Brother 2 Brother

By moc.loa@43namzyW

Published on Feb 20, 2005


Brother 2 Brother


Michael Martell

Chapter 11: Eric

It was the third day of my trip to Atlanta. I had began packing my things to head out to my next destination on the book tour when the hotel phone rang. When I answered I wasn't surprised to hear my agent's, Karen, voice on the other end but I was surprised by what she had to tell me. Apparently the publishing company was hearing great things about me and the tour and after much begging and requesting they decided to attend my stay in the ATL for three more days. All my other dates would be pushed back and the appropriate accommodations would be made. While in Atlanta I was going to do the rounds at some of the local and most popular `urban' radio stations, appear on a few more talk shows and radio programs and do more book signings. Karen was excited and happy for me. But I just wanted for it all to be over. Let me explain.

It was on day two that things got interesting. When I woke up I found my driver, Noble, sitting up watching TV, BET to be exact. He was fully dressed and did not look any the worse for wear for being blasted drunk out of his mind. He looked up at me and smiled and gave me a bright good morning. I replied and went into the shower and took a long hot shower. The warm water felt wonderful, so wonderful that I closed my eyes. I guess I drifted off to sleep but the next thing I knew the shower curtain opened and there was Noble, bare assed naked and looking HOT DAMN sexy! No words were spoken as he stepped into the shower with me. We embraced and then melded into a hot and passionate kiss. As our lips and tongues danced and teased the others mouth are hands explored our bodies. Each spot that was touched was left hot and burning with sexual fire that was overwhelming. Here I was in the shower with this sexy brotha with his fine, hard ass, tight body and all the wild sexual energy any man would want. I was thinking about the tour. I wasn't thinking about my book. I wasn't thinking about Jermaine. I was thinking about having Noble and that was all I wanted. He was kissing my chest, tonguing my nipples, his fingers teasing ever each of my body. I couldn't take it. I had to have him.

"Do you want some?" Noble asked me.

"Yes," I said, without hesitation. Noble smiled at me and then turned around and presented his fine, firm beige ass to me. HAVE MERCY, JESUS! That was a fine ass and it was tight. I applied a healthy handful of soap lather and inserted my dick and we were off and fucking. I thought I was going to blow my nutt right there. Noble was moaning my name over and over again as I fucked him for all my worth. I was fucking him so hard that he was knocking into the wall of the shower.

"Eric!" Noble called out my named as I thrusted into him. "ERIC!"

There was a series of loud knocks that startled me awake. I was standing in the shower wet and stroking my throbbing, soaped up dick. The knocking continued and was followed by Noble calling my name on the other side of the bathroom door.

"Yeah!" I called back as I rinsed off hurriedly.

"We better get going before we're late."

I looked down at my dick which was still rock hard and throbbing. There was no way I was going out there like this. "Okay Noble," I said, "You get the car and bring it around and I will be down in five minutes."

There was a pause before he answered. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. It won't take me long." I replied.

"Aight, see you in a few." he said.

I let out a sigh. Damn, what was going on? Actually I knew what was going on. I was confused with what was going on with Jermaine and I and I was attracted, terribly attracted to Noble. I didn't have time to jack my dick so I just stepped out of the shower, dried off and began getting dressed. I was dressed and out of the door in five minutes, I skipped my usual lotioning my body routine. I grabbed my cellphone and began dialing Jermaine's cellphone number. I needed to talk to him. We needed to talk. We hadn't spoken since I had been here. His cellphone rang until his voice mail picked up. I listened to his sexy voice. I missed him. I left him a message. I told him that I loved him and that I missed him and I needed, wanted to talk to him. I ended the call just as the elevator door opened. When I stepped in my eyes grew wide as I was looking face to face at Brett, Mohammed's ex. Brett looked at me as if he had just seen the same unwanted ghost from the past that I had. The elevator door closed and the awkward feeling filled the small space like a huge elephant.

"Hello Eric," Brett said, after a few seconds of awkward silence.

"Hey Brett," I responded.

"What are you doing in Atlanta?" he asked, I think he was trying to be polite and make conversation.

"I'm on tour."

"On tour?" Brett asked. The question on his face let me know he had no idea.

"For my book. I'm a promotional tour."

"You wrote a book?" I didn't like the tone of his voice. He made it sound like it was a big surprise. Brett knew me well enough to know I was a writer.

"Yes," I replied with an attitude. Brett frowned and looked away briefly.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it to sound like that. I just didn't know..." he paused and cleared his throat. "Congratulations."

"Thank you," I replied, "What brings you to Atlanta?"

"Had a job," Brett said, looking down at his shoes.

"Still modeling?" I asked.

"Yeah...well, a little but I'm doing other things as well." Brett looked at me and I could see there was something different about him not just physically which there was but emotionally. What ever had happened to him since Mohammed broke up with him had effected him but if it was good or bad I didn't know nor care.

"How are Mohammed and Jamal doing?" Brett asked suddenly. I was surprised by that but not too much. I figured he would have asked about Mohammed sooner.

"They are doing fine," I don't know why I answered him. He didn't have the right to ask about Mohammed nor Jamal but for some reason I answered.

He was about to ask me something else but the elevator stopped at the lobby and as people got on we got off and went out separate ways. As I was walking towards the front door of the hotel I decided to try Jermaine at home. The phone rang twice and on the third ring it was picked up but the voice was not Jermaine's.

"I'm sorry, I must have dialed the wrong number." I said looked at my cellphone and seeing that my number was correct.

"Who you lookin' for?" the voice asked.

"Jermaine Robinson," I replied. Something wasn't right here.

"You reached the right place," the voice said and my blood ran cold.

"Okay..." I said slowly trying to remain calm and cool. "You must be..." I paused as if I was try to recall this bitches name.

"I'm Curtis," he said, sounding as if his ass belonged there. I was getting angrier by the second.

"Curtis..." I hissed his fucking name. I wanted to hang up. I should have hung up but I couldn't. "So you must be Jermaine's man?"

There was a pause before he replied, "Well, we just started seeing each other. Who are you?"

Who am I? Who am I? I'm the motherfucker whose man your nasty ass is fucking around with, that's who I am.

"Hello?" Curtis said, "You still there?"

"Yes," I said, "I have to go, I'll call him back later." I hung up the phone as my heart broke. I couldn't believe it. I just couldn't believe it. I just fucking couldn't believe it. My headached, my heart hurt so bad I could hardly breath. Tears were rolling down my face and I didn't care. My knees were weak, I could hardly move. I was unaware of someone calling my name until I felt someone touch my shoulder. It was Noble.

"Eric? Are you okay?" he asked his voice filled with concern.

I either didn't or couldn't speak. Noble walked me to the limousine and helped me in the back. He got in behind me and closed the door. He seemed concerned as he asked again what happened. But I couldn't speak, I couldn't say a damn thing. All I could feel was deep hurt, betrayal, heart ache and pain. How could Jermaine do this to me? To us? Where in the hell did he meet this Curtis punk and why was he in our home? The sobs came and before long I was full blown crying like a baby while Noble, the noble Noble held me in his arms. We never made it to our scheduled event. Noble called Jaime for me and explained that I was sick and when she insisted on talking to me he told her that I was unable to speak right now and that if she wanted to speak with me that I would call her back and with that he hung up. That entire day and night Noble stayed with me as I cried and cried. I couldn't stop no matter what. Noble never asked what was going on he just stayed there with me and when I was ready he tucked me into bed.

I awoke to the sound of Noble calling my name softly. When I opened my eyes he was standing by my bed with my cellphone in his hand.

"It's been ringing almost every hour for the last four." Noble said as he handed me the phone. "It's been the same name and number."

I took the phone and looked at the flip display. The four calls and without a doubt the four messages were from Jermaine. I looked at Noble, who had been my savior. He smiled and left my room. Before I called Jermaine I listened to his messages. The first was just a basic message that asked how I was doing and to call him later and that he missed and loved me. Bullshit. The second message sounded a bit concerned and asked that I call him as soon as I got the message. The third message was concerned but demanding. He wanted to know where I was and why I had not called. Yeah, the guilty want the innocent to be just as guilty as them. The fourth message had a different tone all together.

"Eric," he began, hesitantly, "I know you called the house. Your number was on the caller ID. I know need to...I have to talk to you...I have to...I need to explain. It's not what you think. Eric, please, I don't want to lose us. I don't want to end this. What happened...what I did was wrong. was wrong, wrong wrong. I love you, Eric. I love you...please, just call me. Please baby. I love..." his time was up and the message was cut off. He loved me. Yeah, he loved me so much that he slept with another nigga in our bed and he says he loves me? That made me fucking angry. I dialed his number and I was ready to rumble.

"Eric," Jermaine said picking up the phone on the first ring, "Thank God you called."

"You won't be thanking God after I'm done with you, bastard!" I snapped.

"You have every right to be mad..."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP JERMAINE!" I screamed. "How could you! How could you fuck another motherfucker in our bed? I can't believe this. I can't believe you! You hurt me so bad, Jermaine." I began crying again.

"I know, I know," Jermaine said, and he had the nerve to be crying as well.

"Why? Just tell me why?"

"Eric," he began, "I still love you. I'm in love with..."

"BULLSHIT JERMAINE!" I cut him off. "You can't say you love me and that you are in love with me when you go off and cheat on me with some trick ass piece of trade you found on the street."

"I didn't find him on the street," Jermaine had the never to say and even sounded offended that I would even say that.

"OH NO NEGRO! You don't get to have an attitude. No way! You fucked up and I get to have the ATTI-FUCKIN'-TUDE in this fucked up situation." That was how the conversation pretty much went. He did tell me that Curtis was a guy he had met at the club a couple of weeks ago while playing pool. They began talking and hit if off. One thing lead to another and they got physical and had been for a while. Before I left for Atlanta. Jermaine said that he was feeling scared and nervous about our relationship plus the pressures at work. He needed someone to talk to and I wasn't around. That was the typical shit when someone cheats on someone else they blame the other for not being there. I wasn't buying that and told him so. I invited him to come to Atlanta and he refused saying he had work to do. He just wanted to be with his piece on the side. He denied that but I wasn't believing Jermaine anymore. I hung up the phone and turned it off. I walked out of my bedroom and was surprised to see Noble sitting there watching BET. He looked up at me, he had heard everything but acted like he didn't.

"Noble," I said, determination in my voice. "I want to get drunk and blazed. Can you hook me up?"

Noble was back in less than an hour with a bottle of Hypnotic and an 8th of weed. While he was gone I called Karen and told her that I wasn't feeling well and asked if she could let Jaime know, since I really didn't want to talk to her. When Noble got back I was sitting on the sofa watching the news. They were talking about Infamous, the rapper again and his pending murder trial. Noble joined me on the sofa.

"I know him." Noble said as he poured me a glass of Hypnotic.

"I figured as much when I saw you on TV with him." I pointed out as I sipped the drink. I closed my eyes as it went down. DAMN!

"Well, you know, we are cousins," Noble said as he expertly went about rolling us a joint for each of us.

"Cousins?" I said, "Damn. So what you think about all this stuff going on with him and his trial?" I found myself asking.

Noble shrugged his shoulders. "If the knucklehead hadn't rushed the damn stage he would be alive today," was Noble's cold reply. I was surprised by his tone but I wasn't going to get into all that right now. I wanted to be drunk and high. In an hour we had smoked all the weed and drunk half a bottle of Hypnotic. Neither one of us was feeling any pain and I had put Jermaine out of my head for the moment. In my blazed out, drunk down state I told Noble what had happened. He listened. Then he leaned into me and gave me a kiss that curled my toes. It was better than the kiss that I had been dreaming about. It felt good to be kissed by him. I was like a hungry man at an all you can eat steakhouse as I pulled at and tore off his clothes. He was doing the same to me. We were ass naked in the main room of my hotel suite kissing and touching like crazy.

"Are you a top?" Noble asked, as I devoured his nipples.

"I'm vers," I mumbled into his muscular chest, though honestly I wanted to be fucked as well as fucked up.

"Cool," he said, "Me too," We sank down to the floor, our mouths covering ever inch and part of the other's body. The Hypnotic and the weed had our bodies on fire. Every touch was amplified and exciting. I couldn't believe it how great it felt. I was ready to buy all the Hypnotic and weed I could find. Noble laid me on my back and slowly began kissing down my body, slowly licking a trail from my neck to my chest as he gripped my dick and worked it. He then crawled across my body and turned so that we were in the `69' position. I had his hairless balls in across my face and in my mouth. I could feel him sucking my dick, drool was leaking down around my ass. He inserted his fingers inside me.

"Ahhhhhh...Ohhhh yeah," I moaned as I felt his finger go in and out, slowly at first and then faster and faster. While he was finger fucking me I sucked his dick and returned to the favor by finger fucking his ass. It was wild and crazy. Hot and sexy. We were rolling on the floor going for what we knew. I could feel the back is his throat as he went down on me, driving me crazy. I wanted to come so bad. He must have been feeling the same thing because soon we had stopped and he was on all fours ready to take it doggie style. I reached for one of the magnum condoms I had and put it on and lubed it up. I don't really care for doggie style but right I was feeling the moment. I slipped my dick into his hot hole and slid slowly inside him.

"Mmmmmmmmm...yeah...motherfucker," Noble moaned as my dick went inside him. I could see him grabbing the carpet. He was into all me fucking him and I was into fucking him.

"Fuck me hard," Noble called out and I was ready to comply. I pulled back so that just the tip of my dick was left inside and then I rammed right into his ass as hard as I could. As I fucked him I began to see images of Jermaine in my head and in my head I caught Jermaine with his bitch ass Curtis. Curtis skipped out like the bitch he was and Jermaine was begging for me to take him back and said he would do anything if I would take him back. The next thing I knew I had him on all fours fucking the hell out of him. Slam fucking him. Punishing his ass. I knew it was Noble I was fucking hard but Jermaine was where I was directing each thrust. I wanted him to feel it.

"Fuck that ass!" Noble was said through what sounded like pained squeals. "FUCK ME HARD...HARD...HARDER!"

I was piledriving his ass with fast, powerful strokes while he jacked his dick with each slam and stroke. It seemed like forever before I was ready to come and when I did it was the powerful orgasm I had ever had. I was weak and weary from it. Noble was right there with me. He tried to stop himself, he wanted to fuck me and I wanted him to fuck me but it was just too good for him to stop and he exploded all over the hotel carpet. We collapsed covered in sweat and cum on the floor, breathing heavy and feeling great.

"Damn," Noble finally said, "You know how to fuck an ass hard."

I smiled, if only he knew I was imaging Jermaine getting fucked like that.

"Thanks," I said, "But I really wanted to feel what you had to offer."

Noble smiled, "I ain't going no where. Let's try the bedroom this time."

I nodded my full agreement.

When I woke up on the morning of the 3rd day Noble was gone but he had left a note saying that he would be back to take me to the airport in more than enough time to catch my plane. I replayed what had happened the day and night before. Everything that went down with Jermaine and everything that went down with Noble. I was feeling more confused than anything. I was hurt and heart broken over his betrayal and I still couldn't believe that he would and could do that to me, to us. All our dreams and plans were ruined. There was no turning back. No going back. When I gave in to my lust, passion and attraction to Noble it was knowing that I would be gone and would not see him again, the perfect one night stand. He was the perfect band aid for my wound. Now I was going to be in Atlanta a few more days in the presence of Noble. What was I going to do?

Brett was in his hotel room. After seeing Eric the other day he had considered changing hotels but Hannibal and Infamous didn't like that idea nor did they care about any man from Brett's past. He was due to meet with Infamous again. Apparently things in court were pretty rough and Infamous needed some stress relief. That was his job, stress relief. Well, he had his own stress relief. He was smoking a blunt and chillin'. When his cellphone rang he started not to answer it but the ring tone was that of his friend Merio from New York. He hadn't spoken to Merio in awhile and decided he needed and wanted to hear a friendly voice.

"Sup Merio," Brett said as the blunt took it's hold on him.

"Nuthin'" Merio replied, "But check this out, I got a phone call from some guy lookin' for you."

Brett's eyes widened in curiousity. Who could possibly be looking for him?

"I don't know but he said he called your old modeling agency and they gave them this number, since you did live here for a while. He called wanting to find you."

"Did he saw who he was and what he wanted?" Brett asked.

"All he said was that you two had done some work together and that he would like to work with you again?" Merio explained.

Brett was trying to recall the last few modeling gigs he had. They were nothing spectacular. He couldn't imagine who it could be.

"I think it's a modeling gig, Brett. And if it is you will be on top again before you know it." Merio said enthusiastically.

Brett nodded, returning to modeling was something he had put out of his mind but if this was indeed an opportunity he couldn't pass it up.

"So did he leave a name or number?" Brett asked.

"Nope, he said he would like to call you himself and wanted your new cell number. I refused to give it to him until I talked to you."

Brett nodded, "It's okay, Merio, you can give it to him the next time he calls."

"Cool," Merio said, "Well, I have to go but keep me posted, will ya?"

"Sure Merio, I will," Brett said smiling. Soon he would be back in the modeling field, where he belonged.

Dalziel called back the number he bamboozled away from the receptionist at Silver Star modeling agency. It was Brett's last known address and according to the person he spoke to, Merio, he could be in touch with Brett very soon. He was pleased to hear that Merio, true to his word, had Brett's new cellphone number and had gotten permission to give it to him. Dalziel smiled as he looked at the number. Yeah, Brett was going to get a blast from the past.

To Be Continued.

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Next: Chapter 12

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