make ends meet,"

"You don't know shit," Brett snapped.

"I know I can hook you up and help you make some good coin,"

Brett laughed, "I know what that shit is about. No thank you,"

"Fine. That's cool." Dalziel said, "need younger cats anyway. Hey, what about your ex's kid?"

"Jamal? You have lost your mind. Jamal wouldn't get involved with your bullshit. He's straight for starters."

"Yeah? Well this boyfriend is gayer than a motherfucker." Dalziel replied.

"You lying, Dalziel,"

"I don't need to lie. I bought both the motherfuckers a drink at the club and I watched them tonguing down on the dance floor. I watched them walk out like they were going off to do the damn thing."

"I don't believe you and if I did, it's not my business anymore." Brett said.

"Fine, I guess I'll handle my business without you."

"Dalziel, you leave him alone," Brett said

"Fuck you. I thought it wasn't your business. Bye bitch." Dalziel hung up as he had an idea. That motherfuckin' kid was going to help him get some revenge. He still remembered that motherfuckin' Mohammed holding a gun on him after beating his ass when he walked in on him and Brett. Forget Brett, he was going to get him some get back. He flipped open his camera phone and pulled up the picture he got of Jamal with the other brother. Yeah, he had an idea that the next star of was going to be Jamal. Yeah, he would get back at Mohammed by going through the son.

Jamal couldn't believe what was happening and Kei couldn't believe it was happening. They were laying in the bed naked, kissing and touching and exploring each other's body. Jamal had never had another man touch his body, kiss him, suck his dick. It felt great. Kei knew what he was doing. Jamal was more than a mouthful. Kei's gag reflex was making it hard to suck Jamal's monster dick which seemed to be bigger than he remembered. On the way home they talked about what they were going to do and what they were into. Jamal had no idea what to expect but he knew what he was curious about and what he wanted to try. He still couldn't believe it was going to happen.

"Ahhhhhhh...oooooh god...yeah...yeah..." Jamal moaned as Kei sucked his dick. He couldn't begin to describe the feeling but it was 100 times better than jacking off.

"You like that?" Kei asked between suckings.

"Yeah, don't stop...please don't stop," Jamal pleaded. Kei went back to work sucking Jamal's dick. As he sucked Jamal's dick he gently played with Jamal's nuts and teased his asshole. Jamal wiggled when he did that. Kei figured he liked it and kept on doing it. He moved off Jamal's dick and began licking and finally sucking Jamal's balls.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Jamal cried out as Kei sucked his balls and jacked his dick. The change up caused Jamal to explode cum all over Kei's hand and his own stomach.

"Damn!" Kei chuckled as he looked at his hand, "that was some nut,"

"I'm sorry man," Jamal said breathing heavily, "I couldn't hold it."

Kei smiled as he gave Jamal a kiss. "It's okay. It's good we got that out. Now we can do it nice and slow."

"What are we going to do?" Jamal asked, excited and nervous. Kei understood what he was feeling. He understood it and remembered his own first time.

"What ever we do, we gonna take it slow," Kei said. Jamal was a virgin, he had to be careful.

"This is my...I'm..."

"Sssssh," Kei said as he kissed Jamal again. This was something not to be rush but he also was anxious to get it started as well. He sighed as he felt Jamal's tentative hands move down his body and touch his hard dick and slowly started jacking it. It felt good. Too good. To his own shock and amazement he came within a few strokes. "Damn!"

"I guess we both had to get it out of us," Jamal said with a smile.

"Yeah," Kei sighed as he kissed Jamal softly. "Oh hell yeah,"

To be Continued

You can write the author, he would love to hear from you.

Next: Chapter 13

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