Brisk Boy

By Chip Dyp

Published on Sep 5, 1999



The following program contains material suited for a mature audience. If you are not over 18 you should be leaving now. Of course I can't control you and neither can anyone else really. This story is entirely false except for the true parts. And now for our feature presentation. Viewer Discretion is advised...

My web site is located at

Brisk Boy by: Chip Dyp (

If you work the same shift anywhere, you quickly learn the regulars. The 7-11 where I worked was no exception. There was the 'Lotto Guy' wanting to check his twenty tickets during the morning rush, 'Corvette Lady' stopping to pick up two packs of smokes (Player's Light King Size, DuMaurier Regular), five dollars worth of gas, and two Gulps. And then there was my favourite, Brisk Boy.

Brisk Boy would come into the store just as my shift was ending. He'd grab his 600ml bottle of Lipton Brisk and come to the till. On occasion, he'd grab a pack of gum, but never anything else while I was around.

Brisk Boy looked like he was about 18 or 19, with medium length auburn hair. He was 5'6" according to the height guide on the side of the door, and was fairly thin. He would look up at me with the same grin as I told him that his bottle of Brisk was $1.39. His small, almost frail hands would dump a loonie, a quarter, a dime and four pennies onto the counter every time. He always had perfect change.

One day Brisk Boy surprised me. He didn't go straight to the cooler where he usually went. He waited until I finished with the customer at the till and asked me for an application form.

I stared at him for a second before walking into the back office. "Just a second, I'll get you an application."

"Thanks," he replied quietly. I almost melted into the floor when I heard him talk. His voice was unbelievably sexy. It was low and slow, but it wasn't one of those voices that made you think that the speaker was dumb. It made him sound cool and collected.

I handed him the two-page application form and told him to drop off the completed form and his resume anytime. He smiled at me and started filling out the application form on the end of the counter while I tended to another customer.

There was a steady stream of people wanting their Slurpees, Beef Jerky, and chocolate. When I finished with the last of the spurt, Brisk Boy handed me the completed application form and his resume. I took a look at the application form to see what his real name was.

"Thanks Brian," I said as I put the forms into a folder for the manager to look over the next day, "The manager will call you for an interview if she thinks you are 7-11 material." I rolled my eyes and changed my inflection as I said the words 7-11 material. You could be dead and buried and still be 7-11 material.

Brian laughed a little and then walked to the cooler to grab his daily bottle of Brisk. He put the bottle down at the till and dumped the exact change on the counter. As he walked out of the store I looked at his beautiful Khaki covered butt. Damn, I hoped the boss hired him. I opened the folder and took a look at the resume. He was 18 and lived in one of the better areas of town. He had graduated the year before and was looking for a part time job while he went to school. When I checked out the hours that he want to work I smiled. He was going to get hired for sure. Very few sane people wanted to work the evening shift, but he did. And to make things even better, I would be working evening shifts next week as I started back to school after taking a year off.

My relief walked in the door as I was putting Brian's resume and application back into the file. I said hi to Cindy as she walked into the back room to change into her green smock. I could hardly wait to get out of mine and go home. Eight hours in this hellhole was more than enough thank you.

Cindy walked out to the till area just as the clock changed and I walked into the back office. I unzipped the smock and unbuttoned my white dress shirt. It was so great being done. J.C. (you only called him by his real name, James Cagney McDowell if you wanted your face rearranged) walked into the office just as I dropped my pants and reached into the plastic bag where I had my Khaki's and t-shirt.

He swatted my ass and smiled at me. "Nice ass, boy. You looking for a little action?"

"Up yours pervert. Who knows where that little cock of yours has been?"

"You mean the Demon? Son, the Demon is huge. Rip you in two, it would, ah yup."

"So how was bar trawlin' last night?" I asked as I buttoned my Khaki's.

"Not bad. Found this sweet little 17 year old that had borrowed his brother's licence. He had breakfast at my place this morning."

I just shook my head. "Another notch on the bedpost?"

"Damn straight, boy. You know, you could give me a run for my money if you started acting like a fag and had some sex with the hottie's at the bar."

"Uh huh. Sorry, I have some morals left."

"That's not what Sebastian said. He finally out of your place?"

"Uh huh. I changed the locks last weekend. What a stupid fuck."

"Are you referring to the fact he had sex with that fine young boy in your bed while you were at work, or the fact that he was dumb enough to deal to an undercover narc?"


"You're taking it well."

"I have a good reason to be taking it well."

"And that is?"

"He's out of my fucking place."

J.C. zipped up his smock and mussed up his hair a bit. "Any applications for the evening shift?"

"Just one. Brisk Boy applied a little while a go."

"Damn, another fine boy working at the store. I'll have to break him in, if you know what I mean."

"Uh huh. Could you do me a favour?"

"Anything my man."

I thought for a second. I didn't want to claim Brisk Boy before he was even hired. J.C. was too good of a friend to do that. If Brisk Boy wanted to ride J.C. who was I to stop him. "When you come over tonight, you want to bring a couple bags of chips?"

"No problemo man. Whatcha gonna rent?"

Cindy poked her head into the office. "Get some decent porn this time. That last movie was crap."

I sighed and looked at the ceiling. "The box looked good."

"You can't judge porn by the cover," Cindy and J.C. shot back.

"I know, I know. I'll see you guys tonight."

"You know it my man," J.C. said as he goosed Cindy on the way to the till.

I walked out the side door and out to the parking lot where I had my Ninja parked. I didn't usually ride it with Khaki's but I had forgotten to do my laundry the night before and really had no choice. I pulled on my helmet and started the engine. It roared to life and in no time I was barrelling down the city streets, on my way to Adults Only Video.

Now, I suppose I should explain a little bit about Cindy, J.C., and I. J.C. and I were both gay, and quite open about it. Cindy was as straight as they come; she just had a thing for man-to-man sex. I can't blame her. Cindy was very cool. Her boyfriends typically weren't as cool, but hey, what can you do. As long as they didn't bother J.C. and I, we didn't have a problem. We all lived in an old Apartment building affectionately known as Melrose Pace for all the bed jumping and fighting that went on.

I pulled up to the door of the store and walked in as I pulled my helmet off. Because I had kicked my boyfriend and former roommate out of my apartment, I hadn't had a lot of money to do any drinking or bar trawlin'. The thrice a week video sessions were my only entertainment. Just in case you were wondering, I don't consider masturbation entertainment. It's considered a necessity.

I strolled through the gay porn section looking for something that looked interesting, and was something that we hadn't seen. I quickly found a couple of movies (Naughty High School Boys and Riding Cowboys) and took them to the counter. The guy behind the counter was old and reeked of tobacco and whiskey. I tossed my membership card down on the counter with a fiver and waited while the clerk scanned the movies. I grabbed the change from his hand and hustled out the door to my waiting ride. I tossed the movies inside my leather jacket and started the bike up. I was quickly cruising down the main drag headed back to my apartment and its air-conditioned comfort.

I spent the next six hours watching TV and doing a couple loads of laundry while I waited for J.C. and Cindy to get off work. At quarter after eleven I heard J.C.'s signature thump on the door and let them in. They had a couple bags of chips, a bottle of coke, and a bottle of root beer in a black garbage bag. "You guys are incorrigible."

"What?" Cindy asked looking all innocent.

"Taking out the garbage for the next shift?" J.C. said with a grin, "We were just being thoughtful."

I smiled and rolled my eyes. "You didn't happen to throw any burgers away?"

Cindy reached into the goodie bag and pulled out burger after burger. She tossed them to me and asked me to nuke her a couple of cheeseburgers. I popped open the battered door of my microwave and nuked up some burgers for the three of us. When they were done, I opened the packages and tossed them on a plate. I sat down on the couch to the right of Cindy and pressed play on the remote control.

The next two hours passed quickly as the movies played out. For porn they weren't bad. There was no plot, but the sex was hot. You really can't ask for anything more. As the last movie ended Cindy and J.C. cleaned up the garbage while I tossed the leftover food in the black garbage bag. Cindy and J.C. didn't waste any time in the apartment after we had cleaned up the wrappers. They gave me a quick kiss and walked down the hallways to their own apartments where they'd pleasure themselves to sleep. I looked at the clock and rolled into my own bed. As I drifted off to sleep I started thinking about Brisk boy, hoping that he was gay and that I could somehow snag him.

My alarm rang at just after 6 am. I rolled out of my bed and slid my briefs down. My piss hard on was sticking straight out and begging for release. I hopped into the shower and quickly washed my short black hair, before soaping up my crotch and pits. I towelled off my hair and my long, lithe frame before I walked back into my bedroom. I quickly pulled on a clean pair of briefs and an old pair of ripped jeans. I grabbed my Tragically Hip "Trouble at the Henhouse" shirt and pulled it on before I rubbed some anti-perspirant on my hairless pits. A quick peek at the clock told me I would be late if I didn't hustle my ass, so I ran down the hall, slowing only to snag my helmet, leather jacket, and backpack full of work clothes.

I made it to work just as the manager pulled up. Erin smiled at me as I strolled into the store, depositing my helmet behind the till. I quickly pulled off my jacket and t-shirt as she walked into the office, shutting the door behind her.

I turned around and unbuttoned my jeans letting them fall to the floor. I could hear her breaths deepen as she admired my ass. I turned around to face her and smiled as I pulled on my dress shirt.

"Are you sure you don't want to have sex with me, you know, just to see if I can make you straight?" Erin asked jokingly as she rubbed my basket.

"Didn't work with J.C., probably won't work with me," I said with a laugh, "Besides, I can't see Eric being impressed with you."

"J.C. is incorrigible, you know that. And Eric can go fuck himself."

"Another fight with Eric?" I asked as I pulled up my black dress pants.

"Uh huh. The stupid puck (puck is slang for a hockey player round these parts) is upset because I don't want to go watch every fucking game like the rest of the puck bunnies."

"Well, pucks tend to be like that."

"Uh huh. Any problems yesterday?"

"Nope, we did get an application for the position."

"Anyone I'd know?"

"Brisk Boy."

"Should I hire him?"

"Your decision."

"I won't hire him if it'll make things tough for you. I know you have such a major crush on him."

"Naw, it's all right."

"'Kay. You better go relieve Bob before he passes out."

The rest of the day was boring to say the least. The same people came in, bought the same stuff and then walked out, content to live every day like they lived the last. When Brisk Boy walked in, Erin asked him into the back office to give him a quick interview and skills test. J.C. and Cindy waited outside the office with me until Erin opened the door.

"'Kay gang. I want you to meet our newest employee. Brian this is Xavier, J.C., and Cindy. Gang, this is Brian."

We all smiled and shook Brian's hand. The three of us walked into the back office and started changing while Brian stood there watching. I smiled as Brian watched J.C. and I pull off our clothes, totally ignoring Cindy. I figured he was gay for sure. J.C. noticed too and walked over to Brian, where he whispered in his ear. Brian turned bright red and looked at the ground. He said something very softly to J.C. which I couldn't hear, but I had a good idea what was said. I felt kinda sorry for the poor guy. He had a crush on J.C.

I said good-bye to everyone and grabbed my helmet. I walked over to my bike and started the engine while thinking about Brisk Boy. He was so cute. J.C. was gonna have a great time riding his cute ass. Brian walked over to a cherry red Dodge Daytona and waved at me as he got into the passenger's seat. I didn't even notice the driver staring at me until he honked and gave me the finger. I kicked the front quarter panel of his car as I drove away. Fucking prick.

On my way home I stopped at the local grocery store and picked up a small pack of ground beef and a cheese bun for supper. They had a cheesecake sitting in the display case that looked delicious, but I knew my budget couldn't handle it. I walked to the till and winked at one of my mom's friends as she scanned the two items into the till. She smiled back and took the proffered toonie, and handed me my three cents change. I put the bun and the ground beef into my backpack and walked back out to my bike. The guy who's Daytona I had kicked was standing beside my Bike and looked positively pissed.

"Hey, you fucking faggot," The guy said in an eerily familiar voice, "Don't even say hi to your old friends anymore?"

I stood there for a second. I knew this guy? Then it hit me. "Brent?"

The guy smiled and nodded his head. I ran over to him and gave him a big hug. Brent had been my first, but that had been so long ago.

"Hey man, what are you doing in town?" I asked as he let go of me and put me down.

"I'm doing a favour for Jack, my um..."

"Lover?" I volunteered.

"More like spouse. He and I have been together since you and I broke up."

I thought back to when I had dumped Brent. I had caught him fucking around with a guy named Jack. "You've been together longer than that," I shot back as I looked at him with half closed eyes.

Brent just looked at me for a second and then nodded his head. "Yeah, look, I'm still sorry I hurt you."

"It was a long time ago. You were my first, in more ways than one."

Brent looked around uncomfortably. I knew it wasn't his fault. We weren't really meant to be together. From what I could remember of Jack, he was probably a perfect fit with Brent.

"So what are you doing for Jack?"

"His grandma is getting too old to care for his little brother, Brian, so I'm supposed to find him an apartment and help get things set up for him."

I nodded and looked around. "It's been nice seeing you, but I guess I should get going."

"Yeah, you too. I wish I were in town a little longer. I'd really like to talk to you for a bit."

"I don't think that's a good idea," I replied, "The last time we talked, we almost ended up in my bed."

"I suppose you're right. See you around."

I hopped on my bike and started the engine. I peeled out of the parking lot, not looking back at Brent as I drove home. After I got home, I cooked up the ground beef with some left over spaghetti sauce and had a halfway decent supper. I fell into the old sofa in front of my TV and flicked on Much Music, content to kill my brain with inane programming.

At around nine pm, I heard a knock on my door. I peeled myself off of the couch and walked over to the door. Taking a peek through the peephole, I saw Brian. I frowned as I wondered how he had found me. I unlocked the chain and pulled open the door.

"Hey man," Brian said with a smile.

"Hey yourself. You just in the neighbourhood or something?"

"J.C. invited me over to watch movies with you guys. I hope that's okay."

"Huh, oh, ah sure. Come on in. J.C. and Cindy will be along after they finish up at work."

"Are you sure? If you don't want me to stay..."

"No, it's no problem at all. I just wasn't expecting you so early. Come on in."

"Cool. Nice place man."

"Thanks. I decorated it myself," I replied as I walked over to my bedroom, "Make yourself at home. I'll be right back."


I shut the door behind me and grabbed the phone off the nightstand. I dialled the number for work and stood there waiting for an answer.

"Good evening, 7-11, how may I help you?" J.C. said in greeting.

"J.C., it's Xavier. Did you tell Brian that we were watching movies at my place?"

"Yeah man, I did. He there already?"

"Uh huh. Seeing as you didn't tell me to grab some flicks, don't forget to pick up some movies."

"'Kay, see you guys at quarter after eleven. Don't do anything that I wouldn't do."

"There isn't much that you wouldn't do."

"You know it man. Later."

I hung up the phone and walked back out to the living room where Brian was sitting in front of the TV. I sat down on the other end of the couch and flipped channels until I found something halfway interesting to watch. Brian and I watched the show, and talked a bit about ourselves. When the show ended Brian asked where the bathroom was, and I told him where to go. I heard the door to the bathroom shut, and then open about two minutes later. When Brian walked around the corner I was shocked to say the least. He was completely naked, save for the smile on his face.

"What the fuck?" I exclaimed as I did a double take.

"You don't like?"

"No, it's just..."

But by the time I got the words out of my mouth, Brian was on the way back to the bathroom. He was just about to close the door when I got my foot in literally.

"Brian, come on out. You just surprised me, that's all. Let me take a closer look at you."

The pressure on my foot decreased and the bathroom door swung open. I looked at Brian again, drinking in his beauty. His face was as beautiful as always so I moved lower, examining his bare chest. He was thin, with just a hint of peach fuzz covering his belly. His nipples were a dark brown and barely larger than a dime. A few stray hairs peeked out from under his arms.

My right hand developed a mind of it's own, following the treasure trail of hair lower, until it collided with a sparse bush of trimmed, light brown pubes. I looked a little lower at Brian's endowment, and then looked back up at his face with an embarrassed smile. Here I was staring at him like a pervert. "You're beautiful," I said as I averted my eyes and looked at the floor.

Brian took my wandering right hand and wrapped it around his slim waist. He lifted my chin and kissed me gently on the lips. I returned the kiss, desperate to taste this beauty. Brian broke the kiss and asked, "Was it as good as you imagined it would be?"

"Hmmm?" I asked, puzzled as to how Brian knew I imagined kissing him nightly.

"J.C. told me you have a thing for me. I wish you had told me sooner. I have had a thing for you for a while now."

I smiled and retorted jokingly, "You could've told me."

Brian took my hand and led me into my bedroom. "Come on sexy. I want to take a closer look at you."

I stood in my room, motionless as Brian pulled off my t-shirt and jeans, revealing my hairless body. He seemed to be fascinated by my lack of hair. He was just as surprised when he lowered my jockeys. My shaved crotch was as smooth as a baby's bottom and my uncircumcised cock was leaking precum like a leaky faucet. I groaned as he slid the foreskin back exposing the glands to the cool air.

I took hold of his erection and gently stroked it. He had been circumcised, but he still had a fair bit of skin that slid around. He let out a little high-pitched moan and opened his eyes. "Have, have you ever done this before?" He asked as I collected a drop of precum from his piss slit.

"Uh huh, are you still a virgin?" I asked, confident that he was.

Brian nodded his head and looked at the ground. I lifted his chin and whispered in his ear, "There's nothing wrong with being inexperienced. I wish I was still a virgin."


"Uh huh. Seeing as this is your first time you tell me what you want me to do. Your wish is my command."

"Can you give me a blow job and then pop my cherry?"

I nodded and pushed Brian onto the bed. I pushed his legs apart and began licking his cock and balls. I had just taken his cock into my mouth when a load of cum exploded skyward, filling my mouth. I swallowed it down and kept sucking, desperate to drain him completely.

Brian looked at me with disappointment. "I tried to hold it but it felt so good."

"Did you have a good time?" I asked.

"Yeah, it felt fantastic."

"Then don't worry about it. When I give you another blow job later, you'll be able to last longer."


"Uh huh."

"Did you want to fuck me now?"

"It's up to you. If you don't want to do it right now, I can wait."

"No, I think I'd like to do it."

"Are you sure?" I asked. I didn't want him to feel that I had pressured him into it.

"Uh huh. Is it going to hurt?"

I nodded my head. "It's going to hurt a bit when we start, but it should feel better as we continue. If you want me to stop at anytime, just tell me to stop and I'll pull out."


I lifted Brian's legs, exposing his virgin hole. I smiled as I saw the puckered pink bud. I licked my index finger and swirled it around on the sensitive skin. Brian giggled a little. I pushed my index finger against the muscle and was rewarded when it popped in. Brian let out a little yelp and bucked his hips to get away.

"Did you want me to stop," I asked.

"No, I guess that's what you meant by 'It's going to hurt a bit at the beginning.'"

"Um, well actually. When I first penetrate you with my cock it's gonna hurt a lot more."

"Oh," Brian said, the colour draining from his face, "You will be gentle, right?"

"I'll try beautiful."

I set to work, loosening up Brian's virgin hole. I didn't want his first time to be like my first time. I had been drunk when Brent seduced me. When his cock ripped through the sphincter, I damn near fainted. I made him stop for about an hour, then let him continue. The pain lasted for a week afterwards. I never forgave Brent for that. Probably in some sick and perverse way, that's why I held onto him for so long. So I could make his life a living hell.

I added a second finger and Brian moaned softly. His cock was rock hard again and lying against his belly. I smiled as he lifted his legs and looked down at me. "Just a little longer, beautiful."

"It feels so good."

I smiled and continued twisting my fingers. Pausing for a second, I contemplated adding a third finger to the mix. I figured it would probably be for the best. Slowly, I added the third finger and giggled as Brian bucked his hips and groaned. "You like that?"

"Quit teasing me. Fuck me."

I looked down at Brian's cock. I didn't think he'd be loose enough, but hey, it's his call. I pulled my fingers out and wiped them on a towel lying on the floor that served as a cum rag. I smeared a handful of hand creme on my cock, trying to ensure that the whole thing was covered. I placed the head of my cock on Brian's waiting bud and pushed. The head of my cock pressed through the sphincter and into his hot tunnel. Brian bucked his hips again and inadvertently buried another three inches deep inside himself. I stopped pushing for a second and let Brian squirm.

"Are you all right?" I asked.

"Please tell me this is the 'It's going to hurt a bit at the beginning' part."

"It is," I said as I brushed Brian's bangs out of his eyes.

"Okay, then I can handle this."

I raised an eyebrow and pushed another inch into Brian. He bucked his hips and sucked in the last inch.

"Is that it?" Brian asked with a gasp.

"That's it. I won't start until you've relaxed a bit."


I leaned forward and kissed Brian. He returned the kiss and bit down on my lower lip, drawing blood. I pulled back and gave him a dirty look. "Nuh uh. No biting."

Brian licked his top lip sexily and then pouted. I leaned down and took his right nipple into my mouth. I sucked on it for a few seconds, then sucked it between my teeth and bit down. Brian let out a little yelp as I ground my teeth into it.

I let go of the little nub of flesh and kissed Brian again. This time he didn't bite my lip, he just sucked on it. I broke the kiss and pulled out about an inch. Brian didn't say anything as I slowly began pumping that one-inch back and forth. Soon I was up to two, then three inches. Brian was moaning and squirming when I finally started impaling him over and over again on the full length of my cock.

I kept up my pace for about ten minutes, until finally I could take no more. I slammed into Brian as hard as I could as my cock exploded in a torrent of cum. I groaned and lay down on Brian's chest. I could feel his still hard cock against my belly. I reached in and stroked his cock until he came. As he shot his second load, his sphincter spasmed, milking another load out of my sensitive cock.

I rolled off of Brian, letting my cock slide out of his ass. He was panting, and shaking a little. I knew I would have to wash my sheets in the morning, but I didn't care. I had scored with Brian. I had found a new boyfriend. Everything was going to be perfect from now on. I wrapped my arm around him, pulling him closer to me. I looked him right in the eyes and told him I loved him. Then, exhausted from the exertion, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I awoke at about three in the morning, when I realized Brian wasn't lying next to me. I opened my eyes and saw him silhouetted against the moonlit window. I flicked on the light on my nightstand, and looked up at him with a smile on my face.

"Hey beautiful, sneaking out already?"

Brian's head snapped around so he could look at me. "Xavier, I didn't want to wake you."

"You know, you can stay the night if you want."

Brian looked down at the ground and fidgeted for a second. "I don't think that would be a good idea. Look, um, I feel really bad about this. I knew you had a thing for me and I used that to get you into bed. Xavier, I don't love you. I'd like to be your friend, but nothing more."

I shut off the light and rolled over in my bed. "You're right, you'd better go."

"Xavier," Brian began before I cut him off.

"Look, just go. Make sure you pull the door shut behind you."

I heard Brian walk out of my room and then out of the apartment. "Why do I fall in love with fucks who just want to use me for sex?" I thought to myself as I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

In the end, Brian and I did become friends. We had a long talk about that night a couple of weeks later, and I realized that I had made a bunch of assumptions. He was another J.C., and though I hated him for toying with my heart, I couldn't hold a grudge. He was fun to be around. Right now, Brian and J.C. are having a contest to see who can pop the most cherries in a month. I think Brian is winning by two, but knowing J.C., he'll take it right to the wire. I wouldn't be surprised if eventually J.C. and Brian end up as a couple. They are so alike and eventually I'm sure that bar trawlin' won't seem like that much fun.

Cindy is engaged to a really nice guy who doesn't mind her coming over to our place to watch porn with the four of us. As far as he's concerned, anything that makes her all hot and bothered is a good thing.

What about my love life? I met a first year med student a couple years back who is quite a handful in bed. We were lab partners for our first year Biology lab, and our relationship just blossomed from there. I'm going to meet Jon's parents this summer, during his two-week break. Jon has been accepted by the rest of the gang, and is treated like the pervert that he is.

End. June 1999 5668 Words My web site is located at

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