Brian and Tucker

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jun 7, 2023


Brian and Tucker Part Two Chapter Seven

Author's Note: Between Chapter 6 and Chapter 7, there is a period of approximately two weeks which is told in my story, My Boss and I.' That story can be found on this website in either category Beginnings' or `Relationships." If you have not already done so, please read it before continuing so you will know what is happening.

On the night that Jeff came out to his parents and introduced them to Jim, Tucker was unable to sleep. He crept out of bed as quietly as possible, and went to his den. There he pulled out several old picture albums and reviewed Jeff's life through the fading photographs. He began to sob silently, tears falling down his cheeks. He observed that Jeff had been absolutely correct in his analysis. He wasn't crying because he had a gay son. He was crying for the loss of the life he and Brian might have had. If only they had met before they were married instead of after the fact. How different things might have been. But then, there would be no Jeff and no Mackenzie. That thought was even more unbearable.

His mind boggled at the thought that Jeff had known about him and Brian for about twelve years now, and had kept their secret. He knew it was partially to protect Maryann and Colleen, but Jeff had made it quite clear that it was out of compassion for Brian and him as well. He couldn't love his son more at this moment than he had all of Jeff's life. He tried to imagine how traumatic it must have been for Jeff when he caught them in the act. It would have shocked him even more to know that the scene had actually turned Jeff on.

He put the albums away and sat down in his reclining chair. His thoughts turned to Jim. He was an absolute hunk. Jeff had good taste and was a lucky son of a gun. But then, so was Jeff.

Tuck smiled to himself as his body began to drift away into an uneasy sleep. Unbidden and unwanted thoughts began to invade his mind. He began to envision Jeff and Jim naked in bed together. They were wrapped up in one another's arms, kissing with open mouths and thrusting tongues. Then they twisted their bodies around into a 69 position and took each other tenderly, passionately, sensuously into each other's mouths. Tuck was suddenly aware that he was getting turned on by thoughts of his own son and his son's lover. He tried desperately to change his fantasy from Jeff and Jim to Brian and him, but it wasn't working. He wasn't even aware that he had pulled down his boxers and was gently stroking his cock. His fantasy suddenly changed. It was like a badly edited movie. There was no seguing. It just went from one scene to another. Now Jim was flat on his back and Jeff was riding him like a bucking bronco. Jim's cock was high up Jeff's ass and they were fucking hard.

Then again without segueing, Jim was gone and it was Tucker who Jeff was riding. The eroticism of that scene was just too much for Tuck. Suddenly he came in a spasmodic orgasm. He tried to stifle his scream but was only partially successful. Fortunately Maryann was a deep sleeper.

He went into the powder room off the front hall and cleaned himself as best he could. Then he went back to bed, but he couldn't sleep.

When Jeff and Jim got home that night, they were euphoric. They had come out to their families and there were no dire consequences. Even Jim's macho brother, Tom, was OK with it. Tom's son was thrilled to have another uncle to give him gifts. The two young men found it necessary to celebrate their union. It was a tough job but they had to do it.

During their love making, when Jeff was about to enter Jim, he suddenly started fantasizing that he was entering his father. That was a masturbation fantasy he hadn't had since he met Jim. He tried to change the fantasy but it was just too hot and he came very prematurely.

"That was fast," Jim observed. "Let's do it again." He was laughing as he said it.

"Give me thirty seconds to recuperate," Jeff parried back. It actually took about thirty minutes.

It was mid morning the next day, Sunday, when Jeff got a call from his dad. "I'm calling for Brian," he said. "He doesn't have your new number and he wants to invite you over for a barbeque this afternoon. Mackenzie, Paul and the baby will be here, and I think you should come. I haven't said anything to them yet, and you might want to do the honors, especially to Mackenzie. None of them even knows about Jim's existence."

"Of course we'll come, Dad. They are family, after all, and we should be honest and come out to the rest of the family." Jeff had forgotten about his `sister.' Last night they thought the coming out party was all over, and here we go again, he thought.

Immediately after he hung up, the phone rang again. Jeff picked it up and heard Michael ask without a `hello,' "So how'd it go?"

"It went great. We're now officially out to everyone except my `sister' and that's on the agenda for this afternoon. So far everyone's fine with it."

Michael still harbored the feeling that Brian and Tucker had something going on. He felt it from the evening they had met in his college dorm room. The more he knew them the more he became convinced he was right. His gaydar rarely failed him. He wanted desperately to know if Tuck had said anything about Brian and him to Jeff, after Jeff told his dad he was gay, but it was something even in his brashness he could never ask. Michael had no idea that Jeff knew also, and it was something Jeff would never tell, as long as his fathers wanted the secret kept.

Before he hung up on Michael, Jeff heard Jerry mumble in the background, "Is everything OK?"

Aha!!!! So Jerry was at Michael's apartment. Hallelujah!!!

On the way to the barbeque, Jim and Jeff stopped at a Walmart and bought a small gift for Amy, Mackenzie's daughter. When they got to the barbeque in Brian's back yard, everyone else was there. The two fathers were lying on the grass playing with Amy. They were cooing and tickling her like the two doting grandfathers they were, and little Amy was obligingly giggling.

When Mackenzie saw her `brother' she ran over, threw her arms around Jeff, and said, "I am so sorry about you and Marie."

"Don't be," He answered. "It was over a long time ago."

"And who's this handsome specimen?" she turned her attention to Jim.

Without hesitation, Jeff took Jim's hand and with the widest grin he could muster, he said, "Mackenzie, this is Jim Lester. He's my new business associate and my life partner. My folks already know."

It really took a while for that statement to process through Mackenzie's brain. There are no words to describe how shocked she was. To her credit she was able to recover rather quickly. Again she threw her arms around Jeff, and muttered in his ear, "I'm so happy for you. I'll always love you." Then she turned to Jim. "Well all I can say is that I now have two extremely handsome brothers." She embraced Jim and kissed him on the cheek.

"You'd better tell my folks and my husband so we can get back to the barbeque. Actually, I'm starved."

Tuck and Brian had already handed Amy over to Paul, and they had rejoined their wives. Mackenzie walked Jeff over to her parents with Jim following closely. Then she motioned Paul to come over and join them. Tuck and Maryann were viewing the scene from a short distance away. At one point Tuck could see Brian's knees buckle and Jeff grab his arm to keep him from falling. Colleen's mouth was hanging open, and Paul was staring in disbelief.

Paul made the first move. He offered Jim his hand and put his other hand on Jim's shoulder. It was obvious he was congratulating him. Then he did the same to Jeff. Finally Colleen, reaching high, put her arms around Jeff's neck and pulled him down for a big wet kiss on his cheek. Then Jim got the same treatment.

Brian just stood there, unable to move. Jeff went over to him. "Aren't you going to wish me luck, godfather," he said imitating Marlon Brando. This broke Brian's trance, and he started to laugh, grabbed Jeff in a bear hug, and kissed him on both cheeks. He didn't have to say a word. With that bear hug he was telling Jeff, that it was OK with him. He broke away from Jeff, and extended his hand to Jim, and then embraced him as well.

"Now can we eat?" Mackenzie begged.

The barbeque was a huge success. Everyone was truly relaxed and comfortable and they could see how happy their beloved Jeffrey was. That was enough for all of them. They all hovered around Jim trying to get to know him better. Of course, he charmed them all. Even Amy was delighted with the stuffed animal the guys had given her. She was not treating it well, and it was obvious it would soon be a goner.

Somehow during the festivities, Tuck got a second alone with Brian. He whispered in his ear that the boys knew about them, and he would tell him all about it when they were alone. For a moment Brian turned white and looked like he was going to pass out again. But suddenly he brightened up.

"I'm glad," he said to Tuck. "Finally someone, no, some ones, we can confide in. Isn't that wonderful?"

Tuck thought about that. All these years they had held their secret all to themselves, and now they could actually talk about it to someone, openly and freely. It was an unexpected reaction from the two fathers. RELIEF!

"Let's make a date to get together with the boys on a boy's night out." Tuck said. We need to talk to someone and let it out of our systems." He was so elated he started to hyperventilate. "We'll arrange it at the gym tomorrow."

"Roger," Brian agreed.

Brian and Tuck had basketball tickets for Thursday evening. Tuck called Jeff at work on Monday morning and asked if he and Jim were free that Thursday evening. Jeff said he was sure they were. Tuck asked if he and Jim would join Brian and him at the basketball game on Thursday if he could get two more tickets.

"Sounds like fun," Jeff answered.

"I'll call you back as soon as I know," he told Jeff and hung up. He then called the arena and secured two seats three rows behind his and Brian's seats. He suddenly realized that he and Brian would be giving up a sport night sex session, but it was worth it.

He called back and arranged to pick up his `sons' at their condo at 6:00 PM. It was on their way to the arena, and it would give them time to have dinner before the game.

"Great Dad," Jeff said. I'm really looking forward to it. Jeff was thrilled to be doing something again with his dad. It had been years since they had gone to a game together. But why was there a stirring in his groin?

At the appointed time, Brian and Tuck picked the boys up. They had been waiting in the lobby where Jeff had first met Mrs. Crane and where he had wondered if anybody ever used this beautiful lobby. They climbed into the back seat of Tuck's car and headed to the arena. Tuck used valet parking so they wouldn't have to walk from the far end of the parking lot. They picked up the two extra tickets at the will call window, and went into the arena. There was plenty of fast food available, but there was also a small restaurant for a better meal. Tuck led them all to the restaurant.

Brian and Tuck ordered baked salmon and Jim and Jeff ordered a porterhouse steak to share. Conversation remained light and no one brought up the real reason for the meeting, and during the game there were no opportunities to talk at all. During the half time break, being as astute as he was, Jeff pulled his father aside and asked if he and Brian wanted to unburden a little.

"Oh God, yes," Tuck said. "I just didn't know how to begin.

"Why don't you guys come up to our place after the game? I'll make coffee and we'll talk."

"You're on," Tuck said, much relieved. At the end of the third quarter the game was heavily skewed against the home time. Tuck turned around and got his sons' attention, motioning for them to leave.

In the lobby he said, "I think we've had enough. Let's beat the crowd and get to your place."

When they arrived at the condo, Jim guided them to guest parking and they parked in the exact same space that Jeff had parked just a few short days ago. They made their way up to the condo, and Jim showed them around the place.

"Beautiful view of the city," Brian said as they all sat down in the living room and made themselves comfortable. Jeff offered them something harder than coffee, but they declined, so Jim went into the kitchen and put up the coffee. After examining the contents of the fridge he asked everyone if toasted English muffins would be OK.

"Fine." Everyone said at once.

Jeff set the dining room table and noticed that his fathers were fidgety and visually uncomfortable.

"Are you OK, Dad?" he asked.

"Yes, but there is so much Brian and I want to tell you, hopefully to make you understand. But I just don't know where to start.

"It's always a good idea to start at the beginning."

They waited until Jeff finished setting the table and Jim returned from the kitchen. They all got comfortable again in the living room, and Tuck started first. He quickly described how Brian and he had a fleeting acquaintance in college and how they met at the airport on the way to their Parisian honeymoons. Then Brian interjected.

"When I looked up at your father's face in the airport, something came over me that I can't explain to this day. He was drop dead handsome. My heart skipped a beat. I knew that I wanted to know this man. It never occurred to me then that it could be sexual." Jeff and Jim exchanged knowing glances.

Then Tuck added, "On the plane, we sat together. Our knees and arms kept touching and neither of us pulled away. I wanted to feel him, and believe me I was confused." He went on to describe their honeymoon, the swims and the showers, the speedos, crossing swords in the bathroom, checking each other out, and the growing desire. The sights of Paris were incidental and never came up in his narrative.

Brian picked up again. "The first thing that happened at our new jobs was that we were sent on a one week training seminar to Kansas City. We shared a room, and..." he looked at the boys unable to say another word.

"Please," Jeff said. "You can certainly tell us. Our story is not much different. The only thing we would change is the circumstances." Brian was reassured and he continued.

"We arrived at the hotel late in the day and only had a little over an hour to shower, change and meet the other interns for dinner. To save time, we showered together. I think we knew what would happen and we both wanted it." He looked at Tuck, smiled and reached for Tuck's hand.

Tuck continued. He explained about the pact they made never to hurt their wives, and to keep their love a deep secret. He described how they would arrange business trips, long lunches, sport nights when they really didn't go to the game until it was nearly over, fishing trips and so on. Jeff already knew all that, but said nothing.

"It's been a constant battle of deception, son," he said. "I'm not proud of it. But Brian and I have to assure you that we have never let our wives suffer. We have been good and loving husbands and fathers, in and out of the bedroom." That last statement made Jeff definitely uncomfortable.

"If you hadn't discovered us," Tuck continued, "we would still be living the secret with nobody to talk to. You don't know what a relief it is to be able to tell someone how much I love Brian and he loves me." Tuck lowered his head and started to cry. That got Brian crying too. Jeff got up and put his arms around his father to console him. Jim did the same to Brian.

It was time for a break so they went to the dining room for their coffee and muffins. At the table, Jim and Jeff related their story. True, the circumstances were different, but the emotions were the same and every time one of them could manage to describe an emotion in words, the others nodded in agreement.

"Hey guys," Tuck said. "Brian and I are going on our semi annual weekend fishing trip, er, I mean, non fishing trip, next month. The cabin we rent has two bedrooms. It would be great if you could join us. It's a real nature weekend. We usually hang out in the buff, but if that would make you uncomfortable, we can make it clothing optional."

Jim and Jeff looked at each other. They really weren't sure if it was a good idea or not. Jeff caught Tuck looking at him pleadingly.

Tuck implored Jim and Jeff. "You know kids, for better or worse, we have a different relationship now than we had just a few days ago. I have a feeling it's going to be a much closer relationship. Let's start the bonding of the new relationship. Please say, yes, you'll join us on our trip."

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 8

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