Bringing Lenny Along

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Oct 5, 2001



Joey answered the doorbell, saw Will, and turned around walking away and clapping his hands.

"Hot damn! Got some juicy porn flicks for us tonight, buddy."

"Hope so," Will said, ushering a third guy in, then closing the door. Joey turned.

"Uh, who's this?"

"That's Lenny. He's a queer," Will stated flatly, taking off his jacket and throwing it over a chair.

"What?" Joey frowned, looking Lenny up and down. "Uh, what'd you bring a queer along for?"

"Instead of sitting there like a couple of idgits with our hands down our pants, I figured we'd do it up good. Strip down and let him lick us while we watch porn."

"You're weird, man!" Joey shook his head.

"Nuts. You'd like to lick Joey's cock and balls, wouldn't you, Lenny?"

Lenny stood there nervously, staring directly at Joey's crotch. "Unh huh."

"See, I told ya."

"I don't care. I ain't gonna let no faggot mess with me!"

"Suit yourself. You'll change your mind once you see him working me over. He's got a wicked tongue. A real special talent. Besides that, he's a nasty little punk. You like doing nasty things, doncha, Lenny?"

Lenny nodded up and down, a stupid smile on his face.

"Whadda you mean, nasty? Cocksuckin' another dude is nasty enough."

Will took Joey by the shoulders and turned him around. "Lenny, how'd you like to ram your tongue up my buddy's hairy butthole? Look good to ya?"

Lenny's eyes lit up and his tongue did an obscene little swirl. "YOU BET!"

"WHAT?!" Joey cried.

"Pop a tape in, man. I'm ready to get started." He began to remove his pants and shirt. "Lenny sucks assholes, dude. Lenny loves to suck assholes. Wait'll you see him sucking mine out."

"Are you doped up or what? I don't wanna see him suckin' your shithole, man!"

"Oh, you will, buddy. Then you'll throw your legs up and beg him to drill his tongue up your keester."

"Hey, do what you want. Just stay down at that end of the couch, okay?"

Will sat bare-assed on the couch, sprawling his legs out. Joey took a few furtive glances at his buddy's nakedness, then averted his eyes as he pushed the remote. He sighed disgustedly when Lenny also took his clothes off, although he was somewhat glad the guy wasn't some ugly old troll.

"Hey, Lenny," Will said, fiddling with his balls, "go and bring us all beers."

Lenny hopped up and went into the kitchen.

"Are you serious?!" Joey hissed after he left.

"Trust me, man. Just treat him like a punk slave. He'll do anything you say. Come on, take your fuckin' clothes off and get into it."

Reluctantly, Joey began to strip. When Lenny came back, he saw Joey's big cock and whistled appraisingly. Joey blushed.

"Nice big honker, hunh, Lenny?" Will said, looking his buddy's cock over. "Got you drooling, thinking about the two big loads you're gonna get? We used to jerk each other off when we were kids. Joey shoots a big wad."

"Jeez, don't tell him that!" Joey cried.

"Why not? You do."

"I don't mean that, I mean...the other."

"Cripes, you've turned into such a pussy. Ever jerked off with your straight buddies when you were younger, Lenny?"

"Sure. All the time. Then I started sucking 'em. They dug it, but then they eventually gave me the heave-ho."

"Stupid fucks," Will growled, taking a swig of his beer. He leaned over and rustled Lenny's hair. "I wouldn't have done that. I would have fed you cock all through junior high and high school. Some guys just don't know when they've got something cooking. Woah, nice pussy! Get a load of the meat on that fucker, too. Bet you'd like to sucker the jizz outta that guy's balls, hunh, Lenny?"

"Yeah, but I'd really to suck his hairy asshole!" Lenny replied.

"Bet he'd let ya. You really get off on bungs, doncha? You like smelling 'em, too, doncha? Sure dig sniffin' mine. I was pretty ripe the other day, wasn't I?" His cock was up hard and he was fisting it slowly.

"You sure were...real ripe!"

"But you liked it that way, didn't you?"

"I sure did, Will! Got a stinky one tonight?"

"Better than stinky, man. That's why I'm sitting on my shirt. Don't wanna get any butt slime on Joey's couch." He chuckled while Joey gasped.

"Aw, that's filthy, man! Are you sitting there with a shitty asshole?"

"Hey, I'm on an old shirt. Relax."

"Are you saying that queer...licks shitty assholes?!"

"I don't know. This is the first time I've offered it to him dirty. Lenny, you still wanna suck my ass?"

"Absolutely!" Lenny gushed, crawling between Will's legs. "I'll lick it clean for you. I like 'em kinda raunchy, but if there's shit on it I don't mind licking it off."

"If Joey lifted his legs up and he had a ring of crap all around his hole, would you lick it off for him?"

"Sure. I'd eat Joey's shit. I mean, I'd lick it off his asshole."

"Here, lick it off mine. No sense messing up this shirt." He grabbed his knees and pulled them back. Joey stared in shock as Lenny stuck his face up to Will's butt and began to sniff and lick his hairy ass. "Watch this, Joey."

"Jeez, what about the movie?" Joey whined.

"Fuck the video. This is real. Watch how he licks off my shithole."

Lenny's tongue was bathing Will's entire crack. He loved the smelly thing and soon had his tongue circling Will's shitty hole. Will even reached down and pulled his cheeks apart, letting the astonished Joey get a good peek. Joey couldn't help staring as Lenny cleaned his buddy's dirty crapper.

"Oh, this is the life!" Will moaned, throwing his head back and glancing over at Joey. "When something gets dirty, just have your personal slave lick it. He cleans my armpits and even sucks the grunge from between my toes. He'll do anything you ask him to, Joey. Just tell him what you want."

"Yeah, what if I wanted to SHIT on him?!" Joey snarled in contempt.

"Go ahead. Hell, shit in his mouth if you want. Yeah, I'd like to see that myself. You'd let Joey take a shit in your mouth if I wanted, wouldn't you, Lenny?"

"Um, gee, I guess so, Will, if you wanted me to. I've never done that...sucked on a turd, I mean. I'd rather do it to you, Will. For the first one, anyway."

"See, what'd I tell you? Well, I might be all shitted out, so maybe we'll have to postpone the turdsuck for another time. But suck me out real good, Lenny. Maybe there's a leftover turdball up there. If you can suck one out, there's a good chance we can get Joey to take a poop for you."

"You're insane!" Joey cried, shaking his head. But he continued to watch Lenny eat out his buddy's splayed bunghole ...keeping a close eye out for any turdballs that might come flying out. Not that he particularly wanted to see one.

"Mmmm, clean me out. Eat that shitty hole. Aw, look at him slopping out my turdhole, Joey. Lots of shitjuice going down his throat and he's happy as all fuck."

"Gee, Will, maybe he'd like to drink your enema," Joey said sarcastically. "Oh, that's too demented to even suggest!"

"NO!" Lenny piped up.

Will laughed. "Naw, that's more perverted than fun."

"I'm sorry I even mentioned it," Joey whined.

"Oooh, he's gettin' my hole loosened up. Maybe if I bear down. If I plop out a little turd in his mouth, will you go through with it, Joey?"

"You know, just to show you how disgusting this all is, I just might. Yeah, I'll fuckin' shit in his mouth, just so you'll have to smell my shit!"

"Wouldn't be the first time, pal. I've followed you in the bathroom before. You suck and I'll push, Lenny. If that doesn't work, maybe you can scoop some out with your fingers."

"I don't mind eating your shit off my fingers, Will," Lenny said, "but it won't be the same as a big turd in my mouth."

"You're right. Bad idea. Unless you just wanna scoop some out anyway."

"Why can't you guys just do some normal cocksucking and forget the shit?"

"Yeah, my hole's clean. Crawl over and see if Joey's ready to let you lick his prick."

Joey had a stiff rail in his hand, despite everything else. He sighed in resignation, and pushed his boner down between his spread legs, letting the eager Lenny lick the crown.

"Uh, yeah, that's okay. What the hell. I've let a couple fags go down on me in the past. Go ahead and suck it if you want."

"That's the spirit, Joey! But let him treat you, don't go blowing your load too soon. And when you're ready, just lift your legs and tell him to lick your ass."

After Lenny slobbered over Joey's knob and teased up and down his shaft for a while, Joey was getting turned on much too fast. He pulled his cock from Lenny's mouth and lifted his thighs.

"Alright," he sighed with false reluctance, "Go on. Might as well get my ass sucked for all this baloney you're putting me through." He stared at the ceiling--a feined attempt to disassociate himself from what was happening.

"Aw, poor baby," Will chuckled, making Joey laugh, too. Then Joey let out a quiet little gasp as Lenny's wet tongue began to circle his hairy anus.

"Ah, fuck!" He lifted his thighs more and held his knees back. "If you're gonna eat out my shithole, man, go for it! Oh, god, I didn't know I was so sensitive down there. Oh, that's a great sensation!"

"You got him hooked, Lenny baby," Will cried, getting down on the floor to watch. "Make him squirm. Lick that hairy stinkhole and show him whose tongue is boss. Make him quiver like you did me that first time. Look at him holding those legs back, offering everything he's got. Eat that smelly hole!" Will looked up at Joey and winked. "Kinda neat having a faggot between your cheeks cleaning out your shitty asshole, isn't it? And the best part is he likes the way you smell down there and he likes the way you taste. He's gonna ram his long tongue up your hot turdhole and try to lick out your steamy rectum!" Then he turned back to Lenny. "How's he taste?"

"Oh, he's delicious! And his smell doesn't go away after licking it, cause it's so hairy, I guess. Best smelling asshole I ever smelled. I could keep my nose in here for a week!"

"Well, buddy, guess your shit does stink better than mine."

"Oh, that's, I mean..." Lenny stammered, "I still love yours, Will."

"Heh. Just eat. I know enough about bungsuckers to know that the sweetest asshole in the world is the one they happen to be eating out at the moment." He sat down next to Joey, raised his own legs, then grabbed Joey's hand and wrapped it around his prick while taking Joey's big cock in hand. Then he grinned. "Hell, we might as well trade handjobs while he tickles our innards."

Joey was about to take his hand away, but the feel and texture of his buddy's cock felt comfortably familiar. "Guess one more time wouldn't hurt."

"Hell, I never did want to stop. Even after we started getting chicks, I could have gone for a wild meat-beating with you now and then. And it's a lot safer now."

"How's that?"

"Well, with a cocksucker to do our bidding, we won't be tempted to try it out."

"I never was tempted to try that!" Joey said defensively.

"Fuck you and the big balls you rode in on! I thought about it, and I know you did, too. We were both just too chicken, that's all."

"Yeah. Well, good thing we got a cocksucker, right?"

"Right. How's your bunghole feeling?"

"Ah, good! Makes me think about something else we never tried." He chuckled.

"Hey, we're big boys now. You can stick it up my hole if I can stick it up yours! And Lenny can suck our cocks clean!"

"Fuck each other like a bitch, hunh?"

"Yep. Then we can both fuck Lenny."

"And I'll still lick your pricks clean!" Lenny blurted out, smiling.

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Next: Chapter 2

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