Bromance with a Coworker

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Aug 21, 2013


The usual disclaimer applies - this is a copyrighted work and my not be copied in part or in full without the authors written consent. All persons depicted in this story are over the age of 18.

Bromance with a coworker - 10

An imposing man at maybe six two, the captain towered over us. His firm grip was like his assurance that he had things well under control. His wife, Maria, was a charming lady who spoke with grace yet under lying that grace was a simple almost country charm. We walked with the them to the table being led by the Maitre 'd to a large round table and other seated guests. The conversation was lite and fun with the Captain regaling us of some harrowing sea tales. I was seated next to the captain with Matt to my left. I was very aware that we were the commoners at this table, as everyone else spoke of powerful jobs and lofty job titles. I was even more uncomfortable as I looked at the vast amount of silver wear laid out at my place. Now I am no popper, and can usually handle myself in a fancy setting. Matt's hand tapping my leg indicating to me he was very lost and extremely uncomfortable. I did my best to make my actions clear to him as to which utensil was to be used at each course, my mind flashing to the scene in Pretty woman where the old man jokes about not know what fork is for what.

We remained mostly quiet during the meal as we all dined on lobster and other expensive delicacies. We listened to the other guests spout off about investments and politics and merely smiled and nodded at the appropriate time, giving slight chuckles and mimicked gasps when called for.

At the end of our meal, the First Officer appeared. The captain invited everyone to follow him for a tour of the bridge, and as we all began to stand I felt the Captain's hand give my wrist a tug. I looked down and saw as he quickly pointed to me and then tapped the table, his motions quick and subtle, yet commanding. I nudged Matt and we both sat back in our chairs as the remaining guests filed out after the Commander.

We sat quietly as the Captain tapped out a text message or something on his phone. Our nerves building as to why we had been singled out from the rest of the VIPs, we sat nervously.

"Gentilemen," the Captain finally spoke to us. "I understand this is your first ocean voyage?"

"Yes sir it is."

"Well that is wonderful! I hope you are enjoying your time with us and I hope you are being treated well." I assured him we were extremely happy and loving the trip so far. He stood gesturing us to follow him as he began walking from the table. In the foyer, he gave his wife a kiss saying he would see her soon, then led Matty and I to an elevator. What followed was a tour of the ship like no other. Taking us places no other passengers would ever go. Learning I was an Executive Chef for the Navy our tour included a grand tour of the massive kitchens and an introduction to the ship's Executive Chef. It was amazing to see this and I marveled at how efficient it was.

Our last stop was the bridge. The darkened room lit mostly by computer screens and lit consoles. I was looking for the big ships wheel I assumed they steered with but was then shown a panel with joy sticks, and listened as it was explained that this was how they maneuvered.

After thanking him for our meal and the awesome tour, we were lead back to the promenade by the Commander, where he shook our hands and bid us a good night.

Feeling very out of place in our monkey suits we made a quick retreat to our cabin, where sitting on the table was a chilling bottle of champagne, a small note stating with compliments from the Captain. We drank as we changed then heading out to find some of the rumored night life on board.

After several hours of drinking and dancing, oh man Matty is a great dancer, we struggled to find our way back to our cabin finally emerging on our deck, the warm night air making our heads swim.

A light grip on my arm and a soft voice I seemed to remember, allowed me to relax as our waiter, Kavi guided us to our cabin. Opening the door, we found Tao busy inside turning down our bed, his face happy to see us, then becoming stern as he saw Kavi leading us in.

Tao spoke to Kavi in a foreign language, his tone making it known he out ranked Kavi, who now seemed very nervous.

"I, I, I was just making sure they got back to their cabin," Kavi stated to Tao.

"OK good, now they are here so go!" More words were exchanged in their language and Kavi left. Tao's demeanor reverted back to the pleasant steward we knew, and he guided me to a chair. "Are you in for the night?" His voice was soft and caring. We nodded we were and that we were extremely wasted. Tao moved to Matt who stood weaving unsteadily. He made quick work of helping him undress, setting him on the bed, then stepping to me, his fingers deftly worked at helping me undress, casually stroking them over my skin as he did.

As he knelt to help me step out of my shorts, his mouth opened and he took my soft cock into his hot young mouth. I could feel his tongue swirling around my knob as his hands skillfully began pulling my balls. I watched as Matty flopped back, his big cock falling lazily onto his belly, and soon a soft snoring could be heard. This by no means stopped Tao from continuing his skillful work, his head bobbing up and down on my shaft, seductive sucking noises coming from his mouth. I soon felt his spit running down my shaft and onto my balls which allowed his fingers to slip and slide over my balls. Soft moans of pleasure vibrated against my cock as he continued to make love to me with his mouth.

"Oh fuck Tao, I'm gonna cum," I exclaimed as my balls churned and began to release my seed. Tao pulled off my cock, his hand continuing to stroke my shaft as my cum splattered all over his face.

"MMM, yes, cum on my face Sir, do it, use me;" Tao's soft voice sounding dirty somehow. "BUKAKI," he exclaimed as he began to smear my cum on his face with my cock head. His lips would quickly suck on my head as it ran over his lips. "Use me as the dirty boy I am Sir." He quickly removed his clothing, laying it neatly on the dresser. His body was well maintained. Thin, but still slightly defined and devoid of hair. He had an almost boyish look about him, enhanced by the lack of hair around his cock and on his balls.

"Am I pleasing to look at Sir?" His voice was again soft and demure. I lifted a hand out towards him tentatively. "Yes, please, touch me anyway you like." Gently taking my wrist, he began stroking my hand over his chest and abdomen. I could almost feel tiny shocks of electricity as my hand made contact with his hot flesh, his head tipping back a long sigh escaping his mouth as he allowed this pleasure to over-take him.

I began working his cock with my mouth, feeling it slide past my lips and over my swirling tongue. His juice was flowing and the musky taste was driving me crazy. His hands moved to my head and held it firm as he began to fuck his young cock in my mouth, his fat balls beating against my chin. With a low growl, he proclaimed his need to cum and his load shot forth nearly choking me with its volume. As I drank it down his two-way radio crackled and a voice stated that he was needed in another stateroom at once. Speaking in his native tongue words I assumed were curses he gave a final two thrusts, pushing the remains of his load down my hungry throat.

"I am sorry Sir, I am needed and must go now." He pulled his still dripping cock from my mouth and quickly dressed. "You are a very handsome man and I am honored that you find me pleasing." His hand cupped my chin as he left me. I took a shower and climbed into bed with Matty who was still passed out.

Bright sun lit the room through the breeze blown curtains. I opened my eyes to find I was alone on the bed. A note on the desk told me Matt was on the deck having breakfast. Grabbing a pair of discarded shorts I dressed and headed out to find my guy.

He was sitting alone at a table, tapping away on his tablet as I approached. Seeing me his face brightened and he rose to give me a hug and surprisingly a long passionate kiss.

"I've been waiting for you to drag your lazy ass outta bed for an hour. You hungry?" I nodded yes and Matt hurried off to the buffet to fetch me food. I was served coffee by a young deck boy as I waited for Matt to return, my sleepy eyes glancing down at his tablet:

'Journal' was the word at the top of the screen. I knew better than to look, but oh well, I turned it slightly so I could see it better without being too obvious. It was in the middle of an entry and as my eyes focused I thought how I never thought Matt was the type to keep a journal.

Sat there looking at him as he lay sleeping. I long to touch him, to feel his skin but do not want to wake him. He is so angelic laying here next to me. I want so much to tell him what is in my thoughts, in my heart, but I can never seem to find the right words to say it. I want to tell him how I shall never forget that night at the party, when we first kissed. He feel of his lips on mine was like no other lips had felt. How for a moment I was scared, how I wanted it to stop. How I wanted to run away and never come back, but then how he touched me and how this simple touch somehow calmed me. Let me relax and know I was safe. How I never wanted it to end.

I need to tell him how I struggle when we are not together with my thoughts. Am I gay? Oh my God, I'm gay? No I don't want to be gay! Yet when I am with him, it just feels natural and I think yeah OK so fucking what, you're gay. Now we are here on this ship. The picture of all that is romantic and I know deep deep inside what I have to say to him. I will not fight it anymore. As soon as he wakes I will tell him. I will stand on this table and scream it so everyone can hear. I will kiss him, look him in the eyes, oh his eyes, those damn eyes of his. How I melt inside when he looks at me. I always have, I know that now. Even when I first saw him and our eyes looked at each other, I melted. Yes today is the day. Today I am going to let him and everyone know how I feel. Today I am going to tell him how I...

I focused my attention on Matt walking back to our table, a plate in each hand, heaped with food. What was he going to tell me? How long did I need to wait? Did my showing up when I did panic him and now he was scared to say whatever it was? OK, OK relax be cool. You don't want to let him know you read his words.

Matt set a plate in front of me and quickly took his seat. I spied his eyes as he saw his tablet still on and open to his journal. He quickly shut it down and tried to act normal, but I could feel his nervousness. We ate; well I guess you could call it eating, more like pecking actually. To someone watching us it would look like there was tension between us. Matt suddenly took my hand in his, turning we looked at each other. I could feel his hand trembling as it held mine.

"What's up," I asked. Matty sat looking at me, his eyes almost looked as if he was about to cry.

"I, ah, um," his vice shaky and soft. "I ah need to talk to you."

"OK what's up, tell me." Matty let out a huge sigh;

"Baby, I've been doing a lot of thinking and I ah..."

"It's OK Matty, just say it, whatever it is." Matty's eyes focused on me.

"OK see it's like this, I want you to know, that I ah, that I want you to know that I..."

"Good morning Sirs!" Came the ever cheerful voice of Tao. "I have brought you your port itinerary. Today we dock at Saint Thomas. In here you will find things to do. I need to tell you that you can reserve trips as VIPs on the main deck. Just go to the desk." He then strolled away to hand out the same material to other guests on our deck. I looked back to Matt who seemed somewhat relieved and was now looking at the itinerary. I pulled it from his hands and moved closed to him.

"What were you going to tell me?" I asked quietly. Matt's eyes focused on mine again.

"I hope you don't freak out when I say this. I know it's like really soon and all, but, being here with you, I just gotta say it." Matt's voice was strong now.

"OK so say it," I pleaded with him. I watched as his mouth opened to talk.

"I love you," his hand gripping my hand like a vise as he spoke. "I really, REALLY love you." I was speechless; tears filled my eyes and trailed down my cheeks. Matt stood up and shouted at the top of his lungs; "I LOVE THIS GUY, and I want to be with him forever!" A hush fell over all the other passengers seated around us and on the deck. Matt gave a nervous chuckle; "Um I just wanted all of you to know that. Sorry, go back to whatever it was you were doing." Matt didn't sit but knelt in front of me. "Please say that's Ok with you?" I nodded my head;

"Yes," I whispered, leaning in to hug him to me.

There was a loud thundering of applause and cheers from all around us as we received a standing ovation from the other passengers and cruise workers.

"KISS, KISS, KISS, KISS..." Was the chant now rising up from the all around us. I stood and kissed Matt as I always did, with much passion and love. After we separated, we were inundated with well wishes and handshakes, invitations to join some for dinner and to accompany them on shore excursions. Stewards began passing out champagne and we received a toast in honor of our proclamation of love. Scooping me into his arms, Matt whispered to me;

"Now I am going to take you and really make love to you."

Author's note:

There is chapter ten! I hope you are all still enjoying the story! Be sure to check out my web site - Lots of information about the release date for my book and other exciting things. If you'd like to meet me, I'll be attending PRIDE in San Jose CA August 17 + 18, 2013. Come meet up with me and get a coupon for a "pride discount" on the eBook Bark at the Moon - Coming of the One. I will also have a limited number of printed versions available for sale as well. Hope to see you there!

Don't forget to send me an email and let me know how you are enjoying the series! I promise to reply to any and all who write!

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Wolf hugs and howls!

Jimmy "Little Wolf"

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