Broken Hearts Boys

By David Young

Published on Aug 3, 2020


This story involves sex amoung consenting adults, if it is not legal to read this type of material where you are located that proceed at your own risk.

My goal is to provide you some sort of sexual contact in every chapter, some will be masturbation but mostly it will involve two people who either love each other very much or are on their way to falling in love. The story of Broken Hearts Boys came to when I was riding my bike through a collection of mountain bike trails and seen a clearing and thought, what a great place to have sex.

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Chapter 6 Oscar

Wow, did I really just stay the night at Tyler's apartment. Tons of questions were rolling through my mind, was Tyler going to regret last night, would he shew me off like a beaten down puppy, swatting me with a newspaper the whole way down the hallway. I looked over at Tyler to notice he was already awake and just watching me. Tyler's eyes were like little marbles staring directly through me, then he said good morning. I was still trying to think through what had happened the night before but I was finally able to push out a good morning. In effort to ensure no tension or regret for what happened last night, I tightened my grip and pulled Tyler close. Tyler was accepting and scooted even closer out naked bodies touching at almost every inch of both of us. Tyler was laying on his side. I could feel his morning wood poking into my hip and I was finally able to see there was obviously not any regret and may actually want to go for round two. Instead of pushing Tyler I got up to take a piss. Tyler was watching me walk naked into the bathroom and I am sure listening to me take a piss.

I walked back into the bedroom still not wearing anything and grabbed the base of my cock and swung it around in circles and said "helicopter helicopter" and Tyler laughed. I said let's go make some breakfast and walked out of the bedroom and into his kitchen still naked as the day I was born. Tyler got up and followed suit and came into the kitchen not wearing anything. Tyler and I made eggs, bacon and toast and continued on and even ate while not wearing any clothes. After eating Tyler and I walked back into the bedroom and he motioned me to the shower. Tyler and I both hopped into the shower. The multiple head shower in Tyler's luxurious apartment was amazing. I stood there and let the lower shower head plummet my cock with a steady stream of high pressure water. Tyler and I both dressed. I looked at Tyler and he appeared confused, probably wandering why I didnt act like I wanted to have an oral experiment with him again after the great sex from last night. I looked into his eyes and said Tyler, it's not that I don't want to, it's that I don't want to move too fast, because I really like you, and want to see where this can go, if you feel the same way that is. Tyler smiled and said I understand and I am glad you're thinking about more than just last night because I can see this really going somewhere. I really like you.

It felt good to know that Tyler was feeling the same way and wanted to explore more with me. After Tyler and I had our shoes and everything on, we decided it would be a perfect morning for a downtown walk. Since Tyler lived in the heart of downtown there are some wonderful places to walk. Tyler and I walked down the streets, talking about everything and anything. We talked about our favorite colors, his was green and mine was orange. We talked about our favorite movies and as it turns out we are both in love with Moulin Rouge. We were not able to agree what the coolest car is. I said BMW's were my favorite and Tyler seemed to be into a more rugged Jeep like Vehicle. I prefer a luxurious ride rather than the rough ride of a small sports car. Getting to know Tyler was amazing and it was fascinating how much we had in common. We vowed to go on a camp out during the coming spring months because both of us are into getting outdoors.

Tyler and I arrived back at his house shortly after 12:30 pm after a long walk through downtown and a lunch at a sandwich place that served hot and cold sandwiches. Tyler had a meatball sub and I opted for the Tuna on wheat. I walked Tyler up to his apartment and then figured I had better head home since I was really not planning on staying the night I needed to feed my favorite friend, my Yorkie naked Gizmo. Gizmo gets cranky if he gets fed too late and it was already past lunch. The rest of my day wouldn't consist of much. I was not working again until Monday night. After arriving home I received a text from Tyler with just a smiley face. I said huh, and he replied I just wanted you to know I was thinking about you. I smiled, I loved that Tyler seemed to be very interested in me and liked me for who I was and didn't seem to want to change me or anything about me, like my last relationship.

I made it back to my apartment and was greeted at the door by a very excited and hungry Gizmo. I patted him on the head and went right over to the pantry and poured some food into his bowl. I always wanted a dog when I was a child but my mother is allergic to both cats and dogs, so pets were pretty much out, and there was no way I was having a snake in my bedroom, gross. With no work on Saturday night Tyler and I agreed to hang out again later that night. I know I need to spend a little bit of time at my apartment to feed and interact with Gizmo, do some laundry and probably give my mother a call to see how things were going. After Gizmo was fed, I started a load of laundry and then sat down on the living room floor and played tug of war with Gizmo and his little rope toy. Like she could read my mind the phone rang and it was my mother.

Mom: How ya doing sweetie?

Me: Good just getting some housekeeping done and going out a little later.

Mom: Oh ya got a hot date, do ya?

Me: Yes, mother I met a nice boy named Tyler.


We talked about Tyler and how we had met a few times and as usual it was a quick phone call. After getting off of the phone with mom. I went and moved my laundry around and decided this time I should at least take a change of clothes and keep them in my truck in case I stayed the night again. Which, I would be lying if I said I didn't want to wake up next to Tyler again in his warm embrace. Tyler makes me feel desired and he is very interesting to talk to. At around 6:00 pm I loaded my backpack with a change of pants, underwear, socks and a shirt in the trunk of my car and took the short drive to Tyler's apartment. I arrived at Tyler's apartment at a little after 6:15 and knocked on the door. The door opened and Tyler was dressed and ready to go since we had talked earlier and decided to actually leave the house and go out for dinner. We opted to dine at a Mexican restaurant called Alvarado's in midtown. We arrived at 6:30 and the place was packed and the wait time was 30 minutes. Tyler and I took a seat outside one of the benches to wait.

I asked Tyler about his marriage, since he had told me that he had married a woman and it didn't really end that well. Tyler stated he married a woman he went to college with named Amanda. Tyler stated he and Amanda dated for a year before getting married and then was married for two years. Tyler said they had a good life most of the time, until Amanda has an affair with a co-worker, citing Tyler was too into his job and didn't spend enough time at home tending to her needs. Tyler admitted he worked a lot during that time, and also admitted it was because he was not happy in their marriage. Tyler stated Amanda and Jeremy, they guy she worked with, were telling others including him they were working late, but as it turned out they were going to a motel and having sex. Tyler stated he only found out after checking Amanda's phone for the time one night and seeing a text from Jeremy. In the text Jeremy called Amanda "Babe" which was the reason he asked Amanda about it. Amanda apparently didn't even try to hide it and told Tyler I guess we have been caught. Tyler said the saddest part is he wasn't even angry, because realistically he wanted out much earlier than this. Tyler stated he couldn't really pin down why, he knew he had an attraction to men, but really just thought of it as a phase.

Tyler stated he vowed to never have another relationship with a woman and since he did not want to come out to his family, that meant no relationships. I asked Tyler if his opinion of coming out had changed. Tyler said he was not really sure what his opinions were anymore and this thing between us was actually kind of scary. I told Tyler I understood and I assured him I have no desire to pressure him for anything. Tyler reached over and squeezed my hand and said "Thank You." About that time our buzzer rang and it was time to go grab our table and get some grub. Dinner went great and Tyler and I talked about our family and friend's. Durring Dinner as Tyler adn I were talking he admitted he had never been to a gay club. I said Tyler you have to go, they are pretty fun. Tyler said what if I see someone I know. I told him then I guess both of you have some explaining, unless you usually hang out with a bunch of gay guys. After dinner Tyler and I decided to go to a gay club called Paradise. Paradise was in what is known to locals as the gay disctict. I liked Paradise for the dancers. Paradise was known for allowing anyone who wanted to dance a chance in the gage, on the stage or in a corner. All the dancers were tips, so they worked pretty hard for their money.

Being a Saturday night the place was packed. I had filled Tyler in on the atmosphere on the drive over so he would not be shocked when we walked in and he saw 20 hot guys dancing around in their underwear and sneakers. As we walked through the door and were Id'd I glanced over at Tyler and his eyes looked like they might pop out of his head. I looked at him and said just breath man everyone is here to check out the boys and have a few drinks. It took Tyler about 20 minutes and two drinks to begin to relax. A boy about 25 came up to our table and put his hand out Tyler's shoulder and asked what two hot boys like us were doing out tonight, instead of at home fucking each other's brains out. Tyler giggled and I said, well we were hoping you might come join us when you get off later. The young man smiled and said well that may be on the table. He started rubbing his crotch on Tyler's shoulder and I couldn't help but laugh. Tyler glanced at the young man and said can I get your name before you go rubbing that thing on me. The boy put out his hand and said my name is Troy. Troy was a beautiful specimen of a man, he was toned on every inch of his body and had a dark tan. Troy was wearing a pink pair of briefs that were so low cut you could see a small portion of his ass crack protruding out of the back. After Troy, Tyler and I had talked for a few minutes and we tipped Troy as he rubbed his crotch around us and the table he went on to hang out with other patrons at the bar.

As Troy walked away I wandered if my comment about joining us later was too much. I mean I won't lie. I am not opposed to threesome's, foursomes or whatever comes my way. But Tyler is new to this game and he may not be too into that kind of thing. Tyler never mentioned and we continued to drink and talk and of course check out the hotties dancing around half naked. At 12:34 Tyler and I both decided we were drunk and not going to be able to drive so we requested an UBER and made it back to his apartment around 1:00 am. The clothing I had packed was not useless since I had left in the trunk of my car, which was parked at the bar because of us taking the UBER home. Tyler and I went straight to his bedroom and fell asleep, we were both too drunk to even attempt sex.

Thank you for reading my story, please provide feedback. I do not mind people being critical of my work. I would prefer someone to be honest with me about my work. I am working on a few other stories and would love some insight to my character development and the general flow of my stories.

Next: Chapter 7

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