Brian to Brianne

By brian smith

Published on Feb 18, 2008



This text file contains sexually explicit material. If you do not wish to read this type of literature, or you are under age Eighteen, PLEASE STOP READING NOW!!!!

Brian's to Brianne

My name is Brian and lived in a semi detached house with a park outside where the kids played football and cricket all day and we never seem to go to bed only when it became to dark to play. It was the summer holidays, a whole six weeks off from school, but what a long six weeks for me.

There were a group of girls that were about two years older than me, I was thirteen at the time and they were around fourteen and fifteen. The girls were Diana, Lynda, Jennifer and Barbara, Jennifer being the oldest, Lynda and Diana the next in line and Barbara the youngest. All the girls had started to fill out nicely in all the right places and a lot of the older boys fancied Jennifer, she had long blonde hair, mostly tied up in a pony tail, all the other girls had black hair cut in the same style.

It had been a hot summer's day and we were playing cricket on the green, the girls versus the boys, Diana was batting and I was playing wicket keeper. The reason to play wicket keeper was that when I bent down I could if I was lucky look up the skirt of the batsman, as in these days girls tended to wear skirts and not jeans as they do nowadays. Barbara had already been in and I noticed that she wore plain white ones, but they did hug her bottom nicely, when she bent over. Billy a good friend decided to bowl a slow ball too give Diana a chance to hit it, well she certainly did that, but not the ball, but my head, as I was trying my hardest to view up her skirt, but forgot to duck when she swung the bat.

The next thing I know I was in Diana house, my dad and mum were at work, and I was in her bedroom on her bed flat on my back. The blow must have knocked me out but I was beginning to feel a bit better now and started to get up when I heard voices coming up the stairs. So I decided to play dumb for a little while to see what would happen, perhaps, I should have walked out then and there if I knew what was going to happen.

Jennifer appeared and looked into the room, I lay on the bed with my eyes closed, she called the other girls up and they all appeared in the room, they seem to be having some sort of discussion about me and what they should do. After a minute they all left and I could hear somebody on the telephone talking to my mum, they stated that I was ok and they would look after me till she got home. At this point I decided to investigate Diana's room and started looking as quietly as I could in her drawers, the first one I opened contained her slips and stockings, the second her jumpers and blouses and the third her underwear. I picked up a pair of white cotton panties with a blue trim around the edges, then a lemon coloured pair with a pink bow attached and finally a light blue pair that were see through and made of nylon material, it was terrible exciting and had never touched girls panties before. It made my little penis grow a little bit; it was a weird feeling and did not know what was happening down there.

Suddenly there were giggles behind me and I turned to see Jennifer, Lynda and Diana all standing in the bedroom, I went as red as a beetroot and dropped the underwear like it was a hot potato. Well what have we got hear Jennifer said, I think he needs to be taught a lesson girls, what do you think, they all agreed to Jennifer's idea, but what would happen to me was to be decided. I pleaded and pleaded not to let anybody know that I had been caught going through Diana's drawers. The girls went away and I started to wonder a little bit and sat down on the bed waiting for my fate, as long as they did not tell my parents then I would do anything to please them.

I was called down stairs and I went down rather gingerly, Jennifer told me to come and stand in front of her, it looked like my fate was decided. I had to come back tomorrow at eleven a.m. and I was to be at their beck and call for the rest of the day, in fact to be their maid and do whatever they asked, did I agree to the terms, I had no option but to say yes. All four girls sat on the settee and watched me, their faces were grinning, I was told to kneel down in front of Barbara, who was wearing a yellow gingham skirt that was about four inches above her knees, I could not help looking up her skirt, but could not see her panties. Slowly she parted her legs as the other girls cheered on; I wanted to look away but could not, sure enough her white cotton panties became more and more into view. Jennifer asked if I liked what I saw and I nodded my head, Barbara moved forward till her panties were no more than two inches away from my face, I could see small dark curly hairs protruding from the sides, she put her legs on my shoulders and pulled me forward till my face was buried in her panties. The smell was strong and smelt a little of wee, but there was another aroma that I could not figure out. It was then the turn of Lynda and I had to do exactly the same as I did for Barbara, kneel in front of her and wait for her legs to part open. Lynda wore a different type of panty than Barbara, they were light blue and had red edging around them, but were more see through than Barbara's. In fact you could see the outline of her pubic hairs and how thick they were; they did not seem to be as curly as Barbara's. The girls were laughing and joking and watching me squirm in my embarrassment, my headache was now gone and could just try and imagine what was in store for me tomorrow. As my hands were behind my back I could not help myself when again my head was in Lynda crotch. Her smell was again different to Barbara's, which left my head spinning even more. It was now Diana's turn that I had to face, she was wearing a kilt with a pin in it, the pin stops the kilt from blowing open in the wind and exposing her panties. Jennifer told me to stand up, which I did, and they all looked at the front of my shorts to see if anything was happening down there. My penis was slowly rising, but it is not very big at the best of times as I had only just started to get small erections. Lynda came behind me and held my hands together, we were the same height at about five feet, when Diana came up and undid my shorts and pulled them down to my ankles. I tried to squirm away from Lynda, but she held on tight and with Barbara helping managed to push me to the floor on my back. So with Lynda holding my arms and Barbara my feet, I was helpless to do anything, Diana then stood right over me, what a sight looking straight up her kilt and the colour of her panties, bright yellow. Look at that Jennifer said, he likes the colour of you panties Diana, as my penis began to rise a bit more, shall we investigate girls, and they all said yes. So Diana sat on my chest with her back to me, which freed Lynda to come and sit by my left had side with Jennifer on the right hand side. Diana then bent forward so that her yellow panties were in view and I could just make out the outline of her pussy crack. The next thing I know is that my white pants have been pulled down exposing my small penis and pubic hair, which was not much and was blonde in colour.

The girls all wanted to touch it, but nobody dared as they just played with it, prodded it and pulled it about a bit. Lynda said that if I was going to be their plaything tomorrow perhaps it would be better if I was hairless like a pubescent schoolgirl. This brought lots of discussion of what might happen and how they where going to treat me tomorrow, everybody putting their viewpoint in, except me. Diana told Barbara to go upstairs and fetch her days razor and stuff as I was about to get a haircut. When Barbara came into view did I have a shock, she was holding a brush, soap and a cutthroat razor, a bowl of water appeared and could feel soap suds on my private parts. I started to struggle, but with Diana sitting on me and the two girls either side I had no chance. I was told to keep still as a razor was about to relieve me of my pubic hair, sure enough, the lot came of and I was bald down there. Jennifer then washed and towelled me dry, the girls by now were all feeling me saying how smooth I was and was just like a new born baby. I remember turning bright red and blushing, then my shirt was removed and I was told to stand up and stand still. A scarf was put around my eyes so I could not see anything, and the next thing that happened was that I was being measured around my chest, waist, and from my knees upwards to about six inches above them. I believe Diana had the measurements, and the girls then went across the other side of the room and talked amongst themselves, there were lots of giggling and laughing and all sorts of ideas were being chucked around.

There was a lot of rustling of clothes and things being removed, but as I could not see I did not know what was going on. Then the girls came back, one stood behind me and told me to put my arms in front of me at chest height. Wow, my hands touched something soft, I was told to feel them and guess who it was, I know it wasn't Diana because she was behind me, I think by the size they were Barbara's, so I said I did not know, another pair was put in my hands, and so it went on till I had felt all four pairs. What a feeling a my penis did start to rise again and the girls laughed and giggled at what they saw, said I ought to be a girl, as I could not get a hard on.

This embarrassed me even more and I did not know what to do or say, but the girls idea's had already started to take place, as I was told to raise my right leg. I put my foot into what I thought was my underwear, but when they were pulled up, they did not feel like mine, they felt soft and smooth and I had a tingling sensation when they fitted over my penis. The girls laughed and started to touch me around my new underwear, my penis by this time did go big, the biggest I have known, and perhaps it was all the excitement or of course, the wearing of teenage panties.

Again I was told to raise my right leg , then the left as I stepped into what now must have been a dress and was pulled up over my hips, my wrists were released and my arms pushed into sleeves, then a zip was done up at the back. My eyes were also uncovered and I blinked to get my bearings, when I looked down, there was I dressed in this pale blue dress with bows on the front, but it was hardly covering my bottom. They all laughed and starting pushing me about and lifting my dress up and pretending to show everyone what colour panties I was wearing. I stumbled into a coffee table and something fell on the floor, it was an indoor plant and the compost just went everywhere. The girls stopped larking about and became very serious and I was told to stand in the corner.

My fate had been decided, I was to be spanked by hand, on my panties by all the girls, and then I had to clear up the mess on the carpet. I had never been spanked before so this was a new experience for me. First Lynda who was sitting on a chair laid me across her knee, my dress was pulled over my panties, which were blue, same colour as my dress, and given three hard smacks on each cheek, boy did that sting. Diana came next and did she hit me really hard, followed by Jennifer and then Barbara. At the end of the spanking I was hopping around the room and rubbing my poor bottom at the same time. After ten minutes or so I fetched the dustpan and brush and cleaned the mess up.

Lynda the got some cream and pulled my panties down, my penis was by now rock hard, she then proceeded to rub it in. But I did feel her hand touch my penis a couple of times, by accident I don't know but it did give me a funny sensation. By now all the girls wanted to give me a hug and I am sure it was to feel my now hard penis.

It was now getting late and my mum would call soon, so I was told to get dressed in my own clothes and wait for her to turn up. I went upstairs and changed, but kept the panties on and stuffed mine in my shorts pocket. I could not wait till tomorrow to see what they had in store for me, another dressing up game, spanking perhaps or something special.

My mum then turned up and asks the girls if I was alright now, they answered yes I was but indicated that I was required the following day.

See the next episode of what happened next.

Next: Chapter 2

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