
By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Jan 10, 2001


Disclaimer: I don't know the BSB nor have I ever met them or anyone that knows them. This is just a story that I made up in my little world. In others words this is not real and if it was I would be scared.

Warning: I have no idea where I'm going with this story. It's really weird, also it has a dark plot. It's not a super happy story, it's not in me to write stories like that. This is a story about love there may be sex later on. I don't know how long this story will be, that also mean's it could be short.

Authors Note: I have noticed that more people are writing BSB stories. I am now a happy camper, so maybe my next story will be about another band. Don't count on it I don't listen to many other bands. Ok maybe I should get on with the important stuff like my little symbols. I use these *** to let you know that I've changed characters, or what character I'm starting with. In the beginning of a new chapter I will put the name in the middle of the symbols. While I'm writing the story as in the middle of a chapter I will put the name after the symbols. I hope that I haven't confused you, if I have I'm sorry. If you've read some of my other stories then this is pretty much useless. You know I've gone nuts with my symbols. I am so wasting your time right now so I'm going to stop and get to the story. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


I stood over my brothers grave it had taken me years to accept it. We had never found the body but he was gone. I was only ten when he was lost and now I was twenty. After we lost him my parents wouldn't let me leave the house. We had hope for the first five years and then it started to fade away. We moved out of our old house and moved about twenty miles away. I refused to go any further then we had to, I wouldn't leave him. But now things were different I knew that he had to be gone. I had prayed for the last ten years that I would open the door and he would be standing there. I use to answer the door every time someone knocked or rang the bell. I was now planing on getting revenge on the people that took him. I had been taking every class in self defense for the last nine years. It was the only way my parents would let me out of their sight. I could throw someone into a wall faster than they could blink. I had been waiting for the chance to get them back. I had taken a few classes that my parents didn't know about. I could shoot a gun better than most people. I could also cut someone to shreds with my dagger.

I looked sweet and kind until you pissed me off. I had lived a life always looking over my shoulder. When I wasn't doing that I was searching for my brother. My mother and father had gotten him a head stone a few years ago. This was the first time I had ever come to it. His picture was in a fame that was in the stone. I felt the hot tears falling from my eyes as I laid the rose on the ground. I took a seat beside his grave and talked to him. I hoped that he could hear me and know that I would avenge him. I cold wind blew and sent chills running up my back. I closed my eyes hoping it was some kind of message. I stood and slowly walked away from the grave, I looked back a few times. I heard a child's laughter and I froze, I turned to see a little boy running beside his mother. I had almost thought it was him coming back to me. I missed him dearly and I would always do so. He was my big brother, he had looked out for me when I was a kid. I got in my car and the tears started flowing like a river. I screamed for the hundredth time into the empty sky. I asked why it had to happen and why it had to be him, he had done nothing wrong. I pulled myself together and started my car and headed back to our old house.

I would come by this house everyday hoping against hope. I had heard that someone had finally bought the house. I looked at the windows hoping to see a ghost or a body. I saw nothing and I never would. I had so many memories of that house it was like stepping back in time. I got out of my car and walked up to the front door, I took out the key. I had never given it up, I couldn't it was like my life line. I stepped inside of the house and walked around. I remembered when I had cut my brother forehead with the rock. I didn't mean to hurt him, it just happened. I walked up to his old room and looked around. After he had been kidnapped my mother and I would sleep in his bed. I stood in the place his bed had once been. I closed my eyes and pretended that he was running into the room smiling. I heard the door open down stairs and I knew it was time that I left. I walked down the stairs I knew who would be waiting for me. "Alicia I've told you a hundred times you can't keep sneaking in here." I looked up at the old man and smiled sweetly. "I'm sorry Mr. Dane, I just couldn't help myself. This is the only place I can see him clearly." He walked up to me and put his arm around my shoulder. "Come on I'll make some hot chocolate and we'll have a nice talk about David." I smiled and followed him back to his house.


I had recovered from the dizzy spell I had, I was feeling a lot better. Brian was holding my hand and he wouldn't let go. "What did they do to you while you were there?" It was a long story I didn't want to tell, it brought back memories. "I'll tell you but only once, it hurts to much if I have to repeat it to much. So why don't all of you take seats and listen real carefully." I noticed that I had everyone's attention and everyone had sat down. I started my story at the beginning, I didn't leave anything out. I told them about the needles and everything I was told. Brian had a death grip on my hand as I told them everything. "So I broke out a few days ago and here I am." I hadn't noticed that I had started crying. "We'll find your family if it's the last thing we do." Kevin said walking toward me, he wrapped me in a hug. I returned the hug with a little confusion on my part. Brian was starting to let go of my hand but I wouldn't let him. His eyes got wide for a second and then they returned to normal. A smile spread across his lips and I returned the smile. "So your not the only one that they've done this to?" Howie asked so quietly I almost missed it. "No, there are others like me, but there different. I don't really know why maybe it's because I was the first. I tried to talk to the others but it was like they weren't there. I gave up after a few years and decided I should act like them." Brian looked a little pained that I had given up.

Nick stood up and walked a little closer to me. "What changed, why did you decide to leave?" I guess I hadn't told them everything, but this was a good memoire for the most part. "One night I heard some kind of music and I followed it. I found a man with a CD player, he gave it to me. I listened to the voices all night long until I fell to sleep. I had never heard such beautiful voices in my whole life. When I woke up the next morning my CD player was destroyed while I watched. I got so upset, it was childish in truth, but it made me want to leave. It was like the last straw they could pull." They all looked touched by my words. "So music touched your heart enough to make you finally leave?" I nodded and smiled brightly at all of them. "Do you know what band it was that was on the CD?" I hadn't really got a good look at the name but it was on the tip of my tongue. "The Backstreet Boys I think, I don't know if that's the right name. I would really like to find their music again." All of them looked even more touched than before, it was something that I didn't really understand. "I think we could help you find some of their CD's." AJ said smiling brightly toward me, he had no idea how happy he had just made me. I tried to stand up and almost fell down. I guess I wasn't feeling as good as I thought I was.


I went to catch him but he caught himself. He shook his head a few times trying to clear his mind. I was ready to catch him if he fell, it was starting to worry me. When he had fallen from the chair in the kitchen I had rushed to his side. His whole body was shaking I didn't know if he knew or not. I wasn't going to tell him there wasn't a need to scare him any further. Now that I knew everything that I did, I wanted to keep him safe. I wanted to help him even more. When he wouldn't let go of my hand, it was like magic. It was like I was waking up from a long sleep. I watched him as he walked to the center of the room and sat on the floor. He crossed his legs and closed his eyes, he was meditating. I guessed he was trying to regain some control over his body and mind. I stood up and left the room pulling the rest of the guys with me. Once I was in the kitchen I had everyone sit at the table. "The first thing we need to do is find his family. I think I should be able to cover that easily. Like I said I found him at the house I just bought. He use to live there so maybe someone in that area knows where they moved. I did a little checking up on his story last night. He isn't exaggerating in anyway shape or form. His name is David Henderson, they think that he's dead. I'm going out to the grave site in a few hours. I want to check the picture out on the head stone. I want to make sure that he really is who he thinks he is." The guys were nodding, it wasn't that I didn't believe David, I did.

I had left David with the guys as I drove to the grave site. I just hopped I wouldn't have any problems getting to the grave. I had already called and asked how to get to the head stone. I kept looking at my watch I didn't know when they would lock their gates. I was lucky the gates were still wide open so I drove in. The person I had talked to told me that his gave was near a big tree. So far I hadn't seen any trees anywhere in the grave yard. I found toy land and I saw the tree the man must have been talking about. I got out of my car and walked toward the tree. The wind was picking up blowing across the ground like ice water. I stood over the gave and looked at the rose laying near the head stone. I knelt down and looked at the picture. It was him, he had changed but it was the same eyes. I could also see the scar over his eye brow. "What are you doing to my brothers grave?" I turned around to see a woman standing behind me. She looked like some kind of ghost watching over the dead. She was wearing a long white dress that seemed to float in the wind. "I asked you a question and I want an answer now, or I'm going to beat you till I get one." I was taken back by her threat, she didn't look like she could carry it out. "I was visiting my brothers gave, and I saw this one. It doesn't have a death date on it, it just caught my eye." I had to lie to her, it wasn't like she would believe that I had her brother.

She was nodding and I could see the tears hanging in her eyes. "My brother was kidnapped a long time ago. We never found his body, so we never put a date on the head stone. I'm sorry for yelling at you, but he meant a lot to me. I'm sure you understand what I'm saying since you lost your brother to." She moved to my side and placed her hand on the head stone. She moved her hand toward the picture closing her eyes. The tears that fell broke my heart, I hoped that I could help her soon. If I didn't have a thing for her brother I would have fallen for her. "Something inside my heart keeps telling me that he's still alive. Today was the first day I came here, I guess I have to accept that he's gone. He would be twenty-two now, if he was alive he would have come back. I use to pray every night that he would come running into my room laughing. I'm sorry you don't even know me and here I am ranting." She had moved to stand in front of me, she held her hand out. I shook her hand and smiled as warmly as I could. "It's ok, trust me when I say I understand. My name's Brain, it's nice to meet you." She nodded and looked back at the grave. "I'm Alicia Henderson, it's nice to meet you Brian. Well, I should be going I only came out to wish him good night." I nodded and she left as quickly as she could.

I had thought about following her but that would have looked really bad. I knew that she had to live close so I knew I could find her. I got in my car and drove home letting myself smile. I had found his family if only his sister, I could help him. If I could just make him smile my life would be complete. He had smiled before but this would be smile that said so much more. I walked into the house to find all the guys watching David. He hadn't moved since he had taken a seat on the floor. They looked like they were watching TV or something. They didn't even hear me walk into the house. David's eyes flew open and he looked around the room. "It's ok your safe with us, I promise." It was Nick he was trying so hard to be thoughtful. "Thank you but it isn't that, I know why my body is giving me trouble." He had everyone's attention now, no one said a word. "I've been trying to search my memories for the answers. I found it, the memoire I had been looking for. When I was fourteen I snuck into a doctors office. I heard them talking about how long they thought we would live. I didn't understand what they were talking about then but now I do. Because of what they did to our bodies it lowered our life spans. I don't know by how much, but with me no longer taking the shots. I can feel the changes happening in my body. I'm not losing what I have, but I am losing energy." He was dying because of something the government did to him.

He was looking a lot better then when I had left. He stood up quickly and moved to the couch. "I think as long as I don't use my gifts I'll be fine. I may even live longer than the others. I need to find my family soon, I don't want to take any chances. I also know that no matter what, I can't stay with them. After I find them and make sure their all right, then I'll leave. That way no one will be in danger anymore, that means you to." He was looking at us as a group. I was about to say something when Nick jumped up. "No, most of the time were on the move. You could stay with us and no one would be the wiser. We could keep you safe, you wouldn't have to worry about anything." I don't think I could be any prouder of Nick than I was at that moment. He had proved that no matter what he thought with his heart. I smiled to myself and stood beside Nick who was joined by Kevin and AJ. Howie was starting to join us when I saw the tears in David's eyes. "I don't know how to thank you, you've all done so much for me already." I moved to his side and wrapped him in my arms. He held onto me tightly and I felt at home with him in my arms.

I spent the next few week's tracking his mother and father down. They had only moved twenty miles from where they had once lived. I had their address and phone number, but I wasn't going to call them. I was going to take David to them and knock on the door. It was mid December, I wanted to get him home in time for Christmas. I walked into his room and watched him as he slept. He looked so peaceful when he slept, it was like he went back in time. "Brian will you stay with me tonight?" I nodded and crawled into bed with him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me against his body. I could tell that he was sleeping again he was breathing deeply. I turned over now facing him, I let my leg side between his. I noticed that he wasn't wearing any clothes, instantly it felt like it was getting hot. He pulled me closer to his body causing me take a deep breath. I felt his hard on pressing against my belly. His lips were only a few inches away from my own. I thought about kissing him but I just couldn't bring myself to do so. I laid my head on his chest and tired to fall to sleep. I listened to his even breathing and slowly fell to sleep.

I woke up the next morning almost laying on top of him. I tired to slide down his body to get off the bed. That was a huge mistake as I came face to face with his cock. I had seen a few in my day and his was well above average. I pushed my self away and got out of the bed. He rolled over to give me a better look at his back side. The little white marks were gone as if they had never been there. That wasn't all I noticed but it was all I was going ask him about. I left the room quietly and quickly I had to get to a shower. I turned the water on and jumped in. I closed my eyes and let the water take me away. I had been spending a lot of time in the shower lately. It was safe to think of David while I was in the shower. I wanted to kiss his lips and hold his body close to mine. I wanted to be as close to him as I could. I wanted to have him inside of me, holding me close. I could see holding me while he made love to me. I could almost feel his lips against mine I let my hand flow down. I took in a deep breath when I felt a hand on my chest. I opened my eyes to see David standing in front of me. I went to say something but he out his finger over my lips. "Only speak if you want it to stop." I closed my lips and looked into his eyes. His hand slid behind my back bringing our bodies together.

When his lips met mine I was in heaven. It was everything that I had dreamed of and so much more. I opened my lips letting his tongue enter my mouth. His lips left mine and traveled downward. He left little kisses down my chest, I arched my back slightly. I felt his tongue on the tip of my cock. Then his mouth took more and more in, I felt like I couldn't breathe. I knew I couldn't last to much longer, I had been waiting for this for so long. I was doing my best to breathe, but every time I took a breath in it would come out as a moan. I felt his hand on my butt and his finger was near my hole. He slowly pushed it in, then he started pumping it in and out. "I'm going to shoot my load David." He didn't stop, he only started sucking harder. I let lose and he never stopped bobbing his head up and down. I almost fell but he caught me and gently lifted me off the ground. He carried me back to his room and laid me down on the bed. His lips met mine softly then with more power. "I want you inside of me now." His eyes seemed to shine as did his body as he nodded. "I'm not for sure how?" I smiled I wouldn't mind teaching him anything.

I went to my room and got some lube that I had gotten a while back. I told him what he had to do and then let him take over. He picked my legs up and held them in air. I guess he couldn't help using a little bit of his super strength. He first slid in one finger then two and so on. "Ok I think I'm ready but take it really slow ok?" He nodded and pressed the tip of his cock against my hole. He pushed slowly and he was in, at first it hurt like hell. He stopped and started to pull out but I stopped him. "Just stay still for a little bit." He nodded and didn't move his body an inch. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled myself toward him a little. I let the pain stop and then I would start again until I felt his ball's resting on my cheeks. I nodded and he slowly started to pull back then thrust forward. We both let out a low but loud moan, he then wrapped his arms around me. He picked me up and brought his lips to mine. The kiss carried so much passion and love that tears fell from my eyes. I had gotten hard again, my cock was grinding against his abs. I started shooting my load for the second time that morning. David took a deep breath and let go inside of me. "I love you Brian" the words were so simple but meant so much. "I love you to and I always will." We both fell back to the bed and passed out.

A few hours later I heard someone knocking on the door. I pulled myself out of the bed and moved toward the door. I opened it slightly and looked out to see Nick smiling at me. "Hello sun shine just wondering if you were going to grace us with your smiling face?" Normally I would have flipped him of and walked away, today was different. I swung the door open and pulled him in for a hug. I was naked and he knew that little fact so he tried to pull away. I let go and laughed at him loudly, I was in such a good mood. "Ok I am never speaking to you again, you little streaker." I only laughed hard and that woke David up. He stood up on the bed and walked to my side. Nick had his mouth hanging open like I had just shot a bird. "You act like you've never seen a guy naked before." David put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me in for a kiss. Nick took off running like a mad man with his butt on fire. David and I both cracked up laughing at him he was so easy to freak out. "Ok we should get dressed before the rest of them come in here looking for us." David nodded and picked up his boxer shorts. "I think we should take a quick shower first." He smiled at me while he walked out of the room heading for the shower. I ran after him full speed there was no way I was passing this up.

I was now fully dressed and sitting in the living room. David was at my side smiling like a little kid. "So I guess your a couple now, there goes my dream of snagging him." I didn't know if Kevin was serious or joking around. I just laughed and held onto David's hand tightly. I knew that Kevin was gay but I hadn't seen him with a guy yet. The rest of the guys were straight, which was cool. "Well, I have good news to tell everyone, I've found David's family." Everyone was looking at me and David was taking deep breaths. "I think we should head there a little later tonight. That way everyone will be home and we can cheer them all up." I had to let go and hope he wouldn't leave me behind. Nick looked really happy, I guess he had recovered from my little joke. David looked like he was ready to do a hundred back flips. He had pulled me up into the air and he was spinning me around. To him I must have been as light as a feather. He then kissed me and held me tightly to his chest. He sat me down and then started hugging all of the guys one by one. I had never seen him like this and I knew I had been waiting for this. Then he stopped and his face seemed to change all together. "What if they don't want to see me Brian?" His eyes were so wide and innocent. "David I'm sure they want to see you, anybody who didn't would be insane." He smiled again but this time you could see the doubt.


I had been having a weird feeling all day long and I didn't understand it. I had dawned my white dress and top once again. My Mom and dad were sitting in the living room watching the TV. They always did around this time of year, they watched the news channels. They had given up a good amount of hope years ago but some remained. I guess it always would until they found a body. I had already packed my bags for my trip. I didn't know where I was going but I had to go. As soon as Christmas passed I was going to leave. I wasn't going to come back until I found the people that took my brother from me. I noticed that it was starting to get dark outside. I kept having this feeling that I was being watched. I walked over to my brother picture and changed the flower that was in the vase. I hoped my mother would continue to take care of it while I was gone. I always made sure there was a new flower everyday. I heard someone knocking on the door softly. I walked to the door and opened it slowly, a blond haired man was standing at the door. "Can I help you, or are you just here to sing to me?" When he lifted his head I froze. He had the same brown eyes that my brother use to have. I reached out slowly touching his face lifting his bane's away from his forehead.

I looked at the scar for a few seconds, not believing what I was seeing. I traced the scar and then looked back into his eyes. I couldn't move any further nor could I breathe, could it really be him? I had prayed for so long and I was so afraid that this was a dream. "Alicia?" The tears that fell from my eyes were ones of happiness. I wrapped my arms around him and held him close. I pulled him into the house and slammed the door behind him. "Mom, Dad, come here hurry!" My mother came running into the front room and froze. Everything seemed to stop all together, no one could move or speak. I looked to my right where David was standing. It was like the years had been stripped away and there he stood. The little boy that we had all lost so long ago, I couldn't stop the smile from forming. My mother slowly walked up to him putting her hands on his face. She had tears streaming down her face. My father hadn't moved from his spot he just kept looking at him. "Mom?" I could see the tears hanging on his lids threatening to fall. She wrapped her arms around him and held him like I had. Only she was crying loudly and shaking. I heard another knock on the door and when I opened it Brian was standing behind it.

Four hours had passed since David had walked back into our lives. We now had a house full the BSB were sitting in our living room. Brian had told me how he was sorry he hadn't told me sooner. I couldn't believe that he was the one to find my brother. I couldn't be mad at him, he had made my dreams come true. My mother had wrapped him in her arms and spun him around. You wouldn't think that a woman that small was that strong. Everyone was in the living room talking about nothing all that important. The question that was coming up had me worried. We had skipped around it the whole time we had been talking. I don't know why but it was almost like it was a forbidden question. I really wanted to know who had taken him, how he had gotten away. I had so many questions but any one of them could shatter everything. I don't really know how we had kept away from this as long as we had. "David, what happened to you and why did it take so long to get back?" He looked to Brian and slid in hand into his holding on to him tightly. When he started talking you could tell all of the happiness had left him. As I listened my heart broke, it was so unbelievable. But I believed him I had no other choice but to do so.

After he told us everything that had happened my parents were both crying. I had managed to control myself so far. That was until the next words left his mouth. "I can't stay here if I do they'll find me and I can't risk that." I started shaking my head I couldn't let this happen, I couldn't lose him again. "No, you can't go, I can't lose you again. I'll keep you safe, I promise no one will get within a hundred feet of you. David you don't understand how much I've missed you. I've dreamed of this day since you were taken, I've prayed everyday. We all have you can't just leave us, not so soon after we found you." My body was shaking and I couldn't stop the tears from falling. I couldn't let this happen I needed him to much. He had been a dream for so long and now he was real. I moved to his and side and wrapped my arms around him. I wasn't going to let go, not now or ever. I wouldn't let him leave not again, I couldn't take it. "If I stay they will find me, and all of you will be in danger. You don't understand how hard this is for me Alicia, if I could stay I would. Their are others like me just as strong and as deadly. If they came you wouldn't stand a chance and neither would I." If he couldn't stay then I would go with him. I already had my bags packed all I needed to do was change.


I had never seen something so heart wrenching in my whole life. Then she stood up and walked away from us. David looked crushed so I pulled him into my arms. He was telling his parents good bye and they seemed to understand. Then we heard someone walking down the stairs slowly. I turned slowly and what I saw made me look twice. Alicia was standing near the door but she didn't look sweet anymore. She was wearing black leather pants and a black leather vest. She had black boots on that had spiked heels. Strapped to the side of her leg was a large dagger. A little higher on her waist was a gun that I had seen cops carry. Her hair was in a pony tail and I swear she looked like some mid-evil warrior. "If your not staying than neither am I." I looked back at the guys and AJ's mouth was hanging open. Now two of the guys had a crush on her, Nick had been staring at her the whole time. "If you think your wearing that young lady you are sorely mistaken." I looked at their mother and did my best to stop the laugh from getting out. "Mom you know I love you, but it's my life and it's high time I took control of it." She then walked out the house without looking back. David just smiled and hugged his mother and father. "I'll take care of her I promise." His mother was nodding but you could tell she about to brake.

I found myself at a loss of words as we drove back to my house. David's sister was telling him how she had been taking self defense classes. It looked like she had been taking classes from an assassin. That's what she looked like, it was like they both fell out of an action movie. I knew that the guys and myself had to go back on tour right after Christmas. I had made arrangements so David could come with us now I had to make more. I didn't mind it David seemed really happy that his sister was with us. I couldn't help but have the feeling that we were being watched. Since we had left his parents house I felt like eyes were on me. I turned into my driveway and punched the code in for the gate. I drove in and parked the car, before turning to them. "Do you guys feel like were being watched?" David looked up and nodded slowly, like he had always known. Alicia looked she wasn't to sure about what was going on. I rolled my window down and waved my hand so Kevin would roll his down. "Kev could we stay at your house tonight?" He lifted his shoulders up and then started his car again. We waited until Nick dove in so we could tell him the new game plan.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 3

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