Bridge Over Troubled Water

By Michael Prymula

Published on Aug 16, 2022



Disclaimer-I do not own any of the characters in this story nor do I make any money off it, this fic is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

Summary: While on punishment Max makes an exciting new discovery about himself.

Category: Bisexual/celebrity

12-year old Max Lopez was in dire straits, not only was he being forced to do chores and stay inside on a beautiful saturday afternoon(as punishment for him causing trouble at the mall) but he desperately had to pee as well, but his mom Angie wouldn't let him go until he was finished with all of his chores. Angie was known for denying her kids the toilet if they crossed her, one time when she was homeschooling Carmen and wouldn't let her use the bathroom until she asked Angie in French, Max had overheard Carmen talking to Olivia about how she'd almost pissed herself that day which for some reason turned him on. Max didn't know why he'd drank so much juice and milk at breakfast and so much soda at lunch, maybe subconciously he wanted to get desperate? Either way he was really up a creek without a paddle now, he couldn't sneak out and pee in the yard as Carmen was hanging out with her friends back there, and he couldn't go in the sink with Angie inside, he just had to quickly get through his chores. Unfortunately now he had to mop the kitchen floor and all of that running water from squeezing the sponge mop over the sink was pure torture for his poor overworked bladder, he hadn't peed since last night before bed so he'd been holding in his pee for well over 12 hours at this point and it was getting really painful. He was holding his crotch with one hand while mopping, he knew better then to ask Angie for the toilet, she just stood there watching him like a prison warden.

Max was at that age where he'd been getting more curious about his own body, looking at Olivia undressing in Carmen's room had been the catalyst for him, sure it resulted in him getting sprayed with Carmen's perfume but it was well worth it, he'd masturbated for the first time that night and it had been pretty intense, (his friend Ricky had told him about masturbating and he'd used his tip about using KY Jelly as a lube)so since then he'd been masturbating pretty regularly, Carmen's hot friends like Taylor and Stephanie(even Toby to a lesser extent) provided him with plenty of jerk-off material for sure. Max had found out through the internet that some people liked to wet themselves for fun and Max was curious about it himself, he wondered if him getting turned on by Carmen's story meant he found his own sister attractive or if he was turned on by the thought of someone being desperate to pee, or perhaps both? Either way Max was interested to find out, only right now he had to deal with his chores before he could do any real experimenting.

Finally Max finished up mopping and after inspecting Angie ordered him to wash the dishes, Max wanted to scream in frustration, the family had a perfectly good dishwasher that the dishes could've easily been put into and Angie could clearly see how desperate to pee Max was, she was clearly making him do this to lord her parental authority over him, was she getting off on him being desperate to pee? Max didn't have much time to ponder this as holding back the raging flood inside him while having to wash dishes was going to take a herculean effort on his part, the sound of the running faucet and the feeling of water on his skin was pure agony on his insides, his crotch had the perpetual burning feeling like that time he was stung by a bee only even more painful, he got through the dishes as fast as he could, though several times he had to stop and clench his crotch with both hands, Angie chided him saying that if he was such a big boy that he could cause trouble at the mall with his friends, then he was a big enough boy to hold his pee in whilst doing chores.

Max didn't answer back, knowing his mom was right and that he did do a really stupid and dangerous thing at the mall, finally he finished the last dish thus completely his chores, he started to make a beeline for the bathroom before Angie stopped him and asked him if he knew what he did was wrong, Max quickly apologized and admitted Angie was right, anything to finally relieve his bloated bladder before he flooded the kitchen floor and Angie punished him even more(though part of him was curious and kinda turned on at thought of her potentially spanking him over an accident)Angie then gave him a tight hug, which made Max's bladder pains shoot up to 11 and he could feel his pee start to spurt out into his boxers, Max quickly ran off as soon as Angie's embrace ended with his pee still dripping out into his boxers and gradually starting to seep into his shorts, he just barely made it to the toilet in time before his bladder full on exploded into his green Addidas basketball shorts with yellow stripes, he yanked down his shorts and boxers in one feel swoop and unleashed his raging garden hose of piss into the toilet, his glorious stream of pee went on for several minutes until it finally slowed down to a trickle, Max's blessed relief felt so good that he'd gotten goosebumps, he then got a wild urge and locked the bathroom so he could masturbate in peace, he figured he'd earned himself a reward after his ordeal, using some of Angie's scented lotion he stroked his penis marveling at how good it felt, he then saw Angie's electric toothbrush and got another crazy urge, switching it on and rubbing it against his balls while stroking his cock, it felt really super-good, more intense then any of Max's previous masturbation sessions, he felt an indescribable feeling of pure pleasure emanate from his groin and then felt his entire body seize up like he was having a seizure and then everything went white as he felt like he'd been struck by lightning as his cum spewed out of his shaft in an epic deluge that seemed to go on for several minutes, almost as long as his piss, before finally calming down. Max practically passed out from the experience, that had been by far the most insane orgasm of his young life, looks like his theory about being turned on by pee desperation had proved correct. He then wondered if he could make himself cum even harder if he actually did wet himself, his heart was pounding with excitement at just the mere thought of it. He washed Angie's toothbrush with soap and water so she would be none the wiser and left the bathroom, Angie told him that he hoped Max had learned his lesson to which Max replied that he had, Angie told him he was still grounded for the rest of the weekend though, normally that would've bummed Max out, but with his new discovery he didn't mind being confined to his room for once, so he didn't give Angie any lip much to her surprise, she then went out into the yard to check on Carmen.

While Angie was occupied, Max put his plan into action, grabbing his backpack and filling it to the brim with water bottles, energy drinks and sports drinks from the fridge, he was going to get himself good and desperate and soak his shorts with everything he had, he couldn't wait. As soon as he got in his room, Max locked the door, tossed his backpack on the bed, jumped on and immediately started guzzling down Gatorade, in no time at all he pounded down six bottles of the stuff feeling a twinge of desperation and stroking his cock through his shorts getting himself nice and hard, he then downed several cans of Monster and Red Bull, the caffeine was making him jitter like the washing machine, already he could feel his bladder starting to swell up and that famliar pressure in his crotch came roaring back with a vengeance, he was already at an 11 on the desperation scale but he wanted to push himself even further, slamming down several water bottles until he felt like he could not physically hold any more liquids inside of him. Max then stumbled down the hallway towards the bathroom as fast as he could shuffle, holding onto his cock through his shorts for dear life, fortunately nobody was upstairs to interfere with his plans, he felt himself start to lose it when he entered the bathroom, he then quickly stammered into the shower just as his piss exploded out of him in a hurry, tearing through his boxers and shorts and soaking them in seconds, this flood was even bigger then the first one, going on for what seemed like an eternity and all the while Max was stroking his cock and feeling like he'd just touched a live wire, the pleasure increased a thousandfold getting more and more intense until Max let out a strangled cry of pleasure as his orgasm tore through him like a hot knife through better, his cum shooting out at the same time as his urine and mixing together in his shorts, his orgasm went on for a while in tandem with his piss until finally both streams slowed down with Max sliding down onto the shower floor in a puddle of piss in his urine and cum drenched shorts and boxers in pure relaxed bliss feeling totally drained and exhaused, he didn't even care if anyone walked in on him at this point, it had been totally worth it.

Finally after several minutes Max got enough strength to drag himself off the floor and turn on the shower, enjoying a nice hot soak and getting rid of the evidence with plenty of soap and conditioner, once he felt clean he dried himself off and put his clothes in the hamper, he sniffing them as a test, the smell of cum and urine was mostly gone now, but he sprayed them with some Axe and moved them to the bottom of the pile of clothes in the hamper just to be on the safe side, while moving the clothes he came across some of Carmen's clothes, he checked out her boxer shorts, pajama shorts and gym shorts and was surprised to find that they also smelled of cum and piss! Max nearly fainted, his sister was into peeing herself too! this would definitely make for good blackmail material for sure, perhaps he could convince Carmen to introduce him to Olivia and they could all have some "fun" together. Max was ultimately grateful to his mother for punishing him, as otherwise he might never have made this amazing self-discovery, he was very eager to see where his adventures would take him next.

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