
By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Jan 7, 2001


Disclaimer: I don't know the BSB nor have I ever met them or anyone that knows them. This is just a story that I made up in my little world. In others words this is not real and if it was I would be scared.

Warning: I have no idea where I'm going with this story. It's really weird, also it has a dark plot. It's not a super happy story, it's not in me to write stories like that. This is a story about love there may be sex later on. I don't know how long this story will be, that also mean's it could be short.

Authors Note: I have noticed that more people are writing BSB stories. I am now a happy camper, so maybe my next story will be about another band. Don't count on it I don't listen to many other bands. Ok maybe I should get on with the important stuff like my little symbols. I use these *** to let you know that I've changed characters, or what character I'm starting with. In the beginning of a new chapter I will put the name in the middle of the symbols. While I'm writing the story as in the middle of a chapter I will put the name after the symbols. I hope that I haven't confused you, if I have I'm sorry. If you've read some of my other stories then this is pretty much useless. You know I've gone nuts with my symbols. I am so wasting your time right now so I'm going to stop and get to the story. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


My name is David Henderson, or it use to be. I am twenty-two years old or at least I think I am. It's kind of hard to keep track of things in this place. I haven't seen the outside world for over ten years. That's how I know how old I am, well I hope anyway. I use to have a family and friends that was taken away from me. I'm still not sure why it was done to me, I hadn't done anything wrong. The last memoire I have of the outside world was walking home. I had just gotten out of school, and it was the first day I was allowed to walk home. I had begged my parents for weeks to trust me enough to let me walk. I was so proud of myself I couldn't stop smiling for longer than a few seconds. Then I felt something go over my mouth and the world faded away. I woke up later in a small white room. I was strapped down to a metal bed and my clothes had been taken off. I was scared and I wanted my mother, she would help me. I started to scream for my Mom, but there wasn't any answer. I laid on the bed for a few hours before a door opened. A man walked in, he looked like he was in the army. "Hello David I'm happy that your awake, now we can start making you better." I didn't understand what he was talking about.

I soon found out that my father had sold me to them. That's what I was told but I couldn't believe it. I was told all of this before they started to poke me with needles. For the next three years my life was pure hell. My body was changing and quickly, I now had muscles. I was always in pain and they never tried to stop it. I had been stabbed with needles on every part of my body. Some times I would be stabbed more than once in one day. My body was starting to heal really fast, so they gave me more shots. When I was fifteen I was put in a tank full of water. I had to wear a small mask so I could breathe. I was in the tank for close to an hour before I understood what was about to happen. I had been watching the doctors run around the tank for a while. Then I could see what they were doing to the tank. I couldn't scream and the water made it hard to punch the walls. Hundred of needles started coming out of the walls. I tired to stop moving so it would be over soon. My back side felt like it was on fire, soon my whole body felt like that. I knew that if I moved it would only get worse and I didn't want that, I couldn't stand it.

I had treatments like that once a month for a year or two. The pain wasn't so bad anymore in fact I was use to it. I was starting to understand what they were doing, I could move really fast. I could pick up a car up and hold it over my head for a while. I soon learned that I wasn't the only one that had been taken. Then the training started, they were teaching me how to fight. I was learning quicker than the teachers could teach me. Then the weird training started, I had to learn to use weapons. It all started out easy and I kind of liked it. My first weapon was a staff, it wouldn't kill anyone so I liked it. Then it moved into different kinds of knifes and guns. I wasn't so happy with the training any more, it was about killing. They were trying to teach me how to rip someone's heart out of there chest. I had the strength to pull it that was easy enough to see. Then again maybe it wasn't that easy to see, after all I looked normal. I only stood six foot four, I had blond hair and brown eyes. My body was perfectly toned in every way that it could be. I was promised that if I did what they wanted I could see the outside world again.

That brings us up until now well not really but I'm tired of those memories. I was so tired of this place I was ready to do anything to leave. The others that had been trained like me had already been sent out. I didn't understand why I hadn't been given a chance to leave this hell hole. The others were like robots, they did whatever they were told to do. I tired to act like them but it wasn't easy, I still had hope. Then one night while I was laying in my bed I heard it. It was music I knew that much but this was different then what I remembered. It was the first time that I had heard any music in ten years, and it touched my heart. I jumped out of my bed and forced my door open, it was really easy. I followed the sound until I found a man with a radio of some kind. "Could I see that please?" He looked scared that I had found him listening the radio. "I won't tell anyone I promise, please can I hear it." He nodded and handed me the radio, it was flat and had a disc in it. I listened to the voices and smiled to myself, it was beautiful. I had tears forming in my eyes, I couldn't help myself. The song reminded me of my Mom and little sister. When the song stopped I tried to hand it back to the man but he wouldn't let me.

I looked at him confused, he was being nice to me. I didn't understand how that could happen, no one here was nice. "You seem to need that a lot more than I do, keep it." I nodded and walked back to my room after he showed me how it worked. I sat in my room and listened to the CD player for hours. I fell to sleep listening to the male voices sing. I woke up with a doctor standing over me, he didn't look happy. "Where did you get this, who gave it to you?" He had my CD player in his hands, I wanted it back. " I found it and it's mine, I want it back now." He backed away from me slightly and then looked at the CD player. "Ok you can have it back but not before I do this." I watched as he dropped the CD player. I moved to catch it but I missed by a long shot. Then he stomped it into little peace's, laughing the whole time. I looked at him and all I could see was red dots. I crawled on the floor and looked at my broken CD player. I picked up the peace's and tried to put them back together. When I turned around the doctor was gone, lucky for him. I cried for a few hours before I decided it was time I left this place.

I didn't know what had taken me so long to think about it. I had proved the night before that I could get out of my room. I knew how to get to the elevator that would take me up to the outside. I needed some kind of card to get it to work but I had a different idea. If I could get in the elevator then I could hide and ride up with someone else. I got dressed in the darkest clothing I could find. I opened the doors to my room again and walked down the hall. I stayed close to the wall's and didn't make a sound. I heard someone walking down the hall so I ducked into a room. As soon as they passed I continued on my trip to freedom. I watched as someone walked up to the elevator and put a card in the slot. The doors opened and the man walked on, the doors closing right after he was on. I waited until someone walked off the elevator I then made my move. I ran up to the doors and slowly forced them open. I stepped inside and the doors slammed close behind me. I looked around for a place to hide but there wasn't a place to hide. I was starting to get scared, if I got caught doing this I would be killed. I had already come this far I refused to go back. I looked up and saw that there was a little door there. I smiled to myself and opened the door hoping I wasn't setting an alarm off. I jumped out of the elevator and sat on top of it.

I closed the door and laid down listening for someone to get on. I waited for an hour before someone walked onto the elevator. When the elevator started moving I almost jumped. I turned over and watched as the ceiling get closer and closer. It stopped just a foot from crushing my body. Then the person got off and the doors closed, I dropped back into the elevator. I forced the doors open and stepped out slowly looking down the hallway. I walked a few feet into the hallway before I saw the windows. I looked outside for the first time in so long. The moon was high in the sky and the stars were shining brightly. I placed my hands on the window and looked at the twenty foot drop. I could jump higher than twenty feet this would be a breeze. I took a few steps back and jumped out of the window. The glass shattered and it felt like I was flying for a few seconds. Then I landed on the ground rolling forward then standing up quickly. I had a few peace's of glass in my back and arms. It hurt a little bit but it wasn't going to stop now. I took off running toward the fence that looked like the last wall. I wasn't stupid enough to touch the fence. I walked about ten feet back and started running again. Once I was three feet away from the fence I jumped over it.

I landed on the other side softly, almost making no nose. I now had time to take some of the glass out of my arms. It hurt and I was bleeding pretty bad so I ripped my shirt up and made some Band-Aids. I pulled as many peace's of glass out of my back as I could, but I couldn't get them all. I noticed that alarms were going off like wild in the building I had just left. I didn't have anymore time to sit around and fix my wounds. I started running and I just kept moving never looking back. I passed out a few hours later, I didn't know where I was. It looked like I was in a barn but I couldn't be for sure it was to dark. I fell face first into what felt like hay. I woke up to someone poking me in the back with something sharp. I turned around slowly looking at an old man with a pitch fork. As soon as my back touched the ground I screamed. I turned back over and took deep breaths trying to clam myself. "Look's like you could use some help boy. I'm just not sure if I should help you." I slowly pushed myself of the ground and turned to look at the man. "I'm sorry I fell to sleep in here, but I was in an accident. Could you please pull the glass out of my back and I'll leave." He looked at me and nodded slowly then started to move away.

I followed him into his house looking at the deer heads. "Take a seat over there and I'll get my wife in here." I nodded and did as I was told without question. "Lisa come to the kitchen dear, we have company." A very nice woman walked into the kitchen and looked at me. "John who is this young man and what did you do to his back." She moved toward me looking at my back. "I didn't do anything and I found him like that in the barn. Could you fix him up he looks like a good kid." Lisa nodded and then started pulling the glass out of my back. It hurt like hell but I didn't let on until she poured something over the wounds. I jumped out of the chair ran around trying to get it to stop hurting. "Now you sit down and let me finish, I also need to look at your arms." I walked back to the chair and let her finish checking my back out. "Ok all done now let my see your arms, take those Band-Aids off." I did what she told me and held my arms outward. After twenty minutes of getting the wounds cleaned she put new Band-Aids on. "John get the boy a shirt so he can be on his way." I didn't understand these people it was like they knew I needed a lot of help.

I thanked them and tried to leave but Lisa stopped me to give me some food. I thanked her again and started walking. After I was out of sight I started running as fast as I could. I had to make up for the time I had lost sleeping. After four hours of running I stopped to eat what Lisa had given me. It was really good food and there was a lot of food to eat. I saved as much as I could, there was no telling when I would get home. I knew where I had to go but I didn't know where I was. I knew I was in the country somewhere but I could be anywhere. I found a road and started running up it maybe I could find a sign. I could run as fast as car so I hoped it wouldn't take to long to find a sign. I saw the green sign with names on it and it confused me. From what I was seeing I wasn't that far away from my old home. I could make it home in a few days if I just kept up the pace. I had maybe one hundred and thirty miles to go but that wasn't all that much. I had a small problem that I hadn't thought of, I couldn't just run all the way. At least not in the open I would be spotted in no time. I had to take things slow and find my way home.

I had been running for the last four days, I was starving. I was finally in Lexington my home city. I couldn't believe I was really so close to being home. I walked down the streets looking at the different stores. The place had changed a little from what I remembered. I started running toward my own home once I found the school I use to go to. I ran down the street faster and faster, I ran up to the house I use to live in. All of the lights were off, and it looked empty. It was the middle of the night so everyone could be asleep. I walked around to the back of the house and looked up at my window. I jumped into the air my feet touching the roof softly just seconds later. I looked into my room and noticed that it was empty. I pulled the window up and climbed in looking around what use to be my room. I walked around the rest of the house letting my memories take me back. I sank to the floor crying, maybe my father really did sale me. I didn't know where to go anymore and I was hungry. I had no money or anything that could help me go anywhere. I looked around the house hoping to find some kind of canned food. I didn't find anything to eat so I decided to sleep. I found a warm spot over the vent and laid down.


I had been looking at this house for the past couple of months. I had wanted to buy it but my mother told me to wait. I had and now I was going to get a good look at the house that was now mine. I had already paid for the house and now I had the keys. I unlocked the front door and walked in taking a deep breath. The house looked better than I had thought it would. I stepped in the kitchen looking around when I felt hand on my shoulder. I turned around quickly to see a man standing in front of me. "What are you doing in my house?" He looked confused by the question and lost. "I'm sorry I use to live here a long time ago. Could you tell me where the family that lived here went?" Now it was my turn to be confused. If he had lived he wouldn't he know where his family was? I didn't really know how to answer his question. "I'm sorry but I don't know, are you lost or something?" His eyes seemed to have tears hanging in the lids. "I don't know where to go, I use to live here. But now my Mom and Dad are gone, and they took my little sister to." I didn't understand what he was saying to me. "But you don't know where they went? Were you in a coma or something?" He was shaking his slightly and he started to leave. "I was kidnapped and I have to go or they'll find me." I was so stunned by his words I couldn't move.

I rushed outside grabbing his shoulder bringing him to a stop. "Wait a second, you were kidnapped? When were you kidnapped and why didn't you go to the police?" He looked away and then sat down on the steps. "My name is David Henderson, when I was twelve I was kidnapped. I can't go to the police because they can't help me. I wasn't kidnapped by just anyone sir I was kidnapped by the government." Ok this guy had to be crazy things like that only happened in movies. "You don't believe me do you?" I didn't so I shook my head and he smiled. "Here let me prove it to you." I watched as he walked over to my car. He placed his hands on the bumper and picked the car up. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. He then flipped the car in the air catching it like a toy. He put my car back on the ground and walked back up to me. Then he jumped into the air flying over my head, I turned but didn't see him. "Up here" I looked up to the roof where he was sitting. "Now do you believe me, or do I have run around the block?" All I could do was nod and look at him. He jumped into the air flipping three times before his feet touched the ground. "Now that you believe me, will you promise not to tell anyone?" I wouldn't tell anyone that was for sure.

His eyes looked like he was about to cry. "I won't tell anyone, but you need help." His eyes held hope for the briefest second. "I couldn't endanger you like that, but thank you for the offer." He started to leave but I couldn't let him, it was like my soul screamed out. "Wait I can help you, and I won't be in danger. Please I have to help you, even if it's just getting you something to eat." He stopped and turned around slowly his eyes bright. "Did you say something about food?" He was smiling and I couldn't help but smile to. "Yes, let me take you to get something to eat, then you can do what you want." He almost reminded me of a little kid, his eyes were so bright. He walked back to my side and stood there waiting for me. I walked to the car and held the door open for him. He stepped inside and I jumped in the other side. "So what kind of food do you like to eat?" He looked out the window as I drove. "I use to like pizza, but I haven't had that in a long time." Every time I heard his voice it was like something waking in my heart. "Then pizza it is, what do you like on it?" I didn't know why I kept asking him questions, maybe just to hear his voice. "I don't remember, my dad use to order it. I would just eat whatever he got for us." His voice sounded almost tired and lost.

I pulled up to the pizza place and parked my car. I looked at him for a second seeing what he had on. His pants were black and skin tight, and he had a lose shirt on. "We need to get you some different clothes." He looked at himself and then back to me. "I'll go get the pizza and we'll go back to my house. You can eat there and I'll look for some clothes, I'm sure Nick left some of his clothes." He just nodded and looked back out the window. I walked in and ordered the pizza, it took twenty minutes. I walked back out to the car and handed the pizza to David. "Thank you sir, I'll repay you someday I promise." My heart ached when those words left his mouth. "My names Brian, I should have told you sooner. So if you don't mind I would like you call me by my name." His smile was like an award I had been waiting for. I stopped at the gate that blocked my drive way. I pushed in the code and the gate opened slowly, I drove in. After I parked beside the house I opened my door to get out. "Are you coming David?" He looked up at me and smiled while he opened his door. He carried the pizza while we walked to the front door. I unlocked the door and let him walk in first. "Do you mind if I wash up before we eat." I showed him to the bathroom and gave him some towels.

I walked back to the living room and sat down waiting until he was done. I was already thinking of ways that I may be able to help him. I had a lot of fame behind me that was simple. But what would happen if I tried to use it, he could end up dead. I couldn't just let him face the world alone it wouldn't be right. He hasn't been in the real world for a very long time. "Did you have a chance to find any clothes?" I turned around and froze he was beautiful. He was a bit pale but that could change in time, but his body. I had never seen anyone that well shaped. I don't think he had an ounce of fat anywhere on his body. He had a towel wrapped tightly around his waist, it wasn't that big of a towel. "No, I haven't yet I'll go look now, you could start eating if you want." I walked out the room as quickly as I could. Someone down below was waking up and he was in a hurry. I looked in my guest room where Nick had slept a few days before. I found a pair of pants and a really warm shirt. I went in the bathroom to grab some other stuff and I saw the Band-Aids. There was dried blood on all of them, I hadn't seen any cuts on him. I pushed it out of my mind for the time being. I went to my room and grabbed some boxers.

I walked back to the living room to see David praying. He was sitting on his legs his eyes closed and his hands together. The towel was laying on the couch, the pizza was on two plates. I saw small tears falling from his face, I had to wonder what he was praying for. "David, I found some clothes if you would like to get dressed." He opened his eyes and looked at me. Then he stood up and walked over to me taking the clothes. He wasn't shy about his body that was easy to see. He turned around the put the boxers on then the pants. When I got a good look at his back I saw little marks all over it. "What happened to your back man it's got little white marks all over it." He turned around facing me again pulling the shirt over his head. "When I made my brake for freedom I had to go threw a window. I'm almost all healed up now, but it'll take a few more days before the marks are gone." I had to wonder when he made his brake it had to be months ago. Above his right eye brow a small scar stood out. "When did that happen, it look's a little old." I reached out and touched the scar lightly. "My little sister did it with a rock. She didn't mean to but it happened, it's one of the only scars I have." That's when I knew how I could help him, I'd help him find his family.


I didn't understand what I was feeling for Brian. I knew that I liked him a lot but I wasn't for sure on how much. He had done a lot for me in such a short time, and I didn't know how to repay him. "I should be going soon, it isn't to safe if I stay still for to long." I took a seat back on the couch and started to eat the pizza. He took a seat right beside me and put his hand on my shoulder. "You don't have to go, you could spend the night. It's not like I don't have the room, and I could use the company. Plus I'd like to help you find your family, if you would let me." I didn't know what to say to him, he was like an angel. My heart started to race at the thought of finding my family. "If you do this you know you could be in danger?" He was nodding slightly while he ate his pizza. It wasn't like I could turn him down he was offering me my family. "Ok then I guess I'll be staying for a while." He smiled at me and my heart skipped a beat. He showed me to the guest room after we ate. It was a really nice room and a big bed that looked soft. I hadn't slept on a soft bed in forever, I jumped onto the bed. I pulled all of my clothes off and just laid there for a while. I wrapped the blankets over my skin and just loved the feeling I was getting. It was soft and warm and everything I use to have. I closed my eyes and drifted off into a wonderful dream world.

I woke up to the smell of food cooking, and coffee. I jumped out of bed and pulled my boxers back on. I walked out into the living room and then I walked into the kitchen. What I saw made me freeze and take a few deep breaths. Brian was standing at the stove cooking in only his boxers. I didn't understand the feelings I was having at this moment. I had thoughts of kissing him and touching his body. I wondered what it would feel like to have his skin rubbing up against mine. I looked down and noticed that I wasn't the only one awake. I left the kitchen and went back to the guest room and put some more clothing on. This had happened a lot since I was sixteen and I knew how to get rid of it. I had asked the doctors about it a few times but never got an answer. I remembered a little from my classes so I put the peace's together myself. I also knew that I liked men more than women. I just didn't know if Brian felt the same and I didn't want to lose him as a friend. To me he was so much more that a friend, he was my savior. I walked back into the kitchen slowly making a little more nose. "Everything should be done in about five minutes. I hope you like egg's and all that good stuff." I smiled and nodded then looked away.

I heard someone coming in the front door. I moved quickly so I would be out of sight and have the element of surprise. I waited until the blond haired person was in front of me. I was about to knock him out when I saw that he wasn't alone. Three more guys walked into the kitchen slowly. I snuck out behind them, and when I was about to club two of them Brian stopped me. "David no there my friends!" All four of them turned around to see me standing behind them. "Where the hell did you come from blondie" The one with sunglasses asked me bluntly. I pointed to the little closet just a few feet away. "Brian since when did you bring guys back to your house?" The blond haired man asked him. He looked at me like he was asking if it was ok to tell them. I nodded and left the kitchen quickly. I walked back to the guest room and laid down. I don't know why but I felt weird around his friends. Thirty minutes later Brian was standing at my door smiling. "I need your help they don't believe me." I hoped out of the bed and walked toward Brian. "Get them all out side and I'll be out in a minute." He nodded and walked back to the living room.

I walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. I had to keep telling myself that this was for the best. I was letting a lot of people know about what I could do. If they started talking I was a dead man. I had to trust Brian he was all I had, and if he said it was ok than it was. I walked outside and they were all standing in a line, all but Brian. I walked to one of the cars and got ready to pick it up. I closed my eyes and picked up the car and held it over my head. I flipped the car in the air and listened to the wind, I then caught it. I set the car down slowly so I wouldn't hurt it in any way. I ran full speed and jumped into the air landing on Brian's roof. I stood there for a few seconds and then flipped backwards. I flipped in the air at least four times before my feet touched the ground. I opened my eyes and looked at the little group of people with their mouths hanging open. Brian had a huge smile plastered on his face then he started clap his hands. "Are there any doubts now?" Everyone shook their heads no and then moved back toward the house. I walked in and went back to the guest room for a little while. I was really tired, showing off was really taking it out of me. I didn't let anyone else see that I was feeling weird.

I use to get at least one shot a day and now that wasn't happening. I guessed that maybe I was returning to normal. I hoped that I was but I could still lift cars and jump higher than any normal person. Whenever I ate my strength would return full force but it wouldn't last long. I hoped that would change soon so I could get back to being normal. I walked back into the kitchen and ate some cold eggs. "We're sorry we didn't believe you, we won't make that mistake again. We would also like to offer you some help like Brian." I looked at them and smiled, maybe they weren't so bad after all. "That's really nice of you to say." I went back to eating my cold egg's, I wasn't trying to be rude. I just felt that if I didn't eat soon I would pass out. I was starting to get a little dizzy and the food wasn't helping. I fell out of my chair and hit the floor hard, I couldn't see anything. I felt arms around my waist and under my arms and legs. Then I was laying on something and was having a problem breathing. My vision cleared a few minutes later and I saw that Brian was by my side. "What happened, are you ok, do you need anything?" I blinked a few times and took in my surroundings. "I don't know, this has never happened before." I was scared, I was starting to feel sick.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 2

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