Bromance with a Coworker

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on May 2, 2013


Panic set in, yet Matty still eased his swollen cock from my ass gently. My mind was racing as we heard Michelle thrashing around in the living room. Why the fuck was she even here? She'd dumped Matt a few days ago for some surfer dude she'd met at the tanning salon. Why she would ever want to let go of Matty was way far beyond my comprehension. Yeah,- OK so he wasn't perfect, but his imperfections were far outweighed by his personality. Oh and let's not forget how awesome he was in bed!

Matty was freaked and his head flipped side to side trying to figure out what to do. I grabbed the sheet and yanked it with me as I slipped down onto the floor, the bed hiding me from sight.

"Yeah, dude, awesome," Matt whispered and he flung his comforter over himself. I took one last look up, and in the darkness saw Matt looking down at me, his mouth silently saying sorry. "I'm in here," he called out to her. "Got some kind of stomach bug, been puking all fucking day." I could hear her storming down the hall and abruptly coming to a stop with his announcement of being sick. I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing. You see Michelle is a big germ freak. You know the type, carries that hand sanitizer in her purse and is always using it. Spends twenty minutes sterilizing a public bathroom before using it. Yeah complete germ freak! Fuck Matty was so smart for thinking that up so quickly.

"Oh my god, why didn't you tell me? Oh my god, I don't want to catch anything."

"Why are you here?" Matt's voice tinged with anger. "Why do you still have a key?"

"Well, if you remember, we were going to get together and I was going to give you the key and pick up my things." I could clearly her the panic in her voice as she rummaged in her purse for something.

"Your stuff is in the box by the front door, I packed it up after work today. Just leave the key on the counter." I heard Michelle gasp at his words.

"You, you touched my things while you were sick? Great, thanks Matthew, now I am going to get sick you fucking asshole!"

"Well consider it a going away gift you can share with whatever his name is." I suddenly felt Matt's hand grabbing for my arm. What was he doing?

"His name in Miguel." Her voice sounding like venom spit from a snake. "He knows how to treat me like a lady and not some cheap whore like you treated me. Have fun finding some bitch to sleep with." There was a slight click and the room brightened slightly.

"Oh yeah, I already found me someone." Matt's hand gripped my arm and pulled me up from my hiding place, the look of shock on Michelle's face was priceless. "Someone who never complains about how big it is, or if I nut too fast." Matty pulled me next to him and planted a kiss on my lips. Before looking back at Michelle he looked in my eyes; "someone very special."

Michelle was trying to speak but only grunts and partial screams came out. She did some kind of turning dance where she turned to leave then spun back to say something only to shriek then spun around again. She flung Matt's key at us and stormed down the hall. Matty chuckled as he got up to follow her, me following him a few seconds later. I stood behind Matt while she stuffed a few things in the box with her stuff, her eyes staring at us. I stepped beside Matt and as I slid my arm around his waist he pulled me into another passionate kiss. I hated that I could not see her reaction, but by the sound of her leaving, the door slamming and her shriek of "you fucking queer", I deduced she was not at all happy.

We stood there kissing for quite some time. I will admit my mind was thinking only of Matt and how maybe, somehow we could be together for real. Matt was holding me tight and began to move us, as one, back to the bedroom. Once on the bed our lips parted as he lay next to me, his hand stroking my face.

"I am way sorry for doing that to you, I feel like a complete jerk now." I shook my head.

"No way dude, that was so awesome. Would have been classic if she'd walked in when you were fucking me." A small smile formed on his lips.

"I meant it, you know. About finding someone special."

"Yeah, I know." I closed my eyes as we began to make out. I moved so I was over him and held his head as we kissed. I soon felt him adding more lube to his cock and my ass. His cock which had never gone down in the slightest was soon gliding up into my ass. "Did she really bitch about how big it was and that you came too fast?"

"Every time dude. Fuck, she was so tight it would make me cum, like right away, then she wouldn't let me do it again and made me eat her snatch till she came." I raised up and sank down completely on his cock, his face contorted with pleasure. I began riding him hard, taking every fat inch of his cock with each stroke. He was soon holding my hips up as he began to fuck me, my cock slapping down onto his belly with a loud smacking sound. My mind was swimming with thoughts of how no one had ever fucked me like this before. I could feel my balls tightening with each of his thrusts, my eyes trying to focus on his face. Suddenly I was lost, my orgasm overtook me. My back arched forcing his cock deeper still in my ass, my balls exploding long arcing streaks of cum hitting Matty right on the face.

How he managed to flip us over I have no clue, but he did. He pinned my legs open and began driving his massive cock in me, grunting like an animal as he did. Spit flying out of his mouth with each breath, my cum dripping from his face.

"Oh fuck, I'm gonna bust a nut dude." He released my legs to lean forward, his hips like a jack hammer driving his cock in me. The suddenly without any warning, his lifted up and pulled his cock from my gaping hole and shot his huge load of cum all up on my face and chest. I tried to move so I could suck him, but was unable to as he still held me down. His body jerked with convulsions as his orgasm continued. I counted nine big shots of cum before he shoved his cock back into me, collapsing on me, his hips still fucking his cock in and out.

I wrapped my legs around his hips and held him so he couldn't pull out. His cock remained hard as he recovered from his cum. We lay there for a few minutes when he raised up on his arms and began to slowly fuck me again.

"I love fucking you Jimmy, but now, right this fucking minute, I want to make love to you." Matty's eyes continued to look into mine as he continued to slowly fuck his cock in and out of me. Our lips finally meeting, our tongues fighting between our mouths.

We made love for nearly an hour when he moaned into my neck that he was going to cum again. His abs were stroking my cock as I felt him unload his third load of the night, this time deep in my ass. His abs bringing me to my second orgasm, my cum smearing between us. When it was over, he pulled me over on top of him, his cock sliding out of my ass with a pop.

I followed him to the bathroom so he could piss, and I stood behind him using my hands to hold his cock. My face to the back of his neck his longish hair, soaked with sweat tickling my face. His scent, that erotic guy scent filling my nose.

We grabbed some shorts and t shirts and headed out to his complex's pool. The sign stated it closed at nine, but no one ever paid it much attention and as long as you kept the noise down, no one complained. We horsed around for a bit then walked the short distance to Jack in the Box for grub. We ate in the near vacant restaurant then headed back to his apartment. Not much was said, we were just enjoying being together.

We had stripped and were lounging on the couch. Matty laying behind me his arm over my chest lightly rubbing back and forth. The TV was on but I don't think either of us was watching it. I assumed Matt had fallen asleep, his hand had stopped moving and his breathing was slow and rhythmic. I lay there with my eyes closed, feelings of warmth and protection flowing over me. I was just letting sleep take me over when Matty's voice whispered in my ear.

"I love you, Jimmy." His lips kissing my ear after he spoke.

It was early morning when I woke up. I was in Matt's bed, laying up against him his arms around me. I snuck out and went to piss. I was enjoying a nice long piss when Matty came up behind me his arms snaking around my chest.

"So who gave you permission to leave me all alone in bed," his lips kissing my neck. His hands sliding over my abs moving my hands from my cock as I continued to piss.

"You know," I said leaning my head back onto his shoulder, "you better be careful."

"Why is that," Matty whispered into my ear.

"I might get used to this and well you know me, I'm a jealous bitch. I might not like you sneaking off for some pussy." Matty shook the last drips of piss from my cock.

"Oh yeah? Well I don't think I'm gonna like you going on dates with them hotties like you always do." His hand was now firmly stroking my cock length, my shaft getting hard at his touch. "You know," Matty kissed my ear again, "I could be your hottie boy and you could be my pussy. That way no one needs to get jealous of the other." I spun in his arms, my fist playfully beating on his chest.

"So that's all I am to you, some skanky pussy you can fuck?" We both broke out laughing, my cock fucking up against him. Without missing a beat Matty knelt and began to suck my cock, his hands pulling on my sac. I rested my hands on his head my eyes staring intently at my sexy straight friend as he bobbed back and forth on the first two inches of my cock. I did not force him to take more than he wanted but I admit I smiled when he tried and began to gag. "Easy bud, go slow." Matt pulled from my cock, his mouth making obscene sucking sounds as he did.

"Fuck dude, you make it look so fucking easy when you take my dick all the way. I want to do that to you." He returned his mouth to my cock and tried again to take it all. A loud choking gag erupted around my cock as tears fell from his eyes. I stroked his head to comfort him as he went to just sucking the first two inches.

"Oh shit Matt, watch out I'm gonna cum bud." Matt's only response was to moan deeply and kept sucking. "Oh fuck bro, I can't hold it," my hands gripped his head holding it still as I began to fuck my cock in and out of his mouth. Matty moaned long and deep as he reached around and began to finger my ass. Oh man the feeling was intense and I blasted a huge load into his mouth. "Yeah Matty drink it all bro." I groaned as I continued to cum, some of my load escaping his mouth and dripped down his chin.

After I'd finished he again pulled off my cock with a loud suction noise and stood holding me, a huge smile on his face. He opened his mouth to show me some of the cum he hadn't swallowed.

"Want some?" I nodded yes and leaned in to kiss him. Matty chuckled and quickly swallowed all that remained in his mouth. "Nope, it is all fucking mine," making a loud AHHH sound, and then allowing me to kiss him.

It was Monday and we were both off. It was still wicked early and although going back to bed sounded nice, coffee sounded better. For whatever reason, I grabbed a pair of Matty's boxers and slipped them on. Yeah yeah I can already hear you thinking I am a big perv, but tough, I like wearing them OK? So I headed to the kitchen and made a pot of coffee. Matt joined me, walking out of the bedroom in just some silky basketball shorts. I couldn't help but stare as he walked closer. First I had never seen him wear these shorts before, and second his cock was swinging back and forth under the fabric. Its outline clearly visible, long thick shaft, pronounced mushroom head made my mouth water. He pretended to not notice me staring as he came closer but gave in and thrust his hips out and asked what I thought.

"Fucking hot!" I softly spoke as if in some kind of dream. "Why are you just now wearing them?" I reached out and felt his cock through the silky material.

"Well truthfully I just bought them the other day. I saw Tommy from number fourteen next door, by the pool in something similar and couldn't help but see how obvious his cock showed and he ain't got nothing like me." Matty humped his swelling cock in my hand for emphasis. "So I bought a pair and was thinking of wearing them next time you crashed here to tease you." He lifted my chin with his fingers, "then we kinda hooked up and well fuck I didn't need to tease you anymore." He leaned in and gave me a quick kiss then moved off to pour us coffee. "See I remember you telling me about how a dude with like undies or just shorts on is a major turn on to you. You said that yeah seeing a dude naked is hot, but when there is some mystery it is even hotter. Kinda like me seeing you in my boxers," Matty turned and looked me up and down. "Fuck dude, seeing you in them cranks me up so fucking bad!" he handed me my coffee and dropped his hand to caress my own swollen cock. "I fucking love watching you move in them, how they kinda just hang off you. Like seeing your bush and maybe just a tiny bit of your cock and how they show off your ass, oh your ass, fuck dude!" Matt turned me to look at my butt and then moved closer to dry hump me through our clothes.

His motions continued as he hugged me to him. I knew he wanted to fuck me again. I set my coffee next to his and pushed the boxers down. I bent over the counter pushing my ass back hard against him. I could feel him dropping his shorts and as his hot cock began stabbing at me. I heard him spit and felt as he began to finger my hole.

"Fuck bro I so love this tight ass of yours." I felt as he began kissing my back lower and lower, his fingers still working my hole stretching me for his cock. Soon his kisses were at my crack, his hands spreading my cheeks. His lips kissed my hole and I came! I shoved my ass back at him as my cum blasted out all over the cabinets. As I pushed back I felt his tongue slip inside my hole, making me cum harder.

"Oh fuck bro, yeah, your ass is so hot," his words muffled as he kept kissing and licking. I could feel his tongue licking my taint then back to fuck my hole. Damn, was this a fucking dream? If it was, I never wanted to wake up! I was in heaven. My best friend was eating my ass and would soon be fucking me with his cock!

Looking down I could see as he wiped up most of my massive load with his fingers and could barely see as he rubbed it onto his cock. Seeing my cum on his cock and feeling his tongue in my ass was bringing me close to another orgasm. I begged him to slow down, pleading with him almost.

"Yeah like I'm gonna stop," he chuckled. Standing he began to rub his fat cock head over my hole. "You gots no clue the nights I dreamed of fucking you. You always doing shit to drive me crazy," he pushed his cock head in then pulled it right back out. "All them nights when you were sleeping and would push your sweet ass against me. Oh fuck bro I so wanted to just take you right then." Again his cock was shoved in and pulled out. He continued this action as he went on telling me about laying with me, using my hand as I slept to jack himself off. Of times when he was fucking some chick and all he could think about was fucking me. How this would make him cum and how Michelle would get so fucking mad at him, but he just didn't care. How the other night when we were shot gunning and my hand touched his cock, how he almost came right then.

As much as I wanted him to fuck me right then, I pulled away from him and dropped to my knees grabbing his fat cock in my hands, I looked up at him all sweaty and full of sexual need.

"You don't know how much I wanted all that too Matthew. On the deck touching your cock, I had to fight myself from doing this," and I swallowed his entire cock down my throat. Matty grabbed my head and roughly fucked his cock in my mouth.

"Awe fuck baby, if you had I would have cummed just like this." With one last thrust, he then pulled so just his head was in my mouth as he cummed vast volumes into my mouth, then began to fuck it down my hungry throat. "Yeah lover boy suck my cock." Matty slumped to the counter as his cum subsided. Easing his cock from my mouth, I struggled to continue licking at it trying to get every last drop.

"Oh hey, hang on babe." I ignored his pleas and kept licking at his head. Matty was trying in vain to move back from me. "Oh babe you gotta stop, I so have to piss," his words too late as a trickle of his golden nectar ran from his piss slit on to my tongue.

I am so happy to be getting all the email you guys are sending me! I will do my best to answer everyone who takes the time to write. I will be working on my other story "Bark at the Moon" over the next couple of days as I have some readers begging me to work on it. I will return to "Bromance" after that.

If you haven't already, take a gander at my website - there is a section that list some of my other stories posted here on nifty.

Thanks again for all of your emails and support!

Wolf hugs and howls!


Next: Chapter 5

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