Brians Soulmate

By Juston Drew McCance

Published on Jun 2, 2003



Chapter Three:


If you are under 18 or not of legal age in your country, please don't read on. If you couldn't accept themes in the likes of homosexuality, please don't read on. This is a story concerning gay males having intimate relationships and is considered FOR ADULTS ONLY due to its sexual theme and contents. BUT if you really like this stuff, please don't tell others.

Everything in this story is purely FICTIONAL. Or it's not true!!!! Even if this story involved Backstreet Boys, all that happens here is fictional. Again, it's not true. I don't know anything about their sexuality, if they're gay (but I do have my speculations) or not but I wrote this of freedom of speech and my love for these guys. AGAIN, it's NOT TRUE!!! But don't we all hope that it's at least true. Hehehehe.


Hey guys and gals

Hi everyone! This is the first chapter of BRIAN'S SOULMATE. Well, this is a story that involves the guys of Backstreet Boys. I hope that you like this first installment.

A bunch of apologies for the typographical and grammatical errors found. I finally realized that I hate prepositions I'm having a hard time using them! But, I would like to hear some feed back or even suggestions as to what you think or even what you would like to see in the next chapter of BRIAN'S SOULMATE.

Contact me at

Thanks a lot,


Brian's Point of View:

The Firm ~ Greg's Office

"Hey Brian Could you please come here for a moment, because there is someone on the phone that I want you to talk with."

"Yeah sure Greg that is fine, who am I going to be speaking with?"

"Well, I've got a young man, named Wil McNaughton on the phone at the moment, I was going to hire him to intern for a two year internship, working with you guys, learning the ropes of being a PR Manager. After he was completed with his internship I wsa going to hire him on premanently to work for you guys."

"I didn't know that you where taking resumes for that position."

"I wasn't at the time, until Derek pulled a fast one me and said that he got a better offer from 98 Degrees, and that he was leaving to head out to California immediately. So that did not leave me a whole lot of time do anything, but go stairght to the internet and see if there was anyone who put there resumes on for intern positions. That is when I came across Wil's resume, and decided that he would make the perfect canidate for the PR's position."

"Oh, okay now I understand."

"The other thing is that is Wil gay, and besides I think that you should be the one to pick him up at the airport when he arrives, I think that he is calling to let you know what time that he is going to be getting in."

"Oh, okay then let me talk with him."

"Did you just say that this guy is gay?"

"Why yes, I did and reason that I did was because you would have wanted to know anyway, am I right or am I right."

"Yeah you are right as always Greg."

"Okay, give me the phone and I'll find out what time I've got to be at the airport, to get him."

"Thank you, Brian; here you go."

"Thanks a lot Greg! Hello Wil, this is Brian."

"Hey Brian, yeah it is Wil; don't mind me any I am just neverous about flying for the first time."

"Don't worry about it too much Wil, or you will just get yourself more racked up in the long run and we can't have PR Manager who is a total neverous reck when he gets in now can we."

"No, I guess not Brian and you are right I really shouldn't be scared of flying to much considering that I am going to be flying all over the place with you and the guys any how."

"That is true, all in the same though Wil; when ever we do fly some where you can sit with me cause, as you already know I have a great fear of flying and of heights."

"So what time is your flight landing at the airport Wil."

"Well should be landing in Orlando at around 8 or 9 p.m. tonight. Is that alright with you Brian."

"No, that is prefectly alright by me, Mr. McNaughton."

"Brian, please never call me Mr. McNaughton, that title seems to be just to formal, so why don't you call me Wil, okay. If you could please let the other guys know that they are to call me Wil instead of Mr. McNaughton."

"Yeah, sure no problem at all Wil."

"Okay, great then I guess that I will be seeing you very soon, B-ROK."

"So, I guess that I will be seeing you in a few hours then Wil."

I let Greg know that I was done with my conversation on the phone with Wil, and that I was on my way home to relax before his plane got in.


"Yeah, Greg!"

"I know that look on your face at the moment; you are trying to picture what he looks like aren't you, Brian?"

"Okay you caught me, Greg!, Yes, I am trying to imagine what Wil looks like. There is nothing wrong with that is there?"

"No, there isn't Brian but why don't you just ask the next time because I just so happen to have a picture and some information on Wil right here for you."

"Cool Greg, thanks a lot this is greatly appreicated."

"I think that this is what you are looking for my friend."

"Thanks again Greg."

I pulled Wil's picture, out of the stack of information that Greg gave me in the file folder and it was at that exact moment in which I knew that I was falling in love with him. I decided to tell the guys, and also get some pizza to eat on my way back to my condo complex.

"Guys, I said as I walked into the condo that we where finishing up for Wil, before he arrived. Hey guys, well I guess that nobody wants pizza and I also guess that no one would like to know about out new PR Manager."

Just as those words left my mouth, there where four bery hungry and tired men came from the back end of the condo, they all grabbed some pizza and pop, and they all went to find a seat and sat down waiting to be informed about what I know about this guy.

"Okay Brian spill, we know that youare dying to tell us everything about our new PR Manager."

"Well let me see here; his name is William Andrew McNaughton, but he wants to be called Wil and not Mr. McNaughton; he is 23 year old, a Canadian and he is gay."

"Okay, they said in unision."

"Umm...guys, I really hate to do this again but I've got to jet out to the airport to meet him, considering that Greg appointed me, to be there tonight, and he'll be landing in about an hour and a half. I guess that I'll see you all tomorrow at the office then."

"No, problem Brian, now get going."

I went and grabbed a quick shower, after that I changed, heading down stairs to get in the awaiting limo, and headed off to the airport and to get Wil our new PR Manager.

To Be Continued...

I would greatly appreciate anyone's thoughts or ideas as to how I could improve the stories that are going to be apart of this series.

JDMcCance Love yah


Chapter Four:


If you are under 18 or not of legal age in your country, please don't read on. If you couldn't accept themes in the likes of homosexuality, please don't read on. This is a story concerning gay males having intimate relationships and is considered FOR ADULTS ONLY due to its sexual theme and contents. BUT if you really like this stuff, please don't tell others.

Everything in this story is purely FICTIONAL. Or it's not true!!!! Even if this story involved Backstreet Boys, all that happens here is fictional. Again, it's not true. I don't know anything about their sexuality, if they're gay (but I do have my speculations) or not but I wrote this of freedom of speech and my love for these guys. AGAIN, it's NOT TRUE!!! But don't we all hope that it's at least true. Hehehehe.


Hey guys and gals

Hi everyone! This is the first chapter of BRIAN'S SOULMATE. Well, this is a story that involves the guys of Backstreet Boys. I hope that you like this first installment.

A bunch of apologies for the typographical and grammatical errors found. I finally realized that I hate prepositions I'm having a hard time using them! But, I would like to hear some feed back or even suggestions as to what you think or even what you would like to see in the next chapter of BRIAN'S SOULMATE.

Contact me at

Thanks a lot,


My Point of View:

I looked out the window and saw that we were preparing to land, so I shut down laptop and was putting it away, I made sure that I had everything put away so that as not to lose anything that wa valuable to me.

I felt the jet come to a stop and as it did I took notice of a limo and two men standing next to the limo, one of them knocked on the glass of the window, and the door opened. The other man made his way over to where my lugguage was stored. As I stepped out of the jet there was a lone figure standing just infront of the steps.

My heart stopped ; as I wondered what it would be like for me to kiss his ever so marvelous lips, andwhat it would be like to lay next to a body like his not to mention what it be like in bed with an adonis like that beside me, each and every day and night. I was soon brought back to reality, by someone saying hello to me. As I looked deep into his beautiful ocean blue eyes, I could feel the color raise in my face by at least three shades of red where covering my face. I think that he took notice of this because he began to blush five times worse than me.

"Hi, I'm Wil McNaughton."

(I extended my hand so that he could shake it.)

"The name is Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys."

He took my hand and shook it with a very firm grip; at th same time he gave me his ever so pattened sexy grin that made me shudder in pure passion as if it was love at first sight.

"I already know as to who you are Brian and besides I think that I really enjoy calling you Brian instead of B-rok, Frick or even the Joker, if that is all right with you, Bri."

"That will be fine by me Wil, giving me his unbelieveable sexy grin."

"Good Bri."

"Now what do you say to us getting you out of here and over to your new home."

"I couldn't agree with you more, Brian."

"Good, then let's get a move on shall we."

"Yes, lets' by all means lead teh way, Brian."

As he turned and began to make his way towards the limo, just as he did I caught site of his totally nice ass that was being hugged by his tight fitting blue jeans, and they showed him in all the right places, including the nicely placed blugged that he was supporting in the front of his pants, not to mention the blug that I was now supporting just from watching him.

Once I had gotten all caught up with him; Brian and I got into the limo, and before I knew what was going on, we were under way. Once that was taken care of, he turned to me and asked; a question one in which I never thought that I would hear to be uttered in my wildest dreams. Here is the question that Brian asked me:

"Did you see anything or even something that you like, Wil?"

"I don't know what you mean Brian!"

I quickly turned away from him, and watched the scenery passs by us as we drove along to my new home.

"Look Wil, it is alright I already know that you are gay, and that you had been watching my ass just now. But, I notice that you have a nicely placed blug in your shorts, right at this moment. I also know that you seemed to have taken notice of the blug in my jeans as well and before you ask me anything about me being gay, then answer to your question is "Yes, I am gay!"


"Look I want you to know something okay, Wil."

"Alright, what is it that you want to tell me Bri!"

"Well it is kind of like this, because it is very hard to say, but understand that it is just as hard for me as it is for you."

"Brian, what is it just tell me, trust me I'll understand what ever it is that you have got to say to me."

"Wil I want you to know that I am falling deeply, no passionately in love with you."

I was incomplete and utter shock, after hearing those words. I really did not know what to say to Brian at that precious moment.

"If you havea boyfriend, then that is prefectly alright with m, I'll be happy enough to move with my life..."

I quickly cut Brian off by giving him a mind blowing kiss.

"Does that answer your question, Brian!"

"...knowing that I can not have you as a part of me, will drive me crazy."

Then Brian realized what I had just done earlier to him, after he touched his lips, he knew what I had just done to him.

To Be Continued...

I would greatly appreciate anyone's thoughts or ideas as to how I could improve the stories that are going to be apart of this series.

JDMcCance Love yah

Next: Chapter 3: Brians Soulmate 5 6

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