
By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Jan 12, 2001


Disclaimer: I don't know the BSB nor have I ever met them or anyone that knows them. This is just a story that I made up in my little world. In others words this is not real and if it was I would be scared.

Authors Note: I have noticed that more people are writing BSB stories. I am now a happy camper, so maybe my next story will be about another band. Don't count on it I don't listen to many other bands. Ok maybe I should get on with the important stuff like my little symbols. I use these *** to let you know that I've changed characters, or what character I'm starting with. In the beginning of a new chapter I will put the name in the middle of the symbols. While I'm writing the story as in the middle of a chapter I will put the name after the symbols. I hope that I haven't confused you, if I have I'm sorry. If you've read some of my other stories then this is pretty much useless. You know I've gone nuts with my symbols. I am so wasting your time right now so I'm going to stop and get to the story. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


I held him in my arms but he wasn't breathing. His eyes were closed and his face seemed to soften. "No, come back to me, you can't go not now. Come on baby wake up, you can't leave me, please wake up." I looked at Kevin and I saw the tears falling from his eyes. "Kevin you have to help me wake him up, he won't wake up Kevin you have to help." I kept shaking him softly, but he wasn't waking up. I pulled the dagger out of his chest and threw it away. "There all better, you can wake up now, come on we still have to get married." I looked at Alicia who was being held by AJ, why wasn't she helping me? I pulled his body further up so I could hold him better. "David it's time to get up babe, the day passing us up." I heard foot steps moving toward me, finally some help. "He won't be waking up son, he's dead. But theirs a bright side, you get to live since he almost won the game." I looked up to see a man who looked like he was from the army. "No, he's going to wake up, you just don't understand. I love him and he loves me, he's going to wake up." I heard laughter for a few brief seconds then I heard someone scream. I watched as Alicia flew threw the air and hit the army guy in the face. "You killed him, you kidnapped him, I'll kill you!" She was screaming loudly and beating the man to death.

AJ was trying to pull her off of him, I didn't care about any of that. I had to wake David up, no one else seemed to want to help. Their were more men walking toward us some looked like doctors. "You in the lab coat get over here. I need some help waking him up, you can help can't you?" The man was shaking his head, he didn't look like the rest of them. He looked as if he didn't like what had happened to David. "Why won't anyone help me?" Nick was trying to pull me away from David, I pushed him away. The doctor walked up and laid his hand on David's chest. "I had hoped he would have won, it was his only chance. No one will stop you or even question you if you go to bury him. I've already cleared a path for you, I am sorry truly I am." The doctor then moved away from us taking the other body with them. "If you ever need a job young lady, give me a call, I'm sure we could use you." Alicia then flipped him off and moved to my side. "Brian we have to get out of here, theirs going to be to many questions." I was starting to understand that David wasn't going to wake up. "We have to take him to his grave it's what he wanted. I promised him that I would carry his wish out." Alicia was nodding and trying to pull me away.

The next two days seemed to fly by, I don't remember much. I knew that I was back in Kentucky. Alicia was taking care of everything, I still don't know how she did it. And like the doctor said no one asked any questions. The day that we started to lower the coffin I realized what was happening. Kevin and Howie had stopped me from getting to the casket. They held me until it was resting on the bottom on the ground. I couldn't take it, he was gone and this made it real. "No, this can't happen, no please don't let this happen Nick you've got to help me." Nick just looked at me while he cried on AJ's shoulder. Alicia moved to my side and looked into my eyes. "Brian he's gone, theirs nothing we can do." I didn't understand how I could lose him, he had told me it would happen. I just didn't want to believe in those words, I didn't live in that world. In my world he was still breathing, he just needed to wake up. I stopped fighting with Kevin and Howie, it was useless. Kevin pulled me in a hug and tried to help me, but that would never happen. The first person I had ever loved was gone, and I couldn't change that. I left the grave site I had to go home, I couldn't stay here any longer.


I took a deep breath but it was kind of hard to breathe. I opened my eyes and everything was dark. I reached out to feel something soft but hard against my hand. I started to push but it wouldn't budge. My memoire was starting to return, I knew where I was. The air was starting to run out, and if I didn't get out soon I would have brain damage. I pushed with everything I had, something started to bend and crack. Soon my coffin was open, but the vault still remained. I punched and I only left a small dent, I was now worried. It was really getting hard to breathe, I kept punching but all I was getting was a bloody fist. I start to just push hoping that maybe I could open it like I had done my coffin. I took my last breath of air as the vault started to crack. The dirt started to fill all the space that had been empty. I was fighting with everything I had to get out but I started to drift away. I could feel that my body refused to give up but my mind was fading. I couldn't really remember what I had been fighting for, was it important? I felt something cold against my skin. I opened my eyes to see stars high in the sky. I needed food but what else did I need?


Now that everything was I could allow myself to brake. I let myself sank to the floor of my room. The tears felt like fire on my cheeks, how could this happen again? I knew that I had to go to Brian's house tomorrow. He had locked himself up and wasn't letting anyone in. He was taking this worse than anyone, but that made sense. AJ was knocking on my door, but I didn't feel like moving to open it. At some point he walked in anyway, then I was in his arms. I couldn't do anything but cry, where had my strength gone? I wanted revenge but who did I really want to hurt. I wanted the men that did it to pay but I wanted to understand why. Did they have a reason that may have been for the greater good? I had so many questions but no answers, I hurt more and more every second. "AJ why did this have to happen?" I could feel that he was crying to, his tears fell on my neck. "I don't know, things like this happen, and we're powerless to stop it. I can only hope that it gets better someday." I held on to him tighter, he was my life line. I just hoped that I could keep it together. I had to go to Brian he needed me, he needed all of us.


My world was falling apart and I couldn't stop it. I knew that Kevin and the guys were in my living room. I stayed in my bedroom with the door locked. I didn't want to face them not yet it was to soon. I couldn't accept that he was gone, something didn't feel right. "Brian open the door, we just want to help you." I looked at the door it would be so easy to open. But in opening the door I let the real world enter my own world. I couldn't do that, in my world everything was fine. I was waiting for David to come home, but that wasn't going to happen was it. I shook my head, he would come home and the world would be right again. "I only need one thing and I'm waiting for it." I heard foot steps moving away from the door. I sank into my corner and watched the sky all night long. I was searching for the right star to wish on. When the sun started coming up I realized that I hadn't slept in a while. Someone was knocking on my door again why couldn't they just leave me alone. "Brian it's Alicia, I have some bad news Brian, someone stole David's body." I jumped off the floor and ran to the door opening it up quickly. "No, that isn't it, he's coming back to me. I told all of you he would come back, none of you believed me." Alicia looked very sad as her eyes met mine. I ran past her and picked up my coat.

As I opened the front door a doctor was waiting for me. I had seen him once before, he had been the one at the arena. While he had blocked my way the guys had caught up to me. "Brian don't you dare go running out like that, come back here. Oh, sorry didn't think anyone was at the door. Hey how the hell did you get past the gate?" I looked back at Kevin who was now yelling at the doctor. "I haven't got time for that, I'm here for David where is he?" My eyes got wide, I wasn't the only one that believed he was alive. "David isn't here, his body was stolen, it happened sometime last night. Wait a second you were there when he was killed. Your to blame for all of this, you had David killed, you bastard I'll kill you!" Alicia was running for the doctor but I had to stop her. I pulled her into the living room while the guys grabbed the doctor and pulled him in. "Talk fast Doc or we'll let his sister have a go at you. I'm sure she could give you a reason to talk." It was AJ talking for the whole group. "David wasn't killed, he was poisoned so he would look dead. It was the only way I could keep him safe, they would have killed him no matter what. You have to understand, I never wanted to hurt him, he was a good kid. There is a small problem, I have to give him the counter agent. He will most likely be a little crazy until he gets it." Everyone in the room had gone silent, at least there wasn't a time limit.


I didn't know where I was anymore, nor did I remember who I was. I had images running around in my mind. There was a man with blue eyes, he kept calling out to me. I had to find him, he meant everything to me. I just didn't know where to go, I couldn't remember the way to the castle. My prince was waiting for me, but how long would he wait. I had to get a better look at the kingdom. I jumped into the tree and climbed to the top. All I could see was a bunch of stones in the ground, some had flowers. I looked down and saw that I had come back to where I had left. I ripped the clothing off it didn't look right on my body. Now I felt a lot better, the wind was really starting to blow. I noticed that the sun was setting over my kingdom. I lived in the kingdom of stones, and I slept underground sometimes. I was a wild man that didn't wear any clothing, well most of the time. I noticed that the gates to my kingdom were being closed, my prince couldn't get to me. I was going to rip those gates open, if only I could remember how. I looked up into the sky and noticed that the moon was rising. I jumped down from my tree and ran toward the gates. I tried to pull them apart but it wasn't working, I kicked it and hurt my foot.


I had been starring at the good doctor the last hour trying not to kill him. He had tried to help my brother but that didn't erase the fact that he had taken him. "Ok I get the point that my brother is now normal. What I don't understand is why I shouldn't just kill you any way. I mean if you think about it, I have every right to hate you. You like my brother so your willing to help him. But what about the others? Do you even care if they live, I don't think so. You knew that David would kill that guy for us, yet that didn't stop you. You made my brother kill someone, and you did it to save him. He wouldn't have needed saving if it wasn't for you. So what do you have to say for yourself?" The doctor did look to happy with me, as if I cared. "Your right, your brother is the only one I care about. I have my reasons one being he still has a will of his own. The others are trained to act normal, but David never had that happen. Tommy the boy that David killed, he had a kill count of three hundred. While David on the other hand only had a count of one kill, that being Tommy. David would do just about anything, if he was promised his freedom. But he would never kill for it, he had made that clear. And no I didn't think David would kill for you. I didn't think he had it in him to kill anything, I was proven wrong. Some of things you may not know about David I do." I looked at him he was trying to tell me something that I didn't know.

I waited for him to continue, but he had to take his time. "Did you know that you brother gave up something very important for you? He was only fourteen I believe, they told him they would leave you alone if he didn't fight." What was he saying, if it's what I thought it was, I would kill him. "I tried to help him out of the that mess to, but I couldn't. He has blocked many of his memories of that time out. It took me a year to get those men fired from the compound. I have always done my best to watch over him, I have failed so many times. This last time I put everything I am on the line for him, I let one of them die for him. I knew that David could beat him, but I didn't know if he would so I took another chance. I made sure that Tommy's blade had three different poisons on it. One that would increase your brothers natural healing factor. The second one would make him sleep deeply. The third would make him look dead, not even I could have told the difference. If you think that was the first time I had tried to free him you would be mistaken. But I don't really have time to sit here and tell you stories. I have to find him and give him the shot then return to my normal life. So if you please, could we go look for him before it's to late?" I didn't have anything to say, so I stood and walked to the door.


I climbed up and over the fence and started walking down the street. I had left my kingdom for my prince, but I couldn't remember where he was. A few cars had passed me as I walked, none had stopped. Another one was slowing down as it got closer, it had funny lights flashing. Two men walked toward with their guns drawn and aimed at my chest. "Now just sit down on the ground and we'll all be happy." I laughed at the foolish man did he not know who I was. They both moved in on me, one tried to grab my arm. I flipped him on his back while his partner said hello to my fist. "Foolish men, how dare you try to rob me." One was trying to stand back up so I put him back in his place. I beat both of them for a few minutes it would teach them a lesson. I left them knocked out no need for someone else to get robbed. I continued to walk down the street, I had forgotten where I was going. Another car was starting to slow down, this one had no flashing lights. A woman stepped out of the car and walked toward me slowly. "David it's me Alicia, your sister would you stop moving for a second?" I looked at her and smiled I did have memories of her.

I crossed my arms over my chest and smiled brightly. "If it isn't the good witch of the South, I have missed you." He face seemed to change as her eyes got wide. "I am in need of transport, I must find my prince. Would you be so kind to loan me your broom?" She moved toward my slowly, her hands held outward. "I could take you to your prince if it pleases you my lord." She was being very nice in deed I would have to send some money to her school. "Would you care to follow me to my car I will take you?" I nodded and followed her back to her car. She opened the side door for me and I stepped in slowly. "Your car is very nice my lady, but I thought you liked to fly?" She looked at me for a few seconds before answering. "I do but your prince asked me to drive this so I did." I nodded that was good, she was following orders. "Very well, shall we be off or are we waiting for the flying monkeys?" She started her car and drove off without answering my question. I looked out the window to see two cars with flashing lights speed by. What was the world coming to, all of these thieves running around the country side?


I guess I had finally regained some control over myself. Now that I looked back on the last couple of days I saw that I had been a bit insane. I was feeling a lot better but that didn't mean the guys were going to lay off. I was going to look around for David on my own, but no Kevin wouldn't have that. I had both Nick and Howie riding with me, Alicia had gone off on her own. Everyone else was out looking for him. We were going to meet back at my house in an hour. Unless someone found if that happened would all had our cell phones. Well, everyone but Alicia she had stormed off so quickly we didn't have time to give her one. The doctor was riding with Kevin who seemed like the only that wouldn't kill him. Now that I had regained my mind, I didn't like the guy anymore. I couldn't hate him, I wanted to but I couldn't. I noticed that three police cars just went flying down the road. I decided that it might be a good idea to follow them. If David was anywhere near as bad as the doctor had said, all hell could be braking lose. Even with David not having all that strength, he still knew how to fight. I just hoped no one he didn't like had gotten in his way.

We pulled up close the grave yard, there were two cops being put in an ambulance. I got out of my car and walked toward one of the cursers. "What happened to those guys?" A woman turned around and smiled at me sweetly. "They won't tell anyone, all we know is it was something about a naked guy." I nodded and walked back to the car, David had been here. I started back toward my house calling the other guys while I did so. I knew what area to look in now but I would have to wait until the police were gone. When I pulled into my driveway I noticed that Alicia was already back. Then I saw that she was shouting at someone to get off the roof. I parked the car and ran up to her, she looked grateful that I had gotten back. "I found him but it's nuttier than a fruit cake, and I don't how the hell he got up there." I didn't care, he was alive and well at least physically and he looked great. "One-second I turned my back and then he was gone. I found him up there jumping around looking for his prince." I almost started laughing but I found it kind of sweet. "Brian my sweet I have returned to your castle, where the hell are you?" This time I did start laughing it was just weird to hear him talk like that.

Kevin walked up beside me and laid his hand on my shoulder. "I see we have David back with us. I have one really good question, why the hell is he naked? Not that I'm not enjoying the show might I add." I guess I hadn't noticed that little fact until now. Then everything kind of happened really fast. David took a flying leap of the top of my house doing flips in the air. I moved to catch him but it was far to late for that, his feet touched the ground and then he fell. His body was rolling backwards, almost as if he had don't this before. His head hit the ground but his body didn't seem to notice. Then he didn't move and neither could I, everything just seemed to stop. I was to shocked to move, it all seemed so unreal, that was until he moved. I rushed to his side and lift his head gently. "My prince you come to save me from the evil dragon." His smile said that he was ok, but was he really. "I'm here babe, now why did you go and jump of the roof?" He started laughing like a little kid. "That's a silly question, you know theirs an evil fairy up there." I heard laughter behind me and say AJ cracking up. "You could say that this is the fairies main base." I even laughed at AJ's lame joke, and I planed on getting him back soon.

I found myself sitting beside David in the living room. He was out cold, it was the shot the doctor gave him. I had pulled a cover over him but it wasn't helping much. He wouldn't stop moving, it was like his body was fighting something. "He'll be back to normal once he wakes up." I looked at the doctor and nodded, and if he thought he was leaving he had another thing coming. I nodded toward Kevin and AJ who both moved toward the door to block it. The doctor seemed to notice the change in the room and smiled. Alicia was in the kitchen, or so that's where she said she was going. I knew that she went to change into something a little more threatening. She wasn't going to let the doctor leave without a good reason to stay quite. I didn't think he would do anything to hurt David, but I wasn't taking chances. I was starting to think that maybe Alicia had gone outside to cut the doctors brake lines. I wouldn't put it past her at this point she wanted his blood. "How much will he remember about tonight?" The doctor laughed at me, not his wisest choice in actions that he could have chosen. "At first nothing, then as a little time passes everything." This guy was getting on my nerves maybe it would be good if his brake line was cut.


I remembered the fight, then other images pushed their way into my head. I should be dead, but why does my head hurt? I slowly opened my eyes to see Brian starring down at me. "You have to hurry, if they see you, they'll hurt you! Hurry go, I'll keep them distracted." I sat up quickly looking around the room, how did I get here? "It's ok David your safe, now and forever." I almost believed him until I saw Dr. Kelmer. "No, I'm not, he's here, they'll know I'm alive once he tells them." I was looking from Brian to the doctor. "I won't be telling them anything David, I'm the reason your alive." I blinked a few times, could he really be telling me the truth? I slowly stood up and walked over to him, he looked like he was telling truth. but he always did, he had lied so many times. I knelt down in front of him, his eyes looked so clear. "Why now? When did you decide that I wasn't just a peace of meat?" The look on his face was one of pain. "I decided a long time ago that you weren't a peace of meat. I have been looking for a way ever since to free you. I'm so sorry it took me so long, but your free now." I stood up and walked away from him. Could I really be free, was everything over now? "Your right I am free, as long as I stay in the shadows. How can I live a normal life doctor? Can I go out and get a job? Can I get married, or get a pass port, can I do any of that?" His face was even more pained than before.

I had never really thought about how I could really live. Now that I was free I had more choices, but what could I really do? I had to watch my back now more than I did a few days ago. "Easy I can give you a new life, change your name and so on. It may take a few days but you can live a normal life. I promise you that I'll find a way and then you can be happy." I listened but I really didn't hear his words, it seemed to unreal. He wasn't lying anymore, he couldn't have been. I felt arms tighten around my waist a head resting on my back. I turned slowly and rested my head on top of his, my eyes started to tear up. I was home, in the arms of the man I loved. How could life get any better than it already was? I would soon be able to live like everyone else, and I would be happy for the rest of my life. Which I later found out would also be normal, no more worries. My sister had been waiting for the doctor outside. She had scared him to death with her dagger. She even showed him her marksmanship, I had almost jumped out of my skin when the gun fired. I had ran out to see my sister pointing the gun at him, he was as pale as a ghost. She was laughing at him, she almost sounded like she was insane. "If anything ever happens to him and I think you had something to do with it. I'll hunt you down and slowly kill you, do you understand what I'm telling you doctor?" He nodded and slowly got into his car.

I could now see that no matter what my sister would always be ok. I would never have to worry about her again. She walked toward me slowly, her smile was unnerving. "What? You look like I just killed the damn mocking bird." I laughed at her and walked with her back to the house. I didn't see Brian anywhere, the guys pointed toward our bedroom. I walked down the hallway slowly, he was waiting for me on the bed. I laid down beside him wrapping my arms around him. I felt the tears falling from his eyes, he was shaking slightly. "I thought I had lost you, I didn't know how to live without you in my life. Promise me that you'll never leave me again. That no matter what you'll always be here to hold me." I wiped the tears from his face and kissed his lips softy. "I promise I'll be with you for the rest of time. I will love until the world crumbles and falls away. Till the stars no longer shine, I will love you forever and a day." I meant every single word that I had said to him. I could tell that he was now asleep so I held onto him tightly. I kissed his forehead and let my own tears fall. He made me so happy and he did it with ease. I closed my eyes and fell into a beautiful world of dreams.

It was the day of my wedding, and they wouldn't let me see Brian. My sister had everything planned to perfection. The day was like none I had ever seen before, it looked like heaven had opened it's arms. The sun hit everything perfectly, it was like a dream. I walked down the path of rose petals. Brian turned to face me, his smile made my heart melt. Soon I was standing by his side looking into his eyes. We had wrote our own vows so it made things even sweeter. "I David Henderson take you Brian Littrell to be my husband. I promise you that I will always be at your side no matter the cost. My life is yours and yours alone, I will live my life loving only you. Till the end of time, till I'm old and gray, till the sun no longer shines, I will love you. With this vow I make today I promise you everything I am." I put the ring on his finger and kissed his palm. He had tears falling from his eyes. "I Brian Littrell take you David Henderson to be my husband. I have loved you since the first moment I met you. In you I see my life my future, in you I see my everything. Everyday I love you more and more, I can't imagine my world without you. Your like the sun that rises and the stars that shine. I will love you now and forever, you are everything to me and so you shall always remain." He slipped the ring onto my finger and then kissed my lips. "I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss, a little late but it needed to be said." I smiled and leaned my forehead against his.

My sister was crying her eyes out, as were the other guys. I had used my real name to marry Brian. I had asked the doctor if I could do that before he gave my new life. He told me that it should be fine, as long as I was out of Kentucky. That had worked out perfectly since we were married in Hawaii. That night I carried Brian threw the door of our hotel room. Then in turn we did it all over again with him caring me. I had found it funny but romantic, that night had been the most amazing night of my life. That was over ten years ago, Brian and I had been together the whole time. The only time I wasn't by his side was when he was on stage. He couldn't get me out there if it would save the world. My sister had gotten married to AJ seven years ago. They were still together and that was amazing. The rest of the guys were still single a fact that I found very sad. Kevin was the worst of all the guys he really wanted to be with someone. Nick was still far to wild to settle down for longer than a month. While Howie just liked being alone, he had grown to like his personal time to much. I stood near the stage and watched Brian sang his heart out. They were still hot on the charts, unlike Nsync which had broken up years ago. I had never understood what had gotten into the lead singers head. He had dropped his friends and went solo.

Brian had come out of the closet a few years back. The world didn't have a heart attack like we had thought it would. In fact it seemed to strengthen the whole band in so many ways. Then he told the world that he was in fact married but not to Leighanne. My heart had stopped when those words left his mouth. I was then dragged onto the stage of TRL by Nick and Kevin. I could have killed both of them on the spot, that's why I never went on stage with Brian. That one time had been enough for me, the thought alone sent chills up my spine. Brian looked over at me and blew me a kiss, then went back to singing. My heart did back flips while I watched him sing his song. It never failed their music always touched my heart. I closed my eyes and let myself get lost in his sweet voice. I felt a hand on my shoulder so I opened my eyes to see my sister. "You never change do you?" I just shook my head and looked back out to Brian. He was my life, without him I couldn't live. The tears fell freely as I watched him sing, his voice was the only one I heard. I heard my sister sigh as she moved away from my side. I closed my eyes once again and let myself get lost.

I held onto Brian's hand while we sat on the porch looking at the stars. It had been thirty years since he had sang for anyone but me. I was now old and gray, it was harder to move around now. I was happy with just sitting by his side star gazing. It had been a tough year with Kevin and Nick passing away. They had both died in a car accident together. They had been hit by a drunk driver, some kid on his way home from party. It had hurt so much that they were gone. I would sometimes find myself or Brian waking up crying in the middle of the night. AJ and Alicia had moved closer to us since that had happened. Howie had moved further away, I couldn't blame him he took it the worst. Time had caught up with all of us, Brian more than the others. I knew that I was going to lose him soon. His heart was giving him problems and the pills weren't helping anymore. I looked into his eyes and kissed him sweetly, he was my angel. His smile was still as sweet as ever, so was his voice. I pulled him into my arms as he fell to sleep. I would hold him until he was taken from me. I sang to him this time, he smiled in his sleep. I kissed his forehead and held on to him tightly.

I now stood with the help of my sister and AJ. I watched as they lowered Brian's coffin into the ground. I had lost him a few days ago while I had been holding him. My sister and AJ led me away from the grave site. They had tired to talk me into moving in with them. I couldn't do that it would take me away from my happiest memories. They walked me into my house and left a few hours later. That night as I laid in my bed I cried for my angel to come back. I held his pillow to my chest as I cried myself to sleep. I woke up the next morning and just sat in the living room. I looked at all of the photos of my angel. I missed him so much that the tears wouldn't stop. I missed his smile and his sweet kisses good night. I missed how he would hold me in the night when it was cold. The pain that filled my heart every waking moment made me weaker everyday. I prayed for death to take me each night. Soon my prayer were answered as I slipped away. Now I was in my angel's arms once again.

The End

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