Bromance with a Coworker

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on May 8, 2013


The usual disclaimer applies - this is a copyrighted work and my not be copied in part or in full without the authors written consent. All persons depicted in this story are over the age of 18.

Matty's golden nectar was hot on my tongue, its flavor unmistakable and acrid. I watched as he struggled to control himself, trying in vain to stop the trickle that would soon become a gusher.

"DUDE, NO, stop," he pleaded with me, pinching his shaft behind the head. "Oh fuck stop, lemme go." Matty struggled to escape my hands tightly holding his legs, the tip of his fat cock head just in front of my lips as the trickle continued. I grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand from his cock and a virtual flood of piss blasted out, his cock like an unmanned fire hose jumping wildly in all directions his piss bathing my face and body. I grabbed his jumping cock and held his shaft at the base, the strong flow coursing through it felt in my grip. I moved my head back aiming his cock so his stream now shot into my mouth. My eyes burned but I could clearly see Matty watching in sheer fascination as I drank his piss. "All right you dirty fucker," matt growled at me as he took his cock from my hand and began aiming it himself. Starting and stopping the flow to allow me time to swallow. I began jacking my cock as I drank, my shaft wet with his piss. Matt slapped his cock hard against my face, "Yo, get your hands off that cock and concentrate on my cock." He slapped his cock against my face again before starting to piss again.

When he'd finished, Matt held the top of my head and beat his cock against my open mouth, not letting me get even a small suck on it.

"Yeah, you want my cock huh? You wanna suck my fat cock?" His words tormenting me, teasing me. "Oh yeah I bet you want to suck this fat cock so bad right now, want me to cum another fucking load down your throat." All I could do was moan loudly as Matty continued his teasing. Quickly I reached around him and drove my fingers into his crack, finding his pucker I pushed my index fingers hard against it making him thrust his hips forward driving his cock fully down my throat. I was not new to this dominance game and knew just how to get what I wanted, although seeing Matty step up and be all aggressive was a huge turn on for me. I looked up in triumph as a sudden thump on the front window caused us both to look and freeze.

Standing there was Matty's next-door neighbor Tommy. Dressed in only baggy sleep pants his left hand shoved down the front his face mashed to the window. His mouth was agape, his eyes big as saucers. His tanned muscled frame glowed in the morning sun. He soon realized we were looking at him, Matt's cock still shoved down my throat; he began to freak but seemed frozen in place.

"Watch this," Matt whispered as he slowly pulled his cock out of my mouth, then holding my head began to fuck my mouth. "Wanna let him in?" Matty asked pulling his cock completely out of my mouth.

"Yeah do it, bet he freaks and runs though," I said as I now stood up.

"Nah, that boy has the hots for you babe, he's all but told me so." Matty moved to the door and opened it gesturing for Tommy to come in. I went to the window and closed the blinds as Tommy rounded the corner and stepped in, Matt closing and locking the door behind him, giving me a nod and a wink. I stepped up and knelt before Tommy yanking his sleep pants down. His cock sprang up, his long foreskin draped over his head a single drip of precum hung from the folds. His cock was no tiny thing being a bit smaller than mine. His bush was trimmed short and his balls were freshly shaved. I grabbed his shaft and pulled the skin back exposing his wet cock head. His knees weakened and he fell back into Matt's arms.

"Yeah babe, suck his cock," Matt moaned, "lemme see you suck this boy's cock," I began sucking Tommy hard, going right for the deep throat, making him like Jell-O in Matt's arms. "How's it feel Tommy boy? I fucking know you've wanted to fuck with Jimmy." Matt's hands holding Tommy up caressing his smooth chest. "Yeah all them times you kept bringing him up and asking all those questions. Dude I saw how horny you got, I so saw your hardon every time."

"Yeah," Tommy moaned, "I couldn't help it. Oh fuck he's fucking good dude." My hands were on his ass and could feel Matt pushing his cock against Tommy's hole. Looking up, I saw as Tommy and Matt began kissing sideways. I released his cock and went under him so I could lick his taint and some of Matt's cock. This was too much for Matt and he began to cum which lubed his cock and with a hard shove ripped Tommy's ass open and slide inside.

A loud groan from Tommy and I was back out and swallowing his cock just in time for his orgasm. His cum oozing from the tip, thick and sweet. Sticking to my tongue and mouth. When they'd finished cumming, Matt dropped Tommy on the couch, his still-hard cock flopping back and forth. Matt positioned me over Tommy as he came up and mounted me. Three gobs of spit and he was pounding his cock deep inside me. Under me, I could see Tommy watching Matt's cock fucking me then seeing my cock moved to suck on it. Matt and Tommy remained still as I fucked Tommy's mouth and fucked myself back on Matt's cock.

I didn't last long and was soon filling Tommy's mouth. Matt only lasted a bit longer and was then pumping his load into my ass. Matt quickly pulled from my hungry ass and ordered us to the bathroom. Tommy resisted but Matt's size and dominance prevailed. Tommy continued to resist as Matt made him kneel next to me in the tub. Tommy was vocal that this was not his scene, but Matt would not listen and began pissing all over him despite Tommy's saying to stop. I on the other hand welcomed it and thought of it as Matt marking me with his scent as his. I tried to suck his cock into my mouth but Matt held me at a slight distance, his piss filling my mouth as I drank greedily.

Tommy watched and soon his desire for more became clear . Matt chuckled at Tommy's arousal.

"Yeah you little pig, saying you ain't into it. Look atcha all boned and everything." Matt again directed his stream onto Tommy who dove forward and began sucking it right from Matt's cock. I could see his throat working to quickly swallow Matt's hot piss, a pang of jealousy shot through me, but Matt seemed to somehow feel this and his hand on my face was loving as he blew me a kiss. I stood, his piss still running from my body and we began to make out while Tommy continued to suck Matty off. I soon felt Tommy's lips around my soft cock. I had no desire to cum yet so I relaxed and allowed my piss to flow out into Tommy's hungry mouth.

I should say this was not my first time at water sports, hell I had a membership card to the Trough up in the city. I was soon thinking I was going to have to take Matty there some time soon. After I'd finished, Tommy released my cock and Matty and I watched as he lay back in the tub and lifted his legs over his head. His own piss blasting his face and filling his mouth. I was so hard seeing this, and almost as if Matt was in tune to me, he spit a huge glob of spit onto Tommy's pucker and another into his hand, which he then slathered onto my now hard cock. I stood over Tommy, plunged my cock into his ass, and could feel him squeezing my cock hard, his gurgled moans to fuck him coming up from him. Matty was urging me on as well:

"Yeah baby, fuck that bitch. Ram your cock in his tight ass Jimmy." Matt's hands feeling me up, caressing my wet skin, fingers fucking into my ass. God it felt so good, I needed to slow down so I didn't cum too quick. Matt however was on a mission to make me cum, and soon climbed up on the edges of the tub, his cock hard as ever bobbing in front of me. With his hands on my head, Matt began to ram his cock down my throat, getting off each time I gagged. He was in no way hurting me or choking me, but I knew he loved making me gag so I would make like I was, just to make him happy. I continued to fuck Tommy whose moans and gasps to fuck him harder and how he's wanted me ever since he first saw me with Matt, were making me hot and Matt jealous.

"Yeah," Matt groaned, "well he is all mine bitch, so back the fuck off. You can only have him when I say you can."

"Yes sir," was Tommy's humble reply. I was shocked at how submissive he was. This was not the guy I had come to know. I mean he was a complete jock. Always lifting weights and watching sports. I never knew him to have a girlfriend and Matt and I wondered if he might be gay. I had even confessed to Matt a secret desire to try my luck with Tommy, but Matt would always talk me out of it for fear of causing trouble with his neighbor. I now realized that Matt was hoping to score with him himself.

"Oh fuck baby, I'm gonna bust my nuts, here it comes," and with a final almost screaming grunt, Matt emptied his balls down my throat. "Oh fuck yeah my lover, swallow it, take it all." I was not too surprised that the amount of his load was far less than normal and seemed to almost just dribble out instead of his normal gunshots. Still I greedily drank it down, savoring the taste of his seed. His orgasm causing me to go over the top as I began to fill Tommy's ass with my load.

We all showered and things returned to a more normal state. Tommy hung with us for a few hours playing xbox, none of us getting dressed. After we chowed some grub, Tommy left us for work. I lay back on Matt and enjoyed the feeling of it just being him and me finally.

We'd been lying on the couch for a while when Matt suggested we go play a round of golf at the course. We were dressed and out the door in no time and soon were lugging our clubs to the pro shop. I could see the relief on Matty's face when we found out his boss; actually, my boss as well, was off. The shop was manned by this young kid Aaron and after we chatted him up, we grabbed a cart and headed off.

Matty and I always had a blast playing together, and today was no different. He was an awesome scratch golfer and I was, well, a hack. He was always trying to help me improve my game with tips and pointers but today he took it up a notch. I was lining up to tee off from fifteen when Matty asked me to freeze. He moved up behind me and pressed himself to me. His arms came around me as he began to change my stance and grip. His mouth was by my ear and he kept telling me to relax and concentrate. Yeah,right, concentrate, with him holding me, as he was, his cock pressed to my crack, his sweet cologne intoxicating me.

"To hell with this," I whispered, "take me over in the rough and make love to me." Matty froze at my words, his cock hardening between us.

"Oh baby don't tempt me."

"I'm not trying to tempt you stud, I am ordering you." I took one of my hands off my club and guided his hand to my overly swollen cock. "See?"

Matty released me and I turned to kiss him. We were alone on the back nine but at that moment I could have cared less if we were on eighteen during the Pebble Beach Pro-Am. I wanted him and I wanted him now. As our lips were about to meet, we could hear the low rumbling motor and clanking of the beverage cart so we quickly separated. Coming around the corner rambled the brightly colored food cart driven by one of my employees, Jack. A large young man with a cherub's face and golden hair. His face brightened seeing us and he quickly sped over to where we were.

"YO, Chef," Jack's jovial voice called out, "I heard you were out here playing." His eyes quickly darting to Matt then back to me. "I've been driving all over looking for you, ready for a beer, boss?" I purchased a couple beers and as we chatted, the group behind us called out for Jack. "Gotta go my public awaits." Jack climbed back in the cart and rambled off. As he did, I saw him talking on his phone to someone taking quick glances back at Matt and me.

We finished our round and headed into the restaurant where my other employees greeted us warmly. As we sat and totaled our scores I notices the typical chitchatted whispers and sideways looks my staff was giving us. No, it did not bother me one bit, my concern was for Matty. How would he react, to this blatant display of gossip? Was I finally going to see the straight boy come out and experience Matty's first show of rejection towards me? My mind raced and thoughts of wanting to just leave right now caused me to shake.

"Ya know if you keep looking at them you are just going to confirm what they think they already know," Matt chuckled quietly, never looking up from our card.

"Yes, but I am worried about what they think they know and what the talk is going to be around here tomorrow." Matt sighed and looked up at me.

"I couldn't give a rat's ass about what they say. Today or next fucking year. It ain't any of their business who I sleep with." Matt reached over and touched my hand, and by this action caused a flurry of whispered conversations to spring up. "Wanna really give them all something to talk about?" Before I could answer him, he turned my face to his, his lips pressed to mine, kissing me with tender passion. When he released me, he touched my face; "Now they have something to talk about."

I was shocked to say the least. Oh sure, I was out at work and had often had the current person I was dating come by to say hi, so for them to see me being intimate with a guy was nothing new. What shocked me was how fine Matty seemed with it.

"Well bud ya owe me twenty five bucks." I turned to look at him momentarily lost. "Come on pay up stud," his voice emphasized the word stud, "I creamed you good. My six over to your nineteen over." A broad smile stretched across his face.

I handed him his winnings and we headed to his truck.

"Your place or mine," Matt asked finally, giving my ass a firm slap.

"How about we swing by your place and you pick up fresh clothes and then we grab some grub and go to my place?"

"Sounds like a plan babe."

It was a fast trip, it had begun to rain and there was a slight bite to the air. Matty packed a gym bag and we grabbed KFC to go. As we ran from the truck to the apartment, the sky opened up and it began to pour. Lightning flashed across the sky and thunder rumbled loud and ominous. Just as I was putting my key in the lock, the door opened and there stood David, backpack in hand. Matty and I jumped back in surprise, the runoff from the balcony above us cascading over us like a waterfall. David grabbed us and pulled us inside, a large puddle of water forming instantly at our feet.

"Pendejos," David laughed, "Look at you two." Matty and I glanced at each other and broke out laughing, we were drenched. "Well you got the place to yourselves; I am headed to Kevin's for the night." David moved to hug me but stopped, blew us each a kiss and ran out into the rain.

Matty and I quickly stripped and ran for the shower in my bathroom. The hot water felt awesome on my cold body, almost as awesome as when Matty's arms wrapped around me. We began kissing, slowly letting the storm that was raging outside slip from our minds.

A sudden blinding flash and tremendous clap of thunder shook us to our core. It was such a strong event the window actually shook. Moment's later a second brighter flash and huge explosion followed by utter darkness. We stood holding each other staring into the blackness, not speaking, the shock causing our bodies to tremble.

"Hang on, I'll light a candle," I said stepping from the shower feeling my way to the sink where I had a scented candle. Soon its golden hues were illuminating us taking away our fear from the darkness. We dried and dressed in sleep pants setting up candles in different rooms. We were about to set out dinner, chuckling about KFC by candle light when some idiot began pounding on the door. I mumbled angry complaints about being disturbed as I went to the door.

I opened the door to find my landlord's assistant Bradley standing there in his bright yellow and orange rain gear. The huge flashlight in his hand lighting us up as Bradley quickly checked us out. I mimicked David and grabbed the front of his rain gear pulling him inside with us. The rain that coated him spraying onto me as his body collided against mine, his hands cold to my chest as he steadied himself, his green eyes looking up into mine. He stepped back and removed his hat, his longish brown hair dripping wet. Brad was Tony the landlord's nephew and had just turned 18. He lived with his uncle in a large apartment off the office and when he wasn't in school, you would see him all over doing maintenance or mowing the grass without his shirt on. He was a good-looking kid, nice smooth surfer body and always super friendly to me.

"Hey Brad, what's going on," I asked wiping the rain from my bare chest, Brad's eyes watching my every move intently.

"Hi Jim," Brad said also nodded at Matt. "Um look, ah," I couldn't help but notice how Brad was staring at our near nakedness, which was causing him trouble in speaking. "Ah right, so the power substation behind us got struck by lightning and is on fire. They are evacuating everyone around here. You've got to grab some stuff and get out." At that very moment two police officers walked up to the door asking Brad who was left. He informed them ours was the last apartment.

"No trouble now guys," one of the cops growled, "five minutes, grab some clothes and anything you need and get out. Not sure for how long, but plan on a while." We nodded.

"Its OK officers, these guys are cool, they won't be trouble," Brad explained as the cops left us. Brad quickly explained that Tony and he were going to the Red Roof inn up the highway and that some of the other tenants were going there too. Brad gave us a look that expressed just how scared he was.

"You OK bud?" I asked ruffling his wet hair.

"Not really, Tony went ahead to the motel and now I gotta drive in this shit." Matt, who was standing next to me, gave me a nudge. Matt Knew Brad and I were buds, and I liked him as a person.

"Fuck that kiddo, hang on and let us pack up and you can ride with us." I slid my hand down over his face, an act I know may seem overtly sexual, but was only meant to calm his young frazzled nerves. This action seemed to relax him a bit and he nodded. Matt and I made fast work packing up clothes and other things we needed and were soon back out in the rain running to Matt's truck. It was close quarters but we fit. Matty drove with the skill of an expert driver on the flooded streets. His hand rested on my bent leg so he had access to the gear shit. I put my arm around Brad and gently pulled him to me.

"It'll be OK bud, just relax." I could feel some of the tension leaving his frame as he allowed himself to lean against me. Matty saw this and smiled.

"Red Roof Inn, right Brad," Matty said as he quickly down shifted and swerved to avoid a huge flood of water.

"Yeah, the one up on One..." Brad's voice , his hand suddenly grabbing my leg as Matt guided us through the deep water.

"Oh fuck yeah, they got x box in the rooms. So that means you gotta come by and help me kick Jimbo's butt later, OK?" Matty reached over and patted Brad's chest. Brad seemed to like this idea and agreed he would.

At the motel, we were met by Tony, a short middle-aged man who was always super cool with me. He was happy to see us and explained that the power company had no clue how long the power would be out. He had set us up with a room for the night and in the morning we'd all get together and figure out what we'd do. After giving us our key, he told Brad they were in the room next to ours. Brad asked if it'd be OK if he hung out with Matt and me and his uncle said it was but not to be a pest. Brad ran off to his room to change saying he'd see us in a bit. We shook Tony's hand and headed to our room. I made a quick call to David and let him know what was going on and not to go home. Matt and I took quick separate showers with me going in first. I was again in just sleep pants when Brad arrived wearing sweats and a t-shirt. I had him help me set out the food and then I produced a fat joint, waving it in his face. Brad and I smoked pot a lot together and truth be told, he's where I got my smoke from. Brad and I had been smoking pot together almost since I moved in to my apartment three years ago. Many nights he'd gotten so stoned he just crashed there. I was respectful and never tried anything with him and other than some longer than normal looks from him, he never gave me any signs he might be gay.

We'd both taken a couple of big hits when the bathroom door opened and Matt walked out naked, a towel over his head drying his hair.

"Hey lover, think we got enough time for a fast cock sucking before Brad shows up? Fuck baby, making out with you in the shower has me all horny and needing to bust a nut." Matt's cock swelled as he spoke moving closer to where Brad and I were kicking it on the huge bed. Matt pulled the towel from his head, shock registering on his face as his eyes locked with Brad's.

Thank you again to all who have taken the time to email me about the story. It is so awesome to hear from each and every one of you! Please feel free to keep writing, I love every email I get! For those of you who don't know my email is

More is coming so stay tuned!

Wolf hugs and howls!

Jimmy "Little Wolf"

Next: Chapter 6

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