Brother 2 Brother

By moc.loa@43namzyW

Published on Mar 1, 2004


Brother 2 Brother By Michael Martell

A Word from the Author:

Hello and thank you for reading my work. Almost a year ago I began working on a story about four Gay African American men, who were friends, and basically followed their lives and told a story of friendship and love between them. The name of that story was called Brothers Like Us'. I posted the story chapter by chapter on the Nifty story archive and then later on my own Yahoo Group called, Brothers Like Us. The response that I got over my work was tremendous and encouraging and I found myself before completing Brothers' working on the idea of a Brothers sequel. So I began working on Brother 2 Brother, which I hope lives up to Brothers Like Us.

I hope you enjoy Brother 2 Brother and I look forward to hearing from everyone as it progresses. Also for the Brothers Like Us fans, I am in the process of trying to get Brothers Like Us published, so pray for me and I will keep you aware of the progress.

Thanks again and God Bless you all!

Michael Martell, the writer.

CHAPTER ONE: Eric Williams

I was born to be a writer, a storyteller, and author if you will. According to my mother I began telling stories when I was two years old, barely able to talk and when I became five years old I began writing the stories I was telling. As I got older I found myself writing down everything I saw like the day my brother, Lance, got in a fight with the neighborhood bully, Riley Freeman. Lance whipped Riley's ass after Riley kept picking on us younger kids. I watched and wrote down ever detail of the beating. I reported on every blow and kick like a good reporter should. By high school I was fully interested in journalism and writing. By college I was a full time journalism major and even interned at the local newspaper and when I graduated I was a full fledged journalist, or at least in my own mind. I began doing freelance journalism work and was doing pretty good for myself but I was also feeling like there was something missing, something I should be doing that I wasn't and after all the events of last year I had realized what it was, write a book.

Now I know that almost everyone who has any writing talent has thought about and went about writing a book, the next great American novel, and I was no different except I did have a story to tell, one that I was sure was going to sell. A story that was real and involved the real lives of many people, a few that I knew personally. It was then that I sat down and started work on my story which I called `SCANDAL'. Scandal was about corruption, greed, money and murder in the setting of local and state politics. Last year things really hit the fan here when it was revealed by, yours truly, that the Mayor, the Police Chief and an African American State Senator, with dreams of becoming the next State Governor, were all apart of a corrupt land deal that would have made them and several others very wealthy as hell. It all centered around the projects called Ashley Homes Apartments. It actually all began with what was a simple drug gang related shooting and killing but it soon blew up into a huge scandal. It was so huge that the Police Chief committed suicide and in the suicide note he implicated the Mayor, the Senator and several other high ranking city, county and state officials. The plan these people had was to run everyone out of the Ashley by turning a blind eye to the rising and growing crime rate in the area. What they expected was that people would move out and those that could afford to move did just that. But there was still many who couldn't move and stayed. These greedy people wanted the land so that it could be used and developed into more high scale uses as well as line their pockets and advance their own political agendas. The Mayor had dreams of bigger office such as a state senate seat, which would be vacant when Senator Hampton Dyson was elected Governor and with the support of a Governor, the Mayor felt that he would be a shoo-in. It was a simple plan really. They drive the people out of the Ashley by any means necessary. There was a city code that allowed the city to take over large property to prevent it from being used for illegal activities and to have it developed for the greater good of the city. That was the plan, once the land was in the hands of the city then they could find a company that would convert it into something that the city would be proud of. Enter the Regis Land Development Company, they would buy the property from the city and all the city had to do was condemn the property, acquire it and then sell it. Regis Land Development would make the land worth double, even triple it's value. The city would make money and so would Regis Land Development and in return for this Regis was going to help people realize their political dreams and make some mad money too.

So what happened? Well, a crooked cop named Montgomery, who was not apart of the nefarious plot of the Mayor and company, was trying to become a big time drug king and had arranged a hit on a rival drug gang. As it would turn out my friend Sean was raped and Montgomery was one of the two investigating the rape. It also turned out that Sean's boyfriend was indeed back involved with drugs, or at least had a plan to, and it put him in conflict with Montgomery. Montgomery would set up Victor, Sean's boyfriend, to be killed and to get him out of the way. But Montgomery would meet his own death afterwards. I was writing an article about the Ashley Homes Apartments but I was also interested in how a man like Cecil Montgomery could become a cop, so I began researching his background while writing the Ashley story and soon the dots connected and when my story on the Ashley hit the papers, everyone was curious about what was really going on in the Ashley and the Governor, who was trying to keep his office, and the State Attorney General began investigating and demanding answers and results and if Police Chief Norman Darlington had not committed suicide and left behind a suicide note confessing all and naming names we would still be trying to figure things out. The results were that the Mayor and Senator Dyson's political careers were over and several others as well and many people, including the Mayor and the Senator went to jail.

It was definitely a scandal that had effect on everyone and everything on every level but it resulted in some good things. Councilwoman, Maggie Ward, became Mayor in a special election and her first order of business was to cancel all deals with Regis and the city began renovating the Ashley Homes Apartments. A new police chief was selected, Captain Gladys Brown, who was the head of detectives in the police force and a veteran officer of many years found herself being the oldest African American female police chief of any city in America. A full investigation into police corruption went into effect one day after Chief Brown took office. The city was on it's way back from the scandals of the past. As for me, my book was published and was an immediate success, it seems that true stories of political and business corruption was hot and selling and I was the favor of the moment. I was interviewed by everyone from Larry King to Oprah and with the talk of possibly a movie deal based on my book my agent, Karen Logan, and I have been working hard. Plus I have been working on my second book which will definitely be a work of fiction. I was on the phone with Karen, who was telling me about a proposed book tour, when Jermaine walked into my office. I looked up and smiled and he smiled back. He was wearing a dark colored Hugo Boss suit, which went with his burnt almond complexion. Jermaine was just too damn fine for words. We both were working out regularly at Goodbody's Gym and the results were very evident on both of us but Jermaine was just that much more sexier, in my opinion. Even in his suit I could see that thick, muscular chest, tight abs and big biceps. In the year since we had been together he had grown a goatee which he kept perfect and neat at all times, I hadn't changed much other than getting my abs back and firming up my legs and ass and with all the sexing that I had been getting from Jermaine my days of dick jacking alone were long gone. He walked over to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek before leaving my office.

If anyone would have told me a year ago that I would be living in married' bliss with this sexy man I would have said they were crazy. We both gave up our apartments and bought a house, a very nice house, thanks to my book deal and Jermaine's salary from Whitney, Kendall & Ross Ad Agency. Not only had I become a spouse but also a parent, okay, a step-parent. Jermaine's son, J.J. visits every other weekend and it is truly a joy to have this well mannered, polite, sweet and smart seven year old around. He was the spitting image of his dad no doubt. Weekends for us with J.J would include things like shopping, football, basketball, soccer, J.J's favorite and wrestling, J.J went crazy when he met my friend Mohammed, who is a professional wrestler and involved with another professional wrestler called Sonny Devine. We have dinner at the dinner table, go to the fair and amusement parks and movies just like any other married couple in America. It still burns me that some people have it in their heads that two men or two women are unable to raise a child I provide good moral support like straight parents do. Well, we can. Jermaine had the conversation with J.J about us and what gay' is and how he and I feel about each other and how we feel about him. He told J.J that the love he has for me is the same as the love his grandparents have for each other. J.J is a smart kid and after he and his dad had that talk he went to me and gave me this big hug and said that he loved me and was happy I was gay.

"Why?" I had asked him and he looked up at me and said.

"Cause you make my daddy happy and me too." That was enough for me. I was in love with another Robinson man. I gave him a big hug and realized what being a parent was all about and why so many gay men and women wanted to adopt and have kids of their own. When a family is built on the foundation of love how can anyone deny them? Why would they?

I got off the phone with Karen and headed out into the living room where I could hear the big screen TV playing and the sound of ESPN, one of Jermaine's favorite channels. He was sitting on the sofa. He had changed out of his suit into a pair of sweat pants, a T-shirt and hand his barefeet on the coffee table. He had a bottle of water in his hand and was concentrating on the TV program. I smiled and joined him on the sofa, snuggling close to him. He felt good and warm and I could still smell his cologne, Cool Water, on him. He kissed the top of my head and gave me a squeeze. I smiled and as I looked up at the TV I saw the image of Kobe Bryant.

"That's bull shit," Jermaine said. He was firmly behind Kobe Bryant and believed him when he said he didn't rape that girl. I had a different opinion, which caused us to have one hell of an argument that lasted for hours but when ended with a marathon love making session.

"They are trying to destroy Kobe's life and his marriage." Jermaine went on. I didn't want to get into another Kobe argument not when I was feeling horny next to the man I love. I snaked my hand up his T-shirt and began rubbing his belly, which always turned him on.

"The man said it was consentual, why can't they leave it alone?" I let my belly rubbing move down to his belly button.

"A man has an affair and the trick gets ill when he brings home the loving to his wife and not her." He went on. I was not going to be dragged into a Kobe conversation. I went from his belly button to his crotch and smiled when I felt his dick stiffen and twitch.

"Baby? What are you doing?" Jermaine asked. I looked up at him. "If you have to ask then it's been way too long." I replied. Jermaine smiled. "Baby, I wanna watch this about Kobe."

"You can. Go ahead and watch." I said. I untied the string of his sweat pants and slid my hand inside. He wasn't wearing any underwear.

"B..Baby...stop..." He stammered. I smiled as I pulled down his sweat pants enough for his dick to pop up. It was thick and red and swollen from all the blood rushing to it. I opened my mouth and swallowed all his eight and a half inches. I went down until my nose was in his pubic hair. Jermaine's legs started shaking, which they always did when I was giving him a blow job.

"OOH SHIT!" He moaned. "Damn baby! DAMN!" Jermaine's hips started going up and down and I knew that right now he didn't care about Kobe Bryant. He raised up his hips and I slid his sweat pants down to his ankles and off his feet. He was naked except for his T-shirt and my mouth was covering and sucking every inch of his dick. I lightly ran my fingers down his bare legs and down around his thighs and up to his balls where I began to lightly tickle them. Jermaine is crazy ticklish but when I tickle his balls while sucking his dick, he goes out of his mind.

"OOOOH...OOOOOH...DAMNIT BABY DAMNIT...IT'S SO GOOD!" Jermaine said as he bucked and wiggled. Yeah, Kobe Who? I could feel his hands running up and down my back. He was trying to pull my shirt over my head. He loved to feel my naked body while I gave him a blow job. My shirt slid up and off and I went back to dick sucking my main man while he rubbed my back. His hands went to my chest and he began teasing and playing with my nipples. That turned me on and made me suck even harder. Jermaine's legs got to doing some serious shaking then. I was kicking off my shoes and doing my best to get naked without letting go of his dick. I managed to do pretty well. Jermaine had removed his T-shirt and my hands were going up and down his chest, pulling on his erect nipples.

"OOOH...AHHH...Baby...Please gonna...I'm gonna..." I clamped down hard on his dick and pulled. I tickled his balls and then teased his asshole with my finger.

"AHHHHHH....GODDAMN!" Jermaine wailed. He grabbed me and pulled me up and kissed me hard on the lips. His tongue darted into my mouth and our two tongues got to dueling and dancing. His body was fire hot, he had the fever and so did I. The one thing about us was that when it came to having sex, making love or whatever, we were down and ready for it. Jermaine and I continued to kiss and touch each other's body until we couldn't take it any more. Jermaine turned me so that I was laying on the sofa, back down, my feet hanging off the edge. He spread my legs wide as he kissed my lips, my neck. My chest, tummy and my dick. He then lifted my balls gently and began kissing them and then down to my ass.

"WOOOOO!" I liked that. I could feel his tongue going to work and I like my ass worked over with an expert tongue and Jermaine had that tongue. I felt myself getting all relaxed and loose. Jermaine was slurping and gobbling up my ass and I knew what that meant. I would be feeling that eight and a half in me real soon.

"Baby...babybabybaby..." Jermaine said as he raised his head up and spread my thighs. He looked into my eyes. "I love you so much."

"I love you, too." I said and then I felt it. I felt his hard dick enter me. Jermaine knew how to work my body. The tongue on the ass always got my so relaxed and once I was relaxed he would be able to get in without much resistance. My ass gets tight quick and it needs to be licked before sticked. As his dick went in my ass swallowed it and pulled it inside.

"AHHHH feels good." And it did. Jermaine's dick was off the hook and the way he could throw that dick was crazy as well. Jermaine started rocking and gyrating his hips pushing his dick into me in that feel good way that I love. I wrapped my arms around Jermaine as he rocked and rolled me. His dick driving in and out of me and driving me crazy. I kissed him hard and long, my arms wrapped around him. I didn't want it to end. I love this man with all my heart and I didn't want it to end. But I know my baby's body, every thrust, very stroke and I knew that the point of no return was coming.

"Eric...ahhh are so gooooood!" Jermaine moaned into my ear.

"I love you baby...I love you Jermaine..." I held onto Jermaine tight as I felt his body tense up.

"OOOOH babybabybaby...I'm coming....AHHH shit...I'm coming...." I wasn't too far off from blowing it either. I held on tight as we rocked and rolled and bumped and grinded towards the end.

"AHHHHH...YESYESYESYESYESYESYES!" My eyes rolled back as I felt the powerful thrusts of Jermaine going into me. My dick couldn't hold it anymore and exploded. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

"BABYBABYBABY!...I'm coming...I'm coming....I'm coming..." Jermaine thrusted two more times and that was it. He let out a loud yelp as he came like a volcano. I could feel it inside me, filling me up. And yes, we are both HIV negative, though as a rule we use condoms, there are times like this when it just happens. Jermaine gently laid on top of me his dick still in me and feeling good. We laid there and kissed and caressed and cuddled and then we drifted off to sleep with ESPN look right at us.

It was Jermaine's soft snoring that woke me up. That and his dick, which was still in me, getting hard. I gently woke him up with kisses and he reluctantly slid out and off of me to go to the bathroom. I grabbed the remote control and flipped the channel from ESPN. I was flipping channels randomly when I landed on CNN and stopped. What made me stop was a picture of the rapper Infamous. Infamous was one of the most controversial rappers around. He was well known for his lyrics about bitches, hos, thug life and street strife. His debut album, which was called Ho' was filled with derogatory statements about women especially the title track called Ho'. Some of the lyrics were; Ho on the flo' doin' whatcha know! Ass Up, Mouth Open taken it deep, long and hard.' Needless to say many women had problems with that but it went to the top and the edited and the unedited versions got plenty of play on the radio and the video was seen on BET, MTV, and VH1 though after enough complaints they were pulled from the primetime rotation. His second album caused even more controversy. It was called Bullet in a badge' and it caused more drama than Ice-T's Cop Killer. In Bullet in a Badge, Infamous was telling the young brothas to go cop hunting and that a bullet in a badge was the ultimate trophy. Infamous wasn't making friends with women and cops but he was making money, oh and he had something for gays. His current album, called Infamous Mothafucka has a track called Faggot Ass' and it's about a young gay brotha who is abused by his `fag hating' older brother, happily. Like Bullet in a Badge, Infamous was calling for gays to be hunted and bashed. Yeah, he was a class act but he was also one of the top selling rappers presently.

I turned up the volume on the TV and heard the anchor woman say; "We are now going to Atlanta, Georgia for the press conference." The picture went to a reporter who was standing in front of a courthouse in Atlanta, Georgia. The reporter was explaining that then District Attorney was going to be announcing whether they will be pressing charges against the rapper Infamous for the fatal shooting at his concert in Atlanta last night. Jermaine walked back in the room just as the District Attorney, a woman named Jacqueline Moore, spoke.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, last night at the rap concert. Darrin Felix Wade, aka Infamous, did shoot and kill one William Scott Tanner. At this time the district attorney's office is ready to file charges against Mr. Wade. Those charges will be..."

Suddenly there was a loud booming voice off camera that interrupted what the DA was saying. She looked up annoyed and confused as everyone else looked around as well. The cameras panned around and landed on what and where the action was. Across the street from the press conference was a fleet of three white Cadillac Escalades with dark tinted windows and gold chrome rims and along with the Escalades was an Escalade limousine, jet black with metallic silver trim, silver rims and the same tinted windows. Around the vehicles stood a small force of African American brothas about the size of the Atlanta Falcon defensive line wearing black suits and dark glasses. Around their necks they wore thick gold and some had silver necklaces. They looked big, mean and ready for action. The door of the black Escalade limo opened and a hulk of a brotha wearing a two tone red and black suit got out holding a microphone in his hand. He was taller than the brothas in black and twice as wide. He had a shiny bald head, a very dark complexion, like dark dark chocolate. He was smoking a big cigar and was carrying a silver tipped cane. I knew who he was as did everyone there live in Atlanta, Georgia. None other than Big Daddy' Hannibal Kane, founder and owner of Notorious Records. Coming out behind him was the man of the hour, Infamous. Infamous was wearing a one of his own jumpsuits from his Infamous fashion line. It was silver and gold and he was wearing a crazy huge necklace with a huge diamond medallion on the end of it. He was giving off the thug image to the max. Hat turned to the side, two fists full of diamond and gold rings. He had a milk chocolate complexion, a wide, proud Nubian nose and facial features, he had cornrows and was clean shaven. He was standing in his defiant bring it on, nigga' stance and he looked like he was ready to rumble.

The DA, the police and the reporters didn't know what to do they just stood there looking and waiting. They didn't have to wait long as Hannibal Kane brought the mic to his lips.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Hannibal Kane and this young man right here is the one and only, Infamous." I'm not sure but it seemed like his voice was coming from out of the limo like some big sound system. "Now, last night something terrible happened. Last night, while Infamous was entertaining his fans we was almost made a victim of a crime...a murder!" The reporters started writing and moving closer to Hannibal's crew much to the DA's chagrin. "Now, the DA says she wants to charge Infamous for this crime but I say to you all that the crime would have been if Infamous would have been killed. If the man he shot had shot him first. Now, Infamous wants to get this situation settled and that is what we are here today to do. Get it settled. So we are he is here to give himself up to the police and the DA for any questions they want to ask." The reporters moved even closer. "Now, I have brought along some advisors for Infamous, who I am sure will help to get this matter taken care of quickly." Hannibal turned and out of the limo stepped a forty-ish looking white man with thinning gray hair and a hooked nose and beady eyes. He was wearing an expensive suit. Everyone there gasped cause everyone knew him. But when the second guy got out there was a clamor of noise that was unbelievable. He was an African American with short black hair and a mustache. He had a honey nut complexion. He resembled Montell Williams with hair. These two guys were celebrity lawyers. The white guy was David H. Solomon and the brotha was Harrison J. Fordham. If Johnny Cochran, F. Lee Bailey and Robert Shapiro were the Dream Team, then these guys were the Supreme Team. These are the guys the Dream Team would call if they needed lawyers. Jermaine whistled when he saw them get out of the limo and the camera had turned to the DA, who looked like she wanted to run away. Hannibal introduced the `Supreme Team' even though everyone knew who they were. He then announced that Infamous was going to make himself available for questioning. With his supreme team attorneys there, no doubt. And with that Hannibal, Infamous and the Supreme Team walked across the street and right up to the DA, who looked surprised and unprepared. She was turning to say something to someone behind her when a police officer slapped cuffs on Infamous. The reporters cameras went off and everyone was buzzing. Infamous raised his hands in the air and the crowd around booed at him being cuffed. The DA turned and glared hotly at the officer who had cuffed him and then everyone was hustled inside.

"Damn!" Jermaine said as I flipped the channel to something else.

"I know, right." Was all I could say. I would never understand these rap fools who believed in all the shooting and bling bling and shit like that. It was madness and guys like Hannibal Kane used it to get rich.

"That DA looked like she was going to kill that cop."

"Well, he was doing his job. I would have cuffed his ass too." Jermaine looked at me oddly, like I had two heads. "Baby, are you serious?"

"Hell yeah, he murdered someone, I would have cuffed his ass quickly."

"Baby, it was self defense." Jermaine replied.

"Jermaine, did you see all that security he had today? The last thing Infamous needs to worry about is security and defense. He killed someone and he's gonna have to pay."

"What about innocent til proven guilty?" Jermaine said and I knew where we were going. This was how the Kobe argument started.

"How about the fact that he brought the biggest attorney's in the world with him." I countered.

"Cause he knew that some shit could happen and he came prepared."

"If he's innocent then why bring attorneys." I said. Jermaine shook his head. "Are you serious? Are you serious?"

"Yes, why?"

"After all that shit that went down with your friend Sean getting raped and that cop killing his boyfriend, you are going to sit there and say something like that. You know how the cops can be." Jermaine declared.

"Jermaine, what happened to Sean is not the same as what's going on with Infamous and I don't want to have this discussion anymore."

"Oh! So when the discussion gets thick you don't wanna talk." Jermaine stood up. "Fine, I'll be on the computer working." And with that he walked off. Damn, I hate it when we fight especially over stupid stuff like Kobe and Infamous. Yes he has a point about how the law treats African Americans. And it's important for African Americans to know the law and use it like the white folks do. But Infamous' lifestyle brought this on himself and the moment I thought those words I felt an ache in my stomach.

To be continued.

I would love to hear from you. You can email me at or visit my yahoo group, Brothers Like Us at:

Next: Chapter 2

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