Broken Hearts Boys

By David Young

Published on Aug 9, 2020


Copyright: All rights to the story belong to the author and must not be republished for use without the authors permission.

This story involves sex amoung consenting adults, if it is not legal to read this type of material where you are located that proceed at your own risk.

My goal is to provide you some sort of sexual contact in every chapter, some will be masturbation but mostly it will involve two people who either love each other very much or are on their way to falling in love. The story of Broken Hearts Boys came to when I was riding my bike through a collection of mountain bike trails and seen a clearing and thought, what a great place to have sex.

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Chapter 11 Oscar

Wow, I guess the two of us just agreed we are falling in love with each other. It's kind of scary but at the same time I am relieved to know Tyler is feeling it too. Tyler left around 10:00 pm because I have to go to work in the morning. Tyler still has one more day off to enjoy before he goes back to work on Monday. Starting in the morning I will be working 8:00 am to 7:00 pm for four nights a week for the next two weeks. I enjoy the morning shift because I tend to get more rest since I have never been able to adjust to working nights, good think I only have to do it every six weeks. It was nearly 11:30 when I made it to sleep, because it was hard to get Tyler out of my head. I kept thinking about the looks on his face while I was fucking him earlier. I have to say Tyler has an amazing ass, it was so tight and every time I hit his. Prostate it nearly made him jump out of the bed and had him screaming. It was a huge turn on for me, and I don't think he hated it.

When I woke up the next morning I sent a good morning text to Tyler and he replied with a good morning as well. For the next four days this would be our only means of getting together since I work ten hour shifts. It had been less than twelve hours since I had seen Tyler and I was already missing him. I guess this is the way it works with new boyfriends, you want to spend every waking hour with them so that you don't miss a moment. Unfortunately that is not realistic and frankly I am sure Tyler would get tired of me, so I will survive with a morning text and another one at night.

Work on Sunday went by really quick because it was busy. We had people with mild symptoms who could have waited for Monday to see their primary care doctors as well as one gentleman in his late fifties who had a heart attack and one car accident, with two people injured. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday was much the same with everything from serious situations and the not so serious with a few stitches or a mild antibiotic script. I missed Tyler all week and longed to spend time with him but I do believe that sometimes time apart does make the heart grow fonder, so I just kept moving forward grateful we could text daily.

On Wednesday after my shift Tyler was cooking Chicken Parmesan and I was heading straight to his apartment after work. I bought some clothes with me and took a shower at his apartment before dinner. Dinner was Chicken Parm, a Italian pasta salad paired with a Red Wine. Tyler is a stickler for making sure his meals are cooked to perfection and paired with the perfect wine. We both drank a few glasses and enjoyed our dinner, then watched a couple of reruns of Modern Family and cuddled on the couch. Tyler and I are both big cuddles, so the majority of our time was spent either fucking or cuddeling or eating. That night we headed to Tyler's bedroom around 11:00 and I held Tyler while we each talked about the week so far. Tyler still had to work Thursday and Friday but we had already talked about me and Gizmo staying at his apartment on my days off this week, which was Thursday, Friday and Saturday and then I would go back on Sunday and do it all over again. It felt really good to have someone to spend my time off with, rather than spend it either jacking off or inviting random boys over to suck me off while all I really wanted was them to leave. It wasn't that I was opposed to hook ups, but no one ever looks in person like the ten year old picture they sent you while chatting. Oh well since I met Tyler, I am all done with hookups.

It's funny I was laying there with Tyler thinking about him and after a few minutes of him being really quiet, I asked him if he was okay. Tyler stated he has just been thinking of how he went from not wanting a relationship with anyone to us spending all this time together. Through tight lips Tyler said he was scared. I paused and asked him what he meant. Tyler just wanted to make sure what we are doing is for the right reasons. This comment really caught me off guard, but then again I am out to the entire world and no one had any idea about Tyler. Tyler then said how am I suppose to explain to my parents that at twenty eight years old I have decided to come out as gay and his religious family is suppose to accept it. I told Tyler relationships are sometimes hard for people to accept whether gay or straight but that I understand what he means becasue at one point I thought my mother would disown me. Tyler seemed to get really quiet and actually seemed to get kind of grumpy. I was still trying to wrap my head around where this was all coming from. I decided to ask Tyler where this was all coming from and he said "what you mean I don't get to have second thoughts about this." Wow that went south really quick, I thought. We then got into an argument and Tyler said "I really think you should go Oscar."

Go where I said and he replied to your apartment and then told me he had a lot of thinking to do. I could tell he was really upset and I thought things had been going really well. I remembered what it was like for me to come to terms with being gay so I just grabbed my things and me and Gizmo headed back to my apartment. I cried myself to sleep that night thinking of how things seemed to go from good to not so good and then from bad to worse in a really quick time. I decided not to text Tyler that night because I didn't want to push him away. The next day was more of the same. I woke up sad, moped around most of the day then called and talked to my mother. Mom said "dear, you remember how hard you told me it was for you, he is much older than you were and thought he knew who he was until recently." Me and mom talked for about an hour on the phone and then she needed to take care of something so I had to let her go. The rest of the day I fought the urge to text Tyler and see how he was. Finally around 9:00 pm I sent Tyler a text, since we both had iPhone's I could see he read the text but he never replied until the next morning.

Tyler's text was short and to the point. "Oscar, I don't want to hurt you, but I am not sure I can do this, because it goes against everything I have ever been taught." I fought the urge to storm back with, you could have told me that before shoving your cock up my ass and then begging me to do the same to you and thus making me fall in love with you and want you more. Instead I took the high road and texted him back that I know this is hard for him and I am willing to give him as much space as he needs. Again I fought the urge to tell him I love him, because I really do. After ten minutes of text exchanges I went on to bed and cried myself to sleep again, wandering how this could be happening. I barely slept all night on Thursday night, and when I woke up Friday morning I told myself I was not going to do this moppy, broken heart thing again. But what else was I going to do. I surfed around on GRINDR and SCRUFF and chatted with a few guys around my age and in my area. All of them seemed very shallow and not Tyler. I wanted so badly to just hook up with someone and forget all about Tyler.

On Friday night I went back to my cell phone and started looking around trying to force myself to just hook up with someone, get laid and move on. I just couldn't do it. I met a boy named Alex, we talked for a few minutes and I decided the only way to get this out of my head was to just do it. Hookup with a random guy and forget it. I invited Alex to my apartment, but couldn't even get the urge to do anything but talk to him about Tyler. Alex could obviously see this was not going to happen and only stayed an hour and never made a move towards sex or a kiss. Alex did give me his number and said "it's obvious you're going through something, text me if you need to chat." Then he left my apartment. Needless to say I didn't text Alex later, it was nothing personal just a minor setback into a bad decision for me. My head was spinning and my feelings were all over the place. Saturday came and went and was my last day until next Thursday. I didn't talk to Tyler anymore, because I fought the urge to text him, because if I wanted to hear from him I knew I needed to give him some space.

Thank you for reading my story, please provide feedback. I do not mind people being critical of my work. I would prefer someone to be honest with me about my work. I am working on a few other stories and would love some insight to my character development and the general flow of my stories.

Next: Chapter 12

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