Brian and Tucker

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jun 15, 2023


Brian and Tucker Part Two Chapter Eight

Brian and Tuck drove to their sons' condo on a warm, sunny Friday morning. They all had arranged to take a very long weekend off, Friday to Monday. They were going `fishing' and had rented a rustic lodge on a beautiful lake about two hour's drive from the city. It was where Tuck and Brian had spent many an idyllic weekend in the past. Tuck had told Jim and Jeff that the cabin was very isolated, very private and that the nearest other cabin was about a mile away.

As they were packing, Jim joked to Jeff that Brian and Tuck were living out `Brokeback Mountain' except that they weren't cowboys. Jeff agreed that it sure seemed that way.

The sons hopped into the middle seats of Tucks' van, and Jeff unceremoniously announced that they hadn't had breakfast yet.

"Neither have we," Brian informed them "so let's look for a place to stop."

"There's a Denny's about four blocks up from here," Jim told Tuck. "Let's stop there."

They all decided `what the hell!' They were on vacation and so they all ordered super grand slams. They finished every bite, were surprised at themselves and congratulated one another amidst hearty laughter. Brian picked up the check and Jeff objected.

"Listen squirt," Tuck jokingly put down his son. "This trip's on your old man, make that, your two old men, so you two can just retire your wallets, and I don't want to hear another word about it."

"It works for me." Jim answered for Jeff and him.

Back in the car there were no awkward periods of silence. They talked about anything and everything. They talked about the home team's chances to reach the playoffs, their work, their sex lives (but nothing embarrassing, just some amusing incidents), the probability that Jim's and Jeff's mutual friend, Michael, and Jim's college room mate, Jerry, might be starting something beautiful, etc., etc. Conversation between them was easy, and never forced. They were more like old, long time friends, than fathers and sons. They reached the cabin in what seemed to them, no time at all.

The four men unloaded the car and brought their gear, including fishing gear they would never use, into the cabin. They entered into a very large living/dining room, fully furnished. The dining room opened into a fair sized kitchen. There was a circuit breaker box in the kitchen. Brian went over to the box and flicked the circuits to the on position. The refrigerator began to hum. There were two doors off one side of the living room which led to the two bedrooms. Also off the living room was a small hallway, which led to a tiny bathroom, and off the dining room there were sliding glass doors which led to a small porch facing the lake. The porch had a love seat, a coffee table and two easy chairs on each side of the love seat.

"This is perfect," Jeff said, and Jim agreed.

Tuck had brought a case of beer with them and he said, "Let's get the beer into the fridge, and hang up our clothes. Then let's go down to the store and buy some food."

They had each packed plenty of camping clothes for the weekend. "I don't know about you fellers," Tuck said to his sons, "but Brian and I won't be wearing much of this stuff anyway."

"We always use the bedroom on the left," Tuck said. He picked up his bag and headed that way. Brian followed him, and they closed the door. Jeff and Jim could not help but smile. They went to their room, hung up their clothes and put whatever had to be put in drawers into the small dresser. They gave each other yet another good morning kiss, and went back into the living room.

Their dads' door was still closed, so Jeff banged on it and yelled, "Hey guys, you'll have plenty of time for that later. Now we're going shopping."

The door opened and two fully dressed, red faced, middle aged men, came out, obviously very erect. All four of them started to laugh, but managed to contain themselves long enough to get back into the car. Each one thought to himself how amazing it was that there was no embarrassment between them. They were all with their lovers and boners were apt to happen. So what?

Tuck drove about three miles and they came upon a small cluster of stores. It was hardly a town. One of the stores was an old fashioned general store.

"Here we are," Tuck said and parked in front of the shop. They went in, and Brian and Tucker headed for the refrigerator section to get butter, milk, eggs, and orange juice. They also purchased bread, jam, ketchup, hamburger meat, buns, a few hefty steaks, and a variety of other necessities. The next stop was the freezer section, where they picked out frozen French fries, and an assortment of frozen vegetables.

Jim and Jeff, on the other hand, were acting like a couple of kids. They were running around the store picking up potato chips, pop corn, candy bars and other snacks.

The shop owner's son was at the cash register. All four of the visitors began to drool. He was drop dead gorgeous. He stood six feet tall. There was not an ounce of fat on him. His shirt barely contained his bulging muscles and rippled chest. They stared at his steel blue eyes as he asked, "You folks visiting out here?"

"Yup," Tuck answered, and told him where they were staying.

"Too bad," the hunk said. "The fishing's not really so good at that spot. You'd be better off about a mile further up the lake."

"We'll be fine," Jeff said, just so he could talk to Mr. America. "We're just here for the rest and relaxation this place offers us."

"Yes," the young man agreed. "It's always great to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. I come here every weekend and help my folks out in the store. It relaxes me and gives my folks a break." His smile was so infectious that Jeff was prompted to get friendlier.

He stuck out his hand and said, "I'm Jeff Simmons, this is my dad, Tucker and my godfather, Brian O'Toole." Then with a flourish and no hesitation at all, he put his arm around Jim's shoulder and said, "And this Greek Adonis is my partner, Jim Lester." He waited for a reaction from the hunk but all he got was an extended hand. When their hands met, the hunk said, "I'm Ron Fisher. It's a pleasure to meet you folks."

"Where do you work in the city?" Jim asked. He really wanted to know. This guy could be a friend.

"I'm an investment advisor," he said. "I just recently went out on my own, and rented space at 200 North Elm, downtown," he informed them.

"I don't believe it," Jeff said. "We're right across the street at 201. One of my best friends, and my college roommate, is in your building. He's an attorney, Michael Costello."

Ron tossed his head back and looked at Jeff in disbelief. "You've got to be kidding. Michael's my lawyer. My partner referred him to me (uh oh). Michael just got me my incorporation papers, registered my name and all that other legal stuff for domestic partners. Wait a minute." He took his wallet out of his pocket and fumbled around for a card. "He also suggested I get an accountant before I screw things up. I've got his card right here, and he's in your building. Maybe you know him?" He looked at the card and burst out laughing. "It's you," he said. "This is beyond belief. I am so happy to have met you guys, and I promise, Jeff, I'll call for an appointment Monday morning."

"Make that Tuesday," Jeff said. "We're booked here until Monday evening.

"That's a deal," Ron said and he could not stop smiling. Jeff, ever the business man, was thinking that an investment advisor was another great source for business referrals. The same thought went through Jim's mind.

Just then another handsome, well built guy came into the store. Brian and Tucker, Jeff and Jim were really beginning to enjoy all the eye candy this place had to offer. The young man had jet black hair, soft brown eyes and the squarest jaw any of them had ever seen. He went right over to Ron and without regard to the assembled masses, he smacked one wet kiss on Ron's lips.

"Hey men," Ron said. I'd like you to meet my partner, Foster Grant, and don't laugh please. He's not related to the sunglass people." He then introduced Foster to everybody, and added, "Foster, Michael Costello was Jeff's college roommate and they're good friends. Can you believe it?"

"That's incredible," Foster said. "We've all got to get together in the city, and really get to know each other. Too bad Michael is single."

"I wouldn't be so sure of it, guys. I recently introduced him to my college roommate, Jerry, and things seem to be progressing quite nicely," Jim informed them.

Ron and Foster muttered together, "No shit!" Then Foster added, "I thought he was a confirmed slut and bachelor."

Brian and Tucker were thinking the same thought. This was a déjà vu scene to the one at the airport on their honeymoon so many years ago. Although they were enjoying the banter, Brian and Tucker were anxious to get back to the cabin and have sex. It had been a while since they had been able to steal away together.

"This is great guys, but we old folks would like to get back to the cabin. We need our `rest and relaxation' more than you young uns," he said jokingly with a raised eyebrow. He and Brian gathered up the groceries and put them in the car while the young dudes said their goodbyes, exchanged business cards and promised to get together in the city. Jeff noticed that Foster was an architect. He also realized that his and Jim's circle of gay friends was increasing. He had heard that gays created their own gay families and he could see it happening to them.

Back at the cabin, they put away the groceries and refrigerated the perishables. Then, without any embarrassment, Tuck grabbed Brian around the waist and said, "Look guys, we are as horny as hell, so please just excuse us." He hustled Brian into the bedroom and closed the door.

The cabin was great, but insulated it was not. The beds creaked very loudly and every word spoken could be heard anywhere in the cabin. Jeff and Jim had seated themselves on the sofa in the living room and were making out a little, but they could hear the bed creaking and then were serenaded to: Suck that cock, baby. Suck harder, my love. Stop before I come, hon. Etcetera. Sometimes the words were spoken by Brian and sometimes by Tuck. It was silent for a bit and then they heard Brian say, "Drive it home, sweetheart. Make baby happy." And then the bed started to creak loudly. Brian and Tuck were aware of the noise they were making, but neither gave a damn.

All of this was too much for Jeff and Jim. Before they knew what hit them, they were fully disrobed, and lying on the couch in a 69 position. They were so hot they couldn't take the time to go to the bedroom. They sucked each other's cocks for a while, and then they moved down to the floor, which had a not so soft area rug. They didn't even notice how hard the floor was. They were too far gone in sexual ecstasy. There was no lube handy, so Jeff spit on his hand and wet his cock. Between his saliva and Jim's, he felt secure enough to enter Jim's waiting love receptacle. Jim had turned on his back in full preparation and expectation of the joy to come. Jeff entered Jim easily. They both marveled at how much easier it was getting for them to enter each other. They both murmured softly as the pleasure they were giving each other increased. Jeff could hold back no longer and he came with a muffled shriek.

It was not muffled enough. Tuck was fucking Brian when they heard the scream. That scream meant only one thing, and the two fathers smiled and went back to pleasing one another.

Tuck said, "They must be on the living room floor, or else we would have heard the bed creak long ago."

After Jeff came, he and Jim rested a while and switched positions. Needless to say the two young studs came long before their dads. It would take a while before they would learn how to delay their climaxes. After Jim came, they fell asleep in each other's arms on the hard living room floor. There was no mess. Their cum was well buried in their rectums.

They were so deep in sleep, they didn't hear their dads' screeches when each of them came, and these two guys screamed out, not holding back, in their new found freedom. Unlike their sons they were covered with cum. The bathroom was in the hall. They stealthily opened the door and saw the two young studs sound asleep on the floor. They looked like two angels and the dads smiled in contentment. As quietly as possible they crept to the bathroom and cleaned up.

On the way back to their room, they stood over the sleeping beauties and admired their handsome bodies. There was enough room on each side of the boys for another body to join them. They read each other's minds and Tuck lay down next to his son and Brian lay down next to Jim. The older men hunkered up to their kids, and they too fell asleep.

In his sleep, Tuck was aware that he was sleeping with a man and not Maryann. He knew it wasn't Brian. The body next to him was harder and more muscular than Brian. His muscle memory sent his arm around his companion's waist and down his abdomen, coming gently to rest on the limp cock. In his sleep he began to stroke the dream cock and it began to harden. The sleeping body turned toward Tuck and thrust his cock forward. The two cocks met, kissed and rubbed against each other. Both pricks were rock hard. It's amazing how real a dream can be.

The two ethereal faces were an inch apart and getting closer. Their lips met and began to kiss. Their lips parted and their tongues gently joined. Their hands groped one another's body seeking the wonder of all wonders, their love tools. How good this felt. Real love was taking over from lust and pure sex. In their sleep, each body thought, "I love this man. I need him so badly."

In years to come they would not be able to tell you who started to wake up first, but awaken they did. Jeff was the first to be aware of what was happening. He made no attempt to pull away. All he could think of was, "It's my fantasy. It's coming true."

He pulled Tuck closer to him and held him so tight that he knew his dad could not pull away. Now Tuck was also entering into the sphere of awareness. He wanted to speak but Jeff was kissing him so hard he could not. He was so far gone by this time, he couldn't have stopped the love making if he wanted to.

"Fuck me dad, please. I'm begging you," Jeff pleaded.

Tuck was in a stupor. He wasn't thinking clearly. He thought that Jeff sounded tortured. If he didn't do what Jeff wanted, surely his son would die. Jeff turned on his back, and Tuck entered him without any lubrication. It hurt Jeff for a moment, but he didn't care. His father could have fucked him with a baseball bat and he wouldn't have cared.

It was as if they had been doing this all their lives, that's how easily they found a gentle, steady rhythm. They began to moan softly as Tuck leaned forward and kissed his son. Tuck's fingers found Jeff's nipples and he began to pinch them sensuously.

Jeff whispered in his dad's ear, "I have dreamed of this moment ever since I saw you fucking Brian. Thank you for making my dream come true. I don't give a rat's fuck what society would think of this. For you and me it's right."

"I know son. I feel it's right too. I just hope those two sleeping beauties agree. I love Brian so much, I hurt when I think of him," he whispered back, as he felt his climax drawing nearer. Jeff was about to cum too as his dad's cock rubbed gently against his prostate.

Their moaning grew louder as their orgasms approached. Brian and Jim began to stir. They awoke to find themselves wrapped up together, as the two men lying next to them climaxed simultaneously with the loudest screams they ever heard.

"What the fuck?" Jim yelled out. He was shocked, but he wasn't angry. He knew what Jeff's fantasy was and he really didn't mind. Jeff's own father was no threat to him or to Jeff's love for him. Besides, he was positive that Tuck and Brian were soul mates, as were he and Jeff.

Tuck rolled off Jeff and sat up. There wasn't room for him to lie next to Brian. The sofa was in the way, so he gently lowered himself on Brian's torso and began to kiss him so lovingly that Brian melted under him. Now Jeff could roll over to Jim and he started to say something, but Jim put his finger on Jeff's lips indicating that no words were necessary.

They lay that way for awhile, the two couples wrapped up in each other's arms and in each other's love until Brian said, "It's not fair, Tuck, that you could enjoy such young cock and leave me out of it."

With that, he pushed Tuck off of him and grabbed Jim's cock.

"Wow," he said in a mock voice. "Young cock feels so much better than old cock." When he had grabbed Jim's cock, Jeff separated from Jim to give Brian more room so Brian took advantage of the situation and went down on Jim. The events of the last half hour had so excited Jim that he came almost instantly, which caused Brian to laugh.

"I take it back" he said. "Old cock lasts longer than young cock. That was way too fast, young man. I hardly had a chance to enjoy you." He then added as an afterthought, "But you do taste mighty good."

With that Jim went down on Brian and Jeff went down on his father. Then it got really wild. They kept switching partners and positions until none of them was aware of who was doing what to whom. At some point Jim and Jeff came again, but Brian and Tuck had it for now.

Eventually Tuck asked, "Has anyone noticed how hard this floor is?" Everyone got up and decided it was time to clean up. They showered one at a time. The shower was too small for more than one person. They had missed lunch altogether, and it was time to start thinking about making dinner.

"Steaks or burgers?" Tuck asked

Brian said, "I've got an idea. Let's see if Ron and Foster are available to join us, and if they are we can make both and share."

Jeff reached into his wallet and found Ron's business card. Fortunately his cell number was on it. Ron answered after the first ring. He thought that it was a generous invitation, asked Jeff to hold a minute while he talked to Foster, and then accepted.

"Be here around six," Jeff told him. He hung up the phone, turned to his family and said, "We need to set up for six, and then we have to get dressed."

To be continued

Next: Chapter 9

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