Broadway Story

By Fred Johnson

Published on Aug 17, 2012


Broadway Story

Ch 1

This story is totally fiction! Any resemblance to real life or real people is purely by chance. It is only a fantasy from my head! All the standard things apply if you are too young to read this then please don't, if you are offended by sexual relations between guys then don't read this. So there you go! This ch is just setting the stage. So hang in there!

I grabbed my bag and headed out. I was thinking that I couldn't wait to get home to call my friend Eric who had a hot date and I wanted to hear all about it. Eric and I have been friends since 4nd grade when my family moved into his neighbor hood and after 2 days of watching me run around my yard with my older brother and Sister, Eric came over and asked if I wanted to come over to his house and go swimming.

I was a very shy kid and didn't have many friends. I was nervous to go over to Eric's by myself, but when my mom said that my older brother and sister were invited to go as well, I knew it would be ok. That was all it took, from then on Eric and I were inseparable. The only time that we were apart was when he was at whatever sports team he was on and I was at dance. I started dancing when I was 6 after watching my sister go to class and then her teacher told me that I should try it. Again I wasn't sure, but my mom talked to the teacher and she said that I could be in the same class even though my sister was a year older. I took to it like a duck to water and after 5 years my sister was done and I keep going. Thanks to my sister now I get paid to dance and she is in school to be a teacher, but more about her later.

I was heading out the stage door and knew that there would be a crowd because I was one of the first out the door and signing autographs would take some time, with is totally ok, because without the fans we wouldn't have a show. Like I said I am very shy and so as much as I am happy to sign I feel very awkward. People are so nice and I feel like it is a dream, because growing up people weren't always the nicest to me.

So I headed out to a huge screaming crowd and people started to take pictures and asked for autographs! I took a sharpie out of my bag and started at the end of the line. I know that it might sound arrogant that I have sharpies in my bag to sign autographs, but the truth is that it is just easier. I can keep the marker and it speeds up the process instead of handing it back and then for the people who don't have one so then you are trying to find one and ... OK can you tell that I am not the most comfortable about all the attention, which I know that you might think sure, but you are in a Broadway show that is getting tons of attention how can you not be comfortable with it? I guess I don't know how to explain it. I signed and took pictures with everyone who wanted one and thanked them for coming to the show. More people had come out the stage door and people had turned their attention to see who was out and figure out if it was one of the bigger stars in the show.

I headed down 41st street toward home. I was excited to talk to Eric and to relax a little before the evening performance. I walked down a little ways and then I went to put my Sharpie away and get my phone out when I ran right into this guy! Not just a guy a super hot young guy who was dressed in a business suit. I dropped my backpack as I had pulled it off my shoulder to get my phone out and put my pen away. I fell to the ground and I dropped my sharpie and my phone. I apologized and bent over to get my things. I was really embarrassed. He apologized and helped me pick up my things. I got my bag and my phone. He grabbed my marker and a book that had fallen out of my bag.

Just as he handed them back to me someone said "Jack! Could we get your autograph and a picture?" Now I was really embarrassed. I tried to put the things into my backpack and I was still thinking about running into this cute guy and so I had out my marker away. I had to dig it back out as the two girls were telling me that they loved the show and that I was their favorite. I am pretty sure I was turning red. It all the commotion I realized that they had handed a camera to the hot guy I ran into and had asked him to take our picture. Now I was really embarrassed.

I had not really had a chance to check him out other than I knew that he was incredibly good looking, but now that he was taking my picture and I was looking at him I got a better look and HOLY SHIT! He has black hair with brown eyes and beautiful tan skin. He is well groomed and I could feel my cock noticing as well. He said "smile!" then took the picture and then asked the girls if it looked alright. They said yes and thanked me and took off down the street. I felt really weird and apologized again and thanked him for taking the picture. "I am sorry I don't recognize you, but I feel like I should ask to get my picture with you too. That way I can show people that I almost killed this famous guy." He said. "I am not famous." I said quickly. "No one ever comes up to me on the street and asks for my picture." He said. I laughed and told him that I was in a show and that they must have seen it today. I didn't want to stop talking with him, but he made sure I was ok and then told me to have a great day. I thanked him and told him to do the same.

I really wanted to keep talking with him, but was nervous and shy and didn't know what to say. On the rest of the way home I thought of a bunch of things. I could have said "Let me buy you a coffee for running into you, or would you like to grab dinner sometime?" I am not even sure if he is gay.

I got home and called Eric and we chatted and he told me all about his date with this hot guy and that it was perfect and that they were going to go out again. He really liked him and felt that this guy really like him too. They had gone out to dinner and went for a walk at a local park in our home town. It sounded perfect. We talked for about a ½ hour and then we said goodbye.

I made some tea and could stop thinking about the guy that I ran into today. I wondered if I would see ever get to see him again.

Note: This is my first time posting so please be kind. Would love to hear what people think. I know that there is no sex stuff yet but there will be so hang in there! You can send me feedback at

Next: Chapter 2

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