Bromance with a Coworker

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on May 25, 2013


The usual disclaimer applies - this is a copyrighted work and my not be copied in part or in full without the authors written consent. All persons depicted in this story are over the age of 18.

Bromance with a coworker - 7

It was clear to see how getting caught was arousing Matty, as his dick began to swell and lift up the front of his loose fitting boxers. I will also admit I truly enjoyed seeing him fidget at being caught by Tony. Here was my coworker lover, my dominant partner suddenly thrust into the role of the submissive. It wasn't just me who noticed this, Brad gave me a couple elbows to the ribs and Tony, well, he sat down in a chair, legs spread showing a large bulge in his crotch, looking at Matty.

"So mister," Tony began, "what do you have to say for yourself, hmm?" Matty's cock seemed at full hardness by now and turned a beet red. In an attempt to cover up his arousal he dropped the small bucket he was carrying sending ice cubes everywhere, his hands bending his cock down, only making his obvious arousal more evident. We all busted up laughing which only seemed to make Matty more upset. "Better get to picking up that mess boy. I hate messes!" Matty quickly dropped down and began picking up the scattered cubes. When he had finished he stood up with his cock now protruding up and out a leg hole, his massive head drooling a long clear drip of pre-cum. "Come here boy," Tony demanded.

Matty shuffled over to him and Tony yanked Matty's boxers down, his cock springing up flipping his drool of pre-cum at Tony.

"Boy, what did I just get done saying about messes?"

"That you hate them," Matt spoke in hushed words.

"And he you go making another mess all over me?" Matt was silent. "I need to teach you to listen better to your adults, boy." Tony grabbed Matt's arm and pulled him over his lap, Matty hesitant at first. Tony raised his arm up and brought his hand down hard on Matty's round ass with a resounding SMACK. Matty squirmed with the spanking, struggling to get off Tony's lap. "Hey now boy, you got a few more of them coming so stop your squirming and take it." Tony then spanked him again this time harder and louder, Matt making a squeal when he did, a large smile formed on Tony's lips. "That'll be one more for each squeal you make."

"Fucking bastard, let me off," Matt demanded trying again to get up only to find he was held firm by Tony's other hand.

"I'll let you up when I feel you've learned some fucking manners boy." I looked to Brad to gauge his reaction to what his uncle was doing to Matt. Brad smiled as I looked at him.

"Yep, I get spanked too." Brad's voice was husky in tone. "Ever since I came to live with Uncle Tony he's found reasons to spank me.

"Oh and how do you feel about that," I asked him as the sounds of continued spanking continued. Brad answered my question by putting my hand on his crotch, his hard on throbbing against my hand.

"That boy loves getting the hand on his ass. Sometimes I think he is bad just to get spanked." Tony explained as he continued to beat on Matt's now red ass. "OK boy, get up." Matt complied, giving Tony an evil look as Tony stood up behind him, his own cock now greatly tenting the front of his sweats. With a strong shove, Tony pushed Matt to the bed and positioned him so he was bent over. Tony began slowly rubbing Matt's cherry red cheeks with his hands. "Now let's get a look at your boy cunt," and Tony began spreading Matt's cheeks rubbing his fat fingers over Matt's pucker. Matt protested but after another hard slap from Tony, he relented and gave in. "Yeah nice and cherry tight, just how daddy likes'em." Tony pointed at me, "OK sissy boy, move on over and let your bud here suck that cock of yours." I did as I was told and just as Matt took my cock into his mouth, he gasped as Tony clearly shoved a finger inside his ass. "Come on Nephew, get your faggoty butt over here and get your uncle's cock lubed up for some fucking."

Brad moved quickly to the floor by his uncle and pulled his sweat pants down revealing the fattest cock I have ever seen. I watched in amazement as Brad worked that fat cock into his mouth, stretching wide to make it fit. As Tony continued to finger fuck Matty, he used his other hand to grab a handful of Brad's long hair and began face fucking him. From where I lay, I could also see Matty's cock throbbing and leaking pre-cum in big gobs, while his mouth continued to suck my cock.

"Yeah baby suck your uncle's cock, yeah that's it, oh so fucking good." With a gruff shove, Tony pushed Brad off his dripping wet cock and with no mercy began pushing it into Matt's ass. I motioned for Brad to come to me and had him squat over my face, his sweaty pucker ripe with his musk; I pulled it to my wanton mouth and tongue. My view now blocked, I focused my attention completely on Brad's shitter, licking the pucker before fucking my tongue deep inside making Brad groan and sit harder onto my face. I could feel Matty grunting as he sucked my cock while Tony fucked him harder.

Matty's mouth soon had me at the brink and I began to cum hard into his mouth. He made a valiant effort to swallow it all but soon was coughing and gagging at the volume my cock was spitting out. Brad's ass was open wide to my mouth and I continued to suck his hole with sheer passion as his balls bounced on my chin.

He too was soon to cum, announcing in a loud young voice he was "gonna spooge". I pried him off my face and somehow spun him around. He wasted no time and shoved his cock into my mouth, his cum nearly drowning me. His hips fucked his cock in and out of my mouth as he came my fingers finding his wet hole and plunging three fingers inside.

Matty pulled off my cock gasping for breath, coughing out gobs of spit and my cum, his face in distress but yet seemingly content.

"OH fuck me harder Unc, rip me open Sir!" Matty cried out as Tony continued to fuck him like an animal. "Oh fuck I'm gonna bust my nuts," Matty groaned as his cock began pumping a nice big load onto the bedding without being touched.

Brad stood over me and to my surprise used the toes on his right foot to wipe up some of his cum from around my mouth. He then slid his toes into my mouth for me to suck on. I reached up and held his soft foot with my hands as I licked the cum from his toes, wriggling in my mouth.

I swirled my tongue around each toe, watching, as his cock again became rock hard above me. I have never found feet to be very sexual, but this boy's foot in my mouth was so hot. Brad was enjoying the sensation and began pinching my tongue with his toes. Pulling his foot out, he again wiped my face dragging his spent cum into my mouth. I got him to lie on his back and put one of his feet between my legs on my cock as I went to work sucking his other foot.

The quiet of the room soon had me looking to see Matty and Tony staring at me, Brad's foot still in my mouth. I turned back to Brad choosing to ignore them for now. Brad had begun to massage my cock with his foot spreading my saliva all over my shaft and head. The feeling was unbelievable, I soon dropped his foot from my mouth, and he quickly began to use both his feet on my swollen cock.

I could not hold back. The sensation of his beautiful feel stroking my cock and rubbing my sac was overwhelming. I groaned I was going to cum, Brad moving both feet up to press my cock between them his toes surrounding my head. My cum shot out from my cock, oozing from between his toes which continued their squeezing of my cock's head. While all this was happening, brad had grabbed my legs and was now jacking his cock with my feet. The feeling of his cock on the soles of my feet was only making me cum harder and longer. When he too came, his hot seed was smeared all over my feet, his cries of passion loud and sexual.

I fell back exhausted panting for breath, behind me Matty was working hard at sucking Tony's cock. A tickle on my feet drawing me back to see Brad licking his cum from my feet. Oh my God, this was simply heaven and only got better when Brad began rubbing his sexy feet on my face trying to get them in my mouth.

Tony dressed soon after filling Matty's mouth with his load. Matt's submissive side disappearing and was replaced by the dominant young man I was so fond of.

"Let's go my bitches, time for me to remark you with my piss." Brad and I moved to the tub kneeling side by side as Matty stood on the side of the tub, his flaccid cock swaying over us just out of reach of our mouths.

With a mighty rush, piss blasted out of his cock hitting us with such force it splashed everywhere. I swear this guy has the bladder of an elephant for all the piss it can hold. It seemed near never-ending, hot and acrid. Running over our faces and down our bodies. Brad's hand was soon on my cock stroking me, lubed with Matt's hot piss. I turned to watch Brad as he lifted his head, mouth open to catch the stream. Then with excitement witnessed as his throat began flexing signifying that he was now swallowing the juice.

After he'd finished marking us, Matt stepped down.

"You two get a shower and get dressed. I'm fucking hungry."

As Brad and I shared a hot steamy shower, cleaning an afternoon's sex from our bodies, Brad turned to face me, his arms encircling my waist, hugging me to him, his lips finding mine. A passionate kiss followed, our tongues making love between our mouths.

Several weeks passed before my apartment was ready to move back into. During that time, I stayed at Matt's, our sex life becoming more intimate every day. I also continued to see Brad every time I was at my apartment and I could feel his attraction for me growing as well. Both boys seemingly OK with the other and on occasion wild threesomes happened.

I was straightening up my room, which had received a direct blow from the tree. Matt there helping me put my clothes away. We'd been chatting away until suddenly he fell silent. I turned to see him at my dresser looking at something in his hands.

"What's up stud?" I asked crossing to him. I looked down and saw in his hands two pairs of Brad's briefs. Without taking his eyes from the briefs:

"What the FUCK are these doing here," Matt's voice low and very angry. "Why is that cunt's underwear in here with ours?"

"Dude, chill out. He left some stuff here, like you do." I touched his back but he abruptly pulled from me.

"Fuck that shit. I DO NOT want his faggot crap here in the apartment, understand me?" I took a step back, his tone and aggressive behavior quite a shock to me.

"YO, dude, back the fuck down right now." I too now sounded angry and I was. Who was he to tell me who could do what in MY apartment?

"No you listen," Matt now turning to face me, his hand clutching Brad's underwear. "I ain't giving you up to some little fucking fag who thinks his shit is chocolate ice cream. I had you first and now you are mine. He can just fucking take a big as step back and fuck off." Matt threw the underwear across the room. "I ain't sharing you with no one no more got me?"

"I think you're the one who needs to take a step back. I have never said I was yours, and up until right this fucking minute, you seemed fine with Brad joining us. Why this sudden change ass wipe?" Matty stood looking at me for a long second.

"Fuck you," Matt screamed. "I know you want me as much as I want you." I could see tears welling in his eyes. "I want to move in here with you and I won't share you with anyone." His words hit like a ton of bricks. Where did all this come from?

"Wait, what? You like want to be a, a couple?" Matty shook his head yes. "Whoa, dude, big ass step there for you to take. I mean only a bit ago; you were the full on straight boy. Now you want to go out with me?"

"That's what I said isn't it? What was I speaking French or something?" A tear ran from his eye, which he quickly wiped away. "I want to take that step Jimmy, now with you."

"OK," I said moving to sit on the bed, pulling him to sit next to me. "So what happens when you get tired of me and of being gay and dealing with the crap the world throws at you? Will you just tell me OK thanks, been really cool, laters? Maybe I'll get a note scrawled on the bathroom mirror?" I looked at him as he stared at the floor.

"Look all I know is I love you."

Author's note:

There is chapter seven! I hope you are all still enjoying the story! Be sure to check out my web site - Lots of information about the release date for my book and other exciting things. If you'd like to meet me, I'll be attending PRIDE in Santa Cruz CA on June 2, 2013 - In San Francisco CA June 29 + 30, 2013 and in San Jose CA August 17 + 18, 2013. Come meet up with me and get a coupon for a "pride discount" on the eBook Bark at the Moon - Coming of the One. I will also have a limited number of printed versions available for sale as well. Hope to see you there!

Don't forget to send me an email and let me know how you are enjoying the series! I promise to reply to any and all who write!

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Wolf hugs and howls!

Jimmy "Little Wolf"

Next: Chapter 8

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