Brians Soulmate

By Juston Drew McCance

Published on Aug 3, 2003


BRIAN'S SOULMATE ~ Chapter Five:


If you are under 18 or not of legal age in your country, please don't read on. If you couldn't accept themes in the likes of homosexuality, please don't read on. This is a story concerning gay males having intimate relationships and is considered FOR ADULTS ONLY due to its sexual theme and contents. BUT if you really like this stuff, please don't tell others.

Everything in this story is purely FICTIONAL. Or it's not true!!!! Even if this story involved Backstreet Boys, all that happens here is fictional. Again, it's not true. I don't know anything about their sexuality, if they're gay (but I do have my speculations) or not but I wrote this of freedom of speech and my love for these guys. AGAIN, it's NOT TRUE!!! But don't we all hope that it's at least true. Hehehehe.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Hey guys and gals

Hi everyone! This is the first chapter of BRIAN'S SOULMATE. Well, this is a story that involves the guys of Backstreet Boys. I hope that you like this first installment.

A bunch of apologies for the typographical and grammatical errors found. I finally realized that I hate prepositions I'm having a hard time using them! But, I would like to hear some feed back or even suggestions as to what you think or even what you would like to see in the next chapter of BRIAN'S SOULMATE.

Contact me at

Thanks a lot,


************************************************ Previously on Brian's Soulmate:

"If you havea boyfriend, then that is prefectly alright with m, I'll be happy enough to move with my life..."

I quickly cut Brian off by giving him a mind blowing kiss.

"Does that answer your question, Brian!"

"...knowing that I can not have you as a part of me, will drive me crazy."

Then Brian realized what I had just done earlier to him, after he touched his lips, he knew what I had just done to him.

And now the continuation ********************************

"Did you just kiss me, Wil?"

"Yes, I did and I have something to inform you of Brian Thomas Littrell."

"And what may I ask would that be, Wil!"

"I love you with all of my heart and soul; and nobody adn I mean nobody can or will tare us apart."

This time it was Brian, who initiated the kiss between us the second time, and it was just as mind blowing as the one that I gave, we where getting into the kiss, when I felt that I had to pull away from the kiss before things got to far. Once I had pulled away from the kiss I put my facein my hands and began crying, with the uncontrollable feeling that I was unable to stop myself. Brian looked at me with great concern in his eyes.

"What is wrong, Wil, why are you crying?"

"Brian, I there is something that I should tell you, if you and I are going to be starting a relation ship with each other and this is very important. But, you need to understand that what I am about to say is harder on me than it is going to be on you, okay!"

"Okay I understand, what do youhave to tell me, Wil that is so important, that it has you crying and shanking like a leaf."

"Well, the thing is that I have Cancer of the Bone, which means I have lukemmia , that means that I need to have a Bone Mareo Transfusion done and that also means that I am also going to have to take Kimo-Therapy in order to kill the bad cells, but the bad thing about it is that I also lose my hair, in which I hope thatit does not happen again."

"Oh my god Wil, that is terrible, I am so sorry. How long have you had Cancer?"

"I've had it ever since I was 8 years old, that was the first time that I had ever experienced Kimo-therapy, or Radiation treatment for that matter."

"Oh, really does that mean what I think that it means! That you are willing to take a chance in starting a relationship with me. By starting to date one another and then maybe we could move on from their if that is okay wiht you that is?"

"I couldn't agree with you more, and yes I would love nothing more than to begin a realtion ship with you on a personal level, and just so you know; that mind blowing kiss that you got, was just a sample of what is to come out of this relationship."

"I can hardly wait." (rumble, rumble)

I looked at him and then at his stomach and it made the noise again. (rumble, rumble), but this time mine decided t make itself known with its' own (rumble, rumble, rumble).

"I guess that means neither of us has eaten yet this evening, does it!"

"I guess that you're right there Brian."

"Well then let's get you something to eat then shall we! What do you say to that Wil?"

"I don't see why not Brian, after all I am famished. But, why don't we order something in and then I'll cook you something for you and I tomorrow night for dinner and you can invite the guys over to join us for dinner."

"I think that would be a great idea, for tomorrow night but can I ask as to what you happen to have in mind, sweetie?"

"While let me see, if my memory serves me correctly and it usually does then I believe that you are a fan of southern fired chicken, rice and steamed veggies, for dinner with a bottle of white wine if that is okay with you."

"Wil, you really know how to treat someone, that you've just met even if he just profested his love for you; and to answer your question I would love to come over and join you for dinner and how did you know that I loved southern fried chicken, white rice and steamed veggies?"

"Well, I know this from keeping upto date on all of the information on every member of the Backstreet Boys in which I am the number one fan and not to mention I am also a big fan. I have been ever since you guys started back in 1993."

"Oh, well I guess that makes sense in every way possible then don't it!"

"Yeah, it does Brian. You wouldn't happen to know who was working on looking for a place for me to live. Would you Brian?"

"Yes, I do and you are looking at him Wil, why do you ask that question?"

"I was just wondering; but, thank you Brian; it is going to be so appreicated and I know that for a fact cause I am going to be constantly cooking dinner for you and I; how does that sound to you? The other reason that I won't to know was because I need to make sure that I have everything that I am going to need to make this dinner happen for us tonight, that is why I asked Brian!"

"Wil look at me okay, everything that you are going to need, including a full supply of groceries that are in your kitchen and cupboards in your place."

"You know something Brian, I think that I am really going to enjoy getting to know the real romantic, loving, and caring person that I have heard so much about, and that would you Mr. Brian Thomas Littrell. Just so you know, I can not wait until the time comes when I get to see what you look like under your clothes."

"I think that I am really going to love getting to know the real Wil McNaughton that is under all of those clothes."

Just the thought of Brian and me in the nude; either in his or my bed made me blush some deep criminson and Brian took notice of this and blushed even worse than I did.

It was then that I could feel the limo beginning to slow down, and then come to a stop as I looked out, I noticed that it had stopped in front of a condominimum complex. I soon realized that this was where I was going to be living from now on.

Marcus, Brian's security guard and Collin the limo driver came around to help us with everything that I had brought with me. Brian and I made our way inside the building, and into the elevator up to the floor that I would be living on, Brian pulled out a set of keys; once he had stopped in front of the door numbered 564; he unlocked the door and we stepped inside with Marcus and Collin right behind us. They left shortly after they had everything inside the door.

As I walked around the place, which I thought to be Brian's. But I soon found out that I was very much mistaken and found out that it was mine, when Brian tapped me on the shoulder.

"Wil, here are the keys to your new place, plus keys for your office and finally a set of keys for your new set of wheels, in which I am pretty sure you are going to need in order for you to get around Orland."

I took the keys, that Brian held out in his hands, and set them aside but when it came to the final set of keys; I just took a look at them and saw the names Jeep on the keys.

"Brian, you do know that you guys really didn't have need to buy me anything."

"Yeah I know that, but that it is not from the other guys."

"What are you talking about, Brian?"

"While it is from me, to say how much that I love you Wil. And besides they agreed to let me do this and get you the wheels as long as they got to decorate your place for you; and by that I mean paint and furnish the place for yo, so I aggreed to let them."

"Well I'd like to say that you have wonderful taste in cars and even better taste in men." (kiss, kiss)

I said those words as I was preparing dinner for Brian and myself.

"Umm...thank-you, Wil but I can't take all of the credit for the work that was done on your new home, some of that credit does go to the guys for this work; you do know that right!"

"I know that Brian, but even still thank you very much for everything that you and the guys have done for me."

"You are very much welcome Wil, don't worry about it that much it was nothing for us to go and do considering the fact that we are on break at the moment."

"So, how did the guys know that I happen to loved the colors Blue and White with hardwood floors all through out and not to mention a beautiful fire place."

"That credit would go towards Greg on that one Wil, cause he is the one that thought that all of this would look great together in your place."

"Well then I don't care, because it has given me a place to hang my families pictures, and even a mantel for more things. I think that I am really going to like it here in Orlando."

"Good, because then I would have to kick your sorry ass." (wink wink )

"Oooohhhh, is that a promise Brian."

"Maybe it is and maybe it is not, but either way that you look at it, things could get very interesting around here in deed."

We continued to chat while I finished to look around my new place before we settled in the living room in front of the fire place snuggled into each other, as we watched some tv.

"Now is there anything else in the range of surprises that I need to know about for the meeting tomorrow."

"Yes, actually there is; but it is just a general meeting that Greg had called for everyone to be there for around 11:00 a.m., at the office to meet you, and then we are going to be discussing is new tour that we are planning to do in about three months time, like whether or not it is going to be a World Tour or just a North American Tour, how long it is going to be, how much time are we going to be in each spot, etc."

"Okay that sounds fine with me Brian."

"So if you would like for me to I could drive you there or you could drive and I could come with you and show you how to locate the office."

"That would be a wonderful idea indeed Brian, I think that you should drive us to work and then this way I can figure out the parking arrangements, like where I would park my Jeep Liberty, and what I need to do in order for it to be registered to be parked at the office. But, not only that I would like to see as to how to get to the office from here."

To Be Continued...

I would greatly appreciate anyone's thoughts or ideas as to how I could improve the stories that are going to be apart of this series.

JDMcCance Love yah

*********************************************************************** BRIAN'S SOULMATE ~ Chapter Six:


If you are under 18 or not of legal age in your country, please don't read on. If you couldn't accept themes in the likes of homosexuality, please don't read on. This is a story concerning gay males having intimate relationships and is considered FOR ADULTS ONLY due to its sexual theme and contents. BUT if you really like this stuff, please don't tell others.

Everything in this story is purely FICTIONAL. Or it's not true!!!! Even if this story involved Backstreet Boys, all that happens here is fictional. Again, it's not true. I don't know anything about their sexuality, if they're gay (but I do have my speculations) or not but I wrote this of freedom of speech and my love for these guys. AGAIN, it's NOT TRUE!!! But don't we all hope that it's at least true. Hehehehe.


Hey guys and gals

Hi everyone! This is the first chapter of BRIAN'S SOULMATE. Well, this is a story that involves the guys of Backstreet Boys. I hope that you like this first installment.

A bunch of apologies for the typographical and grammatical errors found. I finally realized that I hate prepositions I'm having a hard time using them! But, I would like to hear some feed back or even suggestions as to what you think or even what you would like to see in the next chapter of BRIAN'S SOULMATE.

Contact me at

Thanks a lot,

Juston ********************************

"Cool,Wil well I guess that I should get going; so that you can have a chance to check things out in your new home. Good Night, Wil and I guess that I will see you in the morning, my love."

"Um...actually Bri, I was kind of wondering if you would like to spend the night here with me and that way you really don't need to worry about a thing."

"Thanks for the offer, Wil but I really don't have nothing here for me to wear for the meeting tomorrow, and besides I don't want to be intruding on first night in your new place as you are getting settled into your place. Plus if I was to stay here, where would I sleep."

"Well first off you are going to head over to your apartment, so that you can get what you are going to need for tomorrow, and then get your sexy ass back here to this apartment, and get ready for a night of nothing but pure passion and even pleasure between us, because I love you that much; now get going."

"Now that is an offer that I can't refuse; now can I."

"No, you really can't now get going so that I can get a start at getting unpacked(kissing him square on the lips and then giving his ass a good smack as I pushed him out the door towards his place)."

"Don't start something that you can't finish, or you will regret it later on mister man!"

"Oh, I can hardly wait for your return."

As I closed the door I watched as Brian headed towards his apartment and then he disappeared behind his apartment door. After I finished closing my door; I began the gurling task of taking my things to the Master Suite. When I found it, I found my new king size sliegh bed with matching furniture for the remainder of the bedroom. It seemed that all of the furniture throughout the place matched in one way or another, which I really took a liking to very much. Every was purchased especially for me, as I walked over to the bed I placed my bags on the bed and that is when I took notice of the envelope that was sitting on my bed, I opened it and found a card that read:

"To Wil:

We hope that everything in this place meets your wonderful life style. We thought that you would need a place to stay along with somethings to call your own, so everything that you see here throughout the entire apartment is your's to keep; so enjoy.

Congradulations Wil!!!


Gregory Stevenson &

The Backstreet Boys

(Kevin, Nick, AJ, Howie & Brian)"

A smile dawned my face as I began to put my things in there place and that even included the picture of my two sons; Baylee Michael and Jonthan James McNaughton, I miss my boys so very much. Once I had everything in its place, I even very comfortable with my new home.

The next thing that I did while I waited for Brian to return, was I called my mom to see how Baylee and Jonathan where doing and to tell her and the rest of the family as to how I was doing and to tell them that I was safe and sound.


"Hey mom, how are you?"

"Fine Wil, so how was your flight?"

"Great, but you are not going to believe the place that Greg has me living in; it is so big and beautiful the way that it is. It is so gorgous."

"Wil, why don't you tell me as to where you are living already."

"Okay mom, just a minute because I am going to give my new mailing address and my home telephone number as well."

"Alright, then just give me a minute to get a pen and a paper."

"That's just fine mom take you time; and how are Baylee and Jonathan doing?"

"They are right at this moment in bed asleep, they both just had there bottles and there butts changed."

"Cool, I was just wondering that's all, it is because that I miss my sons very much; alright did you get what you needed?"

"Yeah I did so what is your address and phone number?"

"Okay, here it is mom."

Wil McNaughton

1724 Venture Complex, Apt #564

Orlando, Florida USA


"Okay I have it Wil."

"Great now this is my phone number for the apartment."

"Okay what is it!"

"My phone number is (864) 555-2351, do you have that?"

"Yeah, I do sweetie; I might as well let you go, so that you can get some sleep yourself, just in case you have a big day ahead youself tomorrow."

"Okay, mom I love and please pass that on to everybody else for me and I'll try to call you again and I have the time."

"Alright sweetie, I love and I'll pass your love on to everyone even the boys."

"Thanks mom, your the best mother that any son could have asked, no matter what the situation has been; no matter what has happened in my life you have always been there for me, not to mention the choices that I've made about my sexual preference, bye mom."

"I don't know what to say to that Wil, but all I can say is that I will stand by you no matter what the decision is that you make with your lifes decisions, bye Wil."

To Be Continued...

I would greatly appreciate anyone's thoughts or ideas as to how I could improve the stories that are going to be apart of this series.

JDMcCance Love yah

Next: Chapter 4: Brians Soulmate 7 8

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