Broken Hearts Boys

By David Young

Published on Aug 12, 2020


Copyright: All rights to the story belong to the author and must not be republished for use without the authors permission.

This story involves sex amoung consenting adults, if it is not legal to read this type of material where you are located that proceed at your own risk.

My goal is to provide you some sort of sexual contact in every chapter, some will be masturbation but mostly it will involve two people who either love each other very much or are on their way to falling in love. The story of Broken Hearts Boys came to when I was riding my bike through a collection of mountain bike trails and seen a clearing and thought, what a great place to have sex.

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Chapter 14


Opening myself up to Oscar was very liberating and I am really glad he understood about me freaking out a few weeks ago. I am also very glad I came out to my family and they understood. I know there are a lot of guys who come out and their families are not very accepting of their sexual orientation. I have heard of teenagers and young adults being homeless because their families kicked them out after they came out as gay, bisexual or lesbian. It's hard to believe someone could be that unaccepting of their children. Myself at twenty-eight years old would have had trouble if my parents would have freaked out, but I would have gotten by and more than likely gotten over as time went on, but young people don't have that. Having Oscar to help me work through my feelings was a huge help as well. Now I just had to get through next Sunday and hope my parents liked Oscar. I don't know of any reason they wouldn't, he is cute, smart and successful at anything he attempts to do.

Now comes the other chore of deciding on a timeline to come out to my friends and co-workers. My friends will be happy that I am happy and my co-workers don't seem to have any problems with Phillip, they guy I previously mentioned at my office who is openly gay. I just have to take it one day at a time and remember that if people don't like me for who I am, then they are not people I really want to associate with anyhow.

At work on Monday I spoke to Philip and filled him in on what happened in my world over the weekend. Phillip was excited for me and told me as much. Phillip agreeed that all of the partners would not have a problem with me being gay. Phillip did say that Sarah the receoptionist would not be real keen on me being gay, but its not like I come to work to please her anyhow. Phillip stated he would talk to the partners and set up a meeting later if I wanted him to help me talk to them. I told him that would be great. On Tuesday Phillip invited me to lunch with him and the other partners of the firm. All of them told me as long as I did the job I was paid to do was none of their business, that made me feel good to know that it was not going to be a problem with any of them.

After I arrived home on Tuesday night I called my friend Gene and asked him to come over. I decided it was the right thing to do to tell Gene. Gene and I have been friends since High School. I was a little nervous since he has been my longest friend that I still talk to, Gene was free and came right over and brought a bottle of wine and a couple of burgers with him. We ate and talked about how things had been going and work. I asked Gene if he knew anyone who was gay or bisexual. Gene said he had a cousin who was gay. I then asked Gene how he felt about his cousin being gay. Gene asked me "are you trying to tell me something?' And he smiled. I then told Gene I was gay and had been dating a guy named Oscar that I believe I am falling in love with. Gene stood up and ran over and hugged me and said "I have wondered about you?" And we both laughed. Gene told me it was no big deal and he didn't care who I slept with.

Wow this coming out thing has been a breeze for me, I again thought about all of those who don't have the same experience as I do and it breaks my heart to think people in this world are so shitty to one another and so quick to judge each other. Gene and I had some wine and ate our burgers and he headed home at around 8:30 pm.

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were much of the same with me going straight home after work, texting Oscar, eating dinner and watching TV. On Saturday Oscar came over and we cuddled and watched a couple of movies before falling asleep in each other's arms on the couch. Sunday Oscar and I woke up and had breakfast before heading back to his house to get some clothes and prepare himself for the big event of meeting my parents around noon for lunch. My mother was preparing a feast of ham and all the fixins for our lunch. Oscar and I arrived at my parents home about 12:30 to give them time to get home from church. My father answered the door and invited us into the family room where my brother was sitting watching something on TV. I introduced Oscar to my father and Sean. Sean only looked up from the TV for a brief moment to acknowledge our existence and went right back to the TV.

Oscar and I went to the kitchen where my mother was still preparing lunch and I introduced the two. My mother insisted my father take over lunch preparations while she acquainted herself with Oscar. My mother was amazing, she gave Oscar a hug and offered him a seat at the kitchen table, which was a small table that seats four in the corner of the kitchen. My parents have a huge dinner room that can seat ten which is where we would be having lunch in the next hour or so. My mother started playing twenty questions with Oscar like I knew she would, but it was fine because I already prepared Oscar and filled mom in on Oscar as well before today.

Shortly after one pm we all sat at the dining room table and my father said a prayer.

"Lord, we thank you for this food that we are about to eat, and we thank you for allowing us to be together on such a beautiful day. Lord, I thank you for my wonderful wife and two great kids, and that we all live in a land where we can be who you have truly designed us to be. Lord, I want to thank you for Oscar, and for bringing him and Tyler together so that they may find true happiness in their relationship with each other and do everything to please you as they move forward in their journey. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen."

It brought tears to my eyes to hear my father thanking God for me and Oscar and that we could all be together. I had put this off for so long because of how I thought other people would react only to be surprised at every turn with my family.

After his prayer my father insisted Oscar get his plate first since he was the guest at this dinner, or the guest of honor as my father referred to him. I could see it on Oscar's face that he was thrilled at how accepting my family was. For the next few hours we ate, talked and my family drilled Oscar on everything from work, to family and friends. At 5:00 Oscar and I both decided it was time we head out and get back to our apartments, but before we were able to leave my mother made sure to invite Oscar to church next sunday and she insisted that all of the members of the church the family attended were not judgmental and would not have any issues with Oscar and I.

On the Drive back to my apartment Oscar and I talked about what an awesome dinner my mother had prepared and how fun it was to get to know my family. Oscar asked me why I don't go to church with my family and I told him that I had slipped away during my marriage to my ex-wife because she and my mother didn't really get along that well. Oscar then asked me if I would put any thought into taking him and going with my parents one day. I said the only thing I know at this point, I don't know, I had never thought about it. Back at my apartment Oscar and I ordered some pizza and hung out a few more hours before he needed to get home to feed Gizmo.

Once Oscar was gone I called my mother and thanked her for a lovely evening and thanked her and my father for being so good to Oscar. My mother asked me if I would consider going to church next Sunday and bringing Oscar. I told her I would think about it, and then I promised her I really would. My mother then assured me God didn't care who I slept with or hung out with, because all he wanted was for me to serve him and be happy doing it.

I thought a lot over the next few days about whether I would like to get back into church and take Oscar and if my mother was right and people wouldn't judge us for being gay. The only conclusion I could come up with was who cares who judges me or Oscar, we are happy and we love each other.

I texted Oscar every night of the week after I got off work and he was working overnights so we couldn't really hang out much. On Wednesday I asked him if he would attend church with my family on Sunday morning. Oscar stated he would gladly attend church and had been thinking about it ever since my mother had invited him. We both decided there was no harm in seeing how it went, I mean we are already gay and in love and going to church on Sunday with my family was not going to change any of that. Then I asked Oscar if he wanted to stay over Saturday night.

Thank you for reading my story, please provide feedback. I do not mind people being critical of my work. I would prefer someone to be honest with me about my work. I am working on a few other stories and would love some insight to my character development and the general flow of my stories.

Next: Chapter 15

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