Broken Heat, Fast Asleep

Published on Jul 21, 1998



We had to share the bed. OK, you know the words "had to" provoked giggles and comments from around the room. Fortunately for my secret, all of us had to double up, thanks to the broken heaters on the floor of our frat house. There are always whispers and jokes about frat houses. But mostly it's even harder to fool around with another guy in that type of place. Everyone is so macho, guarded and anxious for privacy that it's rare for anyone to reveal their attraction for another brother....let alone come out of the closet. If anyone ever did, I'm sure they'd be quietly or not so quietly invited to leave. Of course, the environment was perfect for me and any other closeted homo. Guys would hang around wearing only jockey shorts, boxer shorts or better yet towels fresh from their showers. Hell, I even participated in a late late night tv watching group who, after several beers and a porno tape, whacked off as a group. We never did that in my high school...and I kept hearing about teenage circle jerks....never happened until that night in our frat. But fate had Bobby and me stripping almost naked and getting under the sheets for several days. Bobby was my roommate and frat brother. We were good friends and shared our private thoughts and lives with each other....actually not ALL of our secrets. I never told him I was queer, let alone was so physically attracted to him, my erections hurt. However, we had seen each others erections and seen each other puke. Now THAT's sharing. It's a normal part of life in a frat house. I remember the first time my friendship with Bobby grew into something more. It was spring and a bunch of us were running around our lawn barefoot and barechested wearing only gym shorts or boxer shorts. Our impromptu game of touch football became tackle football and we loved it. The air was clear, the nearby frat and sorority houses had similar outdoor fun going on, cars were driving by and occupants yelling at friends, across the street the campus was full of our peers sunning, running, walking and enjoying the premier of spring. I stood catching my breath watching Bobby galloping towards the jerry rigged goal post at the far end of the lawn. He looked beautiful, straining, dodging wouldbe tacklers, his skin moving over his lean muscled body, his thick legs pushing him onward, his face contorted with the type of all out effort he put into everything he did. Something inside me swelled ... no not that....I mean I felt proud he was my roommate. Around me others watched him too, admiring his form, speed and success. But I knew it was something more then pride in a friend...he turned me on. I jacked off that night thinking of him running..only in my fantasy he was buck naked. He ran like a graceful animal, his dick swaying back and forth, his ball sac bouncing, his buttocks flexing with each pile driver step he ran. It was an orgasm I remember as clearly as if a truck hit me. Since then, there were many other fantasies and orgasms..but none as special as that first one while I thought of him. Bobby and I shrugged off the kidding as we grabbed our bedding and headed to the former study assigned to us as a temporary bedroom. The bed put there by maintenance was a double size..not quite big enough for two strangers and not small enough to force Bobby on top of me as I would have wished. We studied and talked and just as we always did, showered and stripped down for bed. But this time we got into the same one. "I hope you don't mind I snore" I said. I didn't have to tell him that. We didn't share a bed normally but we did share the same bedroom in the now cold part of the house. "I sleep through earthquakes" he said. And that was true. He slept deeper then anyone I knew. I had to almost drag him out of bed to wake him up when he overslept. He stood there buck naked. I was in my jockey shorts. He alway slept naked in our room but that time I thought he wouldn't. "You don't mind do you? I get so hot at night" "Braggert" I said and got into my side of what I was happy to think of as "our bed". My cock ached of course..and after a couple of nights, I whaked it off while Bobby's naked body slept like a fallen tree next to me. It was almost like having sex with him...but not quite. The damn heating problem continued and while we all cursed about it, I of course, was thrilled to be bumping into the naked buttocks of my roommate at night. "Hope I didn't bother you last night, I tossed and turned" I said one morning just to check. "You did? Christ, you know me, I sleep through anything" he said and we waved as we headed to our respective classes. By the end of the week, our new room was full of our books, casually tossed off clothing and CD's. The house study would never look the same. If the heat ever was fixed, it would take us two weeks just to move back into our own room. I must tell you about the bathroom too. Since the upstairs floor was cold, nobody used the bathrooms there. Somehow it became common practice to leave the bathroom unlocked so more then one person could use it at a time. Being somewhat pee shy, it was a learning experience to be standing at the toilet and suddenly another yellow stream would appear beside me. But I got used to it. Showering while someone was outside the curtain pissing or shaving became normal too. I had always wished Bobby would share the john that way, but he was always very polite about "giving me my space" as he put it. And I did the same. But not so after we had to move downstairs. In fact, Bobby would arrange for us to share the john together and lock the door. Like a married gay couple we would shave, shower, piss and even crap together. If that's not romantic, what is? OK, it's not "romantic" but it was almost like being married to him. Enough of that..let me tell you how stupid I got about my attraction to him. It was a cold night..and we were as usual in bed. Bobby was breathing regularly...indicating he was asleep. I, however, couldn't sleep. Maybe it was the late night pizza, the exam the next day or the naked man next to me, but I just couldn't sleep. I turned on the lamp and tried to read. I knew the light wouldn't bother Bobby. And it didn't. I looked over at him and stared at his naked torso. The blanket was just low enough to show the top of his hip bone. It seemed quite natural for me to reach out and put my hand on it. I did..and then realized what I had done. But Bobby didn't wake up or react in anyway. My hand was there..he was cock was hard. I moved my hand up his smooth skin...feeling it's texture, the muscles underneath, the ribs that kept his heart from me. I reached over and felt his pecs. Two rounded masses of muscle and flesh I had grabbed when we wrestled were now two works of art for me to examine. I closed my eyes and felt....hoping to intensify the sensation my fingers were enjoying. I pulled the blanket down to look at his six foot tall nake body stretched out like some statue put on its side. His flat belly seemed taught yet flexible. His thighs were thick and I used both hands to memorize them down to his feet and back up the other leg. His balls lay in my hand like large gems ready to be examined with a jeweler's eyepiece. His cock, meaty and full of blood althougth not erect felt so natural in the palm of my hand. I bent over him and kissed his cock and balls..daring not to do more. My shorts were discarded and I moved about the bed, sleepless and horny as I touched his face, neck, shoulders, forearms and fingers. His body didn't resist nor did it respond. He was lifeless but warm..I could feel the blood pumping...full of life, power and sex. I moved the lamp so I could more closely examine his nipples..both large, brown and with a nipple erect enough to nibble on. I didn't however. But I did touch each one with the tip of my tongue. I cowered and left the bed to piss. When I returned Bobby's body was still uncovered. He had turned face down as if to provide me more places to examine. I couldn't resist. The contour of his skin that curved with his neck, over his shoulders, into the small of his back and over the large rounded globes of his buttocks only to suddenly taper into those thick thighs, thinner calfs and end adruptly though estectically at his toes...was a sight to soak in as much as any multi million dollar painting or statue. My fingers didnt' tremble anymore. I memorized each inch, each curve, and even between his area I presumed no other person had ever touched except a doctor. I envied that doctor who had the excuse to probe deep inside this hunky boy/man to find and feel that special gland that probably made even Bobby moan a bit. I dared not take things that far. I lay there on my side stroking myself looking at him..not caring any longer if I slept or not. He turned for me..laying face up. I moved to my knees and bent over him, my lips wet, my tongue moving..and I kissed his lips, cheeks, and entire body.....I held his face in my hands one last time and kissed his lips again. I lay back down looking at him laying there, naked, vulnerable yet strong and commanding like some gallant soldier put into a pose to be viewed by masses before his burial. I slept..thinking of him, me and whatever else the night offered. We showered as usual the next morning....and before we left the bathroom, Bobby stopped and turned towards me. The fleshy chest was inches from me. I wanted to reach out and touch, kiss, hold, hug..but that was something I only dared do the night before. "Last night" he said and I frooze. "I had the strangest dream. I never dream about least not like that" he was blushing. I remained quiet, hoping my growing erection wouldn't make a tent out of my towel at that point. "You were doing things....and I ah....shit man, sharing a bed can do weird things to you" Bobby said and said nothing more. "Ready to dream tonight?" I asked him many hours later when he put down his books. He stood there in the room and stripped naked as usual. "Hey man, we're really close. And that's great. But tonight, cool it will you?" He got into bed and turned away from me to sleep. I kept my jockey shorts on and slept too. The heat got fixed and we returned to our room upstairs..and to our own beds. Nothing more was said by either of us....I never knew if he indeed had dreamt or allowed his best friend to examine him like a love sick homo..which, of course, I was. The only thing that did change was our bathroom habits. Bobby and I would share the bathroom without caring about privacy or modesty. Bobby even stepped into the shower a couple of times when we had been drinking and didn't hide his curved erection..or react to my own hard on. Maybe he wanted me to make the first , or second, move. I didn't know...I couldn't loose him as a friend so I didn't try....not even with the excuse of too many drinks could I do that. But once in awhile I did creep across the space that separated our beds to sit on his bed and look at him..and even pet him now and then. Of course, he was fast asleep.

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