Brian and Tucker

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on May 31, 2023


Brian and Tucker Chapter 6

At first, Jeff could think of nothing else except seeing his father and Brian fucking. The idea was incredible to him, yet very erotic. As time passed, he began to let go of it. He tried never to think of it, and it finally worked, except when he was whacking off. Then all he could think of was being fucked by his father, and sometimes Brian, and sometimes he was fucking one of them. When he finished his hand job, he was always angry at what he had been fantasizing.

Jeff was one of the best looking jocks in his high school and all the girls were after his body, and a few guys were too. When it came to a guy coming on to him, he was totally oblivious, but early on, he began to recognize the signs with the girls. He was destined to lose his virginity at an early age, at fifteen, in fact.

Ever since the incident with his father, Jeff walked around with a perpetual hard on. He kept a watchful eye on the girls, desperately hoping to pick up on one of their signals. One day going from math to chemistry class, one of the girls in his math class ran by him and knocked over his books.

"Oops, sorry," she said and bent over to help him retrieve them. It was Laurie. Jeff knew her by reputation only. Unfortunately, she was known as the school slut and the prime example of a nymphomaniac. She would be fairly good looking if she dropped most of the makeup on her face, and didn't wear blouses that almost exposed her tits, and if her skirts weren't so short, that her pussy played peek-a-boo with the outside world.

"'sokay," Jeff murmured. He tried to hurry off, but she grabbed his arm and wondered what his hurry was.

"Meet me after school," she hummed seductively, "at the Dairy Queen. You'll be happy you did, handsome."

Jeff figured what the hell. He knew what she wanted and he didn't want to be a virgin forever. He just hoped that the condom in his wallet was still good. Now everyone knows that every fifteen year old boy has a rubber in his wallet. When he got to DQ she was waiting for him. He greeted her with a short nod of his head, and asked what she would like. She smiled coyly at him and said, "Nothing you can buy at Dairy Queen. Now if you come home with me, I bet we could find lots of things to do there that I would like."

"What about your folks?"

"They won't be home for at least four more hours. We'll be done long before that," she cooed.

They went to her house. The condom was still viable and Jeff lost his virginity. There was no foreplay at all. It was a real case of slam bam, thank you ma'am. It felt good to Jeff, as always, to get his rocks off. It even felt different from when he whacked off. His dick felt all tingly. It didn't feel that way after a hand job. But, he thought. Was it better than a hand job? He had to admit it was. He could have gone for a blow job too, but Laurie hadn't offered and he didn't want to push his luck. Maybe next time, if there was a next time. On the way home he realized that while he was fucking Laurie, he never once fantasized about Brian and his father. Hallelujah!

The following day after school, he was sitting in Mackenzie's living room chewing the breeze, and he admitted to her that he was no longer a virgin thanks to Laurie, the slut.

"Lucky SOB," she cried. "I wish I was a boy. Boy's have all the fun."

Jeff didn't know why, but that ironic little remark made him think of his dad and Brian having sex, but he quickly erased that thought.

"It wasn't that great," he informed her.

In true female fashion she explained to him, "That's because you didn't feel anything for the girl. You'll see, when there's some emotional attachment with someone, you'll see fireworks."

"Bull crap!" That was the best Jeff could come up with.

When Jeff and Mackenzie graduated high school, the proud parents took them out to a fancy dinner at a local four star restaurant. They had made the reservations weeks in advance because every graduate's parents had the same idea. There was much laughter and joke telling by the parents. The kids reminisced about some of the funny things they had experienced in high school. All the bad shit was already gone from their minds. The evening was perfect except for one thing. Brian and Tuck would be going home to different houses. Jeff had learned to watch carefully for signs of Brian and Tuck's relationship and he wasn't disappointed this evening. He caught many meaningful glances between the two fathers, and actually felt sorry for them.

The fathers had arranged for Jeff to have a summer job at their firm. He had shown an interest in accounting so he would be assisting in the finance office. Colleen had arranged for Mackenzie to do clerical work in her office for the summer as well. The kids were excited about that. Most of their friends would be working at fast food chains and this was so much better.

During the summer, Jeff noticed that Brian and Tucker went on at least two business trips together. He also noticed that, although they often took him to lunch, at other times they took extended lunch hours together. It didn't take much for him to put two and two together. He admired their ingenuity.

Mackenzie had a great time too. She met a young college man who was working at her office for the summer. They hit it off immediately and before the summer was over, Mackenzie was no longer a virgin. She and Paul got married right after she graduated from college. As I keep saying. "Life goes on."

Both Mackenzie and Jeff were enrolled at the same college, which was about a day's drive away from home. The fathers hired a small UHaul truck to transport their kids to school with all the stuff they `absolutely had to have' with them. Once they delivered the kids to the dorms, they would have to stay overnight in a motel. It took some doing, but they convinced the wives that it was best if they didn't make the trip with them. They reasoned that it would only prolong their separation anxieties. Jeff picked up on his father's desperate attempt to spend a night alone in a motel with his male lover. He was again amazed at how adeptly those two created opportunities. He wanted to help his two fathers out so he backed up his dad, and the women relented.

They started their trip to the college on the Saturday before school was to begin. The fathers were to return Sunday night. The trip was long and boring. They stopped often for gas, food and pit stops. They tried to occupy their time playing car games that the parents used to play with the kids years ago, but they soon grew tired of that too. Everyone was overjoyed to finally see the campus ahead of them. With the help of some pedestrians wandering the school grounds, they found Mackenzie's dorm first. Her room was on the second floor. There was no elevator. All four of them helped unload her stuff and get it to her room. She preferred that they not unpack. She would have all evening after they left. The room was empty when they got there so they figured that her roommate had not yet arrived.

Then they found Jeff's room, which was one building away and blessedly on the ground floor. A handsome, swarthy looking young man was in the room unpacking. He introduced himself as Michael Costello and let everyone know that he was pre law. He shook everyone's hand and Jeff was glad he was his roommate. He just felt vibes that they would be good friends. Jeff too told the dads that he would prefer to unpack after they left. Right now he was tired and hungry and had to pee.

"Where's the crapper?" he asked Michael, trying to sound very macho.

"I'll show you," he said "I gotta pee too."

The new roommates went down the hall to the john. There were only two urinals so they had to break the unwritten male rule about using every other urinal. This gave them the opportunity to check each other out and they were pleased with what they saw.

Suddenly Michael said, "Look Jeff, before you unpack, there's something I've got to tell you." He hesitated for a moment, but looked Jeff straight in the eye. "I'm gay, and I figure you're straight. I promise never to come on to you or to entertain company in our room, but I'll understand if you want to transfer to another room."

"You are a brave and honest son of a bitch, aren't you?" Jeff answered with a smile on his face. "There's no way I want to change rooms. I have a feeling we are going to be great friends."

They shook hands and Michael said, "Of course if you ever want to switch teams see me first." They both laughed at that and were still laughing when they got back to the room.

"What's so funny?" Brian asked.

"Nothing," they said in unison.

Michael accepted Tuck's invitation to join them for dinner and he recommended a restaurant that his older brother had raved about. His brother was a recent grad of the school. The dinner was bitter sweet. The father's knew they wouldn't be seeing the kids until Thanksgiving and that made them sad. On the other hand they were excited for their kids who were starting out on a great new adventure.

During dinner, Michael picked up on the way Brian and Tucker would sneak glances at each other. His gaydar told him that they were making it with each other, but he knew he could never say anything to his new friend. He could tell that Brian and Tucker were deeply in love, and when they asked him to recommend a nearby motel, both he and Jeff smiled inwardly.

The fathers drove the kids back to their dorms and, with the help of Michael's directions, they found the motel. They left a wake up call at the registration desk, took their overnight bags into the room, double bolted the door, drew the blinds, and fell into each other's arms. Their love making had evolved over the years. They no longer practically ripped each others clothes off. Now they stood in the center of the room, kissing tenderly, running their hands up and down one another's bodies. Slowly Brian removed an article of Tuck's clothing and then Tuck would do the honors for Brian. It took forever for them to be completely naked. Then they took a shower together. They washed each other and teased each other until each was almost breathless. Then, with throbbing erections, they towel dried each other, and crawled into bed.

They played 69 slowly, sensuously, bringing one another to the brink and knowing just when to stop. When they knew that it was impossible to continue this game, Brian reached into his overnight back and pulled out a tube of lube. They finally allowed themselves to orgasm alternately by fucking one another.

They cleaned up with a hotel towel and when they got back into bed, they wrapped themselves together, and fell into an exhausted sleep.

Michael was true to his word. He never came on to Jeff, although he would have loved to have made it with him, and he let Jeff know. He was very candid about his sexuality. The two men would sit on their beds in their boxers, and for hours Michael would relate his sexual experiences openly. He was always so witty, the two men would laugh about it until they almost wet their afore mentioned boxers. This inspired Jeff to be more open and to discuss his sex life just as candidly. Since neither took their encounters seriously, they gave each other countless hours of humor describing their awkwardness and foibles, the hot dates and the fiascos.

When Michael was gay' story telling, Jeff could not help but notice that both of them would become noticeably erect. But when Jeff was hetero' story telling, only he became erect. Michael's cock behaved itself, safely buried in his boxer shorts. Neither of the men picked up on the significance of this phenomenon.

In his sophomore year, Jeff met a senior woman at a party. She was two years older than he was, but they were immediately attracted to each other. Marie Brennan was majoring in journalism and already had a job lined up with a newspaper in their home city. This was a plus, because Jeff had already decided that was where he wanted to begin his practice and Michael had concurred. They figured that a lawyer and an accountant would be good sources of referral business.

Mackenzie and Paul were married the weekend after Mackenzie graduated. Paul had obtained a job with a brokerage firm in the same city as where Marie, Jeff and Michael would be working. By the time Mackenzie graduated, he had purchased a `starter' home in the suburbs not far from the O'Tooles.

Marie and Jeff were married the weekend after Mackenzie and Paul. Marie was well paid at the newspaper, and while Jeff was finishing school, she had purchased and furnished a condo in the down town area of the city. Shortly before graduation, Jeff had obtained a job with a large and respected CPA firm. He could actually walk to work from the condo.

For a while, everything was idyllic. Their jobs were going great and they both loved what they were doing. Jeff and Michael stayed in touch while Michael attended law school in the same city. He was a frequent visitor for dinner even though Marie disliked his `uncouthness.' Jeff had passed the CPA exam and when he concluded his apprenticeship, he took the plunge and opened his own office in the same building as the firm he was working for.

Things started off slowly. Little by little, the few clients he had, referred their friends to him, and then he landed a big machine parts manufacturer as a client. Because of banking commitments, they required a certified audit, and that meant big fees. Jeff was off and running.

One day Marie came home beaming with excitement. She had been offered a fantastic opportunity with one of the world's largest news wire services. It meant that she would be away from home most of the time, reporting news from around the world. Without consulting Jeff, she had accepted the job. Jeff could do nothing but be happy for her.

They lived this way for almost three years. Jeff's sex life consisted of whacking off to his own special fantasy. It never occurred to him to cheat. During that time, Michael graduated law school and started working for a large law firm, but he was too much of a free spirit to work for someone else. He left the firm and opened his own office across the street from Jeff. They mutually helped each other grow through their referrals. In fact, Jeff could no longer handle the work by himself and began to think about hiring an assistant.

On one fateful Tuesday morning, Jeff received an E Mail from Marie, asking for a divorce and asking that he vacate the apartment before she got home. He expected this day to come. He just didn't know when. He called Michael, and gave him the name of Marie's lawyer. He told him to do whatever it would take to end his marriage swiftly. "Don't lawyer it to death," he admonished Michael.

Later that morning he was scheduled to interview several young recent graduates to be his assistant. The first candidate was a complete disaster. When, Jim Lester, the next candidate, came in and shook Jeff's hand, his life would be changed forever.

To be continued...

Author's note:

The events of the next two weeks are told in another story called, My Boss and I.' It would serve no purpose to repeat it here. Instead, I will begin the next chapter where My Boss and I' ended, and merge the two stories together. I would humbly request, dear readers, that if you haven't already, please read My Boss and I,' which appears on this website either in category Beginnings' or category `Relationships.' It should be read before the next chapter is published. Thank you. Hankster

Next: Chapter 7

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