Bromance with a Coworker

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Apr 27, 2013


This story is copyrighted to the author and may not be reproduced in any way without his express written permission.

Bromance with a Coworker

I'd been working at the golf course for nearly five years when Matt started working there. He was hired to work in the Pro shop and I worked in the restaurant across the patio. The first time I saw him I was attracted, and although I was out at work, I never looked to play with my fellow employees. He was a good looking guy, twenty year's old light brown hair and eyes. His frame was stocky, but not fat and his body had a light smattering of hair that just added to his sexiness. I was twenty four with dark brown hair and green eyes. My body was a bit more on the fit side though I didn't work out. It was soon obvious that Matt was straight, and although a likable person, was not winning friends too quickly. Our first interaction was when he came in for lunch. We talked while I prepared his food and I wondered why he was finding it hard to make friends. His personality was fun and outgoing, and I found it a pleasant change to talk about something other than the newest golf club or ball.

We soon were finding every opportunity to talk build our friendship. He was open about his relationships with his girlfriends and never wasted anytime in regaling me of his sexual escapades. He was openly cool about my being gay and would listen intently as I too would tell him of my dates. He would always comment about how I did not "look" gay, as if being gay had a "look", and how I was the first gay friend he had. Our friendship grew and soon we were spending time together outside of work. Movies, sporting events and even crashing at each other's apartments, usually after a night of drinking or smoking pot together. Our "Bromance" was comfortable and nudity was never an issue. I actually felt honored that he did not feel threatened by me and was comfortable being naked around me.

It was the day of my roommate's birthday and I found Matty, as I had come to call him a bit depressed, having been dumped by his latest female companion. I quickly stepped in as any good bud would do and just informed him he was coming to the party. Matty brightened up and actually gave me a big hug. To say I to fight to keep my mind focused on us being friends and banish the flood of sexual thoughts now running rampant through my mind was an understatement. I soon left work, and Matty with him saying he would be over as soon as he was off.

The part was awesome, with lots of food, friends, drink and smoke. Soon the vast numbers dwindled to about eight good friends and the mood mellowed to conversation and relaxing. Matty and I were on the back deck sharing a hooter alone. The night was cool and I stood next to him as he sat on the top rail. I handed him the joint as I held in my last toke. Pushing my hand away, his voice low and somewhat sexual;

"Shotgun me." I looked at him, a large smile on his face. I moved to stand in between his legs, my face coming closer to his, our eyes locked on the others. I lay my hands on his legs near where they bent as his hands cupped my face, pulling me closer. I pursed my lips and began to slowly exhale as he opened his mouth and began inhaling the smoke I blew out. When I was done, I stepped back and resumed stand as I had before.

"Oh fuck," he groaned, "that was fucking great! Come on dude shotgun me again."

I again toked the joint and took in a large amount of smoke. Matty began pulling at me, moving me again between his legs. I again lay my hands on the top of his thighs but this time I felt his cock under my fingers. He made no move to stop me as he pulled my face closer, his mouth surrounding my lips as I exhaled into his hot mouth. When I finished his hands held me firm not allowing me to move away. I felt his cock swelling under my fingers as he moaned and released me.

"Fuck dude that was some serious smoke!" Matty rested his hand on my shoulder as I moved to his side, my arm resting on his leg, my hand on his bare knee. We continued to talk and enjoy the feeling the pot was giving us for a while longer.

When it was clear that the remaining house guest were all turning in, Matty and I moved from the deck to my room where we planned to sleep. This was nothing new for us, we shared a bed many times and both slept in the nude. As we got undressed I took another toke and was about to hand it to my bro, when he came to me, his hands taking my face pulling me close to again shotgun him. I submitted to his actions my hands on his hips. After I had exhaled, Matty kept me still, his lips closing as he kissed me.

Our eyes shot open and looked deeply at each other as his tongue began to poke into my mouth. There was no way to hide my arousal as my cock hardened and began to push against his now hardening cock. In our many months of friendship and countless times seeing each other naked, neither had seen the other hard. Morning woods were always carefully concealed. Now his large cock was obscenely throbbing next to my own hard on, our balls mashed together.

We quickly separated, yet still held each other. We never stopped looking at each other, our mouths still frozen in a kind of kissing state.

"Um, yeah, that was weird." Matt's voice soft and gentile. "Wow, I don't know why I did that." His hands left my face and slid to my neck, his eyes searching mine for a reaction. "Dude, I am so sorry for that."

"Don't be," I whispered, my voice sexual, somewhat needy sounding. "I guess I am just as much to blame as you." I was shocked when Matty pulled me back to him, our lips crushing together as our tongues began exploring each other. I found myself submitting to him completely, allowing him to be the dominant one. Allowing him to lead us down this path we had now ventured on. His hands now on my ass, he guided me to the bed, coming to lay on top of me, our lips never parting. I could feel his strong cock thrusting against mine, and a cool wetness as his cock began to leak vast amounts of pre-cum onto mine.

"Please tell me I am not dreaming," Matty breathed as his mouth rubbed kisses all over my face and neck.

"No this ain't a dream baby, just promise me that this won't change our friendship."

"No I won't let it," he moaned as he again began kissing me.

"Oh fuck dude, I'm gonna cum!" Matty groaned, his cock fucking against me with force. "I can't stop dude, I gotta bust my nuts!" I now took control and with a shove forced him onto his back. I moved quickly and gripping his fat shaft in my hand I lowered my mouth onto his cock.

Matty thrust his hips up, forcing his cock deep into my mouth and throat, his cum exploding out filling my mouth as his hands gripped my head forcing it down on him. As I swallowed another sensation shocked me. Matty was now stroking my cock pulling to him, his lips tentatively sliding around my wet cock head as he began sucking it.

I was lost to the moment and as I slid his cock completely down my throat I began to unload in Matty's mouth. He allowed me to cum but did not swallow. When I was done, I pulled my cock out and allowed him to spit my seed into a t shirt nearby, while I still continued to milk his cock with my mouth.

I rolled to his side and was not sure what was going to happen. We had just shared a very intimate experience and most straight guys would freak and quickly distance themselves from what had happened. So I was not surprised when Matty got up and quietly went into the bathroom. I was left alone with my thoughts of maybe losing a good friend when the sounds of him pissing filled my ear.

"Sorry babe, I always gotta take a mega piss after I blow a nut." Matty's voice chuckled from the bathroom. I lay there still wondering where we would go from here when he returned, crawling onto the bed next to me. To say I was shocked when he leaned over and began kissing me again would be spot on. He pulled me up as he lay back and I was now laying on him. We made out for quite a long time when his cock began throbbing against my ass.

Just taking a break from working on my other story Bark at the Moon (sci-fi fantasy). Let me know if you enjoyed it and would like me to continue. Flee free to contact me at and let me know. Please put the story title in the subject line of your email so you don't get sent to my spam box.

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Next: Chapter 2

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