Broken Hearts Boys

By David Young

Published on Aug 9, 2020


Copyright: All rights to the story belong to the author and must not be republished for use without the authors permission.

This story involves sex amoung consenting adults, if it is not legal to read this type of material where you are located that proceed at your own risk.

My goal is to provide you some sort of sexual contact in every chapter, some will be masturbation but mostly it will involve two people who either love each other very much or are on their way to falling in love. The story of Broken Hearts Boys came to when I was riding my bike through a collection of mountain bike trails and seen a clearing and thought, what a great place to have sex.

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Chapter 12 Tyler

What have I done, I freaked out on Oscar and he left and now I don't even have the courage to text him. The last few weeks have been amazing, spending time with him and getting to know him. It's also been overwhelming for me too, because I still don't know if this is what I want, or how I would ever explain to my parents that I was an abomination. My mother would say I was going straight tell Hell. My father would say I was not a real man. The rest of my family would jump right in line and disown me as well. I don't know what came over me that night in my bed with Oscar. One minute I was thinking about us laying together and cuddling and then all of the sudden a mix of anger and embarrassment came over me in one fell sweep of emotion.

I worked Thursday and Friday and just kind of went through the motions and tried not to let anyone see I was hurting and I had done it to myself. I had sent Oscar away and was denying that I had real feelings for him. I have already been down this road of trying to pretend I was into women, even married one. What a disaster that turned out to be. My parents already looked down on me because I was divorced. In my family when you said I do, it was forever and till death do us part. I wasn't particularly religious but my family is. I have to find a way to make this right, but how could I ever ask Oscar to trust me again. I had kicked him out of bed and sent him home with his tail between his legs, Oh look I just referred to the man I think I love as a dog. I am a freaking mess of craziness.

Sunday came and I went to my parents home for lunch, somehow I thought it would help. All I could think about was how they would judge me if they had any idea of what I had been doing over the past few weeks. I spent the rest of Sunday after returning from my parents home on the couch trying to get myself out of this funk. I had hurt Oscar and now he was not even texting or calling me trying to find answers for my actions on Thursday night. I fell asleep on the couch with my cold dinner still half eaten on the coffee table. I didn't even take the time to get undressed. I went the majority of the weekend without showering so now that it was Monday morning and I needed to get dressed for work I had better go to the bathroom and do my best to get cleaned up.

When I arrived at the office that morning Phillip must have known something was wrong because he came into my office and closed the door. Philip walked right in and said "okay Tyler what is wrong you really look like shit." I said well thanks and said I don't really want to talk about it. Phillip asked if it had anything to do with what I had asked him a few weeks ago. I looked down and knew I would not be able to hide my sorrow. I told Phillip the entire story and shockingly he said "man Tyler, that is a lot." Phillip then told me dealing with this was nothing knew for gay men around the world, becasue in some circles its accepted and in others it's not. I knew what Phillip was talking about, but it didn't make it any easier.

Philip then told me, I needed to decide what I wanted and fix it or be miserable for the rest of my life. Even though I knew Phillip was right, it was not that easy. Phillip told me I should write down a list of things I liked about being with Oscar and a list of things I didn't like and then evaluate which was more important to me. Phillip also reminded me human beings are meant to love, be in love and be loved, not to be alone and miserable just because of what society thought they should be. I spent the rest of the week moping around and trying to figure out why life had to be so hard. Don't get me wrong I was depressed but not suicidal or anything I know I can fix this and after this week I knew what I wanted and that was Oscar. Now I just need to figure out how I am going to get it. Not seeing Oscar for an entire weekend, then the week and the thought of not seeing him for another weekend had my head spinning like crazy.

On Saturday I called my mother at around 6:00 pm and we talked for a minute before I said mom, we really need to talk and I would like to not have this conversation over the phone. My mother arrived at my apartment about 30 minutes later. My mother could tell something was wrong and immediately ask what could have me so up in arms, that she needed to rush over here and then she giggled. I am sure she was trying to set me at ease, because my mother believed all problems could be solved through prayer and family. I told my mother I had met someone and we had been dating for a couple of weeks. Mom asked why she had not met this young lady. I told my mother the thing is, it's not a lady. My mother sighed and she said "Tyler sit down." I complied with my mother's request and braced myself for what I figured would be a bible thumping conversation about going to hell and then maybe she would pray over me and then disown me.

I was wrong on all accounts. My mother said you know your father had a gay brother don't you. I said no, but mom shook her head up and down to signify yes. She said Don, my dad's brother who had died before I was born in a car wreck was gay. Mom said know one in the family ever looked at him any differently. My mom then told me, that she respected that I was gay and would never condemn me for being who I was. My mother then stated she agrees it's hard to understand but several things in God's plan are hard to understand. Mom then stated "that is why it's God's plan, and not ours." She explained that we don't always get to understand everything God wants or expects from us, but that we must live our lives to the fullest and remember that our decisions are our decisions. Mom then told me she does not argue with Scientist that Nature and Nurture both play a role in someone being gay or straight and that Science and the Church need to join hands a bit more from time to time.

My mother left about 7:45 pm and I was still trying to come to terms with what just happened. I never thought my mother would be so accepting and she even told me that my father would be accepting as well. She even expressed interest in meeting Oscar some time in the future. The next thing I needed to do was figure out how to get to Oscar. I needed Oscar to know that I love him more than anything else in this world and explain what was going through my head. What's crazy is the lord does work in mysterious ways because it was only about ten minutes later when Oscar texted me.

Oscar: How ya doing?

Me: Good and You?

Oscar: Good just thinking about you.

Me: Oscar we need to talk, I fucked up

Oscar: It's Okay, you don't need to explain that things are difficult for you.

Me: But that's it Oscar, things will always be hard for one of us, that is being human. Oscar: Yea, you have a point.

Me: Can you come over, when you get off work?

Oscar: Well I am on the second shift now, so it will be midnight.

Me: That's okay, I can't wait to have this conversation, but not over text. Oscar: I will text when I am on my way. Me: Okay. Okay and now to think about what exactly I am going to tell Oscar when he arrives in a few hours. The most important part is going to be for me to be honest and not hold anything back. I have been holding back my feelings from the world for way too long and it's gotten me nowhere. This time I am going to make this right and fix things and move forward with the person I was born to be. A gay man who is in love with Oscar and as crazy as it sounds I want to spend the rest of my life wrapped in his arms and fighting any battle we come against together. I couldn't wait to tell Oscar I was wrong about the way my parents felt and that my mother and father wanted to meet him in the future.

Thank you for reading my story, please provide feedback. I do not mind people being critical of my work. I would prefer someone to be honest with me about my work. I am working on a few other stories and would love some insight to my character development and the general flow of my stories.

Next: Chapter 13

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