
By Ritch Christopher (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Sep 8, 2005


All rights reserved. Copyright held by the author. If you are underage or are offended by gay fiction, containing graphic sex and explicit language, please exit now.



aka "Whence Cometh My Help"

Revised Version

A dramatic saga


Ritch Christopher

Literary enhancement by

Les Martin



"The Clayton Clan"

Chapter Twenty-Three


Roger drove Walter to Shadow's End, a quiet restaurant/bar on the north side of Briarwood. It was less than a quarter filled in the afternoon respite between lunch and dinner. What made the 'End' so attractive was the display of lighting which bathed the main dining room. Though it was dimly lit to begin with, blue spotlights spilled over each table and booth. The light designer, through means of lenses and filters had placed non-descriptive objects in front of the lens, thus creating individual shadows of various sizes and shapes...thus the name, 'Shadow's End'. During dinner and later during cocktail hours, a four-piece combo played mild West Coast jazz. In the music ensemble were piano, bass, drums, and vibes. The owner, James Uhliel, was a nephew of George Shearing's. James grew up listening to the sound of the Shearing Quartet or Quintet. Therefore the music had to emulate the Shearing Sound.

At lunch time, through the afternoon and filling happy hour, a solo pianist played standards from the forties and fifties. When Roger and Walter were seated, they were welcomed to the strains of 'Autumn in New York' followed by 'April in Paris'. This was the first time Walter had been here, but after only a few minutes, he already knew he would come here more often...probably NOT with Bruce, for whatever plans they had made at the campsite to meet for a occasional rendezvous had now been put on hold, or perhaps even permanently ended, as a result of Jane's pregnancy with Bruce going through the problems of becoming a new 'dad' once again.

After Walter had left Bruce at the hospital to be by Jane's side, Walter had vowed to himself to not be so visible a part of Bruce's life in the future. This was a time when Jane would need him most and Walter decided that there was no reason, whatever the purpose or for whose satisfaction, for him to interfere in Bruce and Jane's new joy of parenthood. After all, twenty years had passed prior to their 'reunion' at the lake, so nothing would be missed in either Bruce's or Walter's lives, or so they thought.

A nice-looking young waiter came to the table to take Roger and Walter's drink orders. Roger settled on a small snifter of Courvoisier while Walter ordered a white Russian. Walter sensed that the nuance of the room, the atmosphere, the music, and the shadowed lighting all seemed to relax him, giving him a feeling of tranquility he had seldom known. Walter was a normal male with gay tendencies so it was only natural that he would be awed by Roger's rugged handsome looks, his manners, and his confidence when he spoke, not to mention the fact that Roger had an inheritance large enough to challenge the coffers of most of the kings and queens of Europe. Walter thought to himself that this priest, this Father Cliff, had to be the luckiest person on earth to have Roger as his lover, in addition to which Cliff had God on his side. It was a perfect match in the truest sense of the phrase.

Neither Walter nor Roger spoke for the first few minutes after they were seated. Both were enraptured by the piano music and both allowed themselves to be surrounded by beauty.

"He's very good," Roger said to Walter, indicating the pianist.

"He's wonderful."

"You should hear his combo in the evening! It outdoes the clubs of yore in New York and San Francisco."

"I seldom, if ever, go to bars at night. I actually stopped going when 'Disco' came in, in the eighties. Now most places are filled with the noise of loud electric guitars, basses, and drums. I know I'm not THAT old just yet, but I hate the sound that passes itself off as music these days."

"Do you mind if I ask how old you are, Walt?"

"In two years, I'll hit the big, 'four-oh'!"

"Thirty-eight! You're still a very young man. I do recall from the investigative report I ran on you that you are a widower?"

"I...I lost my wife to cancer, several years ago."

"And you have TWO sons?"

"Used to. Earlier this week, I had THREE sons, but as of last night, I now have four."

"Good God, man! You and Cliff must have some secret coalition going on behind my back. Cliff keeps taking in stray gay much so that we had to move from the church's rectory to a large house."

"Coalition? No, I've never met Cliff, but perhaps I should...VERY soon."

"Might I ask how your family increased by two during the past week?"

"I trust our conversation is still under the seal of confidentiality. My older 'natural' son, Alex, is gay. Last week, due to some rather unfortunate circumstances, Alex decided it was best if he came 'out' and he brought out his boyfriend, Ted, as well. It's a long story, but Ted's father and I have been best friends for at least thirty years. He and I got married almost at the same time and our wives had sons only a few days apart. So Alex and 'Ted' were joined together at birth and have remained inseparable their entire lives. Bruce, Ted's father, and I were ecstatic when the boys told us they were in love and wanted to live together...and as of last weekend, they are now a 'couple'."

"Christ, Walter! Alex and Ted's situation is practically identical to Cliff's and Stephen Sondheim put it, 'birth to earth', 'womb to tomb', 'sperm to worm'."

"Aha! The 'Jet Song' from 'West Side Story!"

The young waiter brought their drinks, setting the glasses down after placing a cocktail napkin in front of each as a coaster.

"What shall we drink to?" Walter asked.

"To our merger...Cole and Clayton...or Clayton and Cole...either way!"


They each took a sip of their drinks.

"What about your younger son? Is he gay, or is he straight, making life difficult for Alex and Ted?"

"Jeff is indescribable. He's sixteen...a really good kid...AND good looking to boot. I guess the best way to put it is that Jeff enjoys life more than anyone I know. He would give a homeless person his last dime and his Jockey shorts too, while at the same time, striking a match to give the same poor guy a hot foot. He loves to joke, but he would defend any friend of his to the death. As for being gay, I think he WANTS to be gay, but his idols are female wrestlers! Try and figure that one out."

"I think I'd like to meet young Jeff. He actually reminds me of me!"

"Jeff's been to St. Genesius, Father Cliff's church...just this past Sunday. He had great things to say about Cliff. Jeff went to church with his best friend and his friend's mother and two sisters. Jeff told me that he stopped to talk with the priest at the door after the service."

"I REMEMBER HIM! I remarked to Cliff on our way home from mass that the kid at the door looked like a cherub but it seemed that somehow he was hiding a red pointed tail behind him. He was so cute with an impish look in his eyes."

"That's Jeff alright!"

"I DO hope he liked coming to St. Genesius and that he returns soon."

"He and his best friend, Earl, can't quite decide if they're ready to unite the way Alex and Ted have. Earl and Jeff are, at the moment, in the experimental stage of a relationship."

"And you have no objections to either or both your sons being gay?"

"Not at all! They're both old enough to make their own decisions and find their own mates, of whatever sex."

"That trait wasn't included in your profile, but I'm glad, more than ever, that I hooked up with you and your firm."

"Thank you, Roger."

"Excuse me, but you said 'Earl'? Is he a Freeman? Ellen Freeman's son?"

"The same. May I ask why you asked?"

"I may want you to do an extra little deed for me, but in a strictly anonymous way."

"I'll do anything you wish, Roger."

"As I started to tell you earlier, Cliff and I have 'adopted', so to speak, four young men who all live with us. Jay, one of them, said something to Cliff about the Freeman's being financially strapped since Ellen's husband passed away. I may want you to find a way to slip them a sum of money to help ends meet for them...NOW more than ever, since Earl might become a part of YOUR family."

"I'm sure I can find a discreet way of doing that, if that's your wish."

"Maybe you can call Ellen in a legal capacity and tell her that she won the Irish Sweepstakes years ago and it was only recently that the Sweepstakes committee or whatever, found out that she was living in Briarwood."

"That might work!"

"About how much money are we talking about? The Sweepstakes is very large at times."

"Oh, maybe one or two hundred thousand. Think that amount would help her?"

"I'm sorry, Roger, if I seemed flabbergasted. I'm almost ready to break down in tears."

"Hell, Walter, that amount of money is less than the interest my grandfather's money makes in a day. The fucking green stuff just keeps growing and growing. Thank God, it's going to be your headache now. I just can't find enough ways to use it."

"Pardon my being forward, but a gift to the Freeman's would be an excellent start."

"Walter, the one thing we didn't discuss in your office was your fee."

"Being that I had no idea of the size of your inheritance, I had no way to come up with a figure as my recompense for whatever you want me to do."

"What would be a fair sum?"

"I really don't know, Roger. I mean we're not involved in a lawsuit or any kind of settlement. You stated that you didn't want me to draw up a will for you. The way I see it, all you want me to do is keep tabs on your total amount and the interest it earns, while paying a few bills or making donations that you select."

"How about, say, a million per year?"

"Jesus Christ, Roger, that's WAY too much!"

"But I already have WAY too much!" Roger said, emphatically. "OK, a million per year or I'll take my business elsewhere!"

"I wouldn't let you out of our contract now if my fee was under a hundred thousand per year."

"Then it's settled?"

"Whatever you say...the client is always right, thank God!"

"GOOD! Now, let's have another drink and you tell me about your fourth son and I'll tell you all about Cliff's and my four!"


When love and sex are new, a lot of pleasurable memories can be filed away in a period of only thirty minutes, for that's all the time Alex and Ted had from the time that they arrived home from school until it was time for Ted to go back to the school to get Jeff, who had just finished his first of ten hours' detention. Ted drove up to the school to find Jeff waiting on the steps of the school's main entrance.

"Hop in, Pelé!" Ted said, joking.

"What? Why'd you call me that?" Jeff asked.

"He's the world's most famous kicker, isn't he?"

"Oh, yeah. Oh!!!" Jeff replied and grinned as he realized Ted had just paid him a compliment.

"You kicked Chuck right in the nuts?"


"Toe or flat of your shoe?"

"Toe!" Jeff said. "I tried to aim right between them."

"Did you succeed?"

"I couldn't tell after he bent over and grabbed them."

Ted laughed. "Weren't you afraid, taking on someone bigger than you?"

"Size doesn't matter if you know what to do." Jeff's response brought a smile to Ted's face as he put the car in gear and drove out of the parking lot, heading home.

"Jeff, don't tell Alex or your dad I said this, but I'm proud of you. Don't get me wrong, physical force isn't always the best way to retribution. Sometimes you can solve a situation verbally."

"Yeah, but Chuck's not one to listen until you get his attention. I would've gotten away with it if Ms. Copenhaver hadn't been looking down the hall. I don't mind the detentions. It was worth ten hours just to see the surprise on Chuck's face. His eyes crossed first. Ha! I didn't think he'd ever catch his breath! He was almost turning blue!"

"Jeff, if Chuck says anything to you again, tell him he'll have to deal with me next time."

"OK, if you say so."

"Just remember, if Alex or your dad isn't around, I'll be there for you always. I mean, we're really brothers now, aren't we?"

"We have been since you and Alex got home from camping last weekend."

"Look, I know how close you and Alex were..."

"We still are, bro."

"I just don't want to come in between you guys."

"You won't--you couldn't."

"Can I ask how your weekend was with Earl?"

"It was great!"

"You...uh...tried lots of things...?"

"You mean sex?"

"Well, yes."

"I don't know where Earl learned to do everything that we did, but I don't think there's anything we didn't try!"

"So have you decided whether you're gay or not?"

"I don't think it's a matter of my deciding, Ted. I mean I think you are what you are...and I am what I am. Sometimes it just takes a while for you to discover it. I mean, Earl told me that lots of married guys find out they're gay, but they discover it too late. Then when they find out who they really are, they suddenly realize they've really fucked up. Then their wives are hurt and can't understand what's wrong with their marriage and they think they've failed by being a bad wife. The guys feel trapped and they've fucked up the rest of their lives."

"Damn, Jeff! For a neophyte, you've certainly learned a lot in a short period of time. Have you ever thought about becoming a know? Like a teacher or a politician or something like that."

"Sometimes when I hear somebody really smart talking, I get a temporary urge that I want to be like that person."

"Like who? Can you give me an example?"

"Well, Sunday, I went to church with Earl and his mom and sisters. There was this priest there, Father Cliff. I had never been to a mass before and didn't know what to expect. I thought all masses were said in Latin or Greek, but this was an Anglican mass and everything was in English. About halfway through the service, this Father Cliff got up to preach...only he didn't preach, he just talked...and even though the church was filled with people, I had a funny feeling that Father Cliff was talking only to me. I mean from time to time he made eye contact with me...and...don't tell Alex or my dad, but I got this sensation like I was having a chill or something. It was like nothing I'd ever felt before...and here's the crazy was just like everyone around me disappeared...Earl, his mom, Alice, Sally...EVERYONE! It was just me and the priest...alone, together."

"What was he saying to you, Jeff?"

"He never raised his voice once! But he talked to me about love and important it is to help someone else who's worse off than me. He was wearing this white robe trimmed in gold and for a split second, I imagined myself wearing his robe and talking to guys my age about the same things he was saying to me."

"Good God, Jeff! You want to become a priest?"

"Heck, no! That's the way I felt at that moment. He only talked about five minutes. Most preachers preach about an hour, but all he needed was just a few minutes to say all he had to say. I thought about it all night long Sunday night."

"Are you going back to church with Earl this weekend?"

"I doubt it!"


"Can I trust you with a secret?"

"We're brothers now, aren't we?"


"Then you KNOW you can trust me. So what's your secret?"

"You know last night when all of us were in the living room watching that video Dad brought home?"


"Well, during the middle of the movie, Ryan reached for my hand and held it until the film was over."

"Are you kidding?"


"Did he say anything to you afterward?"

"No, I got the idea he wasn't even aware he was holding my hand."

"And now you think you have a crush on Ryan?"

"Well, maybe..."

"Oh, boy! He's older than you, you know?"

"So what? If you love someone or make out with someone in the dark, who cares how old anyone is?"

"Yes, but you don't know for sure WHY he grabbed your hand. You don't know if he's gay or not."

"Maybe HE doesn't know I said before. You are what you are. It just might take a little longer to find out about yourself."

"Wow! I have a sixteen-year-old philosopher for a brother!"

"Ha, ha! Very funny!"

"Jeff, just go slow. Don't make a move toward Ryan, or ANYONE, for that matter, until you're sure you both feel the same way."

"But Ryan IS real nice, don't you think?"

"Sure, in an old-fashioned way."

"Yeah, I know. I just wish he had cooler clothes and wore his hair differently."

"Well, he might do something about his appearance and spruce up if he spends much time around us."

"I wish Dad would let me take him shopping. You know, take him to the Gap and get him all new clothes...more up-to-date."

"Now don't go trying to change Ryan. Remember he IS what he IS, as you said...and maybe he likes the way he dresses and wears his hair."

"Oh, all right...but do you think he'd get mad if I just mentioned it to I need to go to the Gap and would like him to go with me."

"You are not only a philosopher, but a conniving finagler, as well!"

"I guess I'm lots of things..."

"I KNOW you are, little buddy!"

They were home and Ted parked the car in the driveway. The two got out and went in through the kitchen door.

"Hey, babe!" Ted said to Alex.

"Hi," Alex replied, going to Ted and giving him a peck on the lips.

"Hey!" Jeff said, loudly. "Didn't dad tell you the rules, too?"

"What rules?"

"Last night when he and I had our little 'talk, he laid down a bunch of house rules."

"He didn't say anything to me about house rules," Alex replied. "What about you, Ted?"


"What kind of house rules, Jeff?"

"I think they were mostly for me, but I think they should apply to everybody."

"Like what?"

"Like barging into the bathroom or somebody's bedroom without knocking first!"

"That shouldn't be a problem," Alex said. "That's just common courtesy. What else?"

"No making out in front of any member of the family!"

"You mean like, make-out, 'make-out', like sex? Or did he mean hugging and kissing?"

"He didn't say."

"Jeff, kissing and hugging in one's bedroom is not quite like greeting someone at the door with a hug and a kiss..."

"Maybe not, but just the same..."

"Why, squirt, I believe you're jealous that I kissed Ted and not you."

"That's bull!"

"Come here, bro, and let me make it up to you!"

"Stay away from me, Alex!"

"Not until I give you a proper welcome."

"Alex, now stop it!"

"No way! Hold him, Ted."

Ted made a quick move toward Jeff and locked both arms around him from behind Jeff's back. Then Jeff started jerking his head from side to side, but Alex grabbed both of Jeff's cheeks firmly, leaned down and kissed Jeff on the lips. "Welcome home, little brother," Alex said with a brotherly, yet loving, manner.

"All right, stop it! Let me go! I promise not to say a word if you hug and kiss when one of you is coming home through the door...just as long as neither of you tries to hug and kiss me!"

"What happens if Earl comes over or when Ryan comes home from work. Are you going to try and stop them if either of them tries to hug and kiss you?" Ted asked teasingly.

"I don't know. It hasn't happened yet!"

"Ryan?" Alex asked, puzzled. "Jeff, please don't tell me you went into the den last night and tried to start something with Ryan!"

"I won't...because I didn't!"

"Thank God for that! Jeff, you know where I met my group. Meaning if he's in the same group as I am, he's tried suicide at least once. Since we're not really sure WHY, I think he's in a very precarious state just now and I'm begging you---PLEASE don't upset him with some of your horny shenanigans. OK?"


"I thought you and Earl were a hot and heavy item? Is there some reason you seem to be turning your attention to Ryan?"

"Didn't you see him grab my hand and hold it during the movie last night?"

"No--did you, Ted?"

"I was watching the movie and that's all I saw," Ted replied.

"Well, Ryan DID, anyway."

"Maybe he was just trying to be friendly, Ryan, and holding your hand was HIS way of showing it. Is that all that happened."

"Of course! After the movie was over, I went to bed and Dad went into the den to talk with Ryan. That's the last time I saw him until I came down to breakfast and found out he had moved into the house with us. Why don't you ask DAD what happened? Why did Dad all of a sudden invite him to live with us?"

"Are you sorry, Jeff? I mean, do you resent Ryan living here?"

"Heck, no! I'm kinda glad. Since you two go into your room and lock the door and do the 'nasty', I got no one to play Nintendo with. Ryan said he's a good player, even though I haven't had a chance to find out yet."

"Well, then, PLEASE, for Ryan's sake, for the time being, keep your activities with Ryan confined to video games and not anything on a sexual level. Is that understood or do I have to ask Dad to add that to the list of 'house' rules?"

"All right, I promise...but if Ryan makes the first move...then what?"

Alex thought for a second. "If he DOES make the first move, then what happens next is up to you. Fair enough?"

"I suppose..."

"Hey!" Ted spoke up. "How is Ryan getting home from work?"

"Damn, I forgot!" Alex said. "While you were gone to pick up Jeff, Dad called and said he was tied up with a very important client and that he had promised to pick Ryan up from the music store. He wasn't sure if he could make it, so he wanted one of us, Ted, you or me, to go pick him up!"

"Sure thing!" Ted replied. "I'll do it."

"Dad said one more thing. Next Friday is Ryan's twenty-first birthday and Dad wants the three of us to give him a know, cake, gifts...! Dad said to keep it a secret. He seemed to think Ryan had never had a birthday party in his life. If that's the case, we ought to throw Ryan a nice one!"

"You and I could cook a big dinner. I don't know if Dad is free or if Mom will feel like coming, but I'll call them just the same."

"Alex, do you want to invite Earl?"

"Well, I DO...and I DON'T!"

"You can decide later, We have a whole week to make plans."

"What time does Ryan get off from work?"


"I'd better leave now."

"Drive carefully. I'll start dinner and you and Ryan can help as soon as you both get here."

"OK!" Ted said as he walked closer to Alex. "Hey, Jeff! Is it all right if I kiss Alex goodbye?"

"Yeah, I long as you don't try to kiss ME goodbye!"

Ted and Alex laughed. Ted kissed Jeff quickly, saying, "Bye, sweetheart!" and left.

"I can't get over the two of you!" Jeff said.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, before you two went camping with Dad and 'Uncle' Bruce, you were calling each other, 'Pal', 'Buddy', 'Shithead', 'Ass wipe', and things like that. Now that Ted had moved in, neither of you can speak without calling the other, 'Sweetheart', 'Babe', 'Honey'! What's next, 'DARLING'?"

"Jeff, I can't wait for the day when you fall head-over-heels in love with it a guy or a lady wrestler! And the first time you call him or 'her', 'babe' or 'honeybunch', I'm gonna laugh AFTER I remind you of what you just said about Ted and me."

"If it's a guy, I'm sure as heck not going to call him, 'sweetheart'! Yuck!"

"Go clean up for dinner and I'll let you set the table IF you'll be careful and not break any plates or glasses! I used to think the reason you were clumsy is that you KNEW that was one way of getting out of kitchen chores. Since you're older, I'm almost SURE of it now!"

"I didn't break anything the whole weekend with the Freeman's!"

"I forgot to ask you if your homemade salad dressing was a success?"


"Mrs. Freeman told Dad when he called to see if he had to pay for any broken dishes, vases, or figurines."

"I'll bet you would have made the same mistake! Her stupid soap looked just like Dad's extra virgin olive oil! How the heck was I supposed to know? There was no label on the bottle!"

"Then maybe I WOULD have made the same mistake myself! Go on, little bro."

Jeff started up the stairs and turned.



"I really like your new car! Ted said I could drive it when I get my learner's permit."

"If Ted said it, he meant it."

"You know, Ted treats me a lot different now since...well, since you and he came back from the camping trip."

"In what way?"

"Like I'm the same age as you and him...not like a little kid brother."

"Ted loves you, you know..."

"Yeah, and I guess I kinda love him, too. I mean, him and me are more like REAL brothers now. We had a good talk coming home from school and he talked to me like I was an adult. It made me feel really good."

"Jeff, I'm really glad. I know you must have been hurt, or at least disappointed when you found out that Ted's and my relationship had changed. In many ways, you could have hated Ted...or even me. But you didn't and that made Ted and me love you more. I want you to feel free to talk to Ted just as you would Dad or me. He's in your corner all the way from now on."

"I already knew that!"

"Good! Now, scoot!"

Jeff ran up the stairs. Alex wasn't kidding when he told Jeff he loved him more now...because he did. In the past few days, Alex had seen Jeff mature far above his age of sixteen. Alex was truly glad Jeff was his brother.


Ted drove up at the music store just as Ryan was coming out the door. Ted beeped the horn and Ryan acknowledged Ted with a wave.

"Hop in, bro!" Ted said.

"Hey, Ted! I'm surprised to see you. I was expecting Walt!"

"He phoned Alex that he was tied up with a client and asked if one of us could pick you up."

"This is awfully nice of you," Ryan replied.

Ted made a U-turn and drove toward home. "You're not used to having someone from your 'family' do favors for you?"

"Not really. This is sort of a first for me."

"Then you'd better get used to it unless you get on 'Wheel of Fortune' or 'The Price Is Right' and win your own car."

"This is the first time I've seen your new car up close. It's...what can I say? Beautiful? Fabulous? Gorgeous? Snazzy? What's the word?"

"I can't really describe it myself as I'm not really over the shock of my dad buying it for Alex and me."

"Hah! I'm nearly twenty-one years old and I'm still waiting for my dad to buy me my first bike!"

"You never had a bike?"

"My mom bought me a tricycle for Christmas when I was six years old, but what kid rides a tricycle to school in the first grade?"

"Ryan, it's none of my business...and I don't want to pry into your private life or make you answer a bunch of questions you don't wanna answer, but I gotta admit I just sorta shook my head with disbelief when Alex said your folks had kicked you out of the house!"

"I was a bit surprised myself, Ted. I mean, if I had done something wrong, committed a know, something which suited the punishment, I would've had a bit more understanding."

"You mean they didn't catch you having sex or something in your room?"

"Don't I wish!" Ryan exclaimed. "I left home with my suitcases to go to a friend's house and all the way over there, I kept thinking, I wished to God my dad had found me in bed fucking with some guy! Later, I realized that I would have been more shocked than my dad."


"Because I've never fucked a guy! I've never fucked anything!"

"You're a total virgin?"

"T-O-T-A-L! in...'Absolute'!"

"But---you ARE gay, aren't you?"

"I'll let you know as soon as I find out myself."

"No, I said, it's none of my business."

"Ted, I realize you're a couple of years younger than I, but would you try to answer something for me?"

"Sure, as best I can."

"You might not be the person to ask, but then again..."

"What's troubling you, Ryan?"

"Well, you and Alex have grown up loving each other. From what I hear, almost since birth."

"Yes, but we've gone through different stages of love. What I feel for Alex now is deeper than when we were toddlers or even when we were fifteen years old. Love changes by degrees. I just found that out myself!"

"Ted, do you believe in love at first sight?"

"I guess you were right, I'm NOT the one to ask."

"But do you believe it's possible?"

"It happens in the movies or in books. There must be some truth to the idea that it happens so much..otherwise, why would it be such a popular plot?"

"I didn't think about in those terms, but it does stand to reason..."

"What happen? Did the love bug bite you...?"

"I'm not sure. Since I've never been in love before, I have nothing to compare my feelings with."

"Ryan, here I go prying again when I shouldn't, but you wouldn't be talking about a certain sixteen-year-old kid, are you?"

"You mean... Jeff?"


"No, it's not Jeff, although I kinda wish he were older. I'm talking about a guy who's about twenty-five or twenty-six years old."

"Did you meet him just today?"

"No, I met him a couple of days ago, but today is the first chance I've gotten to know him."

"A customer?"

"No, this guy I met...well, he came into the store today and he and I went out for lunch."

" think you fell in love during your lunch hour?"

"Sounds crazy, doesn't it?" He laughed condescendingly at himself.

"No, not to a lot of authors and screenwriters. Hell, in the movies or on TV, a couple meets, falls in love, gets married, have kids, divorce each other, and meet someone else, and all in the period of ninety minutes."

"Too bad I live in Briarwood and not 'la la land'!"

"Do you mind telling me about him?"

"Alex knows him."

"You're kidding? Do I?"

"No...his name is Kyle and I met him at the group session the same day I met Alex."

"Did he have a similar problem as Alex and you?"

"You mean by his coming to a suicide prevention session?"


"That makes it all sound TOO hopeless, doesn't it?"

"WHY? Alex and I didn't become a REAL couple until after he went to the group the first time. It was more like a 'wake-up' call to him. It made him see what was important to him...then he passed it on to me as if it were contagious or something...and it woke me up too! You don't seem crazy to me if that's what you're asking."

"I didn't mean's just...spending one hour in a restaurant with Kyle made me feel something I've..I've never felt before. After lunch, when he was heading home and I had to go back to work, I didn't want to leave him. Like some fairy tale, I think I could have followed him to his place and lived happily ever after."

"Maybe I don't know what love at first sight actually is, but it sounds as if you have all the symptoms. Did you get his phone number?"

"No...there was really no reason..."

Ryan was suddenly on the verge of tears.

"Hey, buddy, are you crying?"

"I'm trying not to...but after I got back to work from lunch, I went into the bathroom and cried buckets!

"HEY! You only had ONE lunch with him! That's not the end! Sounds to me like it was a good beginning! So why the tears?"

"Ted, Kyle is dying!"


"He's sick, Ted. He has AIDS and he's going to the hospital tomorrow...for what he thinks is his last time."

"Jesus! I...I don't know what to say!"

"And I don't know what to do! What CAN I do?"

"What about all these new AIDS drugs? Aren't they supposed to work or do something?"

"Do you know anything about 't-cells'?"

"A bit. We had an AIDS- and HIV-prevention seminar at school... something like...if your 't-cell' count is above 200, you're only HIV positive and your antibodies can still fight off outside diseases and germs. BELOW '200' and you have to be careful, because that's the crossover point to having AIDS."

"That's pretty much it, Ted."

"What's Kyle's 't-cell' count?"

"I heard him tell someone at group that when he was last checked, it was nine."

"Holy shit!"

"Today at lunch, Kyle looked as if he was tired of fighting and taking AIDS medication. He was ready to just 'give up'."

"Christ! Maybe he'll get better in the hospital! Maybe you or WE can give him something to live for."

"I wish that's all it took."

"Well, we sure as hell can try. Damn it! YOU, ALEX, ME, and DADDY WALT can ALL go to see him in the hospital. Take him some flowers...some fruit. Be his friends. Doesn't he have a family or close friends who can do the same?"

"Kyle had no one. I have parents, but I actually don't have anyone either."

"You sure have a short memory, Ryan. As of this morning at breakfast, you just became an adopted member of the Clayton family. If Kyle has no one... Fuck! We'll just have to adopt him too."

The dam broke and tears came gushing down Ryan's face.

"Are you sure Alex and Walt would be willing?"

"Alex, Daddy Walt, I, and even Jeff will be there every afternoon and night to be with Kyle if it will help him!"

"It just might...everything else seems to have failed."

"Yesterday, you thought YOU didn't have a family. Twenty-four hours later, you've got a big one. If Kyle has no one, then he's about to find out how wrong he is! Now wipe your eyes and don't get my seat wet. We're almost home and I don't want Alex seeing you all fallen apart. Right, BRO?"

"Right, BRO!" Ryan smiled through his tears, though the euphemism almost started a new flow.

As they pulled into the driveway, Ted reached into the glove compartment and handed Ryan a pack of Kleenex. Ryan blew his nose, wiped his eyes and followed Ted into the house.

"Hey, Ryan!" Jeff said, rather loudly.

"Hi, Jeff...Alex."

"Boy, am I glad to see the two of you!" Alex said.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?"

"I was going to make brown gravy to go over the mashed potatoes. Dad always uses flour but the cookbook says to use corn starch. But DAD is always right and look at this shit! It's full of big brown lumps about the size of horse apples."

"You idiot!" Ted laughed. "Don't you know you're supposed to stir it constantly over LOW heat? You never watched Daddy Walt do that?"

"I guess not!"

"What else do you have to do?"

"Shuck those corn ears and heat the frozen spinach."

"YOU do the shucking and I'LL make the gravy." Ted said, taking charge of dinner. "Ryan, why don't you go into the den, change clothes, wash up and hurry back and help us."

Ryan was aware that Ted was making his exit easier to hide his sadness, so he ran toward the den.

"What has Alex got you doing, slugger?" Ted asked Jeff.

"Setting the plates and silverware, what else?"

"How many have you broken so far?"

"None yet...but I'm just beginning."

"I'll keep the broom and dustpan handy, just in case."

It was only ten seconds later that Jeff dropped a water glass, shattering the pieces all over the floor.

"What was that, Jeff?"

"That was only ONE!"

"I'd better start counting aloud...'ONE'..."

When Ryan was gone, Ted said to Alex in a soft voice. "Do you know someone in your group named Kyle?"

"Sure, he's the one I said helped me so much. Why?"

"He's going into the hospital tomorrow and I think the entire Clayton family should go visit him."

"Of course, but why?"

"Well, it seems that a certain newly 'adopted' brother has a slight crush on Kyle...and secondly, Kyle has no family! No one in the world to care for him."

Alex looked at Ted with loving expression with his eyes. Was it possible to love anyone more each day, each minute, or each moment than before?

"Kyle does now!" Alex said, putting his arms around Ted's neck.

"Who's Kyle?" Jeff asked, re-entering and carrying pieces of broken glass.


(To be continued in "Briarwood" BOOK TWO-chapter twenty-four)

Copyright Ritchris, 2005.

Next: Chapter 24: The Clayton Clan 24

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