Bridget's Awakening

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Oct 17, 2013


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Bridget's Awakening

Part Thirteen

By Chris

Soon Bridget started to become anxious about meeting Ivy's mom at Thanksgivings. She just knew that Ivy's mother thought that she was a slut; since the only time that she had seen her was when she walked into Ivy's bedroom while she sewed and Bridget only had her panties on so Ivy's mom got a clear view of her breasts. Ivy tried to convince her otherwise but she was convinced that Ivy was wrong.

Thanksgiving's week finally arrived and Bridget was feeling even more nervous. They had Wednesday off so they ended up with a five day weekend. That also made it possible for them to fly out on Wednesday making it cheaper plus the fact that they were taking the first flight out so that they had to be at the airport at five am to catch the six am flight. Neither was happy about that but since they were on a limited budget, anything to save money helped. They were both still about half asleep when they got to the airport and even more tired by the time that they had checked in and finally got onto the plane a little before six. But even with two stops to change planes, they managed to get a couple of hours sleep in on the planes. When they finally arrived in Minnesota, Bridget was a nervous wreck at meeting Ivy's mother.

Once they got through the gate and down the concourse, Ivy gave out a yell and then she waved. Bridget looked toward where Ivy was waving and finally spotted a woman that looked vaguely familiar. As they got closer, Bridget saw a smiling middle aged woman with black hair that was mixed heavily with gray. She was slightly heavy set but seemed to have a lot of spring left in her legs. Ivy went on up to her, handing her carryon to Bridget before giving her mom a hug. Bridget could see that Ivy had gotten her mother's eyes. She could also see that even though Ivy had told her about their struggles, they truly did love each other.

When they parted, Ivy said, "Mom, this is my girlfriend Bridget and Bridget this is my mom."

Since Ivy had never mentioned her mother's name, neither here or when she had talked about her before, Bridget was stuck with not knowing what to call her. And she didn't know if she had the same last name as Ivy did but that was all Bridget had to go with, "It's nice to meet you Ms. Munsey," and then she put both of their bags to the ground so that she could shake her hand.

"Oh you can call me Sandy or even Mom if you like, but you don't have to if you don't want to," Sandy said bypassing Bridget's hand; rather she came in close and gave Bridget a hug that Bridget appreciated and made her feel welcomed.

"Call her Mom, that's good for some brownie points," Ivy said just as Bridget was being released from Ivy's mom's arms.

"Ivy! Don't say that! I ought to whip you!" Ivy's mom said to her daughter who had this big shit eating grin on her face.

"I had already decided to call you mom if you didn't mind." Bridget said to Ivy's mom. "Maybe I can be a better daughter to you than that one over there." Bridget then pointed toward Ivy who was still grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh I knew I'd like you," Ivy's mom said putting her arm around Bridget's waist and giving her another hug.

"Hey I was a good daughter," Ivy said as she went to her mother's other side.

"Yes you were," Ivy's mom said putting her other arm around Ivy. "Now I got two great daughters."

Bridget looked over at Ivy's mom and she saw the big grin on her face. She could see that she was happy to have her daughter back home. Bridget pulled away to get their bags and she was going to carry them giving Ivy some time with her mom. However Ivy's mom made her hand Ivy's bag to Ivy so that she could talk to them both. Ivy's mom wanted to know all about their flight as they walked down the concourse and on out to an older model SUV.

They had no more than gotten out of the airport when Ivy said to her mom, "You know mom, it would be faster if you avoid Western Avenue and take Irving Road."

"I like taking Western Avenue, it's shorter," Ivy's mom replied to Ivy.

"I know you do but Irving is faster and you avoid all the stoplights," Ivy went on, "You always take Western Avenue and we always catch every light."

"Do you want me to pull over and let you drive?" Ivy's mom replied though she showed no signs of doing so.

"If you did, we'd get there sooner," Ivy told her.

Bridget listened at this banter for a moment; she knew that Ivy and her mother liked to argue or rather that was how they communicated. Bridget was prepared for this and she also had a plan if they began to argue as they very quickly did.

"May I make a suggestion?" Bridget asked from the back seat.

"Sure babe," Ivy said turning in the front passenger seat to see her and she saw Ivy's mom looking at her through the real view mirror.

"What is it honey?" Ivy's mom asked.

"How about we make this an argue free weekend, that way I can get to know your mom," Bridget said to Ivy but she saw Ivy's mom giving her a little smile.

"Do you think we can go a whole weekend without an argument?" Ivy's mom asked Ivy.

Ivy looked back at her and Bridget tried to show her with her facial expression how much she really wanted this. She could have talked to Ivy before they left about not arguing with her mom but then she felt like she might get a better result putting Ivy on the spot.

"Yea I think we can; can't we mom," Ivy said giving Bridget a smile.

"Yes, maybe it will be good for us to actually talk again," Ivy's mom said and Bridget saw from Ivy mom's smile that this was something that she truly wanted too.

"Thanks both of you," Bridget said with a grin feeling better.

"No problem honey, I do want to get to know the woman who stole my daughter's heart," Mom said to her with a soft smile that showed that she really meant what she was saying.

"I'm not sure who stole who's." Bridget said with a smile.

"Oh she was the one who did the stealing, and what a body, oh my!" Ivy said giving a wink back at Bridget who felt herself blushing and she turned completely red when Ivy just had to add, "You've seen her topless mom, you saw what great tits she has!"

"Ivy, I ought to whip you!" Mom said frowning at her daughter who was grinning from ear to ear. "I didn't see anything honey." Mom then said to Bridget who at that moment could have choked Ivy and enjoyed doing so.

"Ivy you can be such a..." Mom said and then she seemed to falter for the appropriate word she was looking for.

"Cunt!" Bridget said from the back seat.

"Yea a cunt!" Mom said and Bridget saw the shocked look on Ivy's face more from hearing her mother say cunt than her saying it.

"Mother I can't believe you said that!" Ivy said and now Bridget was starting to enjoy this weekend.

"You'll hear more than that if you keep that up dear," Mom said and that made Bridget grin.

"I have a funny feeling that I'm going to be ganged up on this weekend," Ivy said pouting a little.

"Yes you are, you see I called your mom before we left and we have this weekend all planned out. She going to tell me all the things that you've done and show me all the embarrassing pictures she has for you, isn't that right mom." Bridget stated.

"That's right dear," Mom said giving Bridget a little wink through the rearview mirror. Then she said to her daughter, "So you might as well suck it up dear."

"Okay but you know I know a few things on you too..." Ivy replied grinning back at Bridget.

"And if you're as smart as I raised you to be, you'll keep those things to yourself," Mom said to Ivy.

"She just told you," Bridget said to Ivy with a laugh.

"Yes she did," Ivy said laughing. "But then nobody has ever accused me of being smart." Ivy then laughed harder and Bridget and Ivy's mom joined in the laughing.

The rest of the ride home went fine with all three of them laughing and Ivy seemed to realize what Bridget wanted and she refrained for arguing with her mom as much and mom did the same with her daughter.

Home was actually Ms. Peterson's home, Ivy's mom had moved into her house when Ivy was in college. Ivy had told Bridget this long ago and while her mom had said that they were just friends and they did this to save money, Ivy never quiet believed the story. Ivy said she knew that they slept together because when she came home, she had snooped around a little finding most of her mom's things in Ms. Peterson bedroom and not in want was supposed to be her mother's room.

"See look, there's nothing of my mother's things are in here," Ivy said as they put their bags into Ivy's mom's bedroom.

"Get over it Ivy, what difference does it make if your mom sleeps here or with Ms. Peterson as long as she is happy," Bridget told Ivy.

"I want her to be happy, I really do. It's just that..." Ivy was saying when Bridget cut her off.

"You can't stand for your mom to keep something from you, keeping it for herself. Isn't that a little like a jealous little girl?" Bridget said putting Ivy in her place a little bit.

Ivy frowned at her and Bridget thought for a moment that she had gone too far, "Well maybe but I'm going to get her to admit it eventually." Ivy just had to say still pouting a little.

Bridget gave Ivy a little smile as she came up to her, she put her arms around Ivy's waist giving her a little kiss, "Let your mom have her secret for as long as she wants to keep it. Do it for me and do it for your mom, okay baby?" Bridget said to her.

Bridget looked into Ivy's eyes imploring her to go along with her request, "For you I will," Ivy said pulling her in for a hug.

"And do it for your mom," Bridget added.

Ivy pulled back from the hug, "And for my mom, I'll do it." Ivy replied.

"Thanks," Bridget said giving Ivy a kiss.

"That's enough kissing girls; we got to get dinner ready before Rachel gets home." Mom said from the doorway.

Bridget jerked away embarrassed by being caught by Ivy's mom kissing. But Ivy's mom took the embarrassment away by saying to her, "Come on Bridget, you can help me cook, you know that is something Ivy never seemed to master."

"Yea I know, I don't let her cook at home either," Bridget said with a laugh at Ivy's expense.

"Pick on poor Ivy weekend has begun," Ivy said with a pout.

"Oh come on honey, you can help too," Ivy's mom said with a smile and a wink at Bridget.

By the time Ms. Peterson arrived, they had dinner ready with only a little good natured arguing and no one picked on Ivy. Instead they just talked with Ivy's mom doing a little probing of Bridget who expected it and didn't mind telling her what she wanted to know.

"Well the prodigal daughter has returned," Ms. Peterson said coming into the kitchen going directly to Ivy and giving her a hug. Bridget noticed that it was a heartfelt hug on both of their parts and also she saw Ivy's mom smiling at the scene.

When they had parted, Ivy brought Ms. Peterson over to Bridget, "Ms. Peterson, this is my girlfriend Bridget."

"It's nice to meet you Bridget and please call me Rachel as I've tried to get Ivy to call me but she seemed determined not to." Rachel said giving Bridget a warm hug.

"It's nice to meet the woman who set Ivy on the straight and narrow." Bridget said to her.

"Well I can't take all the credit, Brenda did most of the work there, I just took her there," Rachel replied.

"All the same, I do appreciate it and in return I will assure you that Ivy will start calling you Rachel from now on," Bridget said to Rachel while giving Ivy the look that she was serious.

"I will?" Ivy stated.

"Yes you will my dear, it's long past time that you started doing so," Bridget said to Ivy before going to her and giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"If I had known you were going to change my life completely around all in one day, then I'd left you at home," Ivy replied frowning a little before smiling.

"You're right Sandy, we are going to like the girl our daughter has picked," Rachel said and Bridget noticed how Rachel had said "our daughter" when referring to Ivy. She also noticed that Ivy didn't seem to be surprised by Rachel saying it that way.

"It's change for the better my dear," Bridget said to her as she went to Ivy giving her a hug.

"You know we're going to your parents for Christmas and you need to make more than a few changes with your mom," Ivy warned her.

"I know," Bridget said in almost a whisper.

Bridget noticed that neither Ivy's mom nor Rachel followed up on Ivy's comment, meaning that they already knew her situation or were polite enough not to ask. Rachel went on out to change clothes and when she returned she was dressed in a pair of jogging pants and a old sweater, not looking anything like the principle that she was now having giving up teaching a few years before.

They had dinner and after dinner, they all sat in the living room reliving Ivy's childhood. Ivy kept saying that she hadn't done anything of the things being told on her but Bridget could see that Ivy was enjoying it all. It did give Bridget an opportunity to learn more about Ivy's past from something other than Ivy's point of view. She also got to know Ivy's mom whom she quickly began to admire and she was happy to call her mom.

In only a day, she felt much more of a mom to her than her own mom did. She could tell that Ivy's mom didn't care what her daughter wanted to do, as long as she was happy doing it and she felt the same way about her. Rachel was the first to retire; she had put in a long day and thus was the first to get sleepy. So that gave Bridget and Ivy more time to talk to Ivy's mom which might have been an added reason for Rachel to go to bed early. Ivy's mom just worked part time at an animal shelter. It was something she loved and didn't have the stress of factory work that she had done for years.

"You know I'm about ready for bed, you know I'm not getting any younger and thus need more beauty sleep," Mom said around midnight.

"You're beautiful mom," Ivy told her as she got up from the couch that she was sharing with her mom.

"Thank you for lying my sweet daughter but I know better," Mom said with a little laugh.

"No, you're beautiful woman," Bridget said meaning it but she was talking more about the inside woman than the outside.

"Oh I see my daughter has taught you to lie too," Mom said with a laugh.

Bridget laughed too, "No I mean it, I would have loved to have you as my mom," Bridget said to her meaning it.

"That's sweet dear," Mom said going to Bridget and giving her a hug. "Now both of you go on to bed and I'll make up the couch."

"You can have your bedroom and we'll sleep out here," Bridget said quickly then looking toward Ivy to back her up. However Ivy went in a much different direction and in a direction she had promised not to go.

"You know mom, I'm not a little girl you have to protect or shield anymore." Ivy told her mom.

Bridget immediately knew where Ivy was going and she wanted to bolt before they got into this discussion however her feet didn't move. Ivy had gone back on her word a little bit but then Bridget didn't expect her to do so when she had said that she wouldn't bring up her mother sleeping with Rachel. A part of her wanted to hear this out even though it wasn't any of her business but now she was a part of Ivy's family.

"What do you mean?" Mom asked but Bridget could see in mom's face that she knew exactly what Ivy was talking about.

"Mom, I know you don't use the spare bedroom, none of your stuff is in there. And I don't care if you have a relationship with Ms... I mean Rachel. Actually I'm glad that you do, you won't be alone." Ivy told her sincerely.

"But we're only friends..." Mom said though Bridget could see that not all of her heart was in that statement.

"Mom, you want me to be happy don't you?" Ivy asked of her mom.

"Of course dear," mom replied.

"Well I want the same thing for you," Ivy said to her mom as she went to her.

Ivy gave her a hug and then she put her right arm around her mother's waist and began to walk toward the back of the house. Bridget watched and she heard Ivy's mom say to Ivy, "Where we going?" And the noticed that Ivy didn't answer.

Bridget went ahead and turned off the lights and made sure that the doors were locked. When she got to the guest bathroom, she saw that the door to the master bedroom was closed though there was a soft light coming from under the door. She went ahead and peed before going to the spare bedroom where Ivy was waiting for her.

"Do you think that was a good idea," Bridget asked when she got to the bed where Ivy had their suitcases opened.

"Yea I do, I didn't want her to sleep on the couch and it was time she admitted that she and Rachel were more than just friends. It was time for her to come out." Ivy said.

"Maybe she wasn't ready to come out, not to you or to anyone," Bridget told Ivy.

"Well actually she didn't come out, she only admitted that she and Rachel shared the bedroom to keep each other company, there wasn't nothing else going on," Ivy said with a smile.

"Maybe there's not," Bridget replied and she only got a non-believing smile from Ivy.

"Well let's get to bed, I'm feeling frisky tonight..." Ivy said giving Bridget a grin.

"Well you're just going to have to stay that way, there's no way we're going to make love with your mom and Rachel sleeping in the next room," Bridget told her firmly.

"You know I got the cuffs and ropes in my bag..." Ivy said as she began to undress and Bridget quickly went to the door closing it.

"They're going to stay there too," Bridget said even more firmly.

"Mmmm..." Ivy said pulling her tee shirt off and then unhooking her bra. Bridget was still looking for the pajamas that she was sure that she had packed but they didn't seem to be in there.

"Did you put my pajamas in your bag?" Bridget asked looking up at Ivy who was taking her bra off.

"I put them somewhere," Ivy said with a wicked grin.

"Ivy!" Bridget said as quietly as she could while still making her point as loudly as she could.

Again Ivy just smiled as she unbuttoned her jeans before pushing them along with her panties down. Bridget just stood there and looked at Ivy who was becoming naked and making her aroused even though she didn't want to. But the thought of making love to Ivy with her mom in the next room was more than a little exciting to her.

Ivy pulled the covers down and slipped into bed. She pulled the covers up to her stomach, leaving her beautiful breasts uncovered. "Come on baby..." She said to Bridget while holding up her arms to her.

"Oh god you're bad..." Bridget breathed out heavily before beginning to strip out of her own clothes. By the time she had her clothes off, she could feel her pussy beginning to get moist. She then turned the bedside light out before starting to climb into the bed in the very dark room.

"I can't believe we're doing this in your mother's house," Bridget said as she cuddled up against Ivy's warm naked body.

"Oh we are," Ivy said rolling Bridget onto her back coming with her so that she was lying on top of her.

"Shut up and kiss me," Bridget demanded wrapping her arms around Ivy's body and her legs around Ivy's hips.

She closed her eyes when she felt Ivy's breath that smelled minty from the toothpaste that Ivy's mom had. A moment later she felt Ivy's lips upon hers, Bridget gripped Ivy harder returning the kiss. Ivy was kissing her softly using just her lips when she felt Ivy start to press her hips downward.

Bridget let out a moan into Ivy's mouth and she began to push her hips upwards while bringing her knees forward so that their pussies were matching up better. She could feel Ivy's juices begin to flow and mix with her own juices. She pressed her heels against Ivy's asscheeks pushing Ivy downward. That got a moan from Ivy and they kissed lightly as they slowly ground their pussies together. They didn't make love this way very often but in the cool bedroom, it felt nice and warm to Bridget now. Ivy began to rotate her hips a little as she ground downward and that really made Bridget moan feeling her clit get that wonderful friction. Soon neither of them was doing much kissing as they panted.

Bridget was just concentrating on the friction that her clit was receiving and returning that friction to Ivy's clit. And from the way that Ivy was moaning into her lips, she was doing fairly well on getting Ivy aroused. They were both moving their hips hard and fast and Bridget stopped worrying if anyone could hear them, Ivy's pussy pressed against her pussy just felt too damn good. She just gripped Ivy harder digging her nails into Ivy's back as Ivy rode down against her. Bridget soon felt that familiar feeling of an impending orgasm. She was panting and so was Ivy, both panting with their lips sliding against each other's like their pussies were. Bridget felt her orgasm began to explode and she clung to Ivy harder, giving her hard push upwards against Ivy's pussy. She felt Ivy clinch her back so she knew that Ivy was having her own orgasm.

"Oh god that felt good," Ivy whispered to her in a raspy tone of voice just as Bridget was coming out of her orgasm.

"Yes it did," Bridget replied with her own voice sounding just as raspy.

Ivy kissed her lightly as she lay on top of her but as the kiss ended, Bridget felt Ivy shiver a little. "Getting cold baby?"

"Yea, I forgot how cold Minnesota was this time of year," Ivy said with a little laugh.

"Roll over baby," Bridget said to her while pushing against her shoulders, once Ivy was off of her. She sat up and pulled up the sheet and blankets that had been kicked to the bottom of the bed up over them.

"This better?" Bridget asked snuggling in against Ivy.

"Much better," Ivy said and Bridget felt Ivy kissing her. When that kiss ended, they snuggled together in the warm bed and fell asleep.

Bridget woke up the next morning with a smell coming into her nose that made her stomach growl. She opened her eyes to see that Ivy was awake and stirring in the bed.

"Biscuits, gravy, ham, and eggs," Ivy said reading her thoughts. "Mom makes mouth watering biscuits," she added.

"Oh they smell good," Bridget said sitting up and stretching.

"Then let's get showered and in there before they eat them all up," Ivy said getting up.

Bridget got on up and she went with Ivy to their suitcases, getting clean warm clothes to wear. Bridget then saw Ivy moving toward the bedroom door carrying her clothes, not bothering to cover up with anything.

"Aren't you going to cover up?" Bridget asked.

"No, they're in the kitchen and it is only a short distance to the bathroom." Ivy said coming over to her and grabbing her hand.

"Noooo..." Bridget said resisting only a little before letting Ivy pull her to the bedroom door.

Ivy did peek out of the door before pulling it open and pulling Bridget along with her toward the bathroom. Bridget just knew that they were going to get caught so she kept looking behind them. She could hear Rachel and Ivy's mom talking in the kitchen which was just around the corner from the end of the hallway. She hoped that they would stay there and not come to investigate the giggling coming from Ivy. So she just followed along wishing the bathroom was closer then the fifteen feet that it was. When they finally got to the bathroom, Bridget burst out in giggles feeling the fear turning into nervous excitement and a bit of naughty fun. Bridget suddenly felt like a young girl again and loving it. Ivy gave her a kiss with them both still giggling before turning on the shower and once the water was warm; they both stepped into the tub to quickly shower.

When they got to the kitchen, now fully dressed Ivy's mom was putting the food onto the table and Rachel was pouring them all some coffee. So they sat down and talked as they eat. Thanksgiving dinner wasn't going to be until late afternoon so this meal would have to last them for a while. Once breakfast was finished, it was time to start on the turkey and the trimmings.

"Is there a reason why you sent Ivy and Rachel out of the kitchen?" Rachel asked Ivy's mom.

"Of course there is, Ivy can't cook, was never interested in me teaching her and Rachel's specialty is the dressing. Plus it gives me some alone time with my new daughter, do you mind?" she asked.

"Not in the least," Bridget said with a smile. "I like cooking with my new mom."

"So is Ivy good to you?" mom asked.

"You go right to the point don't you," Bridget said with a grin, a bit of a shocked grin but a grin.

"Yes I do, but you haven't answered my question, is she good to you," she asked again.

"Yes she's good to me and very good for me. You've raised a very loving and caring daughter. Don't you believe in your daughter?" Bridget then asked.

Ivy's mom smiled at her, "Yes I do believe in her and love her with every fiber in my body but I know that she can be stubborn and loves to argue. Ivy's mom said with a smile. ''Plus you look so..."

"Innocent and na‹ve?" Bridget asked.

"Yea... sorry but you do." Ivy's mom told her.

"It's okay, I get that a lot for some reason," Bridget said somewhat sadly as she didn't like being seen that way.

"It's a nice quality to have honey," she told her with a motherly smile.

"I guess it is," Bridget said not convinced.

"It is I assure you," she told her. "Anyway I just wanted to make sure that she know what she has in you,"

"She does and less she forgets, I remind her," Bridget said with a laugh.

"Good for you!" Ivy's mom told her. "Now let's get to work on this old tom."

"Okay, what do you want me to do?" Bridget asked.

"First you can..." Ivy's mom said and then she proceeded tell her what she needed done. Bridget had fun talking to Ivy's mom and working with her. It was lots more fun that cooking with her own mom, whose conversation centered on her church.

Ivy's mom's conversation centered on cooking, teaching and of course telling secrets on Ivy which Bridget loved. Ivy and Rachel came in from time to time to talk and then they chased Bridget and Ivy's mom out of the kitchen so that Rachel could make her dressing. Ivy helped her by cutting up the items to be placed into the dressing.

Dinner was to be at four and around three thirty their guests arrived. The door rung and Rachel went to answer it. Bridget was in the dining room setting the table with Ivy when Rachel opened the door. Bridget stopped to see the women who were to join them and she felt a little bit of trepidation as she saw a woman about hers and Ivy's age. She was a big girl with muscular arms and firm thighs. She knew that this had to be Brenda; Rachel's adopted daughter and Ivy's first lover. A pang of jealously went through Bridget's body that she knew was wrong but she couldn't help herself.

Beside of her was an older woman whose face showed the years had worn on her. She had gray hair and lines along her face. She too was a bigger woman who favored Brenda in the eyes and cheeks. She carried a bit more weight than her daughter and Bridget could see that she was seemed to her happy to be with her daughter. And behind them was a younger woman, small in build and was thus mostly hidden behind the other two women. This person Bridget didn't know as it was just supposed to be Brenda and Karen, he woman who gave birth to Brenda.

Brenda went to Rachel, giving her adopted mother a warm embrace and a kiss to the cheek. They held each other for a few minutes talking before Brenda finally let her mother go and stepped away. Rachel immediately pulled Karen into her arms giving her a hug, a hug of friends who had known each other for years. Next came the petite young woman whom Rachel also hugged, holding onto her for a moment and she seemed to say something to her that made the girl smile. Brenda then came on into the dining room where she and Ivy were standing watching.

Instead of talking to Ivy, Brenda first turned to Bridget and asked, "May I?"

"What?" Bridget asked a bit confused and then she realized what Brenda was asking her, "Oh sure, of course."

Brenda give her a soft smile before turning to Ivy, giving her a hug, a long hug filled with genuine affection that caused Bridget to be more than a little uncomfortable and the green eye of jealously began to build in her heart.

"So this is the woman who Ivy has told me has stolen her heart. I can see why now, if I didn't think Myra would kill me, I might try to steal you from her," Brenda said with a big friendly grin and Bridget saw Ivy grinning at her.

"Brenda, this is my girlfriend Bridget and Myra isn't the only one who would kill you if you went after her," Ivy said introducing her old lover to her new one.

"It's nice to meet you Brenda, Ivy has told me a lot about you," Bridget said to her welcoming Brenda's hug which was tight and caring.

"Whatever she has told you, I assure you most of it was lies," Brenda said pulling away while laughing.

They all laughed and then Brenda introduced Myra to them both. Myra had sort of the girl next door look with auburn hair and freckles covering her face and arms. She was a quiet girl but very friendly. However with everyone talking, Myra slowly warmed up and Bridget found that she liked talking to her. She could tell that she loved Brenda and that Brenda loved her which soon took any jealously away from her heart.

It was closer to four-thirty before the old bird was done so their Thanksgiving dinner was a bit late but no one seemed to notice or mind. It just gave them time to talk and for Bridget to get to know more about Ivy's extended family. When they had finally sat down at the table, which was just barely able to fit them all, Ivy's mom sat at one end while Rachel sat at the other end. Bridget sat to Ivy's mom's right with Myra coming next and then Ivy sitting at the end of that side. Brenda and her birth mother Karen sat on the other side. Just as they started to dish the food, Bridget stood up.

"Ivy has told me all about your tradition of everyone telling what they are thankful for before eating and if no one minds I would like to go first." Bridget said not knowing why in the world she suddenly wanted or needed to do this but her heart was speaking and she was listening.

"No I didn't, we've never done this," Ivy said protesting.

"Well we're starting the tradition this year... if you don't mind..." Bridget said looking over at Ivy's mom for approval.

"I think it's a great idea, you go right ahead honey," Ivy's mom said with a smile that had more than a little curiosity behind it.

Bridget turned her head to the left looking at Karen, who she could see some nervousness as she tried to smile. "The first thing that I'm thankful for is that Karen took the time to help Ivy when she needed someone to put a mirror in front of her showing what was in store for her if she continued on the path that she was on."

"I didn't do that much," Karen said softly but Bridget saw that nervous smile turn into a real smile.

"Yes you did Karen," Bridget said to her before turning her attention to Rachel, "The second thing that I'm thankful for is that Ivy had a teacher who cared enough about her to go out of her way to help her and to also be that special teacher that made Ivy want to be like her."

"I made you want to be a teacher?" Rachel asked Ivy who was now frowning at Bridget.

Ivy paused and Bridget saw Ivy frowning at her before Ivy turned her attention back to Rachel and Ivy said, "Yes you did."

"Blubbermouth," Ivy then said to Bridget.

"She should know and I wanted to make sure that she did." Bridget replied and before Ivy could say anything else, Bridget went on.

"Next I'm thankful for Brenda who showed Ivy who she really was and taught her a few things about being a loving person," Bridget said and she knew that everyone knew what she was talking about plus the fact that both Ivy and Brenda were blushing a little assured that everyone knew.

"I'm also thankful for Myra coming today so that I wouldn't spend the whole meal suffering from being jealous of Brenda and allowing me to get to know her and Karen better," Bridget said smiling down at Myra who seemed to know what Bridget was talking about and maybe she was there for the same reason.

"And lastly I'm thankful that Ivy had such a wonderful mother who showed her what love is really about even though Ivy was such an obnoxious child and teenager. And I'm thankful that she has welcomed me into her home and made her feel like she's my mom too." Bridget said and she saw Ivy's mom tearing up.

Ivy's mom got up and went to Bridget giving her a long hug before stepping back to wipe her tears away. Bridget was doing the same as she did feel so thankful to everyone at the table.

Then before Bridget could sit down, Ivy said, "What about me? Aren't you thankful for anything involving me?" Bridget could see that Ivy was more than a little hurt about being left out.

Bridget turned to Ivy feeling bad that she did leave her out but she knew just what to say, which was the truth, coming from deep within her heart, "Babe, I thank the gods every day that you came into my life."

"Well hell, now you got me crying," Ivy said getting up and coming to Bridget to give her a long hug.

"Does anyone else want to go?" Ivy's mom asked.

"I do!" Ivy said as she stood up.

"Okay," her mom said and she had this worried look on her face, knowing her only child very well.

"I'm thankful that I brought my girlfriend Bridget here so that I could learn that she suffers from a severe case of diarrhea of the mouth," Ivy said and this brought forth a hardy laugh from everyone except her mom who just said "Ivy!" but then she smiled too.

"Does anyone else have anything to say that is something more appropriate than what my loving daughter had to say?" Ivy's mom asked looking at her daughter with a stare that only mothers could do.

Karen was the first to speak, "May I go next?" Karen said softly.

"Sure Karen go on ahead," Ivy's mom said to her.

"I too am thankful to about everyone at this table. First being my daughter who believed in me and with Myra's help got me out of that hellhole that I put myself into. And also to Rachel for raising my daughter right and being the kind of mother I wish I could have been. Finally I'm thankful for Sandy and her family for accepting me as one of them and not for whom I was or what I did." Karen said with a few tears coming down her face.

Brenda went next saying that she was thankful for Rachel being her mother and for Karen who was also her mom and showed her love for her through her letters and when Brenda went to see her in prison. Rachel was next and she was short and sweet as was her nature saying that she was thankful for having such a great friend in Sandy and a beautiful daughter in Brenda and of course now Ivy. Ivy's mom went next too and she too made it short saying that she was just thankful for having such lovely friends and a now two daughters that she could love.

Myra then stood up, "May I say something?"

"Sure honey, I didn't meant o leave you out." Ivy's mom said and Bridget could see that she was sad that she had overlooked Myra.

"Well first I'm thankful for Bridget being here so I wouldn't be jealous of Ivy." She said and that got a laugh from everyone.

"I'm also thankful for all of you welcoming me here today and for both of Brenda's moms and Sandy for making me feel so loved, much more than my mother ever did." Myra said and then she started to cry.

Brenda started to get up to go to her but with Bridget being beside of her, she beat her to the punch. Bridget pulled her to her hugging her tightly as she knew where Myra was coming from and she also realized that she wasn't the only woman there who had mother issues. She whispered into Myra's ear, "I know how you feel, maybe we should compare notes on uncaring moms and moms who try to make their daughter into something that they weren't and couldn't ever be."

Myra pulled back and Bridget saw her questioning her with her eyes and then she let out a little smile, "Maybe we should." She said with a smile.

Bridget gave her a smile and then she realized that there wasn't a dry eye at the table. She decided it was time to have a joyful dinner and not a sad one.

"I think it's time we eat before all this great food that Mom and I made," Bridget said with a grin as she wiped the tears from her own eyes.

"I second that motion," Ivy said loudly and with a big grin to get everyone to laugh at her.

"Hey I made the dressing!" Rachel said putting on a fake pout.

"Oh and Rachel's dressing," Bridget said with a laugh.

"Come on let's eat," Rachel said as she stood up and began to put pieces of the ham and turkey onto everyone's plate as they were passed around.

Since all of them wanted to move on to happier things, Ivy was the first to start talking. She began by telling of an adventure that she and Brenda had when they played a trick on the soccer team at their school. Ivy's mom pretended to be horrified that they would do such a thing and fussed at them both which was what Ivy wanted. It made everyone relax and laugh. Bridget knew this story and she also saw that Ivy was embellishing the story with Brenda's help which made it all the more fun. That got things started and the stories and conversations began. Helen seemed to be taking it all in, like she was trying to fill her brain with good memories of her child and block out all the bad things that she had seen for the last twenty years or so.

They stayed at the table until they were all stuffed. Then Bridget volunteered herself and Myra to clean things up as everyone else went to the living room to talk. They were some token protests but the rest knew what she was after and they consented. Once everyone had left, she and Myra began to clean the table off. Bridget first talked about how she and Ivy met and Myra loved how Ivy had blackmailed her into having dinner with her.

By the time the table was cleaned off, Myra began to talk about her mother who seemed to be more concerned about drinking and bringing her drunk boyfriends home to party than to raise her. Bridget thought that it was a wonder that poor Myra survived all of that in tack but then she saw that she had more than a few emotional scars that she was still dealing with. The main thing was that Myra had a mother who she so wanted to love her but didn't. The day that she graduated from high school, Myra left and never went back. She had no clue what had happened to her mother since then and she didn't care.

It was only when she had met Brenda at the high school athletic awards dinner that Myra was working at with the catering company that she had gotten a job with that her life turned around. Brenda was the girl's hockey coach and thus worked with the company that Myra worked for to get things arrainged. Myra said that Brenda stayed to help her to pack things up and that next night they had their first date. By the time that the kitchen was clean, Bridget had a new friendship that would last for the rest of her life.

"So who's in for some shopping tomorrow?" Ivy's mom asked as the evening was winding down. Ivy had warned her that her mom loved to get out early to get the early morning deals on Black Friday. Bridget didn't mind as she loved to go shopping too especially since there was a shopping center near where Ivy's mom lived that was filled with shops that sold name brand cloths and shoes that were imperfect or were last year's styles. Bridget didn't care as long as they were cheap and fit.

"I'm in!" Myra said with glee before anyone else could.

"You know Ivy and I are in," Bridget said with a grin already getting excited about the shopping trip.

"You are crazy to go out with all those crazy women fighting over anything on sale," Rachel said meaning it even though she was smiling.

"I'm out, I hate shopping," Brenda added.

"She does, I've never been able to get her to go shopping with me, even when I'm getting some clothes for her," Myra added.

"I'm going to pass; I've got floors to wax at the school administration building tomorrow." Helen said.

"Then how about you all meet us for breakfast in the morning, say around eight?" Ivy asked.

"We can do that," Rachel said, "If that's not too late for you Helen."

"No that's good; I didn't plan on going on into around ten. I just go a couple of floors to do." Helen said.

"You need any help mom?" Brenda asked.

"Nah, I've got it. I kind of like working alone, it seems so peaceful and quiet then" Helen told her.

"So what you doing mom?" Brenda asked looking at Rachel, her other mom.

"I'm going to work on the basement so that we can build in it, there's lots of junk down there, most of it yours by the way..." Rachel said to her.

"Well I guess I'm working on the basement," Brenda said with a smile.

"It sure sounds like it," Helen said with a laugh.

Once that was settled, Myra decided to just sack out on the couch since they would be getting up at a little before three so that they could be at the shopping center before four in the morning when they opened. Ivy's mom found her a gown to wear and Brenda gave her a hug and kiss before she took her mom home. Myra got settled onto the couch before everyone else headed to bed.

"What kind of things does your mom like as presents and how are we going to get them while she is there?" Bridget asked excitedly as she got into bed and lay against Ivy.

"With my mother it's not presents but present, as in a singular gift." Ivy said with a smile.

"What? Just one present?" Bridget asked as she sat back up in the bed, turning on the bedside lamp before turning toward Ivy. "Why?"

"My mother likes to get one gift and one way or another, she'll show us tomorrow what that gift shall be and I promise that it won't be an expensive one," Ivy said with a grin.

"Why just one and if she picks it out, that spoils the surprise," Bridget told her.

"I know but that is her way of making sure that we don't spend too much money on her. If we buy too much, she'll just complain and make us take some back. But if we buy just one then she'll fuss only a little but then accept it and she'll be happy. That's makes everyone else happy. I know that it's weird but it works." Ivy told her.

"Okay," Bridget said then she thought it over for a minute. "Okay you buy her one and I'll buy her one." And then she smiled at what she thought was the perfect solution.

Ivy grinned and Bridget knew that her perfect solution wasn't so perfect after all, "She already thought of that and she expects one gift coming from both of us."

"Damn her," Bridget said sadly.

"Yes damn her," Ivy said with a smile, "Now turn off the light so that we can get a few hours of sleep, tomorrow is going to be a long day."

Bridget turned the light out and lay back against Ivy, she thought for a moment before she said softly, "One day I'm going to outsmart your mom."

"I doubt it," Ivy said and Bridget just knew that she had a confident smile on her face.

"I don't," Bridget said before closing her eyes.

She was still so excited about the shopping trip with Ivy, her mom, and Myra that it took her a while to go to sleep but she did eventually did so. However it only seemed like she had only slept a few minutes before she heard a knock on the door and she heard Ivy's mom telling them it was time to get up.

"Ooooo, it's too damn early..." Ivy moaned.

"Come on lazy ass, there's bargains to be found," Bridget said excitedly as her eyes popped open.

"Shut up, I've changed my mind, I'm staying here and help Rachel," Ivy said rolling back over.

"Oh no you don't, get up!" Bridget said turning Ivy back over onto her back. "We're going to have fun, now get up... please..." Bridget said afraid that Ivy was serious.

"Only for you," Ivy said finally sitting up and stretching.

"Thank you," Bridget said giving Ivy a quick kiss before hopping from the bed. This time she put on a robe that Ivy's mom had provided for them so obviously they hadn't gotten away with what they thought they had.

Ivy's mom had them some bagels with jelly and cream cheese set out for them as well as a fresh cup of coffee for them both. Myra was just as excited as Ivy's mom as she was already dressed and ready to go when they got to the kitchen. Ivy's mom rushed them along and Bridget saw in her eyes how excited she was to be going shopping with them all. They got to the shopping center long before the stores opened and even though it was cold outside, there were already women and some men lined up at each shop. They let Ivy's mom pick the first store they were to raid and as soon as the store opened they headed inside to begin their day's shopping.

When they got to the restaurant for breakfast, Rachel and Karen already had a booth for them. By then Bridget was starving and dying for something to drink. As they ate, Karen and Rachel were told of the fights and almost fights that they had seen and the fun that they were having. Rachel told them that they were just as crazy as those women were for being in the middle of but it was fun to them.

They didn't make it back to the house until about one and they were four tired, worn out women. They hadn't bought a lot of things but what they did buy; they got great deals on getting something up to fifty to seventy percent off. And that included the blouse that Ivy's mom looked at for a long time before decided that it cost too much. Bridget saw Ivy giving her a wink so she knew that Ivy's mom had made her choice. So she slipped off from them at the next store to go back and get the blouse. Bridget wanted to get the other blouse that Ivy's mom had looked at but she respected Ivy's wisdom and only bought the one that Ivy's mom had picked out. It killed her to buy just one present for her new mom but she respected her wishes.

Bridget remembered plopping down on the couch with Ivy and taking one sip of the tea that Rachel had brought into to them. When she woke up several hours later, she was lying on the couch with Ivy and was covered by a blanket. She saw Ivy's mom stretched out on the recliner also covered by a blanket. Bridget slipped off the couch trying not to disturb Ivy and she went to the bathroom before quietly slipping back through the living room to the kitchen where Rachel and Karen were pulling things from the fridge and beginning to warm up the leftovers from their Thanksgivings Dinner.

"Well one of our crazy shoppers is awake and moving," Rachel said with a grin.

"I'm not so sure how awake I am and I'm moving slowly," Bridget said with a grin.

"Here have a cup of my special tea, it'll wake you up and get you going," Rachel told her putting a hot cup of tea in front of her as Bridget leaned up against one of the counters.

"Thanks," Bridget said and then she looked around, "Where's Myra? The last I saw of her she went to find you two."

Brenda laughed, "She found us in the basement and began to tell us about what you all bought and what you saw. We noticed a few minutes that Myra had stopped talking. She had sat down on an old chair covered with blankets and fallen asleep right in midsentence."

"You didn't leave her down there did you?" Bridget asked knowing from when she had Ivy and her went down there to get a pot for Ivy's mom that it wasn't heated.

"Yea she was fine, we did cover her up," Brenda said with an unconcerned expression on her face.

"You just left her there!" Bridget said looking at Brenda who still didn't look the least bit concerned for Myra, the woman she supposedly loved.

Bridget gave Brenda a look of disgust and she started for the door to the basement when she heard Rachel tell her daughter, "Now Brenda, tell her the truth!"

"What?" Brenda asked holding her hands up like she didn't know what her mom was talking about.

"Brenda carried Myra upstairs and put her on your bed," Rachel said. "... and tucked her in making sure that she was covered and comfortable."

"You're an ass," Bridget said to Brenda who was now grinning at her.

"That she is," Rachel said and as Brenda walked by her mother, Rachel swatted her on the ass.

"Ouch mama!" Brenda said feigning extreme pain.

"Serves you right!" Bridget said to her. "You had me worried for a moment."

"Oh Brenda is all bark and no bite," Rachel told Bridget told her with a smile. "Now go wake the rest of our crazy gang and let's have dinner." Rachel said to her daughter who did as she was told.

"She had me scared for a moment," Bridget admitted to Rachel.

"Oh hell Myra has Brenda wrapped around her little finger," Rachel said with a little laugh.

"Good, Myna needs someone to love her like..." Bridget said thinking about what Myra had said about her mother and how she just wanted to be loved.

"Well between Sandy, Karen, and I, she gets all the mothering that she needs." Rachel told her.

"Good," Bridget said feeling more alive now that she had drained the cup of tea that Rachel had given her. "So what do you need me to do?"

"Cut up these pieces of turkey here, I'm making some of my special turkey salad." Rachel told her.

"What makes it special?" Bridget asked thinking it was something that Rachel added, some spice or condiment or something.

"I make it, that's what makes it special," Rachel said with a laugh.

"Oh I see," Bridget said laughing with her.

The rest of the holiday weekend went much too fast for Bridget. She wanted it to last for another week but she and Ivy had students waiting for them to teach them what they so wanted and needed to know. So they packed their bags and let Ivy's mom and Rachel drive them back to the airport. After lots of hugs and tears, Ivy pulled Bridget away and they went back through security and on to their awaiting plane.

"So what did you think of my weird family?" Ivy asked once they were buckled into their seats.

"I loved them but why do you call them weird? I think they're very nice and not weird in the least." Bridget asked giving Ivy a hard look wondering why she would put her own family down like that.

"Well let me see..." Ivy said and then she paused for a moment and Bridget knew she was doing so for effect so she remained silent.

"My mother is a closet lesbian who lives with one of my high school teachers, who raised my best friend... and first lover... while her real mother served over twenty years in the pen and they're all my family. Isn't that weird?" Ivy asked.

"Well maybe a little, but that high school teacher who raised your first lover and best friend also changed your life with the help of the convict. And your mother raised you on her own and did a pretty damn good job at it. And she is now happy with Rachel, probably for the first time in her life." Bridget told her.

"Yes they did all of that and I love them to death for it all, I wouldn't have wanted my childhood to be any different, it made me who I am." Ivy said grasping Bridget's hand, "But you have to admit that it's a little weird."

Bridget looked over at Ivy who was now squeezing her hands and she wanted to say that it wasn't but it was, "Okay your family is a little weird but isn't everyone's? I meant wait till you meet my mother, then we can talk about weird..."

"Deal," Ivy said with a grin proud that she had won the little argument.

"But I love your weird family," Bridget said to her.

"So do I," Ivy said and Bridget felt her squeezing her hand.

"Do you think your mom liked me?" Bridget asked.

"No, she didn't." Ivy said shocking Bridget and Bridget knew that her jaw dropped down to her lap.

She was just beginning to feel panic rise within her when Ivy grinned real big and said, "She loved you, it fact she is considering going to court to start formal adoption papers, that way she can introduce you as her good daughter and me as the bad one," Ivy said.

"Ohhhh... you..." Bridget said wanted to use some choice words but the plane was filling up so she couldn't do so, however she could sneak her hand over and pinch Ivy at her ribs and she pinched her hard.

"Ouch!" Ivy gasped pulling away as best as she could, being buckled in the small seats on the cheap section of the plane.

"My mother thinks the world of you honey, she loves you and she told me that I had better hang onto you or I would answer to her, and that she meant," Ivy told her with a soft smile.

"I like her too, she's sweet," Bridget said putting her head onto Ivy's shoulder for the first part of their long trip home.

They got home late with just enough time to shower and hit the bed before their workweek began. Thanksgiving had come late that year so the end of the semester was rapidly coming. For Ivy, this didn't mean a lot except for keeping her student's attention as the Christmas break approached. But for Bridget, it did mean a lot. The high school was set up like college classes in that each class was for only a semester. That meant Bridget had to get the most out of the two and half weeks before the break. That keep her busy trying to get in everything she wanted to teach for each of her classes.

This also meant the time for her bet with Becky was looming and it would have to be paid off by one of them. Neither of them had mentioned it since that first day and Bridget knew that Becky thought that she had forgotten it but she hadn't. She made the bet and she was going to keep it. If anything, that would be the most important thing that she taught to her math class all semester.

The way the finals were set up was that the school was closed on Monday and Tuesday for the students to prepare. Then on Wednesday the first and second period classes would have finals and on Thursday the third and forth periods would have their finals. Friday would again be a day off for the teachers to grade papers and post their students grades. And then the following Monday the students would come in for their report cards and to also sign up for the spring semester classes.

That Tuesday before finals, Bridget had Ivy in tow going to Cindy's house. She was a kindergarten teacher who was also a licensed hair stylist. She had set up a small shop in the basement of her small house. About everyone at the school went to her because she was good but also cheap. And since the kindergarten class was excused from the last week of class, Cindy was free to help.

"Are you sure that you want to do this?" Ivy asked her on the way. "You know that the odds are that Becky will chose to have you color your hair blue, even if she thinks that you were right about her having fun with math."

"I know but I don't think she will, I think in her heart, she knows that I did make a difference..." Bridget said and then she paused for a moment, " least I hope that I did."

"You did," Ivy said and Bridget felt Ivy's hand on her shoulder giving it a squeeze as she drove.

"I wish I could be there and help," Ivy said to her.

"You just want to see me get my hair dyed blue," Bridget said glancing away from the road to look at Ivy who she saw was grinning.

"That too," Ivy said while laughing.

When they got to Cindy's house, she was already packing up the things that she would need, including the portable chair that she used when she went to some of the older ladies houses who couldn't get out to have their hair done. They got everything loaded into Cindy's SUV and set it up in the teacher's lounge at the school. Viv wasn't so sure that this was a good idea but she had gone along with it. Bridget thought that Viv wanted to see Bridget have to eat her words and learn not to make bets with her students.

That next morning, Bridget got to school early to put the last things into place. She was confident that she had gotten through to Becky but still peer pressure was a powerful force and she wasn't completely sure that Becky wouldn't cave into it. She knew that any student would love to see their teacher have to pay out on a bet, even if they liked and respected that teacher. They were still an authority figure to them and so the opportunity to get something on them didn't come around often.

When the bell rung, she saw a lot of grim faces enter her class, all dreading what this day and the next would bring for them. There weren't many students who enjoyed taking finals, even when they knew that they would pass. There was always that fear that they would forget everything once they saw the test paper in front of them. Bridget could count herself as one of those people; she too had always dreaded finals. She knew that her math class really dreaded it as for them this was their hardest class.

Once everyone was seated, Bridget stood up from behind her desk and when the class had quieted down, she asked, "Is everyone ready for your final test of this class?"

She got the expected answer, a chorus of "No's."

''Well good because you've already taken it." Bridget said and again she got what she expected, a bunch of confused faces.

"What do you mean teach?" Juan asked from the back of the class.

"The practice final I gave you all on Friday was your final. I didn't want you to feel the pressure of a final in a class that at the beginning of the year you feared would be so awful. And you all did great so I'm proud of you all." Bridget said and after a pause for the class to realize that she wasn't bullshitting them, she got a cheer from the class.

"Shhhh... now be quiet, there are others who aren't so lucky," Bridget admonished them and they did quiet down but the smiles remained and the relief was very visible.

"However there is just one more test to be taken," Bridget said and got some groans. "But it is just for Becky to take.."

"Why me?" Becky asked shocked and she saw that some fear came to Becky's face.

"Just come up here for a moment," Bridget said and she saw Becky frown but she did slowly get up, coming to the front of the class.

Once there and Becky was facing her with a big frown on her face, Bridget reached down to the drawer in her desk that was open. She saw Becky watching her every move and Becky's frown turned into a grin as she pulled two bottles of temporary hair coloring that Cindy had given to her, one a dark blue and the other a bright pink.

"I believe that we made a bet the first day of class..." Bridget said to her, "Now is the time for you to decide who won the bet..." Bridget then handed the bottles to Becky who hesitated before taking them.

"You may ask your classmates for help in deciding if you like." Bridget said to her putting more pressure on Becky to make a hard decision. She just hoped that Becky was strong enough to make the correct choice, no matter what that was.

Becky looked into Bridget's eyes and Bridget tried her best to show her that she was at ease with whatever Becky decided. After a moment, Becky turned to face her classmates. Bridget could no longer see Becky's face and she so wanted to but it was in Becky's hands. Of course all of Becky's classmates were telling her to color their young teacher's hair blue. This went on for a couple of minutes and then she saw Becky's shoulders sag and she was sure that Becky was about to give into the pressure being placed upon her.

Becky then turned away from her classmates and Bridget saw the how conflicted that she was. Bridget felt for her and almost let her off the hook however she remembered just how strong a girl Becky was inside. This wouldn't be the last time that Becky would have to decide something that was bound to displease someone. Bridget decided to make Becky make the hard decision and she hope that she was right in doing so.

"It's your decision honey, only you know what your heart tells you to do," Bridget said and then she gave her a reassuring smile.

Becky frowned, showing her disappointment in Bridget for not letting her off the hook. For a second, Bridget thought that Becky was going to run out of the room and thus from making a decision. Bridget was just about to rescue her when Becky's shoulders came up and her eyes light up. Bridget smiled knowing that Becky had figured something out on her own.

End of Part Thirteen.

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 14

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