Broken Relationships

By Chuck

Published on Jul 11, 1999


After two weeks finally I finally finished part 2 of this story. It might be long but I assure you, this will solve some of the problems you might be asking in the chapter 1 like, how Philip found out about Leo and Jake. Well anyways and comments should be e-mail at:

Check my friend site at: http://www.angelfire/on2/Chucklez It's still in construction but the stories that I composed are all there. Thank you! Well read on---- _____________________________________________________________________________

"Just Friends"

part 2 of Broken Relationships

I stumbled to an old woman, never looking where I was going.

"What the @#$% are you trying to sonny boy?" I tried to look at her and apologize but then I tripped at boy who was rollerblading. I fell down head first. Another burning pain was added on my face as I wept my tears. The little boy helped me stood up and he whined, "I'm sorry mister! This is my first time rollerblading! I didn't mean to make your nose bleed. Do you need my hanky?"

The little boy looked so cute with his helmet and his gears on. He actually made me smile and stopped crying. But as he made that puppy face as he handed me his tissue, it just reminded me of Philip again. "T-T-Thanks kid!" I hid my eyes that was pouring down burning tears already with the napkin and patted his helmet. Just before I went inside my house, I heard the phone ring. Philip, is that you? I grabbed the cordless phone and I squealed,


"Huh?! What's that suppose to mean, luver? Hitting on other guys now that you found out a cute guy like me is in love with you?" I was surprised it was Leo. My legs went limp. Hearing his voice stop my tears from gushing again. It made me happy to realize to someone still loves me.

"Surprise, surprise. You never call my house unless you need answers from your homework or something!" I whispered trying not to let him hear that I was crying.

"I can't hear you speak up!" he insisted.

"I SAID WHY DID YOU CALL?!!!" I growled. That took a lot of load out of me.

"God, you sound so cute when you're mad. What's with you anyway? Did our love making didn't satisfy you enough?...You know you could sneak back to my house and we can do it like animals! Unnnnh...uhhhh!"

He groaned and moaned on the phone while I was going to my bedroom and locking it. I told him to quit it but he just groaned faster and faster making my dick hard.

"See what've you done! You've just stiffened up my dick again!" I whispered giggling.

"Just now? I thought it was already hard when I called." he started giggling too, then he groaned again and started shaking his bed. He was actually right, I wasn't satisfied but man, his sweet groans and my stiffed member poking out of my pants made me forget all about Philip! He made me so horny on the phone that I needed a relief! I removed my somehow-already-unzipped pants and my briefs and squeezed the shaft. I flopped down to my bed and started jacking off. I thought of Leo doing all the masturbating for me. I squeezed harder and pressed the slit as though Leo was there licking it. I humped my hand and groaned quietly not letting Leo know. I increased the speed every time he groaned until my hands looked like a blur image. My orgasms was about to hit me. I rolled the phone away and I started playing my balls.


Cum spurted out dropping on my bed sheets and my left sleeves. I squeezed harder spurting out more cum until my cock finally went back to its limpy size. The orgasm left me panting and muscle pains. My right arm ached from that masturbating that I couldn't even lift it. All of sudden, I heard Leo on phone screaming his head off trying to get my attention.

"Yawn! yeah what?" I was too tired to talk to him. I was. I didn't even have enough strength to care anymore if Philip hated me!

"Are you sleeping? It's only quarter to 10! Gawd, you really have a weak body!" he screamed so I would stay awake. "Shut up! That love making really sucked the life out of me!...Yawn...! Meet you tomorrow?"

"Alright luv ya!" he hanged up knowing that I really needed sleep. I dropped the phone down the floor. I didn't even bother changing into my pyjamas. I thought of Philip before I completely asleep. Somehow, it will has to....

I saw Philip sitting at the porch looking at the ground, "Jake where the fuck are you?" Not this dream again. He walked back and forth in his porch still looking at the ground. He looked up and saw me. Not the me that's looking but my look alike.

"How could you, you BASTARD!! I loved you! You loved me too. Why are you going off fucking someone else?! Am I not good enough for you, huh?!! Talk to me!!"

I saw myself standing there with Leo. Philip bursted into tears and ran back inside his house. My reflection tried to run after Philip, but Leo stopped me. Then my figure turned around finding out that Leo was hugging him as if he's trying to stop him from going in.

"There's no more Philip in the picture, just us two now!"

"Let go of me! Let go, you're hurting me!" my reflection said.

"Let go of him you bastard!!" I screamed. They didn't hear me I tried to run to help the person that me but as soon as I took as step, someone behind me took my hand and pulled me back. I turned around and saw another guy I've never seen before holding me back. The long haired guy gave an evil smile.

"Let go of me!!" I shouted.

The more I tried to run the harder he pulled me back. "Let go of me! Please, let go!"

"Son of a bitch!!! Let....goooo!!"

I rose up my bed shaking from the dream. The dream scared the hell out of me! There were so many question flooded my mind. Like, who was the guy that was holding me back...or...why did Leo stopped from going after Philip?...or...what was that dream for? Did it just reminded me that what I did really hurt Philip feelings? It sure did though. All I could think about was how I treated Philip so bad. I dropped my head on my pillow thinking how stupid I am. Tears started flowing down my cheeks again burning my sore eyes and digging out the pain in my heart. I cried and slammed my fist on the bed tremendously shaking my bed. What have I done? It was an accident, really. But the voice in my head said that I'm a just another whore who will have sex with anyone who wants it bad. I hated myself. I hated myself for doing shitty things to someone who's close to me and loves me. I went back to sleep trying not think about Philip.

The next morning was hell. My nose burned so much that every time I touched it, it would send tears to my eyes. My mom applied bunch of cream after I took a shower which just made it worse.

"I can't go to school like this?!!" I screamed as I looked at the mirror. The red cream made me look like Rudolph. She laughed and laughed, "Sweety! Don't worry just put it on for 10 minutes then take it out before you go to school!"

She went back to kitchen doing usual mom stuff. I sat there beside the mirror combing my wet hair and thinking what would I say to Philip. My heart was still hurting but because of that crying last night, I didn't have enough to shed tears for him again. I looked at my puffy red eyes then my red nose. Oh god! I don't want to go to school. I imagined myself being laughed at by everyone, especially Philip. Thinking of Philip again?! Does he have to be in my mind every second?! I dabbed the cream lightly taking it away. It took awhile but it worked. My nose stopped swelling. Why's my mom always right? Thank god it was civic day. I'm sick and tired wearing the same uniform look every freakin' day!

Civic you ask? Well, it's kinda like a day where you can wear whatever you want for a dollar. Cheap bastards, who made that stupid rule anyway? Of course, you don't have to wear normal clothes but there's a good chance everyone will make fun of you.

I wore a shiny royal blue shirt with my blue baggy pants. Then I added some gel on my hair and put on my priceless sunglasses that was tinted blue. Blue my favourite. Hell, I'll even dye my hair blue...if my mom lets me. I looked back in the mirror and fixed my hair for the last time. Hmmm...not bad! I looked at myself and almost fell in love with my reflection. I kissed my mom and thanked her for that cream.

She smiled and calmly said, "Oh, another thing Philip came this morning and asked if you were here. Tsk! Tsk! His eyes, it's so red and puffed up like yours almost seems like he's been crying all night! Anyway, I tried to let him inside and eat breakfast with us but as soon as he and I saw this other guy coming near us and asking for you, he quickly said no thanks and ran away So anyway, this other guy asked if you were here right? So I said yes and asked him if he could stay and wait but he replied that he'll be waiting on the subway!" She talked way too fast for me to understand. But I think I got the idea.

"Thanks ma! Have to skip breakfast again, gonna be late!"

She handed me my bag before I left. Who could have a better mom than her? As I walked using the shortcuts Philip once told me to get on the subway faster, I heard a faint sobbing. Out of curiosity followed the sound leading me in a small park where I used to go every time Philip and I needed fresh air from staying home and playing video games too much. Then there he was, Philip. His shiny red shirt which had a 2 sign on the back got dirty from the bench that was still soaked from the rain yesterday. He didn't notice me when he looked up at me letting me see how his eyes was red as my mom told me. I froze there silently and stared at him. I didn't show any gesture on my face nor my body. His stared at me too but kind of like he was checking me out. 'If there was time to say sorry, it's now,' I thought. I took off my sunglasses seeing him getting surprised. He quickly turned away.

I stood there for a half a minute and sat beside where he was looking. He moved away from me and looked the other way.

"You know, we can't stay mad at each other forever," I calmly said.

He didn't look at me but he whispered barely even hearing it. "I'm not really mad at you, you know. I'm mad at myself for thinking you would actually fall in love with me! God, I don't know how much I have to say this to convince!"

He didn't turn around to tell me. He cried again and breathing heavily. I tried to hug him but he pushed me back leaving me back to my seat hurt.

"I-I not mad at you! know that. It was my fault me' ....hormones! Look I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to. I never intended to um... you Leo. I never wanted to but as soon as he started to umm... lick hormones gained control over me. I'm so sorry."

He turned around breaking a smile. He brushed his tears away and gazed at my eyes.

"Was he ummm.... better than me?!" he croaked. I smiled saying the words, "Beats me, it's the first time i had oral sex you know... if that was oral sex!" We both giggled and after, we tightly hugged each other never letting go of each other. He stained my shirt but who cares. We hugged each other like there was no tomorrow. He mumbled on my ears, "Friends forever?"

"Friends? Why not luv...friends," I replied. I knew what he was thinking. We're too scared losing each other if we were lovers. Deep in our hearts, we loved each other more than we love ourselves. I had no more tears to shed for him instead my heart hurt like crazy .

"Friends...forever," he mumbled again. He broke the hug and planted a soft kiss on my forehead. "Let's go." He stood up holding my hand. As we walked down the streets, our head was turning from each other. We weren't talking or even giggling about nothing. Then one question struck my mind.

"Philip, how exactly did you find out that I ummm... I was doing it with Leo?" I broke the silence between us and before you know it, he started giggling like a madman.

"W-well, first, your shirt was inside-out, your pants was unzipped, your hair was so messed up and that hickey on your neck!" He touched the place where the hickey was. "I knew it wasn't me 'cause I haven't planted a kiss on your neck and god knows that you won't let any girl give you a hickey!"

"Man, I'm not a good secret keeper am I?" He moved his head 'no'. We reached the subway, paid and walked down the stairs. There he was Leo. Standing there looking cool and cute as usual.

"Look, I'll meet you later all right? Three's a crowd," he said. He went back up the stairs but I took his right hand and stopped him.

"We'll make an exception this time!" I begged. He tried to walk back up but I stopped him again and begged.


"No thanks, besides, you know that I don't really get along with Leo!" He proved a point there. They hardly talk to each other and the only time they'll only talk is when I'm around. I let go of his hand. I whispered, "All right. I'll meet you at school."



I went back down the scared and called Leo. He pretended he didn't hear me.

"Earth to Leo! I'm talkin' to you!" I screamed as I walked down the stairs. He ignored me again. I walked and stood beside him. "Yo! Hello?!" I snapped a finger at him. He gave me a quick grin and kissed me right there where there was people waiting. Everyone looked at us with strange looks. Some even smiled and gave us a thumbs up. Don't ask me why, they just did.

"Aren't I full of surprises?"

He glued a wide grin on his face. "Scrub! Why you doing that for? There's people here!" A businessman was still looking at us in shock. Leo looked at him and gave him the finger. I laughed so hard my stomach hurt. The man got pissed and turned away.

"Leo, stop it! You're so mean!"

"Well, he kept on looking at us like we were going to do something bad or something!" he exclaimed. The train came and we went inside. The trip was hell. I was so embarrassed when Leo sat beside me and hugged me. Mostly every person on the train stared at 'us'. I kept nudging Leo to move away but he didn't move a muscle. I think he fell asleep. My face burned from the blush I was having. How I needed to get out! Good thing we went to the part of the train where teenagers wouldn't go. So many things to look at the train and they picked us just because we were showing homo things. I couldn't take it, my mind dizzied from the embarrassment.

"What the hell are you all looking at?!" I yelled. I gave every person a look as they stared somewhere else. Leo moved a little and made a little snore sound. Oh great! People started to look away as I look forward, but when I look at the window, I could see the reflection of them looking at me, pointing at me and some, even pointing and laughing at me. I elbowed Leo's stomach so many times but all he did was brush his head on my shoulders and moan. Did he sleep last night? I snaked my hands to his chest and pinched his erected nipple.

"Ouch!!" he screamed. He moved away from me and rubbed his eyes. He groaned, "That hurts! Why did you that for?" I looked at him giving a bad look. He glanced at every person there realizing they were all looking at us. He sat up straight and moved a sit away from me. What an asshole! We didn't talk to each other for the rest of the ride. As I exit the train, Leo Leo walked beside me and threw an arm around me.

"Sorry 'bout that! I couldn't sleep last night," he apologized. I so furious at him but I tried not to show it off. I didn't want to lose him either. He continued, "You know why I couldn't sleep last night? I was thinking about you!"

Suddenly, my heart sunk as he said those words. Thinking of me the whole night, how lovely! All my anger towards him banished and a sweet smile broke out of my face. I stopped and looked everywhere if any of teenagers were still hanging around. No one was there. I looked straight at Leo.

" were thinking of me last night? How sweet!" He raised his hand and gently pulled my face closer to his face.

"," he whispered. He kissed me on my lips carefully like it was hurt or something. Each kiss he gave sent me tingles on my arms that was around him now. As I opened my mouth allowing his sweet tongue enter me his tongue explored every inch of my mouth. It tickled me as he swished at the upper part of my mouth. My tongue fought back, but his tongue was way powerful and longer than mine. Finally, he moved back and took a long breath. I did too.

"That was really cool, dude! We should do again but look at the time! It's way past late!" he whispered and shouted. It was already nine twenty am and we were still in the station. We ran as fast as our feet can go. Leo was so fast that he had to stop every block to wait for me. My hair got messed up as I ran. I guess the gel was useless.

As always, the principal sits outside waiting for late kids like me. He wasn't a really mean principal but he hates people skipping school to smoke or chat.

"Hey Mr. Waldon! Sorry we're late!" Leo apologized.

"It's all right boys! Now quick, 1st period's almost over!" he replied.

When we went inside the school, Leo and I went separate ways. He went to Keyboarding Class and me, gym. There wasn't any point on going to gym but I still went to get at least a mark for attendance. Ahhh, swimming! Too bad, I totally forgot it's swimming day and forgot my swimming trunks. I sat down on one of the benches. That was odd, Philip wasn't there to greet me. Maybe, he was late or something. I wasted my time looking at all the boys swimming until they went back to change. I carefully took a glimpse of everyone's skin tight trunks. It was so weird, some had bulges bigger than a baseball and some didn't even have any! But I shouldn't make fun of them! I'm a centimetre less than the average erected size! Remember, I'm only 5 inch! It sucks though, some didn't even bother taking a shower. The rest did but they were all keeping their trunks on. There was one person who was naked but it was the 'special' kid so I didn't even bother to look.

"Nice look Jake! You shouldn't bother wearing those too good clothes you know! I mean it's cool and all but it's school!" said one of my friends that I never hang out with.

"Thanks! I'm just making a good impression to 'girls' that's all!"

"That reminds me, where's Philip? He's always with you!"

"Oh ummm... I guess he's late! He never stopped at my house." I mumbled. I continued, "Look I'll see you lates, all right? I still have to stop by my locker."

"All right, see ya!" He slapped my back as I walked out of the change room. Where the hell is Philip anyway. As I opened my locker, a dork accidentally tripped on my bag and fell down throwing all his books down the floor. I bent down and helped him pick up the books. Then there, I saw Philip passed by talking to this other guy I've never seen before. I tried run after him to say hello but this dork was kept on calling my name.

"WHAT?!!" I shouted still looking at Philip laughing when I heard that guy made this really stupid joke. It wasn't even funny! I turned and gave the rest of the books from my hands. How could he laugh at some lame joke? Why is he hangin out...GOD I'm SO STUPID! I should be happy that he's okay and all.

"Thank you!" he said in this geeky voice.


I went back to locker and opened it. Cool, three love notes! 'My Crush, Please go out with me or I'll be crushed!' God that was so lame! I read the second one, 'Roses are red, violets are blue, sex is good and so are you' Pretty good but do they think of me as a sex machine? I read the last one,

'God, you're so beautiful

That when I see you everyday

My soul becomes full.

All I want you to say

Is something truthful

That will brighten night into day.

Don't say something that's bull

'Cause it'll break my heart in every way,

it would make me a fool

And it wouldn' keep my soul at bay.

Don't be so hateful

Instead let me in your life to love you, okay?

I swear I will love you

Even if death do us apart.'

That was a nice sonnet! But hey, beautiful is for girls not guys! I threw all the love notes away thinking that it might be a joke or something. 'Better luck next time Jake!' I said to myself.

"Hey, why are you throwing my sonnet away?!" some guy cried. I looked back and saw Leo's eyes widened in shock.

"Why'd you throw that thing away for?"

"Throw what out? You mean the love letters? They were all pranks by some asshole, Leo!"

He choked the words, "That one was for you! I..I made it last night!"

He picked up the crippled paper that contained the sonnet. Small tears trickled down his face as he looked at the paper. I can't believe he made it for me. He was so warm-hearted, he wrote me a sonnet. My heart hurt from the shame of throwing away the paper. My eyes started to blur from tears. Some teens started to look at us with a strange look.

"S-sorry, I h-have s-something on m-my e-eye!" I said loudly so they could here it. I looked down and pretended I was rubbing my eyes. I looked back up and Leo was still there standing, his tears now gone, with a smile on his face.

"Don't even say it! I know the 'beautiful' word sounded kinda odd. I'm not really good at this stuff. But you already know how I feel for you," he explained.

"I'm sorry I threw it away! I threw something away that really meant something," I looked away. I regretted what I was about to say but it's the truth.

"Y-you don't deserve a man like me."

I looked at his angry face.

"What did you say? You're not good enough for me? Jake...look, loving you is the best thing I ever did in my life! I picked you than the most gorgeous girl in school and I even broke up with her just this morning! I'll say this once, you're not good enough for me, no, you're 'the one for me'!"

"You really mean that?" He nodded. That was so touching. He really do care about me! As much as he wanted, I wanted to kiss and hug him and say I love you but we were in school. All I said was, "Thank you!" My soul felt so free. It felt like I have finally found the one they call, 'soulmate'. My mind went crazy from too much joy I was having. He loves me. He really does. He threw an arm around me.

"Can we go to 2nd period now? I think people are getting suspicious!" he asked. I closed my locker and went on. I didn't say anything but he knew in my face that I was really happy. I am happy. If the hallway was as empty as the school's library, we would've sucked each other off by now. My lust for sex immense. My raging hard-on poked my pants but I think no one noticed it except for Leo. He tried to eat away the laughter he was having.

"He misses me already!" he exclaimed. He broke into a quiet giggles as we sat down in our usual spot, in the back. Very funny. When we realized the teacher wasn't here and there wasn't any substitute, we sneaked out of the classroom. Since the principal was still outside, we killed our time exploring the whole school. Funny, there were so many classrooms that was empty even though there's almost two thousand people in the school. We didn't try doing any homo thing in the school, both of us were to scared if anyone find out the 'real' us. We decided to hang around my locker for awhile.

We were really surprise that most of my friends, 20 maybe, were skipping and hanging out in their lockers! Some waved at us but mostly everyone gave a smile and hi's. They all wanted to talk me but I've always avoided them for Philip and Leo's attention. I sat down behind my locker and Leo sat beside me. We didn't talk or anything, but Leo's head rested on my shoulder trying to sleep. One of the girls in the group sat beside me.

"Hi, Jake!" she screamed.

"Shhhh!!!!!" Leo shouted.

"God, sorry! well, hi Jake! Aren't you going to say hi?" she asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

I looked at this girl I didn't even knew. She was pretty cute. Somehow, my mind's telling me she's putting the moves on me.

"Hey....what's your name again?" I asked.

"Clarissa! You met me before remember?"

"Oh, yeah, you said hi to me once when I was out with Philip!"

"Yeah, so umm... how have you been doing lately?" She looked at me and brushed away her small stranded hair and tucked it on her ear. She also gave me a sweet smile that would've usually work on straight guys.

"Guess I'm okay, haven't been doing much lately," I replied.

"So you have a..." she paused for awhile. I finished her sentence, "Girlfriend you mean, no why you ask?"

She smiled and looked at me sweetly. Yup, she is asking me out. Her face blushed and her breathing became faster.

"Well ummm... if you're not busy tomorrow night then is it okay if we could go ummm... watch a movie or something?"

I gave her my cutest smile and asked her, "You're asking me out, aren't you?"

Her blush became even redder than before. She fake coughed and sweetly said, "Well, if that's okay for you?"

I looked at Leo who now snored loudly and drooling on my shoulder.

"You're friend there is really tired!" she whispered.

"Yeah well, about asking me out, can you call me tonight and we could like decide where we could go tomorrow?"

Her eyes widened, "Really, ummm....sure! What's your phone number?!" I gave her my phone number on her shaking palm and thanked me many times. She stood up still smiling and waved at me as she leaves.


"Huh?!" Leo groaned.

"Umm... Leo, it's lunch time!"

"Already...yawn!...I'll meet you at the caf all right? I'll be in the end table of the left side," he mumbled. He stood up still having that sleepy mood. I stood up and opened my locker, I took some of my money and closed it. Just before I left my locker, someone tapped on my shoulder.

"Hey, Jake. Sorry I like ignored you after gym! I was like talking to this guy I met," he explained. It was Philip. But he was smiling like nothing even happened this morning.

"Yeah I know. Umm... what're you so happy about?" I asked.

"Oh well it sounds weird but..."

"Philip, quick let's go before the crowd breaks out!" a guy shouted in the other side of the hallway. I could barely see him but it was the same guy who had the long brown hair.

"I'll call you tonight, kay?" he smiled and left.

"See..ya!" I shouted.

I went to the cafeteria full of students from grade 9 to OAC. I've never went hear before. Except once when Philip and I heard a rumour someone outside had a gun or something. I walked to the back and saw his fob friends.

"Hey, Jake!" Leo shouted but it sounded like a whisper from the noise around.

He saved a sit for me and sat on it.

"What do you want buy? I'll treat you," he shouted.

"I'm not hungry!" I shouted back.

His friends was so loud that Leo had to shut them all up.

"That's better!" he shouted. Some of his friends saw me and greeted me in a very sloppy but nice way.

"Nice to meet you all too!" I shouted. Well, this is really nice for a private conversation. In fact, I couldn't even talk to him because his head was resting on the table trying to sleep in the loud crowd. It was sure boring not talking to someone. I took out my novel I was suppose to finish by next week. Then, I saw the girl again who talked to me before lunch. She saw me and insisted me to sit beside her and talk to her and her friends. I agreed since Leo was dead asleep and none of his friends wanted to talk to me.

"Hey, Jake. Umm... girls, meet Jake the one I was talking about," she said. I started the conversation, "You girls talked about me? About what?"

One of the girls, I think her name was Lina, said, "Something you don't want to know!"

"It's okay come tell me!" I insisted.

"Well, all right! But promise you wouldn't tell? You know the girls back there?" She pointed out at the girls just one table behind ours. She continued, "Well they're so obsessed at your best friend, Philip, and that mob of girls over there," She pointed at another table across us, "Well, they're the group who's so obsessed with Leo! And like you know that group there were Clarissa used to go..." Clarrissa tried to shut her up but Lina kept on going, "...Well, they're so crazy over you!"

My eyes widened as I look at the girls there. Not that I like any of 'em but there was so many of them. Some was taking a glimpse of me and some was just completely staring at me. I never knew so much girls could fall in love with me! Never knew how 'famous' I am.

"Yeah right! Not that I don't mind, but no way! I mean that's a lot!"

All the girls, except for Clarrissa who was staring down her coke blushing, giggled and nodded. They told me that Leo was number one at attractiveness second was Philip then ME! They also talked about some other cute guys there but I guessed I never really cared. Then another of her friends asked me, "Jake, how come your not hanging out with your bf?"

I was shocked she said that. It appears that the 'rumour' has been spreading well lately.

"What the fuck is your problem? I ain't gay! If you mean Philip, he's my best bud!"

"Well, why aren't you hanging out with him?"

I told her that we had this big argument but I never did tell what it was about. She kept on asking me what was the argument about but I kept shutting her up and not to talk about it. Clarrissa was still looking at her coke can but she frequently asked me bunch of questions like, did I ever had a gf before, and all sorts of stupid questions. All the girls on the table was really nice. Not physical nice but emotionally nice. They talked about how they helped so many heartbroken relationships in school. The chit chat went on and on that time quickly flew by. Next thing I knew, Leo came fixing up his hair and yawning to the table.

"Jake, y'ready...yawn...?"

All the girls in the table looked at him in awe never looking away. The sight of Leo on the table captured every girl on the table's eyes. Wait 'till I tell them that he's my bf! I took my backpack under the dirty table and stood up.

"Yup, let's go! Ummm...see ya girls and Clarrisa, call me kay?"

She smiled and said okay while Leo gave me a strange look. We walked out of the over crowded caf still giving me a strange look. I took another glimpse at him who had messed up hair.

"What?" he asked.

"You're giving me the look again!"

"Well you know why? I ditched my gf for you, and when I woke up, I saw you sitting somewhere else and letting that damn Clarrissa call you!"

"Are you mad or something? Look you know why I left?"

He stood there crossing his arms waiting for an answer.

"First, you were sleeping and your friends never talked to me so I got bored. Then she insisted me to sit with them and talk!"

"I'm not talking about that! I'm asking why are you making Clarrissa call you?" he rose his voice a little. He was really mad that I did this.

"Look you know why I did it? 'Cause I wanted to make that stupid rumour that I was going out with Philip to go away...besides don't worry! It's going to be only a going to a movie thing nothing else! Plus, I want my 'straight' reputation to be still in everyone's mind!!"

By the way he looked after, I think he accepted the explanation. He smiled, "Apology accepted! Just make sure you don't make out with that bitch blonde!"

I smile and leaned to kiss him but then we saw two guy opening the main door. Then again! The rest of the school day went well. There was a lot of false alarms and we had to stay out of the school for about half an hour then come back then again and again! After school, Leo ran up to me saying in hundred words a minute, "Jake, I can't walk with you home tonight! I totally forgot about my parent's business meeting and I have to be there! I'll call as soon as I get home alright?"

I nodded and he ran off outside. So much for the tutoring! Before I left the school, I saw Philip with that guy again. He was so preoccupied with that guy that he never even noticed me nudging his shoulder as I passed by. I guess I have been replaced with that guy from now on. No hard feelings I guess 'cause I was sure that we weren't best friends anymore.

Going home alone is so boring! No one to talk to, no one to laugh with and so forth. I did manage to talk to some of my friends but all of them goes different ways so it was impossible to keep a full conversation. As I walked home from the station, I stared at the cloudy sky, thinking of Philip. Thinking if he still loves me, and then it hit me, I've never told anything about it to Leo. If I did, I wonder if it would end up him hating me and Philip hating me. I didn't want to lose Leo too, he was as sweet as Philip, even more, but I haven't lose any feeling for Philip either.

My dad quietly greeted me as I passed through him. Friday night, there was nothing to do except wait for any call. I locked my door, and stripped down but left my boxers on. I had no intention on playing myself to death. I was too emotionally tired. The cool breeze from outside left goosebumps on my skin as my mind faded away.

"Ringgg, Ringgg!!"

I woke up in confusion thinking it was the alarm clock again. I pressed and pressed the button on the alarm clock to stop until I realized that it was the phone after all.

"H-hello?" I mumbled.

"Hey Jake? Is zat you?"

My mind finally woke up but sleepiness was still kicking in. It sounded like Philip.

"Philip is that you?"

"Who else would you think? So anything fun happened?"

I told him about Leo and I, about Clarissa and what Lina told me about the cutest guys.

"What you never knew that??" he asked.

"No! I spend most of the time with you, you know!" I growled. I continued, "Sorry 'bout that! Head is still achin' from sleeping. So you were about to tell me something that's really exciting?"

His voice became faster and louder, "Oh, yeah! Guess what?! I'm going out with a guy already!"

"WHAT?!!" I screamed in shocked.

"Yes, I'm going out with someone!" he repeated.

I didn't know what to say! My mind was too shocked and surprised. No, not that guy! How could he do this? I thought he still loves me try to win my

heart! My heart ached again.

"T-that's great!" I choked back.

"Jake I knew it. You're not happy with this aren't you?" His voice sounded deeper and serious this time.


"Fuck it! I know you well! So c'mon tell me what's wrong!"

"Philip, do you still love me?"

"More than anything, why?"

"'You don't sound like you mean in it."

"Jake, I love you, alright! Even more than..." he paused.

"More than what..."

"Stop it!" he shouted.

"Stop what?"

"You're trying to make me go back with you!!!"

I wanted to say yes so bad. But as being stuck with Leo who loves me too, I had to lie.

"N-no.... I just want to know if you still love that's all!" Tears ran down my cheek. Why do I have to fall in love with this guy much more than I do to Leo?

"Jake, I love you with all my heart, I just have to go on."

"I'm sorry for freaking you out and stuff!" I wept my tears and continued in a happy voice, "So! How did you meet that guy?"

"Well, he was in one of my classes last semester and he was a really good friend of mine. He always wanted my attention and stuff but I always turn it A...anyway, when I left you at the station, I kinda went back outside and...cried again.

"Then, he came up to me saying something like, 'I'm sorry for butting in but I heard the whole thing with you and...Jake.' I tried to look at him sitting down beside me hugging me. Then he kissed me on the forehead and I found out! He was gay!"

"He was Gay?!! That long haired guy who kept on hanging with you today?!"

"Yes! Wait, wait! I'm not finished yet! Then like he confessed to me that he was gay and liked me too! And the rest was history! I was so happy and he was happy! Oh, god! I felt the same way when I confessed my love to you!"

Then, I heard someone talk in other line, "Hey Phil, how do you play this friggin' game?!"

"Philip, who??"

"Don't ask! It's him! Look I gotta go, have to help him and stuff see you tomorrow okay?"

"kay, bye!"


He hanged up the phone. I can't believe it. He already dumped me for this guy I don't even know well. I should be happy, I mean we weren't boyfriends anyway. But we do still love each other more than we wanted to be. I didn't know what's wrong with me. As I lay down on the bed still thinking about the problem, the phone began to ring again.


"Hi, Jake? It's me Clarissa..."

We talked and talked for endless hours about so many things like gossips, school and other stuff I haven't heard from Philip. Until about twelve AM, her parents had to force her to hang up the phone or else. She did and we planned what time and movie we were going to watch before she completely hanged up the phone.

Things I do for keeping myself straight! Yeah right! I can't believe I'm actually making her like me without liking her back. I laid at my bed skipping dinner or any sort of foods and just went to sleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night, hearing silent panting just beside my opened window. Burglar! I went up my bed silently and tried to find my cordless but as soon as I snatched the phone from the carpet, his or her hand covered my mouth. I screamed through the hands but all came out was a high pitched whisper.

The burglar laughed.


He removed his hands off of me and kneeled beside me. I turned on the lamp shades and saw Leo kneeling beside me laughing and panting at the same time. His sweat poured down from his forehead unto his neck giving him a strong odour of lack of deodorant.

"You fuckin' asshole! Why did you sneak in my house for?"

"...PANT...Hey... aren'"

I sat down and faced him giving a quick kiss.

"Well, my heart is in 100 bpm...but man, it sure makes me horny!"

"Well, that's why I came here!" he whispered. "After that business thing, I couldn't help but sneak out of my place and bike all the way here!"

"That is so sweet!" I gave him another quick kiss but it ended up in a long one. His sweaty arms wrapped around my body moving his hands up and down my back. His smell somehow made me sniff him wanting for more odour. His kisses moved to my neck. My right hand slowly massaged his buttocks while the other brushed his sweaty hair. I tucked my hand inside his shorts and started playing with his hole. He moaned and groaned and started to remove my shirt. I lay down my bed him on top of me biting my nipples. He rose up and crawled down pushing down my boxers.

"I love you Jake."

He sniffed my balls and started licking it while his hands carefully massaging my cock. "Uhhhh!" My member began to rise up and made it to it's full grown size. His body turned around and did a 69 position. His balls hang down and rested on my nose. It sent out his beautiful scent into my nose.

I could feel his tongue going around the head and licking all the nerve spots.

I tried to take all his dick in my mouth but 3 inches was all I could take in. I bobbed his penis keeping up with Leo's pace. I felt his sweat dropping down my thighs. He was so good at this, while he sucked it, he gently pressed my skin behind my balls giving me extra ecstasy. He started moving his cock up and down my face like he was fucking me. He was about to cum. I was about to but I tried to hold it in for a little while. His cum spurted in my mouth. He moaned while he bobbed up and down my cock. He didn't let go much this time but it was enough for me. I sucked his now sensitive member wanting for more. Then all of a sudden, I felt something big coming out of my cock.

"I'm cumming!" I screamed in high pitch. Hot cum spurted out of my dick filling Leo's mouth. I humped his face as my cock still squirting out more cum in his mouth. He took it all in never spilling any extras out his mouth. Finally my waist dropped down the bed and my head rested on the pillow He moved his body off of me and lied beside me.

"Is it okay to sleep here tonight and leave at like 5 AM?" he asked panting.

"Yeah sure."

He removed his every cloth he had on and went back to lye beside me. My head rested on his smooth chest and dozed off...

Thank you people who e-mailed me for compliments for the very first chapter. Comments or complaints? E-mail me at: Now on to Chapter 3...

Next: Chapter 3

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