Brian Wincer: Bondage Master - installment

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 9, 2021



DISCLAIMER: Dear readers: there IS mention of famous comic superheroes in this story, but the story has nothing to do with those superheroes, or any superhero, nor is there any connection to any posted work whatsoever. It is only the fantasy of one of the characters to dress as one of the heroes. Enjoy the story!

As he adjusted the ropes for the set of photographs, Brian had a feeling that this was going to be one of, if not THE most popular sets he had ever produced. He was using kim, who had recently become his favorite model, the set up was hot, and kim... well, kim was, as they say "growing into the role." The set up let the viewer imagine what the storyline would be. kim was sitting on a chair, naked, and gagged. His hands were tied behind his back, and a second cord of rope circled his balls, and ended at a point that the photo set did not show. Each of kim's legs were propped up on another chair, and each was tied to its chair at kim's thigh and his ankle. "A sort of equilateral triangle" was the last thing that he said before Brian put the cleve gag on him.

kim had an interesting ethnic mix: you could tell that there was some Asian background, but the rest was mysterious. He was also a big guy: he had played football and had wrestled at the 74 kilogram class . He wore glasses, and when he had them on, there was only one way to describe him: cute. When he took the glasses off, he was, well, hot. His nipples, round and red, tempted Brian: should he use clamps or shouldn't he? For this set, since he was going to be working on kim's cock and feet, he decided not to. He'd save that for another time.

"Let's see some squirming kim. Remember: this is about submission and surrender, not stillness and quiet." kim began to moan through the gag. It wasn't just Brian's social media presence that stood to gain from these sessions. kim had fallen in love with Brian, and wanted, well, more than the modeling gig. He just hadn't figured out how to get that across to Brian, who was now, off camera, plucking the cord to kim's cock. the rope was not smooth, and the combination of the stimulation from the loose threads, and the movement, was getting kim hard. Brian would later prepare a series of still photos that showed kim growing through the session. For now, though, he just wanted kim as hard as possible. When they started, and kim's cock was flaccid, Brian left his glasses on. At some point, he would take them off as kim's cock went from normal size, to big. (When fully erect, kim measured 9.5 inches). Now the feet. Brian was off camera, so no one could see the speaker, as his deep voice resonated on the tape. "Alright stud. NOW... I'm gonna make you BEG for relief." All the viewer of the video saw were two hands, and two stiff brushes, running up and down the helpless man's soles. They could hear the muffled laughs, and see the useless struggling as kim almost lifted the chairs securing his legs off the floor.

Brian knew his "go to" spots, that was for sure. kim was a bit surprised that he wasn't using clamps on him, because his nipples were how his DOMS always brought him down. That and, if they were into it, tickling his belly. In one of their first sets, Brian had tickled kim until he was begging to be tied up and to have his cock jerked off. That was about six months ago, when they had first met.

Fetishists who followed social media knew Brian well. He was a leading figure in the bondage field. He was an advocate of bondage apart from sex. "The two ARE compatible," he had lectured the night he met kim, "but to say they are necessarily linked, is a fallacy that we, as practitioners, need to escape from. Sex after bondage is fine with me. So is bondage without sex." He spoke in the tones of a social scientist, which he was: Brian had finished his graduate work in sociology and psychology and, as part of his research, he had investigated bondage fetishists. Along the way, he had been tied up, nearly raped, shaved, and eventually learned that he much preferred being in charge rather than taking orders. He also found that people would pay good money for sessions with a good, thorough bondage top. Brian considered the options: he could "set up shop" as a Bondage Master, and make nearly 300.00 an hour, or he could finish his PhD, and start the long trek toward academic respectability. He chose the first option. Now, when he wasn't working, he lectured, sometimes at LGBTQ centers for the curious, the serious, and everyone in between. He also gave bondage demos. He used to laugh at how many lesbians willingly stood up to serve as models, while gay men sort of cowered as if there were something wrong with being tied up in public. "It's always the lesbians who lead" he had said at one session, which brought a wave of applause from the women in the audience. That was the lecture where he met kim. He was there with Cheryl, one of his best friends. When Brian had called for volunteers, she was one of the first ones to put her hand up. She had thick red hair and she was wearing a black bustier. "I see you came prepared," Brian joked. Cheryl smiled. "I didn't want to miss this. I heard you were the best." "I am," he joked back. Then he saw kim sitting in her empty chair. "How about your friend?" He looked at kim. "How'd you like to do a pair session with your friend?" Brian had assumed they were a couple: kim just looked too, well, "geeky" to be a gay man. He was wearing a pokemon t shirt (Brian thought those had all been destroyed in a necessary purge), and a gray shirt over it that was clearly a synthetic fiber. His jeans were not designer, nor were his sneakers. Brian found him terrifically compelling. Tying up Cheryl would be fun: tying up kim would have been amazing. As the audience razzed kim, he blushed and started to laugh. Cheryl whispered to Brian "he's very shy. It took a lot of work to get him here." Brian nodded. "Ok, sweetie, it's just you and me. Ever do shibari?" "Once or twice. Lets make it two or three times." Brian cautioned the audience that, unlike some of the other techniques he had shown that night, shibari was not for beginners, and this was only a demo because "Cheryl may know more about this stuff than I do." When he had her in harness and suspended, she was smiling and the audience was applauding. "And that, ladies and gentlemen, concludes the demonstration. As soon as I release Cheryl" he looked at her "IF I release Cheryl, I'll take your questions." When he looked at the audience, he wasn't sure but... was kim pressing his hand on his cock?

Brian was walking back to his car when he heard running footsteps. He had been jumped and mugged before, so he began to get in a defensive frame. "HEY. HEY. Mr. Wincer" (not Brian's last name, but it seemed appropriate for what he did). He turned. It was kim. "I'm sorry. I .. I didn't mean to seem like a wet blanket or anything. It was just... well, Cheryl REALLY wanted to go and... I didn't want to steal her thunder." Brian smiled. "You can call me Brian outside of sessions. And you are..." "OH. I'm sorry. My name is Kim. " As Kim stuck out his hand, Brian took a quick look: rope burns on his wrist. Yeah, he was getting tied up, probably self bondage from the looks of it. "So you came along just to be a friend, or do you like what I do, too?" kim blushed even more than he did at the session. "I ... I DO like it, but... I've been scared to do much of it." "So you do it at home to yourself. Probably using a video." Brian had been to this rodeo. He smiled. "Well.. yes... I'm sort of... sort of afraid. " Brian's inner voice was saying "DON'T GO THERE," but his other voice was saying "this boy could be FUN." "Tell you what, kim?" Brian reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card. "Yes, even bondage DOMS have to advertise. If you ever decide that you want to give it a try, first session is on me." He patted kim on the shoulder and as he opened his car door, he said "You have to change the ropes you're using. Quality counts. You keep using the brand you're using, those marks will never disappear." Then he forgot about it. He forgot about kim, and went back to taking care of his clients, regular and new. He tried not to do more than two sessions in a day, because he would lose his focus. Brian almost never got a sexual charge about the sessions: it was work for him. Good paying work, but work just the same and, to quote his mother "you don't shit where you eat." It took nearly 4 months, but kim eventually called him. Brian remembered how his voice was shaking as they talked. "Hi... Mr. Wincer.. This is Kim Moss. We met at your.. at your session at the Center. The one where you shibaried Cheryl." Brian smiled. It sometimes took awhile, but they all eventually came around. "Ah, yes, kim, now I remember you." Indeed, Brian did. As he recalled that geeky guy, he didn't need to play with himself (he was naked) to get the erection. "What's up" (Brian stifled a laugh at that question). "Well.... " and he could tell kim was having problems with going on. "I wonder if that free session is still available? I think I'm ready to try." He'd have a chance to tie up this hot geek! Now Brian was REALLY hard. "Sure.. Let me take a look at my schedule .. Hmmm." "You know, I usually don't work on Sundays unless I have someone book the entire weekend, but... how about this up and coming Sunday. Sunday afternoon?" "OH, that would be perfect. Thank you Mr. Wincer." "Ok, let me give you my address, and let me first give you the parameters. First, you'll need to show me that you've got someone to come and get you in case something goes wrong. And, the sessions run two hours. You'll be tied up for most of those two hours. Are you still interested?" "More Sir." Brian smiled. "Sir." This would be good. "Now, last question. Eventually, I like to get my clients to a place where it's bondage for bondage sake, but for beginners, I indulge fantasies. Do you have any? " Again, there was a pause. "This is going to sound silly Sir, but I've always had a fantasy about being robin, and being captured." A smile from Brian and an eye roll. Was the character robin the official gateway to bondage? How many men had he tied up, who started in robin costumes? "Ok. What we'll do when you get here is I'll try to work the session around as many details as you give me. Otherwise, I call the shots and for those two hours... you do what I tell you. I call the shots. "Yes sir. Thank you Sir."

For his session with kim, Brian dressed in a leather vest and chaps. He put on the Muir cap that seemed to get every bondage bottom he worked with excited, and got his gear together. He heard the knock on the door of his loft, and... there was kim. Another pokemon t shirt, another synthetic fabric shirt, and the same pants as he wore at the demo. He had on his thick glasses, and he carried a bag. "He's as cute as ever," Brian thought, as he let kim in. "Well, this is the place. Take a look around. I assume you've got your boy wonder suit in the bag." "Yes sir, I do." kim looked around and Brian noticed that as he did, he put his hands behind his back. "If I can ask, kim, it seems to me that you've done more than self bondage. It's none of my business, but I can make the experience better for you if you tell me what level you're at." "OH, I'm sorry. I should explain. I had a boyfriend for three years. He was a total top, but hated bondage. So I went out looking for it but I was too nervous to go to people like you, so it was just friends tying each other up. " He stopped. "So I guess you could say I'm not a virgin, but I AM a bondage version." He giggled nervously. "That IS helpful to know, kim. So you're used to a man touching you, maybe in 'private places.' "OH YES SIR. I LOVE THAT." Brian smiled. "Well, let's see if I can 'give you a taste of that. So, tell me about your fantasy." It was one Brian had worked with before. Robin, separated from Batman, captured, spread eagled and tortured until he gave up the location of the Batcave. "Ok, boy wonder. There's a bathroom over there. How about you get cleaned up and then... we'll go to the mat." Brian pointed to a large green gymnastics mat in the corner of the loft. It was outfitted at four points on each side, with restraints. "I'M SO EXCITED SIR!" Brian laughed a little as kim went off. "OK I'M READY SIR!" kim came out of the bathroom, and Brian was amazed. Whatever kim WASN'T spending on his street clothes, was certainly going into costumes. This was high quality work. He looked it over. "You had Fantasy Designs make that for you, didn't you?" kim looked up. "I did Sir. You know them." "I do. Their work is the best. Expensive though." "They ARE Sir. I was stunned how much this cost." Brian smiled. "Then I have to assume you use it with some regularity." kim lowered his voice. "yes sir. At Halloween parties in public, but usually by myself. " "Well, if you come back, we can use it again." "Sir, I don't know if I could afford your rates. Probably not." "Let's have our session and then we'll talk about that."

Brian got to work. He stretched kim out on the mat, and secured his wrists. Then he pulled over his legs, and did a simple tie down at his ankles, and at his knees. "Struggle for me. Let's see if you can escape. It's no fun if you can." kim began to push against the ropes. Brian saw that he was getting into this. He grunted. "YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS YOU FIEND." Brian picked up the cue and crouched down. "Oh, I think I will boy wonder. I think I'll get everything I want. First thing I want... is to know who the boy wonder is." Brian reached for the mask. "NO! NO! I won't let you do that. NO!" "Ha ha. You're in NO position to argue with me robin." Brian untied the mask and that's the first time he saw kim without glasses. He suppressed the desire to say "you have beautiful eyes." "SO.. Now let me get this photo, robin. Putting you through facial recognition and.... a bit of... BLACKMAIL." "YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS. BATMAN WILL FIND YOU AND PUT YOU AWAY FOREVER." "Again, we shall see. Perhaps we'll have to bring that Bat to join us. Where is he?" "I'll never tell." "Yes you will. You'll crack like an egg." "NEVER. WAIT. What are you doing? STOP". Brian had begun opening up the buttons on robin's jersey. kim's chest and torso were revealed. "Not a six pack, but... DAMN he's fine," Brian thought. He reached over and put on nail extenders. "Last chance robin. I'm not gonna ask you if you're ticklish, because I'm gonna find out." "YOU WON'T GET IT FROM ME." Brian applied the nails to kim's sides and drew them down slowly. He saw kim try to resist, which only got him more excited. He stopped and coyly said "If you don't like that robin, we can do... this.." He put a finger into kim's navel. "NO! NO! THIS IS FIENDISH. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHA" Brian continued to tickle kim for about five minutes. He had developed a system where when a client's face turned a certain shade of red, he stopped. Such was the case now. Clearly, kim was ticklish and clearly, he wasn't used to being tickled. "I warn you boy wonder, a rest will only make the next assault all the more... interesting. Shall we find out where you and your... friend, live?" "I'm telling you nothing.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAA." This time, Brian gave NO warning, and just went right back to kim's ribs. He saw the color form in kim's face, but he didn't stop: this boy was driving him CRAZY. "OK, OK. YOU WIN! YOU WIN! I'll tell, I'll tell. Just... just STOP. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Brian pulled his nails away and he looked at the bulge in kim's tights. He was enjoying this. For sure. He looked at the timer. "kim, you broke faster than I thought you would. We have an hour left. Do you have another fantasy?" kim was catching his breath. "That... that was the only one I had. I didn't think you'd be so good Sir." Brian smiled. He could imagine keeping kim tied up here for good. He could justify another hour. "How about.... this is a little pushy kim, but... maybe.... I'll leave you tied up like that and set the timer for 45 minutes. If you can't get out of at least one rope... you have to jerk off for me in the last fifteen minutes of your time here." When he looked at kim's face, Brian thought he had said the wrong thing, so he jumped back in: "I'll untie you right now if you want." "No Sir, No. Please. Please don't untie me. It sounds... it sounds great, but.. we only have an hour left?" "It's your first time kim, and remember, I usually get paid for doing this. "I... I have other fantasies that don't involve robin, and.... do you really want me to jerk off for you?" Brian did, but he said "I want my clients to do what they want. You seem..." He looked at kim's bulge but didn't touch it. "you seem excited. That's why I suggested it." kim paused. "I want to. I want you to see how excited I am. How good this feels to me. But there's only an hour...." I laughed. "Do you need more than an hour to jerk off, kim?" He blushed this time: it wasn't red from tickling. "Sir... that bulge is the costume. I came ten minutes ago." "And you want me to keep you tied up?" "Yes sir. I really don't want to go." Brian was so hard it was beginning to hurt. "I'll tell you what, kim? I enjoyed this too. I always enjoy newbies. How about this? I'll look at my schedule and see when I have another open slot. If you can make it, we'll do something else. But the next time, it'll be MY fantasy, so you don't feel bad about not paying. How's that sound?" kim sighed. "If we have to end today, I guess we do. But another session sounds great. " He smiled. "I bet your fantasies are more interesting than mine." "We'll see kim. We'll see. Here's your homework: next time, come as an office worker. Shirt, tie, khakis, something like that. It'll be a ransom fantasy. You up for that?" "OH YES SIR. That's one of mine, too. " "Terrific. Now let's get you up and cleaned up. You can use the shower if you want to get the splooch off of you. Some clients like to keep it on them as long as possible. " "I'll shower Sir. I'm supposed to meet friends tonight and... I don't want them to know." "They'll find out eventually kim, if they dont' know already. Those wrist burns I told you about? They're pretty obvious." "I understand Sir. I think I'm kidding myself. " "We'll talk next time, handsome." Brian saw the look, like that of a puppy, when he called kim 'handsome'. "We'll talk about the scene, the future and also... " I looked at him. "How to get you to accept what you like as totally and completely fine." "Yes sir. Thank you Sir." While kim was showering, Brian pulled out his cock and dumped a big load. He hid the cloth he had used so kim didn't see it.

And two days later, he called kim to see if he were available the next Sunday. Brian had no doubt he would be. That was the last time he ASKED kim to come to the loft. After that, he TOLD him when to come.

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