Bridegroom Hunters

Published on Feb 1, 2022


Bridegroom Hunters Chapter 1

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Bridegroom Hunters
Part 1

Craig: Michael! Michael! I told you this morning. Mark is missing!!. But you did not listen to me

Michael: Calm down! Calm down! I told you he probably went for a nice little vacation with his girlfriend before their marriage. Remember he casually mentioned that to us that day in the gym?

Craig{Still in a panic mode). No, he did not I am just coming from his girlfriend's house. She has no idea about his whereabouts.

Michael[a little tired): Don't tell me that you also made her paranoid just like yourself.

Craig: I did not. In fact, I told her that Mark probably went to meet his cousin who lives in a rural village where cell phone coverage is not good. She also told me that Mark had mentioned that the cousin a couple of weeks ago.

Michael: See, I told you. Mark probably went to meet his cousin. And you are unnecessary making everybody worried for no reason

Craig: Please Mikey, I am still not convinced. Why the hell he has not called any of us? Or his girlfriend or anyone in this town whom we know? I know his cousin lives in a total backwood rural hillbilly town but there must be at least landline phone there through which he could contact any of us?

Michael: Probably he doesn't want to contact anybody. Look, he is getting married in a few months so I really don't blame him for going complete offline and to blow off some steam. Wouldn't you?

Craig: Look Michael I am not having a good feeling about this. You are a cop. You should have a better intuition than me. Why can't you sense this obvious? That Mark may be in some real danger?

Michael(looked offended). Yes, because I am a cop. And that exactly why I am not taking your paranoia seriously Almost every day I see these types of missing person report only to find out that person was never missing. These types of complaints waste so much time and resources. I would expect this from some paranoid middle-aged old lady like this but not a guy like you. So quit being a pansy. Mark will be fine. He must be banging some chick right now to celebrate his last few months of freedom. Ever since you have read that new article now can please you excuse me? I have to take a shower and then go to bed. I had a very long day.

After saying this Michael went to bathroom .

Craig feeling disappointed and frustrated with his friend, left his (Michael 's home)

d Craig decided to go to Ted's gym. Ted was a part of close friends of four(Mark, Craig, Michael, Ted) They spent a lot of nights at Ted's gym. Ted also lived there in a -room adjacent to that gym. Many nights when they use to have a day off the next day they meet at Teds's room to smoke weed or drink. Ted was unreachable since he was probably working at the gym so he had turned off his phone. Craig was hoping that he would find Mark at Ted's gym. Craig wondered "Have I really become a paranoid article about Mark after reading that article in that magazine? Maybe I should ignore this. Maybe that article was totally fake just like Michael suggested "



Four 25-year-old friends were casually chatting in the gym while working out

Mark [ He was getting married in four months. He worked at a garage as a mechanic)

Michael ( He was a cop)

Ted (Gym trainer)

Craig(Construction worker)

Mark: Groom hunters? what the fuck that supposes to mean?

Craig *reading the magazine article on his phone) I am just reading what is written in this article. It says that there is a secret gang whose members kidnap a person who is soon going to get married. They kidnap him and then gangbang him for a week or two and then release him back to his home.

Mark: What? And they never report this to the cops or at least beat this shit out of those guy after getting released?

Craig: Nope. Because after this they are addicted to that.

Ted: Addicted to what?

Craig: GangBang

Michael: So let me get this straight. There is a gang of a bunch of ass-bandits who Kidnaps a would-be groom, then gangbang them for a week or two t. Then they safely return the groom at his place. And these would be groom do not even report to the cops about their kidnap and gangbang. They do not even try to find out who kidnapped them or who gangbanged them. what exactly they do? This article totally seems fake and written by some homosexual who has a fantasy to bang some straight guys. Nothing more.

Craig(continue to read the article on his phone): The article says that the reason most of these grooms did not complain to the cops because they eventually learned to like the gangbang by the time they were free.

Ted: What? What kind of horseshit is that?

Craig: Yep that is what is written here. The article also says that almost 90% of that grooms broke up their engagement and canceled their marriage immediately. Not only that, just a few weeks after that almost all of them started indulging in homosexual behavior and seeking sex from men in either public place or from their male friends. Even those few who did not cancel their marriage started indulging in homosexual sex after marriage

Michael: You know what, that article is such bullshit !!Such bullshit !!. Either the article is a) Totally fake and written by some gay man who has some weird fantasy of gangbanging straight men or b)Even if this article is totally any true then also I do not buy for one second that ay of these grooms was actually straight in the first. I think all of them were provably closet fags and when they were kidnapped and gang-banged, Then they like it just like a total fag would do.

Craig: Nope. The author of this article says that he personally asked each of those 43 men who were kidnapped. All of them said that they had never indulged in any homosexual act before that incident.

Ted. And where exactly all these cases happened?

Craig: as per article these Kidnapping cases have happened all over the country in the last few years. And guess what? Where that last incident happened? yup in Wichita (Kansas)

Mark: Wow ! So near to our town

Craig: yup.

Michael: (teasingly) Mark, dude, you are in danger, buddy. I really hope if they kidnap you then at least you report it to me after they release you otherwise you will also be one of those fags

Ted: Wait, You said that all of those grooms were straight Right?

Craig: yup, At least that's what this article has claimed

Ted: So no problem for buddy Marky. He is totally safe.

Craig: What do you mean?

Ted: I have already popped his cherry

Michael: Wait, what?

Ted: Yup, I have fucked him . Many times.

Craig: really? (turned towards Mark) Mark, Is it true? you have taken Ted's dick in your ass?

Mark(laughing) : Come on. He is fucking with you guys.

Ted: Hey come on Hey buddy. No secret with best friends. Craig and Michael are our best friends. There should be no secret between four us. Tell them. Tell them how many times I have fucked your ass. tell them how much you liked it.

Mark: you are crazy. (laughing ) Can't you come up with a nice joke? Your sense of humor sucks

Ted: (in a serious tone) Come on dude. You are going to that your taken my dick up your shit-chute? you are going that you don't like sucking my cock a swallowing my load.

Michael(in a very surprised voice) What? Really? Do you love to swallow Teddy's load? Not to mention take his dick up your ass?

Mark(still laughing): Fuck no!! He is shitting with you guys and you guys are falling for this stupidity. Are you guys really this dumb that you are not understanding that Ted is making all this up.

Ted(in a calm but serious voice) Really? What if i show them proof of that?

Now Mark stopped laughing .

Craig and Michael looked at each other towards Mark then Ted . Both (Craig and Michael) had a puzzled looks on their faces

Is Mark(would be groom) really missing or it is just baseless paranoia of his friend Craig?

Is Ted telling the truth? Did Mark really like to get fucked by Ted and swallow his load? Or Ted was joking and making this whole thing up? Read part 2 of this series next week on Monday

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Next: Chapter 2

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