
By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Jan 10, 2001


Disclaimer: I don't know the BSB nor have I ever met them or anyone that knows them. This is just a story that I made up in my little world. In others words this is not real and if it was I would be scared.

Warning: I have no idea where I'm going with this story. It's really weird, also it has a dark plot. It's not a super happy story, it's not in me to write stories like that. This is a story about love there may be sex later on. I don't know how long this story will be, that also mean's it could be short.

Authors Note: I have noticed that more people are writing BSB stories. I am now a happy camper, so maybe my next story will be about another band. Don't count on it I don't listen to many other bands. Ok maybe I should get on with the important stuff like my little symbols. I use these *** to let you know that I've changed characters, or what character I'm starting with. In the beginning of a new chapter I will put the name in the middle of the symbols. While I'm writing the story as in the middle of a chapter I will put the name after the symbols. I hope that I haven't confused you, if I have I'm sorry. If you've read some of my other stories then this is pretty much useless. You know I've gone nuts with my symbols. I am so wasting your time right now so I'm going to stop and get to the story. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


We all sat around in Kevin's living room talking. I had told them about the feeling I had and AJ had agreed. "Nick your heading back to Florida tomorrow aren't you?" He nodded and looked at me with this confused look. "I think it would be safer if David went with you. Alicia could either stay with us or go with you it's up to her." David looked confused but he was nodding slightly. Alicia was sitting beside AJ smiling sweetly "I'll go with David." Then it was settled I would be alone for the next couple of days. But that was ok, I couldn't really spend every waking moment with him. I couldn't just take off my mom would have a fit if I wasn't there for Christmas dinner. I knew he would be safe with Nick and I would see him right after Christmas. "Well, I have to head back to Florida to, my mom called a day or so ago." AJ said smiling brightly while looking at Nick who was sending death rays at him. I could tell that AJ was lying he and Nick were going to fight over Alicia. It would be something to watch that was for sure, I had seen them fight over a girl before. I almost laughed but I was able to keep my thoughts to myself for the time being. Most of the time Nick would beat AJ hand's down. But this time things would be a little different.

I laid beside David in the guest bedroom. He held onto my hand tightly, then slowly he brought it to his lips. "I love you Brian, always know that and never doubt it." I didn't understand what he was trying to say. "I love you to David, and I always will." I pulled his hand to my lips. He turned to his side and wrapped his arms around me. He was soon spooning me, I fell to sleep trying to understand his words. I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. My blood almost turned to ice until David walked in with a tray. "I only know how to cook French toast, so theirs a lot of it. Theirs more in the kitchen so I hope everyone's hungry." I smiled and took the tray from his hands. He was so sweet I couldn't help but to start giggling. Alicia was standing in our doorway smiling brightly at both of us. To be honest I was happy I had the cover and the tray over my lap. "So can I be the maid of honor, or do I have to fight one of the guys for the honor?" I was a bit shocked that she knew what was going on. I was even more shocked with how she dealt with it. I noticed that she was wearing PJ's with teddy bears all over them. The girl confused me one-second she's Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The next she's a sweet innocent girl with big brown eyes.

I stood at the gate waiting for the plane to be called. I had thought about changing my mind on sending David with Nick. I knew he would be safe, but my heart was aching with the thought of losing him. I didn't like planes to begin with, and here I was sending the man I loved away on one. I know it was childish but I couldn't help myself, he meant so much to me. I was doing my best to not cry I needed to be strong for David. I had been holding his hand the whole time we were in the VIP room. I had carried most of his bags when we first came into the air port. I didn't know how to tell him that who I really was. I knew that it wouldn't matter to him but I was still worried, I lived a hectic life. I could never kiss him in pubic, or even hold his hand. I didn't know how to brake it to him, I was going to need a little help. I also had to tell him I was really married to a woman but that wasn't true. I could marry him but, it would have to be kept secret. I knew that his sister had to know, she kept giving me the look. When his flight was called I gave him a small kiss on the cheek. "I'll be back at your side as soon as Christmas is over." He had tears rolling down his cheek's and I wanted to kiss them away.


Telling Brian good bye was so hard for me to do. I was now on the plane and I kept looking out the window. I was trying to find him in the window's so far I hadn't had any luck. I wanted to see him one last time before we left, I didn't like taking chances. I didn't like planes the thought of flying did scare me a little. It wasn't the thought of heights that worried me, it was the falling part. I also had this feeling that I was being watched. I knew my time was coming, I had already thought about it. They wouldn't let me live that would put them in to much danger. I wasn't going to just give in I had reasons to live now. I saw Brian in the window and I started waving like a mad man. He was smiling but I could see the tears falling from his eyes. I knew he would be safe while I was away they wouldn't have a reason to hurt him. When the plane left the ground I almost ripped the arm rest off the seat. My sister had stopped me by smacking my hand. Once we were in the air I decided that it would be best that I went to sleep. In my dreams I was with Brian forever. It was a dream that could never really be I knew that in my heart. I knew that I wouldn't live as long as normal people. I would either be killed by someone like myself or my body would burn out.

I hoped that Brian would find someone else after I was gone. I knew that I was being followed by someone, I just didn't know who. I hoped that I would get to spend at least a few years with Brian. My sister was shaking my arm trying to wake me up. "Come on where here, will you wake up. Don't give me that look it won't work, come on get up." I opened my eyes since my puppy dog face had failed. I slowly got off the plane and collected my bags while I waited for Nick and AJ. Alicia was standing at my side smiling brightly. "So which one should I go for?" I didn't understand the question all that well. "Which ever makes you happy." She nodded and patted my back as the guys came around the corner. "We rented a car so like lets jet while we can." I followed them, I didn't understand the need to rush. Then I heard the screams at first I thought something bad had happened. I looked back to see a lot of girls running toward us, Nick and AJ were running. I chased after them dragging Alicia with me, there must be a bomb or something. I had my sister hanging over my shoulder as I ran, I picked Nick up when I got close enough. Then I grabbed AJ and held him as I ran toward the doors. I ran outside and set everyone down. "What the hell is going on in there?" Nick grabbed my arm and dragged me toward the car. "No time we'll tell you when we get to my house." I nodded and my sister looked a little down.

As we pulled into the driveway I started to open my door. Once the car stopped I made a bee line for the front door. I was starting to feel dizzy again, since I had picked everyone up and ran. I started to fall back but Nick caught me before I hit the ground. "Bone help me get him to the couch." I heard my sister asking a hundred questions at once. I guess I had forgotten to tell her I had a small problem. The dizziness was going away slowly and my vision was starting to clear up. "Sorry about that, shouldn't have overreacted like that, I just thought there was a bomb. So what's really going on, I don't really like to be kept in the dark?" AJ and Nick looked at each other and then to Alicia. "Do you remember that band you liked so much?" I nodded how could I ever forget, they had helped change my life. "Well, we are that band David, all of us Kevin, Howie, and Brian. We didn't want to say anything to you to soon, it's how we know that we can help you. We are always on the road and that all starts back up after Christmas. I'm sure your sister knows who we are. I'm so sorry we didn't tell you, it just never seemed like the right time." I took a few deep breaths, this changed everything.

Things seemed to be spinning out of control, I had so many questions. I tried to stand and found that I couldn't move that much. I didn't want everyone else to know so I acted like everything was cool. "I need to talk to Brian, could I call him from here?" AJ nodded and went to get the phone. "Please don't be mad at Bri, he was going to tell you himself really he was." I looked at Nick and the looked toward my sister. I hadn't been lied to, but they could have told me a long time ago. AJ walked back in and handed me the phone slowly. "It's ringing so you should put it up to your ear." I smiled and did so, I didn't know what I was going to say just yet. "Brian? Yes, we made it here all right, but a funny thing happened. You see while we were at the air port a bunch of girl's starting chasing us. I thought that there was a bomb or something like that. So I picked everyone up and ran as fast as I could. But you know what didn't happen? Nothing blew up and the girl's chased after the car. So would you be so kind as to tell me why the hell you never told me you were in a band?" The line was silent for a few minutes. During this time Nick looked like he was about die. "I was going to tell you David I just didn't know how, there is so much more you need to know. As soon as Christmas is over I'll tell you everything. I would rather tell you face to face, if that's ok with you?" I had to think about it for a minute

I held onto the phone and looked at Nick, who looked like he was about to cry. "Ok Brian I'll wait until we see each other again. But after we talk you have to promise there will be no more secrets." The line was silent for a few seconds then his voice came back. "I promise no more secrets but that goes for you to. I know your not telling me something so when we talk everything comes out." I was a little surprised that he had nailed me to the wall. I didn't understand how he knew that I had been trying to keep a secret. I promised I would tell him everything no matter the cost to myself. We then hung up and promised to call each other later that night. I looked at everyone that was in the room. "Is there anything else I need to know that Brian isn't going to cover when we talk?" AJ was shaking his head and Nick looked like he was thinking really hard. This was not making thing's any easier. "No, I don't think so but I don't want to be blamed if anything happens between now and then." I could take that answer it was honest and insightful. Nick then showed Alicia and myself to our room's that we would have until Brian came. "Well, AJ I'm sure your mother is waiting to see you. I mean she is the reason you came back to Florida. So why don't you head on over there and see her, I'll take care of Alicia and David." AJ didn't look to happy about leaving us with Nick, but I think he was more upset that Alicia was staying.

I was still a little slow on everything that was going on around me. I knew that I had a lot of catching up to do. I had found myself reading as many books as I could. I was having a few problems but I was doing ok. Alicia stood in my doorway just smiling, I had to wonder how long she had been there. "What are you doing?" She just smiled a little more and walked over to my side. "I was just looking at you, I still can't believe your here. I thought you were dead, and now your laying on a bed smiling at me. I use to dream of moments like this, and now it's really happening." I could feel the tears streaming down my face. I sat up and hugged her as tightly as I could, I had missed so much. I now had hope that maybe I could live my life out with Brian. He was famous from what I could tell, but he wasn't a snob. He could also keep us on the move for most of the time. And if we settled down we would still be safe, I don't think the government would go after him. The world wasn't looking so bleak any more, but I wasn't going to take any chances. I would keep them all safe at any cost, even if the price was my life.

I stood in the air port waiting for Brian to exit the plane. The rest of the guys were with him to. When I saw him walking toward me it took everything I was not to run to him. Kevin and Howie were right behind him smiling the whole time. I had spent Christmas with Nick and his family. AJ had came over to and I swear they were fighting over Alicia. When Brian was close enough I picked him up in a hug. "I missed you, I don't ever want to be away from you again." He was smiling brightly as I put him back on the ground. I picked all of theirs bags up and led them toward the car that was waiting. "David are you sure you should carry all of that." I looked at Kevin and nodded it wasn't the least bit heavy. I put all of the bags in the car and then jumped in the back seat. Brian slid in while Nick started the car. After everyone was seated we took off toward Nick's house. Alicia had decided to wait for everyone there. We didn't know where AJ had ran off to, but I had an idea. As we got closer to the house I noticed that a car was parked in the driveway. I started laughing when Nick's face turned bright red, we now knew where AJ was.

When we walked in I heard my sister giggling loudly. I moved a little bit quicker than the rest of the guys. Alicia was sitting AJ's lap smiling brightly when I walked into the room. "David, your back so soon, I have some news." Nick was standing in the doorway with a very angry look on his face. "Me and AJ are a couple, isn't that great?" I smiled and nodded like a good brother, AJ and I were going to have a talk. Brian was laughing his ass off, which only made Nick storm off. I guess I felt sorry for Nick but he could look at the bright side, he wouldn't have to deal with me. I had missed watching over my sister as she grew up, I was going to make up for that now. "AJ could I have a word with you in private please?" I smiled as sweetly as I could, everyone went silent. AJ stood up and walked over to me very slowly. I put my arm around his shoulder and pulled him out of the room. I closed the door and listened to some of the whispers that were being shot around. "You know I never thought I would be having this talk with you. But I guess I'm kinda happy that it turned out to be you. It makes this so much easier, you see Nick look's innocent. Which means that most likely he's the furthest from that title. Now you on the other hand, you don't hide behind closed doors. All I really have to say is this, take care of my sister. And if you ever hurt her I'll brake you into two peace's." I continued to smile as I left the room.

As I opened the doors Kevin and Howie fell into the room. I shook my head and continued on my way to talk to Brian. As I rounded the corner Brian was waiting for me, I stopped in my tracks. I had to ask myself if I really wanted to do this, no more secrets. That meant that I would have to tell him about everything. He would find out about the way I had been feeling lately. I had good reason to be worried, I knew that something major was happening. There was only one person on earth that might be able to help me. That person was now most likely out to kill me, no help coming from that area. I decided that it wouldn't be fair for Brian not to know. "Ok you go first and then I'll tell everything promise." Brian nodded and moved the couch that was now empty. "Ok now theirs some stuff that's most likely going to really piss you off. I should have told you before anything happened between us, but I didn't. You know I'm famous, you also know that I'm in a band. What you don't know is that, I'm involved in a fake marriage. No words were spoken only contracts signed and so on. There is also the little fact that, we as a couple, can't show the world that fact. In other words you and me can never hold hands or anything like that in the pubic eye." He had tears falling from his eyes, as did I.

I was now sitting in an arm chair trying to take all this in. I knew some thing's would change, I just didn't know how much. My chest hurt like crazy, I was starting to understand why. "Ok fair enough now it's my turn." Brian hadn't said a word since he had finished talking. "I've been feeling really weird lately, as in my health. The last time I used my gifts, I couldn't really move for a while. Thing's are getting worse, and I think that I may not make it to thirty. I don't have the heart to tell Alicia, it would brake her heart. I didn't want to tell you because I was afraid of what you would try to do about it. Theirs nothing that anyone can do to help me. I'm dying and I don't know how long I have it could be decades, or days. I can accept everything you've told me, but can you do the same with me? I'm not talking about hiding the way I feel or a fake marriage, I'm talking about death. I may not be here in ten years, hell I might not be here tomorrow. I know that everyone in the world deal's with this, but this is a little different. There won't be any kind of warning, I'll just stop, I'll just die. When I die I have a favor to ask of you, I want you to put me straight into the ground. I don't want to be laid out or pumped full of stuff that doesn't belong there. Will you promise me that you'll do that? That's pretty much all I have to say, it's all that I know that I've been keeping back." My eyes were locked with his, for a second I thought he was going to turn away.

Neither of us broke eye contact, it would have crushed the other. Brian slowly stood and moved toward me, never braking contact. He knelt down on one knee and took my hand in his. He slowly brought my hand to his lips and kissed the tips of my fingers. "I love you David, if that's your wish then it'll be done. I don't care how long we have to live as long as we're together. You've changed my world in so many ways, I now believe anything can happen. So I'm going to ask you something very important." He was reaching into his pocket and pulling a box out. "I know that we haven't known each other for that long, but I love you so much. I know that I don't really have the right to ask you this. I also know that you might turn me down flat, I can take that if it happens. What I want to know is, will you marry me?" I couldn't speak it was like my voice had stopped working. His eyes were so full of wonder and fear, I had never seen them like that. I pulled his face up to mine and kissed him deeply, I felt tears sliding down my face and his. "Yes, I'll marry you" the words whispered past my lips. I heard someone clapping their hands in the back ground.

***********Dr. Kelmer

I was walking toward the meeting room, they had found David. I had hoped I would find him first, then maybe I could bring him back. He had always been my favorite warrior, he had a spark. Now I feared that he would be killed for braking out. I had never shown the boy that I had cared about him. He was a good kid that shouldn't have been taken from his family. I had thought that the first night they had brought him in. If he hadn't been gifted from birth then maybe they would have left him alone. His body had a strange healing factor, that no one else had. He was never let in on that little secret, as far as he knew all of the guys here had the same gift. I was hoping that I could talk the Major into leaving him alone. His body was slowly returning to normal and he could live a normal life. The other boys wouldn't live past thirty, but David still had a chance to live a full life. He wouldn't know this fact from the way his body was reacting. Neither would the rest of the world, I had kept it a secret. I guess that I was to blame for him leaving, I hoped he would for a while. I just hadn't thought about what would happen to him and his friends. Now all of them were on a hit list. I was hoping that I could change that tonight I had an idea. I just hoped that David was strong enough to survive the battle that he was about to face.

I was the last one to enter the meeting room, it was normal that I was last. "It's good of you to join us Doctor, after all this is your pet we're dealing with." I hated the man that stood before more than anything in the world. "Yes, he is my pet isn't he, that's why I've decided to leave him alone. He hasn't attacked us in anyway and I don't think he will, he's to afraid." I knew the game I was playing was a very dangerous one. "Now you know I could never do that, why do you even ask?" I took a deep breath and took a seat beside a good friend of mine. "Because I have an idea that might interest you. You see I knew you would never agree to just letting him go. So I came up with a way he could earn his freedom. At this point his body is starting to return to normal. Which even lowers his life span further." The major had taken a seat right in front of me. "Will you get to the damn point, I hate the way your type just talks on and on." He was falling into my trap just as I had hoped he would. "Very well sir, my point is this, I want to test him. I want to send Tommy after him, they'll fight winner takes all. I know that most likely Tommy will win in the end. But if he doesn't and David does in fact kill him which I doubt he could really do. I think we should leave him and his friends alone. Now if Tommy wins he kill's David and his friends." The Major was smiling brightly and I could tell he liked the idea.

The Major was smiling and looking from me to the others in the room. "You know I didn't think you really had that kind of spark in you. I have one small question regarding something you forgot about. What if they kill one another, what would we do then?" It had been something I had over looked. "Well, that should be even easy enough for you to guess Major. Think about it if they both die the test is over, we take Tommy's body and leave. David is no longer a problem and his body we revert to normal. So there wouldn't be anything that anyone could hold against us. I'm sure we could clear the way for them to bury him." I hoped this answer would be enough to persuade him to go with my idea. "You do have a very strong case and point doctor. In truth I don't see a reason why we couldn't follow threw with your test. We'll do it in a few week's hopefully he'll be far to weak to even come close to winning." I nodded and pulled my papers back together. I had a few plans that needed to be made. I had to give David a fighting chance, that meant giving him a weapon. And maybe just maybe sometime more that would really shift the tides in his favor.


It had been two week's since I had told Brian I would marry him. I also felt that my body wasn't changing as quickly anymore. So far I had gotten to see seven concerts, their voices still touched my heart. My sister and AJ were growing very close very fast. I was happy for them, Nick had found a girl for himself. He had gotten over losing my sister really quickly. That was part of the reason I was happy my sister was with AJ. I never took the ring that Brian had gotten for me off. I some times found myself just looking at it with amazement. My sister had been the one that had walked in as I told Brian I would marry him. She was in planning mode, I had never seen someone so happy. I think she was happier than I was, she had called my mother. I didn't know that it was going to work out as well as it had. I had told her myself that I was gay, she didn't even cry. She was happy that I had found someone that I loved. My father had been a little upset but my sister promised him grandchildren. After that he was just as happy as my mother was. Brian had been a little shocked that they had taken it so well. My sister was going to the maid of honor, I didn't understand how that worked just yet. I refused to wear a dress and Brian wasn't going down that path either.

We had decided that we would get married in Hawaii after the tour. We were now sitting around in an empty arena. Everyone else had gone home until later that night. We didn't mind it gave us time to just hang out with one another. "Look's like were not alone anymore, any of you guys know that guy up there?" I looked off the stage to the back of the arena. What I saw made my blood turn to ice and my vision blur. I shook my head a few times to clear my head. It was Tommy he was holding two very large daggers. "Get the hell out of here now, they've come." Brian and my sister refused to leave my side. "It's ok, you get out of here, I'll be ok. I'll give you enough time to get away and then I'll meet you back at the hotel. If you stay he could use you to kill me so please leave." AJ had to drag my sister away while Nick and Kevin took Brian. I walked toward Tommy slowly, he hadn't moved yet. He then sat one of the daggers on the floor and slid it to me. "The doctor said to give that to you before we fought. He also said that after I kill you I can kill your friends." I had to smile he would never make it past me.

I picked the dagger up and started circle him slowly. He moved in quickly slashing at my chest, he missed and only cut me. I didn't understand why I couldn't move as quickly. I moved to the side and cut his arm, then flipping over him I kicked him in the back of his head. He fell to the ground be recovered quickly. I hadn't had to use any of my gifts so far, I hoped I wouldn't. I didn't even see his next attack coming as he plunged his dagger into my side. He ripped it out and backed away quickly, the smile said it all. "Your going to bleed to death now, no one can survive that." I ripped the leg of my pants off and wrapped it around my side hoping to slow the bleeding. "I'll survive long enough to kill you, trust me on that." I pulled every bit of strength that I had left. We both started moving to quickly for the human eye to follow. We both found ourselves twenty feet from one another. I had at least twenty different wounds on my body. I wasn't going to make it out of this fight alive. He had more than I did, he was never my equal when it came to fighting. Then it hit me even if I did survive this fight it would never end. I would fight everyday for the rest of my life. Everyone that I have ever loved would always be in danger.

I couldn't live with that it wasn't right, not for them. "If I can beat you, will they leave my friends alone?" He nodded slowly and then moved toward me, that I was all I needed. I had to do this just perfect. I ran as fast as I could then jumped over his head hitting a wall. I used the wall to spring back at him cutting the back of his neck then braking his shoulder. I landed a few feet away from him smiling, like a little kid. "You didn't see that coming did you Tommy. That was always your problem, you never really used your head. But that's ok you were never all that smart anyway. That's why they sent you after me, they know I'll kill you." I laughed at him loudly causing his face to turn red. He lunged at with all his force thrusting his dagger outward. I moved to the right slightly catching him off guard. I slit his throat then flipped him pushing my dagger into his heart. This action carried us both to the ground facing one another. I knew what his next action would be so I closed my eyes. I felt his dagger stab into my chest piercing my heart, I didn't think it would hurt so much. I heard the scream before I fell to the floor, I couldn't see that clearly anymore. I felt hands picking my head off the ground they were so soft. "I'm so sorry Bri, it was the only way to keep you safe. I'm so sorry, I love you, and I always will never doubt that." I couldn't hear if he said anything, the darkness closed in on me.

To Be Continued.......Maybe

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi I was just wanting to know what everyone thought of this chapter. It's not the end unless everyone wants it to be. I have started writing part four but I could stop, anyway drop me a line. Tell me what you think I should do, thanks for reading my story laters.


Next: Chapter 4

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